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ID of session: wwdc2007-161
ID of event: wwdc2007
ID of session without event part: 161
Shortened ID of event: wwdc07
Year of session: 2007
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2007] [Session 161] Making Your...

WWDC07 • Session 161

Making Your Custom Controls, Icons, and Artwork Resolution Independent

Mac OS X Essentials • 48:06

If your application uses custom controls or artwork, make this session a top priority. Modern displays vary in size and pixels per inch. Find out how to design a rich, scalable user interface for your application. The session will discuss guidelines for revising icons and artwork, new functions to adopt, testing strategies, performance concerns, as well as common problems and solutions.

Speaker: Guy Fullerton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Downloads from Apple

SD Video (163.8 MB)