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ID of session: wwdc2003-428
ID of event: wwdc2003
ID of session without event part: 428
Shortened ID of event: wwdc03
Year of session: 2003
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC03 • Session 428

Understanding Ink APIs

Application Frameworks • 56:37

Inkwell provides basic support for entering handwritten data into your application zwithout requiring any modifications. Apple is introducing a new API to give you access to more advanced handwriting features. View this session to learn how to leverage ink in device-specific input solutions, how to use gestures to directly manipulate text in your application, and how to use recognition alternates to implement a correction mechanism. In addition, we discuss using the API to implement searchable ink and deferred recognition.

Speakers: Giulia Pagallo, Larry Yaeger, Brad Reigel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site