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ID of session: tech-talks-10100
ID of event: tech-talks
ID of session without event part: 10100
Shortened ID of event: tech-talks
Year of session: 2021
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2021] [Tech Talk 10110] Explore...

Tech Talk 10100

Explore and manipulate data in Swift with TabularData

2021 • 23:48

Discover how you can use the TabularData framework to load, explore, and manipulate unstructured data in Swift — whether you need to pre-process data for a machine learning task or digest data on-the-fly in your app. Learn how this framework can help you handle large datasets, join multiple tables of data together, and filter data programmatically. We'll also show you how a DataFrame can be used to drive all the data-centric features of your app.

Speakers: Alejandro Isaza, David Findlay

Open in Apple Developer site