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ID of session: wwdc2006-504
ID of event: wwdc2006
ID of session without event part: 504
Shortened ID of event: wwdc06
Year of session: 2006
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC06 • Session 504

Inside Leopard Calendaring Technologies

Information Technologies • 1:04:34

iCal Server and the new standards-based calendaring technologies of Leopard and Leopard Server promise to be a dramatic step forward for business collaboration based on Mac OS X Server. Learn about the development opportunities possible once resource and calendar sharing are driven by the open source and open standards technologies in Leopard Server, with powerful cross-platform features and easy to use administration. Developers, Integrators, and Solution Providers will gain insight into the architecture and development of iCal Server, the CalDAV standard it is based upon, and how to use these features.

Speakers: Chris LeCroy, Scott Adler, Mike Hay, Dave Thewlis, Grant Baillie, Jeffrey Harris

Unlisted on Apple Developer site