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ID of session: wwdc2004-319
ID of event: wwdc2004
ID of session without event part: 319
Shortened ID of event: wwdc04
Year of session: 2004
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC04 • Session 319

Programming for the Mac OS X 64-bit API

Development • 1:06:09

Mac OS X "Tiger" adds support for 64-bit applications and will allow you to build solutions that can address massive amounts of memory. This session will specifically cover the 64-bit calling conventions, describe upcoming 64-bit capabilities and developer tools, and explain best practices for 64-bit programming and extending 32-bit application sources in Mac OS X.

Speakers: Wiley Hodges, Nick Kledzik, Jeff Glasson, Stan Shebs, Matt Formica

Unlisted on Apple Developer site