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ID of session: wwdc2003-730
ID of event: wwdc2003
ID of session without event part: 730
Shortened ID of event: wwdc03
Year of session: 2003
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC03 • Session 730

QuickTime Alternative Programming Environments

QuickTime • 1:10:06

QuickTime is the most powerful cross-platform digital media platform available, but are there alternatives to CodeWarrior and Microsoft Developer Studio for QuickTime development? View this session to see how to build QuickTime applications with REALbasic, Visual Basic, Runtime Revolution, and some of the other available alternatives. No prior experience with these tools is required, but you should have a basic knowledge of QuickTime to get the most from this session.

Speakers: Tim Monroe, Keith Gurganus

Unlisted on Apple Developer site