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ID of session: wwdc2003-707
ID of event: wwdc2003
ID of session without event part: 707
Shortened ID of event: wwdc03
Year of session: 2003
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC03 • Session 707

QuickTime Media Skins

QuickTime • 47:27

Media Skins, available exclusively in QuickTime, allow content producers to deliver custom- branded interfaces with their media. They have become one of the most potent ways media can be delivered with maximum branding impact. This session provides case-study analysis of the design process, authoring techniques, available tools, and dynamic server-side delivery solutions, plus it examines the ultimate marketing impact of skinned media.

Speakers: Rhonda Stratton, Lori Schwartz, Mark Sandau

Unlisted on Apple Developer site