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ID of session: wwdc2003-001
ID of event: wwdc2003
ID of session without event part: 001
Shortened ID of event: wwdc03
Year of session: 2003
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC03 • Session 001

Deliver a Complete Mac OS X User Experience

General • 51:06

User experience encompasses the visual appearance, interactive behavior, and assistive capabilities of software. From application packaging to user interface design to online help availability, Mac OS X users have come to expect a cohesive, elegant, and intuitive user experience. This session provides an introduction to best-practice Mac OS X user experience design, tips and tricks for adopting Aqua, an overview of powerful Mac OS X user experience technologies, and real examples of and advice on how to improve an existing user interface.

Speaker: John Geleynse

Unlisted on Apple Developer site