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ID of session: wwdc2004-400
ID of event: wwdc2004
ID of session without event part: 400
Shortened ID of event: wwdc04
Year of session: 2004
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC04 • Session 400

Java State of the Union

Application • 1:05:10

The highly optimized and tightly integrated implementation of J2SE in Mac OS X—along with support for essential technologies such as Java3D and Java Advanced Imaging (JAI)—makes it the most compelling Java desktop development and deployment platform on the market today. And for server environments, Mac OS X Server v10.3 – now includes the popular JBoss application server, as well as Apache Tomcat, making development and deployment of J2EE applications easier than ever. In this session, you'll discover what Apple has in store for Java on Mac OS X and learn how Java takes advantage of Quartz, Cocoa, and other Mac OS X frameworks to create and deploy competitive solutions on everything from a single iBook to a rack of Xserve G5s.

Speakers: Scott Adler, Caroline Clabaugh, Ted Jucevic, Matt Drance, Axel Kratel, Alan Samuel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site