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ID of session: wwdc2004-635
ID of event: wwdc2004
ID of session without event part: 635
Shortened ID of event: wwdc04
Year of session: 2004
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC04 • Session 635

Security Best Practices Using Open Source Tools

Enterprise • 47:42

Learn how Mac OS X Server, plus open source tools, can help you protect your enterprise's network and provide enhanced security. Security experts from Apple's IT and Consulting teams discuss the security features built into Mac OS X Server, plus how to verify and improve your security model using tools such as Nmap, Netcat, Nessus, Snort and a variety of other open source tools.

Speakers: Brian Sathianathan, Damien Weiss

Unlisted on Apple Developer site