WWDC 2007

An unofficial index of sessions from Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference held June 11 - 15, 2007 in San Franciso, California.

Apple announced the iPhone would run web apps, no mention of an SDK.

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WWDC07 • Session 100

Coming to the Mac OS X Platform: Part 1-The Mac OS X Architecture

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:04:36

If you're a software professional new to Mac OS X, make this session your first priority. Find out what it takes to develop first-class Mac software, and discover the fundamentals of the Mac OS X architecture and what makes a great Mac application shine. Gain an orientation to the system that will propel you to higher learning in the Frameworks, APIs, and Tools sessions.

Speakers: Deric Horn, Larry Coopet

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WWDC07 • Session 101

Coming to the Mac OS X Platform: Part 2-Frameworks, APIs and Tools

Mac OS X Essentials • 50:48

Beyond the architecture described in Part 1 come the details needed to create first-class software for Mac OS X. Learn about the application development process, Mac OS X frameworks, APIs, developer tools, and other resources that help you create outstanding Mac applications. Gain the foundation you need to get the most out of WWDC. Attendance at the first half of the Coming to the Mac OS X Platform presentation is highly recommended.

Speakers: Babak Mahbod, Matt Henderson

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WWDC07 • Session 102

Threading for Performance using OpenMP and Intel Threading Building Blocks on Mac OS X

Mac OS X Essentials • 56:10

Speakers: Phil Kerly, Mike Lewis

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WWDC07 • Session 103

Getting Started with Core Data

Mac OS X Essentials • 54:58

Core Data provides an infrastructure that manages model object graphs and object persistence. Learn how to use Core Data to define your application's data model, access it from your code, and handle undo, redo, and data persistence. Find out how you can use Core Data to create high-performance, feature-rich applications.

Speakers: Melissa Turner, Ben Trumbull

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WWDC07 • Session 104

Getting Started with Mac OS X Kernel Programming

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:04:27

If you are new to Mac OS X kernel programming, attend this session to learn about the basics of the kernel architecture, building kernel extensions, and use of the kernel programming interfaces (KPIs) for maintaining release-to-release binary compatibility.

Speakers: Nik Gervae, Ananthakrishna Ramesh, Laurent Dumont

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WWDC07 • Session 105

Optimizing Your Core Data Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:03:27

Learn how to make your Core Data application perform as well as it can. Discover how you can use new APIs in Leopard to create your own store type, and how you can fetch managed objects more efficiently, or avoid fetching them entirely. Find out how you can optimize the managed object model itself for a particular problem domain, and use multi-threading to maximize the responsiveness of application.

Speakers: Adam Swift, Ben Trumbull

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WWDC07 • Session 106

Fundamentals of Kernel Debugging

Mac OS X Essentials • 59:21

Learn about a variety of kernel analysis and debugging techniques including common types and causes of kernel panics, decoding kernel panic logs, and analyzing deadlocks. Find out what tools are available for kernel debugging such as two-machine debugging, kernel debugging macros, and the new single-machine live kernel debugger. Gain insight into kernel tracing and examination tools like trace, latency, and the new spindump and stackshot tools.

Speaker: Derek Kumar

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WWDC07 • Session 107

Students-Getting the Most Out of WWDC

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:14:36

Speakers: Mike Jurewitz, Kyle McNeely, John Geleynse

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WWDC07 • Session 108

Mac OS X Filesystems

Mac OS X Essentials • 46:41

Speaker: Chris Emura

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WWDC07 • Session 109

Code Hardening Techniques

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:04:32

Learn code fuzzing techniques and other ways to simulate an attack on your own code to find security vulnerabilities. Find out how to respond to security incidents and about new security features in Mac OS X Leopard.

Speakers: Drew Yao, Jacques Vidrine

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WWDC07 • Session 110

Cocoa Today

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:08:29

Cocoa, with its powerful object-oriented APIs, intuitive design paradigms, and extensive built-in functionality, is the ideal framework for application development on Mac OS X. This session will cover important trends in Cocoa development, key advances for Leopard, and the state of Cocoa today. See how you can take advantage of all that Cocoa has to offer.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

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WWDC07 • Session 111

Managing Schema Versioning and Data Migration in Your Core Data Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 56:13

As your application evolves, typically so does your data model. In Leopard, Core Data provides support for creating versioned managed object models and for migrating data from one version to another. Learn how you can use these new features to make it easier for you and your users to transition to the latest version of your application.

Speakers: Miguel Sanchez, Ron Lue-Sang

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WWDC07 • Session 112

From Power On to Login: Inside the Mac OS X Leopard Boot Process

Mac OS X Essentials • 59:12

Gain insight into the Mac OS X startup process from the time the power is turned on until the login prompt appears. Developers of file system plug-ins can learn how to boot from volume formats not supported by the Mac boot ROMs while avoiding the need to write Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) or Open Firmware drivers.

Speakers: Curtis Galloway, Soren Spies

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WWDC07 • Session 114

Developing for UNIX on Mac OS X

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:03:24

Whether you're new to the platform or a veteran Mac OS X developer, find out how to adapt to the new POSIX-conformant industry-standard APIs available in Leopard, as well as how your UNIX, BSD, and Linux experience (and applications) translate to the Mac OS X universe.

Speaker: Kevin Van Vechten

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WWDC07 • Session 115

Getting Started with Cocoa Bindings

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:05:32

Cocoa bindings is a collection of technologies that provide a means of keeping model and view values synchronized in your application. Find out how to create a more consistent user interface with less code, and how to refactor your code to leverage built-in classes. Bring your laptop and walk through a practical introduction to Cocoa bindings.

Speaker: Malcolm Crawford

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WWDC07 • Session 116

Apple Events: Packets of Pure Power

Mac OS X Essentials • 53:37

Speaker: Matt Neuburg

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WWDC07 • Session 117

Discovering Network Services Using Bonjour

Mac OS X Essentials • 47:04

Bonjour is a key component of modern, network-oriented applications and devices such as iTunes, Apple TV, and AirPort Extreme. Find out how adding Bonjour and Wide Area Bonjour makes it easy for devices and applications to locate and identify your product's services from across the room or from the other side of the planet. Learn how Leopard and Leopard Server provide even more reasons to add Bonjour support to your current and future products.

Speaker: Stuart Cheshire

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WWDC07 • Session 119

Managing Processes with launchd

Mac OS X Essentials • 46:02

The launchd program provides a powerful XML interface for defining when, where, and how programs should be invoked on Mac OS X. Learn about the many options launchd provides for defining the interaction between the operating system and your code, and how your code can be started automatically.

Speaker: Dave Zarzycki

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WWDC07 • Session 124

Adopting Modern Internationalization APIs

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:03:43

Prepare your application for the global marketplace with modern internationalization APIs. Learn how to replace the deprecated Script Manager APIs with the new Text Input Sources Services and other modern Leopard APIs to simplify and enhance your code base. Learn about the new Leopard Dictionary and Language APIs and how to create your own dictionaries and glossaries.

Speakers: Peter Edberg, Deborah Goldsmith, Yasuo Kida, Mike Grady

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WWDC07 • Session 125

Building a Custom Control for Your Cocoa Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 53:17

Walk through the design and implementation of a custom user-interface control with Cocoa engineers. First, learn how your custom control should support user input and keyboard focus. Then incorporate accessibility, support for resolution independence, bindings, and other features to make your control a first-class citizen on Mac OS X. Bring your laptop.

Speaker: Peter Ammon

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WWDC07 • Session 126

Introduction to the FSEvents Framework

Mac OS X Essentials • 55:05

The FSEvents framework helps applications efficiently monitor large directory hierarchies for changes. Applications can receive live updates as well as the history of changes made since the last time the application ran. If your application manages files or needs to track modifications to the file system, come find out how the FSEvents framework can help.

Speakers: Dominic Giampaolo, Brent Knight

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WWDC07 • Session 127

Getting Started with Core Text

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:04:10

Learn how quickly and easily you can render text on Leopard using the Core Text Framework. Walk through the complete development of a fully functional Carbon application using Core Text and the Font Panel, and find out how to access Core Text from an NSTextView in a Cocoa application. Bring your laptop.

Speakers: Ned Holbrook, Nathan Taylor

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WWDC07 • Session 128

Cocoa Drawing Techniques

Mac OS X Essentials • 55:17

The options available to the artistically-minded Cocoa developer have multiplied over the past few years. Learn about the appropriate use of NSImage, CGImage, CIImage, CGLayerRef, CG transparency layers, CoreAnimation, NSImageRep, NSCustomImageRep and more. We will also discuss HiDPI drawing and Cocoa's resolution-independent architecture.

Speaker: Ken Ferry

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WWDC07 • Session 130

Cocoa Scripting Enhancements in Leopard

Mac OS X Essentials • 57:57

Leopard significantly enhances Cocoa's scriptability support. You'll learn how to take advantage of improvements to Cocoa's support for .sdef scriptability declarations, error reporting, and type safety. Come see how providing rich scripting in your Cocoa app has never been easier.

Speaker: Mark Piccirelli

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WWDC07 • Session 131

Add WYSIWYG HTML Editing to Your Web Page or Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 49:47

Discover how the WebKit framework's Objective-C and JavaScript APIs allow you to add a rich, in-page HTML editing experience to your desktop or web application. Learn how to "roll your own" or integrate with other WYSIWYG HTML editing libraries.

Speaker: Tim Hatcher

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WWDC07 • Session 134

Customizing the Cocoa Text System

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:04:27

Cocoa provides a powerful, flexible text system for a wide variety of text handling, display, and editing needs. Learn how to configure and customize the Cocoa text-handling classes, and put them together in many different ways, with special attention paid to facilities new in Leopard.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, Aki Inoue

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WWDC07 • Session 136

Modernizing Your Text Rendering with Core Text

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:04:00

Adopt the new Core Text APIs that replace the deprecated QuickDraw Text APIs. Learn how to replace your handling of Pascal and C strings, text encodings, fonts, styles, layouts, and more with Core Text and other Leopard APIs. If you're currently using ATSUI to achieve simple Unicode text rendering, learn how you can switch to Core Text for faster rendering.

Speaker: Dan Fenwick

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WWDC07 • Session 138

Discover Java on Mac OS X Leopard

Mac OS X Essentials • 56:15

New features and performance enhancements make Java a greatly improved technology on Mac OS X Leopard. Discover how Leopard makes the Java development experience better than ever with resolution independence, a crisper Aqua look and feel, a 64-bit virtual machine, and more. Get the latest news on WebObjects and find out how other developers are using Java successfully on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Tom O'Brien, Pratik Solanki, Tad Frysinger, Steve Buck

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WWDC07 • Session 139

Partitioning Your Cocoa Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:03:52

Multithreading and multiprocessing are powerful techniques you can use to improve your Cocoa application. Find out why and how to separate an application into independent pieces, and ensure those pieces interact smoothly. This is a good opportunity to build on your knowledge of multithreading and interprocess communication.

Speaker: Chris Kane

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WWDC07 • Session 140

Developing Cocoa Applications with Python and Ruby

Mac OS X Essentials • 54:46

Learn how you can write first-class Cocoa applications in Python or Ruby. With better meta-data driven bridging bundled in Leopard, you can use PyObjC and RubyCocoa to leverage the power of Cocoa from your favorite scripting language. Discover how you can write dynamic applications faster and easier than ever before.

Speaker: Bill Bumgarner

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WWDC07 • Session 141

Boosting Responsiveness and Performance in Your Cocoa Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 51:13

Cocoa provides robust features and APIs you can use to make your application more responsive and efficient. Learn how to identify performance hot spots in your application and how to address them using the newest Cocoa features in Leopard. You'll learn about memory usage, threads, when to draw (and when not to).

Speaker: Chris Parker

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WWDC07 • Session 145

See What's New in HIToolbox

Mac OS X Essentials • 49:57

Get an in-depth look at the latest improvements to the HIToolbox framework. Learn about embedding Cocoa views in Carbon windows, extending your Navigation Services dialogs with Cocoa, and using other new APIs and functionality available in the Leopard HIToolbox.

Speakers: Guy Fullerton, Curt Rothert, Bryan Prusha, Eric Schlegel

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WWDC07 • Session 146

Sign Your Application to Increase Security and Ensure Code Integrity

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:00:07

Leopard's code signing feature allows the Keychain and other system software to verify your application's ownership without prompting the user'even after you've updated the program. Find out how digitally signing an application ensures the integrity of your code and enables the system to recognize unauthorized changes and alert the user. Learn how signed applications work, how signing improves security and your customers' experience, and how to sign your applications.

Speaker: Perry "the Cynic" Kiehtreiber

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WWDC07 • Session 147

Advanced Java Development on Mac OS X

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:02:20

Listen as members of Apple's Java engineering team show you how to add polish to your Java application. Learn how to use resolution-independent artwork, adopt custom Aqua controls from within Swing, and how to open documents from the Finder. You will also discover tricks for integrating toolkits such as SWT and Cocoa within your application, and find out if your application should go 64-bit. This session covers the advanced features you need to maximize the features of Java on Mac OS X Leopard.

Speakers: Scott Kovatch, Mike Swingler

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WWDC07 • Session 154

Leveraging SOAP Technologies on Mac OS X

Mac OS X Essentials • 44:48

Learn how the frameworks and tools provided in Mac OS X facilitate the integration of your application into a SOAP-savvy environment. You'll discover how to use Apple's WebServices Core framework to access SOAP, WSDL and XML-RPC-based web services, easily bind your objects and data structures directly to XML requests, and interact securely with a wide range of SOAP server implementations.

Speaker: Todd Ditchendorf

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WWDC07 • Session 156

Writing an Input Method Using the Input Method Kit

Mac OS X Essentials • 44:39

Learn to quickly and easily support international users with Unicode input methods on Leopard with the Input Method Kit framework. This hands-on session guides you through the complete development of a fully functional input method.

Speakers: John Harvey, Jöns Åkerlund

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WWDC07 • Session 157

Extending Your Application with JavaScript

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:02:57

WebKit and the JavaScript Core framework support bridging between JavaScript and C. Learn practical techniques for extending your application's functionality by using JavaScript attributes and functions to enable internal scripting.

Speakers: Geoff Garen, Brady Eidson, Alice Liu

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WWDC07 • Session 158

Adding Accessibility Support to Your Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:14:01

Discover the Universal Access features of Mac OS X and learn how to use the accessibility APIs to meet Section 508 requirements and make your application accessible to all users. By adding accessibility support to your application you get additional benefits like Xray profiling and improved Automator support for free.

Speakers: James Dempsey, Eric Seymour

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WWDC07 • Session 161

Making Your Custom Controls, Icons, and Artwork Resolution Independent

Mac OS X Essentials • 48:06

If your application uses custom controls or artwork, make this session a top priority. Modern displays vary in size and pixels per inch. Find out how to design a rich, scalable user interface for your application. The session will discuss guidelines for revising icons and artwork, new functions to adopt, testing strategies, performance concerns, as well as common problems and solutions.

Speaker: Guy Fullerton

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WWDC07 • Session 164

Professional Audio Input and Output with Leopard

Mac OS X Essentials • 57:39

Discover Leopard's support for the recently-approved USB Audio Device 2.0 class specification and how to write spec-compliant descriptors for your high-speed USB audio device. Find out how to unleash the power of FireWire peer-to-peer networking using Leopard's all-new FireWire audio drivers and enhanced Audio/Video Control (AV/C) media services. Learn how to implement user interfaces and vendor-specific AV/C commands to control your audio device.

Speakers: Nick Thompson, Torrey Walker, Ashley Butterworth

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WWDC07 • Session 166

Improving User Experience with Effective Power Management

Mac OS X Essentials • 52:38

With the rapid growth of the notebook computer market, more customers than ever count on the power management features of Mac OS X to handle sleep/wake cycles and maximize battery life. Learn how to take advantage of the Leopard power management APIs to ensure your applications and device drivers handle power events gracefully.

Speakers: Ethan Bold, David Ferguson

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WWDC07 • Session 200

Mac OS X State of the Union

Leopard Innovations • 1:35:47

Speakers: Bertrand Serlet, Simon Patience, Peter Graffagnino, Scott Forstall

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WWDC07 • Session 201

Effective Widget Creation with Dashcode

Leopard Innovations • 57:07

Discover the tools and technologies behind creating fantastic Dashboard widgets. Get an introduction to the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a new desktop experience for your users. Apple experts walk you through the design process and show you how Dashcode, the new widget development tool in Mac OS X Leopard, makes it easy and fun to realize your vision.

Speaker: Christian Wagner

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WWDC07 • Session 202

Broadcast Your Application's Content with iChat Theater

Leopard Innovations • 54:52

Mac OS X Leopard elevates video communication with iChat Theater, a new API that shares content from your application over video chat. The Instant Message framework leverages your existing presentation code to reach out to users in a way never before possible. Go hands-on with Apple engineers as they demonstrate how iChat Theater can enhance your user experience.

Speaker: Peter Westen

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WWDC07 • Session 203

Coding Smarter with Objective-C 2.0

Leopard Innovations • 53:50

Learn more about Objective-C 2.0 and how you can take advantage of it in your own applications. You'll receive an introductory, hands-on primer to properties, fast enumeration, and common garbage collection design patterns. Gain a deep appreciation for how Objective-C 2.0 will help you write better, more maintainable, and more concise code. Bring your laptop.

Speakers: Bill Bumgarner, Mike Jurewitz

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WWDC07 • Session 204

Fostering User Interaction with iChat

Leopard Innovations • 51:10

Make your users more productive by embracing instant messaging technologies in your application. Learn how to display and track buddy information inside your application using the Instant Message framework. Become part of a user's daily workflow by initiating file transfers, AV chats, and more with iChat's newly enhanced scriptability. Leopard's Scripting Bridge even allows you to control iChat from your own Objective-C code. Come and see how iChat support can add a whole new dimension to your application.

Speakers: Jamie Montgomerie, Eric St. Onge

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WWDC07 • Session 205

Making Your Application Scriptable

Leopard Innovations • 1:03:45

Scriptablity allows customers to use your application in ways you never thought of. Leopard brings the ability to script applications using Ruby and Python, as well as AppleScript-even Objective-C code can access an application's dictionary through the new Scripting Bridge technology. Learn how and why to facilitate and use effective application scripting in this eye-opening session.

Speakers: Chris Nebel, John Comiskey

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WWDC07 • Session 206

Building Automator Actions

Leopard Innovations • 1:09:29

Automator actions are the foundation of creating workflows that use your application. Go hands-on with Apple engineers as they guide you through the creation of basic actions using AppleScript Studio, Cocoa, Objective-C, and other scripting languages.

Speaker: Sal Soghoian

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WWDC07 • Session 207

Integrating iCal Events and Tasks into Your Application

Leopard Innovations • 36:29

The Calendar Store framework, provided in Mac OS X Leopard, is a simple interface to a user's iCal data. Using the Calendar Store, applications can read, create, and modify events and tasks with just a few lines of code. This hands-on session explores the ways your application can use calendaring to keep users connected, even when your application isn't running.

Speakers: Scott Adler, Matt DiMaggio, Matt Shepherd

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WWDC07 • Session 209

Getting Started with Address Book

Leopard Innovations • 58:10

The Address Book framework leverages the Mac OS X contacts database to provide access to a user's contacts in your application. Hear Apple engineers explain the architectural improvements to Address Book in Mac OS X Leopard and learn how to interact with contact information or present Address Book components in your user interface.

Speakers: Brendan Langoulant, Joe Engel, Brett Neely, Colter Reed

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WWDC07 • Session 210

Building Animated Cocoa User Interfaces

Leopard Innovations • 1:03:05

Delight your users with dynamic, responsive user interfaces. In Leopard, standard AppKit NSViews can be rendered and animated using Core Animation. Learn how to combine familiar Cocoa controls, views, and event handling with the power of Core Animation layers to create stunning user interfaces. James Dempsey and the Breakpoints perform at 51 minutes into the video. Encore of "Hold me, Use me, Release me" at 59 minutes into the video.

Speakers: Deric Horn, James Dempsey, Troy Stephens

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WWDC07 • Session 211

Adding Core Animation to Your Application

Leopard Innovations • 58:33

Core Animation is an incredible layer-based animation system that will revolutionize the user experience of your application. Come learn how the automatic animation capabilities of Core Animation make compositing and animating 2D, 3D, and video content easy. See how to use this capability to explore new forms of data visualization and user interaction. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how Core Animation will transform your application.

Speakers: Haroon Sheikh, John Harper

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WWDC07 • Session 213

Getting Started with Spotlight and Quick Look

Leopard Innovations • 53:20

Make sure the Spotlight search engine in Mac OS X can find your files by adding a Spotlight plug-in to your application. And new in Mac OS X Leopard, Quick Look plug-ins make your files previewable using the new Quick Look feature found throughout Leopard. These plug-in technologies are very similar, so building one makes it simple to build the other. Gain an understanding of Spotlight and Quick Look starting at the beginning, and come away with practical knowledge on how to build them into your product.

Speakers: Jonah Petri, Julien Jalon

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WWDC07 • Session 214

Getting Started with the .Mac SDK

Leopard Innovations

Unleash your application's potential with the web-based collaboration, synchronization, and security features provided by the same APIs that Apple's own iApps use to publish and share content through .Mac. Learn more about how to provide .Mac services with examples and sample code that use the latest features of the .Mac SDK.

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WWDC07 • Session 215

Embracing Automator Workflows with Your Application

Leopard Innovations • 37:29

Automator empowers users to create extraordinary application workflows. Learn how to create Automator actions for your application and find out how the new technologies in Leopard allow you to define variables for more flexible workflows, provide workflow editing from your own UI, and more. Discover the power of automation and create new possibilities for users of any skill level.

Speakers: Kerry Hazelgren, Emilie Kim

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WWDC07 • Session 216

Time Machine In-Depth

Leopard Innovations • 54:36

Time Machine, with its automatic backups and intuitive file recovery, transforms the experience of using backup software. Gain in-depth knowledge about Time Machine, including detailed information about its infrastructure and considerations that affect developers.

Speakers: Deric Horn, Robert Ulrich, Eric Weiss

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WWDC07 • Session 217

Unlocking the Potential of Dashcode

Leopard Innovations • 54:15

Dashcode, a new developer tool in Leopard, provides everything you need to create great Dashboard widgets, even if you are new to programming. Apple engineers will walk you through the creation of a real widget, showing you how to visually construct your widget out of the included parts to give it a custom, polished look. You will then learn how to add new functionality to your widget using the JavaScript editor, debugger, and the runtime expression evaluator. Every widget developer will enjoy this in-depth exploration of Dashcode's capabilities.

Speakers: Max Drukman, Mike Kahl, Han-Ming Ong, Dan Gobera

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WWDC07 • Session 218

Garbage Collection Strategies for Objective-C 2.0

Leopard Innovations • 1:11:42

Garbage collection is one of the most significant features of Objective-C 2.0, opening up new styles of coding and changing long-established patterns. Dive deep in this advanced session on how to adopt garbage collection in your code, and learn tips and tricks you'll want to know to take best advantage of the efficiencies it provides.

Speaker: Blaine Garst

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WWDC07 • Session 220

Leopard User Interface Design

Leopard Innovations • 1:19:59

Users expect simple, elegant, and intuitive products but designing and building one is hard work. Learn best practices and design methodologies for creating a superior user interface for your Mac OS X Leopard application. You'll gain insight into design do's and don't's, how to improve an existing user interface to achieve greater consistency with Leopard, how and when to use animation to augment your application's user experience, and much more. Always popular and enagaging, this session is perfect for anyone involved directly or indirectly in the design, implementation, or testing of the user interface of your Mac OS X product.

Speaker: John Geleynse

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WWDC07 • Session 221

Handling Images with the Image Kit

Leopard Innovations • 1:06:12

Image Kit provides a powerful set of image-related services for Cocoa applications. Learn how Image Kit can help your application browse, view, and present common image formats using a standardized user interface. See how to use Image Kit to perform lightweight image editing and apply Core Image filter effects. Find out how Image Kit can even be used to create slideshows and take pictures with the iSight camera.

Speakers: Werner Neubrand, Thomas Goossens

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WWDC07 • Session 222

Using Advanced Objective-C 2.0 Features

Leopard Innovations • 58:09

Gain advanced insight into using properties in threaded applications, implementing fast enumeration in your own classes, and designing rock-solid applications with garbage collection. This session builds on the concepts introduced in Coding Smarter with Objective-C 2.0.

Speakers: Patrick Beard, Greg Parker

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WWDC07 • Session 223

Adopting 64-bit Programming

Leopard Innovations • 47:17

Mac OS X Leopard introduces a full 64-bit application framework stack for writing software that takes advantage of large memory configurations to support data beyond the 4GB boundary. If your application needs access to more memory or maximum performance on the platform, learn why you should consider going 64-bit.

Speaker: Matt Formica

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WWDC07 • Session 224

Next Generation Automation

Leopard Innovations • 47:27

Speaker: Sal Soghoian

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WWDC07 • Session 300

Development Tools State of the Union

Developer Tools • 1:15:26

Apple's development tools for Mac OS X Leopard bring sweeping advances in productivity, performance, and debugging capabilities. Get an overview of the new releases of Xcode and Interface Builder, the brand-new Xray and Dashcode tools, and more. Key members of the engineering team will demonstrate the new features, and give insight into the latest developer technologies.

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, Chris Espinosa, Dave Payne, Matt Firlik, Francois Jouaux, Todd Fernandez

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WWDC07 • Session 301

Getting Started with Mac OS X Development Tools

Developer Tools • 43:15

Mac OS X provides a comprehensive set of developer tools, with Leopard introducing several new ones. Find out where to begin, from the basics of navigating the Xcode development environment, to user interface design with Interface Builder, to runtime analysis with Xray. You will learn how to put it all together so you can start creating the next great Mac application.

Speakers: Todd Fernandez, Anders Bertelrud

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WWDC07 • Session 302

Getting Started with Xcode

Developer Tools • 53:52

Xcode 3.0 is the fastest way to develop Mac OS X applications. Get an introduction to working within the Xcode integrated development environment (IDE). Learn how to create your own project and see how Xcode brings together a robust editor with code completion, the GCC compiler, an integrated build system, a visual debugger, and source control management (SCM) so you can create applications that take advantage of the latest Apple technologies.

Speakers: Matt Formica, Scott Tooker

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WWDC07 • Session 304

Creating Custom Installers with Leopard's New PackageMaker

Developer Tools • 45:25

Leopard adds exciting new technologies for software installation. Discover how to use the new PackageMaker 3.0 to create signed packages and automatic Internet download packages. Learn about the new home directory support, and walk through the best practices for managing your application upgrades using Leopard's new receipt tools.

Speakers: Jack Matthew, Luke Bellandi

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WWDC07 • Session 305

Xcode 3.0: The New Development Workflow

Developer Tools • 1:00:10

Xcode 3.0 has been streamlined and enhanced with new features to make you more productive than ever before. Discover how to build, fix errors, and debug your code without ever leaving the text editor window. See how the enhanced CodeSense and new Research Assistant will help you code faster and more accurately. Discover how easy it is to make project-wide changes using refactoring, with the confidence and safety of integrated project snapshots and SCM support. Learn about these features and much more that is new in Xcode 3.0.

Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Dave Ewing, Scott Tooker, Brent Shank

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WWDC07 • Session 306

Interface Builder 3.0: Creating an Interface from Start to Finish

Developer Tools • 1:03:22

Interface Builder 3.0 is brand new for Leopard. The new version provides even better integration with Xcode, a library window for access to all your controls, a new connections interface, support for Leopard's new visual effects, and the new XIB file format. Learn how to put all these new features to use, and see a demo that creates a great new user interface from scratch, right in front of your eyes.

Speakers: Jon Hess, Kelly Keenan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 309

Getting Started with Xray

Developer Tools • 44:50

Xray is a new application in Leopard that lets you visualize what your application is doing as it runs. Discover how Xray will help you to better understand, debug, and optimize your application. You will learn how to use the included instruments to trace memory and CPU usage, how to create an automated testing template, and even how to create your own instrument using the power of DTrace.

Speakers: Steve Lewallen, Daniel Delwood

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WWDC07 • Session 311

Unleashing the Power of the Xcode Build System

Developer Tools • 1:09:12

Building Xcode projects just got faster with Xcode 3.0. Whether working on a laptop or taking advantage of a server farm, you can get significantly better build times by fine-tuning your Xcode projects. Learn the most efficient way to create 64-bit applications, how to set up targets to build in parallel on multi-core Macs, and how to use composite SDKs for Xcode libraries and frameworks.

Speakers: Eric Espinosa, Rick Ballard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 312

Refactoring in Xcode: Automatic Project-wide Code Changes

Developer Tools • 59:26

Xcode 3.0 introduces refactoring, an automatic way to apply project-wide changes to the structure of your source code and user interfaces. With demonstrations and practical use cases, you'll learn how Xcode's refactoring capability allows you to safely, effectively, and quickly restructure your code. You will see how refactoring makes it much easier to maintain your codebase, convert it to use Objective-C 2.0, and continue to add new features to your application.

Speakers: Andrew Pontious, Robert Bowdidge

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WWDC07 • Session 314

Project-Free Xcode: Mixed Language Development

Developer Tools • 1:04:58

Xcode 3.0 is great for all types of Mac development, even without an Xcode project file. Learn in a practical, hands-on way a new method to manage files and custom build scripts in Xcode, edit source code in any programming language, build open-source C/C++ and Java programs, and create and test your web environment entirely in Xcode. Discover how Xcode's feature-rich editor, integrated build system, and many other features will benefit all your Mac development.

Speakers: Chris Hanson, Norbert Schatz

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WWDC07 • Session 315

Tracing Software Behavior with DTrace

Developer Tools • 1:00:04

Get an introduction to DTrace, the popular open source project that Apple has optimized for and integrated into Mac OS X. DTrace is embedded in the core of Leopard, underpinning many analysis instruments in the new Xray application. Learn how to directly interact with DTrace from the command line to observe the runtime behavior of an application, the kernel, or the entire system to gain valuable insight.

Speakers: Steve Peters, James McIlree

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 316

Getting Started Performance Tuning with Shark

Developer Tools • 1:15:59

Shark is very powerful, yet easy-to-use tool for discovering where your application is spending its time. Learn practical ways to find performance bottlenecks, obtain tips on optimization, and understand how your software interacts with the system. Gain an understanding of how Shark can help your application perform at its best in today's multi-core, 64-bit world.

Speakers: Rick Altherr, Ryan Du Bois, Lance Hammond

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WWDC07 • Session 317

Taking Advantage of Compiler Advances

Developer Tools • 54:20

Explore improvements in Mac OS X Leopard compiler technologies, and get new insight into the compiler roadmap. Learn how new features in the GCC compiler can make your applications faster and more secure. Gain an understanding of how to take advantage of these features in your own projects.

Speakers: Geoff Keating, Chris Lattner

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WWDC07 • Session 318

Using Xray and DTrace for In-depth Analysis

Developer Tools • 1:00:55

Explore case studies using Xray to solve specific application and system performance issues. These case studies show Xray and DTrace features in more depth, including adding static DTrace probes in application and library code, building new instruments in Xray to use those probes, and using Xray's data analysis features to study results.

Speakers: Steve Lewallen, Dave Payne

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 319

Developing Plugins for Interface Builder

Developer Tools • 52:19

Interface Builder 3.0 provides a brand-new plugin architecture for developers to integrate their custom controls directly into the new Library window. Learn how to build your custom control as a plugin, how to give your control a unique look, and even how to create its own specialized inspector.

Speakers: Matt Gamble, Chris Pavicich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 323

Fortran Development and HPC on Mac OS X: 3rd Party Solutions

Developer Tools • 54:44

Fortran continues to play a prominent role in scientific and mathematical computing. See the latest Fortran tools, and computing solutions in action on Mac OS X. Learn from compiler vendors and key members of the development community how to use third-party 32-bit and 64-bit Fortran compilers in your development workflow.

Speakers: Dave Kreitzer, Drew McCormack, Wood Lotz

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WWDC07 • Session 324

Bug Reporting Best Practices

Developer Tools • 1:10:32

Bug reports that are complete and reproducible help to isolate known issues in system and application software, making a solution much more likely. Learn the bug reporting best practices that Apple has developed in partnership with our third-party developer community. Observe the key components of a great bug report, and how they could expedite your bugs through our processes. You'll also learn to apply these practices to your own bug processes.

Speaker: Paul Schreiber

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 400

Graphics and Media State of the Union

Graphics and Imaging • 1:26:23

Mac OS X Leopard contains an incredible array of graphics, multimedia, and web frameworks that collectively provide a powerful springboard for creating innovative, visually rich applications and modern, platform-optimized content. Join fellow developers in kicking off the Graphics & Imaging and Content & Media tracks. Whether you're designing the next killer app, developing the ultimate digital content production pipeline, or creating next-generation rich-media experiences, you'll gain insight into the latest graphics technologies that Apple provides and how they can help you differentiate yourself and outperform the competition.

Speakers: Peter Graffagnino, John Stauffer, Geoff Stahl, Darin Adler

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WWDC07 • Session 401

Creating Leading-edge 2D Graphics with Quartz

Graphics and Imaging • 1:08:47

Quartz is the high-performance 2D graphics system at the heart of the Aqua user experience. See how to directly access the Quartz 2D APIs to handle even the most advanced vector or bitmap drawing needs. Learn the fundamentals of the drawing model and how to use advanced rendering features to create high-quality 2D graphics. A key session for all application developers interested in creating more compelling 2D graphics in their application.

Speaker: Derek Clegg

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 402

Understanding the Architecture of Core Audio

Graphics and Imaging • 1:04:27

Professional-level audio is designed right into Mac OS X Leopard with Core Audio. Get an overview of the Core Audio architecture and learn to take advantage of its richness in your own code. Deepen your understanding of audio codecs and how to work with popular audio formats. This is an important session for audio developers who need to know the strategy and fundamental paradigms driving audio development in Mac OS X Leopard.

Speaker: Jeff Moore

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 403

Creating Integrated Workflow Solutions with Final Cut Pro

Graphics and Imaging • 49:09

Post-production professionals from broadcasters to feature filmmakers to independent creatives are relying on an ever-increasing number of tools to create compelling content. Learn the techniques to efficiently interchange data with Final Cut Pro and other applications. Get details of the Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format, see how to use AppleEvents to programatically communicate with Final Cut Pro, and learn how to leverage the metadata capabilities of QuickTime. Basic familiarity with XML and QuickTime is recommended but not required for this session.

Speakers: David Black, J.R. Hass

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WWDC07 • Session 404

Queueing, Streaming, and Extending Core Audio

Graphics and Imaging • 1:05:00

Mac OS X features a state-of-the-art audio engine in Core Audio, enabling the most powerful music and audio applications available today. Walk through the high-level queueing services for playing and recording audio, see how to stream audio files over a network, and get the details of extending Core Audio to load and store audio files. Bring your headphones and laptop.

Speakers: Doug Wyatt, James McCartney, Bob Aron

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WWDC07 • Session 407

Extending the Aperture RAW Workflow with Export Plug-Ins

Graphics and Imaging • 51:42

Aperture provides a revolutionary RAW-focused workflow to import, manage, edit, adjust, export, and archive your images more effectively and efficiently than ever before. Learn how to access Aperture's images and extensive metadata using export plug-ins. Extend the Aperture workflow to integrate images with your application or web service. See how Aperture provides access to all its metadata and allows you to send metadata back into its database, completing the workflow loop.

Speaker: Blake Seely

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 408

Modernizing Your OpenGL Application for Leopard

Graphics and Imaging • 1:02:57

OpenGL in Mac OS X Leopard takes advantage of the most recent innovations in graphics hardware. Come see how advances in OpenGL will unlock the incredible rendering power of the GPU. Learn how to use powerful extensions to OpenGL to fully modernize your OpenGL code and ensure that it is ready for evolutions in the OpenGL specification. A must-see session for all developers who use OpenGL in their application.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 409

Mastering QuickTime Digital Video Techniques

Graphics and Imaging • 1:00:51

QuickTime is the cornerstone framework for digital video applications on Mac OS X using OpenGL, visual context rendering, Core Video, and Core Image. Learn expert techniques relating to video application development. Deepen your understanding of the QuickTime rendering pipeline, the difference between visual context rendering and older GWorld-based rendering, and how QuickTime deals with color and gamma. Learn about clean aperture, pixel aspect ratio, media tagging, and QuickTime pixel formats. A must-attend session for all developers working with digital video on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Jean-Michel Berthoud, Ken Greenebaum, David Black

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 410

Introduction to FxPlug Development for Final Cut Studio

Graphics and Imaging • 50:41

The FxPlug SDK lets you create image-processing plug-ins for Final Cut Studio leveraging OpenGL, Cocoa and Objective C. Begin an in-depth exploration of the FxPlug SDK. Learn to create rapid FxPlug plug-ins such as effects, generators and transitions using the built in XCode templates. Get an understanding of how best to target both Motion and Final Cut Pro with a single plug-in. Watch the demos to get a better understanding of the real world FxPlug plug-ins currently available.

Speakers: Dave Howell, Vijay Sundaram

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WWDC07 • Session 411

Advanced FxPlug Development for Final Cut Studio

Graphics and Imaging • 53:07

Go deeper into the FxPlug SDK with details of OpenGL usage and API additions to FxPlug. Learn how to manage pbuffers, graphics state, and OpenGL drawing by walking through the innards of a FxPlug plug-in. Learn more about re-timing. Gain a better understanding of the best practices to move existing code to FxPlug with examples on how to do so.

Speakers: Dave Howell, Darrin Cardani, Paul Schneider, Pete Warden

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 414

Creating High-quality Content With QuickTime APIs

Graphics and Imaging • 1:08:37

QuickTime includes rich APIs that make it easy to create and work with audio and video media. Gain insight into video export components, clean aperture mode, multi-channel audio processing, high-resolution audio export, the audio context mixing path, movie audio extraction, audio context inserts, closed-captioning, and more. This is a must-attend session for developers using QuickTime APIs to create high-quality content for the iPod and Apple TV.

Speakers: Kazuhisa Ohta, Sayli Benadikar, Brian Pietsch

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 415

Mastering the Quartz Composer Editor

Graphics and Imaging • 1:05:40

Are you creating Quartz Composer compositions? Learn how you can increase your productivity with the exciting capabilities built into the Quartz Composer Editor for Mac OS X Leopard. See how the editor makes it easy to edit, debug and optimize your compositions. Explore patches that will help you create rich, high-quality compositions. A must-see session for everyone who uses Quartz Composer.

Speakers: Nathan Wertman, Troy Koelling, Kevin Quennesson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 416

Integrating QuickTime Support into Your Application with QTKit

Graphics and Imaging • 1:07:12

QTKit, the premier method for Cocoa developers to access QuickTime, offers significant improvements for Leopard. Come see how to use QTKit for high-definition playback and to programmatically create movie content and capture video. Bring your laptop for a hands-on experience using QTKit to harness the incredible power of QuickTime in your application.

Speakers: Tim Monroe, David Underwood

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 417

Switching to Mac OS X OpenGL

Graphics and Imaging • 1:04:05

OpenGL is the fast path to bringing your games and 3D graphics applications from other platforms to Mac OS X. Get an OpenGL transition plan from experts who have made the leap. Find out how render targets, high-level shading, and other 3D graphics techniques are done in OpenGL. Discover methods for bridging OS platforms, as well as the best practices, tools, and APIs to make it easy. This is a must-attend session for developers of cross-platform games, 3D rendering applications, and everyone with an interest in switching to OpenGL.

Speakers: Babak Mahbod, Mike Jurewitz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 418

Leveraging the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)

Graphics and Imaging • 1:12:52

The OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) enables you to program the GPU and transform your 3D rendering into a cinematic experience. Learn how to create spectacular visual effects through control over vertex and fragment processing. Find out how programmable shading can accelerate complex renderings, enable new ideas in 3D graphics, and transform your application. A must-attend session for advanced OpenGL developers.

Speakers: Geoff Stahl, Alex Eddy

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 419

Printing with Style in Mac OS X

Graphics and Imaging • 1:04:44

The printing system in Mac OS X Leopard gives your application the ability to produce high quality WYSIWYG printed output. Learn how to properly color manage print jobs, extend print dialogs, create document previews and more. Come see the latest techniques that ensure your application is taking full advantage of what Mac OS X Leopard printing has to offer.

Speakers: Howard Miller, David Gelphman, Alan Beck

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WWDC07 • Session 420

Tune Your OpenGL Application

Graphics and Imaging • 1:02:23

Discover the latest techniques to maximize the performance of OpenGL. Learn not only the methods to increase frame rates, but how to ensure that your application makes the most efficient use of the OpenGL pipeline. See how to best submit vertex and texture data, eliminate redundant data copies and use optimal pixel formats. Find out how you can enable multi-threaded OpenGL execution to dramatically take advantage of multi-core CPUs. This is a great session for application and game developers alike.

Speakers: Kent Miller, Dave Springer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 421

Using Quartz Composer in Your Application

Graphics and Imaging • 1:10:17

Quartz Composer is a rich visual programming environment that allows you to rapidly utilize the best of Mac OS X graphics technologies. Learn how Quartz Composer compositions can be used directly within your application. See how to use Cocoa bindings to enhance your application. Find out how you can extend Quartz Composer to create powerful, interactive visualizations.

Speakers: Pierre-Olivier Latour, Kevin Quennesson

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WWDC07 • Session 424

Create Stunning Effects with Core Image

Graphics and Imaging • 59:15

Core Image performs image processing operations at blistering speeds to create spectacular visual effects and transitions. Discover how to use powerful Core Image filters in your application to enhance still images, process RAW photos, create video effects, and visualize scientific processes. Learn how you can create filters that harness the power of the GPU for your own custom algorithms. See how Core Image and Core Animation can be integrated to add stunning effects to your application's user interface. This is a must-experience session for developers of image enhancement software, video effects systems, and scientific analysis packages.

Speakers: Allan Schaffer, Frank Doepke, Ralph Brunner, David Hayward

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WWDC07 • Session 429

Tune Your 2D Graphics Code

Graphics and Imaging • 1:13:18

Have you taken the time to tune your 2D drawing code? It can be a great way to increase the efficiency of your application. Learn the techniques that squeeze the most performance out of your drawing code. See how to use Quartz debugging tools to locate and remove graphics bottlenecks and optimize screen updates. Appropriate for all Carbon and Cocoa developers.

Speaker: Andrew Barnes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 430

Manipulating PDF Content in Your Application

Graphics and Imaging • 57:54

PDF Kit makes it easy to harness the capability of the PDF document format in your application. Learn how PDF Kit's Cocoa classes objectify the structure and content of PDF documents and allow easy editing and annotation. See how you can minimize your development time by using a PDF Kit view to display and navigate even the most complex PDF documents. A great session for any developer who is interested in PDF.

Speaker: John Calhoun

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 431

Leveraging the Common Unix Printing System (CUPS)

Graphics and Imaging • 1:02:49

The Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) forms the basis of the Mac OS X printing architecture. See how Mac OS X Leopard integrates CUPS to extend the capabilities and performance of the printing system. Learn ways for your application to interact directly with CUPS. Discover how PDEs, printer utilities, ICA modules, ICC profiles, and other modules and plug-ins fit together to support single and multi-function printers. Developers of advanced printing applications, printer drivers, and printer management software will not want to miss this session.

Speakers: Paul Danbold, Mike Sweet

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 500

IT State of the Union

Information Technologies • 1:00:53

Join your colleagues in kicking off the Information Technology Track and learn how Apple technologies serve as an integral part of critical operations in corporate, educational, scientific and small business environments. Whether you administer, deploy, develop, or design Information Technology infrastructure, you'll gain insight on how Apple's innovative software and hardware empower IT organizations of all sizes.

Speakers: Simon Patience, Adrian Sannier, Dale Jensen, David Aucoin, Greg Burns

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 501

Welcome to Leopard Server

Information Technologies • 1:20:25

With the launch of Mac OS X Server, organizations of all sizes can take advantage of the most highly evolved standards-based UNIX server operating system. From small businesses to complex environments, Leopard Server delivers incredible new ways to get your users up and running quickly. Come discover how Podcast Producer automates the creation of podcasts from capture to delivery; and learn how the shared calendaring and collaboration features in Leopard Server have been designed to complement Leopard clients and integrate easily into your environment.

Speakers: Kazu Yanagihara, Jeff Michaud, Mike Thole, Kjell Bronder, Nathan Spindel, Mike Lopp, Wilfredo Sanchez, Chris LeCroy

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WWDC07 • Session 502

Getting Started with Mac OS X Administration

Information Technologies • 1:10:10

While Mac OS X contains many similarities to other operating systems, some of the features that make it great are either new or different from UNIX, Linux, and Windows. Discover how the expertise you already have managing other operating systems translates to Mac OS X, and learn what you need to know to take full advantage of the differences in Mac OS X.

Speaker: Brian Loose

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WWDC07 • Session 503

Scripting for SysAdmins

Information Technologies • 1:06:47

Every IT professional has to perform repetitive tasks. Mac OS X supports a number of scripting languages so that you can automate many of these tasks. Learn from Apple engineers how to build valuable scripts in Automator, AppleScript Studio, Python, Ruby, and UNIX shells to save you time.

Speakers: Steve Hayman, Jeff McCune, Tim Perfitt

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WWDC07 • Session 504

Mac OS X Security Configuration

Information Technologies • 1:13:52

The default configuration of Mac OS X is highly secure, and can be customized to meet your unique network security requirements. Discover the security policy control points in Mac OS X from the experts at Apple and the National Security Agency (NSA) Systems Network Analysis Center (SNAC). Learn best practices for security enhancement so that you can make sure your systems are properly configured to match your security policy.

Speakers: Shawn Geddis, Kim Cummings

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WWDC07 • Session 505

Discovering Wiki and Group Services in Leopard Server

Information Technologies • 44:26

Leopard Server delivers powerful collaboration and group communication tools to help you define, create, and administer groups in your organization-whether you are a new business just launching, or a workgroup in a large enterprise. The new Wiki in Leopard Server lets you gather, tag, and coordinate resources, people, and assets. Explore these new productivity tools in depth, and learn about examples of how they can be used together for various environments.

Speakers: Mike Lopp, Chris LeCroy, John Anderson, Doug Whitmore

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WWDC07 • Session 506

Integrating Smart Card Solutions in Leopard

Information Technologies • 1:01:02

Smart card authentication has become a necessity for many organizations. Learn how to implement smart card authentication solutions on Mac OS X in a wide variety of server configurations, and find out about smart card support improvements in Leopard.

Speakers: Shawn Geddis, John Hurley

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WWDC07 • Session 508

Building Powerful Web 2.0 Applications with WebObjects

Information Technologies • 1:04:59

WebObjects is a terrific platform for having your modern web applications take advantage of the latest web-based services such as social networking, blogging, and wikis. Watch Apple engineers demonstrate the ease of development and deployment provided by the WebObjects tools, and see how WebObjects and Mac OS X Server make a fantastic combination for hosting your next-generation web applications.

Speakers: Pierre Frisch, Daryl Lee, Mike Schrag

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WWDC07 • Session 509

Mac OS X Scientific Computing State of the Union

Information Technologies • 1:13:22

Apple continues to introduce hardware and software targeted at scientific computing which has spurred increased adoption of Mac OS X in the sciences. This session will review Apple's technological advancements supporting scientific application development, Apple's momentum in the market, and the variety of initiatives underway throughout the company and the community to further science on the Mac.

Speakers: Elizabeth Kerr, Simon Patience, Liang Hoe, Alyssa Goodman, Jay Lyerly, Brian Gupton

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WWDC07 • Session 510

Learning to Become an Effective SysAdmin

Information Technologies • 54:52

Managing more than a few computers requires thinking like a system administrator. Discover IT skills, habits, and philosophies that can save you time and effort and avoid frustration as your network grows. See what goes on behind the GUI tools, embrace the command-line interface, and learn other valuable techniques that can help you succeed as a system administrator.

Speaker: Fred Licht

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WWDC07 • Session 512

Bending Directory Services To Your Will: Best Practices

Information Technologies • 50:20

Directory Services allows system administrators to manage network users and volumes. Learn from current Directory Service masters how to make Directory Services respond to your every command and return the information your network seeks. Hear the best configuration, management, and troubleshooting tips from people who have gained mastery over Open Directory and Active Directory.

Speaker: Nicole Jacque

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WWDC07 • Session 514

Understanding PKI and Certificate Management on Mac OS X

Information Technologies • 58:34

Public key infrastructure (PKI) includes the software, policies and procedures needed to create, manage and distribute digital certificates based on public key cryptography. Learn how Public and Private Keys, Identities, and Certificates are managed on Mac OS X, and how the use of these technologies has advanced in Leopard. Hear about some of the best practices for corporate management of certificate stores, along with smart card integration.

Speakers: Shawn Geddis, Ken McLeod, Craig Mortensen

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WWDC07 • Session 518

Real-World WebObjects Solutions

Information Technologies • 1:06:29

Hear about best practices for building powerful web applications from WebObjects experts, and learn to apply their success stories to your application. See a demonstration of the WebObjects frameworks used with third-party tools, presented by a variety of speakers both inside Apple and from the WebObjects community.

Speakers: Chuck Hill, Anjo Krank, Benoit Marchant

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WWDC07 • Session 519

Deploying Large-scale Storage Solutions using Xsan and Xserve RAID

Information Technologies • 1:00:56

Measuring your storage needs in the range of terabytes requires a solid infrastructure and an in-depth understanding of networking. Learn how to spec and implement the types of storage solutions used by some of the largest media, IT and HPC companies. Discover the trouble spots you may encounter and how to avoid them during integration. Come hear configuration details and optimization tricks for ensuring the highest performance for your environment.

Speakers: JD Mankovsky, Ståle Bjordal

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WWDC07 • Session 521

Deploy and Manage Access Control Lists

Information Technologies • 1:02:21

Access Control Lists (ACLs) enable servers to enforce fine-grained control of who can access shared files and services and which level of access they are allowed. Discover how to use ACLs to ensure the right people in your organization have the appropriate level of access, and learn how to use ACLs with non-Mac OS X servers and clients on your network.

Speakers: Josh Wisenbaker, Sean Eric Fagan

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WWDC07 • Session 523

Deploying Large NetBoot Networks

Information Technologies • 50:46

NetBoot makes it possible to boot your Macs over the network from a centralized Mac OS X image. Discover how Leopard Server improves large-scale NetBoot deployments, learn about the improved system imaging functionality, and hear real-world tips and techniques for successful implementation of NetBoot in your environment.

Speakers: Joel Rennich, Mike Bombich, Chris Lasell

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WWDC07 • Session 526

Deploying Network Home Directories

Information Technologies • 1:02:06

Get practical guidance and advice from IT experts and Apple engineers on planning, deploying, and managing network home directories. Whether you are just getting started, or have already deployed network home directories on Mac OS X or other platforms, discover techniques and tricks to ensure your users can operate efficiently both on line and off.

Speakers: Armin Briegel, Greg Neagle

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WWDC07 • Session 527

Leveraging the iCal Server Platform

Information Technologies • 58:00

The sharing of time and resources promises to change forever thanks to iCal Server and CalDAV, the open standard that iCal Server is based on. Discover iCal Server and the full spectrum of messaging devices and calendar servers that can work with iCal Server. Hear about new best practices for managing and deploying iCal Server, how to extend iCal Server with CalDAV, and how to integrate other CalDAV-compliant tools with messaging and calendaring servers.

Speakers: Wilfredo Sanchez, Cyrus Daboo, Tony Becker

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WWDC07 • Session 528

Extending Apple Remote Desktop for Large Scale Deployments

Information Technologies • 54:52

Hear from members of Apple's engineering and consulting teams talk about how to configure Apple Remote Desktop to manage large scale deployments of Macs. Learn about real-world tips and techniques for successful implementations of Apple Remote Desktop as a desktop management solution for your organization.

Speakers: Mark Whittemore, Steve Hayman, Doug Richardson

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WWDC07 • Session 529

Introducing Podcast Producer

Information Technologies • 53:37

As podcasting increases in popularity as an important new media-distribution channel, many organizations are evaluating how to create and deliver their content. Podcast Producer in Leopard Server provides the tools to capture, process, and deliver your content with the flexibility and scalability to meet the needs and challenges of this new medium. Learn what comes "in the box" in Podcast Producer, how to extend and scale your infrastructure, and how to change the sample media-processing workflows. Also, hear recommendations on how to set up for different types of environments.

Speakers: David O'Rourke, Nathan Spindel, Kjell Bronder

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 531

Deploying Podcast Producer

Information Technologies • 1:08:44

Explore the possibilities in setting up Podcast Producer, from "standalone" environments to highly distributed ones. Get in-depth information about the command-line tools, and learn how to integrate camera control and multiple podcast-producer servers with your Directory Services.

Speakers: George Cook, Eric Circlaeys, Willie Pritchard, Adam Hochman

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WWDC07 • Session 533

Best Practices in Mac OS X Administration

Information Technologies

Bring your best Mac OS X administration techniques and questions to gain real-world assistance from a panel of administration experts. Whether you are a beginner administrator or the most seasoned professional, gain insight on how other system administrators deal with IT challenges using Xserve, Xserve RAID, Mac OS X Server, Apple Remote Desktop and Xsan.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 535

Bring Your Java Application to Mac OS X Leopard

Information Technologies • 1:14:18

Java is one of the most popular ways to create cross-platform applications and is right at home on Mac OS X. Hear Apple's Java engineers talk about the practical aspects of making your Java application shine on the Mac. Learn about the unique tools and techniques for each stage of the Java development cycle on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Matt Drance, Victor Hernandez

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WWDC07 • Session 536

Integrating Rich Content Publishing and Infrastructure with iTunes U

Information Technologies • 45:47

iTunes U complements online learning systems and technology infrastructures that currently exist in higher education. Learn critical information about leveraging in-house authentication mechanisms, course provisioning, and content integration workflows from file upload to publication.

Speakers: Eric Bailey, Tom Burkholder

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WWDC07 • Session 540

Managing Mobile Computers

Information Technologies • 57:27

The increasing popularity and proliferation of portable computers introduces new challenges for system administrators responsible for managing them. Learn how to use the technologies built into Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server and Apple Remote Desktop such as File Vault, Task Server, Cached Managed Preferences, Portable Home Directories and more. Make your life easier and more effectively manage the portable computers in your organization.

Speakers: Tony Graham, Shawn Geddis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 542

Managing and Deploying Open Directory

Information Technologies • 59:19

Why use five logins when you can use one? Open Directory and Mac OS X Server form the core of enterprise-wide directory services architectures. Learn about new Open Directory functionality in Leopard, and discover single sign-on solutions to authenticate Apple and third-party services in a heterogeneous, "five nines" environment.

Speakers: Joel Rennich, Paul Suh

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WWDC07 • Session 544

Integrating Remote Access Client with Corporate VPNs

Information Technologies • 54:13

Apple's remote access client Internet Connect allows you to connect to corporate VPN solutions from Apple, Cisco, Juniper, and Nortel. Discover how to configure and deploy a VPN solution for your environment while learning about how the various VPN protocols such as L2TP/IPSec and PPTP interoperate.

Speaker: Shawn Geddis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 545

Introducing Xsan 2

Information Technologies • 43:32

Speakers: Jason Thorpe, Jason Townsend, Bill Studenmund, Bill Hudson

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WWDC07 • Session 547

Managing Your Clients with Leopard Server

Information Technologies • 1:02:29

Mac OS X Server includes a wealth of user management tools to streamline tasks for handling your users and systems. Learn how to incorporate Workgroup Manager, NetBoot, NetInstall, and the System Imaging Utility as part of your user and system management strategy in Leopard Server, and how to provide and care for mobile users with Portable Home Directory 2.

Speakers: Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Bruce Gaya, Brian Nesse

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WWDC07 • Session 549

Building System Images for Large-scale Deployments

Information Technologies • 1:01:35

Building system images reduces deployment time when rolling out new or upgraded machines. Discover techniques to customize your workflow for building system images and deploying them on hundreds of systems. Apple engineers will offer configuration secrets that give you detailed control over your setup, and discuss proven methods for reducing image size and complexity.

Speakers: Tim Weiand, Josh Wisenbaker, Daryl Hawes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 552

Understanding Managed Deployment

Information Technologies • 1:05:17

Implementing a managed deployment strategy brings many benefits, including a consistent end-user experience, a simplified support model, automated software installation, automated software updates, asset tracking, and inventory management. Hear practical advice on why you should implement a managed deployment. Learn best practices for building master images, package management, automated software installations, and automated testing.

Speakers: Gage Beauchemin, Veronica Law

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 600

Fundamentals of Digital Video

Content and Media • 1:03:19

As the world of digital video changes, the key to staying ahead of the curve is making your content look its best regardless of where it is viewed. Gain a comprehensive overview of the current digital media landscape including tape formats from SD to HD, color space, aspect ratios, audio and video codecs, and much more. This is a must-attend session for anyone creating rich media.

Speakers: Ben Durbin, Kenji Kato, Craig Syverson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 601

Improving Your Video With Professional Preprocessing

Content and Media • 50:44

Preprocessing is widely considered the key to making excellent video for digital delivery. Learn the accepted principles for video preparation from industry experts, including: how to handle multiple sources (for example, film and video), interlaced content and how to pick appropriate cropping, scaling, noise reduction, and image adjustment parameters for creating that perfect master file ready for compression.

Speaker: Cliff Wootton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 602

The Encoding Process In Depth

Content and Media • 43:04

Knowledge of encoding principles is the key to high quality content. The session will walk through the entire compression workflow for delivery of content to the Web, iPod and Apple TV. Learn the tools, codecs, and best practices for creating stunning digital audio and video, as well as techniques for automating your workflow using AppleScript and Compressor.

Speakers: Doug Werner, Nate Caplin, John McClintock

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 603

Delivering Your Media

Content and Media • 47:16

Reaching the widest possible audience means understanding how to prepare your content for delivery via multiple distribution platforms using various technologies and techniques. See the many different delivery vehicles for your media, including real-time streaming, download, and podcasting, and understand which one is right for you. You will also learn how to present a compelling, interactive user experience for your content.

Speakers: Ken Waagner, Mike Shaff, Austin Shoemaker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 604

Iterative Cocoa and Web Application Design

Content and Media • 1:01:07

Web application design continues to grow increasingly complex. This session will help you refine your application development process and project management to an art form. Learn the behind-the-scenes techniques for rapid prototyping and learn to include iterative usability testing and contextual inquiry cycles in your project development. Discover how to verify requirements before you code using iterative prototype and testing techniques. With a collaborative mindset and the proper process in place, your organization's design and engineering teams can work together and launch your application successfully.

Speakers: Kelly Goto, Garrett Murray

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 605

Understanding Web Accessibility for Building Better Websites

Content and Media • 42:00

Integrating accessibility into your web design and development process helps you effectively create web sites and web applications that become open to a broader range of customers. Learn what web accessibility means and how it fits in with modern web development techniques and best practices. Explore best practices for separating structure, presentation, and behavior to make it easier to build ground-up accessibility into your web applications.

Speaker: Faruk Ates

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 606

Motion Graphics Design Using Quartz Composer

Content and Media • 53:09

Quartz Composer is a rich visual prototyping and production environment that allows you to create compelling content leveraging the unique graphic technologies of Mac OS X. Learn how you can use Quartz Composer in your next interactive graphics project, and find out how it has been used successfully in design projects.

Speaker: Alessandro Sabatelli

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 607

Development Methods for WebKit AJAX Applications

Content and Media • 49:08

Innovative developers today can build a variety of applications on the Web accessed from varied platforms. Join a Web 2.0 industry leader to see their design and development techniques for creating optimized AJAX applications for WebKit on Mac OS X. Learn the latest and best industry techniques for handling the ever-changing landscape of AJAX development.

Speakers: Jason Fields, Michael Agostino

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 608

Vector Graphics for WebKit

Content and Media • 1:09:16

WebKit in Leopard provides a new assortment of vector graphics development options. This session is an introduction and general overview to vector graphics technologies for the Web. Learn how to use these powerful technologies to drive a richer dynamic data visualization, by adding standards-based vector graphic elements to sites leveraging options like Scalable Vector Graphics, Canvas, and PDF.

Speakers: Antoine Quint, Dean Jackson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 609

Dashboard Widget Design Techniques

Content and Media • 50:15

Dashboard provides quick and easy access to widgets-lightweight Web 2.0 applications-on Mac OS X. Join industry experts to explore how a few of the best widgets were created, from concept to deployment.

Speakers: Joshua Keay, David Keay, Chris Masto

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 610

Design Innovation behind Apple.com

Content and Media • 56:23

Apple.com has continuously used open standards to build the unique and compelling user experiences found on the site for years. Join the Apple.com team as they guide you through some of their web applications developed using leading AJAX toolkits. Learn how they went from concept, through design, to implementation for many of these site projects.

Speakers: Dan Marusich, Mike Czepiel, Doug Vincent, Aubrey Anderson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 611

AJAX Methodologies for QuickTime Development

Content and Media • 49:32

Move beyond the traditional playback controls provided by the QuickTime web plug-in. This session will open up new insights into capabilities for controlling media interaction possibilities for your web applications through JavaScript and other leading AJAX toolkits. Learn how to develop custom UI controllers, programmatically handle unique media playback, and use other advanced methodologies when working with JavaScript and QuickTime.

Speakers: Kevin Calhoun, Ibid Isonom, Mike Czepiel, Todd Ditchendorf

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 614

Developing Web Sites for iPhone

Content and Media • 1:00:48

iPhone completely redefines browser-based web access on a mobile phone. Learn iPhone best practices for ensuring optimal web development of your existing website, or hosted web application. Join the iPhone Safari and WebKit browser development teams as they share the latest techniques on mobile browser-based user experience design and development.

Speakers: Richard Williamson, Sam Bushell

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 615

Using Dojo Toolkit Power Tools to Build Rich Web Applications

Content and Media • 1:06:39

Learn how Dojo enhances web applications and helps you build compelling interfaces using Open Web technology. Join members of the core Dojo team as they show you how Dojo's unique features let you upgrade your applications incrementally and even while off-line; we will work our way from basic AJAX through the latest technologies in WebKit.

Speakers: Dylan Schiemann, Alex Russell

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 616

Designing and Developing Hybrid-Web/Cocoa Applications

Content and Media • 1:06:46

Leopard supports combining the power of the desktop experience with the latest advanced Web 2.0 techniques in hybrid-Web/Cocoa applications. Discover advanced uses of WebKit, XHTML, CSS, and AJAX in creating rich user interfaces for applications. Learn how industry experts are building lightweight Cocoa applications that allow easy binding of JavaScript to CoreData, and hear how they intend to use this configuration to make powerful applications.

Speakers: Keith Butters, Toby Boudreaux, Chandler McWilliams

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 618

Designing and Extending the Mac OS X Blog Experience

Content and Media • 53:32

Blogging is ubiquitous, and when done right can be powerful and impressive. Learn from an industry expert within the blogosphere best real-world practices for designing, developing, and deploying elegant blogging solutions with thorough use of mixed media.

Speaker: Melvin Rivera

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 619

Designing and Developing Rich Media WebKit-based Applications

Content and Media • 1:08:40

WebKit in Leopard introduces new features based on the latest open standards for delivering richer client-side and server-side web applications. Explore advanced development techniques for designing rich user experiences in your Web application. Learn advanced uses for incorporating CSS3, SVG, resolution independence, and rich media.

Speakers: Antoine Quint, Dean Jackson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 621

Advanced Concepts in Using the Prototype JavaScript Framework

Content and Media • 57:00

Discover how Prototype extends built-in objects to make cross-browser JavaScript development easier. This session will show you how to manipulate and traverse the DOM, add custom behavior to page elements, deliver UI elements incrementally with Ajax, and extract common functionality into reusable components. Plus, get a first-hand look at techniques for integrating Prototype and WebKit into your Cocoa applications.

Speaker: Sam Stephenson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 622

Create Effective, Sophisticated Podcasts

Content and Media • 54:16

Podcasting is changing the way that audio and video is collected and experienced. Hear from leading industry experts on the essentials for creating, delivering and distributing successful podcasts.

Speaker: Alex Lindsay

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