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URL pattern


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ID of session: tech-talks-2008-4
ID of event: tech-talks
ID of session without event part: 2008-4
Shortened ID of event: tech-talks
Year of session: 2008
Extension of original filename: m4v
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2009] [Tech Talk World Tour] Ge...

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #4

Getting Started with iPhone Web Applications

2008 • 57:32

Safari on iPhone has changed the way people interact with web content on mobile devices, and its underlying technologies have created an opportunity for web developers to leverage their existing skill set in iPhone applications. Begin by learning the fundamentals behind Safari on iPhone's interaction paradigm, and how to tailor your web content to take advantage of this unique interface. After establishing a solid foundation and getting an overview of the available iPhone web technologies, we'll dive into Dashcode, Apple's cutting-edge integrated develop- ment environment for creating iPhone web applications. You'll learn how to use Dashcode's intuitive drag-and-drop interface for creating iPhone web applications, extend the basic templates through customization, and diagnose unexpected behavior using Dashcode's powerful JavaScript debugger. Get up and running quickly building iPhone web applications that look and feel like native, built-in applications.

Speaker: Vicki Murley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site