You've spent countless hours designing and developing your product. Now attend this Go-to-Market (GTM) session to learn why a strong GTM plan is critical to your market success. You'll discover the array of GTM services available from Apple, and will get expert answers on how best to bring your product to market. What's more, we'll share our experiences helping thousands of Mac developers around the world be successful in the marketplace.
Speakers: Christy Wyatt, Carl Smit, Eric Ronberg, Ed Prasek
Designed to help you get the most from your ADC membership, this session covers ADC resources and services, including many "hidden gems" you need to know about. Learn tips for using ADC technical resources, like documentation, code samples, and more, as well as how to take advantage of go-to-market opportunities available through Apple. You'll get an expert tour aimed at making you a more efficient and innovative developer.
Speakers: Paul Kopacki, Melina Kirsch, Mike Korte, Ed Prasek
During this session, we'll take a well-known Mac OS X application and update it to run on an Intel-based Macintosh. We'll also give you tips, offer hints, and describe building, testing, and debugging in detail.
Surprise and delight your customers with an elegant user experience. Learn about the latest techniques and design methodologies being used to build the best looking, easiest to use applications for Mac OS X. We'll use sample products to demonstrate how to design the best menus, dialogs, and windows.
Learn how to create a Spotlight plug-in to make your custom file format searchable by Spotlight. We'll show you how to write a Spotlight plug-in to export information from a basic file, create custom keys that the Finder can display, and debug your plug-in.
Cocoa, with its mature, object-oriented APIs, intuitive design paradigms, and powerful built-in functionality, is the ideal framework for rapid application development on Mac OS X Tiger. This session will cover important trends in Cocoa development, key advances for Tiger, and the state of Cocoa today. You'll learn about techniques and advances you may have overlooked before, and get a better understanding of how to structure your application. See how you can take advantage of all that Cocoa has to offer.
Speakers: Matt Formica, Ali Ozer, Andreas Wendker, Mike Rossetti
The easiest way for your application to work with Automator is for it to be scriptable. Most of the effort required involves defining your application's dictionary, which contains the various commands and classes accessible to AppleScript. Learn how to design a dictionary for a sample application, how to define a well-designed scripting interface for your own application, and how to specify the dictionary in the new sdef format.
Modernize the way you search for files in your application by leveraging the Spotlight Query APIs in Mac OS X Tiger. Watch and code along as we write a sample application, integrating Spotlight search capabilities and enabling complex queries on the Spotlight data store.
Learn about the latest improvements in the HIToolbox framework in Mac OS X Tiger. This session will demonstrate the most recent features including HIArchive, performance advances with deferred updates, HIShape support, new features in HITextView, and more.
Learn about the new tools for creating packages that will make your product's installer more powerful and easier to build. Installer engineers will walk you through creating an example package that gets progressively more complex, demonstrating and explaining new features introduced in Tiger such as File Version Checking and distribution scripts.
Key features of Tiger such as Spotlight, Automator, and Launch Services take advantage of the Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) technology. This session discusses how to leverage UTIs in your code in order to achieve seamless integration with Mac OS X. We'll give an update on new the Launch Services APIs available in Tiger and also cover some of the "nuts and bolts" details of interacting with the Launch Services database.
The VoiceOver spoken interface provides a new way to access the Mac for users with visual impairments. We'll cover the VoiceOver navigation model, testing techniques, verification tools, and Accessibility API you can use to make your Carbon application accessible. Government and education customers require solutions that meet the needs of their disabled users. Learn how to meet these customer requirements.
By using Tiger's Accelerate framework (the high performance math library), your application can access the power of Mac hardware without having to vectorize your code. This hands-on session will walk you through different scenarios using the Accelerate framework, including BLAS/LAPACK, vForce, vDSP and vImage. This is a must-attend session if you're doing anything with math.
Learn how HITextView can replace custom text controls in your application and easily handle Unicode text, advanced typography, URLs and multimedia content. Hands-on demonstrations will take you step-by-step through code to show how you can maximize HITextView's benefits to your application.
In this hands-on session we will walk step-by-step through the dictionary designed in the "Designing a Scripting Interface" session. We'll focus primarily on Cocoa scripting; however, Carbon scripting techniques and issues will be addressed. Learn what you need to know to implement a scripting interface for your application.
Cocoa bindings can dramatically simplify your UI code and improve your application's interface and data consistency. Learn how to use bindings as we walk through example code to illustrate how bindings (the "Controller layer") work, how to configure them within Interface Builder, and how to handle common cases in code.
This hands-on session will provide you with the techniques you need to make a great Dashboard Widget on Mac OS X Tiger. We'll discuss Widget UI design and explain, using sample code, how to implement scrollers and other common Widget interface elements.
Watch and code along as we build a fully featured custom HIView. We'll develop an HIView starting with basic Carbon Events and progress to advanced features such as Accessibility, Text Input, and Drag-and-Drop.
Move beyond the default document handling capabilities of Cocoa. Learn how to properly customize and extend Cocoa's document classes to support multiple windows displaying views of a single document, displaying data from multiple documents within a single window, advanced error handling, plugins, and much more.
Enhance your application with collaboration, workflow, and security features enabled by the new .Mac SDK 2. This session will present examples and sample code using the latest features of the .Mac SDK.
The Safari Web Kit framework has been released under an open source license, joining WebCore and JavaScriptCore. Learn how you can use Web Kit, the new CVS repository, new bug database and other resources made available today at
Speakers: Darin Adler, David Hyatt, Maciej Stachowiak
Don't miss this hands-on session where we will show you how to transform a simple application into a feature-rich application optimized for Tiger by adding Spotlight searching, language localization, scripting, and much more. Bring your laptop!
Mac OS X Tiger features a new, high-performance synchronization engine that you can use with your application to keep your user's data in sync across all their computers and mobile devices. Learn how to implement Sync Services to synchronize your application's data between computers and with other applications. Bring your laptop to follow along and add this new functionality to your application.
Core Data dramatically simplifies development by handling the management of your application's data objects, both in memory and on disk, allowing you to focus on your application's logic. Learn about Core Data's architecture as we walk though code examples and use Xcode's design and modeling tools to build Core Data-based applications.
Using multithreading can significantly boost the performance and responsiveness of your application, particularly on multiprocessor Macs. Take a closer look at the threading models on Mac OS X, and learn how to leverage the threading architecture using the Carbon, Cocoa, and pthread multiprocessing APIs.
The VoiceOver spoken interface provides a new way to access the Mac for users with visual impairments. We'll cover the VoiceOver navigation model, testing techniques, verification tools, and Accessibility API you can use to make your Cocoa application accessible. Government and education customers require solutions that meet the needs of their disabled users. Learn how to meet these customer requirements.
In this hands-on session, we'll expand on the basics of Core Data by walking you through a series of examples to demonstrate how you can use Core Data to manage data effectively in your application. From data models to Interface Builder bindings to managed object context initialization, you'll discover practical techniques for using this compelling new Tiger technology in your application.
In this hands-on session we will take you step-by-step through creating an Automator Action using AppleScript, AppleScript Studio, and Cocoa Bindings. You will learn everything you need to know to create Automator Actions using AppleScript for your own application.
Wondering how to integrate Bonjour or Soap into your Cocoa application? How about other Cocoa networking solutions and APIs? Learn which APIs are the right ones to use to optimize your Cocoa networking implementation.
Unleash the power of the CFNetwork and NSURL APIs in your application. Learn to manage network authentication for accessing secure sites and proxies, add Network Diagnostic support in your application through the new CFNetDiagnostic APIs, and ensure that your application deals well with a wide variety of network configurations.
Bring your laptop for this hands-on session focussed on extending the capabilities of your Widget beyond what is possible with simple HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. You will learn to use Cocoa to access the powerful core technologies in Mac OS X from your Widget.
Design and build web content to take advantage of the new features of Safari 2.0. We'll focus on standards-based web development to ensure compatiblity, dive into Safari's custom elements, learn about the new XSLT support, and explain the benefits of the extended plug-in model. We'll also demonstrate how to add rich user-editable elements to your pages and add auto-detect for Safari RSS.
Speakers: Vicki Murley, Adele Peterson, Kevin Decker
Gain an in-depth understanding about the new bindings capabilities in Cocoa for Mac OS X Tiger. You'll learn advanced binding techniques, selection handling, value transformers, master-detail configurations, how to establish bindings programmatically, and other advanced techniques.
Learn how to create an Automator Action using Objective C, Cocoa, and Cocoa Bindings in this hands-on session. You will learn everything you need to know to create your own Automator Actions using Cocoa.
This high-level introduction to AppleScript is designed for C, C++, and Java programmers. You will learn how to take advantage of AppleScript using programming methods already familiar to you from these other languages.
Make your application ready for new markets by designing with the world in mind. Learn how to take advantage of Mac OS X's robust suite of international technologies to support languages and regions around the world. We'll focus on Unicode text support, international date and number formatting, and language localization issues.
Speakers: Lee Collins, John Jenkins, Deborah Goldsmith
Advanced Core Data techniques will be covered in depth. Learn how to implement multi-store techniques for writing data to multiple places on disk per document, create custom stores, manage object context migration, build models in code, thread Core Data implementations, and much more.
Learn through coding examples designed to show you how to implement advanced Cocoa graphics techniques. The emphasis will be on the new capabilities in Tiger, such as drawing redirection, NSAnimation, live resizing, view binding, and more.
Mac OS X contains an industry-leading array of 2D, 3D, and multimedia technologies to help your application outperform and differentiate itself from the competition. Come find out the latest Mac OS X Tiger has to offer, and learn how Mac OS X's graphics and media capabilities can revolutionize the performance and capabilities of your application.
Speakers: Tim Schaaff, Peter Graffagnino, Michael Johnson, Ean Golden
QuickTime 7 adds powerful audio enhancements through the adoption of Core Audio, providing access to higher sample rates and resolutions, multiple channel layouts, and sample accurate synchronization. Learn how you can leverage QuickTime 7's new audio features and capabilities in your own applications. If you are into high-performance multimedia and sound, you don't want to miss this session.
Core Image, an innovative new Mac OS X Tiger technology, provides high performance, floating-point image processing services. By harnessing the tremendous pixel processing power of the GPU or Velocity Engine, Core Image performs complex per-pixel imaging operations at blistering speeds to create spectacular visual effects and transitions. Code along as we show you how to add image processing to your own application using any of 100 built-in effects, or create your own custom algorithms and deploy them as Image Units. This is a must-experience session for developers of image enhancement software, video effects systems, color management solutions, and scientific visualization packages.
The powerful capabilities of Core Audio, Mac OS X's world-class audio architecture, are easily extended through the creation of Audio Units. Audio Units can generate, modify, or amplify audio data to perform basic audio processing tasks or create amazing aural environments. Bring your laptop to this hands-on session and learn the steps to create and validate Audio Units and integrate them into your media application.
Quartz Composer is a powerful visual programming tool for anyone developing graphics-based applications. With Quartz Composer you can easily explore the graphics stack in Mac OS X. Bring your laptop and learn how to create dynamic multimedia effects and animations and easily reuse them in your application with Cocoa. We'll cover all aspects of Quartz Composer, but will focus primarily on demonstrating how you can use Compositions within your own applications.
Looking to create thrilling multi-channel 3D audio experiences in your application? Check out OpenAL, a multi-platform audio API that is perfect for games and advanced media applications. Leveraging the power of Core Audio, Tiger's built-in OpenAL implementation provides high-quality, low-overhead environmental audio that is compatible with a wide-range of audio devices. Learn how easy it is to integrate OpenAL into your application and take your audio to the next dimension.
This session covers a wide gamut of issues related to developing and delivering world-class games on Mac OS X. We'll focus on the key technology ingredients required for game development on Mac OS X, including programming best practices, third-party game technologies, business issues, and successful go-to-market strategies. This is a required session for anyone interested in game development on the Mac.
QuickTime 7 seamlessly leverages the latest graphics advancements of Mac OS X. Learn about QuickTime 7's own rendering pipeline and how you can use the power of the new Visual Context together with Core Video, Core Image and OpenGL to create amazing video applications. Also learn how to directly access the core media technologies to customize your own powerful rendering pipelines.
QuickTime 7 supports advanced video coding formats such as H.264. With this major advancement you'll need to take a new approach when creating, editing and working with media samples. Learn how to handle H.264 and other advanced formats in your application, including how to leverage new APIs for compression, decompression, and synchronization.
The growing prevalence of color digital media, such as digital photos, puts increasing pressure on applications to handle color correctly. Mac OS X takes a system-wide approach to managing color data by integrating ICC color management into all layers of the graphics stack. Attend this session to learn all aspects of Mac OS X color management capabilities from important automatic color matching behaviors found in Quartz 2D to direct manipulation of color profile information using ColorSync APIs. This is a must-attend session for developers looking to get great color results both on screen and in print.
Delivering software solutions for photographic and prepress professionals? Learn how you can take advantage of Mac OS X imaging technologies to create industry-leading products. We'll cover the fine details on how to support digital cameras and scanners with Image Capture, how to ensure proper ICC color profile handling using ColorSync, and how to open/save images with metadata using ImageIO. Learn how to take your application to the next level of performance and capability.
QuickTime 7 in Tiger introduces QTKit, a new robust Cocoa framework for accessing QuickTime. The QTKit framework provides a set of Objective-C APIs that make it simple to add movie playback, editing, and importing and exporting, and more. We'll go hands on and show you how to use QTKit to unleash the power of QuickTime in your Cocoa application.
Speakers: Tim Monroe, Gary Flint, Tom Maremaa, Michael Johnson
The Mac OS X printing system integrates key technologies such as Quartz 2D, PDF, and ColorSync to ensure high-quality, device-independent printing. Learn how your Mac OS X application can take full advantage of these capabilities and also deliver flexible printing features and exceptional output quality.
Understanding how to take advantage of Mac OS X's PDF capabilities is important for all application developers. Learn how Quartz 2D and PDF Kit benefit your application by giving easy access to the robust graphics and final form document capabilities of the PDF format. Also learn how Mac OS X's PDF-based printing architecture can increase the features and capabilities of your application via its PDF Workflow feature. Don't miss the opportunity to harness the power of PDF in your application.
In this hands-on session, the Mac OS X OpenGL team will explain the latest techniques to optimize your application's OpenGL usage. All aspects of optimization will be covered including vertex and texture submission, elimination of redundant copies of data, and ideal pixel formats. Threading tips and techniques will also be discussed. Code along with live demonstrations of the OpenGL Profiler and Driver Monitor, and discover how to solve real-world performance problems. You'll learn to maximize your use of the GPU to increase your application's frame rate.
Make your Carbon application's graphics shine by moving them from QuickDraw to the modern, powerful Quartz 2D graphics engine. Bring your laptop to this hands-on session and learn techniques to convert your existing application drawing code over to Quartz 2D. You'll also learn how to take advantage of Quartz 2D's extensive capabilities to deliver enhanced functionality. This is a must-attend session for all Carbon application developers with QuickDraw dependencies. Learn how to move beyond gWorlds, CopyBits, and VisRgns to a whole new world of modern 2D graphics functionality.
Bring your laptop and learn the latest techniques to ensure your application's 2D drawing makes the most effective use of Mac OS X's visual pipeline. We'll cover high-performance drawing, optimized screen updates, and how to avoid unnecessary graphics overhead. Although we'll focus on best practices with Quartz 2D, this session also contains practical information on the entire visual pipeline--valuable for all application developers. Whether you're a Carbon graphics whiz or a NSImage master, come to this session to learn how to optimize your application's graphics.
This session will provide you with the basic information you need to begin writing plug-ins for Shake, Apple's high-end visual FX and compositing software. It will start with a quick conceptual overview of Shake's dependency graph architecture and advanced rendering engine, and then focus in on how to write image processing plug-ins using the C++ base classes that comprise Shake's API. Familiarity with C++ and image processing applications is recommended, but not required.
Today's video production pipelines demand support for complex workflows. In response to this demand, Apple's Final Cut Pro leads the industry in providing a fully open project interchange format via XML. This session will provide an in-depth look into this interchange format and show real-world workflow implementation approaches and developer opportunities using Mac OS X Tiger's rich tool set.
In this session we will introduce FxPlug, the new SDK for quickly creating hardware accelerated filters and generators for the Apple Production Suite. We will demonstrate building and running a filter in Xcode using FxPlug templates, and show how to use Apple's Core Image framework to write hardware accelerated plug-ins on Tiger. We will also show off the results from several developers that have already created new FxPlug plug-ins, and we'll demonstrate them in Motion.
In this session we will discuss the new FxPlug SDK in detail. We will demonstrate how to create custom UI controls using NSViews, and how to implement OpenGL on screen controls which will enable you to create highly interactive and easy-to-use filters and generators in
Apple's Xcode Tools is the premier development environment for Mac OS X--after all, it's what Apple engineers use to build the operating system. You'll hear from key engineering managers and see important new Xcode features for Tiger, as well as get a roadmap of Xcode plans. Learn how Apple's tools will benefit your development.
Speakers: Ted Goldstein, Chris Espinosa, Kevin Smith, Matt Formica
Xcode 2.1 provides a variety of new features that help smooth the transition from other environments, as well as provide powerful new productivity capabilities. Come hear all about them!
Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Scott Tooker, Chris Hanson
See how Xcode can improve your development process. Learn the basics of Xcode's impressive core feature set, time-saving tips for moving your codebase into Xcode, and strategies for managing C/C++ compiler differences. Bring your laptop to this session where you'll get hands-on experience migrating a project to Xcode.
Xcode has many advanced features designed to make your development more productive. This session will help current Xcode users get the most out of Xcode. You'll learn the best ways to structure your projects, how to get maximum build performance, and much more.
Xcode 2's new compiler, gcc 4.0, offers great benefits such as faster compilation speeds, better code generation, and 64-bit support. We'll cover each of gcc 4.0's new capabilities in detail, in addition to talking about techniques for moving from gcc 3.3 (the default compiler in Panther). Learn how to take advantage of all gcc has to offer.
AppleScript Studio is a set of professional application development tools that enable you to create full-featured Mac OS X applications using AppleScript. In this session, we will walk you through AppleScript Studio's most interesting features, such as toolbar support and easier-to-use data views, and teach you how to use these features to add exciting functionality to your AppleScript Studio applications.
Shark 4 is an extremely powerful performance analysis tool you can't afford to ignore. In this hands-on session, you will learn how to use Shark's capabilities to obtain maximum performance from your application. Bring your laptop and walk through key Shark workflows with us and learn how to use useful features such as time profiling, memory and function tracing, data mining, and VM fault profiling.
Your industrial-strength project needs the industrial-strength features of Xcode. Build multiple versions of products, create project trees, automatically set version numbers, and synchronize project changes among multiple engineers. We'll cover the advanced use of the SCM build system, and scripting features of the Xcode IDE.
Learn to debug and locate memory leaks in your application. You will learn valuable tips and tricks for identifying, analyzing, and squashing these common bugs. We'll also provide a valuable walk-through of a few sample applications using Shark, setenv commands, and more.
Bonjour gives applications and networked devices the ability to easily advertise and discover each other on the network. Learn how to use Bonjour in your products with programming examples for Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows. We'll also cover how to work with Bonjour using a wide variety of languages, including C, Cocoa, Java, and Ruby. This session is a must for any device with a network interface or application that uses the network.
Make your applications more secure: Apple's engineers will guide you through the best techniques to use when writing applications. Learn about emerging security threats, how to handle data, avoid common coding pitfalls, and system services for security.
Speakers: Ron Dumont, Richard Murphy, Aaron Sigel, Simon Cooper
Smart Card support has been greatly expanded in Mac OS X Tiger. Smart Cards offer a great way to store certificates, which can then be used by your applications, as well as by Mail and Safari. Apple's engineers will show you how to access Smart Cards from applications and how to write 'tokend' plug-ins to interface your Smart Card to Mac OS X.
FireWire provides power and performance for camcorders, scanners, printers, the iPod, and a wide range of other products. In this session we'll talk about the more sophisticated aspects of FireWire communication, hardware bring up, accessing FireWire devices from applications, and writing drivers. Apple's engineers will also demonstrate the tools they use in their own FireWire development, including PHYTool, FireBug, and FireCracker. If you develop FireWire hardware products, write drivers, or access devices from your application, you need to attend this session.
Learn I/O Kit driver best practices and how to handle common challenges in this in-depth session on working with I/O Kit. In addition, Apple's engineers will demonstrate the new diagnostic tools and logging support available in Tiger.
The File System APIs in Mac OS X give applications the ability to control access, watch for changes in files, and modify attributes. Learn about the file permissions model using ACLs, monitoring the file system using kauth, Extended Attributes, and using the new File Manager APIs. Attending this session is a must for anyone working directly with the File System.
Are you developing an application that could benefit from more than 32 bits of address space? Mac OS X Tiger offers support for 64-bit command-line processes that can address vast amounts of memory. Learn the specifics of Tiger's 64-bit support and how to factor a Carbon or Cocoa application to run in conjunction with 64-bit backend processes.
Mac OS X Tiger and Tiger Server incorporate over 150 open source projects, but sometimes that's not enough. You may need new versions of scripting languages, alternate implementations of mail agents, different compile options for databases, custom patches for web applications, and so forth. This session will help you to understand what open source projects are already available on Mac OS X, determine what else you might want and where to find it, and how to configure, install, and use custom open source solutions.
Learn how easy it is to access a USB device as Apple's engineers create drivers for USB devices that are provided to them by the audience at the start of the session. They'll demonstrate how to access devices from applications, as well as how to debug USB drivers using the logging version of the IOUSBFamily KEXT.
Mac OS X Tiger introduces a number of interesting and useful enhancements at the BSD level. This session outlines two new system services, Apple System Logger and launchd. Apple System Logger provides logging information in a consistent format, enabling administrators to easily analyze system behavior. Its rich API set also allows programmers to better customize their log messages. The new service management system, launchd, introduces a flexible and powerful way of handling StartupItems and daemons. This session is essential for anyone developing a background process or system service.
Apple provides real solutions to meet enterprise IT needs. Learn how industry-leading companies use Apple technology to solve challenges in database, storage and high performance computing using standards-based network infrastructure. Whether you are developing, deploying or managing solutions for the enterprise, this session will show you how Apple-based products will help you gain the maximum ROI from your Apple investment. Ideal for enterprise developers, system administrators, technology architects and executives.
Java is used everywhere on Mac OS X, from games to desktop applications to high-powered server clusters. Learn about Java on Mac OS X and how it takes advantage of the power of the G5 processor, the flexibility of the underlying frameworks including Quartz and Cocoa, and the power of Xcode for development. We will cover the latest releases of Java and give you insight into the future of Java on Mac OS X.
Speakers: Scott Adler, Michael Powers, Mike Swingler, Scott Kovatch
Learn how to install, configure, and develop a web application using Apache, MySQL, and Perl, Python, or PHP on Mac OS X. Then learn how easy it is to deploy web applications to Mac OS X Server and other platforms with little or no modification.
Mac OS X Tiger Server delivers major new features to Apple's industrial-strength server operating system. Apple engineering managers will explain the major migration areas and integration points, and highlight the primary areas of developer opportunity for extending the platform.
Speakers: Greg Burns, Kazu Yanagihara, Chris LeCroy, Mike Lopp
WebObjects is Apple's Java-based web application development platform. Learn about new features and get a glimpse at product directions in upcoming releases of WebObjects.
Oracle JDeveloper is a great Java development tool for Oracle 10g on Mac OS X. Bring your laptop to this hands-on session and learn how to build a Java application using JDeveloper connecting to an Oracle database, as demonstrated by Oracle. This session will be valuable for in-house developers and developers at ISVs.
Whether it's the PowerBook G4 for UNIX to go, the Power Mac G5 workstation for serious computational horsepower on the desktop, or the immense power and scalability of Xserve G5 and Xserve RAID, Apple delivers an ideal platform for scientific computing with an exceptional price/performance ratio. Learn how Apple products are driving momentum in scientific markets and hear how scientific developers are using Mac OS X Tiger technologies to deliver innovative research tools.
WebObjects provides a rich set of tools for developing web-based applications. Bring your laptop to this session and get hands-on experience using data modeling, component creation, and rule-based assistants to rapidly build your application.
Learn tips and techniques for implementing and integrating with Active Directory. IT experts who've done the hard work show you how you can make Active Directory integration on Mac OS X a reality.
High Performance Computing continues to gain momentum on the Mac platform, and the technology changes quickly. Get up to speed on the newest tools, technologies and software for HPC on Mac OS X.
WebObjects enables you to deploy applications to either the WebObjects application server or the JBoss application server on Mac OS X. Learn the ins and outs of deploying your WebObjects applications to either server, including packaging and monitoring.
Leading higher education institutions are building new and innovative tools for distributed research, scholarship, teaching, and learning. Based on open and community source projects, the next generation of learning infrastructure solutions innovate via open standards. Learn about Mac OS X implementation, deployment, integration, and business opportunities with the Sakai and Open Knowledge Initiative projects.
Speakers: Scott Morris, Jeff Merriman, Chuck Shubert, Geoff Hulette
A Tiger Server is highly secure out of the box and can effectively replace a Windows server, even in an all-Windows client environment. Learn how to move to Tiger Server with minimal disruption to your users and your network.
PyObjC is a bridge between Python and Objective-C. It allows you to write Python scripts that use and extend existing Objective-C class libraries, and most importantly, Cocoa libraries. Specific topics from the 1.2 release covered in this session are: py2app, macho_standalone, NSBundle features, KVO/KVC support, the new scanframework script, objc.inject(), and runtime editing.
AppleScript and UNIX scripts can make managing your Mac OS X servers and clients a breeze. Learn how to create your own time-saving utilities by automating repetitive tasks using AppleScript, shell scripts, Perl, and the command line version of PHP.
Speakers: Joel Rennich, Andrina Kelly, Josh Wisenbaker
Xgrid simplifies the task of distributing CPU-intensive computations across your existing hardware, from racks of Xserve G5s to rooms of PowerMacs and iMacs--even Mac minis! This session will start by describing Xgrid's architecture, which not only allows ad-hoc grids via Bonjour and Dynamic DNS, but can leverage the administrative and security capabilities in Mac OS X Server for actively managed grids. It will also cover the basics of how to run jobs and manage clusters using the command-line, as well as tie-ins to Xsan, OpenDirectory, and ActiveDirectory. Plus, we will show you how to quickly build rich front-ends to your computations using Xgrid's Cocoa API.
With the implementation of Access Control Lists in Mac OS X Tiger Server, developers and system administrators now have dramatic new security and management functionality. If your application copies or moves files and you care about file permission, you need to know how to leverage ACLs appropriately. In this session you'll learn where a well thought-out ACL permissions scheme can make managing large numbers of users and groups easier and more secure, and how to build ACL manipulation into your application.
Building and deploying a high performance cluster, or any large installation, requires a rigorous, repeatable methodology, edge-of-the-envelope system tuning, and hard-core troubleshooting skills. Learn what you need to survive such an installation from those who have.
Thanks to Subversion in Mac OS X Tiger, version control is no longer the realm of software application developers or multi-person development teams. This session walks through the setup of a Subversion repository and provides version control best practices for use in static web development, Perl and PHP scripting, maintenance of configuration files, and more.
Tiger Server introduces hundreds of new features every system administrator will want. Learn techniques for ensuring your migration from Panther Server is as smooth as possible, and discover how to take advantage of new Tiger Server functionality in your environment.
Learn how Mac OS X clients can be deployed and managed in enterprise environments using tools from third-party companies that support Xserve, Mac OS X Server, and Xserve RAID. See how real-life Apple customers use client management technologies to support their heterogenous environments. Ideal for system adminstrators and IT architects who need to support multiple client platforms using Mac OS X.
Speakers: John DeTroye, Mark Jeffries, David Zubradt, Rick Yang
Xsan is the SAN file system for Mac OS X. Learn the basics of how Xsan works and how its differences relative to HFS+ might be important to your products. We will also cover how to take advantage of some of Xsan's unique features from within your products for maximized performance.
This session covers the entire process of development, debugging, and deployment of Java Applications, Java Web Start, and Applets on Mac OS X Tiger. Xcode, Jar Bundler, and Java Debugger tools will be covered in this session, including how to use GDB to debug Java and JNI.
Macs are good corporate network citizens. Learn techniques and real-world solutions for making them full clients on your Microsoft, Novell, IBM, and Sun networks. We'll cover file sharing, directory integration, Exchange integration, backup, collaboration, and productivity.
Java applications for mobile devices represent one of the fastest-growing application segments today. Developers on Mac OS X have a choice of MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) SDKs and tools. This session will cover the entire process of developing and testing MIDP 1.0 and MIDP 2.0 midlets on Mac OS X, and then deploying them to embedded J2ME JVMs.
The QuickTime platform provides an end-to-end, standards-based solution for deploying rich media in an enterprise or institution. In this session you will learn first-hand how American Electric Power Company and the University of Wisconsin use QuickTime and Xserve to provide a unique media experience for their employees and students. This is a must-attend session for IT professionals looking for a powerful, cost-effective media solution.
Knowing what your systems are doing is essential to keeping them up in both 24/7 enterprises and 9-to-5 workgroups. Mac OS X provides hundreds of pieces of information about itself, from the Apple Remote Desktop 2 SQL database, to log files and output from utilities like fs_usage. Learn how to access this data, and build custom tools, workflows and reporting mechanisms (using tools like Automator, PHP, Jabber, and the open source tool Nagios) to proactively monitor and manage your systems.
Learn how to ensure your application can run on a read-only network file system, store preferences that can be managed by the Workgroup Manager's Managed Preferences, and work well with Portable Home Directories. We will modify a Cocoa sample application to demonstrate how easy it is to make your application network friendly, as well as cover installation packaging, pre- and post-installation processing, and why you should store application support files inside the application package.
The Java Native Interface (JNI) enables you to integrate Mac OS X-native code with your Java application. Additionally, JNI allows Cocoa or CoreFoundation applications to call out to Java. Bring your laptop, we will explore how best to use JNI from both angles, and explain what to be aware of when applying it. Topics include creating a mixed-language Xcode project, threading, invoking the JVM, AWT-AppKit interaction, and debugging techniques.
Maximizing speed and performance is important for any application. Bring your laptop to this session and explore how to identify and remove performance bottlenecks throughout your Java application, using Shark, Sampler, and other powerful profiling tools found only on Mac OS X.
Speakers: Viktor Miladinov, Gerard Ziemski, Christy Warren, Josh Outwater
Come and learn how your Mac clients can operate within a Domino, Exchange, or Groupwise environment. Additionally, become familiar with "Enterprise Class" solutions from third party organizations that support both Mac and heterogeneous environments utilizing Xserve and Mac OS X Server.
Oracle 10g is a powerful enterprise database system that is fully supported on the Mac OS X Server platform. Learn techniques and tips for building an Oracle 10g server farm on Mac OS X, from people who know the system best: Oracle engineers and Apple IT experts. This session is perfect for database and system administrators who need to learn how to set up and deploy Oracle 10g for the Mac.
The Open Directory Server in Mac OS X Server v10.4 "Tiger" provides secure, standards-based network authentication and password policy enforcement. In this session you will learn how to add to your in-house application support for traditional network-based password authentication, as well as Kerberos authentication, for a truly secure and polished single sign-on user experience.
Optimize and tune your WebObjects application. Learn about tools and techniques for collecting and analyzing application performance and identifying areas for improvement. We will give tips for improving WebObjects, EOF, and Java performance.
Rolling out large-scale storage with Xserve RAID can be daunting without the proper tools and methodology. Learn from deployment experts who explain how to bring these systems online quickly and efficiently.
Backups enable administrators to ensure business continuance. Learn about advanced backup architectures such as mirroring, replication, snap-shots, and more traditional disk-to-disk-to-tape. See how Apple customers deploy Xserve, Xserve RAID, and Xsan to solve business challenges regarding backup.
Speakers: JD Mankovsky, Chris Irvine, Mark Miranda
Eclipse has quickly become one of the most widely used cross-platform Java development environments. In this hands-on session, we'll show you how to get started on your next Java project, get over the initial hurdles, and become comfortable with Eclipse. Learn from other experienced developers who are using Eclipse to build Java applications today.
Taming complex MPI codes is easier with a good plan and the right tools. In this session we'll discuss best practices and techniques in deploying MPI codes to Mac OS X clusters, and how to get the most from your code with tools from Apple and third-party providers, including Etnus's TotalView Parallel Debugger.
Speakers: Steve Peters, Yusuf Abdulghani, Chris Gottbrath
Tiger makes it easy to manage dozens or even thousands of desktop systems. Learn integration techniques for easing the load with Tiger Server. Also learn best practices and tips and tricks for using Apple Remote Desktop and open source tools to make imaging, packaging, delivery, and troubleshooting of systems as automated as possible
Automator Workflows allow you to perform repetitive manual tasks quickly and efficiently. Learn how to extend this level of automation to system management tasks with step-by-step instructions on how to build Automator Actions with perl, the shell, and other scripting languages. This session will be of particular interest to system administrators and in-house developers who want to take advantage of Automator's inherent ease of use.
Learn how to expand the built-in capabilities and security of Mac OS X Mail Server. This session will demonstrate how to set up authenticated SMTP and IMAP with SSL (self-signed and otherwise), integrate with Real-Time Blackhole Lists (RBLs), add anti-virus functionality, and build a high-capacity mail server capable of handling tens of thousands of messages daily.
Mac OS X Tiger supports Java 1.3.1, Java 1.4.2, and J2SE 5.0. This session gives you an opportunity to look under the hood of the Java Virtual Machine. You'll learn about new functionality available in J2SE 5.0. We'll discuss how the JVM optimizes your application, and provide tips on programming practices that make those optimizations more powerful.
Speakers: Roger Hoover, Mikey McDougall, Victor Hernandez
MySQL databases are a critical part of in-house and enterprise development. Developers often need to manage databases in addition to writing code. Learn about the tools available for administering MySQL databases in order to make this part of your development process as efficient and painless as possible.