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ID of session: wwdc2004-420
ID of event: wwdc2004
ID of session without event part: 420
Shortened ID of event: wwdc04
Year of session: 2004
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC04 • Session 420

Building Your Website on Mac OS X

Application • 52:07

Mac OS X is a great platform for prototyping, developing, and deploying your next Internet application. This session will cover in great detail the powerful technologies incorporated into the platform for website building. We cover PHP, mySQL, Tomcat, Apache, and additional open source favorites that are built in to every copy of Mac OS X, as well as others that you can readily install to create compelling websites.

Speakers: John Montbriand, Ted Jucevic, Daryl Lee

Unlisted on Apple Developer site