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ID of session: wwdc2003-724
ID of event: wwdc2003
ID of session without event part: 724
Shortened ID of event: wwdc03
Year of session: 2003
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC03 • Session 724

What's New with QuickTime VR

QuickTime • 1:09:46

Have you ever wanted to make your own panorama? Learn from two experts in the field how to shoot, create, and deliver fantastic QuickTime VRs. This session first focuses on everything you need to know about shooting a VR, including the latest in equipment. Then learn the ins and outs of VR creation and delivery, including software needs and distribution techniques.

Speakers: Amy Fazio, Jim Anders, Terry Breheny

Unlisted on Apple Developer site