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ID of session: tech-talks-2013-18
ID of event: tech-talks
ID of session without event part: 2013-18
Shortened ID of event: tech-talks
Year of session: 2013
Extension of original filename: mov
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2013] [Tech Talk 18] Hidden iOS...

iOS 7 Tech Talks #18

Hidden iOS 7 Development Gems

2013 • 50:24

With such a wide variety of frameworks and APIs to choose from in Cocoa Touch, it's easy to miss some of the real gems. From tips for how to get the most out of Xcode 5 to harnessing the power of the Objective-C language to entire classes you might not have thought about using, everybody is sure to take away practical and useful tips and tricks to make developing iOS apps easier and more productive.

Speaker: Paul Marcos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site