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ID of session: wwdc2005-209
ID of event: wwdc2005
ID of session without event part: 209
Shortened ID of event: wwdc05
Year of session: 2005
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC05 • Session 209

Mac OS X Color Image Management Explained

Graphics and Media • 56:43

The growing prevalence of color digital media, such as digital photos, puts increasing pressure on applications to handle color correctly. Mac OS X takes a system-wide approach to managing color data by integrating ICC color management into all layers of the graphics stack. Attend this session to learn all aspects of Mac OS X color management capabilities from important automatic color matching behaviors found in Quartz 2D to direct manipulation of color profile information using ColorSync APIs. This is a must-attend session for developers looking to get great color results both on screen and in print.

Speakers: David Hayward, Luke Wallis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site