WWDC 2006

An unofficial index of sessions from Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference held August 8 - 11, 2006 in San Franciso, California.

Apple presented Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) with full 64-bit support and Core Animation. Objective-C 3.0 was introduced with optional garbage collection (GC), properties and fast enumeration.

This site is not affiliated with Apple. All content is provided for informational purposes only.

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WWDC06 • Session 000

Mac OS X State of the Union

General • 1:31:55

Speakers: Bertrand Serlet, Simon Patience, Peter Graffagnino, Andreas Wendker, Scott Forstall

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WWDC06 • Session 001

Bug Reporting Best Practices

General • 56:11

Complete, high-quality, reproducible bug reports from developers help to isolate and target known issues in system and application software. Learn the bug reporting best practices that Apple has developed in partnership with our third party developer community. Observe the key components of a great bug report, and how they could expedite your bugs through our processes. You'll also learn to apply these practices to your own bug processes.

Speaker: Paul Schreiber

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WWDC06 • Session 002

Games State of the Union

General • 1:06:56

Like music and movies, games are an integral part of the digital lifestyle. Gaming on the Mac offers a great opportunity for you to bring original products to the platform, port world-class titles for a new audience, or develop the next best-selling game for multiple platforms. Kick off the gamers' view of WWDC 2006 with this overview, and get a glimpse of things to come.

Speakers: Ron Okamoto, Mark Lentczner, Ian Lynch Smith, Travis Brown, David Helgason, Andy Hess

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WWDC06 • Session 003

Mac OS X in Scientific Computing

General • 52:52

Over the last year Apple has released many new hardware and software technologies targeted to meet the needs of technical scientific and high performance computing. These technologies are spurring increased developer support and scientist adoption of Mac OS X. This session will review the technological advancements Apple has made over the last year with respect to the sciences, the market momentum Apple is experiencing in the scientific markets, and the variety of initiatives underway throughout Apple to support scientific computing on the Mac.

Speakers: Elizabeth Kerr, Bud Tribble, Fons Rademakers, Falko Kuester, Alexander Griekspoor

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WWDC06 • Session 004

Go-to-Market Strategies and Services for Mac Developers

General • 39:27

Get expert advice on how to bring your product to market effectively. Learn how to use Apple Developer Connection (ADC) programs and make the most of other opportunities to help increase your success in the marketplace. We'll cover the full range of go-to-market topics, including promotion options, distribution channels, co-marketing with Apple, and more. We'll also provide constructive guidance based on our experiences with helping thousands of Mac developers around the world successfully market their products.

Speakers: Paul Papageorge, Wayne Pfeffer, Erik Lammerding

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WWDC06 • Session 100

Resolution Independence on Mac OS X

Application Technologies • 57:18

Learn how to give your application a resolution independent interface. The session will discuss guidelines for revising artwork, new APIs to adopt, testing strategies, performance concerns, and common problems.

Speaker: Guy Fullerton

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WWDC06 • Session 101

What's New in Cocoa

Application Technologies • 45:03

This talk provides an overview of new features and important changes introduced in the Cocoa frameworks in Leopard. Learn about the exciting developments in AppKit, Core Data, Foundation, and other related frameworks on Mac OS X, and get pointers to other sessions that cover the changes in more detail.

Speakers: Chris Parker, Doug Davidson

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WWDC06 • Session 102

Make Your Application Scriptable

Application Technologies • 45:45

Learn how to give your application the power to respond to AppleScript commands. We'll introduce you to the key concepts of scriptability, show you how to design and create an AppleScript terminology for your application, and then explain how to implement the code needed to make it work.

Speaker: John Comiskey

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WWDC06 • Session 103

User Interface Design

Application Technologies • 1:03:20

Good user interface design is important, particularly on Mac OS X, where users expect a cohesive, elegant, and intuitive user experience. Learn best practices and design methodologies for creating a superior user interface. You'll hear design do's and don'ts, how to improve an existing user interface to achieve greater consistency with Mac OS X, and much more.

Speaker: John Geleynse

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WWDC06 • Session 105

HIToolbox State of the Union

Application Technologies • 1:03:13

Take an in-depth look at the latest improvements to the HIToolbox framework in Mac OS X. This session will demonstrate the most recent features including HiDPI - resolution independent views, embedding NSViews within HIViews, 64-bit capable Carbon APIs, and more.

Speakers: Guy Fullerton, Eric Schlegel

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WWDC06 • Session 106

Taking Advantage of Leopard Features in Cocoa

Application Technologies • 1:04:38

Gain an in depth understanding of Cocoa support for major Leopard features. Find out how to prepare your application for resolution independence, how and why to convert your application to 64-bit, and how to use the Cocoa API to incorporate other Leopard features into your application.

Speakers: Kristin Forster, Ali Ozer, Mark Piccirelli, Kevin Perry

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WWDC06 • Session 107

Software Installation Strategies

Application Technologies • 53:25

Distributing, installing, and configuring software should be easy for developers and users alike. Learn how to get the most out of the Mac OS X Installer by exploring basic, intermediate, and advanced software installation scenarios. You'll learn key features of PackageMaker, when to use Internet-Enabled Disk Images, how to locate and upgrade your application on any system, and much more.

Speakers: Peter Bierman, Sean Kelly

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WWDC06 • Session 108

Taking Advantage of Spotlight

Application Technologies • 1:01:31

Spotlight, the powerful, easy-to-use search technology in Mac OS X, supports a wide range of file formats and helps users quickly find anything on their computers. Learn how to create a Spotlight plugin and incorporate searching within your application using Spotlight's Query APIs to deliver an improved user experience.

Speakers: Jonah Petri, Toby Paterson, Christy Warren

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WWDC06 • Session 110

64-bit Overview

Application Technologies • 50:34

Today's software uses increasing amounts of memory - and many products are pushing the boundaries of 32-bit addressing. Now in Leopard you have a full 64-bit application stack for both PowerPC and Intel-based Macintoshes. Learn the what, why, and how basics of 64-bit development, and understand what you need to know to scope out your 64-bit development efforts today.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

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WWDC06 • Session 112

Safari and WebKit for Web Content Developers

Application Technologies • 58:29

Safari and other WebKit-based applications deliver rich, interactive user experiences via open standards such as HTML, ECMA Script, and CSS. Dive into new features and enhancements in WebKit's standards-based implementation from a web content developer's perspective. Learn how to prepare your web pages for the high DPI future, how to embed standards-based vector graphics with native SVG and canvas, and review WebKit's enhanced document object model.

Speakers: Adele Peterson, Beth Dakin, Alice Liu

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WWDC06 • Session 113

Integrating with iCal

Application Technologies • 22:54

New Leopard Calendaring technologies offer exciting ways to programmatically integrate with the iCal API to obtain, edit, and create iCal's event and task information. Whether you want to simply query upcoming events or use iCal to store all your calendaring data, the CalendarStore framework empowers developers to easily add calendaring functionality. In this session we will explore the APIs in the CalendarStore framework and demonstrate how easy it is to use.

Speakers: Red Dutta, Matt DiMaggio

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WWDC06 • Session 114

Core Data in a Nutshell

Application Technologies • 1:07:46

Core Data provides a framework for object graph management and object persistence, automatically taking care of tasks such as undo and redo and saving data to disk. In this session you will learn about Core Data's architecture, and how you can take advantage of the technology to create a more full-featured application with less code.

Speakers: Matt Firlik, Ben Trumbull

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WWDC06 • Session 115

Publish & Subscribe with RSS

Application Technologies • 47:14

Take advantage of the PubSub framework to easily add sharing and casting features to your application in Leopard. The PubSub framework provides high-level access to the power of RSS and Atom so developers can easily add support for these internet standards without having to be XML or http experts. Let the PubSub framework deal with the complexities of evolving syndication standards and networking so that you can concentrate on creating great sharing opportunities for your users.

Speakers: Ricci Adams, Jens Alfke

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WWDC06 • Session 116

Controlling Scriptable Applications

Application Technologies • 36:59

Mac OS X contains many powerful applications and utilities that you can use from your application via Apple events. Learn about new and improved ways to invoke that power easily and efficiently, whether your language of choice is AppleScript, Objective C, Python, or Ruby.

Speakers: Chris Nebel, Adam Goldstein

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WWDC06 • Session 117

64-bit In-Depth

Application Technologies • 58:53

Transitioning your application from 32-bit to 64-bit requires you to modify your code to play well in a 64-bit world. Learn in this session about framework API changes for 64-bit, 64-bit ABI changes, 64-bit binary debugging tips/tricks, and how to do 64-bit performance tuning, among other topics.

Speakers: Matt Formica, Eric Albert

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WWDC06 • Session 118

Core Data Model Versioning and Data Migration

Application Technologies • 1:11:10

As you change your application's underlying data model to accommodate new features, you still need to support different file formats and allow for backward compatibility. Learn how to support different managed object models in your Core Data application and how to migrate data from one model to another.

Speaker: Miguel Sanchez

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WWDC06 • Session 119

Creating Great Automator Actions: The Basics

Application Technologies • 57:17

Learn the basics of developing great Automator actions. We'll provide practical guidance on how you can create Automator actions using Cocoa bindings and a variety of programming languages, including Objective-C,as well as AppleScript and other scripting languages.

Speakers: Todd Fernandez, Emilie Kim, Brooke Callahan

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WWDC06 • Session 120

Beyond Buttons and Sliders: Complex Controls in Cocoa

Application Technologies • 56:36

Learn how you can quickly and efficiently create sophisticated Cocoa user interface elements for your application. Get practical guidance on how to extend Cocoa control objects like the table view and outline view using your own custom cells, and how to customize menus in a variety of ways.

Speakers: Corbin Dunn, Peter Ammon

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WWDC06 • Session 122

Optimizing Core Data Applications

Application Technologies • 1:03:32

Learn how to use Core Data to manage large amounts of data efficiently while maintaining peak application performance.

Speakers: Melissa Turner, Ben Trumbull

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WWDC06 • Session 124

Connecting Your Application with iChat

Application Technologies • 42:53

Instantly communicating with others using text, audio, and video has changed our lives dramatically. In Leopard, iChat enables your application to show its contents to others via video chats using the new iChat Theater API. Learn how to integrate this new capability into your application and how to use Mac OS X's Instant Messaging framework which provides your application with the ability to determine who's online and initiate connections with them.

Speakers: Jean-Pierre Ciudad, Eric St. Onge, Mike Estee

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WWDC06 • Session 125

Creating Great Automator Actions: Advanced Topics

Application Technologies • 38:16

Move beyond the basics to develop outstanding Automator actions. Gain insight into strategies to create enhanced Objective-C, AppleScript, and shell scripting actions which will enable your users to create more powerful and more generalized workflows. You will also learn how to create new data types and conversion actions, an important aspect of a solid set of actions for any application.

Speaker: Kerry Hazelgren

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WWDC06 • Session 126

Optimize Performance through Testing and Tracking

Application Technologies • 39:39

Performance monitoring and analysis for your application should be an important part of every stage of development, not only when it's time to ship. Learn the principles and practices of test design, automation, data tracking, and regression handling that will enable your application to perform exceptionally on Mac OS X. Hear case studies and real-world results from the engineers who've created some of the fastest Mac OS X applications.

Speakers: Vicki Murley, Ken Kocienda

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WWDC06 • Session 127

Authoring Dashboard Widgets

Application Technologies • 55:38

Based upon standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Dashboard widgets are simple to build and easy to extend. Learn the code tricks and design tips that can help make your widgets even better. We'll discuss how to use native code to integrate your widget into system frameworks, and show how a gorgeous widget can make a dramatic difference to your users.

Speakers: Christian Wagner, Matt Drance

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WWDC06 • Session 128

Syncing with Sync Services

Application Technologies • 1:04:04

Develop the ultimate sync client using the Mac OS X synchronization engine to keep users' data in sync across all of their computers and mobile devices. Learn how new Leopard syncing features and performance enhancements can add value to your product, review typical usage scenarios, gain insight into the proper definition of schemas, and learn how to take full advantage new features like streamlined client development and Core Data integration.

Speakers: Andy Belk, Paul Seligman, Karl Groethe

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WWDC06 • Session 129

Cocoa for Carbon Developers

Application Technologies • 59:02

Cocoa provides the fastest way to full-featured, extensible, and maintainable applications on Mac OS X and, for many Carbon developers, Cocoa also provides the easiest way to add new technologies. Learn the ins and outs of what it takes to integrate Objective-C frameworks and a Cocoa user interface into your existing Carbon application. You'll also hear development strategies and advice from those who have already made the transition to Cocoa from Carbon.

Speakers: Deric Horn, Scott Thompson

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WWDC06 • Session 130

Multithreading in Cocoa

Application Technologies • 1:03:59

Multithreading can boost the performance and responsiveness of your application. Learn how to use multithreading effectively in Cocoa to get the most out of dual-processor Macs.

Speaker: Chris Kane

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WWDC06 • Session 132

Cocoa Animation Techniques

Application Technologies • 1:00:24

With the introduction of Core Animation in Leopard, Mac OS X provides an exciting new model for implementing high-performance animations and visual effects. Cocoa's new animation capabilities are designed to leverage this powerful new facility and its intuitive animation model to maximum advantage. Learn how you can use the new enhancements in NSView and other classes to easily add compelling animations and visual effects to your Cocoa user interfaces in this demo-intensive session.

Speaker: Troy Stephens

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WWDC06 • Session 133

WebKit's Open Source Anniversary

Application Technologies • 46:02

It's been a year since the WebKit went open source and much has changed. Hear from the contributors about what has been accomplished in such a short time. You'll learn about the current project structure, evolving best practices, and the expansion of WebKit usage beyond Safari on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Geoffrey Garen, Kevin Decker

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WWDC06 • Session 135

Introducing Time Machine

Application Technologies • 27:34

Leopard introduces Time Machine, automatic backup built in to Mac OS X with an intuitive time based visual display to search back through time to find and restore anything on the Mac. Learn more about Time Machine, how it works, and how you can use time based search and restore in your application.

Speaker: Robert Ulrich

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WWDC06 • Session 136

Advanced WebKit Integration

Application Technologies • 56:41

Come for an in-depth review of the Web Kit APIs. Learn about plug-in development, and see practical examples describing how to use Web Kit beyond the simple browser-in-a-window implementation.

Speakers: Tim Hatcher, Tim Omernick

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WWDC06 • Session 137

CoreText: The next generation text API

Application Technologies • 1:10:34

The new CoreText font and text layout APIs enable high-performance advanced font handling and fast Unicode layout while providing close integration with system frameworks. If you are using deprecated APIs such as Quickdraw or simply want to learn how to take advantage of Apple's next generation text engine, you will want to attend this session.

Speakers: Julio González, Ned Holbrook

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WWDC06 • Session 139

Make Your Cocoa Application Accessible

Application Technologies • 1:18:17

Learn how to make your Cocoa application accessible to users with disabilities. We'll cover the Accessibility API, provide you with practical guidance on how to use the Universal Access features - like Zoom and VoiceOver, and show you how your application can work with specialized input and output devices. You'll also find out about valuable testing techniques and verification tools to ensure your application is accessible.

Speakers: James Dempsey, Rick Fabrick

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WWDC06 • Session 140

Carbon Programming Hands-On

Application Technologies • 1:12:18

Walk through the steps for quickly and efficiently adding features to your Carbon application. Bring your laptop and get practical guidance from Apple engineers on integrating a Cocoa web view window into a Carbon application, writing your own custom HIView, and more.

Speakers: Deric Horn, Larry Coopet, Bryan Prusha, Curt Rothert

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WWDC06 • Session 143

Using Python and Ruby to Build Cocoa Applications

Application Technologies • 33:53

Cocoa's dynamic nature makes it a natural fit for modern, object-oriented scripting languages such as Python and Ruby. Open Source scripting bridges provide a powerful tool for coders to experiment with dynamic interpreters, while scripters can tap into the richness and power of native application frameworks. This session will cover everything from basic prototyping to constructing complete standalone applications using AppKit, Core Data and other high-level frameworks, using Python and Ruby.

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WWDC06 • Session 144

Leopard Installer Technologies and Tools

Application Technologies • 48:44

Mac OS X Leopard includes exciting new Install technologies. Learn about signed packages, automatically downloading packages from the internet, patching files, new home directory support, and easier ways to locate previously installed software. Discover best practices for building fine grained packages and learn about new receipt tools to help manage your upgrade strategy.

Speakers: Christopher Ryan, Sean Kelly

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WWDC06 • Session 146

Latent Semantic Mapping: Getting At The Meaning Behind The Words

Application Technologies • 1:00:29

Latent Semantic Analysis is the text-analysis technology that underpins the junk mail filtering of Mac OS X Mail and the Mac OS X Kanji text input method. After years of refinement and pent-up demand from developers, this advanced technology is now available for your own applications. Latent Semantic Analysis enables you to analyze documents, classify them into categories, and find which words best characterize the meaning of those documents and categories. Orient yourself to the overall process of training, creating, using, and adapting this technology. Gain an understanding of the major concepts behind the API, see the types of problems it can address and the cool features it might allow you to begin to offer in your application, and learn the development best practices to achieve the most robust performance.

Speakers: Kim Silverman, Matthias Neeracher, Jerome Bellegarda, Yasuo Kida

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WWDC06 • Session 149

Cocoa Bindings Essentials

Application Technologies • 1:06:06

Learn to take full advantage of powerful Cocoa bindings capabilities such as managing an outline view, presenting information from a dictionary, and implementing cross-nib bindings. Gain insight into common development techniques used by the experts.

Speaker: Ron Lue-Sang

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WWDC06 • Session 150

Internationalization in Cocoa

Application Technologies • 45:59

Making your application ready for world-wide use can increase the size of your market. Learn to take advantage of Cocoa features that make internationalization easy, including support for international text via Unicode strings, and objects that abstract information about a user's locale.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, Aki Inoue

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WWDC06 • Session 151

Take Charge of Text Input

Application Technologies • 1:08:27

With Unicode-based text in Mac OS X, Apple is introducing a modern and powerful way to manage keyboard layouts, palettes, and input methods that replaces the Script Manager and scriptCode-based functions. Learn how to easily build input methods with the new Input Method Kit and learn how to manipulate input sources and programatically select them, receive notification of changes, constrain input in a particular text context, select inputs depending on languages, obtain input sources properties, register custom input sources, and much more.

Speakers: Peter Edberg, Mike Grady, Lee Collins

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WWDC06 • Session 152

Cocoa Development Tips, Tricks, and Debugging Techniques

Application Technologies • 54:17

There are a variety of tools and strategies you can adopt to make your application secure and bug-free. Learn about the debugging tools, such as GDB and F-Script, and techniques you can use to avoid problems with your application. In the event that runtime errors do occur, Cocoa provides a rich infrastructure to efficiently and effectively handle them. Learn how you can continue to give as good a user experience as possible even if something goes wrong.

Speaker: Ken Ferry

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WWDC06 • Session 155

Let's Talk: Building Speech Technology into your UI

Application Technologies • 58:22

Speech Technologies have matured and are now mainstream, pervading personal computing, cell phones, cars, and telephone networks. Bring your application into the 21st century by adopting these technologies in your application. Speech synthesis, also called Text-to-Speech (TTS), converts any text into human-sounding audible speech, and thereby delivers information to users without requiring them to shift attention from their current task. Mac OS X Leopard includes new speech synthesis features and APIs that help you easily incorporate speech synthesis into your application. Learn about these new capabilities, and guidelines for how best to use speech synthesis and recognition to give your users exciting modern ways to interact with your application.

Speakers: Kim Silverman, Kevin Aitken, Wil Shipley

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WWDC06 • Session 158

Using Identity Services in your Application

Application Technologies • 57:29

Identity Services, the underlying technology behind the Identity Picker, is a service being introduced in Leopard. It allows you to create and access Identity users and groups with which you can share files and data. We'll take an in-depth look at the APIs enabling you to take advantage of Identity Services in your application as well as the collaboration between Identity Services, Address Book, Bonjour, and .Mac.

Speakers: Christopher Linn, Alex Aybes

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WWDC06 • Session 200

Graphics and Media State of the Union

Graphics and Media • 56:27

Mac OS X contains an incredible array of 2D, 3D, and multimedia technologies that provide a powerful springboard for innovation. Come learn how the powerful graphics and media frameworks in Mac OS X will enhance your application in this session filled with important details on Quartz, Core Image, OpenGL, QuickTime, and Core Audio. It is the perfect kickoff for developers attending the Graphics and Media track.

Speakers: Peter Graffagnino, Geoff Stahl

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WWDC06 • Session 201

Modern Image Handling with the Image I/O Framework

Graphics and Media • 45:36

The Image I/O framework is the definitive technology for accessing pixels and metadata from image files. Its high-performance architecture supports reading and writing standard image file formats, digital camera RAW files, and specialized formats such as OpenEXR. Learn how to use Image I/O to modernize image handling, increase loading performance, and support popular image metadata tags. If you work directly with image data, this is one session that you won't want to miss.

Speakers: David Hayward, Stan Jirman

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WWDC06 • Session 202


Graphics and Media • 1:06:54

Learn how to enhance your Cocoa application with the robust graphics and final form document capabilities of the PDF format with PDF Kit. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to harness the power of PDF Kit in your application.

Speaker: John Calhoun

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WWDC06 • Session 203

Introducing ImageKit

Graphics and Media • 1:04:10

ImageKit is a new robust framework providing many powerful imaging services which you can easily incorporate into your application. Discover how to add zoom, rotate, and filter capabilities with the new image viewer. Take advantage of fast image browsing, leverage the new picture taker and display image slideshows with ease. This is a must-experience session for developers looking to take advantage of powerful imaging services in their applications.

Speakers: Werner Neubrand, Thomas Goossens

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WWDC06 • Session 205

Core Audio Surround Sound

Graphics and Media • 1:10:42

Discover how to use surround sound in your application or game. Learn about the powerful multichannel audio services (such as panning and mixing) provided by Core Audio, the Mac OS X built-in OpenAL implementation, and the surround Audio Unit.

Speakers: Bob Aron, Michael Hopkins, James McCartney

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WWDC06 • Session 206

Quartz Composer Overview

Graphics and Media • 1:04:28

Quartz Composer is a powerful and multifaceted visual programming tool for anyone with an interest in graphics. It seamlessly integrates the key graphics technologies of Mac OS X and lets you create stunning multimedia effects and dynamic animations without the need to write traditional code. Attend this session for an overview of Quartz Composer features and to learn how to use this unique tool to create multimedia ""compositions"" and graphically rich applications.

Speaker: Pierre-Olivier Latour

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WWDC06 • Session 207

Creating Quartz Composer Compositions

Graphics and Media • 57:25

Quartz Composer takes all the graphics capabilities of Mac OS X and combines them into a single code-free environment. We will walk through the content creation process in Quartz Composer, using the editor tool to efficiently create high quality, high performance compositions. Through multiple examples you'll see how to realize your ideas and put them in users' hands. If you have a graphics concept in your head that you're just not sure how to put into action in your application, this session is for you.

Speaker: Alessandro Sabatelli

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WWDC06 • Session 208

Introducing Core Animation

Graphics and Media • 43:08

Core Animation is an exciting new layer-based animation framework that can enhance your application with eye-catching animations, dazzling interactive visualizations and enhanced UI. See how you can use Core Animation to composite and animate 2D, 3D, and even Quartz Composer-based content into dynamic scenes. Don't miss the opportunity to learn how Core Animation can revolutionize the visual qualities of your application!

Speakers: Ralph Brunner, John Harper

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WWDC06 • Session 209

Core Audio Update

Graphics and Media • 1:03:11

Core Audio is the world-class audio architecture in Mac OS X. Go in-depth with Core Audio's new high-level audio services for playing and recording audio. You'll also discover Core Control, a new API set to represent control surfaces such as mixers and other audio hardware.

Speakers: Doug Wyatt, Bill Stewart

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WWDC06 • Session 210

Developing with Core Image

Graphics and Media • 52:26

Core Image provides high-performance and GPU-assisted image processing. By harnessing the tremendous pixel processing power of the GPU or the vector execution unit of the CPU, Core Image performs complex per-pixel imaging operations at blistering speeds to create spectacular visual effects and transitions. In this session, you'll see how to add image processing to your own application using any of the 100 built-in effects. We'll also show you how to create your own custom algorithms and deploy them as Image Units. This is a must-experience session for developers of image enhancement software, video effects systems, color management solutions, and scientific visualization packages.

Speakers: Ralph Brunner, Frank Doepke

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WWDC06 • Session 211

Programming with Quartz

Graphics and Media • 1:09:32

Quartz is the powerful 2D graphics imaging library in Mac OS X that lets you draw vector-based graphics, images, and PDF in amazingly flexible ways. This session introduces the Quartz drawing model and the fundamental concepts needed to take advantage of its extensive capabilities. Whether you work with Carbon or Cocoa, you'll see how to use Quartz to create, stroke, and fill shapes, apply transformations, use color spaces, use alpha blending, and more.

Speakers: David Gelphman, Bunny Laden

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WWDC06 • Session 212

Developing Modern QuickTime Applications

Graphics and Media • 1:04:01

The QuickTime architecture provides state-of-the-art multimedia technologies that enable high-definition audio and video playback. Discover how QuickTime integrates with the industry-leading array of 2D and 3D frameworks available in Mac OS X. Learn how to keep your application on the cutting edge by taking full advantage of these features.

Speakers: Vince Uttley, Tim Monroe, Brad Ford, Ken Greenebaum

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WWDC06 • Session 213

Optimal 2D Graphics

Graphics and Media • 52:31

Learn techniques for ensuring that 2D drawing within your application takes optimal advantage of the Mac OS X graphics architecture. We'll cover best practices for application drawing, optimizing screen updates, and detecting and removing unnecessary graphics processing overhead. This is a great session for all developers interested in maximizing the performance of their application.

Speakers: Ralph Brunner, Assana Fard, Andrew Barnes, Ken Dyke

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WWDC06 • Session 214

OpenGL in Mac OS X

Graphics and Media • 1:12:33

The Mac OS X implementation of the OpenGL framework continues to track the innovations in the OpenGL specification. Come learn how to increase the 3D-imaging capabilities and improve the performance of your application. You'll get all the details of the most recent OpenGL extensions, as well as learn best practices and tips for modernizing and streamlining your graphics code.

Speaker: John Rosasco

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WWDC06 • Session 216

Using the OpenGL Shading Language

Graphics and Media • 58:26

One of the most exciting developments in OpenGL is the advent of the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). GLSL gives you high-level C-like access to programmable GPUs. With GLSL, you have programmatic control over vertex and fragment processing, allowing you to accelerate complex renderings, create spectacular visual effects and enable new graphics capabilities. Come learn about GLSL and its incredible capabilities and how to use it in your application.

Speakers: Nick Burns, Rav Dhiraj

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WWDC06 • Session 217

Optimizing OpenGL Applications for Maximum Performance

Graphics and Media • 1:03:02

Learn the latest techniques for optimizing OpenGL code in your application. This in-depth session covers all aspects of optimization including the best way to submit vertex and texture data, tips for eliminating unnecessary data copies, the ideal pixel formats to use, and advice on threading. You'll see how to use OpenGL Profiler and Driver Monitor to diagnose and solve real-world performance problems. This is a must-attend session for anyone who wants to harness the power of the GPU to increase application frame rate.

Speakers: Chris Niederauer, Dave Springer

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WWDC06 • Session 218

Building Multimedia Applications with QTKit

Graphics and Media • 1:06:24

Leverage the power and flexibility of QTKit to add advanced multimedia capabilities to your application. In this session, we will present practical, hands-on coverage of the QTKit framework, which offers a rich API for manipulating time-based media. Bring your laptop and follow along as we go deep in QTKit code.

Speaker: Tim Monroe

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WWDC06 • Session 219

Workflow Solutions for Final Cut Pro using XML

Graphics and Media • 42:51

Are you developing or supporting software for video or audio post production? Learn how to design and implement workflow solutions by using open data and media formats to extend Final Cut Pro. This session describes the new features and enhancements to the Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format, shows how to use metadata with QuickTime movie files, and discusses the extensions to Final Cut Pro that allow tighter integration with custom applications. You'll get the most out of this session if you are familiar with XML and QuickTime, but knowledge of these is not required.

Speakers: David Black, Helena Ju

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WWDC06 • Session 220

High-Performance QuickTime Video Processing

Graphics and Media • 58:41

QuickTime leverages the latest graphics advancements of Mac OS X allowing your application to easily take advantage of key Mac OS X graphics technologies. Discover how to use the power of OpenGL, Core Video, and Core Image with your own rendering pipeline. Learn Visual Context best practices, modern ways to use QuickTime compression sessions, movie exporting to the iPod and much more. This is the ideal session for QuickTime developers looking to add next-generation capabilities to their applications.

Speakers: Ken Greenebaum, David Eldred, Frank Doepke

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WWDC06 • Session 221

Advanced Quartz Composer Development

Graphics and Media • 1:12:59

Quartz Composer is a powerful visual programming tool for utilizing graphics and animation on the Macintosh. With Quartz Composer you can easily explore the graphics stack in Mac OS X. Mac OS X Leopard brings a number of new APIs as well as the ability to write custom ""patches"" for use in your compositions, allowing you to take Quartz Composer further than it's ever gone before. We'll demonstrate this new technology as well as advanced API techniques for integrating Quartz Composer technology into your application.

Speaker: Pierre-Olivier Latour

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 222

Extending Final Cut Studio with FxPlug

Graphics and Media • 52:57

The FxPlug SDK lets you create hardware-accelerated plug-ins for Final Cut Studio image processing. Join us for an in-depth exploration of this SDK to learn about new FxPlug features and new opportunities for plug-in developers.

Speakers: Dave Howell, Vijay Sundaram, Gabriele de Simone

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WWDC06 • Session 223

Modern QuickTime Audio Programming Techniques

Graphics and Media • 1:09:21

QuickTime integrated with Core Audio provides access to powerful professional-grade audio capabilities such as high sampling rates and resolutions, multiple channel layouts, and sample-accurate synchronization. If you want to modernize the existing audio capabilities of your QuickTime application or take advantage of the spectacular audio capabilities in QuickTime, this session is for you.

Speakers: Sayli Benadikar, Brad Ford

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 235

Advances in Application Printing

Graphics and Media • 41:48

Come learn how you can fully utilize Mac OS X's printing architecture to create fantastic printed output from your application. You'll learn how to customize the printing experience using Print Dialog Extensions which extend base printing functionality to meet your application's needs. A valuable session for all application developers who are looking to create a great printing experience.

Speakers: Paul Danbold, Alan Beck

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WWDC06 • Session 237

Exploring the Common Unix Printing System

Graphics and Media • 56:20

The Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) forms the basis of the Mac OS X printing architecture. Hear how Mac OS X integrates the latest version of CUPS to extend the capabilities and performance of the printing system. Developers of advanced printing applications, printer drivers, and printer management software will not want to miss this information-packed session.

Speaker: Mike Sweet

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 300

Development Tools State of the Union

Development Tools • 1:24:48

With the move to Universal Binaries, more developers than ever are building their products with Xcode. Hear about the latest important features in Apple's developer tools and gain insight into what's next from Apple management and key members of the tools engineering team. Learn how Xcode will continue to make you a more productive developer.

Speakers: Ted Goldstein, Ken Case, Andreas Wendker, Jeff Glasson, Todd Fernandez, Brent Shank, James Dempsey

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WWDC06 • Session 301

Welcome to Xcode

Development Tools • 49:36

Xcode is the integrated development environment for Mac OS X. It includes everything that you need to build software for Mac OS X from the basic IDE to advanced debugging and performance tools. The centerpiece is the Xcode application, which provides an elegant, powerful user interface for creating and managing software development projects on Mac OS X. Learn the basics of Xcode's features and workflow, and see how you can use Xcode to make your development easier.

Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Chris Hanson, Rick Ballard

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WWDC06 • Session 302

Objective-C 2.0 Overview

Development Tools • 1:01:08

Objective-C has proven itself through the years thanks to the language's dynamic runtime, powerful features, and elegant syntax. Objective-C 2.0 takes advantage of what we've learned about language design over the past 20 years to leap further ahead in productivity. Learn about compelling new language features, including new keywords and language ""properties.

Speakers: Matt Formica, Blaine Garst, Patrick Beard, Greg Parker

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WWDC06 • Session 303

"GCC, C++, and You"

Development Tools • 42:22

GCC is the powerful open-source compiler in Xcode that's used to build Mac OS X and thousands of third-party applications written in C, C++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++. Learn about the latest updates to GCC, and gain an in-depth understanding of advanced GCC C++ runtime behavior, including symbol hiding, overriding new and delete operators, and more.

Speaker: Geoff Keating

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 304

Xcode: Streamlining Your Workflow

Development Tools • 57:46

The Xcode IDE is the center of Apple's development environment and it's constantly being refined to give you a more elegant and powerful user experience. Xcode 3.0 adds several new features including enhancements to the editor, more intuitive and powerful context-sensitive presentation of information, and other innovations to help give you more insight into your application and push your code to the next level. Learn how to improve your productivity with Xcode's new capabilities.

Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Dave Ewing, Matt Morse, Scott Tooker

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WWDC06 • Session 305

Objective-C 2.0 In-Depth

Development Tools • 56:19

Some of Objective-C 2.0's new features can change the way you think about the architecture of your Cocoa application. This session will focus in-detail on how to design for garbage collection, as well as other advanced Objective-C 2.0 features such as enhanced method dispatch.

Speaker: Blaine Garst

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 306

Xcode: Creating Complex Projects

Development Tools • 1:14:16

Complex applications often require complex Xcode projects. Xcode's user interface and build system are designed to help you cope with complexity in target organization, settings, SDKs, and project references. Learn practical strategies and step-by-step procedures for managing your growing application with Xcode.

Speaker: Anders Bertelrud

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 308

Debugging with Xcode

Development Tools • 44:29

The Xcode debugger makes it possible to rapidly discover the source of bugs in your program and track data flow over time. You'll learn how to develop more efficiently by taking advantage of powerful debugging features in Xcode.

Speakers: Chris Friesen, Stan Shebs

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WWDC06 • Session 309

Using Performance Analysis and Debugging Tools on Mac OS X

Development Tools • 1:01:10

The first step in optimization is understanding where your application is using resources. Learn to use Shark and other tools to understand application flow, analyze what your code is doing, and take the necessary measurements so you can make your application run lean and fast.

Speakers: Dave Payne, Rick Altherr, Ryan Du Bois

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WWDC06 • Session 310

A Practical Approach to Software Testing

Development Tools • 1:04:58

Software testing, despite its obvious importance, is often neglected and frequently the first thing to go when budgets get tight. Automation can help you make the most of scarce testing resources, but it can be difficult to know where to start and how best to focus your efforts. This session offers practical information about different types of testing so you can decide which are relevant for you, as well as ideas on how to get started with automation.

Speaker: Doug Simons

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 311

Interface Builder Techniques

Development Tools • 1:07:36

Interface Builder is the ultimate visual design tool for creating Mac OS X user interfaces. Learn about the latest enhancements to Interface Builder and discuss best practices for building, debugging, and localizing user interfaces.

Speakers: Kelly Keenan, Chris Pavicich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 312

Using Intel Software Development Products for Mac OS X

Development Tools • 59:03

The Intel Fortran Compiler and Intel C++ Compiler work with the Intel Math Kernel Library and Intel Integrated Performance Primitives to help produce high-performance scientific and media applications. Discover how these tools integrate with Xcode, allowing you to produce code that takes advantage of the multi-core features of the Intel Core Duo processor. Watch live as sample application is taken through the steps needed to become fully vectorized, connected with key performance routines, and optimized.

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WWDC06 • Session 313

Introducing Dashcode

Development Tools • 1:11:15

Introducing Dashcode, the new Dashboard Widget development tool from Apple. Dashcode is the center of widget authoring, giving you one place to assemble a user interface, author code, and debug your widget. You'll also learn how to make your own Dashcode templates and work with existing Widgets.

Speakers: Tim Bumgarner, Max Drukman, Han-Ming Ong

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WWDC06 • Session 315

Using AppleScript Studio

Development Tools • 1:05:39

AppleScript Studio enables you to create full-featured Mac OS X applications using AppleScript. Learn how AppleScript Studio can help you to turn a script into a full-fledged application, or even build a new application from scratch.

Speaker: Todd Fernandez

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 316

Using Xray

Development Tools • 58:42

Advanced debugging requires a complete understanding of your application: its memory usage, tracing events, performance impact, and the relationship to user actions. Xcode's new visualization and tracing tool integrates many of today's familiar performance tools along with a new Mac OS X version of Dtrace to provide unparalleled insight into the behavior and performance of your application. This session will show you how to get the most out of your code using this revolutionary new tool.

Speaker: Steve Lewallen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 317

Integrating Custom Views with Interface Builder

Development Tools • 47:34

Interface Builder enables you to design your user interface quickly using a wealth of components provided by Mac OS X. You can also package your own user interface elements to integrate with those from the system frameworks. Learn how to drag, connect, and configure your own views and controls in Interface Builder and easily share them with other developers as custom palettes.

Speakers: Jon Hess, Matt Firlik

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 319

Xcode: Accelerating Development of Complex Projects

Development Tools • 28:03

Xcode delivers a number of features designed to help you build complex projects quickly. Distributed builds are essential for accelerating your project compile times, and this session will help you gain an understanding of the latest techniques to configure and optimize your own distributed build systems. Topics will also include strategies for maximizing the value of configuration files, integrating Xcode projects into automated build and testing systems, and using Subversion to automatically trigger building and testing of a complex project.

Speaker: Bill Bumgarner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 320

Refactoring in Xcode

Development Tools • 54:29

Xcode in Leopard introduces refactoring for Objective-C, a powerful way to help you improve the readability and maintainability of your codebase through automated transformations. Learn about the variety of refactoring operations that Xcode supports, and gain an understanding of how to use Xcode's new capabilities.

Speakers: Robert Bowdidge, Andrew Pontious

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WWDC06 • Session 400

What's New in the Kernel

OS Foundations • 43:52

The kernel is the heart of Mac OS X, providing the memory management and processing primitives that support the rest of the system. Come learn about how the kernel is being supercharged for Leopard with support for new processors and smarter algorithms.

Speaker: John Wright

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WWDC06 • Session 403

Login and Authentication: Mac OS X's New Front Door

OS Foundations • 29:44

An extensible authentication mechanism is a cornerstone of system security, allowing users to identify themselves with more than just a username & password. Mac OS X makes it easy for developers to provide new modes of authentication such as biometrics, or token storage devices that integrate with all of the authentication-related components of the system. With Mac OS X Leopard, a new plugin mechanism allows developers to easily add their solutions to the Mac OS X login experience.

Speaker: Kevin Armstrong

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 404

Writing Drivers for Mac OS X: An Introduction to the I/O Kit

OS Foundations • 58:03

The I/O Kit handles most of the heavy lifting of driver development in Mac OS X. Learn when to use (and when not to use) the I/O Kit, and gain a deeper understanding of how the I/O Kit models hardware and I/O connections. Discover how to take advantage of the I/O Kit's powerful in-kernel and user-space APIs, whether you're bringing a new device to Mac OS X or developing an application to access an existing device.

Speakers: Dean Reece, Nik Gervae

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WWDC06 • Session 405

64-bit I/O Kit Drivers for Large-Memory Systems

OS Foundations • 46:08

Learn how new I/O Kit features let driver writers perform DMA operations in a way that's compatible with systems containing large amounts of physical memory. We'll also discuss how EFI works and how to decide whether your device needs an EFI device driver.

Speakers: Simon Douglas, Curtis Galloway

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 406

Maximizing the Performance of Resource-Hungry Applications

OS Foundations • 1:05:21

All software developers want great performance, but users of resource-hungry products in the scientific, content-creation, and enterprise realms demand it. To optimize your application for the best possible perfomance on Mac OS X, you need to understand the low-level details of how the system manages memory, threads, and I/O. Come find out how to use Apple's tools, methodologies, and APIs to track, analyze, and optimize the performance of your most demanding applications

Speaker: Mike Smith

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 407

Service Discovery with Bonjour

OS Foundations • 52:17

Bonjour--Apple's implementation of standards-compliant, zero-configuration networking--is essential for anyone developing applications or devices that need to communicate over a network. Discover the latest on how to use the Mac OS X, Windows, and Open Source implementations of Bonjour for both local and wide-area service discovery.

Speaker: Stuart Cheshire

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 408

Performance Optimization for Intel-Based Macs

OS Foundations • 42:53

Optimize your performance-sensitive applications with guidance from Intel's performance engineers. Discover how to take advantage of the Intel SIMD (SSE/SSE2/SSE3) instruction set and other features of the Intel architecture. The session will emphasize moving PowerPC-optimized code--including highly-tuned Velocity Engine routines--to the Intel architecture. Additional in-depth coverage on the use of Intel's compilers will help you round out your optimization toolkit.

Speakers: Justin Landon, Phil Kerly

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WWDC06 • Session 409

I/O Technologies Overview: Best Practices for Driver Development

OS Foundations • 52:55

I/O Kit, the driver development framework in Mac OS X, provides a number of families that make it easy to develop state-of-the-art drivers for FireWire, USB, PCI Express, and ExpressCard devices. Come learn how Apple's own driver writers use I/O Kit, Xcode, and related Mac OS X technologies to handle issues impacting driver development.

Speakers: Rhoads Hollowell, Rob Yepez, Ethan Bold, Eric Anderson

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WWDC06 • Session 410

Designing Standards-Based Devices

OS Foundations • 1:11:18

Designing standards-compliant devices for the Mac OS X platform is a huge win for both developers and users. Learn what it takes to make your products work out-of-the-box with Mac OS X, without requiring custom drivers. You'll learn about how to design mass storage, audio, video, and communication products to work seamlessly with FireWire and USB.

Speakers: Kai Kaahaaina, Fernando Urbina, Russ Winsper, Torrey Walker, Eric Anderson

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WWDC06 • Session 411

Designing for Security

OS Foundations • 1:03:35

Mac OS X is the first mass-market operating system built from the ground up with security in mind. Discover how to utilize best practices for key management, code execution, default configuration, and controlled execution in your secure application or network service. If your application manages sensitive data, provides a network service, or accesses the network, you can't afford to miss this session.

Speakers: Simon Cooper, Conrad Sauerwald

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 412

Developing and Porting UNIX Applications on Mac OS X

OS Foundations • 46:04

Mac OS X supports a rich and evolving set of POSIX-based APIs that make it easy to write, port, and run UNIX software on the Macintosh. Discover Mac idioms and delve into best practices and APIs that will be of great value to anyone who wants to build on the UNIX-based foundations of Mac OS X.

Speaker: Kevin Van Vechten

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 413

Signed Applications

OS Foundations • 1:03:16

Mac OS X Leopard will provide support for identifying applications by digital signatures. Various OS features will make use of this identification to base trust decisions for the user. Come to this session to learn about the tools available on the system to sign applications, Apple's Strategy for signed applications, and to see how features make use of this new capability.

Speaker: Perry "the Cynic" Kiehtreiber

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 414

Daemon Wrangling with Launchd

OS Foundations • 34:28

If you write software that runs in the background, you need to become best friends with launchd. Introduced in Tiger, launchd provides a central facility for managing all the various daemons and timed services on your machine. Sysadmins and service developers alike will gain a deeper understanding of the how to utilize the full power of launchd.

Speakers: Dave Zarzycki, Kevin Van Vechten

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WWDC06 • Session 415

What's New In The File System

OS Foundations • 1:01:07

If you read or write lots of files, or care about the precise way your data is laid out on disk, you'll want to attend this session. This is the best place to find out about the latest features of Mac OS X's filesystem architecture. We will cover change notification, 64-bit inodes, extended attributes, ACLs, ""safe save"", and the other APIs, formats, and structures you need to know to make optimal use of Mac OS X's many filesystems

Speakers: Deric Horn, Dominic Giampaolo

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WWDC06 • Session 416

Token-Based Authentication Using Smart Cards

OS Foundations • 43:27

Today's high-security systems combine traditional password-based authentication with novel token-based mechanisms such as smart cards. Tiger extended the powerful keychain services at the heart of Mac OS X to work with smart cards and other types of tokens. Learn about the different daemons, APIs, and plug-ins that make up the smart card ecosystem on Mac OS X. Find out more about creating smart-card aware applications, making resources on smart cards available through keychain services, and deploying smart-card based solutions.

Speaker: John Hurley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 418

DTrace: Kernel Logging Made Easy

OS Foundations • 46:18

DTrace, an open source project which provides insight into the interaction between your code and the OS kernel, is now available as part of Leopard. This session will explain how kernel developers can both take advantage of, and extend, DTrace's functionality to help debug and optimize low-level code.

Speaker: Terry Lambert

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WWDC06 • Session 419

X.509 Certificate Management in Mac OS X

OS Foundations • 46:52

Mac OS X Leopard provides a host of technologies for creating, managing, and using user X.509 certificates. This session will explain the various APIs, services, repositories, interfaces and protocols associated with digital identity, and how to make your application certificate-aware.

Speaker: Ken McLeod

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WWDC06 • Session 500

IT State of the Union

Information Technologies • 1:03:40

From the enterprise to the home office, Apple technologies add significant value to IT organizations of all sizes. Come kick-off the Information Technology track at WWDC 2006 with an overview of Apple's impact in corporate, education, scientific, and small business IT environments.

Speakers: Bud Tribble, Anton Harfmann, David Gohara, Michael Culbert, Greg Burns

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WWDC06 • Session 501

Mac OS X Server Overview

Information Technologies • 1:07:11

Each version of Mac OS X Server has made impressive leaps in functionality, compatibility, and support for open standards while continuing to offer the easiest and most powerful management tools. Leopard Server promises a giant step forward in capabilities and performance for deploying and managing Apple's industrial-strength server operating system. Hear from the architects of Leopard Server as they outline their design goals and major new features.

Speakers: Kazu Yanagihara, Jeff Michaud, Greg Vaughan, Mike Lopp, Red Dutta, Dave Thewlis, Chris LeCroy

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WWDC06 • Session 502

Java on Mac OS X Overview

Information Technologies • 1:10:30

Java is used everywhere on Mac OS X, from games to desktop applications to high-powered server clusters. Learn about Java on Mac OS X and how it leverages Intel-based processors, Mac OS X frameworks, and the Xcode development environment. You'll also learn about the latest releases of Java and gain valuable insights into the future of Java on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Francois Jouaux, James Gosling, Scott Violet, Mike Swingler, Mihailo Despotovic, Ben Galbraith, Lynne Salameh

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WWDC06 • Session 503

Mac OS X and Active Directory Integration

Information Technologies • 46:29

Through Open Directory, Macs can interact with Active Directory. Learn tips and techniques from Apple field engineers for implementing and integrating Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server into Active Directory environments.

Speakers: Ståle Bjordal, Michael Dhaliwal, Rick Lemmon

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WWDC06 • Session 504

Inside Leopard Calendaring Technologies

Information Technologies • 1:04:34

iCal Server and the new standards-based calendaring technologies of Leopard and Leopard Server promise to be a dramatic step forward for business collaboration based on Mac OS X Server. Learn about the development opportunities possible once resource and calendar sharing are driven by the open source and open standards technologies in Leopard Server, with powerful cross-platform features and easy to use administration. Developers, Integrators, and Solution Providers will gain insight into the architecture and development of iCal Server, the CalDAV standard it is based upon, and how to use these features.

Speakers: Chris LeCroy, Scott Adler, Mike Hay, Dave Thewlis, Grant Baillie, Jeffrey Harris

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WWDC06 • Session 505

Network File Systems

Information Technologies • 48:08

Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server support a veritable alphabet soup of network file systems out of the box, including AFP, SMB/CIFS for Windows, and NFS for UNIX. Discover the latest features of all these file systems, as well as how they interact with supporting technologies such as Kerberos and the automounter. If you are a system or network administrator working in a heterogeneous environment, come find out everything you need to know to have Macs interoperate with and provide services to your existing hardware and operating systems.

Speakers: Rusty Tucker, Brent Callaghan, Guy Harris, George Colley

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WWDC06 • Session 507

QuickTime Streaming for IT

Information Technologies • 1:07:48

Take advantage of QuickTime Streaming Server and QuickTime Broadcaster, both built in to Mac OS X Server. See a number of real-world streaming solutions using QuickTime services in conjunction with third-party tools. This session will help you get your internal stream for training or external stream for financial webcasts up and running in no time.

Speakers: George Cook, Steev Dinkins, Dave Schroeder

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WWDC06 • Session 508

Mixed Platform Messaging Solutions

Information Technologies • 38:04

IT departments in large organizations often need to provide messaging solutions to a broad range of desktop operating systems. Learn about the wide array of messaging environments where Mac OS X thrives as a client, in addition to the different heterogeneous messaging solutions hosted by Mac OS X Server.

Speaker: JD Mankovsky

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 509

What's New in Open Directory

Information Technologies • 37:10

In Leopard, Open Directory takes the next evolutionary step. Learn abou the new features and implementations of Open Directory and directory service integration, including coverage of single sign-on and network authentication with Kerberos.

Speaker: David O'Rourke

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WWDC06 • Session 510

Black Belt Java Debugging

Information Technologies • 1:09:34

The process involved in isolating and targeting bug reports from our Java developers reveals many insights. Apple's engineers will start with crashing Java applications and then walk you through stack traces and crash logs, hang trace logs, gdb, and crashreporter. Learn the tricks we have learned over the years to help isolate Java problems given only limited information, and see how to use the same tools we use at Apple to identify problems. In addition, find out how to make it easier for us to fix bugs that you find, and what you can expect from a Java Developer Preview.

Speakers: Mikey McDougall, Barry Langdon-Lassagne, Brett Groshong

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WWDC06 • Session 512

Performance and Graphics Tuning Your Java Application

Information Technologies • 1:09:49

Maximizing speed and performance is important for any application. See how Apple's Java engineers use powerful Mac OS X profiling tools such as Shark and Sampler to identify performance issues and then make the necessary corrections, resulting in better application performance. Bring your laptop and work along with the Java team.

Speakers: Viktor Miladinov, Chris Campbell, Rick Altherr

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WWDC06 • Session 513

Integrating iTunes U into Higher Education

Information Technologies • 32:26

Dive deep into the entire iTunes U workflow, from integration with authentication and authorization to media workflows. Get an overview of the iTunes U architecture and learn how iTunes U can be integrated into other web services, like C/LMSs and digital asset management systems. Then learn how iTunes U media service workflows are created and how to support publishing for iTunes U within your applications. This session is geared towards Higher Education IT and web service developers and provides a comprehensive overview for iTunes U development support and on-campus management.

Speakers: Eric Bailey, Jason Ediger

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WWDC06 • Session 514

Client Management with Leopard Server

Information Technologies • 1:03:26

Mac OS X Server Leopard will bring new and exciting manageability options to the Mac System Administrators and IT Staff. This session will introduce hierarchical group management with Workgroup Manager and Managed Client; Application Launch Restrictions (including management of Dashboard widgets); a version of System Image Utility with support for Automator workflows and command-line use and others. A thorough understanding of these new Mac OS X Server Leopard capabilities is a must for anyone deploying large numbers of Mac OS X Leopard systems.

Speakers: Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Bruce Gaya, Nick Heuser

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WWDC06 • Session 515

Introducing Teams

Information Technologies • 38:54

Leopard Server introduces productivity tools that help groups gather, track and coordinate resources, people and assets. With resources dynamically updated from a central repository groups and teams can seamlessly coordinate efforts and keep each other updated on their progress. We will explore these new productivity tools in-depth, and offer examples of how they can be used together.

Speakers: Mike Lopp, John Anderson

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WWDC06 • Session 516

Scripting for System Administrators

Information Technologies • 59:32

Automator, AppleScript Studio, and UNIX shell scripts can make managing your Mac OS X servers and clients a breeze. Learn how to create your own time-saving utilities for repetitive tasks using Automator, AppleScript Studio, Perl, shell scripts, and other languages accessible from the command line.

Speakers: Joel Rennich, Brian James, Nigel Kersten, Timothy Perfitt

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WWDC06 • Session 517

NetBoot for Large Networks

Information Technologies • 54:45

The NetBoot services built into Mac OS X Server allow system administrators to manage a group of computers as easily as managing a single computer. But what happens when that group grows to be several hundred or thousand? Discover how to scale your NetBoot environment beyond the traditional workgroup size from those who have done it before.

Speakers: Mike Bombich, Joel Rennich, Gavin Cook

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WWDC06 • Session 518

Inside Apple Remote Desktop 3

Information Technologies • 58:21

Apple Remote Desktop has evolved into a powerful system management and reporting platform. The latest version of Apple Remote Desktop makes it dramatically easier to distribute software, provide real-time help to your users and automate routine management chores. Find out how to put these features to use in different environments.

Speakers: Mike Lopp, Mark Whittemore, Steve Hayman

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WWDC06 • Session 519

WebObjects and Web 2.0

Information Technologies • 1:07:13

WebObjects provides the perfect foundation to build powerful Web 2.0 applications. You'll learn the latest techniques for integrating AJAX, Syndication, and other Web 2.0 technologies into your WebObjects applications.

Speakers: Daryl Lee, Mike Schrag, Max Muller, Francois Jouaux

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WWDC06 • Session 520

Eclipse Development on Mac OS X

Information Technologies • 1:00:21

Eclipse has quickly become one of the most widely used cross-platform Java development environments, and Apple has worked to significantly improve Eclipse performance and integration on Mac OS X. We will showcase some of the lastest advances including integration of Apple's AWT with the Eclipse Foundation's SWT project. We will show how other developers are integrating their AWT and Swing solutions into Eclipse and make the best Mac OS X Eclipse application. Bring your laptop.

Speakers: Daniel Steinberg, Steve Northover, Silenio Quarti, Scott Kovatch

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WWDC06 • Session 522

Scientific Clusters on Mac OS X Server and Xserve

Information Technologies • 1:03:06

Come hear from the experts who have deployed small to large scale HPC systems with a variety of technologies including Xgrid, Sun Grid Engine, Platform LSF and other tools to make scientific computing more powerful than before. Through practical configuration tips and live real-world demos you'll see how easy it is to operate high performace computing solutions on Apple software and hardware.

Speakers: Todd Dailey, Warner Yuen, Yusuf Abdulghani, Josh Durham

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WWDC06 • Session 523

Leopard Server as a Web Platform

Information Technologies • 58:36

Leopard Server ties together a broad range of standards based, web related technologies making it easier than ever to create and deploy your web solution. In this session we'll cover the tools available to you in Leopard Server, the related standards that are supported, and show you examples of how these powerful, integrated tools can be leveraged to quickly create dynamic and incredibly useful applications.

Speakers: Al Begley, Lionel Desai, Ernest Prabhakar, David Heinemeier Hansson

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WWDC06 • Session 524

Xsan Best Practices

Information Technologies • 1:14:23

Xsan and storage area networks can easily be tailored for use in a variety of configurations. Come to this session to learn best practices on SAN setup and configuration, Xsan deployment, and effective administration of your SAN.

Speaker: JD Mankovsky

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WWDC06 • Session 525

Managing Clients in Heterogenous Environments

Information Technologies • 47:35

Mac OS X clients can be deployed and managed in enterprise environments using third-party tools that support Mac OS X Server, Xserve, and Xserve RAID. See how real-life Apple customers use client management technologies to support their heterogeneous environments. If you are a system administrator or IT architect who needs to support multiple client platforms using Mac OS X, this session is for you.

Speaker: John DeTroye

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 526

Automating Apple Remote Desktop 3

Information Technologies • 37:15

With the addition of Automator support in Apple Remote Desktop 3, system adminstrators can streamline time-consuming administrative tasks. Discover the 30 Automator actions included with Apple Remote Desktop and see how to construct Automator workflows to reduce your routine management tasks.

Speakers: Tony Graham, Steve Hayman

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WWDC06 • Session 527

Smart Cards and Other Two-Factor Authentication Solutions

Information Technologies • 51:19

Two-factor authentication has become a necessity for many organizations. Learn how to implement two-factor authentication solutions on Mac OS X in a wide variety of server configurations.

Speaker: Shawn Geddis

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WWDC06 • Session 529

Advanced Troubleshooting for System Administrators

Information Technologies • 1:03:53

Mac OS X Server has an incredibly rich set of configuration and diagnostics options available. Find out what the optimal preference settings are to help prepare for the unexpected, and discover monitoring techniques that will make troubleshooting easier and more efficient. Learn from those who interact with system logs on a regular basis.

Speaker: Nicole Jacque

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 530

Deploying Oracle RAC 10g for Mac OS X Server

Information Technologies • 52:17

Oracle has introduced 10g for RAC on Mac OS X Server. Learn how to set up an Oracle RAC installation on Mac OS X Server directly from Oracle engineers. Discover tips and techniques to obtain the best performance from your Oracle 10g.

Speaker: Barb Lundhild

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 531

Podcasting with Mac OS X Server

Information Technologies • 33:43

As podcasting and the iPod have grown incredibly popular, the need to host, manage and deliver podcasting content has become more important than ever. Podcast Studio offers you a new and powerful toolset to manage and automate podcasting setup and deployment. We will discuss the features available and step through several examples of building workflows to take raw content from production stage through deployment.

Speakers: David O'Rourke, David Kramer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 532

WebObjects Deployment on Mac OS X Server

Information Technologies • 51:02

WebObjects is a powerful system to develop and deploy web applications and web services. Get the latest information on configuring and deploying your WebObjects applications on Mac OS X Server. Learn about tools and techniques for troubleshooting your WebObjects deployments. Find out how to make your transition to the latest version of Mac OS X Server as seamless as possible for your WebObjects applications.

Speaker: Mankit Sze

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 533

Inside Apple's Open Source Calendar Server

Information Technologies • 1:06:29

Apple's Open Source Calendar Server is group calendaring server project that Apple's new iCal Server is based upon. Learn all about the details of the open source project, the details of the CalDAV protocol, the structure of the code and how you can help to contribute to this exciting new open calendaring project.

Speakers: Wilfredo Sanchez, Cyrus Daboo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 536

Developing Xsan-Friendly Applications

Information Technologies • 41:32

Xsan has become the fastest-deployed SAN software ever -- and it becomes even more powerful when you integrate the Developer API directly into your application or environment. We will survey the Developer API in Xsan and offer examples, best practices, and cutting-edge techniques in how to use each.

Speaker: Jason Thorpe

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 537

64-bit Java JVM Exposed

Information Technologies • 1:07:14

What will you do with more than 4GB of memory available to your Java applications? The 64-bit environment is not only for servers anymore. You'll learn about migrating 32-bit Java applications to take full advantage of a 64-bit platform, and the performance implications of doing so. You will also learn about functionality available on the desktop and on the server. We'll discuss how the JVM optimizes your application and provide tips on programming practices that get the most from those optimizations.

Speakers: Victor Hernandez, Roger Hoover, Pratik Solanki

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 543

Develop and Deploy with Xgrid 2

Information Technologies • 44:37

Xgrid 2, part of Leopard and Leopard Server, makes Apple's groundbreaking distributed resource technology for clusters and grids more powerful and even easier to use. We will explore the newest features of Xgrid 2 while surveying best practices in building and deploying applications for your IT infrastructure, from loosely coupled 'ad hoc networks' to tightly integrated clusters.

Speakers: David Kramer, Steve Simon

Unlisted on Apple Developer site