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ID of session: wwdc2001-600
ID of event: wwdc2001
ID of session without event part: 600
Shortened ID of event: wwdc01
Year of session: 2001
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: ...

WWDC01 • Session 600

WebObjects: State of the Union

WebObjects • 45:53

WebObjects 5 is the most significant release in the history of Apple's award-winning web application server software. With fully integrated Java support, WebObjects becomes available to a wider audience of developers and users worldwide. Find out about the WebObjects sessions at WWDC and get a sneak peak into the future of WebObjects and Enterprise Objects technologies. Meet the key players and discover what Apple has planned for the year ahead.

Speakers: Ernest Prabhakar, Ernest Kim, Tom Naughton, Ron Lue-Sang, Matt Rollefson, Timothy Joransen, James Dempsey, Roshanak Afsarifard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site