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URL pattern


Use any of these variables in your URL pattern, the pattern is stored in your browsers' local storage.

ID of session: tech-talks-2013-27
ID of event: tech-talks
ID of session without event part: 2013-27
Shortened ID of event: tech-talks
Year of session: 2013
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2013] [Tech Talk 27] Integratin...

iOS 7 Tech Talks #27

Integrating iOS 7 Game Technologies

2013 • 54:16

Tap into essential technologies to enhance the gameplay experience. Discover new techniques for managing players and tracking scores through Game Center, and get expert advice about the best practices to follow in your titles. Learn about the Game Controller framework and see how to take advantage of exciting new modes of input by adding support for physical game controllers.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site