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ID of session: wwdc2002-200
ID of event: wwdc2002
ID of session without event part: 200
Shortened ID of event: wwdc02
Year of session: 2002
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC02 • Session 200

Making Your Application Unicode-Savvy

Carbon • 54:36

What's larger than a breadbox and has an airplane, a snowman, and two smiley faces? It's Unicode, an international character set standard that can represent most of the world's languages. Unicode is central to Apple's operating system strategy and should be central to your application strategy as well. In this session, developers learn how to create a Unicode-savvy application, providing better support for such heavily used languages as Japanese.

Speaker: Deborah Goldsmith

Unlisted on Apple Developer site