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ID of session: wwdc2006-403
ID of event: wwdc2006
ID of session without event part: 403
Shortened ID of event: wwdc06
Year of session: 2006
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC06 • Session 403

Login and Authentication: Mac OS X's New Front Door

OS Foundations • 29:44

An extensible authentication mechanism is a cornerstone of system security, allowing users to identify themselves with more than just a username & password. Mac OS X makes it easy for developers to provide new modes of authentication such as biometrics, or token storage devices that integrate with all of the authentication-related components of the system. With Mac OS X Leopard, a new plugin mechanism allows developers to easily add their solutions to the Mac OS X login experience.

Speaker: Kevin Armstrong

Unlisted on Apple Developer site