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ID of session: wwdc2005-613
ID of event: wwdc2005
ID of session without event part: 613
Shortened ID of event: wwdc05
Year of session: 2005
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC05 • Session 613

Python on Mac OS X

Enterprise IT • 52:18

PyObjC is a bridge between Python and Objective-C. It allows you to write Python scripts that use and extend existing Objective-C class libraries, and most importantly, Cocoa libraries. Specific topics from the 1.2 release covered in this session are: py2app, macho_standalone, NSBundle features, KVO/KVC support, the new scanframework script, objc.inject(), and runtime editing.

Speakers: Bill Bumgarner, Bob Ippolito

Unlisted on Apple Developer site