All of WWDC

An unofficial index of sessions from WWDC 2000 to 2024 and various Tech Talks.

There are 3549 sessions, across 80 different tracks.

This site is not affiliated with Apple. All content is provided for informational purposes only.

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WWDC00 • Session 101

Open Source at Apple

Mac OS • 52:53

An update on Apple's commitment to the Open Source community, covering the status and plans for Apple's Open Source projects including Darwin OS, Darwin Streaming Server, and OpenPlay/NetSprocket, and highlight the developer opportunities they provide.

Speakers: Brett Halle, Wilfredo Sanchez, Dave Zarzycki, Chris LeCroy, Joe Gervais, Randy Thompson, Ron Hayden

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 102

Darwin Overview: The Open Source Foundation of Mac OS X

Mac OS • 1:03:36

This session is a high-level overview of the Core OS portion of Mac OS X, Darwin. It provides an introduction to each of the subsystems and how they are integrated to provide a strong, flexible foundation for Mac OS X applications.

Speakers: Brett Halle, Joe Sokol

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 103

I/O Kit Overview

Mac OS • 1:10:49

I/O Kit, the Mac OS X driver model, provides an object-oriented architecture to enable easier driver development than ever before. Because the I/O kit provides the basic services and functionality, you can focus on the functionality that makes your device unique. Learn the components of an I/O Kit driver, how they are dynamically loaded, and how to begin making your peripherals work with Mac OS X.

Speakers: John Signa, Dean Reece

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 104

Mac OS X: File System

Mac OS • 1:12:07

Mac OS X has an extensible file system architecture that allows developers to add file systems or extend a file system's functionality more easily than was previously possible. Get an overview of the Mac OS X file system and find out how you can take advantage of it to create better solutions for your customers.

Speakers: Clark Warner, Pat Dirks, Don Brady, Ananthakrishna Ramesh

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WWDC00 • Session 105

Mac OS X: Graphics Overview

Mac OS • 48:27

Apple continues its graphics industry leadership by integrating industry standards such as OpenGL(r) and QuickTime into the OS. With Mac OS X, Apple incorporates another critical standard, PDF, into Quartz, the new innovative graphics model of Mac OS X. View this session to get an introduction and high-level overview of this new architecture.

Speakers: Peter Graffagnino, Ralph Brunner

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WWDC00 • Session 106

Mac OS X: Kernel

Mac OS • 59:18

The Mach kernel is the heart of Mac OS X. In this session we shed light on the kernel basics by discussing the services it provides, such as memory management and interprocess communications.

Speaker: Jim Magee

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WWDC00 • Session 110

Mac OS X: Quartz

Mac OS • 43:54

This session presents the specific functionality of Quartz, Apple's new low-level 2D drawing model for Mac OS X. We discuss guidelines for when Quartz should and should not be used, as well as details of the Quartz APIs.

Speakers: Derek Clegg, Mike Marinkovich

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WWDC00 • Session 111

Mac OS X: Printing

Mac OS • 49:59

The new print architecture of Mac OS X provides greater flexibility and control over printing, while providing a simplified user interface. This session presents an overview of this new architecture, the services it provides, and details on adopting it.

Speakers: John Signa, Paul Danbold, Alan Beck, Rick Spillers, Mitch Kadish, Robert Shibata

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WWDC00 • Session 112

Mac OS X: Advanced Printing

Mac OS • 1:15:06

This session covers the advanced features of the Mac OS X print architecture and how applications can create custom print interfaces and take control of the printing process.

Speaker: Paul Danbold

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WWDC00 • Session 120

Carbon Overview

Mac OS • 1:09:28

Learn how Carbon preserves your investment in Mac OS APIs while enhancing your application with Mac OS X features such as the Aqua user interface, protected memory, and preemptive multitasking. This overview will help you determine which sessions will be most valuable to your product.

Speakers: Scott Forstall, John Wallace, Mike Garcia, Scott Thompson

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WWDC00 • Session 121

Carbon Event Model: Basics

Mac OS • 47:17

This session gives an overview of Carbon Events, a new event-dispatching model used in many parts of the Mac OS. Adoption of this new model can significantly improve your application's performance, as well as simplify your source.

Speaker: Ed Voas

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 122

Carbon Event Model: Advanced

Mac OS

This session covers the advanced features of Carbon Events. Find out how to design your application to take full advantage of this new event model.

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WWDC00 • Session 123

Carbon: Transitioning Your Application

Mac OS • 44:03

Modifying your application to use Carbon is a simple tune-up, but there are some things you can do to make it even easier. View this session for detailed information on taking the first steps.

Speaker: David Wright

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 124

Core Foundation: Basics

Mac OS • 33:00

Core Foundation provides a rich set of C APIs for strings, collections, user preferences, property lists, plug-ins, XML handling, and more. These APIs are designed with performance, consistency, and portability in mind, and are available in the Carbon API set. This session covers Core Foundation fundamentals, conventions, and paradigms, as well as the basic set of services and APIs.

Speaker: Becky Willrich

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WWDC00 • Session 125

Core Foundation: Advanced

Mac OS • 52:33

This session delves into the rich set of services available from the Core Foundation APIs such as bundles, plug-ins, XML, and preferences management.

Speakers: Becky Willrich, Doug Davidson

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WWDC00 • Session 126

Cocoa Overview

Mac OS • 1:01:44

This session provides an overview of the powerful, object-oriented Cocoa APIs for creating full-featured desktop applications for Mac OS X. The Cocoa APIs range from low-level utility, system interaction, internationalization, Internet, and platform independence classes to a rich set of user interface widgets, including a powerful and extensible text system.

Speakers: Becky Willrich, Mike Ferris, Ali Ozer

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WWDC00 • Session 127

Cocoa Update

Mac OS • 1:06:19

Learn what's new in Cocoa software. This session includes a discussion of changes relevant to Aqua, as well as other new user- and developer-focused features.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 128

Cocoa in Depth

Mac OS • 1:06:34

This session provides an in-depth discussion of Cocoa topics, such as text, document classes, scripting, localization, Java, and Carbon interaction.

Speakers: Ali Ozer, Mike Ferris

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 130

Carbon: Low Level

Mac OS • 1:10:08

Apple engineers share a real-world understanding of how Carbon works to fine-tune your product. Issues concerning threading, memory management, performance, and file management are discussed.

Speaker: John Iarocci

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 140

Aqua Overview

Mac OS • 1:01:43

Mac OS X takes the graphical user interface to the next level of computing with Aqua. In this session, see brand new Aqua features and learn how to exploit these features in your products.

Speaker: Don Lindsay

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WWDC00 • Session 142

High Level Toolbox: Adopting the Aqua Interface

Mac OS • 41:03

This session provides an in-depth discussion about how your products should change to take advantage of Aqua. We cover control metrics, menu layout, window positioning, and interacting with the Dock. New features such as Sheets and the new print dialogs will make your applications truly Aqua-savvy. This is a must-view session if you want your application to deliver a great user experience under Aqua.

Speaker: Guy Fullerton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 143

High Level Toolbox: Carbon Enhancements I

Mac OS • 52:13

This session describes changes and enhancements to the High Level Toolbox for Carbon. This session is an absolute must if you are Carbonizing your application. We discuss better control creation, dynamic menus, and new APIs such as Help Tags, as well as basic window layering, control embedding, and flavored scrap support. Omit final sentence.

Speakers: Pete Gontier, Guy Fullerton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 144

Mac OS X: Application Packaging and Document Typing

Mac OS • 1:03:15

This session provides essential information about application packaging and document binding on Mac OS X. Learn about packages and localization; the desktop database file replacement; how to package your application; and how to specify type, creator, and mime types. Learn how the Finder binds documents to applications, new file-naming conventions, new APIs for accessing package contents, and how to handle resources in dataforks/file-mapped resources.

Speaker: Arno Gourdol

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 145

Apple Help on Carbon and Cocoa

Mac OS • 52:45

HTML-based Apple Help is the help system for Mac OS X applications. Learn how to create HTML-based help content for your applications and see how easy it is to complement with QuickTime and AppleScript. Get tips and tricks from Apple engineers, gain insights into future directions, and learn about the HTMLRenderingLib.

Speakers: Gordon Meyer, Jessica Kahn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 146

High Level Toolbox: DataBrowser

Mac OS • 43:10

Learn how DataBrowser enables your application to present data as the Finder does, simplifying your application development and delivering a more consistent user experience. Implement views and highly customizable lists with variable row heights and cells that contain text, icons, checkboxes, and progress bars.

Speakers: Jim Roddden, Johnathon Suker

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WWDC00 • Session 147

High Level Toolbox: Icon Services and Aqua

Mac OS

This session provides an overview of Icon Services and describes new features, how they work under Aqua, and how they are integrated with the Dock. High-fidelity icons figure prominently on Mac OS X, and we cover how to create and access them, as well as new UI guidelines, new and existing APIs, and icon variants.

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WWDC00 • Session 148

High Level Toolbox: Carbon Enhancements II

Mac OS • 38:44

This session covers in-depth High Level Toolbox topics such as window buffering, advanced window positioning and layering, Window Manager Port replacement functionality, dialog item manipulation APIs, Unicode support, custom defprocs, and more. If you're a Carbon developer who uses, or wants to use, the toolbox in any of these ways, you need to view this session.

Speaker: Pete Gontier

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 149

High Level Toolbox: Navigation Services

Mac OS

This session provides detailed information about Navigation Services, the modern set of file selection dialogs for Mac OS, which has been greatly enhanced for Mac OS X and Aqua. Learn about new features, behavioral differences between Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X, how to provide Unicode compliance and long file name support, and how to customize Save and Open dialogs.

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WWDC00 • Session 154

AppleScript and Frameworks

Mac OS • 1:05:04

Want to make your application scriptable, but can't figure out how? Learn how to use Metrowerks PowerPlant and other frameworks to make your application scriptable.

Speaker: Chris Espinosa

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 155

Text on Mac OS

Mac OS • 44:09

If your product displays text, this session is crucial to your understanding of how you can edit, process, and draw text using Apple technologies. Learn about MLTE, our Unicode editing engine of the future, Apple's Unicode drawing engine, text input, character set conversion, and international utilities.

Speakers: Xavier Legros, Deborah Goldsmith

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WWDC00 • Session 156

Mac OS X: Font Management

Mac OS • 48:10

Learn about the new facilities for controlling and managing fonts on Mac OS X. As reliable document exchange becomes more important, these technologies become more crucial to your products. We provide an overview of the new Font Manager, the overall font architecture, and how fonts will be organized and accessed in the different Mac OS X stacks.

Speaker: Robin Mikawa

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 157

Mac OS X: Localization

Mac OS • 45:40

Mac OS X makes it dramatically easier to localize your products. Learn how to work with application packages to take advantage of the powerful, modern framework for localizing your application.

Speaker: Chris Hansten

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 158

Apple Localization Tools

Mac OS • 47:30

Apple is creating new and revised tools for localizing your product on Mac OS, making it easier than ever to broaden your markets globally. Learn about the powerful new library for working with all types of localizable data, as well as the new revision of AppleGlot.

Speaker: Colm Murphy

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WWDC00 • Session 160

Mac OS Networking Overview

Mac OS • 50:41

This session presents the details of the networking services and utilities in future releases of Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X. Additional topics include PPC-over-IP, DHCP improvements, Remote Access, Network Setup, and improved stability and performance.

Speakers: Justin Walker, David "Lefty" Schlesinger

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WWDC00 • Session 175

Mac OS X: Music and MIDI

Digital Media • 1:00:20

This session covers the new system-level MIDI services for Mac OS X. We provide an in-depth look at the new QuickTime Music Architecture, which features sequencing services, MusicDevice architecture, and the Downloadable Sounds (DLS) Toolbox.

Speakers: Doug Wyatt, Chris Rogers

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WWDC00 • Session 176

Mac OS X Core Audio: Multichannel and Beyond

Digital Media • 55:30

This session presents a roadmap to the low-level application audio services available for Mac OS X. Topics range from direct manipulation of hardware features to finding devices and streaming audio to them. We discuss performance issues such as threading, memory management, and synchronization. We also present an update on the Sound Manager, including the recent API changes and Carbon support.

Speaker: Jeff Moore

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 180

Java Overview

Digital Media • 1:13:18

This session covers Apple's directions for Java on the Mac OS. We discuss Mac OS Runtime for Java (MRJ) releases for classic Mac OS, such as MRJ 2.2, as well as the plans for Mac OS X Java.

Speaker: Steve Naroff

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 181

Introduction to Java on Mac OS X

Digital Media • 41:51

This session covers the basics of developing with Java on Mac OS X. This includes an overview of the Java platform on Mac OS, development tools (command-line tools, IDEs, and debugging tools), issues related to bringing applications from MRJ 2.2 to Mac OS X, and integration issues with Carbon and Cocoa on Mac OS X.

Speaker: Peter Steinauer

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WWDC00 • Session 182

Java: Getting the Best Performance

Digital Media • 52:32

This session teaches you how to get the best performance from your Macintosh-based Java application. Topics include advances in virtual machine (VM) technology, graphics and human interface (HI) performance, and coding strategies and styles for improving performance.

Speaker: Jim Laskey

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WWDC00 • Session 183

QuickTime for Java

Digital Media • 53:04

This session discusses techniques to integrate Java and QuickTime to provide your product with interesting and powerful capabilities. Learn how to use QuickTime for Java to develop on any QuickTime-supported OS platform.

Speakers: Bill Stewart, Eric Lemoine

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WWDC00 • Session 184

Mac OS X: Java in Depth

Digital Media • 56:10

This session details the differences between Java development on Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X, including application embedding issues in Carbon with Java, JDirect 3, bridging technologies, and other issues.

Speaker: Blaine Garst

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WWDC00 • Session 186

OpenGL: A Technical Introduction

Digital Media • 1:02:52

This session focuses on the implementation of OpenGL for Mac OS. We give developers the knowledge required to develop OpenGL applications quickly on the Macintosh. Topics include the Macintosh OpenGL architecture, integration, and texture management.

Speaker: Geoff Stahl

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WWDC00 • Session 187

OpenGL on Mac OS X

Digital Media • 40:49

This session covers the development of OpenGL applications for Mac OS, including the Mac OS X graphics architecture, OpenGL interfaces, texture management, and surface handling. Coverage includes insights into building OpenGL projects on Mac OS X.

Speaker: Dave Springer

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WWDC00 • Session 188

OpenGL: Beyond Games

Digital Media • 1:01:47

OpenGL provides a powerful cross-platform 2D and 3D graphics API for all applications, not just games. This session covers handling multiple contexts, combining 2D and 3D graphics, and using the orthographic projection to create accelerated 2D graphics in any window.

Speaker: Geoff Stahl

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 194

Tuning for Velocity Engine and MP

Digital Media • 23:26

Tuning for Velocity Engine and MP

Speakers: Glenn Fisher, Bob Campbell, Ken Ryall

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WWDC00 • Session 300

QuickTime: State of the Union

Digital Media • 41:02

It has been an incredible year for QuickTime, and QuickTime TV has become an industry unto itself. Find out how to capitalize on the success of QuickTime.

Speakers: Tim Schaaff, Jim Batson, Sam Bushell

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 301

QuickTime Streaming Server

Digital Media • 41:16

With the introduction of QuickTime Streaming Server 2, Apple has moved to a plug-in architecture that allows developers to extend, enhance, and add functionality. Learn about the QuickTime Streaming Server Module API and how you can use it to create your own plug-in modules.

Speaker: Denis Serenyl

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 302

QuickTime: Server Techniques and Scripting

Digital Media • 1:07:38

Learn to take advantage of web server and QuickTime interaction to customize your users' experience. We include discussions on technologies such as QuickTime embed tags, SMIL, CGI scripts, and WebObjects.

Speakers: Ian Ritchie, Jim Batson, Ron Lue-Sang, Matthew Peterson

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WWDC00 • Session 303

QuickTime: Streaming on the Web

Digital Media • 1:00:10

QuickTime is the fastest growing and most powerful streaming technology. Learn to take advantage of new QuickTime Internet services and how your product can better integrate online content to bring these benefits to your partners and customers.

Speakers: Anne Jones, Kevin Marks

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WWDC00 • Session 304

QuickTime: Interactivity

Digital Media • 1:20:30

Not only is QuickTime a multiplatform media engine, but it also has the ability to add interactivity to your media. Learn to enhance the overall user experience of your product using SMIL, Flash, wired sprites, and QuickTime VR.

Speakers: Kaz Ohta, Eric Blanpied, Sean Allen, Bryce Wolfson

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WWDC00 • Session 305

QuickTime: The Road to Mac OS X

Digital Media • 1:01:54

Apple continues to lead the way in digital media creation, media publishing, and consumer multimedia, including the latest in Internet multimedia delivery. Come learn about the migration of QuickTime onto Mac OS X.

Speakers: Tom Dowdy, Greg Chapman, Sam Bushell

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WWDC00 • Session 191

Introducing the New Project Builder

Tools • 55:22

Committed to providing support for Mac OS X, Apple has created a new integrated development environment. This session gives an overview of these development tools and an introduction to the new version of Project Builder for developing Carbon, Cocoa, and Java applications and frameworks, as well as device drivers and other software.

Speakers: Dave Payne, Steve Naroff

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WWDC00 • Session 192

Transitioning to the New Project Builder

Tools • 42:10

Take an in-depth look at migrating your Cocoa or Carbon project from Metrowerks CodeWarrior and Apple's original Project Builder to the new version of Project Builder for Mac OS X. This includes advanced project editing, compiler transition issues, and how to handle special build needs for your project.

Speakers: John Graziano, Anders Bertelrud, Mike Ferris

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WWDC00 • Session 193

Using Interface Builder

Tools • 42:59

Apple's Interface Builder allows you to create Aqua-enhanced user interfaces for Mac OS X. Learn about Interface Builder's support for various platform initiatives, such as the new Carbon event model, and integration of Interface Builder with the new Project Builder for Mac OS X.

Speakers: Henri Lamiraux, Scott Herz

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WWDC00 • Session 195

Apple's Performance Tools for Mac OS X

Tools • 55:53

Mac OS X introduces many new performance challenges for developers. In this session, learn how to achieve high performance in the Mac OS X environment and how to use Apple's performance analysis tools and techniques, including MallocDebug and Sampler, for optimizing application and overall system performance.

Speaker: Robert Bowdidge

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 196

Debugging Applications on Mac OS X

Tools • 49:47

Learn how to debug Carbon and Cocoa applications in the new Project Builder for Mac OS X, how to use the Metrowerks CodeWarrior source-level debugger under Mac OS X, and advanced debugging techniques using the powerful gdb debugger.

Speakers: Dave Payne, Rab Hagy, Klee Dienes, Ken Ryall

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WWDC00 • Session 400

WebObjects: State of the Union

Tools • 41:09

WebObjects is Apple's industry-leading application server platform. This session is a WebObjects overview that includes product positioning, the latest features, and future directions. We discuss success stories and news from the community at large. Find out how to get involved in the WebObjects community by building and reselling WebObjects applications.

Speaker: Ernest Prabhakar

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 401

WebObjects: Technical Overview

Tools • 1:10:26

A technical overview of WebObjects for new developers and evaluators, this session highlights the key aspects of its architecture, its numerous technological advantages, and its relevance for web application development. Topics include what's new in version 4.5, a roadmap of features, building a high-level application, and an introduction to EOF.

Speaker: Steve Hayman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 402

WebObjects Builder: Designing Dynamic HTML Components

Tools • 1:06:34

This session provides a comprehensive look at building dynamic HTML components using WebObjects Builder, including essential component features and the tools used to build them. Understand where HTML meets the dynamic world of your Java application.

Speaker: James Dempsey

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WWDC00 • Session 403

WebObjects: Persistent Object Modeling with EOModeler

Tools • 56:28

A comprehensive look at creating, editing, and maintaining Enterprise Object Framework (EOF) models using EOModeler, including essential model features and the tools used to construct them. This session includes design tips for implementing robust object models and clarifies how a WebObjects application dynamically interfaces with databases.

Speaker: Mike Gobbi

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WWDC00 • Session 404

WebObjects: Deploying Applications

Tools • 54:07

This session is a tour of the WebObjects cross-platform runtime application server architecture, including the key components, tunable features for scalability and robustness, and the preparation of a WebObjects application for deployment.

Speaker: Dirk Johnson

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WWDC00 • Session 405

WebObjects: Rapid Development with Direct to Web

Tools • 46:24

This session provides a tour of Direct to Web, a WebObjects application generation and modeling tool. Direct to Web offers a practical introduction to WebObjects and offers a rich set of components to integrate into your application. We discuss the latest features for reusing Direct to Web components and demonstrate why Direct to Web is suitable for production applications.

Speakers: Miguel Sanchez, Mike Hoffhines

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WWDC00 • Session 406

WebObjects: Rapid Development with Direct to Java Client

Tools • 44:20

This is an overview of Direct to Java Client, a cutting-edge feature of WebObjects application development that allows you to build rich and intelligent Java Client applications for distribution among a wide and dispersed set of client platforms.

Speaker: Andreas Wendker

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WWDC00 • Session 407

WebObjects: EJB

Tools • 37:38

This session provides a comparison of the Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) and WebObjects object models. It includes goals, architecture, and an emphasis on persistence.

Speaker: Rory Lydon

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WWDC00 • Session 408

WebObjects: Converting Objective-C Applications to Java

Tools • 33:16

This session provides information on the goals of Java in WebObjects, and the migration of Objective-C applications and frameworks to Java. It includes issues, tools, process, and deployment challenges.

Speakers: Francois Jouaux, Ben Trumbull

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WWDC00 • Session 409

WebObjects: Security

Tools • 44:53

This is an overview on the integration of various web security technologies with WebObjects, including encryption, SSL, nonrepudiation, and authentication with business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) perspectives. This session discusses advanced design and implementation issues.

Speaker: David Neumann

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 410

WebObjects: Optimization

Tools • 56:16

This session provides details on the WebObjects application server architecture with a focus on maximizing performance in a production environment. We cover common pitfalls and solutions, optimizations, sanity checks, and other issues related to scaling an application from the developer's desktop into a multiserver/multiuser environment. Discussions of memory management, resource usage analysis, and effective stress testing are also included.

Speakers: Alex Cone, Bill Bumgarner

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WWDC00 • Session 411

WebObjects: Integrating Client-Side Technologies


This is a survey of various client-side web technologies such as JavaScript, Flash, PDF, QuickTime, SMIL, and WAP and their integration with WebObjects applications for advanced user interfaces.

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WWDC00 • Session 412

WebObjects: EOF Caching and Synchronization

Tools • 35:11

This session provides a detailed discussion of database snapshot management for conflict detection and caching, including the balance between efficiency and data freshness in refreshing and synchronization across sessions or multiple application instances.

Speaker: Daniel Abrams

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 413

WebObjects: XML

Tools • 44:56

Learn about XML integration with WebObjects, such as archiving, parsing, and XML content in requests and responses. This session highlights how to use XML for interapplication communication using content syndication as an example.

Speaker: Tim Joransen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 414

WebObjects: Performance Metrics

Tools • 48:49

This session discusses tools and techniques for collecting and analyzing application performance metrics such as statistics, events, record, and playback.

Speakers: Eric Bailey, Stan Jirman

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WWDC00 • Session 415

WebObjects: Advanced EOF

Tools • 55:23

This is an in-depth exploration of new and advanced features of EOF 4.5. It includes shared editing contexts, deferred faults, and schema synchronization, as well as batch faulting, prefetching, complex many-to-many, delete rules, and stored procedures.

Speaker: Eric Noyau

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 416

WebObjects: Designing Reusable Components

Tools • 55:57

This session provides practical guidance on designing and packaging nested components for reuse, including API, synchronization, validation, palettes, and frameworks.

Speaker: Kelly Kazem

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 417

WebObjects: Building Large-Scale Applications

Tools • 1:00:32

Design, implementation, and management issues in large-scale WebObjects application development are discussed in this session. Topics include system and application architecture design, data modeling, and project organization and performance tuning. Learn from Apple's own WebObjects consulting experiences.

Speaker: Steven Meyer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 162

Mac OS X: Server Services

Networking and Security • 55:01

This session covers the services provided in a future release of Mac OS X Server, identifying key developer opportunities and detailing compatibility requirements. These services include AFP File, FTP File, Apache Web, SMB File, Mail, Printing, NetBoot, DNS, DHCP, and SLP. Learn how other services such as the Directory Services APIs and Network Services Location APIs are integrated.

Speakers: Ken Bereskin, Greg Burns, Bob Murphy

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WWDC00 • Session 165

Mac OS X: Directory Services

Networking and Security • 24:25

This session provides details on the Directory Services APIs that allow Mac OS X-based software to access directory systems, such as LDAP and NetInfo, in a standard manner. These APIs provide full access to a range of directory systems (data access and authentication). The low-level plug-in model that allows the addition of directory access modules is also covered.

Speakers: David O'Rourke, Michael Dasenbrock

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 166

Mac OS X: Network Services Location

Networking and Security • 30:41

Network Services Location (NSL) is a set of services that provide IP network services browsing on Mac OS. In this session, we discuss the improvements, implementation, and strategy for taking NSL development onto Mac OS X, as well as share real-world tips.

Speakers: Rob Neville, Kevin Arnold, Al Begley

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WWDC00 • Session 167

URL Access

Networking and Security • 34:56

URL Access provides high-level APIs to allow applications to easily take advantage of various Internet protocols, including HTTP and FTP, as well as support file verify. Learn how to add URL Access to your product.

Speaker: Sari Harrison

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 168


Networking and Security • 45:21

Keychain is the password and key manager for Mac OS. This session provides details on how developers can use Carbon to take advantage of this technology within their products on both Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X.

Speaker: Ken McLeod

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 169

Security Directions

Networking and Security

This session provides an overview of the Mac OS X security architecture, including enhanced certificate management, SSL v3, and a variety of layered services on top of CDSA 2.0. This topic is essential for integrating security into your product.

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WWDC00 • Session 202

FireWire: Now and in the Future

Hardware • 1:04:26

FireWire, the industry-standard interface for DV cameras and high-performance peripherals, is now standard on Apple's Power Mac G4, PowerBook, and iMac DV series. Learn how to support this revolutionary technology to reduce support costs and provide your customers with unmatched peripheral performance, reliability, and simplicity.

Speakers: Jai Chulani, Eric Anderson, Wil Oxford

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WWDC00 • Session 203

FireWire in Depth

Hardware • 54:19

This session provides details on developing drivers for FireWire peripherals. Learn about FireWire in Mac OS X and how your products work with it, and learn tips and tricks on how to get the best possible performance. This session covers SBP-2 and Isoc details, as well as Apple's Mac OS X drivers.

Speakers: Jai Chulani, William Gulland

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC00 • Session 204

USB: Now and in the Future

Hardware • 1:01:59

Universal Serial Bus (USB) is sweeping the industry, led by Apple. Every computer Apple ships includes the USB peripheral interface, with an installed base in the multiple millions. Learn about the standard drivers included in Mac OS and detailed information on how to develop drivers and installers to make the most of the USB software locator mechanism.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Rich Kubota, Rhoads Hollowell

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WWDC01 • Session 100

Mac OS X Update

Mac OS • 1:38:38

Mac OS X began shipping worldwide March 24, 2001. Delivering a powerful foundation along with innovative technologies, Mac OS X offers unprecedented development opportunities. Learn about the goals and architecture of Mac OS X including Darwin, the open source foundation; Quartz, the industry's best graphics technology; Carbon and Cocoa, powerful application frameworks; and Aqua, the incredible new user interface of Mac OS X.

Speakers: Ken Bereskin, Bertrand Serlet, Tony O'Brien, Robert Bowdidge, C.K. Haun, Vince Parsons, Lorin Rivers, Eric Wittman, Andrew Stone, Marc Parmet, Wil Shipley, Graeme Devine

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 101

Frameworks Overview

Mac OS • 1:06:15

Mac OS X provides a number of powerful application development frameworks. From the Mac OS 9-derived Carbon and object-oriented Cocoa to Java 2 Standard Edition and BSD Unix, Mac OS X has something for every developer. This session provides an introduction for developers who are new to Mac OS X.

Speaker: Scott Forstall

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 102

Cocoa Overview

Mac OS • 48:12

Cocoa is a powerful object-oriented framework for creating full-featured desktop applications for Mac OS X. The Cocoa APIs include low-level utility, system interaction, internationalization, internet, and platform independence classes, as well as a rich set of user-interface components and a powerful and extensible text system. This session provides an overview of Cocoa's features, APIs, and tools, with demonstrations.

Speakers: Chuck Pisula, Doug Davidson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 103

Darwin: The Foundation of Mac OS X

Mac OS • 1:05:29

Darwin is the powerful, open source foundation of Mac OS X. Based on BSD UNIX, Darwin is a robust technology engineered for stability, flexibility, and performance. This session introduces each of Darwin's components and the services they provide, and functions as a prelude to the Mac OS X File System, Networking, Kernel, and I/O Kit sessions.

Speakers: Brett Halle, Joe Sokol

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 104

I/O Kit Update

Mac OS • 48:01

I/O Kit, the Mac OS X driver model, makes creating Macintosh drivers easier than ever. I/O Kit handles standard services and functionality for you, allowing you to focus on the unique aspects of your product. This session covers what makes up an I/O Kit driver, how drivers are dynamically matched and loaded for your devices, and how to access devices from applications.

Speaker: Dean Reece

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 105

Graphics & Imaging Overview

Mac OS • 59:43

This session offers a summary of the exceptional 2D and 3D graphics technologies in Mac OS X. The latest information on Quartz, OpenGL, ColorSync, printing, and Image Capture are presented. This overview provides an introduction to other graphics and imaging sessions.

Speaker: Peter Graffagnino

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 106

Carbon Event Manager

Mac OS • 49:32

The Carbon Event Manager is the preferred event dispatching model for Carbon applications. Using Carbon Events simplifies application design and can significantly improve performance on Mac OS X. Learn how to write a Carbon Event-based application using default event handlers as well as how to write custom handlers.

Speakers: Ed Voas, Hockey Brokenarm, Four-Eyed FrankenGuy

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WWDC01 • Session 107

2D Graphics Using Quartz

Mac OS • 1:02:55

Quartz is the foundation of 2D graphics in Mac OS X. This session explains how to harness the power of Quartz in your application. Detailed explanations of the Quartz graphics architecture, the Quartz API, and how to integrate PDF support into your products are presented.

Speaker: Haroon Sheikh

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 108

PDF, Quartz, and Mac OS X

Mac OS • 42:10

The Portable Document Format (PDF) is used as a container for graphic content throughout Mac OS X. This session includes a functional overview of the PDF file format, detailed information on how Mac OS X leverages the PDF file format, and information on how Mac OS X consumes and generates PDF files. This session is a great starting place for developers looking to understand the Quartz drawing model.

Speaker: Derek Clegg

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 109

Graphics for Games

Mac OS • 39:25

Take a look under the hood of the high performance graphics engines of Mac OS X. After an overview of the numerous options available to game developers, this session concentrates on screen control APIs and seamless integration of available technologies.

Speakers: David Hill, Geoff Stahl

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 110

Drawing Unicode Text with ATSUI

Mac OS • 1:02:54

What do you do when DrawThemeText isn't enough? This session covers drawing Unicode text beyond the basics. Learn to draw text using ATSUI features, such as vertical text, and Core Graphics features, such as transform matrices. Participants will see how the Finder, Menu Manager, Sherlock, Help Viewer, and Cocoa take advantage of ATSUI capabilities.

Speakers: John Jenkins, Peter Edberg

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 111

Make It Aqua: Adopt the Mac OS X User Experience

Mac OS • 1:09:45

Mac OS X users expect applications to deliver the consistency, intuitive design, and ease of use that is characteristic of the Macintosh experience. Paying attention to user experience related issues and adopting the new appearance and layout guidelines for Mac OS X will help you deliver a genuine Mac OS X application that meets the expectations of your customers. View this session to learn how to adopt Aqua and avoid common interface design errors.

Speaker: John Geleynse

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 112

Carbon: Windows & Menus

Mac OS • 38:19

Learn about features in the Carbon Window and Menu Managers such as window grouping, sheets, asynchronous window dragging, new alert types, the standard Font, Help, Window menus, changes required for custom MDEFs, and more.

Speakers: Ed Voas, Guy Fullerton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 113

Text on Mac OS X

Mac OS • 55:55

A major contributor to the overall look and feel of the Aqua interface in Mac OS X is anti-aliased text. For Carbon developers wanting static or editable anti-aliased text, this session includes in-depth discussions of the options available, including Appearance Manager APIs, Unicode toolbox controls, and the Multilingual Text Editor (MLTE).

Speakers: Xavier Legros, John Harvey, Greg Dow, Rick Fabrick

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WWDC01 • Session 114

Application Packaging and Document Binding

Mac OS • 58:17

This session covers changes to document binding and application packaging in Mac OS X and the impact of these changes on developers and users. Bundles, file name extensions, file type and creator, binding rules, the role of Launch Services, and Finder-related topics are discussed in-depth.

Speaker: Christopher Linn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 115

Open Source at Apple

Mac OS • 42:36

In 1998, Apple became the first major computer company to make open source development a key part of its ongoing software strategy. This session provides an update on the status and plans for Apple's open source projects including Darwin OS, Darwin Streaming Server, and OpenPlay/NetSprocket.

Speakers: Brett Halle, Dave Zarzycki, Chris LeCroy, Lane Roathe, Ron Hayden, Wilfredo Sanchez

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WWDC01 • Session 116

Mac OS X File System

Mac OS • 1:00:45

Mac OS X provides support for a variety of file systems including HFS+, UFS, ISO-9660, UDF, NFS, MS-DOS, AFP, and WebDAV. Learn how the extensible file system architecture of Mac OS X provides support for multiple file systems and allows developers to extend or add more. This session provides essential information for any developer whose product requires close file system interaction.

Speakers: Clark Warner, Pat Dirks

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 117

Image Capture Framework

Mac OS • 55:55

The Image Capture Framework enables your application to acquire images directly from digital cameras and scanners. This session explores these capabilities and explains how to integrate them into your product. Image Capture driver development for digital cameras and other imaging devices will also be covered.

Speakers: Travis Brown, Steve Swen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 118


Mac OS • 1:05:11

ColorSync is tightly integrated into the Mac OS X graphics architecture, providing automatic color management for general graphic applications. Advanced graphic applications can use ColorSync directly to provide high-level color management services. This session covers the color-managed graphics architecture of Mac OS X, the ColorSync API, and device support.

Speakers: Travis Brown, David Hayward, Eric Broadbent, Luke Wallis

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WWDC01 • Session 119

Carbon Controls & Appearance I

Mac OS • 40:15

Learn about Control and Appearance Manager APIs and how to make your product Aqua compliant. This session covers issues specific to application frameworks, such as PowerPlant, so you can take full advantage of capabilities like moving controls between windows and the new drawing model.

Speaker: Guy Fullerton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 120

Carbon Controls & Appearance II

Mac OS • 1:01:10

This session builds on the material presented in Session 119, providing details on Dock icon animation, DataBrowser, Help Tags, improved direct manipulation of data with Drag & Drop, and much more. Learn how to make your application "go the extra mile."

Speakers: Guy Fullerton, David McLeod

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 121

Carbon Performance Tuning

Mac OS • 1:13:07

Want to dramatically increase the performance of your Carbon application? This session demonstrates techniques for optimizing file I/O, memory management, and event handling. You'll also learn how threading can improve the responsiveness of your application.

Speakers: John Iarocci, Nitin Ganatra

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 122

Using Cocoa

Mac OS • 59:10

Learn how to use the APIs in the Cocoa frameworks to swiftly enhance your application. A series of demonstrations teach both newcomers and experienced Cocoa developers how to take advantage of advanced Cocoa features.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

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WWDC01 • Session 123

Advanced Cocoa Topics

Mac OS • 55:13

This session covers advanced Cocoa topics such as services, file wrappers, runloop, drag and drop, and printing. Some of the recent changes in Cocoa are also presented.

Speakers: Heather Hickman, Mark Piccirelli, Doug Davidson, Chuck Pisula

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 124


Mac OS • 1:06:01

Mac OS X has a powerful and flexible printing architecture. This session explains how to take full advantage of Mac OS X printing capabilities such as Carbon Print Manager, Document Modal Printing, PostScript, and PDF printing. Advanced troubleshooting and debugging techniques are also presented.

Speaker: Paul Danbold

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 125

Apple Help

Mac OS • 1:05:22

Apple Help is the HTML-based help system for Mac OS products. Learn how to provide access to online help from within your application and gain insights into the future of user assistance on the Mac OS. This session is a must if you provide on-screen help within your application.

Speakers: Gordon Meyer, Jack Minsky, Jessica Kahn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 127

Speech Recognition & Synthesis In-Depth

Mac OS • 59:34

This session provides an overview of current speech technologies, describes what's new in Mac OS X, and goes in-depth on lots of material. Featured topics include new APIs, ideas for using speech, our new pronunciation subsystem, how to customize speech for your application, and guidelines and tips for getting the best possible performance and sound.

Speakers: Kim Silverman, Sal Soghoian, Matthias Neeracher, Kevin Aitken

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 128

Font Management on Mac OS X

Mac OS • 56:42

Mac OS X makes it easy to support the multitude of font technologies and file formats required by your users. Learn how to write software that fully integrates with the font database system and to utilize the programming interface to the Font Manager as well as other font-related system components.

Speakers: Nathan Taylor, Julio González, Scott Thompson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 129

Mac OS X Application Localization

Mac OS • 45:25

Learn how to package your application to support multiple localizations in order to capitalize on Apple's worldwide user base. This session features demonstrations of the new Appleglot 3, which supports Apple Data Types across Classic, Carbon, and Cocoa applications using the powerful Monte translator technology.

Speakers: Chris Hansten, Jack Sampson, Mike Butler, Kristian Walsh

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WWDC01 • Session 130

Designing & Using Aqua Icons

Mac OS • 40:57

Application and document icons that effectively communicate function and purpose are a requirement for successful Macintosh products. Icons are particularly important in Mac OS X, where improved size and resolution allow developers to grab the attention of users and convey a greater depth of information. Learn the design principles and tools for delivering high quality icons for your Mac OS X product.

Speaker: Imran Chaudhri

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 131

CarbonLib: Carbon on Mac OS 8 & 9

Mac OS • 56:24

CarbonLib is the system extension that allows Carbon applications to run on Mac OS 8 and 9. This session covers the latest features in CarbonLib and shows you how to design your Mac OS X application so it runs well on Mac OS 8 and 9.

Speakers: Mark Turner, Vince Parsons

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 132

Graphics & Imaging Tips and Tricks

Mac OS • 1:06:15

Discover techniques to ensure that your application gets the most out of the incredible graphics architecture in Mac OS X. This session covers Carbon printing, optimizing and debugging Quartz, as well as tips for intermixing Quartz and QuickDraw graphics.

Speakers: David Gelphman, Ralph Brunner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 133

AppleScript Overview

Mac OS • 1:02:31

With AppleScript, Mac OS X continues to provide the market-leading advantages of system-wide scripting. Learn how easy it is to establish a loyal customer base by providing unique, custom solutions with the adoption of AppleScript within your product.

Speaker: Chris Espinosa

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 134

Building AppleScript Applications

Mac OS • 56:34

Having trouble porting your scriptable application or OSA client app to Mac OS X? Wondering how to debug without MacsBug, AETracker, and all your familiar Mac OS 9 tools? Want to know how to integrate scripts directly into your Carbon or Cocoa application? This session shows you the nuts and bolts of developing scriptable applications and OSA clients, give you tips and tricks on debugging Apple events in gdb, and teaches you some interesting things to do with ProjectBuilder.

Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Mark Alldritt

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 135

Input for Games

Mac OS • 57:57

Focusing on user interaction for interactive applications, this session covers implementation details of both the HID Manager and Carbon Events for Mac OS X. Key issues such as getting mouse deltas and finding devices are covered thoroughly.

Speaker: Geoff Stahl

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 136

Sound & Networking for Games

Mac OS • 1:03:26

Sound and networking are critical elements of almost any successful modern game. This session focuses on the wide range of technologies available to achieve world-class sound and robust networking in your next title.

Speakers: Todd Previte, David Hill

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 137

Mac OS X Documentation How-To

Mac OS • 38:25

Learn how to access and use the latest Mac OS X documentation for help in developing Carbon and Cocoa applications. Find out what documentation is local, on the web, and in print. Hear directly from O'Reilly and Associates about their latest book series covering Mac OS X development.

Speakers: Toni Childress, Matt Rollefson, Tony Francis, Troy Mott

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WWDC01 • Session 138

CoreFoundation Overview

Mac OS • 51:26

CoreFoundation offers a rich set of C APIs that provide basic data types, collections, user preferences, bundle and plug-in handling, internationalization support, and low-level event handling. These APIs are used extensively within Carbon and Cocoa, and CoreFoundation types appear in many other APIs. An overview of CoreFoundation and details on advanced services such as CFBundle, CFRunLoop, and CFMessagePort are presented.

Speakers: Chris Kane, Doug Davidson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 139

Leveraging BSD Services in Mac OS X

Mac OS • 1:14:36

Wrapped around the Mac OS X kernel is a custom version of BSD 4.4 that includes many of the POSIX APIs as well as abstractions for both networking and the Darwin file system. Darwin's BSD enables developers to take advantage of a large library of existing applications and tools. Learn how to exploit this power to bring BSD-based applications to Mac OS X.

Speakers: Brett Halle, Eric Peyton, Jordan Hubbard

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WWDC01 • Session 140

The Darwin Kernel

Mac OS • 59:09

At the core of Mac OS X is the Darwin Kernel which provides basic services such as threads, scheduling, real-time support, synchronization, address space management, timers, and virtual memory. This session covers kernel services for both application and kernel extension developers.

Speaker: Jim Magee

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WWDC01 • Session 201

How Threading Can Benefit Your Application on Mac OS X

Hardware • 45:49

Learn to leverage single and multiprocessor hardware with Mac OS X to significantly boost performance of your application with threading. Information on the different threading models in Carbon, Cocoa, and BSD are covered in-depth.

Speakers: Mark Tozer-Vilchez, Matt Watson, Robert Bowdidge, Ivan Posva

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WWDC01 • Session 202

FireWire Overview

Hardware • 35:13

FireWire, the industry standard interface for digital video cameras and high-performance peripherals, is now standard on all Macs. Learn how to support this revolutionary technology and provide your customers with unmatched peripheral performance, reliability, and simplicity. Hear about 1394b and protocols such as FireWire Audio (61883-6) and SPB-2.

Speakers: Greg Mullins, Eric Anderson

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WWDC01 • Session 203

USB Overview

Hardware • 37:40

This session is an introduction to the Mac OS X USB architecture. Asynchronous vs. blocking design and the implications this has for USB I/O will be covered. Details about the drivers provided in Mac OS X and how older USB drivers will function in the Classic environment are discussed.

Speakers: David Ferguson, Rhoads Hollowell

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 204

I/O Kit: Storage Drivers

Hardware • 39:04

This session covers how the Mass Storage architecture in Mac OS X provides basic support for many existing device types and can also be easily extended by developers to provide support for the unique features of their devices.

Speakers: Craig Marciniak, Chris Sarcone

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WWDC01 • Session 205

I/O Kit: PCI Drivers & Open Firmware

Hardware • 1:03:23

This session covers generic PCI device drivers for Mac OS X and includes information on Mac OS X I/O Kit, Fcode, and traditional ndrv drivers. Packaging and loading of drivers under Mac OS X will also be discussed.

Speakers: Mark Tozer-Vilchez, Wayne Flansburg, Josh de Cesare, Steve Martin, Jason Seng

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 206

FireWire in Depth

Hardware • 50:13

This session provides an in-depth look at how FireWire works on Mac OS X. Developers will learn how to get the best possible performance with SBP-2, Isoch, Digital Video, and Mac OS X drivers.

Speaker: Eric Anderson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 207

USB In-Depth

Hardware • 1:05:07

Learn how to develop both user space and kernel model drivers for Mac OS X. This session discusses the architecture of the USB Family in Mac OS X and how to access USB devices from applications. Creation of USB kernel extensions and how driver matching works for USB kernel extensions are also covered. A demonstration of debugging USB drivers in Mac OS X is featured.

Speakers: Fernando Urbina, Rhoads Hollowell

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 208

Audio Services in Mac OS X

Hardware • 55:02

This session discusses audio services available to applications, including the basic Audio I/O model and how audio hardware is presented to an application. Java APIs that provide access to these services will also be discussed.

Speakers: Jeff Moore, Doug Wyatt, Bill Stewart

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 209

Audio Processing & Sequencing Services

Hardware • 1:00:01

Mac OS X provides developers with advanced audio processing capabilities. This session details how to create and use custom Audio Processing Units for applications. It also provides an introduction to creating Music Sequences using the Audio Toolbox. Java APIs that provide access to these services will also be discussed.

Speaker: Chris Rogers

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 210

MIDI in Mac OS X

Hardware • 1:03:11

With Mac OS X, MIDI developers have access to professional quality MIDI services as a core part of the operating system. This session discusses the MIDI APIs and services available to applications and how to interface with MIDI hardware. Java APIs that provide access to these services will also be discussed.

Speakers: Doug Wyatt, Bill Stewart

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 300

Networking Overview

Networking and Security • 1:03:52

Mac OS X offers the most powerful and flexible networking technology in the industry. Learn about networking APIs and protocols such as IPsec, IPv6, and PPPoE.

Speaker: Vincent Lubet

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WWDC01 • Session 301

Mac OS X Server

Networking and Security • 52:09

This session covers essential server features such as Directory, Web, File, Print, Mail, Macintosh Manager, NetBoot, and Network services. Learn how to integrate your applications with Mac OS X Server.

Speakers: Eric Zelenka, Greg Burns, Rusty Tucker, Rob Neville, Greg Vaughan

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WWDC01 • Session 302

Directory Services

Networking and Security • 39:08

This session covers integration of Directory Services into Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server. Learn about Access APIs and API utilities, Authentication, Directory Setup, NetInfo, and LDAPv2. This session includes sample code and information on how to write a Directory Access plug-in.

Speakers: David O'Rourke, Jason Townsend

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 303

Network Configuration & Mobility

Networking and Security • 37:11

Interested in configuring Mac OS X networking from your application or need to know how Mac OS X handles network reconfiguration? This session explains how Mac OS X manages dynamic network environments and includes an overview of the APIs available to developers.

Speakers: Tom Weyer, Dieter Siegmund, Allan Nathanson

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WWDC01 • Session 304

Extensible Kernel Networking Services

Networking and Security • 1:02:25

The Mac OS X kernel has a powerful networking architecture that offers numerous ways to extend kernel capabilities. Learn how to exploit this architecture to develop advanced networking products such as firewalls, VPNs, and content filters.

Speaker: Laurent Dumont

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 305

Security Overview

Networking and Security • 37:53

This session provides an overview of the new security features in Mac OS X and how to make the best use of them. Topics include a discussion of the Authorization API, CDSA, and Keychain.

Speaker: John Hurley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 306

Security: Authorization API

Networking and Security • 31:40

This session covers the Authorization API which shipped in Mac OS X. This API provides a centralized and secure way to know if an operation is permitted, such as requesting administrator privileges for installers.

Speaker: Michael Brouwer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 307

Security: Keychain

Networking and Security • 49:27

The Mac OS Keychain provides developers with the ability to store passwords and other information in a secure manner, accessible through a single, standard mechanism. Examples are shown and Keychain access from Cocoa and Carbon applications are presented.

Speaker: Ken McLeod

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 308

Network Services Location

Networking and Security • 25:12

Network Services Location (NSL) provides IP network services browsing on Mac OS. This session covers the implementation and improvements made since last year and will seek your feedback on this technology.

Speaker: Rob Neville

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 309

Security: Kerberos

Networking and Security

Kerberos is a popular network authentication system included in Mac OS X. With Kerberos, clients can securely authenticate who they are to a variety of Internet services. This session covers the Kerberos architecture that Apple and MIT will be providing in Mac OS X including Kerberos v4, KClient, Kerberos v5, and GSSAPI technologies.

Speakers: Tom Weyer, Marshall Vale

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 310

AFP 3.0 & AppleShare Client in Mac OS X

Networking and Security • 15:54

This session covers the Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) 3.0 as implemented in Mac OS X Server and Client as well as the AppleShare client APIs.

Speaker: Leland Wallace

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 311

Web Enabling Your Application

Networking and Security • 34:30

This session presents the Mac OS X APIs available to easily access the Internet from within your application. Various internet protocols, including ftp, http, and https are discussed.

Speakers: Richard Murphy, Becky Willrich

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WWDC01 • Session 400

QuickTime Overview

Digital Media • 53:59

QuickTime is Apple's industry-leading technology for creating and publishing multimedia content. Whether you develop software for web publishing, interactive gaming, enhanced music CDs or professional video, learn what has been accomplished over the past year and see where this foundation technology is headed. This session also covers QuickTime VR.

Speaker: Tim Schaaff

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 401

Interactive Aspects of QuickTime

Digital Media • 55:50

This session focuses on the interactive aspects of QuickTime. QuickTime 5 allows developers to take advantage of Flash 4 and LiveStage Pro features for increased levels of interactivity, including sprites. In addition, Media Skins allow you to customize the look and feel of your media and Cubic VR allows you to view the entire panoramic world.

Speakers: Eric Blanpied, Ken Turkowski

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 402

QuickTime for Professional Video

Digital Media • 57:31

This session shows new features of QuickTime for use in developing professional video applications and components. Topics include improved movie track editing using media sharing, gamma correction APIs, support of nested effects for real-time hardware, implementing multiprocessing support, and strategies for developing hardware components for Mac OS X.

Speakers: Tim Cherna, Jean-Michel Berthoud, Sam Bushell, Tom Dowdy

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WWDC01 • Session 403

Broadcasting Live with QuickTime Streaming

Digital Media • 39:21

Want your application to send video, audio, and text live over the internet? Find out how with just two pages of code. Take advantage of reliable broadcast, stream recording, and IETF standards-compliant broadcasting.

Speaker: Team Lemur

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 404

OpenGL: High Performance 2D

Digital Media • 58:29

Take a close look at using the ultrahigh performance 3D graphics pipeline in the traditional world of 2D and 2.5D graphics. Gain a strong understanding of the design and construction of optimized image display, sprite, and live scrolling engines using the OpenGL API.

Speaker: Geoff Stahl

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 405

OpenGL: Geometry and Modeling

Digital Media • 21:57

This session provides key insights into the use of complex geometries within OpenGL applications. Topics include hierarchical key-framed model storage, retrieval, and animation within an interactive application.

Speaker: Todd Previte

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 406

QuickTime and Darwin Streaming Server Overview

Digital Media • 39:29

Get the latest status report on the Apple streaming server products. This session covers the latest features of Version 3.0 of the Darwin Streaming Server.

Speaker: Chris LeCroy

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WWDC01 • Session 407

Customizing QuickTime and Darwin Streaming Server

Digital Media • 45:15

Streaming server engineers discuss the high-level architecture of the server and plug-in module API, as well as how to customize and extend the new web-based administration user interface.

Speakers: Chris LeCroy, Steve Ussery, John Murata, Mythili Devineni

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WWDC01 • Session 408

OpenGL: Optimization

Digital Media • 53:19

Delve into OpenGL performance tuning at this in-depth session on optimizing OpenGL code for Mac OS X. This session provides information on the fast paths through Apple's OpenGL implementation and key optimization and profiling techniques. Specific API performance insights are presented.

Speaker: John Stauffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 409

OpenGL: Advanced Rendering

Digital Media • 24:40

View this session to gain a thorough understanding of OpenGL techniques you can use to exploit the power of Apple hardware. These include vertex and texture programs as well as other rendering techniques used in the latest games and demos.

Speaker: Troy Dawson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 500

Java Overview

Java • 1:14:40

Every copy of Mac OS X includes Java 2 Standard Edition v1.3, making Mac OS X the ultimate platform for developing and deploying Java 2 applications. This session covers Apple's plans for Java on Mac OS X. Topics include the Java runtime environment, the HotSpot Client VM, Java development tools, and shared libraries.

Speakers: Steve Naroff, Sean Reilly, Steve Lewallen, Larry Abrahams, Blake Stone

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WWDC01 • Session 501

Java Virtual Machine

Java • 1:01:09

This session covers features and capabilities of the HotSpot Client Virtual Machine, including Apple's innovative sharing technology, as well as application tuning and debugging tricks.

Speaker: Blaine Garst

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 502

Wrapping Mac OS APIs into Java Beans

Java • 44:45

This session highlights the Mac OS X APIs exposed to Java and demonstrates the use of these beans in a visual development environment via Borland's JBuilder. Overviews and demonstrations of Speech Recognition, Speech Synthesis, Spell Checking, and other Mac OS X Java Beans are presented.

Speaker: Steve Lewallen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 503

Java Development Tools

Java • 1:07:24

This session presents Java development tools available for Mac OS X, including JBuilder, NetBeans, Project Builder, Optimizeit, InstallAnywhere, CodeWarrior, and others.

Speakers: Alan Samuel, Dave Ewing, Scott Adler, Blake Stone, Michael Acosta, Eric Shapiro, Serge Beauchamp, Ravindranath Kurupati

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WWDC01 • Session 504

Java Performance

Java • 59:58

Get the best performance from your Java application. Topics in this session include advances in VM technology, graphics and interface optimization, and coding strategies. Focus is on tools and techniques for analyzing your application's performance.

Speakers: Andy Belk, Ivan Posva, Jim Laskey, Scott Adler

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 505


Java • 1:16:13

This session showcases Mac OS X-specific functionality in Borland's Java IDE, JBuilder. Review JBuilder basics such as editor productivity, code browsing, and debugging. The visual designer for database development, dynamic web content, and source code control are also covered.

Speaker: Blake Stone

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 506

Mac OS X Features for Java Applications

Java • 53:15

Ensure your product's success in the Macintosh market by taking advantage of Mac OS X interface enhancements. Learn how using MRJAppBuilder, Sheets, and anti-aliased fonts can help you deliver a full Macintosh user experience. JNI and JDirect are also covered.

Speakers: Peter Steinauer, Eric Albert

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 507

QuickTime for Java

Java • 46:37

This session provides a technology overview of QuickTime for Java and covers new features available with the release of QuickTime 5, including support for streaming and Java Wired actions.

Speakers: Michael Hopkins, Jon Summers

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WWDC01 • Session 508

Java Graphics

Java • 50:02

Are hardware-accelerated Java graphics important to you? Exciting things are happening at Apple in this area. Don't miss this session covering Java Graphics technologies, including Java 2D.

Speakers: John Burkey, Gerard Ziemski

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WWDC01 • Session 509

Java Security

Java • 41:32

This session covers J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition) applet security, the J2SE security model, and using JSSE (Java Secure Sockets Extension) with Java on Mac OS X to implement secure connections in your applications.

Speakers: Scott Kovatch, Ted Jucevic

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WWDC01 • Session 600

WebObjects: State of the Union

WebObjects • 45:53

WebObjects 5 is the most significant release in the history of Apple's award-winning web application server software. With fully integrated Java support, WebObjects becomes available to a wider audience of developers and users worldwide. Find out about the WebObjects sessions at WWDC and get a sneak peak into the future of WebObjects and Enterprise Objects technologies. Meet the key players and discover what Apple has planned for the year ahead.

Speakers: Ernest Prabhakar, Ernest Kim, Tom Naughton, Ron Lue-Sang, Matt Rollefson, Timothy Joransen, James Dempsey, Roshanak Afsarifard

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WWDC01 • Session 601

WebObjects Technical Overview

WebObjects • 1:13:40

This session provides a technical overview of WebObjects for new developers, highlighting the key aspects of its architecture, technical advantages, and relevance to web application development. Topics include a discussion and demonstration of WebObjects tools, design and flow of a typical WebObjects application, and a review of deployment scenarios.

Speaker: Steve Hayman

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WWDC01 • Session 603

Introduction to WebObjects Tools

WebObjects • 1:04:33

This session presents an overview of the tools available in WebObjects, highlighting which tools are best for given tasks and demonstrating how they can work together. Tools covered include Direct to Web, Direct to Java Client, WebObjects Builder, EOModeler, and Project Builder.

Speakers: Joe Moreno, Barry Janzen

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WWDC01 • Session 604

Introduction to Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF)

WebObjects • 1:05:37

This session presents an introduction of the Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF) with both a conceptual overview to get up and running with EOF as well as practical code examples. This session should prove useful to beginners and experienced EOF developers alike.

Speaker: James Dempsey

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WWDC01 • Session 605

Moving to WebObjects 5

WebObjects • 57:05

This session covers improvements and new features in the WebObjects 5 Frameworks, as well as issues with migration from WebObjects 4.5. This general session will be helpful to all developers interested in getting a head-start with WebObjects 5. It requires some knowledge of WebObjects.

Speakers: Melissa Turner, Francois Jouaux, RD Willhoite

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WWDC01 • Session 606

Direct to Java Client

WebObjects • 59:49

Direct to Java Client is a powerful rapid development technology which makes creation of three-tier Java Client applications fast and simple by dynamically generating large portions of user interfaces. This session covers the concepts of Direct to Java Client, customization techniques, and the use of the rule system that drives dynamic user interface generation.

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, Ron Lue-Sang, Bill Bumgarner

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WWDC01 • Session 607

Practical Uses of XML with WebObjects


Learn about integrating XML, XML-RPC, and SOAP with WebObjects. Topics include object serialization, archiving, parsing, and other practical XML uses. This session highlights the use of WebObjects and XML for interapplication communication.

Speakers: Bob Frank, Mike Brumbelow, Han-Ming Ong

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WWDC01 • Session 608

Solutions with WebObjects

WebObjects • 56:06

This session presents examples and case studies of how WebObjects has been used to bring information to the web, streamline business operations, and solve real world problems.

Speakers: Robb Beal, Brian Fitzpatrick, Bob Frank, David Black, Ricardo Flores

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WWDC01 • Session 609

Developing Desktop Applications with WebObjects

WebObjects • 51:06

This session is an introduction to WebObjects desktop applications. Clients supported are two-tier Cocoa applications and three-tier Java Client applications based on Swing. A detailed comparative architectural overview, project creation with Project Builder, and GUI creation with Interface Builder are presented.

Speakers: Ron Lue-Sang, Andreas Wendker

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WWDC01 • Session 610

Introduction to Data Modeling and Connectivity

WebObjects • 1:01:09

This session demonstrates building EOModels for connecting to databases via JDBC. Learn the basics of creating entities, attributes, and relationships, and explore advanced topics such as custom attribute types and modeling entity inheritance. This session also covers using LDAP as a datasource.

Speakers: Steve Miner, Ernest Kim

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WWDC01 • Session 611

Deploying WebObjects Applications

WebObjects • 45:39

This session is a tour of the WebObjects cross-platform application server, including key components and features for scalability and robustness. Preparation of a WebObjects application for deployment is also covered.

Speakers: Karl Hsu, Josh Behnke

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WWDC01 • Session 612

Direct to Web

WebObjects • 1:01:01

Want to get the most out of the Direct to Web framework? This session covers the advanced features of Direct to Web, including the rule system, component templates, custom components, and named configurations.

Speakers: Miguel Sanchez, Patrice Gautier

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WWDC01 • Session 613

Advanced Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF)

WebObjects • 56:39

This is an in-depth exploration of the advanced features of Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF). This session covers shared editing contexts, deferred faults, and schema synchronization, as well as batch fetching, prefetching, and delete rules.

Speaker: Eric Noyau

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 614

Advanced Java Client

WebObjects • 58:31

This session covers advanced features of three-tier Java Client applications, such as business logic partitioning, using delegates to encrypt communication between client and server, and controlling client access to server methods. Also covered are lesser-known features of Direct to Java Client and its use in applications that are not entirely dynamically generated.

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, Norbert Schatz

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WWDC01 • Session 616

Getting the Most Out of WebObjects Tools

WebObjects • 53:38

This session is an in-depth look at the WebObjects tool features, such as assistants, rapid turnaround, CVS integration, split-install, custom palettes, "mystery files," and platform independence.

Speakers: Stan Jirman, Tom Naughton

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WWDC01 • Session 617

WebObjects Security

WebObjects • 48:10

This session discusses security within WebObjects applications. Topics include techniques for securing page generation and direct action invocation for anonymous users, gathering credentials for authentication, just-in-time login approaches, and using digital certificates. This session also covers automatic connection to pages over SSL to sites which require privacy, and access control.

Speaker: David Neumann

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC01 • Session 618

Optimizing WebObjects Applications

WebObjects • 53:14

Complex applications require optimization for maximum scalability and performance. This session discusses the tools and techniques used to collect and analyze application performance and identify areas for improvement.

Speakers: Brian Fitzpatrick, Chris Miner

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WWDC01 • Session 700

Mac OS X Tools Overview

Development Tools • 1:01:08

Building great software requires top-notch development tools. Learn about Mac OS X tools from both Apple and 3rd party providers. This session includes demonstrations of the latest Mac OS X development tool offerings from Real Software and Metrowerks.

Speakers: Godfrey DiGiorgi, Steve Naroff, Dave Payne, Lorin Rivers, Matt Henderson

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WWDC01 • Session 701

Project Builder Introduction

Development Tools • 1:06:59

Apple has created a set of development tools centered around a new integrated development environment, Project Builder. This overview discusses the use of Project Builder to develop Carbon, Cocoa, and Java applications and frameworks as well as device drivers and other system components.

Speakers: Dave Payne, Mike Ferris

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WWDC01 • Session 702

Interface Builder

Development Tools • 57:41

Interface Builder is Apple's graphical editor for designing user interfaces for Cocoa and Carbon applications. Learn how Interface Builder allows you to easily access underlying framework concepts like Cocoa targets and actions and the new Carbon event model. This session describes the features in Interface Builder that make it easy to manage virtually every aspect of creating a well designed user interface that adheres to the Aqua user interface guidelines.

Speakers: Henri Lamiraux, Scott Herz

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WWDC01 • Session 703

Project Builder In-Depth

Development Tools • 48:49

Project Builder is a rich integrated development environment for Mac OS X. This session covers the extensive capabilities of Project Builder, including advanced project editing, handling special build needs, and importing projects from alternative build systems.

Speakers: Mike Ferris, Anders Bertelrud, Christian Molick, Dave Ewing

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WWDC01 • Session 704

Compiler Technologies

Development Tools • 53:52

Learn about Apple's enhancements to the GNU C Compiler (GCC) in the Project Builder IDE. Enhancements include reduced compile time, improved code generation, better IDE integration, and other new features.

Speakers: John Graziano, Devang Patel, Zem Laski

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WWDC01 • Session 705

Apple Performance Tools

Development Tools • 1:03:58

This session explains how to improve application performance in the Mac OS X environment using Apple performance analysis tools and techniques.

Speaker: Robert Bowdidge

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WWDC01 • Session 706

Debugging on Mac OS X

Development Tools • 1:03:16

Learn how to configure, run, and debug Carbon, Cocoa, and Java applications in the Project Builder IDE. Learn advanced features of the GDB debugger and useful techniques for getting the most out of this powerful tool.

Speakers: Dave Payne, Rab Hagy, Dave Ewing, Jim Ingham, Klee Dienes

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WWDC01 • Session 707

Darwin Documentation Project and HeaderDoc

Development Tools • 40:32

The Darwin Documentation Project provides HowTos, Man pages, and HeaderDoc comments for Darwin projects. Find out how to contribute to Darwin documentation using DocBook, XML, and HeaderDoc. Learn how HeaderDoc makes it easy for all Mac OS X developers to maintain updated documentation for C and C++ code.

Speakers: Ron Hayden, Matt Morse

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WWDC01 • Session 708

C++ Frameworks for Mac OS X

Development Tools • 49:17

Apple's C++ frameworks can help you move your C++ applications to Mac OS X quickly and efficiently. Learn about the Apple Class Suites, C++ support of the Core Foundation, and how to build your C++ applications using Apple's Project Builder and Metrowerks' CodeWarrior development tools.

Speakers: Mike Rossetti, Tom Becker, Mark Dawson

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WWDC02 • Session 000

Mac OS X: State of the Union

General • 1:06:33

With each release Mac OS X delivers additional opportunities for developers. This session introduces Mac OS X's latest capabilities and highlights key features and changes in the Cocoa and Carbon frameworks.

Speakers: Bertrand Serlet, Scott Forstall

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WWDC02 • Session 001

User Experience: Interface Design Principles

General • 1:08:41

Macintosh users want applications to have the consistency, intuitive design, and ease of use that is characteristic of the Macintosh. This session teaches the basic human interface design principles that make the Macintosh what it is. Learn to implement Modelessness, Direct Manipulation, User Control, Forgiveness, Feedback and Dialog, and other interface design principles to create applications that users find intuitive, friendly, elegant, and powerful.

Speakers: Stan Taylor, Robert Kondrk, John Geleynse

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WWDC02 • Session 002

User Experience: Adopting Aqua

General • 1:14:12

Your users expect their applications to behave and feel as if they belong on Mac OS X. Paying attention to user experience related details, mimicking common behaviors, and adopting the new appearance and layout guidelines for Mac OS X helps you deliver an application which meets these expectations. Learn how to adopt Aqua and avoid common errors and oversights.

Speakers: John Geleynse, Greg Dow, Stuart DeSpain, Ivor Clarke

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WWDC02 • Session 004

System Prefs, Screen Saver, Disk Image, & Installers

General • 47:15

In this virtual grab bag of topics developers gain valuable insight on why, when, and how to create a Mac OS X screen saver or System Preferences pane. We'll also learn how to leverage new Disk image capabilities and the Mac OS X Installer.

Speakers: John Geleynse, Mike Trent, Robert Bowers, Maxym Runov, Grace Kvamme, Jean-Pierre Ciudad

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WWDC02 • Session 008

DiscRecording APIs

General • 54:24

New for the next release of Mac OS X! Want to be a recording artist? Learn how to integrate disc recording capabilities and burn CDs and DVDs directly from your application, using the same APIs that iTunes uses. This session explains the overall architecture of DiscRecording and then goes in-depth on the Core Burn Engine, Content APIs, and DiscRecording UI.

Speakers: Drew Thaler, Mike Shields

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WWDC02 • Session 009

Accessibility Overview

General • 1:00:01

Apple is committed to making Mac OS X accessible to all users. This session highlights the latest developments in Mac OS X, including the new Accessibility APIs. Special attention will be given to the Section 508 requirements.

Speakers: Travis Brown, Mike Engber

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WWDC02 • Session 010

Going International with Mac OS X

General • 1:08:47

Every version of Mac OS X ships in multiple languages, creating immediate global delivery of exciting new features and functionality. This session explains how developers can use the very same localization technologies and tools to quickly and efficiently deliver their products to lucrative international markets.

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WWDC02 • Session 011

Runtime Revolution and REAL Software


Runtime Revolution and REAL Software

Speakers: Louk Janssen, Tyler Stone, Geoff Canyon, Lorin Rivers

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WWDC02 • Session 012

Address Book Framework

General • 43:43

This session provides an overview of the Mac OS X Address Book APIs and details how to take advantage of them to handle contacts for your application. Learn how to leverage this framework within your application to save substantial development time and effort, and deliver a more consistent user experience throughout Mac OS X.

Speaker: Henri Lamiraux

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 013

Speech Technologies in Mac OS X

General • 1:15:23

This session is an in-depth look at Speech Recognition and Synthesis (Text to Speech), offering high quality and natural sound. Speech-enabled applications offer many benefits to Mac users, especially those with accessibility needs. Learn what you get for free with your Mac OS X applications and what you need to do to deliver the Speech experience for your customers.

Speakers: Kim Silverman, Tom Bonura

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WWDC02 • Session 100

The Darwin Roadmap

Darwin • 1:02:58

Darwin is the powerful, open source foundation of Mac OS X. Based on BSD UNIX, Darwin is a robust technology engineered for stability, flexibility, and performance. Introducing each of Darwin's components and the services they provide, this session provides the perfect prelude to Mac OS X Kernel, Networking, IOKit, and other Darwin sessions.

Speaker: Brett Halle

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WWDC02 • Session 101

FireWire Overview

Darwin • 1:00:52

FireWire, the industry-standard interface for digital video cameras and high-performance peripherals, is standard on all Mac systems. In this overview, developers learn how to support this revolutionary technology to provide customers with unmatched peripheral performance, reliability, and simplicity. FireWire futures, including 1394b and protocols such as FireWire Audio (61883) and IP over FireWire, are also covered.

Speakers: Eric Anderson, Michael Johas Teener

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WWDC02 • Session 102

Mac OS X Performance Optimization with Velocity Engine

Darwin • 1:02:03

Apple offers supercomputing performance to both consumers and professionals in its entire line of desktop computers with Velocity Engine and the PowerPC G4 processor. Processor-bound operations such as memory copies, string compares, and page clears can be offloaded to the vector engines of the G4. This session provides an overview of the Velocity Engine vector libraries, including recently optimized double-precision FFTs, MDCT, and BLAST. Apple's numerics engineers will discuss techniques for general vectorization and for identifying code that can be vectorized.

Speakers: Ali Sazegari, Ralph Brunner, Robert Murley, Bill Kincaid, Nathan Slingerland, Sanjay Patel

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WWDC02 • Session 103

Open Source, Apple, and You

Darwin • 53:33

In 1998, Apple became the first major computer company to make open source development a fundamental part of its software strategy. This session provides the 2002 update on Apple's open source projects and infrastructure. Meet Apple's open source team and learn how you can get involved with Darwin, Darwin Streaming Server, OpenPlay, CDSA, and other open source initiatives.

Speakers: Brett Halle, Jordan Hubbard, Richard Blanchard, David O'Rourke, Chris LeCroy, Ed Peterlin, Lane Roathe

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WWDC02 • Session 104

Mac OS X Overview for UNIX Developers

Darwin • 1:00:35

Are you comfortable with 'grep' and 'sed', but still unsure of the difference between Cocoa and Aqua? This session provides a roadmap and glossary for orienting UNIX users and developers to Mac OS X technologies. Mac OS X's history and terminology are covered and its UNIX analogues are identified to help accelerate your learning and maximize your conference experience.

Speaker: Ernest Prabhakar

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 105

Porting UNIX Apps to Mac OS X

Darwin • 25:11

Want your UNIX application to reach a whole new set of customers? This session covers the foundation of how to port your UNIX app to Mac OS X. Developers get specific guidance on what to do, the tools that are available, and helpful porting tips and techniques.

Speakers: Dave Zarzycki, Jason Evans

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WWDC02 • Session 106

AppleScript Update

Darwin • 1:02:25

After ten years, it's time to make waves with AppleScript. The features that you've been waiting for are finally about to happen: a new plug-in architecture to replace OSAXen, support for scriptable application plug-ins, and all-Unicode parser, an XML-based replacement for terminology resources, and an easy-to-use replacement for the ObjectSupportLib. Whether you're writing scriptable applications or are just a novice scripter, don't miss this session.

Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Chris Nebel

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WWDC02 • Session 107

The Darwin Kernel

Darwin • 1:05:54

At the core of Mac OS X is the Darwin Kernel, which provides basic services such as threads, scheduling, real-time support, synchronization, address space management, timers, and virtual memory. This session covers kernel services for both application and kernel extension developers.

Speaker: Jim Magee

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WWDC02 • Session 108

Managing Kernel Extensions

Darwin • 1:06:10

Kernel Extensions (Kexts) are dynamically-loaded bundles that extend the functionality of the Darwin kernel. This session covers many aspects of working with Kexts, including appropriate usage of Kexts and how to avoid common problems. The anatomy of a Kext, preparing a Kext for deployment, and Kext loading and unloading is discussed.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Dean Reece, Nik Gervae

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WWDC02 • Session 109

Darwin Printing

Darwin • 1:02:07

The Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS), the popular UNIX printing solution, is coming to Darwin. This session covers the design, implementation and capabilities of CUPS. Developers will learn how to use CUPS to enhance the printing capabilities of Darwin applications. Presented by CUPS architect Michael R. Sweet.

Speakers: Richard Blanchard, Mike Sweet

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WWDC02 • Session 110

Security: Authorization in Mac OS X

Darwin • 40:44

Authorization Services facilitate access control to restricted areas of the operating system, allowing developers to restrict access by a principal to particular functionality in an application. This session explores how Authorization Services are used in applications that call system tools, software that restricts access to its own tools, and software installers that install privileged tools or require access to restricted areas of the operating system.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Michael Brouwer

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WWDC02 • Session 111

Accessing SCSI and ATA Devices in Mac OS X

Darwin • 48:16

Mac OS X supports an ATA or SCSI device with a stack of drivers that manage the services used by the system from the device. This technology also provides applications with access to specific device functionality based on the peripheral type of the device. This session covers how applications can access the functionality provided by such devices through the use of file systems, BSD nodes, IORegistry, and both system and custom user clients. Partition schemes and filters are also discussed.

Speakers: Tim McLeod, Craig Marciniak, Dan Preston, Chris Sarcone

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WWDC02 • Session 112

Writing Threaded Apps on Mac OS X

Darwin • 53:12

Learn how to leverage Mac OS X's threading architecture with single and multiprocessor hardware to significantly boost the performance and responsiveness of your application. This session covers the different threading models in Carbon, Cocoa, and BSD and discusses guidelines for determining which threading APIs to use for maximum benefit.

Speakers: Matt Watson, Robert Bowdidge

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WWDC02 • Session 113

Security: CDSA and Secure Transport

Darwin • 36:18

The foundation of the security architecture of Mac OS X is the Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA). This session outlines the components of CDSA and provides examples of how to use them to add security to your applications. Services built on top of CDSA, including SecureTransport, which allows SSL and TLS on top of CDSA, are also discussed.

Speakers: John Hurley, Richard Murphy

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WWDC02 • Session 114

Security: Certificates in Mac OS X

Darwin • 47:41

The Apple CDSA framework contains libraries that allow the interpretation of X.509 certificates. This session introduces new programming interfaces for using and managing X.509 certificates and provides examples of common ways to use these new APIs to provide additional value to your customers.

Speakers: Ken McLeod, Perry "the Cynic" Kiehtreiber

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WWDC02 • Session 115

FireWire in Depth

Darwin • 56:41

An in-depth look at how FireWire, the Emmy award-winning industry standard interface, works on Mac OS X. This session explains how the FireWire software stack is deployed and provides details regarding kernel and user space drivers. Make sure your products get the best possible performance with the SCSITaskUserClient, SBP-2, Isoch, digital video and Mac OS X drivers.

Speaker: Eric Anderson

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WWDC02 • Session 116

USB in Depth

Darwin • 59:52

Learn about the latest tools for developing both USB user space and USB kernel model drivers for Mac OS X. Discover how to access USB devices from applications, how to create USB kernel extensions, and how driver-matching works for USB kernel extensions. Kernel and user space debugging techniques for USB drivers in Mac OS X are also presented.

Speakers: Rhoads Hollowell, Fernando Urbina, Nima Parivar

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WWDC02 • Session 200

Making Your Application Unicode-Savvy

Carbon • 54:36

What's larger than a breadbox and has an airplane, a snowman, and two smiley faces? It's Unicode, an international character set standard that can represent most of the world's languages. Unicode is central to Apple's operating system strategy and should be central to your application strategy as well. In this session, developers learn how to create a Unicode-savvy application, providing better support for such heavily used languages as Japanese.

Speaker: Deborah Goldsmith

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 201

Font Manager

Carbon • 57:22

The Font Manager for Mac OS X makes it easy to support an extensive range of font technologies and data formats. This session is essential for developers of advanced applications who need to manage fonts and/or directly access font data. Learn about the font formats supported in Mac OS X, how to create and manage a font menu, how to get the font panel into a Carbon application, and much more.

Speakers: Mike Conley, Nathan Taylor

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WWDC02 • Session 202

Drawing Text with ATSUI

Carbon • 59:09

Apple Type Services for Unicode Imaging (ATSUI) enables the rendering of Unicode-encoded text wit advanced typographic features. This session explains the concepts behind ATSUI, explores its performance, and discusses new additions to the current ATSUI API set.

Speakers: Xavier Legros, Tom Madden, Aaron Haney

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WWDC02 • Session 203

Migrating to Carbon Events

Carbon • 54:31

The Carbon Event model is a simple, flexible, and efficient model for handling events in Mac OS X. This session provides developers with step-by-step instructions for migrating WaitNextEvent-based applications to the new Carbon Event model.

Speakers: Curt Rothert, Bryan Prusha

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WWDC02 • Session 204

HIToolbox: An Architectural Overview

Carbon • 57:18

This session provides an overview of the High Level Toolbox architecture, including a focus on Apple's new foundation for building user interface objects. A brief overview of several new technologies in progress and how they integrate with one another will also be presented.

Speaker: Ed Voas

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WWDC02 • Session 205

HIToolbox: Introducing HIView

Carbon • 1:07:50

This session covers the new composing model of the Control Manager, which provides a fast, flexible view system and even eliminates the need for WDEFs. Learn how you can take advantage of this new model, including writing your own custom views.

Speaker: Ed Voas

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WWDC02 • Session 206

HIToolbox: New Controls and Services

Carbon • 58:25

This session features a variety of upcoming features in the High Level Toolbox that will help Carbon developers deliver the best possible Aqua experience in their applications. Discusses how to improve applications with the combo box control, the toolbar control, services, drawers, and keyboard focus.

Speaker: Guy Fullerton

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WWDC02 • Session 207

Improving Performance with Carbon Events

Carbon • 51:33

Learn how to take full advantage of Carbon events to improve your application performance. This session covers Carbon events-based alternatives to common Mac OS 9 programming practices that will deliver improved performance on Mac OS X. Developers will also learn how to replace their pooling and tracking code with Carbon events to maximize performance.

Speakers: David McLeod, Curt Rothert

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WWDC02 • Session 208

MLTE: A Unicode Text Engine

Carbon • 54:16

Learn about the Multilingual Text Engine (MLTE), Apple's full-featured API for creating and editing Unicode text documents. MLTE is the modern replacement to TextEdit. This session covers the benefits of MLTE for developers and discusses such new features as URL support and the new scrolling APIs.

Speakers: Rick Fabrick, John Harvey

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WWDC02 • Session 209

Accessibility and Carbon

Carbon • 48:38

This session teaches developers how to make their Carbon applications accessible, covering the standard accessibility features found in HIToolbox controls, windows, and menus. Developers also learn how to override and augment the standard functionality to make custom controls and frameworks available to the new Accessibility APIs.

Speaker: Guy Fullerton

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WWDC02 • Session 300

Introduction to Cocoa

Cocoa • 1:13:47

Cocoa provides powerful object-oriented APIs for creating full-featured, next-generation desktop applications for Mac OS X. The Cocoa APIs include low-level utility, system interaction, internationalization, Internet, and platform-independence classes, as well as a rich set of user-interface widgets. In this introductory session, you'll get an overview and hands-on demonstration of the Cocoa features, APIs, and tools.

Speakers: Heather Hickman, Matt Henderson, Mike Ferris, Freddie Geier, Adrian Baerlocher, Matt Formica, Matt Rollefson

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WWDC02 • Session 301

Cocoa: What's New

Cocoa • 1:00:06

This session provides an overview of new features and changes introduced in the Cocoa frameworks. Topics include enhancements to archiving, accessibility, text, localization, scripting, user interface, and Carbon/Cocoa interaction.

Speakers: Ali Ozer, Chris Parker, Chris Kane

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WWDC02 • Session 302

Cocoa API Techniques

Cocoa • 56:22

Armed with supporting demos and code, this session covers a variety of API topics and techniques to help you better understand and leverage Cocoa. Topics include API conventions, techniques for extending Cocoa objects, class clusters, exceptions, plug-ins, and API performance and thread safety. This talk is aimed at both new and intermediate Cocoa developers.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

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WWDC02 • Session 303

Cocoa Scripting

Cocoa • 53:05

Cocoa includes built-in AppleScript support designed to make it easy to create scriptable applications. Learn about the powerful Cocoa scripting architecture and upcoming Cocoa enhancements, as well as specific techniques that make it easier than ever for developers to deliver applications with complete, robust scripting support. This session is aimed at both beginning and experienced Cocoa developers. Familiarity with AppleScript is recommended.

Speaker: Mark Piccirelli

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 304

Cocoa Controls and Cocoa Accessibility

Cocoa • 1:08:03

In Cocoa, the term "control" refers to a wide range of user-interaction objects, from simple buttons and sliders to sophisticated elements such as tables and column browsers. This session presents the control classes in Cocoa and discusses how to use and extend them. Accessibility topics, such as making keyboard-navigable controls and dialogs and ensuring that your applications follow Apple's accessibility guidelines, are also covered.

Speakers: Chuck Pisula, Mike Engber, Kevin Aitken

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WWDC02 • Session 305

Cocoa Drawing

Cocoa • 48:22

Cocoa makes it easy to handle a broad range of common 2D rendering tasks and in many cases handles its interaction with Quartz transparently. This session describes how to use classes such as NSImage, NSBezierPath, and NSAffineTransform to draw lines and curves, fill shapes, and perform common graphic transformations such as scaling and rotating.

Speaker: John Randolph

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 306

Cocoa Text

Cocoa • 1:00:54

Cocoa provides a sophisticated and comprehensive text system for entering, editing, and drawing text in multiple scripts. It includes advanced typography features and support for a variety of text services, such as spell checking. Using demos and examples, this session presents an overview of text concepts, the Cocoa text system architecture, and additional text-related services and classes, including those added in the past year. This session information is aimed at both beginning and experienced Cocoa developers.

Speaker: Doug Davidson

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WWDC02 • Session 400

Java and Apple: State of the Union

Java • 1:07:13

Every copy of Mac OS X includes Java 2 Standard Edition, making Mac OS X the ideal platform for developing and deploying Java 2 applications. This session covers Apple's roadmap for delivering the latest and greatest advances with the J2SE platform.

Speakers: Ted Goldstein, Alan Samuel, Deven Poolman, Pete Deemer, Jared Kaplan, Sean Allen, Toni Trujillo-Vian, Andreas Wendker, James Gosling

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WWDC02 • Session 401

Java Graphics

Java • 57:38

This session introduces the Java2D APIs as they relate to Quartz in Mac OS X. The unique features of Java2D in Mac OS X as well as performance tuning are discussed.

Speakers: Gerard Ziemski, Ken Russell

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WWDC02 • Session 402

J2SE Mac OS X Platform Overview

Java • 56:58

This session presents an overview of the features and benefits of the Java 2 Standard edition platform as it applies to Mac OS X. It includes a discussion of J2SE features that are available on all releases of Mac OS X and is focused on the features and services standard to all J2SE cross-platform implementations.

Speakers: Scott Adler, Tyler Stone, Bodhi Gerfen, Victor Hernandez

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WWDC02 • Session 403

Java in the Browser

Java • 1:03:18

The session covers Java as it relates to the various browsers, including the browser-embedding APIS, the Java plug-in, Java WebStart, Java security, and other new additions. Learn about the latest features added to these deployment technologies and find out which of these technologies will work best for your Mac OS X Java applications.

Speakers: Scott Kovatch, Scott Adler

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 404

Tailoring Java Applications for Mac OS X

Java • 50:13

Common development and deployment tips and techniques are featured in this session designed to help developers deliver Java applications that look and feel like native Mac OS X applications. Bundling suggestions, use of runtime properties, best UI practices, and accessing native libraries are discussed.

Speakers: Matt Drance, Scott Adler

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 405

Java Virtual Machine Internals

Java • 49:20

This session covers the internals of the Java Virtual Machine with a focus on tuning Java applications for maximum performance in Mac OS X.

Speaker: Steve Lewallen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 406

Java Web Services

Java • 54:59

This session focuses on the web service available in Mac OS X with standard Java extensions and open source Java software. Learn how to use these technologies to get to web services rather than publish them. Topics include UDDI, SOAP Axis, and XML parser libraries from Apache.

Speakers: Blaine Garst, Greg Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 407

Java Performance

Java • 57:49

This session presents the performance opportunities available with J2SE. Topics include optimization for file handling, drawing, compiler usage, and faster debugging. Learn what should and should not be done to ensure the best performance of Java applications.

Speakers: Jim Laskey, Victor Hernandez

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 408

QuickTime for Java Overview

Java • 54:37

QuickTime for Java provides a set of cross-platform APIs that allows Java developers to build multimedia, including streaming audio and video, into their applications and applets. This session provides a technology overview of QuickTime for Java and covers new features available with the latest release. Common programming issues, installation, and how to write more efficient code using the QTJava APIs will be discussed. Highlights include the introduction of several new APIs and a discussion of new QuickTime 6-based features.

Speakers: Anant Sonone, Michael Hopkins

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 500

Graphics & Imaging Overview

Digital Media • 1:00:34

This overview of the exceptional 2D and 3D graphics technologies in Mac OS X provides an introduction to other graphics and imaging sessions. Find out the latest information on Quartz 2D, OpenGL, ColorSync, printing, and Image Capture, as well as the latest Quartz Compositor developments.

Speaker: Peter Graffagnino

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 501

Quartz 2D & PDF

Digital Media • 1:08:05

Quartz 2D creates the visually rich, anti-aliased, and semi-transparent graphics of Mac OS X. This session illustrates how developers can integrate the full power of the Quartz 2D graphics system into their Mac OS X applications. The focus is on important Quartz 2D features such as device/resolution independent rendering, advanced drawing model, transformations, and support for PDF.

Speaker: Derek Clegg

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 502

Core Audio Technologies

Digital Media • 54:19

Mac OS X delivers system-level support for a comprehensive set of professional-grade audio and MIDI services. This session provides an overview of the APIs and services in Core Audio and MIDI in Mac OS X. Topics include AUGraph and Sequencing services, as well as AudioUnits and the AudioConverter services.

Speakers: Jeff Moore, Chris Rogers, Bill Stewart

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 503

Exploring the Quartz Compositor

Digital Media • 1:04:22

The Mac OS X Quartz Compositor seamlessly integrates 2D, 3D, and multimedia content on-screen. This session details the Quartz Compositor's design and capabilities. Special attention is focused on how developers can easily build new classes of interactive applications by leveraging the Quartz Compositor.

Speakers: Peter Graffagnino, Ralph Brunner, Ken Dyke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 504

OpenGL: Graphics Programmability

Digital Media • 1:01:20

This session focuses on apple's implementation of vertex and pixel programs for Mac OS X. Learn how to use specially developed OpenGL Profiler and Shader Builder tools for hardware programming, previewing and debugging. Developers will gain a thorough understanding of OpenGL techniques and explore the power of hardware programs on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Geoff Stahl, James McCombe

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 505

OpenGL: Integrated Graphics 1

Digital Media • 59:21

This session takes a close look at using the ultra-high performance 3D graphics pipeline in the traditional world of 2D and 2.5D graphics. Developers will get a thorough understanding of the design and construction of optimized image display, sprites, integrating QuickTime, OpenGL, and live scrolling engines using the OpenGL API.

Speaker: Geoff Stahl

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 506

OpenGL: Integrated Graphics 2

Digital Media • 1:02:02

This session covers advanced techniques for integrating OpenGL with other graphics subsystems in Mac OS X. Topics include high-performance integration of Quartz and QuickTime content with OpenGL rendering, with emphasis on real-time image and effects processing, including fading, masking and color correction in hardware. Developers will learn how to use these techniques to build a custom compositor.

Speaker: Ken Dyke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 507

Audio and MIDI

Digital Media • 1:02:33

This session covers the fundamentals of the audio and MIDI architecture, where the important actions of getting the data in and out of the system take place. Threading priorities are detailed along with more complex systemic interactions to ensure the sound you create is the sound your customer hears.

Speakers: Jeff Moore, Doug Wyatt, Bill Stewart

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 508

Audio Units and Audio Converter Components

Digital Media • 1:01:02

This session features Audio Units and Audio Codecs, component types used by the AudioConverter API to process audio data and convert audio formats. These two extension formats are covered in detail, including how Audio Units and Audio Converter are used, how to address UI and control issues, and how developers can write their own extensions.

Speakers: Jeff Moore, Doug Wyatt

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 509

ColorSync & Digital Media

Digital Media • 45:57

ColorSync is no longer just for still images. The tight integration of ColorSync into the Mac OS X graphics architecture provides easy access to color management for a variety of digital media workflows. This session focuses on strategies for matching non-print media and covers the latest ColorSync developments.

Speakers: David Hayward, Luke Wallis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 510

Printing and Mac OS X

Digital Media • 1:06:57

Apple continues to enhance Mac OS X printing with exciting new features. This session is a comprehensive update on its new features and capabilities. Highlights include the integration of the Mac OS X printing architecture and the Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS). The latest printing UI enhancements and changes to the printing APIs are also discussed.

Speakers: Richard Blanchard, Paul Danbold

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 511

Games Solutions: Graphics, Events and Tidbits

Digital Media • 1:05:37

Delivering the best gaming experience requires careful optimization of the underlying platform. This session discusses key technologies in Mac OS X including the Carbon API, event loops, Carbon events for mouse and keyboards, and Carbon timers. Topics include full-screen graphics, overlay windows, buffer operations, and integration of several of Apple's graphics technologies with OpenGL.

Speakers: David Hill, Todd Previte

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 512

Games Solutions: NetSprocket and OpenPlay

Digital Media • 1:00:08

Hosted by Lane Roathe from Ideas from the Deep, this session covers a broad array of topics related to NetSprocket and OpenPlay on Mac OS X. NetSprocket and OpenPlay are cross-platform, open source networking APIs targeted at game developers.

Speaker: Lane Roathe

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 513

OpenGL: Advanced 3D

Digital Media • 1:04:46

This session presents overviews of several advanced OpenGL rendering techniques now supported with the current generation of Apple display hardware. These techniques include projective shadow mapping, texturing from a render surface, and rendering effects generated with vertex and pixel programs.

Speakers: Geoff Stahl, Simon Green

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 514

OpenGL: Performance and Optimization

Digital Media • 59:13

Delve into performance tuning in this in-depth session on optimizing OpenGL code for Mac OS X. Learn about the fast paths through Apple's OpenGL implementation and graphics pipeline. This lecture includes specially developed tools and techniques for profiling, debugging, optimizing, previewing and compiling. Specific API performance insights will also be presented.

Speaker: John Stauffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 515

Image Capture Framework

Digital Media • 1:09:05

With Image Capture Framework, applications can acquire images directly from digital cameras and scanners. Now your applications can support the most popular forms of digital image capture with a single API. This session explores the Image Capture Framework in-depth and explains how you can integrate it into your products.

Speaker: Werner Neubrand

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 516

Graphics & Imaging Performance Tuning

Digital Media • 1:00:35

Discover techniques to ensure your application gets the most out of the incredible graphics architecture in Mac OS X. This session focuses on reaching optimum screen drawing performance and also explores techniques to optimize printing performance.

Speakers: Haroon Sheikh, Ralph Brunner, Joseph Maurer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 600

The State of QuickTime in 2002

QuickTime • 1:02:58

QuickTime is Apple's industry-leading technology for creating and publishing multimedia content. Whether you develop software for web publishing, interactive gaming, enhance music CDs, professional video, or QuickTime VR, learn what's been accomplished over the past year and see where this foundation technology is headed.

Speakers: Tim Schaaff, Tom Dowdy

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 601

An Introduction to Building QuickTime-Savvy Apps

QuickTime • 1:13:14

Your best introduction to QuickTime, this session explains a plethora of QuickTime technologies and provides instructions on how to incorporate them into your application. All aspects of movies are covered, including open, play, capture, edit, import, export, effects, extensibility, components, and interactivity. Also covered are Cocoa support, Mac OS X, cross-platform development, data handlers, QTVR, compression, codecs, ref movies, Internet solutions, still images, audio, and streaming.

Speakers: Ian Ritchie, Brad Ford, Jon Summers, Tom Dowdy, Sam Bushell, Tim Monroe, Greg Chapman, Adrian Baerlocher

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 602

QuickTime for Video-Intensive Applications

QuickTime • 1:04:53

This session focuses on techniques for handling video and audio in your QuickTime application. Topics include media acquisition using the Sequence Grabber for capturing or processing, and playback of media using a video device such as a DV camera, media compression, video effects, and filters.

Speakers: Tim Cherna, Kevin Marks, Sean Williams, Tom Dowdy, Jean-Michel Berthoud

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 603

Media Integration with QuickTime

QuickTime • 1:15:35

QuickTime offers far more than simple playback of linear video and audio. Learn how to add interactive elements using the QuickTime sprite track, combine multiple movies into a single container movie, create a unique window shape for your movie, and incorporate Flash compositions.

Speakers: Eric Blanpied, Ben Bandt-Horn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 604

Delivering Content via Interactive QuickTime

QuickTime • 1:02:02

QuickTime provides an easy way to combine a variety of media types such as still images, audio, video, MIDI, animation, and many others. View this session to learn how to create compelling multimedia presentations and deliver them as a QuickTime movie.

Speaker: Tim Monroe

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 605

Developing QuickTime Components

QuickTime • 1:05:29

This is a technical discussion of the foundations of writing QuickTime components. This session focuses on development tasks common to all components. Developers gain a basic knowledge of how to write and debug QuickTime components for multiple operating systems, and how to develop their own component interfaces. Topics include components versus other shared code mechanisms, anatomy of a basic component, the component dispatch helper, cross-platform considerations, developing your own component API, debugging techniques, and common pitfalls.

Speaker: Gary Woodcock

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 606

QuickTime for the Web

QuickTime • 1:14:37

QuickTime has a number of special features that can be used to customize and enhance web delivery. This session covers the QuickTime Plug-in and ActiveX controls, differences between the Plug-in and the Player application, ways to use the QuickTime file format effectively over HTTP, and ways to use scripts (CGI, SSI, and JavaScript) to control, customize, and even create movies. Tips and tricks include launching full-screen movies from the web page, opening a movie from a text link, using XML to dynamically create a movie from the output of a PERL script, and how to combine HTML, JavaScript, and the QT ActiveX control for interactive applications on the web.

Speaker: Steven Gulie

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 607

QuickTime & MPEG 4: A Technical Overview

QuickTime • 52:22

This session will focus on QuickTime's MPEG-4 implementation. Topics include audio, video, and systems technologies in QuickTime 6, interoperability, and future directions in the MPEG-4 space.

Speakers: Jesse Hammons, Roger Kumar, Eric Aldrich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 700

WebObjects: State of the Union

WebObjects • 1:02:11

This session serves as an overview and roadmap for the WebObjects track. Meet the key players and discover what Apple has planned for the year ahead. In addition, developers will get a peek into what's coming for WebObjects and Enterprise Objects technologies.

Speakers: Bob Fraser, Katherine Wenc, Joe Keenan, Dirk Johnson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 701

WebObjects Technical Overview

WebObjects • 1:04:22

This session provides a technical overview of WebObjects for new developers. Highlights include key aspects of the WebObjects architecture and its technical advantages and relevance to web application development. Topics include a discussion and demonstration of WebObjects tools, design and flow of a typical WebObjects application, and a review of deployment scenarios.

Speaker: Steve Hayman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 702

Introduction to WebObjects Tools

WebObjects • 51:56

This session provides a look at WebObjects tool features such as assistants, rapid turnaround, CVS integration, split-install, customer palettes, and platform independence.

Speakers: Stan Jirman, Tom Naughton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 703

Introduction to Enterprise Objects Frameworks

WebObjects • 1:06:52

This session is an introduction of the Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF), and includes both a conceptual overview to get you up and running with EOF and practical code examples. This session is useful for beginners and experienced EOF developers.

Speakers: James Dempsey, Genevieve Purugganan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 704

XML in WebObjects

WebObjects • 57:28

Learn about XML integration with WebObjects, such as object serialization, archiving, parsing, as well as other practical uses of XML. This session demonstrates the use of the upcoming XML serialization feature and XSLT to create XML documents.

Speakers: Bob Frank, Mike Brumbelow, Han-Ming Ong

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 705

WebObjects and Web Services

WebObjects • 1:00:14

Web services are an increasingly important part of web development. Because of its extensible architecture, built-in XML support, and increased support for Java standards, WebObjects can now leverage technologies such as Apache-SOAP to make it even easier to create standards-compliant web services. Learn how WebObjects can enable you to leverage the power of Java to rapidly deliver sophisticated web services.

Speakers: Melissa Turner, Ron Lue-Sang, Francois Jouaux

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 706

Direct to Java Client

WebObjects • 54:44

Direct to Java Client is a powerful rapid development technology that makes creating three-tier Java Client applications fast and simple by dynamically generating large portions of user interfaces. This session covers the concepts of Direct to Java Client, customization techniques, the use of the rule system that drives dynamic user interface generation, and the use of web services in client applications.

Speakers: Ernest Kim, Brent Shank

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 707

WebObjects Java Client

WebObjects • 1:09:38

This session discusses distribution layer features of three-tier Java Client applications, such as business logic partitioning, security, remote method invocations, and WebStart.

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, Norbert Schatz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 708

Enterprise JavaBeans

WebObjects • 55:45

Learn how to develop a simple EJB bean in this session, which also covers the EJB container and associated services shipped with WebObjects 5.1. A basic knowledge of J2EE is assumed. The differences between EJB and EOF will also be discussed.

Speakers: Jeff Glasson, Stefan Reich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 709

Deploying WebObjects Applications

WebObjects • 58:03

This session is a tour of the WebObjects cross-platform runtime application server architecture. Topics include the key components, tunable features for scalability, robustness, security, and the preparation of a WebObjects application for deployment.

Speakers: Chris Friesen, Karl Hsu

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 710

JSP and Servlet Integration

WebObjects • 57:27

Learn about JSP and Servlet integration with WebObjects, such as the WOComponent and WODirectAction tag libraries, accessing WebObjects, EOF and Foundation from within a JSP or Servlet. This session explains how to build a hybrid WO/JSP/Servlet site, and how to deploy it.

Speakers: Karl Hsu, Megan Moore

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 711

Advanced Data Modeling and Connectivity

WebObjects • 52:10

This session demonstrates building EOModels for connecting to databases via JDBC and LDAP servers via JNDI. Learn the basics of creating entities, attributes, and relationships, and explore advanced topics such as custom attribute types and modeling entity inheritance.

Speakers: Matt Firlik, Justin Henzie

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 712

Advanced Enterprise Objects Frameworks

WebObjects • 59:56

This session provides an in-depth exploration of the advanced features of Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF). Topics include inheritance, delegate methods, shared editing contexts, raw rows, and data synchronization.

Speakers: Steve Miner, Ben Trumbull

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 713

WebObjects Solutions

WebObjects • 1:00:24

This session presents examples and case studies of how WebObjects has been used to bring information to the web, streamline business operations, and solve real-world problems.

Speakers: Toni Trujillo-Vian, Bob Davis, Matt Firlik, Thomas Lehmann, Michael Buening

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 714

Optimizing WebObjects Applications

WebObjects • 50:07

This session focuses on how to optimize and tune your WebObjects application. Learn about tools and techniques available for WebObjects 5 which collect and analyze application performance and identify areas of improvement. Practical tips for improving WebObjects, EOF, and Java performance are provided.

Speakers: Brian Fitzpatrick, Rich Flewelling

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 715

WebObjects Security

WebObjects • 46:27

Learn techniques for securing page generation and direct action invocation for anonymous users, gathering credentials for authentication, just-in-time login approaches, and using digital certificates. This session also covers automatic connection to pages over SSL to sites that require privacy, and access control.

Speaker: David Neumann

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 801

Mac OS X Server Overview

Networking and Server • 46:22

Discover the power of Mac OS X Server, Apple's next-generation, industrial-strength server operating system. This session outlines Apple's server strategy, explains important features of Mac OS X Server, and discusses its deployment within workgroups and larger networks. Learn how Mac OS X Server can make Mac systems easier to set up, configure, and manage, as well as make it easier to share and exchange information with multiple computers, users, and disparate groups.

Speaker: Eric Zelenka

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 802

Mac OS X Server In-Depth

Networking and Server • 43:03

Learn the system capabilities of Mac OS X Server and how you can develop software for the platform in this overview of the key features of Mac OS X Server. Topics include how to tie your software into Apple's open director architecture, how to take advantage of high availability services, and how to write software that can be installed and managed remotely. Using Mac OS X Server as a web or UNIX server platform is also discussed.

Speakers: Kazu Yanagihara, Scott Mulligan, Rusty Tucker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 803

Mac OS X Networking Overview

Networking and Server • 57:18

This session describes the networking architecture of Mac OS X, and surveys various networking APIs, including Sockets, Core Foundation, and Open Transport. Advanced networking services including IPv6 and IPSec is discussed.

Speakers: Vincent Lubet, Becky Willrich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 804

Client Web Services Frameworks

Networking and Server • 51:52

This session introduces web services, with an overview of the toolkits and frameworks available in Mac OS X. An explanation of important concepts and terminology is followed by an in-depth exploration of Apple's web service framework, a client-side framework for accessing web services from Mac OS X. Techniques for writing web services glue and adding it to Cocoa, Carbon, and AppleScript applications are also demonstrated.

Speakers: Steve Zellers, Tim Bumgarner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 805

Introducing CFNetwork

Networking and Server • 1:01:02

CFNetwork provides APIs to help you communicate with the standard services on the web, as well as ways to manage your own. This session explains CFNetwork and how it fits into Mac OS X, including power-user HTTP communication, detecting or broadcasting network services, and configuring socket streams to navigate a firewall.

Speakers: Becky Willrich, Jeremy Wyld

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 806

Wireless Directions

Networking and Server • 49:28

Apple brought the 802.11 wireless networking standard to consumers with the launch of the iBook and AirPort in 1999, and remains the number-one volume supplier of mobile wireless computers. Learn how Apple will continue to lead the industry it created through its advancements in 802.11 and Bluetooth.

Speakers: Dave Russell, Paul Rekieta, Tom Weyer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 807

Bluetooth In-Depth

Networking and Server • 37:55

Hear about what Apple is doing with Bluetooth, the cutting-edge technology that enables short-range wireless connections. Bluetooth opens up numerous opportunities for Mac OS X developers. Get the details on Apple's Bluetooth support, how to extend the stack to support your hardware, how to add support for additional profiles required by your devices, and how to develop applications that take advantage of the unique attributes of Bluetooth.

Speaker: Michael Larson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 808

Managing I/O: CFRunLoop and CFStream

Networking and Server • 1:01:29

This session explains the basics of the CFRunLoop that dispatches all user events in a typical Mac OS X application. Learn how to use CFReadStream and CFWriteStream to manage your I/O, and discover how they fit in with the run loop to allow you to manage your I/O asynchronously, all without extra threads! Basic run loop inputs such as timers, mach ports, and sockets will be discussed.

Speakers: Becky Willrich, Doug Davidson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 809

Advanced Mac OS X Networking

Networking and Server • 1:03:38

Learn how to take advantage of new networking protocols and how to extend networking services. Tips and tricks for getting the best performance possible from your network-intensive applications are presented.

Speakers: Vincent Lubet, Josh Graessley, Laurent Dumont

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 810

Customizing NetBoot and NetInstall

Networking and Server • 40:47

This session presents options for using NetBoot and NetInstall in the Mac OS X Server, including how to set up and customize the product and how to allow your products to use NetBoot and NetInstall. Configuration options and licensing issues are also discussed.

Speaker: Rob Neville

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 811

Zero Configuration Networking

Networking and Server • 56:45

Zero Configuration Networking brings the legendary ease of use of AppleTalk to industry-standard TCP/IP networking. Developed by the Zeroconf Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and pioneered by Apple, this new breed of always on networking makes existing network products easier to use and opens the door for entirely new classes of networked products.

Speakers: Stuart Cheshire, Eric Peyton, Jeremy Wyld

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 812

QuickTime Streaming Server 4

Networking and Server • 43:49

This session presents an overview of the latest version of QuickTime Streaming Server and Darwin Streaming Server. Topics include new server functionality, new APIs, and techniques for developing products and content around the streaming server.

Speakers: Chris LeCroy, John Anderson, Mythili Devineni

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 813

Directory Services

Networking and Server • 49:22

This session covers the integration of directory services into Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server. Learn how your software can utilize the powerful Directory access abstraction of Mac OS X. Access APIs and API utilities, Authentication, Directory Setup, NetInfo, LDAPv2, LDAPv3 and service discovery in Mac OS X are covered. In addition, hear about future plans to enhance and extend directory services.

Speakers: David O'Rourke, Ken Witzke, Jason Townsend

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 814

Kerberos in Mac OS X

Networking and Server • 35:25

Mac OS X v10.1 ships with Kerberos authentication support in the operating system. Apple is leveraging and extending this support across an increasing number of applications and system services. In this session, learn how you can take advantage of this simple yet powerful network authentication protocol used in Windows, UNIX, and the Mac OS.

Speakers: John Hurley, Richard Murphy, Marshall Vale

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WWDC02 • Session 815

Developing for the Managed Desktop

Networking and Server • 58:43

This session explains how to run and test your applications in a network-based environment. Learn about the mechanisms being employed in Mac OS X and the tools that are available to ensure your customers have the best possible experience with your software.

Speaker: Rob Neville

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 900

Mac OS X Development Tools Overview

Tools • 1:18:15

Apple tools provide the enabling technologies to support the development of outstanding Mac OS X products. This overview session highlights current status and future directions in Mac OS X development tools. Demonstrations of the latest Tools for Mac OS X from both Apple and Apple third-party tool vendors will also be featured.

Speakers: Ted Goldstein, Dave Payne, Mike Ferris, Godfrey DiGiorgi, Geoff Perlman, Matt Henderson, Francois Jouaux, Tim Bumgarner

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WWDC02 • Session 901

Command-Line Development Tools

Tools • 1:10:25

Investigate the command-line development services available in Mac OS X with the installation of the Mac OS X Dev Tool package. We discuss and demonstrate how to use the Terminal and GNU tools for compilation and debugging. Differences and similarities to other UNIX-derived systems as well as specific Mac OS X development concepts will also be presented. Developers should complete this session with a working understanding of the command line tool environment in Mac OS X.

Speakers: Stan Shebs, Sean Eric Fagan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 902

AppleScript Studio Introduction

Tools • 50:39

AppleScript makes it incredibly easy to integrate graphical applications, web services, and even UNIX scripts into a coherent workflow. Now with AppleScript Studio, you can build full-bore, rich Aqua applications entirely in AppleScript, leveraging the power of Interface Builder, Project Builder, and Cocoa. Come find out how easy it is to create graphical front-ends for script-based applications.

Speakers: Tim Bumgarner, John Coelho

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 903

Exploring the Project Builder IDE

Tools • 57:36

Project Builder is designed to facilitate high-level integration of the core development needs (editors, compilers, linkers, and make tools) with the goal of making development efficient and reliable and increasing productivity. This session explores the Project Builder IDE, and highlights new features in the latest release of Project Builder as well as future directions for this technology.

Speakers: Mike Ferris, Lance Saleme, Scott Tooker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 904

Using Interface Builder

Tools • 1:03:08

Interface Builder is Apple's premier Aqua user interface design tool for Cocoa and Carbon applications. Learn how Interface Builder allows developers to easily access underlying framework concepts like Cocoa targets and actions and the Carbon Event model. This session provides an overview of the basic features of Interface Builder and then goes in-depth on new capabilities.

Speakers: Henri Lamiraux, Isaac Wankerl

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 905

Apple Performance Tools

Tools • 1:05:25

Want to improve your application's performance in Mac OS X? The Mac OS X Developer Tools CD includes a broad suite of GUI applications and command-line tools for analyzing performance. Learn how to use the tools to inspect and manage memory usage, object allocation, threading, and other factors that affect performance.

Speakers: Robert Bowdidge, Eric Miller, Nathan Slingerland

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 906

Developing for Performance

Tools • 54:44

Don't miss this runtime-neutral discussion of the principles of performance and efficiency as they apply across the operating system. We will identify top performance obstacles, along with strategies for eliminating them. Developers will complete this session with a checklist of concepts to consider and items to look for which will enhance their products and the Mac OS X user experience.

Speaker: Joe Sokol

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 907

Compiler Developments at Apple

Tools • 43:18

Learn about Apple's implementation of the GNU C Compiler (GCC) and the migration towards GCC Version 3. Enhancements include improved code generation, reduced compile time, better IDE integration, and many other new features.

Speaker: John Graziano

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 908

Delivering with Project Builder

Tools • 43:21

The Project Builder IDE has many features designed to facilitate and enhance productivity. This in-depth presentation shows developers how to use these features effectively. Application delivery and the use of disk images and Installer packages will also be highlighted in this session.

Speakers: Anders Bertelrud, Christian Molick

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC02 • Session 909

Debugging in Mac OS X

Tools • 1:01:35

Learn how to configure, run, and debug Carbon, Cocoa, and Java applications using the source-level debugging of Project Builder. This session demonstrates new and advanced features of the GDB debugger along with useful techniques for getting the most out of this powerful tool.

Speakers: Dave Payne, Rab Hagy, Dave Ewing, Ken Ryall, Jim Ingham

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 000

Mac OS X State of the Union

General • 1:28:25

Mac OS X State of the Union

Speakers: Bertrand Serlet, Scott Forstall, Richard Williamson

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WWDC03 • Session 001

Deliver a Complete Mac OS X User Experience

General • 51:06

User experience encompasses the visual appearance, interactive behavior, and assistive capabilities of software. From application packaging to user interface design to online help availability, Mac OS X users have come to expect a cohesive, elegant, and intuitive user experience. This session provides an introduction to best-practice Mac OS X user experience design, tips and tricks for adopting Aqua, an overview of powerful Mac OS X user experience technologies, and real examples of and advice on how to improve an existing user interface.

Speaker: John Geleynse

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 002

Developer Opportunities with Apple's Professional Applications

General • 57:16

This introductory session is offered to clarify what is new and what is possible when working to extend the functionality of Apple's Professional Digital Production Applications: Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro, Shake, and Logic. This session details the opportunities regarding XML, I/O Frameworks, updated plug-in architectures, and much more.

Speakers: Brett Halle, Brian Meaney, Bill Hudson, Tom McDonald

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WWDC03 • Session 003

Creating Content for Soundtrack and LiveType

General • 50:52

Apple's Final Cut Pro 4 includes two new helper applications, LiveType and Soundtrack. LiveType is a titling tool that supports LiveFonts, Apple's new 32-bit, fully animated font format, as well as animated textures, objects, and templates. Soundtrack is a music creation application that matches and arranges music clips in real time, utilizing Soundtrack Loops - a new AIF format that contains metadata for instrument, genre, and mood. Both applications offer content creators a new market for their products. This session discusses the new applications, and the process for developing optimized graphics and audio content for Final Cut Pro users.

Speakers: Brett Halle, Tom Langmacher, Dave Howell, Xander Soren

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WWDC03 • Session 004

Data Interchange for Professional Media Applications

General • 51:40

This session focuses on the formats and methods available for the exchange of media and metadata/project data with Apple's suite of professional applications. Topics discussed include the use of new XML-based data formats, interoperability with existing industry-standard formats (AAF, OMF, EDL, etc.), and conventions for the structure and contents of QuickTime-based media in professional production environments.

Speakers: Brett Halle, David Black, Harry Plate, Michael Johnson

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WWDC03 • Session 005

Interfacing Professional Video Hardware with Final Cut Pro 4.0

General • 58:36

This session focuses on the drivers and software components needed to interface professional audio and video devices with Final Cut Pro. Topics include data transport across PCI and FireWire busses, required driver components (QuickTime and Core Audio), common media transport formats, and how to make the most of the Final Cut Pro real-time effects architecture. The new FireWire-based I/O Framework is also covered, as are common issues facing developers, including maintaining A/V sync and designing for scalability.

Speakers: Brett Halle, Ken Carson, Giovanni Agnoli

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WWDC03 • Session 006

Extending Professional Applications with Plug-ins

General • 54:56

This session focuses on the different plug-in models and APIs available to extend Apple's suite of professional applications. By using plug-ins, developers can extend existing functionality and/or add entirely new features directly to the application environment. Topics discussed include the development of audio processing plug-ins using the Mac OS X Core Audio Units API, adding project data and workflow processing tools using the Apple Pro Plug-in API, and the development of custom image/video processing tools using the AfterEffects plug-in SDK and FXScript for Apple's Professional Digital Production Applications: Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro, Shake, and Logic.

Speakers: Brett Halle, Roger Powell, Angus Taggart, Donald Liu, Avi Cieplinski, David Black

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WWDC03 • Session 100

IOKit: Kernel Extension Programming Techniques

Core OS • 44:42

View this session to learn how to design IOKit KEXTs for optimal performance. We discuss how to thread your driver to best fit with the Mac OS X kernel and make efficient use of memory. Learn how data is efficiently moved from user space to the kernel, and then to a device using I/O Kit.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Godfrey van der Linden

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WWDC03 • Session 101

Security: Architectural Overview

Core OS • 1:05:27

This session explains how the Mac OS X security technology foundation is architected from the high-level interfaces, such as those found in Keychain, down to the lower levels, such as the cryptographic libraries in CDSA. We also discuss how the APIs at the various levels are related and how they are to be used with each other.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Perry "the Cynic" Kiehtreiber

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WWDC03 • Session 102

Open Source at Apple

Core OS • 43:34

Apple was the first major computer company to make open source development a fundamental part of its software strategy. This session provides the 2003 update on Apple's open source projects and infrastructure. Meet Apple's open source team and learn how you can get involved with Darwin, Darwin Streaming Server, OpenPlay, XFree86, OpenDarwin, WebCore, and other open source initiatives.

Speakers: Jordan Hubbard, Kevin Van Vechten, Lisa Melton, Richard Blanchard, Torrey Lyons, Ed Peterlin, Lane Roathe

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WWDC03 • Session 103


Core OS • 1:01:49

View this session to learn about Apple's Vector-accelerated Image Processing Library.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Robert Murley, Ian Ollmann, Eric Miller, Ali Sazegari

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WWDC03 • Session 104

DiscRecording APIs

Core OS • 1:03:08

This session reviews recent enhancements and highlight upcoming features of Apple's DiscRecording APIs. Learn how you'll now be able to self-qualify your drives, how the new Audio APIs will make it even easier to write audio CDs, and how Carbon applications can easily add disc recording support using the Carbon UI framework. We also show several third-party solutions as well demonstrate how easy it is to add support to your drive using these new APIs.

Speakers: Drew Thaler, John Bertagnolli, Reese Schreiber, Mike Shields, Ed Wynne, Murray Jason

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WWDC03 • Session 105


Core OS • 53:39

An innovative new networking technology, Rendezvous makes connecting digital devices such as computers, printers, and consumer electronics simple with zero configuration IP networking. Rendezvous can automatically create a network of devices and allow those devices to interact with each other, without any user configuration. Learn more about this standards-based technology, its impact on computing, and how you can make your products Rendezvous capable.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Stuart Cheshire

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 106

Choosing an Interprocess Messaging Strategy for Mac OS X

Core OS • 1:02:13

The goal of this session is to survey the interprocess and intermachine communication mechanisms in Mac OS X. We cover the basics of Mach Messaging, CFMessagePort, Objective-C distributed objects, AppleEvents, and Web Services APIs, as well as a strategy for choosing which model is appropriate for your application.

Speaker: Steve Zellers

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 107

Kernel Programming Interfaces for Extensions

Core OS • 50:03

The Mach kernel is evolving, and the Kernel APIs (KPIs) will become better defined and more modular, meaning more stability for your code and less need for changes over time. This session discusses the introduction and staging of this evolution, and developers of kernel extensions should view to learn the timing, and how to take advantage, of these changes.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Simon Patience, Dean Reece, Mark Gorlinsky, Josh Graessley

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WWDC03 • Session 108

Kerberos in Mac OS X

Core OS • 33:59

Starting with Mac OS X v10.1, Kerberos authentication support is built into Mac OS X. Apple is leveraging and extending this support across an increasing number of applications and system services. In this session, learn how you can take advantage of this simple, yet powerful, network authentication protocol used in Mac OS X, UNIX, and Windows.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Marshall Vale

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 109

Security: Certificate APIs

Core OS • 1:03:16

This session discusses the collection of routines used to import, export, and display digital certificates. These routines are used in conjunction with the other APIs that make use of certificates, such as Secure Transport, SSL, and Keychain storage operations.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Michael Brouwer, Ken McLeod

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WWDC03 • Session 110

Networking: Overview of Mac OS X Networking APIs

Core OS • 47:03

This session gives developers an overview of the networking APIs available on Mac OS X. We discuss briefly what each API provides, when you should use it, and what's new. We cover Sockets and Core Foundation, plus the higher-level Carbon and Cocoa APIs and advanced networking services, including IPv6 and IPSec.

Speakers: Vincent Lubet, Becky Willrich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 111

Writing Threaded Applications on Mac OS X

Core OS • 22:50

Learn how to leverage the threading architecture of Mac OS X with single and multiprocessor hardware to significantly boost the performance and responsiveness of your application. This session discusses the threading models available in Mac OS X and when you might choose one over the other. We go beyond discussing the MP API and demonstrate optimizing MP performance techniques as well as when to employ threads and when not to.

Speakers: Mark Tozer-Vilchez, George Warner

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WWDC03 • Session 112

CFNetwork in Depth

Core OS • 35:53

This session discusses the technologies inside CFNetwork and related APIs. In particular, we discuss CFHost, used for asynchronous host name resolution, and FTP support, as well as some additions to CFNetServices. Additions to NSURL are also covered, with an eye toward how the Carbon developer can start to take advantage of those classes.

Speaker: Becky Willrich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 200

Graphics & Imaging Overview

Graphics and Imaging • 1:14:58

The powerful graphics technologies in Mac OS X play a critical role in the success of applications and provide a rich platform for developer innovation - enabling the delivery of seamlessly composited 2D and 3D graphics. This session features the latest developments in Mac OS X graphics technologies, including Quartz Extreme, Quartz 2D, and OpenGL, and provides a framework for the other sessions in the Graphics and Imaging Track.

Speakers: Travis Brown, Peter Graffagnino

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 201

Mac OS X OpenGL in Depth

Graphics and Imaging • 1:14:00

This session is the perfect starting point for developers looking to learn the specifics of the extensive OpenGL implementation in Mac OS X. We begin with an architectural overview of OpenGL and then focus on the various OS-level interfaces (AGL, NSGL, CGL, and GLUT) that developers can use in their applications. This session is ideal for graphics developers who are new to Mac OS X or developers who are looking to use 3D graphics in their applications for the first time.

Speaker: Geoff Stahl

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 202

Technology Magic of Keynote

Graphics and Imaging • 58:36

Apple's Keynote application redefined "presentation graphics" by fully leveraging the power of Mac OS X's graphics stack. View this session to gain insight into how next generation applications, like Keynote, take full advantage of Quartz 2D, OpenGL and other platform technologies.

Speakers: Travis Brown, Brad Vaughan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 204

Image Capture Update

Graphics and Imaging • 1:01:34

With Image Capture Framework, applications can acquire images directly from digital cameras and scanners. Your application can support the most popular forms of digital image capture with a single API. This session explores the enhanced capabilities of the Image Capture Framework, and explains how you can integrate them into your products.

Speaker: Werner Neubrand

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 205

Vertex Programming with OpenGL

Graphics and Imaging • 53:15

A must-see for developers who are interested in unlocking the maximum performance from the latest generations of graphics hardware, this session covers techniques for increasing 3D performance by transforming geometry using the display card's Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).

Speaker: Michael Larson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 206

ColorSync Update

Graphics and Imaging • 1:12:12

ColorSync is Mac OS X's standards-based color management engine that ensures that your application's graphics are color correct on-screen and when printed. This session discusses the latest developments in ColorSync technology, focusing on the Mac OS X color workflow, new APIs to facilitate hardware-accelerated color matching, and changes in display calibration.

Speakers: David Hayward, Luke Wallis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 207

Quartz 2D in Depth

Graphics and Imaging • 59:06

Quartz 2D is Mac OS X's powerful 2D graphics engine with advanced features such as transparency, anti-aliasing, and support for the PDF imaging model. Learn how to harness the capabilities of Quartz 2D in your applications. This session includes an introduction to the Quartz 2D technology followed by details on upcoming developments in the Quartz 2D API.

Speaker: Derek Clegg

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 208

Fragment Programming with OpenGL

Graphics and Imaging • 58:24

One of the exciting new developments in computer graphics is the ability to create programmable per-pixel effects using the display card's GPU. This session covers the variety of different pixel/fragment programming techniques and discuss how to create incredible 2D and 3D visual effects.

Speaker: James McCombe

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 209

OpenGL Optimizations

Graphics and Imaging • 1:06:51

This session focuses on techniques to optimize your application's usage of OpenGL and 3D graphics hardware. A variety of optimization strategies, such as display list and vertex array optimizations, are discussed. A specific focus is on using the OpenGL Profiler tool to locate, diagnose, and eliminate performance bottlenecks in OpenGL-based applications.

Speaker: John Stauffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 210

Mac OS X Printing Update

Graphics and Imaging • 1:01:17

Mac OS X printing continues to be enhanced with exciting new features. This session covers the current and upcoming changes to the Mac OS X printing system and provide information on new printing-related APIs and new printer driver directions. This session also covers how applications should fully leverage the printing architecture.

Speaker: Richard Blanchard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 211

Introduction to Quartz Services

Graphics and Imaging • 1:07:37

Mac OS X's Display Services manage the monitors connected to the Macintosh. This session introduces you to the proper techniques to detect, configure, and capture displays for full-screen applications. In addition, the Remote Operation APIs, which allow applications to synthesize input events and read screen data back from the framebuffer, is covered.

Speaker: Mike Paquette

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 212

Cutting-Edge OpenGL Techniques

Graphics and Imaging • 52:39

View this session to learn the absolutely latest techniques for creating stunning visual effects using OpenGL, including recipes for incredible 3D effects, from the experts.

Speakers: Alex Vlachos, Marwan Ansari, Rav Dhiraj

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WWDC03 • Session 300

Development Technologies Overview

Apple Developer Tools • 1:14:38

Apple's investment in developer tools is paying off, so view this overview session to learn the benefits to you! This session focuses on tools, showcasing Carbon and Cocoa development, while also covering the full spectrum of Mac OS X capabilities. Developers will get an update on Apple's current plans and future vision of programming tools on the Macintosh.

Speakers: Ted Goldstein, Steve Naroff, Toni Trujillo-Vian, Stan Jirman, Dave Payne

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WWDC03 • Session 301

Apple Tools for the UNIX Developer

Apple Developer Tools • 1:01:44

Investigate the command-line development capabilities of Mac OS X with installation of the Apple Developer Tools. We demonstrate how to use the Terminal and GNU tools, gcc, ld, make, and other utilities for compilation and debugging. Learn the differences and similarities of these tools to other UNIX-based systems, as well as specific Mac OS X development concepts. We show how command-line development can benefit from use of Apple's IDE as well as performance analysis tools.

Speakers: Stan Shebs, Sean Eric Fagan, Bodhi Gerfen

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WWDC03 • Session 302

Introduction to the Apple Developer Tools Suite

Apple Developer Tools • 1:03:28

In this session, we present an overview of the latest release of the Apple Developer Tools, and tell you about updates and the newest features, highlighting Carbon and Cocoa development. Featured is an introduction to using the latest Apple IDE. We show you how to create and start new application projects, and give you a look at documentation access and search, source-level debugging, and integrated source control. The concepts of Interface Builder, Apple's innovative UI design application, are introduced and its capabilities demonstrated.

Speakers: Stan Jirman, Matt Firlik, Anders Bertelrud, Chris Friesen, Eric Seymour

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 303

Increasing Productivity with Apple Tools

Apple Developer Tools • 53:18

The Apple Developer Tools have been designed to get the most out of Mac OS X. In this session, we'll cover a range of topics to show you how these tools can work best for you. In this session we look at large project development issues, build system optimization, prebinding, and building targets for multiple system versions. We also cover the use of integrated source code management, scripting, and workflow inside Apple's IDE, as well as using pbxbuild from the command line.

Speakers: Anders Bertelrud, Scott Tooker, Matt Morse

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 304

GCC in Depth

Apple Developer Tools • 44:03

Learn about Apple's implementation of the GNU Compiler (GCC) and how it has been enhanced with faster compile time, improved code generation, and better IDE integration. You'll also hear about the latest Mac OS X linker features and development roadmap.

Speakers: Ron Price, David Edelsohn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 305

Tuning Software with Performance Tools

Apple Developer Tools • 1:03:12

You've brought your application over to Mac OS X and now it's time to make it fast! The Apple Developer Tools include a broad suite of tools for profiling and analyzing applications. This session explains how to use them in combination with concepts of performance tuning to improve the performance of your Mac OS X application. Developers will take away a checklist of performance concepts and learn how to use the tools to profile application behavior, inspect and optimize memory usage, object allocation, threading, and other factors that affect performance.

Speakers: Dave Payne, Robert Bowdidge, Nathan Slingerland

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 306

AppleScript Studio

Apple Developer Tools • 56:30

AppleScript Studio is a big hit already, and it's just going to get better. View this session to learn about the power of this rapid application development environment to create stand-alone applications or modules that interact with your scriptable applications using AppleScript. We showcase some of the improvements we're working on and demonstrate how you can extend both Apple's IDE and the new Script Editor's capabilities with AppleScript Studio plug-ins.

Speakers: Sal Soghoian, Tim Bumgarner, John Coelho

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 307

Using Apple Tools for Carbon Development

Apple Developer Tools • 1:02:13

This session highlights improvements in Apple's IDE that bring you significant advantages for Carbon development. We demonstrate the improved importer and compiler compatibility and how it makes it easy to import existing projects. We show you how to work with existing source frameworks and resources, and how to optimize your project for build speed and turnaround time. Topics such as Mach-O and system libraries are addressed. We also show you how Interface Builder can be used to create state-of-the-art user interfaces for Carbon applications and to set up Carbon Events.

Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Scott Tooker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 308

Debugging Services for Mac OS X

Apple Developer Tools • 48:09

This session is for developers new to Mac OS X and those who wish to learn the latest concepts and improvements to debugging in Mac OS X. Learn how to configure, run, and debug applications using source-level debugging within Apple's IDE. Advanced features of the GDB debugger are demonstrated, along with useful techniques for getting the most out of these powerful tools.

Speakers: Jeff Glasson, Scott Tooker, Klee Dienes

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WWDC03 • Session 310

Debugging and Tuning Carbon Applications

Apple Developer Tools • 1:02:05

In this session, we demonstrate how the Apple Developer Tools ease Carbon debugging, showing their use in analyzing C, C++, and Objective-C++ code. The Apple IDE's enhanced source-level debugger are featured as well as the power of Mac OS X's low-level GDB debugger. You'll see enhanced visual debugging in action, as well as the power of the command-line-driven GDB debugger. You'll also learn the best ways to use Apple's performance tools to get the most out of your Carbon apps.

Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Chris Nebel

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WWDC03 • Session 311

Software Testing Tools for Mac OS X

Apple Developer Tools • 51:38

In this session, we treat the concepts of software testing and highlight complementary techniques and tools for automating software testing on Mac OS X. Featured are demonstrations of how to use AppleScript's new UI element scripting as a functional testing platform and how to use third-party tools for automated testing operations.

Speakers: Godfrey DiGiorgi, John Comiskey, Doug Simons, Jonathan Gillaspie

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WWDC03 • Session 400

Introduction to Developing Applications with Cocoa

Application Frameworks • 56:23

Cocoa provides powerful object-oriented APIs for creating full-featured, next-generation desktop applications on Mac OS X. This session provides an introduction to Cocoa, and through demos shows how you can use the power of Cocoa to easily create Mac OS X applications that take advantage of existing C or C++ code.

Speakers: Matt Formica, Tina Huang

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WWDC03 • Session 401

AppleScript Update

Application Frameworks • 58:53

AppleScript is the powerful native scripting language on Mac OS X, used by thousands of users and developers every day, and now it's better than ever. This session reviews all the enhancements we've made to AppleScript over the past year, as well as the projects we're working on for the future. Learn about forthcoming projects such as the new Script Editor, UI Element Scripting, Image Server Scripting, and lots of scriptability enhancements in other Mac OS X system components and applications.

Speakers: Sal Soghoian, Todd Fernandez, Tim Bumgarner, Chris Nebel

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WWDC03 • Session 402

Mac OS X Speech Technologies

Application Frameworks • 1:08:39

This session provides an overview of speech technologies on Mac OS X and introduces significant enhancements to the quality of Text to Speech. Learn about Cocoa classes that enable quick and easy integration of speech within your application, find out about a new tool enabling the speech synthesizer to copy the emotion and personality of a recorded human voice, and understand what speech functionality you get for free in Mac OS X and what you need to do to deliver the best speech experience for users--a key component in fulfilling accessibility requirements.

Speakers: Kim Silverman, Jack Minsky, Kevin Aitken

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WWDC03 • Session 403

Internet Technologies: Safari Overview

Application Frameworks • 45:42

Since its introduction earlier this year, Safari has been a runaway smash hit with Mac OS X users, delivering lightning-fast performance, innovative features, and standards compliance with its open source base. One of the major goals of Safari is to provide a powerful HTML rendering engine for Mac OS X applications. This session provides a high-level overview of the technology used by Safari and its supporting frameworks, as well as shows how you can take full advantage of its embeddable browser views. We also cover Foundation URL loading and web standards.

Speakers: Lisa Melton, Richard Williamson

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WWDC03 • Session 404

Unicode for Japanese, Chinese, and Everything Else!

Application Frameworks • 1:06:52

Learn how Unicode can give your application new international muscle. Customers and governments in Japan, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan are demanding support for extended character sets--characters that can be accessed only via Unicode. We'll discuss how to meet those requirements, and cover other technologies that can give your app a boost in the Japanese, Chinese, and Korean markets. We'll also cover other planned improvements for Unicode support on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Deborah Goldsmith, Yasuo Kida, Mike Grady

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WWDC03 • Session 405

Audio Formats

Application Frameworks • 46:57

Mac OS X includes a rich set of technologies and resources for reading and playing back audio files in a variety of formats. This session specifically addresses the APIs for Audio Converter, Audio Codec, and Audio File. This session is of interest to all audio developers.

Speakers: James McCartney, Doug Wyatt

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WWDC03 • Session 406

What You Need to Know about Fonts on Mac OS X

Application Frameworks • 58:55

Learn how to work with fonts in your Carbon and Cocoa applications. This session describes how your application can interact with the system font registry via the ATS font activation APIs, explain how to integrate the Font Panel in your application, show how to iterate through all fonts in the system, and more.

Speakers: Xavier Legros, Robin Mikawa, Nathan Taylor

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WWDC03 • Session 407

Audio Overview: Mac OS X Audio Rocks!

Application Frameworks • 1:09:55

With Mac OS X, professional-level audio is designed right into the OS, and features ultra-low latency, high resolution, and multichannel capabilities, with the ability to be flexible and extensible. This session presents an overview of Apple Audio Technologies, system services, drivers, and hardware. We discuss AudioUnit and MIDI, and provide insight into the design strategy and fundamental paradigms implemented throughout audio on Mac OS X. We address all APIs, so view this session, especially if you are new to audio on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Craig Linssen, Nick Thompson, Bill Stewart

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WWDC03 • Session 408

Apple Help Updates and How To's

Application Frameworks • 40:01

Apple Help is the HTML-based help system for Mac OS X that provides a consistent user experience for viewing and searching help. Apple Help will be enhanced to take full advantage of the Safari HTML rendering engine, and will provide support for HTML 4.0, CSS, and JavaScript. Learn how to properly author Apple Help content that takes full advantage of these new features, learn how to provide better contextual help, and understand what is involved in giving users access to Internet-based help content for your application. This session is a must if you provide user assistance in your Mac OS X product.

Speaker: Gordon Meyer

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WWDC03 • Session 409

Carbon: The HIToolbox

Application Frameworks • 1:05:45

This session gives an architectural overview of HIToolbox, discussing the newest features, and offering insight into its future directions. Learn how to adopt HITextView (the compositing-savvy, full-featured text editing view), HISearchField, HIColorWell, asynchronous window dragging, automatic interface layout, and Quartz-savvy Aqua drawing primitives. Discover how to implement custom menu content with an HIView.

Speaker: Guy Fullerton

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WWDC03 • Session 410

Cocoa Update

Application Frameworks • 1:03:49

This session provides an overview of new features and changes introduced in the Cocoa frameworks. Some of the topics covered include new features in views, controls, standard panels, document architecture, and text, as well as Foundation-level features such as scripting and networking.

Speakers: Ali Ozer, Chris Parker

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WWDC03 • Session 411

Internet Technologies: Understanding Safari Technology and Web Standards

Application Frameworks • 54:46

Safari delivers powerful, high-performance web browsing on Mac OS X. This session details Safari's standards compliance with XHTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript, and covers what's required for optimal plug-in development. This session is valuable for anyone authoring content that will be viewed with either Safari or an application that leverages WebKit, and for application developers wanting to take full advantage of the Safari HTML renderer.

Speaker: Darin Adler

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WWDC03 • Session 412

Cocoa User Interface Programming

Application Frameworks • 54:08

The Cocoa frameworks continue to evolve, introducing new ways to make your job as a programmer easier and more fun. This in-depth session covers additions to Cocoa that make it possible to develop powerful user interfaces for your applications with even less code than before.

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, James Dempsey

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WWDC03 • Session 413

Cocoa 2D Drawing Techniques

Application Frameworks • 57:28

Learn how to take full advantage of the powerful drawing capabilities of Quartz in your Cocoa applications. This session covers new features in the Cocoa view subsystem, including topics such as progressive image loading, and presents tips and techniques to help you achieve high visual quality and maximal drawing performance in your applications.

Speakers: John Randolph, Troy Stephens

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WWDC03 • Session 414

AppleScript: Making Your Carbon and Cocoa Application Scriptable

Application Frameworks • 1:09:33

This session illustrates how best to implement scriptability using AppleScript in your Carbon and Cocoa applications. Learn about best practices, guidelines, tips, and tricks to create a first-class scriptable application. Achieving this will allow your product to be part of automated workflows widely used in design and publishing, video editing, and other major industries.

Speaker: John Comiskey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 415

Data Exchange Options for Carbon Applications

Application Frameworks • 50:30

This session discusses the new Pasteboard and Translation Services APIs and how they leverage the Uniform Type Identification architecture, a new way to represent type information. We detail how you can extend the new translation mechanism to offer custom translations. We explain how using scrap and drag APIs can adopt the new Pasteboard Services to simplify and enhance your app's data exchange features.

Speakers: Christopher Linn, Bryan Prusha

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WWDC03 • Session 416

Carbon: Optimizing Performance

Application Frameworks • 1:02:27

This session offers a wide variety of tips on improving performance in your Carbon application. Learn faster and more modern replacements for common Mac OS 9 programming tricks. Discover the most efficient ways to look at the file system, draw, handle events, manage memory, and many other typical application tasks.

Speakers: Xavier Legros, Curt Rothert, John Iarocci, Guy Fullerton

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WWDC03 • Session 417

Using the Address Book Framework

Application Frameworks • 52:20

The Address Book framework provides a simple set of APIs for accessing a centralized repository of contacts. After a brief overview, this session focuses on enhanced-address properties and APIs, support for AppleScript, the People Picker user interface, and much more. Learn how to leverage this framework within your application to save substantial development effort and deliver a more consistent user experience across Mac OS X.

Speakers: John Geleynse, Henri Lamiraux, Scott Herz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 418

Internet Technologies: Advanced Foundation URL APIs

Application Frameworks • 50:55

The Advanced Foundation URL APIs are used by both Safari and WebKit to load URL content. These APIs provide powerful services you can use in your application, including high-performance URL loading, improved URL content caching, management of HTTP cookies, a pluggable authentication facility, and a flexible extension mechanism that you can use to add support for custom protocols. We also discuss the migration path for developers using NSURLHandle and URL Access.

Speaker: Ken Kocienda

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 419

Cocoa User Interface Programming In-Depth

Application Frameworks • 49:43

Complete with supporting demos and code, this session covers a variety of performance topics and techniques to help you develop fast Cocoa applications. This session's content is aimed at both new and intermediate Cocoa developers.

Speaker: Mark Piccirelli

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 420

Internet Technologies: Advanced WebKit APIs

Application Frameworks • 50:18

Go in-depth on how to embed Safari HTML rendering capabilities within your Mac OS X application and customize its behavior. Details are provided on how to change locations, manage contextual menus, show progress indication, and take advantage of history and page caching.

Speaker: Richard Williamson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 421

Mac OS X Accessibility

Application Frameworks • 1:10:35

Apple continues its commitment to making Mac OS X accessible to all users. This session highlights the latest developments in Mac OS X's Accessibility API and other accessibility features. Special focus is placed on methods for extracting rich textual information from text and UI controls.

Speakers: Travis Brown, Mike Engber, Kim Silverman

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WWDC03 • Session 422

SearchKit: A Powerful Text Indexing and Searching Framework

Application Frameworks • 33:38

SearchKit is a powerful C language framework for searching, indexing, and summarizing text. Formerly known as AIAT (the Apple Information Access Toolkit) or by its code name V-Twin, SearchKit is the engine that provides fast content searching in Finder, Address Book, and Mail. View this session to learn how you can take advantage of this framework to provide similar functionality and powerful information access capabilities within your Mac OS X application.

Speakers: Wayne Loofbourrow, David Casseres, Eric Koebler, Alice Li

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WWDC03 • Session 423

How to Write a Modern Carbon Application

Application Frameworks • 1:09:11

This session is for C and C++ developers who want to learn how to structure an application using the modern Carbon APIs and tools: RunApplicationEventLoop, Carbon Events, Interface Builder and .nib files, Sheets, Aqua, and more. Developers with existing source bases will learn how to incrementally move their applications toward a more modern architecture.

Speakers: Xavier Legros, David McLeod, Guy Fullerton

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WWDC03 • Session 424

Cocoa: Tips and Tricks

Application Frameworks • 57:48

Have you ever wondered how applications implement some of their coolest functionality, such as roll-over popups, progress bars during file saves, or Dock icon badging? This session presents useful techniques - using real code and real examples taken from real applications - to make your application even better by taking full advantage of the power of Cocoa.

Speakers: Chuck Pisula, Tina Huang, Troy Stephens, Doug Davidson

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WWDC03 • Session 425

Carbon: HIView in Depth

Application Frameworks • 1:06:13

Learn the architecture of Carbon's modern, full-featured, efficient, composited, object-oriented view system. Learn how to adopt HIView using both exhaustive and incremental approaches to improve the performance, functionality, and simplicity of your applications. Find out how to use Aqua's metal tool, leverage Quartz drawing, implement custom views, and enhance the standard views through HIObject subclassing.

Speaker: Ed Voas

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WWDC03 • Session 426

Internet Technologies: Delivering Web Services Using Sherlock Channels

Application Frameworks • 1:02:47

Beginning with Mac OS X version 10.2, Sherlock uses a powerful, new model for channels that gives developers much more flexibility in how their data is displayed. View this session to learn why you'd want to create a Sherlock channel; what's involved in creating one; how to use the developer channels, JavaScript, XQuery, and XML specifics; as well as general tips and tricks for getting the most out of your channel.

Speakers: Wayne Loofbourrow, Jessica Kahn, Kevin Agren, Riley Howard, Eric Koebler, Sarah Wilkin

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WWDC03 • Session 427

Cocoa Text

Application Frameworks • 48:26

The text system has always been one of the central components of Cocoa, but this year it's getting some exciting new features that will make it more useful and powerful than ever. We briefly review the architecture of the Cocoa text system, then dive in and show you how to start making use of its new capabilities.

Speaker: Doug Davidson

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WWDC03 • Session 428

Understanding Ink APIs

Application Frameworks • 56:37

Inkwell provides basic support for entering handwritten data into your application zwithout requiring any modifications. Apple is introducing a new API to give you access to more advanced handwriting features. View this session to learn how to leverage ink in device-specific input solutions, how to use gestures to directly manipulate text in your application, and how to use recognition alternates to implement a correction mechanism. In addition, we discuss using the API to implement searchable ink and deferred recognition.

Speakers: Giulia Pagallo, Larry Yaeger, Brad Reigel

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WWDC03 • Session 500

Wireless Directions

Hardware • 1:07:02

Wireless technologies are becoming standard in a wide variety of devices, including computers, mobile phones, and PDAs. This session will provide you with the latest information on AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth technologies that you can leverage in creating your wireless solutions.

Speakers: Lars Rehder, Paul Rekieta, Philip Kearney

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WWDC03 • Session 501

Bluetooth Update

Hardware • 40:41

In this session, hear what Apple is doing with Bluetooth, the cutting-edge technology that enables short-range wireless connections. Bluetooth opens up numerous opportunities for Mac OS X developers. Get the details on Apple's Bluetooth support, how to extend our stack to support your hardware, how to add support for additional profiles required by your devices, and how to develop applications that take advantage of the unique attributes of Bluetooth.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Eric Brown, Michael Larson

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WWDC03 • Session 502

Power Macintosh G5 Architectural Overview

Hardware • 58:27

This session discusses the architectural features and design goals of the newly announced Power Macintosh G5. Starting with the G5 processor, senior engineers from IBM provide an overview of the powerful 64-bit processor and the benefits software developers will be able to exploit to write powerful applications. Apple's hardware engineering team describes the features of the high bandwidth system architecture.

Speaker: Peter Sandon

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WWDC03 • Session 503

USB Update

Hardware • 55:36

Learn about the latest USB APIs, tools, and debugging techniques. We'll show you how to get maximum performance from the IOUSBFamily, and how to make your drivers work across the widest range of Mac OS X releases.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Barry Twycross, Rhoads Hollowell, Fernando Urbina

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WWDC03 • Session 504

Developing with FireWire 800

Hardware • 57:40

FireWire, the industry-standard interface for digital video cameras and high-performance peripherals, is built into all new Macs. This year, Apple introduced FireWire 800, doubling the throughput for peripherals and creating many new opportunities for developers. Learn how to support this revolutionary technology to provide customers with unmatched peripheral performance, reliability, and simplicity. Topics include an all-new Design Guide for FireWire, IP-over-FireWire protocol, and all-new tools for Mac OS X.

Speakers: Eric Anderson, Michael Johas Teener

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WWDC03 • Session 505

FireWire in Depth

Hardware • 53:32

This session provides an update on writing drivers and applications for FireWire on Mac OS X. We cover User Client Services, Kernel Services, Device Discovery and Driver Matching, along with an overview of the Software Development Kit and the Tools and Resources that are available to FireWire developers.

Speaker: Eric Anderson

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WWDC03 • Session 506

CHUD--Performance Optimization Tools in Depth

Hardware • 46:24

The Computer Hardware Understanding Developer Tools (CHUD Tools) are designed to help hardware and software developers collect data on and measure the performance of PowerPC Macintosh systems running their products under Mac OS X. This session walks you through using the tools to look for and fix problems in your code, with the aid of the hardware and OS performance counters.

Speakers: Sanjay Patel, Nathan Slingerland

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WWDC03 • Session 507

Mac OS X High Performance Math Libraries

Hardware • 51:46

Mac OS X unleashes the power of the PowerPC processor with highly tuned libraries, making fast and accurate math computations available to your application. This session gives an overview of the math libraries Apple delivers to these platforms in Mac OS X. The rich content of the standard Libm math library and the broad coverage of the high- performance vecLib framework are reviewed. Apple's engineers provide insight into the techniques and tools available for performance tuning.

Speakers: Steve Peters, Eric Miller

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WWDC03 • Session 508

FireWire Reference Platform

Hardware • 1:06:02

This session is for developers of FireWire-based embedded systems who are planning to use Apple's FireWire Reference Platform. Topics include a software architecture overview, sub-unit description, embedded operating system support, and hardware drivers.

Speaker: Colin Whitby-Strevens

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WWDC03 • Session 509

HID and Force Feedback

Hardware • 53:22

This session discusses how to support the latest Human Interface Devices in your application. We present details on the HID Manager and the new Force Feedback Framework delivered in Mac OS X 10.2.3, and show you how to use both to give users the ability to control and feel your application's environment. For Force Feedback device developers, we describe how to add support for your products.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Rob Yepez, Fernando Urbina

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WWDC03 • Session 600

Apple Solutions in the Enterprise

Enterprise IT • 1:15:46

Apple's superb hardware and software tools combine to make powerful, flexible enterprise solutions that deliver on the promise of open standards. Learn how Apple's solutions fit into each target vertical market, and receive a high-level overview of how Mac OS X Server, Xserve, Xserve RAID, and Apple management tools fit into Apple's larger strategy. This session is highly recommended for all enterprise developers, system administrators, and technology executives.

Speakers: Bud Tribble, Tom Yager

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WWDC03 • Session 601

Java Overview/State of the Union

Enterprise IT • 1:13:26

Discover what Apple has in store for Java on Mac OS X. You'll learn about Apple's implementation of J2SE version 1.4.1, a major advance with over 60 percent more classes than version 1.3.1. The underlying Java implementation has been reengineered to take advantage of Cocoa frameworks--find out what this implies for your Java development projects. There are more than 100 new packages for you to work with, supporting new XML, low-level I/O, and new GUI features, among others.

Speakers: Ted Goldstein, Scott Adler, Greg Bolsinga, Alan Samuel, Magnus Hedberg

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WWDC03 • Session 602

WebObjects State of the Union

Enterprise IT • 33:47

This session provides an overview and a roadmap for the WebObjects sessions in this year's WWDC. You will also get a peek into what's coming for WebObjects technologies. Meet the key players and discover what Apple has planned for WebObjects in the year ahead.

Speaker: Wiley Hodges

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WWDC03 • Session 603

WebObjects Technical Overview

Enterprise IT • 56:37

This session provides a technical overview of WebObjects for new developers. Key aspects of the WebObjects architecture, and its technical advantages and relevance to web application development, are presented. View this session and see a demonstration of WebObjects tools, the design and flow of a typical WebObjects application, and a review of deployment scenarios.

Speaker: Brent Shank

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WWDC03 • Session 604

Mac OS X Server Overview

Enterprise IT • 50:05

Discover the power of Mac OS X Server, Apple's industrial-strength server operating system. This session outlines server strategy, explains important existing and upcoming features of Mac OS X Server, and discusses its deployment within workgroups and larger networks, including cross-platform environments. Learn how Mac OS X Server can make it easier to share and exchange information as well as make Mac OS X desktop systems easier to set up, configure, and manage.

Speakers: Eric Zelenka, Greg Burns, Chris LeCroy, Francois Jouaux

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WWDC03 • Session 605

WebObjects and J2EE

Enterprise IT • 1:06:44

Recent releases of WebObjects have made it easier to target WebObjects applications for deployment on J2EE application servers. Find out about the latest developments in WebObjects application integration with J2EE and where the technology is headed.

Speakers: Stefan Reich, Han-Ming Ong

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WWDC03 • Session 606

Mac OS X Server in Depth

Enterprise IT • 57:44

Learn the system capabilities of Mac OS X Server and how you can develop software for the platform. Topics include key APIs available to developers, how Mac OS X Server services utilize Rendezvous technology, new features that can be extended by developers, and how to write software applications that are scalable and can be installed and managed remotely.

Speakers: Kazu Yanagihara, Steve Olson, Scott Mulligan, Rusty Tucker, Greg Vaughan

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WWDC03 • Session 607

Authentication in Mac OS X Server

Enterprise IT • 33:11

This session covers authentication-related technologies available in Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server. Topics include enhancements to Password Server, single sign-on capability using Kerberos, and how your software can take advantage of them.

Speaker: David O'Rourke

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WWDC03 • Session 608

Creating Great Java Applications on Mac OS X

Enterprise IT • 1:04:36

Java applications on Mac OS X are first-class citizens on the platform. This session covers the ways in which you can make your Java application work well on Mac OS X. Topics include implementing Aqua UI guidelines in Java, the new Apple extension APIs, and general techniques for making your application perform well on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Matt Drance, Ted Jucevic

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WWDC03 • Session 609

Rapid Application Development with WebObjects

Enterprise IT • 55:59

With the powerful WebObjects model- and rule-based development tools, entire applications can be generated in minutes without writing any code. This session shows how to rapidly build web, web service, and Java desktop applications, and how to customize and extend these applications.

Speakers: Miguel Sanchez, Brent Shank

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WWDC03 • Session 610

Directory Services

Enterprise IT • 40:21

This session discusses Open Directory, Apple's powerful open standards - based directory architecture for Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server. Topics include how your software can utilize the powerful directory abstraction API, integration with LDAP/Active Directory and legacy UNIX directory systems, and upcoming features and enhancements to Open Directory.

Speakers: David O'Rourke, Jason Townsend

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WWDC03 • Session 611

Managed Desktop Technologies

Enterprise IT • 40:44

Learn about Apple's powerful desktop management technologies and how they make Mac OS X user management incredibly easy. Topics covered in this session include Workgroup Manager, NetBoot, NetInstall, and Imaging tools.

Speaker: Mike Lopp

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WWDC03 • Session 612

Enterprise Application Deployment

Enterprise IT • 53:24

This session covers deployment of WebObjects applications as well as the latest developments in deployment of J2EE applications on Mac OS X Server.

Speakers: Melissa Turner, Jesus Ahuactzin

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WWDC03 • Session 613

Migrating UNIX SysAdmin Tools to Mac OS X

Enterprise IT • 54:45

Leverage your carefully built script library by migrating it to Mac OS X. We first cover considerations in adapting your scripts to Mac OS X, including file system layout and environment variables, then step through the individual tools available to you on Mac OS X. Finally, learn how to make your scripts even more powerful and portable with Apple's easy-to-use development tools.

Speakers: Skip Levens, Kevin Boyd, Waqar Malik, Mike Bombich

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WWDC03 • Session 614

WebObjects Reusable Components

Enterprise IT • 1:01:54

The component model is one of the most powerful features of WebObjects. This session covers the WebObjects component architecture, design for reuse, handling resources, communication between components, and streaming HTTP request and response requests.

Speakers: Brian Fitzpatrick, Kenny Leung, David Neumann

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WWDC03 • Session 615

Building Computational Clusters

Enterprise IT • 1:03:01

Learn how to build powerful computational clusters with Mac OS X Server, Xserve, and Xserve RAID. Hear how customers are designing and deploying large installations to solve a variety of complex computing problems.

Speakers: Douglas Brooks, Michael Athanas, Theodore Gray

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WWDC03 • Session 616

WebObjects EOF - Advanced Topics

Enterprise IT • 49:18

This session provides an in-depth exploration of the advanced features of Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF). Topics to be covered include performance optimization, shared editing contexts, raw rows, multithreaded database access, and data synchronization and locking.

Speakers: Ben Trumbull, Steve Miner, Brent Shank, Bill Bumgarner, Andreas Wendker

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WWDC03 • Session 617

Desktop and Server Migration to Mac OS X

Enterprise IT • 49:19

This session covers how to migrate large groups of Mac OS 9 or Windows users to Mac OS X. Topics covered include user migration strategies for Mac OS 9 environments, Windows desktop conversion, and migration of Windows Servers to Mac OS X Server.

Speakers: JD Mankovsky, Gabe Benveniste, Eric Clements

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WWDC03 • Session 618

Building Applications for Managed Network Environments

Enterprise IT • 1:05:18

Learn how to build network-aware applications--and why every developer should review their applications for use on a network. Topics covered include file locking, application packaging, and application architecture.

Speaker: Rob Neville

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WWDC03 • Session 619

Java and the Web

Enterprise IT • 50:41

With the introduction of Safari, Apple's fast and easy-to-use web browser, Apple's appeal to Java and web developers is stronger than ever. This session covers the Java 1.4.1 plug-in, using applets in the browser, embedding Java in your browser, and embedding browsers in your Java application. Additional topics include Java Web Start and making use of the Java console for debugging.

Speaker: Scott Kovatch

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WWDC03 • Session 620

Java Native Integration on Mac OS X

Enterprise IT • 50:33

Mac OS X offers a rich set of native services that Java developers can take advantage of. There are many considerations and guidelines for accessing native APIs from Java or invoking the Java VM on Mac OS X. We cover AppleScript, input methods, and custom NSViews for your Java applications.

Speakers: Blaine Garst, Greg Bolsinga

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WWDC03 • Session 621

Deploying Xserve

Enterprise IT • 59:34

Since its launch Xserve has been hailed as a remarkably easy to use, powerful, and scalable solution for cross-platform environments. Dig in and learn what it takes to plan and manage a successful deployment, including Xserve's value proposition, how to manage for best TCO, and special considerations such as backup, clustering, failover, and high-availability configurations.

Speaker: Douglas Brooks

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WWDC03 • Session 622

Network Security Best Practices

Enterprise IT • 53:24

Beginning with an overview of the security profile of Mac OS X, this session covers best practices of secure network design and implementation for different environments and needs.

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WWDC03 • Session 623

AppleScript for SysAdmins

Enterprise IT • 1:14:11

Learn how the power and ease of use of AppleScript can help even veteran UNIX coders quickly build custom system administration and workflow tools on Mac OS X. Topics covered include droplets, folder actions, and even how to use AppleScript Studio to make a fully functioning application that you can distribute throughout your enterprise.

Speaker: Sal Soghoian

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WWDC03 • Session 624

WebObjects - Creating Web Services

Enterprise IT • 59:10

WebObjects gives you the ability to build or use standards-based web services without writing low-level SOAP, XML, or WSDL. Learn how to use WebObjects to build, configure, and test web services from existing data assets. Advanced topics include debugging web services, object serialization, adding custom operations, and calling web services from within WebObjects.

Speakers: Karl Hsu, Ron Lue-Sang

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WWDC03 • Session 625

Maximizing Java Performance on Mac OS X

Enterprise IT • 1:08:05

Learn the best tips and techniques to increase the performance of your Java application on Mac OS X. We cover making use of NIO in 1.4.x, using the java -X options, and how to get faster graphics performance.

Speakers: Jim Laskey, Victor Hernandez, Gerard Ziemski, Ken Russell

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WWDC03 • Session 626

Deploying Xserve RAID

Enterprise IT • 1:03:19

Learn how to plan and manage deployment of Xserve RAID, Apple's breakthrough storage solution. Properly deployed, Xserve RAID provides enterprise-class data protection, data availability, and scalability at a fraction of the price of competitive products. Topics covered include Xserve RAID architecture, storage planning and design, and deployment in a number of environments.

Speaker: Alex Grossman

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WWDC03 • Session 627

Enterprise Applications in a Heterogeneous Environment

Enterprise IT • 1:20:34

This session, delivered by a leading global systems integrator, demonstrates how Apple's technologies are used to rapidly create solutions for deployment in the enterprise. Consideration is given to cross-platform environments, database selection, coding language, user presentation, and ongoing code maintenance.

Speakers: Tom Goguen, Amiteshwar Seth, Steve Olson

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WWDC03 • Session 700

Using Final Cut Pro for Professional Content Creation

QuickTime • 1:13:35

Final Cut Pro and Final Cut Express are powerful tools for professional content creation. This session shows how Final Cut is used to create content, starting with the basics. See the new Final Cut Pro 4 features, including RT Extreme, LiveType, and Soundtrack. Also, get tips and tricks on how to equip your own content creation station for any format - DV, SD, HD, or film.

Speakers: Jeff Lowe, Joseph Linaschke

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WWDC03 • Session 701

QuickTime State of the Union

QuickTime • 1:15:41

QuickTime has achieved many successes since its inception more than 10 years ago. Whether you're an application developer, a media server administrator, or a content creator, QuickTime is the solution of choice. View this session to get the big picture of where QuickTime is today, and how it will evolve in the future.

Speakers: Tim Schaaff, Frank Casanova, Rob Koenen, Roberto Castagno, Chris LeCroy

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WWDC03 • Session 702

MPEG-4 Demystified

QuickTime • 1:05:18

MPEG-4 is revolutionizing Internet media by providing a robust and high-quality standard for content creation, delivery, and consumption. MPEG-4 is an all-encompassing specification, with many profiles and technologies that cover the entire spectrum of digital media. This session provides an in-depth look at the MPEG-4 specification, and explain how these technologies benefit you.

Speakers: Aimee Nugent, Rob Koenen

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WWDC03 • Session 703

The Pro in QuickTime Pro

QuickTime • 1:22:03

QuickTime Pro offers content authors impressive, but oftentimes hidden, capabilities. This session explains how the most powerful features of QuickTime Pro can help you in your own production workflow. Topics include encoding, working with a wide variety of media types, using movie properties information for decision making, editing, deployment capabilities, and compositing.

Speakers: Amy Fazio, Francesco Schiavon

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WWDC03 • Session 704

Introduction to QuickTime Streaming

QuickTime • 1:09:08

With QuickTime Streaming Server and QuickTime Broadcaster, Apple provides a free suite of world-class tools that makes delivering your MPEG-4 or QuickTime media easier than ever. This session guides you through setting up both a live and prerecorded streaming solution. If it's distance learning for your school, a live CEO speech on the company network, or a new product video on your website, you will learn the oft-requested tips and tricks to make your streams shine.

Speakers: Stephen Tonna, Victor Alexander

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WWDC03 • Session 705

The Art of MPEG-4 Encoding

QuickTime • 1:04:22

The MPEG-4 standard promises to revolutionize digital media production and delivery, today and into the future. In this session you'll learn how simple it is to encode with MPEG-4 using QuickTime, and achieve interoperable playback in industry-standard, ISO-compliant clients. You'll also learn how to optimize your production process to get the most out the MPEG-4 video and audio codecs using QuickTime.

Speakers: Dennis Backus, John Howell, Andrew Beach

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WWDC03 • Session 706

Designing a Distance Learning Solution with QuickTime

QuickTime • 1:03:35

Distance learning is one of the hottest trends in education and corporate communications. This session presents the case study of how one developer worked with major institutions to identify requirements in presenting distance learning across the Internet, and the development process of creating that solution with QuickTime.

Speakers: Glenn Bulycz, Steve Bannerman, Chris Kawalek, Steven Erde, Jeff Jameson

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WWDC03 • Session 707

QuickTime Media Skins

QuickTime • 47:27

Media Skins, available exclusively in QuickTime, allow content producers to deliver custom- branded interfaces with their media. They have become one of the most potent ways media can be delivered with maximum branding impact. This session provides case-study analysis of the design process, authoring techniques, available tools, and dynamic server-side delivery solutions, plus it examines the ultimate marketing impact of skinned media.

Speakers: Rhonda Stratton, Lori Schwartz, Mark Sandau

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WWDC03 • Session 708

QuickTime APIs Update

QuickTime • 1:07:54

This session shows application developers how to take their media capabilities to new and exciting levels using the APIs built into QuickTime 6. Also covered are a host of new tips and tricks for using QuickTime APIs in Cocoa and in Java.

Speaker: Kevin Calhoun

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WWDC03 • Session 709

QuickTime on Campus - A Case Study

QuickTime • 1:09:36

Hear how QuickTime has enhanced the learning experience at Brigham Young University with the use of synchronized lectures. Learn the details of BYU's solution, including capture, authoring, and deployment. In addition, hear about BYU's specific challenges, tips and tricks, and lessons learned. Get ideas on what QuickTime can do for you in your educational institution.

Speakers: Rhonda Stratton, David Egbert

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WWDC03 • Session 710

Preprocessing Principles

QuickTime • 1:19:24

Preprocessing is widely considered the secret to how to make excellent web video. This session teaches you the general principles for how to pick appropriate cropping, scaling, noise reduction, and image adjustment parameters for optimal quality, whatever your data rate.

Speakers: Glenn Bulycz, Ben Waggoner

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WWDC03 • Session 711

Audio and QuickTime

QuickTime • 53:57

QuickTime is an excellent platform for audio content, providing powerful options for applications developers. This session discusses new QuickTime capabilities such as multi-channel audio playback and capture, multichannel devices, and the latest audio codecs.

Speakers: Tim Cherna, Greg Chapman, Brad Ford, Eric Aldrich

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WWDC03 • Session 712

QuickTime for the Web

QuickTime • 1:15:30

This is an information-packed session that will cover basic and advanced techniques for using QuickTime on your web pages. Topics include the easiest and most effective ways to embed QuickTime in a page, techniques that work cross-platform and cross-browser, using the EMBED and OBJECT tags, scripting the QuickTime plug-in and ActiveX controls with JavaScript, launching QuickTime from a text link, how to launch full-screen movies from a web page, and using MPEG-4 and QuickTime together over the Internet.

Speakers: Aimee Nugent, Steven Gulie

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WWDC03 • Session 713

Introduction to QuickTime Interactivity

QuickTime • 54:04

The interactive capabilities of QuickTime allow content producers to create immersive and compelling experiences. This session provides an overview of these capabilities, and outline how you can author your own interactive movies. Topics include Flash, wired sprites, intermovie communication, and the tools that are available.

Speakers: Amy Fazio, Anthony Rogers, George Arriola

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WWDC03 • Session 714

Large-Scale Webcasting: Macworld Keynote Case Study

QuickTime • 53:19

The Macworld keynotes are the largest webcasting events on the Internet. More than 100,000 viewers watched this year's Macworld San Francisco presentation live, and almost half a million watched the replay over the next few weeks. We take a look at the planning, engineering, and execution that takes place behind the scenes with the team from Apple and Akamai. We also cover the lessons that have been learned and how you can take advantage of this experience to help manage your streaming needs.

Speakers: Dennis Backus, Clark Smith, Ryan Lynch, William Weihl

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WWDC03 • Session 715

QuickTime Interactivity Tools

QuickTime • 56:10

Learn about some of the hottest software tools on the market today for creating compelling interactive media. These tools are designed to help you bring a linear video experience to life, and make your QuickTime web presentations exciting and interactive.

Speakers: Stephen Tonna, Justin Bur, Pete Falco, Stefan Embleton, Curtis Garton, Marc Cohen

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WWDC03 • Session 716

Advanced QuickTime Programming Techniques

QuickTime • 57:38

Find out about advanced functionality in QuickTime, such as calling APIs from different threads. This session presents practical techniques to allow your applications to take full advantage of these powerful features.

Speakers: Tim Cherna, Sam Bushell, Jean-Michel Berthoud

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WWDC03 • Session 717

3GPP: Myth versus Reality

QuickTime • 37:28

3GPP is the emerging standard for mobile multimedia content. This session describes why the standard was created, what technologies it includes, and how it has been implemented across various geographies. Also learn the current market opportunities and how you can benefit.

Speakers: Aliza Hutchison, David Singer

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WWDC03 • Session 718

AppleScript and QuickTime

QuickTime • 1:13:08

By combining the automation capabilities of AppleScript with the power of QuickTime, you can dramatically improve your video production process. This session provides in-depth information on how AppleScript can automate your workflow, scale your production process, and achieve new levels of QuickTime functionality using AppleScript Studio. Learn time-saving tips, unique solutions, and just plain cool tricks.

Speakers: Rhonda Stratton, Sal Soghoian

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WWDC03 • Session 719

Administering QuickTime Streaming Server

QuickTime • 1:05:02

For optimum streaming performance, QuickTime Streaming Server allows administrators to customize the deployment for any network conditions. This session provides an in-depth look at deployment scenarios, including unicast vs. multicast, using relays, managing both HTTP and RTSP traffic, and much more.

Speakers: Stephen Tonna, Chris LeCroy, John Anderson

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WWDC03 • Session 720

Content Creation for Mobile Phones: Top 10 Success Factors

QuickTime • 59:33

The mobile phone is quickly gaining popularity as a medium for capturing and playing multimedia of all kinds. What are the key factors for successfully creating wireless multimedia? This session outlines the essentials in creating quality mobile content using QuickTime-based products and tools. Learn how to tailor your production process to accommodate the wide range of network bandwidths, mobile phone capabilities, and distribution processes.

Speakers: Aliza Hutchison, Kay Johansson

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WWDC03 • Session 722

Advanced QuickTime Interactivity

QuickTime • 1:18:50

If you've been creating interactive QuickTime for a while and want to take it to the next level, you won't want to miss this session. It explores how you can exploit the more advanced interactive features of QuickTime to create cutting-edge multimedia experiences.

Speakers: Glenn Bulycz, Mike Shaff

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WWDC03 • Session 723

The Real Story about MPEG-4 Visual Licensing

QuickTime • 1:01:33

MPEG LA administers the MPEG-4 visual licensing program. While the terms are publicly available, you may not be clear on when and why you would need to secure a license. This session provides an overview of licensing terms, as well as Q&A time with MPEG LA so you can get the real story.

Speakers: Frank Casanova, Larry Horn

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WWDC03 • Session 724

What's New with QuickTime VR

QuickTime • 1:09:46

Have you ever wanted to make your own panorama? Learn from two experts in the field how to shoot, create, and deliver fantastic QuickTime VRs. This session first focuses on everything you need to know about shooting a VR, including the latest in equipment. Then learn the ins and outs of VR creation and delivery, including software needs and distribution techniques.

Speakers: Amy Fazio, Jim Anders, Terry Breheny

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WWDC03 • Session 725

QuickTime and Enhanced CDs

QuickTime • 43:36

Thousands of audio CDs use QuickTime to enhance the experience with additional material such as music videos and interactive experiences. This session discusses the record company perspective on CD enhancement and the value it provides to consumers, artists, and the label. It also covers the tools and production workflow used by one of largest producers of ECDs.

Speakers: Glenn Bulycz, Jon Masciana, Naveen Jain

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WWDC03 • Session 726

Cutting-Edge Projects Using QuickTime VR

QuickTime • 1:16:38

QuickTime VR is a key element in many commercial endeavors. This session presents case studies of interesting, cutting-edge VR projects, including how they were produced, the business case behind the project, and how the professional QuickTime VR creator can build a business.

Speakers: Rhonda Stratton, Dennis Biela

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 727

QuickTime Streaming Server Programming

QuickTime • 1:01:49

Learn how to develop products by taking advantage of the open source QuickTime/Darwin Streaming Server. You will hear about how to get started working with the source code and how to modify the source code to meet your needs, be given a tour of the class hierarchy and object model, and more. In addition, you will learn how to write applications around QuickTime Streaming Server through the server's powerful administrative protocol mechanism.

Speaker: John Murata

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 728

Produce a Listening Party with QuickTime

QuickTime • 43:53

The Internet has become the preferred platform for breaking new music. With online listening parties, new albums can reach a virtually limitless audience. This session provides an overview of how listening parties have become a key component of the business of music, and detail how QuickTime is used to deliver them. From encoding audio through delivery via QuickTime Streaming Server Playlists, learn everything you need to know to produce your own audio streams.

Speakers: Glenn Bulycz, Ben Trask, George Lydecker, Ryan Lynch, John Anderson

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WWDC03 • Session 729

Industrial-Strength Encoding

QuickTime • 1:20:48

Encoding media on a large scale can be a daunting task. This session will explain how to make it simple with the right planning and equipment. Learn techniques for all types of projects, including how to manage high volumes of assets, and how to maximize quality across a large-scale production workflow.

Speakers: Aimee Nugent, Jim Baker, Hage Van Dijk

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WWDC03 • Session 730

QuickTime Alternative Programming Environments

QuickTime • 1:10:06

QuickTime is the most powerful cross-platform digital media platform available, but are there alternatives to CodeWarrior and Microsoft Developer Studio for QuickTime development? View this session to see how to build QuickTime applications with REALbasic, Visual Basic, Runtime Revolution, and some of the other available alternatives. No prior experience with these tools is required, but you should have a basic knowledge of QuickTime to get the most from this session.

Speakers: Tim Monroe, Keith Gurganus

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC03 • Session 731

Internet Application Development: The New Frontier

QuickTime • 1:09:44

In this session, you will learn how to design and develop rich Internet applications for the Macromedia Central environment using Macromedia Flash MX and the Central Developer SDK. The session includes an overview of the development environment, user interface components, web services support, transaction processing infrastructure, and consistent, speedy download and installation services.

Speakers: Ursula Ringham, Dave Calaprice, Michael Williams, Alex Wright

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WWDC04 • Session 000

Mac OS X State of the Union

General • 1:20:19

State of the Union

Speakers: Bertrand Serlet, Christine O'Sullivan, Andreas Wendker, Peter Graffagnino

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WWDC04 • Session 100

Beyond syslog: The New Log Subsystem

OS Foundation • 41:32

This session discuss a new subsystem for managing log data which consolidates logging information provides it in a consistent format, and makes it much easier for an administrator to analyze system behavior. Usage of the new system and APIs for generating and monitoring log events are discussed.

Speakers: Nicolai Krakowiak, Jordan Hubbard

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WWDC04 • Session 101

Certificate Management in Mac OS X

OS Foundation • 47:36

Mac OS X Panther introduced services to support Digital Certificates. In this session, you'll learn the API sets for accessing certificates and importing and exporting PKI objects. You'll also learn the facilities for presenting a consistent user interface for certificate actions and get a preview of upcoming additions and enhancements.

Speakers: Michael Brouwer, Ken McLeod

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 102

Network Kernel Extensions

OS Foundation • 44:33

Learn about the new and improved Network Kernel Programming Interfaces for developing Network Kernel Extensions (NKEs). This session walks through the various types of NKEs using concrete examples.

Speaker: Josh Graessley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 103

Mac OS X Kernel Programming

OS Foundation • 1:01:03

The Mac OS X Kernel changed significantly in order to provide better SMP performance, fine-grained locking, and support for 64-bit applications. In order to support those changes, and to provide a stable and efficient environment, Apple has formalized the APIs used by Kernel Extensions. These formal APIs, known as Kernel Programming Interfaces (KPIs), will be better defined and supported from release to release of the kernel. This session describes the changes that motivated the creation of KPIs, their effects on some kernel programming techniques, the introduction of KPIs into the kernel, and how they will continue to evolve.

Speakers: Simon Patience, Dean Reece

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WWDC04 • Session 104

Core Networking Update

OS Foundation • 1:07:16

Mac OS X offers a rich set of programming interfaces for networking—combining built-in support for industry standard media types, protocols and services with innovative services from Apple. This session provides an overview of new networking capabilities and APIs available in Mac OS X and demonstrates how they can be used to accomplish a wide range of networking tasks.

Speaker: Laurent Dumont

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 105

Getting to the Core of Mac OS X with Darwin

OS Foundation • 54:00

Apple makes available the source code to many components of Mac OS X, including its Unix-based core, Darwin. This session introduces you to the tools and techniques for building Darwin directly from the source. It also provides a brief update on, and pointers to, other open source technologies covered at the conference.

Speaker: Kevin Van Vechten

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 106

Service Management in Mac OS X

OS Foundation • 27:58

If you develop StartupItems or background processes (daemons), this session describes the best techniques for developing these services for today and the future.

Speaker: Dave Zarzycki

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WWDC04 • Session 107

Porting Unix Applications to Mac OS X

OS Foundation • 32:54

Porting Linux and Unix applications to Mac OS X is easy. This session discusses tools and APIs designed to make it even easier. We cover all the basic concepts in bringing Unix applications to Mac OS X.

Speaker: Dave Zarzycki

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 108

File System Best Practices for Application Developers

OS Foundation • 40:10

Learn how to structure your I/O to improve your application's performance. We discuss direct and async I/O, when using mmap is appropriate, as well as upcoming enhancements to the file system.

Speakers: Pat Dirks, Chris Emura

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WWDC04 • Session 109

Extended Meta-data for UNIX Users

OS Foundation • 28:36

Learn how the various UNIX command-line utilities have been enhanced in order to deal with extended metadata (including but not limited to resource forks). Dealing with extended meta-data both locally and remotely is discussed.

Speaker: Nicolai Krakowiak

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 200

Core Audio in Depth

Graphics • 51:23

Mac OS X features a state-of-the-art audio engine in Core Audio, enabling the most powerful music and audio applications available today. Learn how you can harness these capabilities for your own development. This session brings you up to speed on the latest innovations including OpenAL for gaming audio, as well as cover basics such as codecs, APIs, audio file formats, and more.

Speakers: James McCartney, Doug Wyatt, Bill Stewart, Bob Aron

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WWDC04 • Session 201

Introducing Core Image

Graphics • 1:08:13

Core Image is Mac OS X's new image processing architecture that takes full advantage of the processing power available in the latest GPUs. Core Image provides a wide spectrum of built-in filters that provide high performance image processing operations such as blurs, distortions, transition effects, and color adjustments. Core Image is developer extensible via "Image Units", a plug-in architecture for host applications. View this session and learn about the latest revolution in image processing!

Speakers: Ralph Brunner, Mark Zimmer, Frank Doepke

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WWDC04 • Session 202

Introducing PDFKit

Graphics • 47:56

PDFKit is a powerful set of Cocoa classes that allows you to incorporate a rich PDF viewing experience in your application. PDFKit easily handles all the details relating to PDF display, navigation, selection, and searching. PDFKit also supports a variety of ways to customize your application's interaction with PDF documents. View this session to learn about leveraging the power of PDF in your application.

Speaker: John Calhoun

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 203

New Developments in Quartz 2D

Graphics • 1:02:31

Quartz 2D is the powerful 2D graphics engine in Mac OS X, with advanced features such as transparency, anti-aliasing, and PDF support. Exciting new developments in Quartz 2D are discussed in this session along with a focus on best practices you should follow to get the most out of Quartz 2D. This session is a must see for all WWDC attendees who use 2D graphics in their applications.

Speakers: Derek Clegg, John Burkey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 204

Graphics and Media State of the Union

Graphics • 1:09:56

Mac OS X contains an industry-leading array of 2D, 3D and multimedia technologies that will make your application excel. This session provides in-depth information on Mac OS X's graphics and audio architecture and provide the latest information on Quartz 2D, Quartz Extreme, OpenGL, and QuickTime. This session is the perfect kickoff for developers viewing sessions in the Graphics and Media track.

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WWDC04 • Session 205

Audio Hardware and MIDI

Graphics • 1:04:35

This session provides both device and application developers with an overview of Mac OS X audio and MIDI device support. Emphasis is placed on audio transmission over high-speed serial interfaces such as USB and FireWire, along with techniques for extending the functionality provided by the Apple drivers for standardized interfaces.

Speakers: Doug Wyatt, Jeff Moore, Nick Thompson, James Lewis, Yoram Solomon

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WWDC04 • Session 207

High Dynamic Range Imaging with Image IO

Graphics • 1:07:44

Image IO is Mac OS X's unified architecture for opening and saving popular image file formats. View this session to learn how the Image Quartz-friendly API simplifies working with TIFF, PNG, JPEG, and JPEG-2000. Additionally, Image supports high dynamic range (HDR) formats, such as OpenEXR and floating point TIFF, that extend visual fidelity far beyond today's 32-bit images. View this session to learn about Image and HDR imaging. This is a must-see session for developers working in digital video, cinema, and photography.

Speakers: David Hayward, Luke Wallis, Gabriel Marcu

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WWDC04 • Session 208

QuickTime API Update

Graphics • 1:14:06

This session provides an overview of the new developments in QuickTime APIs. Developers viewing this session will learn how to take advantage of these new directions in their own applications

Speaker: Kevin Calhoun

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 209

Mac OS X OpenGL in Depth

Graphics • 1:04:30

Learn the techniques and features that allow you to take full advantage of the high-performance integrated graphics pipeline in Mac OS X. This session focuses on Mac OS X's OpenGL architecture, platform-specific features, and advanced capabilities. A must for any developer new to Mac OS X or OpenGL and for those who want to stay up-to-date with the latest OS-level features.

Speaker: Geoff Stahl

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WWDC04 • Session 210

OpenGL Optimization: Best Practices

Graphics • 1:00:11

This session focuses on techniques to optimize your application's use of OpenGL and 3D graphics hardware. A variety of optimization strategies, such as display list and vertex array optimizations, are discussed. A great session for all OpenGL developers covering the latest in high-performance graphics.

Speaker: John Stauffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 211

OpenGL Optimization: Live

Graphics • 1:02:08

The "best in class" suite of OpenGL tools in Mac OS X helps take your application's graphics to the next performance level. In this session, Apple's OpenGL experts work live on stage to debug OpenGL client applications and to work through real-world optimization scenarios. This session elaborates on topics discussed in other OpenGL optimization sessions. A must-see session for all OpenGL developers.

Speakers: Dave Springer, Chris Niederauer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 212

Mac OS X Printing

Graphics • 57:24

The Mac OS X printing system is the integration point for many key technologies: Quartz, ColorSync, Rendezvous, and more. This session covers how these technologies combine to make a powerful and flexible printing architecture. Areas to be discussed include printing best practices, CUPS printer driver development, Cocoa PDEs, and PDF workflow. View this session to get the most out of the Mac OS X printing system.

Speakers: Paul Danbold, Alan Beck, Richard Blanchard

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WWDC04 • Session 213

QuickTime Audio Update

Graphics • 1:13:10

This session discusses the latest advances in QuickTime's audio architecture. Learn techniques and best practices for incorporating audio in your applications with QuickTime.

Speakers: Greg Chapman, Brad Ford, Guillermo Ortiz, Jeff Brown, Paul Robins

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WWDC04 • Session 214

Programming QuickTime with Cocoa

Graphics • 1:12:23

Learn of the capabilities that make it simple and natural to work with QuickTime in the Cocoa environment. If you use QuickTime in your Cocoa applications or would like to enhance your products with QuickTime's multimedia capabilities, view this session to learn all about the new Cocoa developments from the QuickTime engineering team.

Speakers: Ian Ritchie, Tim Monroe, Tom Maremaa, Kevin Calhoun, Adrian Baerlocher, Michael Johnson

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WWDC04 • Session 215

New Directions for QuickTime Performance

Graphics • 55:26

Mac OS X "Tiger" features exciting new media services that leverage the GPU for real-time performance and high-quality effects. Find out how QuickTime takes advantage of these new services to provide high performance processing throughout the video pipeline. And, learn how you can use these new capabilities in QuickTime to easily provide features such as integration of video into OpenGL scenes, and application of real time effects to video.

Speakers: Tim Cherna, Sean Gies, Jim Batson, Ken Dyke, Frank Doepke

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WWDC04 • Session 216

Alternative Programming Languages for QuickTime

Graphics • 1:00:28

Applications and in-house tools that use QuickTime can be developed using a wide variety of programming tools and languages, including procedural languages like C; application frameworks like Cocoa and Power Plant; rapid application development tools like REALbasic, Visual Basic, Revolution, and AppleScript Studio; and even scripting languages like tcl and Perl. In this session we survey these and other alternatives, illustrate how to use a few of them, and assess their capabilities. Experience multimedia deployment possibilities you never imagined.

Speakers: Tim Monroe, John Cromie

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 217

Next-Generation Video Formats in QuickTime

Graphics • 1:05:33

Modern codecs demand a more complex infrastructure in order to support advanced encoding techniques. Find out what kind of changes are occurring in QuickTime movies and how your applications and video codecs can take advantage of these new techniques.

Speakers: Tim Cherna, Thomas Pun, Anne Jones, Sam Bushell

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WWDC04 • Session 218

Java 2D and 3D Graphics on Mac OS X

Graphics • 32:03

This session discusses the drawing capabilities of Java in Mac OS X. We offer tips and techniques for getting the most out of anti-aliased Quartz-based Java2D graphics, the Java3D API for rendering 3D universes, the Java Advanced Imaging API for sophisticated image manipulation, and the high performance OpenGL-based binding available through jogl. Watch and see programming examples and demos of many of these technologies and techniques.

Speakers: Matt Drance, Caroline Clabaugh, Ken Russell

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WWDC04 • Session 219

Transitioning to Quartz 2D

Graphics • 1:08:38

As Quartz 2D, the powerful 2D graphics engine in Mac OS X continues to evolve, it moves further and further ahead of QuickDraw. Learn how to transition your applications from QuickDraw to Quartz 2D to take advantage of new features and capabilities. This session outlines a Quartz 2D transition plan for QuickDraw developers and explores solutions to common problems they might encounter. This session is a must for all Carbon developers.

Speakers: Haroon Sheikh, Joseph Maurer

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WWDC04 • Session 220

Introduction to the OpenGL Shading Language

Graphics • 43:29

Mac OS X OpenGL will include support for the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL), allowing creation of vertex and pixel shaders using a high-level C-like language. View this session to learn details on GLSL and its implementation within Mac OS X. This session is ideal for developers of games, scientific visualization applications, and others looking to exploring the power of the GPU.

Speaker: James McCombe

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 221

Using Digital Imaging Devices in Your Application

Graphics • 50:35

The Image Capture Framework is evolving to support a wide range of imaging devices and communication protocols. View this session to hear about the latest Image Capture-related developments and to learn how to harness the power of digital imaging devices in your application.

Speaker: Werner Neubrand

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WWDC04 • Session 222

Discovering Quartz Composer

Graphics • 1:05:34

Quartz Composer is a development tool provided with Mac OS X v10.4 – for processing and rendering graphical data. It allows developers to use Quartz 2D, Core Image, Core Video, OpenGL, and QuickTime technologies through a visual programming environment. Developers can use Quartz Composer as an exploratory tool to learn the tasks each visual technology performs without having to learn the application programming interface (API) for that technology. View this session to discover Mac OS X's incredible new graphics technologies.

Speaker: Pierre-Olivier Latour

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WWDC04 • Session 223

Audio Unit Development and Hosting

Graphics • 57:57

Mac OS X features a robust plug-in architecture for DSP effects and virtual instruments, called Audio Units. This session takes an in-depth look at developing robust Audio Units and provide best practices that all host applications should follow. Also learn about the Audio Unit logo licensing program, which is designed to let your customers know that your product includes or supports Audio Units.

Speaker: Bill Stewart

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WWDC04 • Session 300

Development Technologies Overview

Development • 1:03:18

With rapid development technologies, a groundbreaking user interface, and powerful features like built-in performance optimization tools, Xcode can help you work faster and smarter. View this session to learn how using Xcode Tools can increase your productivity and help you deliver outstanding Mac OS X products. You will see a demonstration of the latest development technologies from Apple, and get an update on Apple's current plans and vision for programming tools on the Macintosh. This session is intended for all Mac OS X developers.

Speakers: Ted Goldstein, Rich Siegel, Gavriel State, Matt Firlik, Chris Espinosa, Steve Peters, Nathan Slingerland, Sanjay Patel, Todd Fernandez, Tim Bumgarner

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WWDC04 • Session 301

Automated Testing on Mac OS X

Development • 58:29

Using practical examples, this session teaches you how adding an AppleScript interface to your application can provide an efficient and powerful way to create thorough automated testing. Real-world techniques are highlighted that you can immediately begin to incorporate into your work. This is an intermediate-level session.

Speakers: John Comiskey, Doug Simons, Jonathan Gillaspie

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WWDC04 • Session 302

Objective-C++: Language and Runtime Integration

Development • 44:18

Objective-C++ combines the dynamic object model of Objective-C with the rich data abstraction facilities of C++ to create the ultimate "power tool" for many programming tasks. We explore the runtime model provided by Objective-C and then discuss Objective-C++ design goals and philosophy, and Xcode integration and support. We also cover issues in performance and compatibility. This session uses real-world programming examples and covers recent language additions to simplify C++ STL usage. This is an introductory to intermediate-level session.

Speaker: Steve Naroff

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WWDC04 • Session 303

Developing for Automator

Development • 53:01

Mac OS X "Tiger" includes Automator, a powerful new application that lets users automate repetitive tasks without having to write scripts.

Speakers: Todd Fernandez, Tim Bumgarner, Eric Peyton

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WWDC04 • Session 304

Introduction to Xcode

Development • 1:05:20

In this session, you'll get an overview of the latest release of the Xcode development tools and learn all about the new features and updates. This session includes a walkthrough of the IDE, detailing features for editing, building, and debugging your projects, as well as other aspects of the development cycle. We also talk about the future of Xcode tools. This is an introductory to intermediate-level session.

Speaker: Matt Firlik

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 305

Using AppleScript Studio

Development • 49:06

Get an in-depth look at advanced AppleScript Studio features as we present practical applications of this sophisticated development technology. Discover how AppleScript Studio enables rapid development of full featured Mac OS X applications. This is an intermediate-level session.

Speakers: Tim Bumgarner, John Coelho

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WWDC04 • Session 306

Importing Development Projects into Xcode

Development • 46:01

In this session, we demonstrate how to use Xcode to further develop an existing project from other development environments. Included in the session are techniques on how to import open source projects and C/C++ projects from CodeWarrior, as well as how to configure imported projects to best meet your needs. Debugging project configurations are also featured. This is an intermediate-level session.

Speaker: Scott Tooker

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WWDC04 • Session 307

Maximizing Performance: Got Shark?

Development • 36:47

Want to get the best performance out of your Mac OS X application? This session is all about performance: How to think about it, How to measure it, and How to improve it. We go in depth on how developers can use Shark—one of the performance tools that ships with Xcode—to identify performance problems related to memory bandwidth and algorithmic issues, and we describe some new features that make Shark an even more powerful performance tool.

Speakers: Nathan Slingerland, Sanjay Patel

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WWDC04 • Session 308

Increasing Productivity Using Xcode Part I

Development • 1:10:57

This session explores a range of intermediate and advanced topics to show you how the Xcode integrated development environment can work best for you. We examine project configuration, build styles, and build system optimizations. We also cover the use of integrated source code management and workflow inside of Xcode, as well as building from the command line.

Speakers: Steve Lewallen, Dave Ewing, Matt Morse

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WWDC04 • Session 309

Increasing Productivity Using Xcode Part II

Development • 1:01:41

In this, the second in a series of advanced Xcode sessions, you'll learn how to organize your configuration for large project development, use distributed builds, and configure for workgroups. Topics will also include the use of scripting to drive the Xcode environment through repetitive tasks, as well as maintaining projects that require sharing source code with Project Builder and make-based development.

Speaker: Anders Bertelrud

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 311

Using Performance Analysis Tools for Mac OS X

Development • 58:58

Xcode includes a broad suite of tools for profiling and analyzing applications. This session will give an overview of all the performance tools that ship with Xcode, including Shark, Spin Control, MallocDebug and others. We explain how developers can take advantage of these powerful tools to identify and fix performance issues. This is an introductory to intermediate-level session.

Speakers: Dave Payne, Christy Warren

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WWDC04 • Session 313

Modeling/Design in Xcode

Development • 54:24

Want to take your software design skills to the next level? Learn about Xcode's new design tools for object design and persistent object modeling. With these new tools you can view and edit a visual model of your object-oriented code in C++, Objective-C, or Java, and use the model to navigate your source base. Then, create an object graph of your application's object model, and automatically generate a schema for Cocoa's new Persistence Framework.

Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Stefan Reich, Miguel Sanchez

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WWDC04 • Session 314

Compile and Link Strategies on Mac OS X

Development • 52:47

Mach-O is the native runtime model for Mac OS X, and from performance to accessing system technologies, Mach-O is the dynamic runtime of choice for all compiled code. Learn all about Mach-O, including details of the dynamic linker, the use of shared libraries, and static linking. Learn how your choices in link options affect performance at runtime. Important topics of prebinding and launch performance are covered, as well as details of advanced language usage: C++ STL, migration from Linux/Unix and Windows implementations, and wchar_t. This is an intermediate-level session.

Speakers: Matt Formica, Jeff Glasson, Robert Nielsen, Geoff Keating

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WWDC04 • Session 315

Debugging in Xcode

Development • 1:13:54

In this session we examine the latest concepts, improvements, tips, and tricks for debugging in Xcode. Learn how to configure, run, and debug applications using source-level debugging within Xcode. Also learn more about Xcode's powerful "Fix and Continue" feature, which allows you to make changes to a running application, as well as how to use the debugger's formatter to make your debugging experience even more productive. This is an introductory to intermediate-level session.

Speakers: Chris Friesen, Jim Ingham, Jason Molenda

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WWDC04 • Session 317

Interface Builder: Techniques for the Advanced User

Development • 50:08

This session on Interface Builder will cover advanced topics such as building and debugging Cocoa palettes, so that you can leverage Interface Builder more effectively.

Speakers: Chuck Fleming, Jon Hess

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WWDC04 • Session 318

Using Xcode for Java Development

Development • 1:00:48

This session will showcase the great features that Xcode offers Java developers. Some of the topics we cover include: J2EE and JBoss, Ant integration, javac and/or jikes—which one to use and when, debugging with GDB and JDB, Applets, and application packaging. We also highlight Xcode's ability to build JNI applications easily, and discuss how to use native Cocoa controls to build a great Aqua user interface for your Java application.

Speakers: Ted Jucevic, Dave Ewing, Greg Bolsinga

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WWDC04 • Session 319

Programming for the Mac OS X 64-bit API

Development • 1:06:09

Mac OS X "Tiger" adds support for 64-bit applications and will allow you to build solutions that can address massive amounts of memory. This session will specifically cover the 64-bit calling conventions, describe upcoming 64-bit capabilities and developer tools, and explain best practices for 64-bit programming and extending 32-bit application sources in Mac OS X.

Speakers: Wiley Hodges, Nick Kledzik, Jeff Glasson, Stan Shebs, Matt Formica

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WWDC04 • Session 400

Java State of the Union

Application • 1:05:10

The highly optimized and tightly integrated implementation of J2SE in Mac OS X—along with support for essential technologies such as Java3D and Java Advanced Imaging (JAI)—makes it the most compelling Java desktop development and deployment platform on the market today. And for server environments, Mac OS X Server v10.3 – now includes the popular JBoss application server, as well as Apache Tomcat, making development and deployment of J2EE applications easier than ever. In this session, you'll discover what Apple has in store for Java on Mac OS X and learn how Java takes advantage of Quartz, Cocoa, and other Mac OS X frameworks to create and deploy competitive solutions on everything from a single iBook to a rack of Xserve G5s.

Speakers: Scott Adler, Caroline Clabaugh, Ted Jucevic, Matt Drance, Axel Kratel, Alan Samuel

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WWDC04 • Session 401

Advanced Website Development Techniques

Application • 34:37

This session is for webpage developers who want the latest information about developing highly interactive data-intensive web applications using XmlHttpRequest objects, LiveConnect, and forms with rich text content. Safari's support of these technologies provides web developers true separation of data and user interface.

Speakers: Maciej Stachowiak, Kevin Decker

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WWDC04 • Session 402

Understanding the Font APIs in Mac OS X

Application • 51:00

This session outlines the font technologies in Mac OS X and provides programming techniques that you can use to improve the way your application works with fonts. We discuss techniques for supporting font collections and the related font management advances in Carbon, Cocoa, and Font Book, as well as extensions to the printing architecture that provide additional flexibility in handling PDF and PostScript font data.

Speakers: Robin Mikawa, Nathan Taylor

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WWDC04 • Session 403

Using Mac OS X Installer's Features to Deliver Your Application

Application • 1:03:25

This session will teach you how to use the Mac OS X installer technology and introduce new top requested features. We explain how you can build an installer for your application, make your own installation packages, and personalize the installation experience using custom panes.

Speakers: Jean-Pierre Ciudad, Jack Matthew, Christopher Ryan, Peter Bierman

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WWDC04 • Session 404

Fundamentals of Cocoa

Application • 1:13:42

The object-oriented Cocoa application framework makes it easy to take full advantage of Mac OS X's innovative technologies—whether you are building a new application from the ground up, creating a next generation Mac OS X application, or even if you are new to the platform. This beginner-level session will provide the fundamentals for anyone new to the Cocoa framework and its primary language, Objective-C. We explain how to take advantage of common Cocoa programming paradigms such as target/action, delegation, bindings and the document architecture, and show you, through example source code, how to use the power of Cocoa to easily create Mac OS X applications.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

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WWDC04 • Session 405

Understanding Document Binding on Mac OS X

Application • 57:35

Uniform Type Identifiers (UTIs) are a new way of specifying document and data types. In this session, we cover how UTIs are used by Launch Services to enhance and simplify document binding. We also discuss new application information property list keys, as well as APIs for controlling document binding user preferences.

Speaker: Christopher Linn

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WWDC04 • Session 406

Modern Networking Using CFNetwork

Application • 56:18

CFNetwork is at the heart of the fast and reliable networking built into Mac OS X. This session is for those interested in accessing the network from within an application's normal event context without getting into the details of raw sockets or specific networking protocols. We cover CFNetwork's feature set, highlighting what's new, how and when to use CFNetwork, and how CFNetwork fits within the Mac OS X architecture. We also provide detailed examples of HTTP and FTP transactions, including integrating proxy and authentication support, as well as exporting and discovering Rendezvous services and asynchronous DNS lookups.

Speaker: Becky Willrich

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WWDC04 • Session 407

The Accelerate Framework

Application • 41:40

The Accelerate Framework in Mac OS X is a powerful suite of platform-optimized libraries designed to provide high performance mathematical facilities such as LAPACK, BLAS, vMathLib, and image processing operations. This session will also discuss new advances and extensions to these libraries. The Accelerate Framework takes full advantage of G3, G4, and G5 – processors to unlock best-of-class performance in your application. View this session to learn how the Accelerate Framework can take your application's performance to the next level.

Speakers: Ali Sazegari, Ian Ollmann, Robert Murley, Steve Peters

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WWDC04 • Session 408

Distinguish Your Application Through Excellent Design

Application • 1:16:13

This session teaches the techniques and design methodologies to employ when designing for Mac OS X. We discuss techniques for designing your UI, including mental models and how they affect menu and window layout, how to approach common window layout scenarios, how to properly communicate status and feedback, common UI design practices to avoid, and more. We also discuss features of Mac OS X that have an impact on your application design, including fast user switching, internationalization, and assistive technologies. This session is a must for anyone involved in developing a Mac OS X product.

Speaker: John Geleynse

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 409

What's New in Cocoa

Application • 49:54

The Cocoa application framework continues to improve and evolve. This session explains some of the new features and APIs being planned for Cocoa, and offers suggestions on how they can be used in your applications. Topics to be covered include new advancements in controls, drawing and graphics, accessibility, document architecture, and more.

Speaker: Chris Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 411

Cocoa Tips and Tricks

Application • 1:12:06

In this session, you’ll discover strategies, shortcuts, and practical tips in Cocoa that can help you quickly solve a problem or add unique effects to your application. Learn about custom controls, advanced graphics techniques, cunning tricks, and more from the Cocoa experts at Apple. This is an intermediate-level session.

Speakers: Chuck Pisula, Tina Huang, Hansen Hsu, Doug Davidson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 412

Moving Applications to Unicode

Application • 58:13

The Unicode-based APIs in Mac OS X are critical to producing a best-of-breed application and meeting customer expectations around the world. Find out how to move your Script Manager-based application to Unicode or create a brand-new Unicode application from the ground up. Learn about the importance of Unicode for the Japanese and Chinese markets, and discover what's new in Mac OS X international support.

Speakers: Deborah Goldsmith, John Jenkins

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 413

Plug-in Development for Safari and Web Kit

Application • 32:48

This session will cover best practices for Safari browser plug-in development and deployment, CFM versus Mach-O plug-ins, and techniques for everything from general plug-in development for Safari and Web Kit to advanced methods of integration with JavaScript.

Speaker: Chris Blumenberg

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 414

Taking Advantage of the New Web Kit Features

Application • 47:57

Apple built the Safari web rendering engine using the APIs of Web Kit. You can do the same in your application. In this session, Carbon and Cocoa developers will learn how to use the Web Kit to add powerful HTML presentation, JavaScript processing, and accelerated Internet capabilities to their applications.

Speaker: Richard Williamson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 415

Introducing the .Mac SDK

Application • 1:04:01

This session will examine the new .Mac Kit and how you can build applications with networked features to leverage .Mac's 24/7 – service and over one half million paying members—all without any network programming. It will also cover the new .Mac-enhanced features in Tiger such as syncing to .Mac with SyncServices as well as the new dynamic DNS capabilities of Rendezvous.

Speakers: Scott Ryder, Ryan Parks

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 416

Using and Customizing Cocoa Bindings

Application • 46:52

The Cocoa Bindings (the Controller Layer) introduced in Mac OS X Panther provides a new and easier way to manage user interfaces in Cocoa applications. View this session to learn about using and customizing bindings, and to see how this technology will evolve. This is an intermediate-level session.

Speaker: Ron Lue-Sang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 417

Easy and Powerful XML Processing with Cocoa

Application • 39:25

From the operating system to file formats to the exchanging of data on the web, XML plays an increasingly important role wherever an open, cross-platform, scalable solution is needed. This session is for developers who are familiar with XML and want to learn about how new Cocoa APIs in the Foundation framework can enable processing, creating, or transforming any of the many XML-based file formats, web protocols, or representations in use today.

Speakers: Sarah Wilkin, Helena Ju

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 418

Introduction to Core Data

Application • 1:01:10

This session provides an overview of the new Core Data framework in Cocoa. It will focus on the new functionality provided for managing and persisting model objects, which includes automatic undo/redo, input validation, and saving to various types of "persistent stores" (SQL and XML).

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, James Dempsey, Bill Bumgarner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 419

Best Practices in Website Development

Application • 54:26

This best-practices session provides a comprehensive overview of Safari's Document Object Model, CSS, and JavaScript support. It will also include a discussion of common development pitfalls and techniques you can use to keep your content W3C-compliant and working across multiple browsers.

Speaker: David Hyatt

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 420

Building Your Website on Mac OS X

Application • 52:07

Mac OS X is a great platform for prototyping, developing, and deploying your next Internet application. This session will cover in great detail the powerful technologies incorporated into the platform for website building. We cover PHP, mySQL, Tomcat, Apache, and additional open source favorites that are built in to every copy of Mac OS X, as well as others that you can readily install to create compelling websites.

Speakers: John Montbriand, Ted Jucevic, Daryl Lee

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 421

Replacing Old Style Windows and Dialogs with Nib Files

Application • 48:46

This session will explain in great detail how to move your existing resource-based user interface to Nib files. We discuss how Interface Builder can be used to build a great Aqua user interface and go in-depth on how to modernize your Carbon code by switching to HIView, using the Carbon standard event handler, and using Carbon events to simplify your existing code.

Speakers: Curt Rothert, Bryan Prusha

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 422

Switching to the Modern HIToolbox: HIView

Application • 56:29

Whether you've been using the Toolbox for many years, or you're a new developer looking for a C/C++ widget set, this session is for you. After a short architectural overview, we explain through a set of examples how to adopt HIView and take advantage of other new HIToolbox features in your Carbon application.

Speaker: Guy Fullerton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 423

Mac OS X Spoken Interface

Application • 55:27

The Universal Access capabilities of Mac OS X are being enhanced with a spoken interface that provides a new way—through speech, audible cues, and keyboard navigation—to access the Macintosh. In this session, we provide details on these spoken interface extensions as well as a thorough overview of the Accessibility API. This session is a must for developers who are interested in making their applications Section 508 – compliant.

Speakers: Eric Seymour, Rick Fabrick, Aaron Haney

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 424

Developing Accessible Applications

Application • 1:12:41

This session will cover the best practices for ensuring your Carbon or Cocoa application works well with the Mac OS X Spoken Interface. Carbon developers will learn methods to easily add support for the Accessibility API into existing applications. Cocoa developers will take away techniques for adding accessibility support to custom controls. This session is invaluable to developers who want to make their applications accessible to all users.

Speakers: Mike Engber, Guy Fullerton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 425

Modern Text Layout and Editing for Carbon Applications

Application • 58:50

Using Carbon Text? If so, you should view this session. We discuss the API options for rendering, laying out, and editing text in your Carbon application, and help you decide on the best approach. We discuss how to use the MLTE API for objects bound to an HITextView, work with monostyled text, "chat" text fields, and much more. You'll get performance tips and tricks to optimize API usage when setting up an MLTE object and adding large amounts of styled text or pictures to it, as well as other common usage scenarios. Finally, we discuss the internal enhancements to MLTE and ATSUI that will benefit your applications without changes to your code.

Speakers: Giulia Pagallo, Tom Madden

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 426

HTML Editing with Web Kit

Application • 57:40

Learn all about the new HTML editing features available in Web Kit. This in-depth session will cover the new APIs and provide all the details you'll need to get started with this new technology.

Speaker: Ken Kocienda

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 427

Synchronizing Your Data with Sync Services

Application • 1:11:20

This session builds on the Fundamentals of Data Synchronization session and will explain, using example code and demos, how to incorporate Sync Services in your application.

Speakers: Gordie Freedman, Nancy Craighill

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 428

Maximizing Java Virtual Machine Performance

Application • 55:28

Improve your Java application's performance by choosing the right APIs and tuning the Java Virtual Machine to your needs. We focus on the performance capabilities of Java on Mac OS X and provide information about the latest APIs, garbage collection alternatives, and other "under-the-hood" optimizations available to you.

Speakers: Victor Hernandez, Roger Hoover, Christy Warren

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 430

Advances in Cocoa Scripting

Application • 55:59

Automation is an essential feature for any Mac OS X application and Cocoa includes powerful support for easily making your application scriptable. This session will include a brief overview of Cocoa scripting, and then present detailed information about upcoming improvements, including improved error handling, improved text support, and adoption of the latest key-value coding features. This is an intermediate-level session.

Speaker: Mark Piccirelli

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 431

Ten Steps to Building a Great Java Application on Mac OS X

Application • 1:04:28

This session will discuss important considerations when bringing an existing Java application to Mac OS X. We cover user interface, file I/O, drag and drop, image performance, reflection techniques, and Mac OS X user experience enhancements that can be made to your Java application, without sacrificing portability or simplicity.

Speaker: Matt Drance

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 432

Fundamentals of Data Synchronization

Application • 54:45

Learn about the new data synchronization services in Mac OS X. Sync Services make it easy to synchronize your application's data between computers, and with other applications. This session will introduce the fundamental concepts of synchronization and introduce the Sync Services architecture and API set so you can begin to incorporate synchronization into your applications.

Speaker: Toby Paterson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 433

Modernizing Custom Controls to Use HIView

Application • 56:03

If you have custom controls or custom content drawn with QuickDraw in your Carbon application, this session is for you. The Carbon HIView and other HIToolbox features will allow you to easily support fully composited windows and improve the performance and responsiveness of your application. We show you how to implement a wide variety of HIViews to handle drawing, user interaction, accessibility, and lots more.

Speakers: David McLeod, Curt Rothert

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 434

Cocoa Performance Techniques

Application • 1:26:45

Customers value application performance and responsiveness as highly as great new features. This session will explain, through example code and demos, how to increase the performance of your application. We explore a variety of performance topics and techniques, such as view display optimization, and how to organize your data to help you develop fast Cocoa applications. This is an intermediate-level session.

Speaker: Troy Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 435

How to Thread Your Application with the MP APIs

Application • 53:35

Learn how to leverage the threading architecture in Mac OS X with single and multiprocessor hardware to significantly boost the performance and responsiveness of your application. This session will discuss the threading models available in Mac OS X and will show a step-by-step approach to threading. We use the Carbon multiprocessing APIs to thread a tight loop to gain a performance boost, and discuss how to use semaphores to notify the main thread once computation is done.

Speaker: Xavier Legros

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 436

Advanced Core Data Features

Application • 56:56

Learn about the more advanced features of the new Core Data framework, including how to work with multiple persistent stores at the same time, how to use predefined fetch requests and predicates to find your objects, how to get more out of your validation rules, and how to manipulate schemas at runtime.

Speakers: Ben Trumbull, Melissa Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 437

Advanced Development with Cocoa Text

Application • 45:20

Cocoa's powerful text system continues to evolve. View this session to learn advanced, in-depth coding techniques, including how to control the flow of text and how to incorporate compelling inline content into your text. This session will also discuss future advancements to the Cocoa text system.

Speaker: Doug Davidson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 438

Using the Spotlight Framework

Application • 52:53

We discuss how to integrate with Spotlight to enhance the search user experience of your application on Mac OS X. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to use the Spotlight APIs and write a Spotlight importer for your documents.

Speaker: Dominic Giampaolo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 440

Dashboard Widget Development In-Depth

Application • 35:02

The power of Dashboard comes from its widgets, which users see and use when Dashboard is invoked. Developing a widget requires working with bundles, property lists, and some combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We explain all of this and walk you through the creation of several sample widgets, discuss optional features that may be implemented in a widget, and touch on native code integration through a widget plug-in.

Speakers: Andy Grignon, John Louch, Richard Williamson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 500

USB in Mac OS X

Hardware • 57:54

USB offers several benefits to users, such as low cost, expandability, auto-configuration, and hot plugging. Learn about the progress Apple has made with USB over the past year, including our adoption of USB 2.0 – in all currently shipping products. We discuss where things are going in the future, what new device classes are on the horizon, and we outline the types of solutions possible with USB today.

Speakers: Craig Keithley, Fernando Urbina, Rhoads Hollowell, Barry Twycross

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 501

FireWire Overview

Hardware • 52:44

FireWire is Apple's high-speed interface of choice for devices requiring high bandwidth, long cable distances, or a high-powered bus. Learn about the progress Apple has made over the past year with FireWire services, hardware, and tools. We discuss where things are going in the future, and outline the types of solutions possible with FireWire today.

Speaker: Eric Anderson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 502

Developing Bluetooth Applications

Hardware • 50:02

Apple is leading the way in popularizing Bluetooth by making this wireless technology available on all Mac systems. This session will outline the variety of methods that applications can use to access Bluetooth devices. Topics will include how to detect when Bluetooth devices are present as well as best practices when using Bluetooth serial ports, headsets, cell phones, and HID devices.

Speakers: Eric Brown, Jason Giles

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 503

Optimizing for the Power Mac G5

Hardware • 52:11

The 64-bit G5 – processor and high-bandwidth architecture make the Power Mac G5 – a breakthrough in processing power. View this session to learn how to unleash all the power of the Power Mac G5 – platform. We focus on optimization for the G5: memory I/O, using the Velocity Engine, Mach-O, threading, loop unrolling, loop alignment, gcc G5-specific flags and other ways you can optimize your code for this powerful platform.

Speakers: Mark Tozer-Vilchez, Sanjay Patel, Steve Hikida, Ron Price

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 504

Rendezvous Update

Hardware • 1:07:45

This session is an overview of Rendezvous, Apple's implementation of the open protocol standard for zero configuration networking. We cover enhancements, new capabilities and platforms, and how to Rendezvous-enable applications and devices. We explain the APIs and how to use them, and discuss best practices for Rendezvous developers.

Speakers: Stuart Cheshire, Kiren Sekar, Roger Pantos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 700

QuickTime and Digital Media State of the Union

QuickTime • 1:18:01

Over a decade ago, the digital media revolution began with the advent of QuickTime. Today, QuickTime powers the industry's best media tools including Apple's own suite of innovative applications, and the world's best content is being created and delivered with QuickTime. From workflow to delivery, QuickTime has you covered. This session discusses the latest industry trends and technology advances, and kicks off the QuickTime and Digital Media track.

Speakers: Frank Casanova, Aimee Nugent, Mark Altekruse, Dion Scoppettuolo, Joseph Linaschke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 701

An Introduction to Digital Media

QuickTime • 1:04:10

The key to making great digital video is understanding how it works. Learn the building blocks of digital media with topics such as SD vs. HD, 3:2 – pull-down, deinterlacing, and much more. If you are a beginner or someone who could use a refresher course, this is a must-see session.

Speaker: Hage Van Dijk

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 702

An Overview of QuickTime Codecs

QuickTime • 55:00

QuickTime supports dozens of codecs. This session presents a comprehensive overview of audio and video codecs, followed by an in-depth discussion of the codecs that come with QuickTime. Learn about the unique strengths of each codec, so you can determine which to use for your own particular needs.

Speakers: Dennis Backus, Clifford VanMeter

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 703

The Encoding Process in Depth

QuickTime • 1:01:05

High-quality encoding is key to high-quality content. This session covers the entire compression workflow using QuickTime. Learn the tools, including Compressor, as well as the best practices for a variety of codecs, the techniques for automation, and how you can create a time- and cost-saving workflow that works for you.

Speakers: Dennis Backus, Raul Deju

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 704

Preprocessing Principles

QuickTime • 1:12:36

Preprocessing is widely considered the key to making excellent video for digital delivery. This session teaches you the general principles for video preparation, including how to pick appropriate cropping, scaling, noise reduction, and image adjustment parameters for optimal quality.

Speakers: Dennis Backus, Ben Waggoner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 705

QTVR: A Large-Scale Project

QuickTime • 1:20:26

What does it take to produce a large-scale VR installment? What kinds of decisions need to be made? What QuickTime tools can be used? How does one monetize the work? View this presentation and find out.

Speaker: Dennis Biela

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 706

QuickTime in the Music Industry

QuickTime • 56:55

QuickTime on the web is an important component of the marketing of music and entertainment—as shown most dramatically by the phenomenal success of iTunes and the iTunes Music Store. Learn what works and does not work, from the labels, the artists, and the developers.

Speakers: Glenn Bulycz, Ken Waagner, Dick Huey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 707

QuickTime for the Web

QuickTime • 1:14:48

This information-packed session covers basic and advanced techniques for using QuickTime on your web pages. Topics include the easiest and most effective ways to embed QuickTime in a page, techniques that work cross-platform and cross-browser, how to use the EMBED and OBJECT tags, scripting the QuickTime plug-in and ActiveX controls with JavaScript, launching QuickTime from a text link, and much more.

Speakers: Rhonda Stratton, Steven Gulie

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 708

Introduction to QuickTime Streaming

QuickTime • 50:00

With QuickTime Streaming Server, QTSS Publisher, and QuickTime Broadcaster, Apple provides a suite of world-class tools that make delivering your media easier than ever. This session guides you through setting up both a live and prerecorded streaming solution for delivery over the Web. Whether it's distance learning, a live CEO speech on the company network, or a product video on your website, you will learn the often requested tips and tricks to make your streams shine.

Speakers: Stephen Tonna, Victor Alexander, John Anderson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 709

Deploying QuickTime Streaming Server

QuickTime • 1:13:00

For optimum streaming performance, QuickTime Streaming Server allows administrators to customize the deployment for any network condition. This session provides an in-depth look at deployment scenarios, including unicast vs. multicast, using relays, controlling access to streams, and much more.

Speakers: George Cook, Laurence Kirchmeier, Patrick Bymhold, John Anderson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 710

Content Production: Ask the Experts

QuickTime • 54:42

Bring your technical questions to this open Q&A session. A panel made up of Apple and industry experts addresses your QuickTime content development and workflow questions.

Speaker: Glenn Bulycz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 711

Enhanced Learning with QuickTime

QuickTime • 1:04:02

QuickTime can help you create and deliver engaging instructional content. Learn how Brigham Young University uses QuickTime for authoring online lectures, captioning and indexing online video, and delivering rich educational media to a wide audience. Discover what QuickTime can do for you in your enterprise or educational institution.

Speakers: Amy Fazio, David Egbert

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 712

Mobile Content Production

QuickTime • 50:55

Professional mobile content services are a viable business in the U.S. and abroad. View this session to learn tips and techniques for editing and encoding multimedia for mobile downloading or streaming, using a variety of tools available in today's market.

Speakers: Aliza Hutchison, Kay Johansson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 713

Mobile Content Delivery

QuickTime • 1:01:51

From video mail to advanced professional multimedia services, hear from industry leaders in telecommunications about how mobile data services are integrated, delivered, billed, and managed from the inside out.

Speakers: Benjamin Feinman, Eugene Sarmiento, David Guyard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 714

Introduction to Final Cut Pro HD

QuickTime • 1:14:27

Final Cut Pro HD has created a paradigm shift in the worlds of video and film post-production. This session provides an overview of Final Cut Pro HD and provides a walk-through of the basics, such as editing, transitions, audio mixing, and titling. No video editing experience is necessary.

Speakers: Joseph Linaschke, Paul Saccone

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 715

Advanced Final Cut Pro HD

QuickTime • 1:16:06

With over 300 new features included in Final Cut Pro HD, this session focuses on topics such as advanced effects and editing techniques, color keying, color correction, media management, and audio finishing. Also learn the tips, tricks, and timesaving secrets from the pros for complete proficiency.

Speaker: Joseph Linaschke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 716

QuickTime Sells

QuickTime • 57:37

The speakers in this session use QuickTime to deliver world-class advertising and marketing campaigns to sell brands and products. Learn about their business models and creative processes, and the tools these companies use.

Speakers: Glenn Bulycz, Chris Stocksmith

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 717

QuickTime Interactivity

QuickTime • 1:06:02

QuickTime is not just linear audio and video; it provides a robust architecture for interactive experiences. This session discusses all interactive media types in QuickTime and how to create them. We also present ideas on how to use them effectively in a relevant way.

Speakers: Rhonda Stratton, Alex Ogle

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 718

Media Event Production Case Study

QuickTime • 50:12

Learn techniques for planning and executing large-event media encoding from this inside look into the production of a large technical conference. From the daily use of media at the event to online distribution of conference sessions, this presentation features the latest in tools and equipment for large-scale media production.

Speakers: Aliza Hutchison, David Bergevin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 719

QuickTime Pro in Your Workflow

QuickTime • 1:14:40

QuickTime Pro makes a great complement to other applications in your content production workflow. This session explains how to use QuickTime Pro to fill in the gaps in your workflow, with topics such as preparing media for delivery, automation techniques, using QuickTime Pro with other applications, and much more.

Speakers: Aimee Nugent, Francesco Schiavon

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 720

Mobile Experts: An Industry Overview

QuickTime • 1:04:08

What is the status of high-speed mobile networks, services, and handsets today throughout the world, and how does multimedia play a key role? How will these platforms evolve over the coming months and years? This session provides you with an overview of the latest in mobile technologies and user trends from expert analysts in telecommunications and media.

Speakers: Benjamin Feinman, David Brudnicki, Eugene Sarmiento, Gabriel Sidhom

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 721

Mobile Success Stories: Ahead of the Pack

QuickTime • 1:12:31

Wondering how mobile multimedia can work for you? Gain inspiration and knowledge from the experience of leaders in mobile content creation and delivery as they offer their insight on the success of existing mobile businesses.

Speakers: Aliza Hutchison, Jean-Philippe Fournier, Alec Hendry, Pierre Barbeau

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 722

QuickTime and the Motion Picture Industry

QuickTime • 1:04:39

In this session, we reveal some of the phenomenal uses of QuickTime in the motion picture industry today. From creation to production, to marketing and consumption, media experts discuss specific examples of QuickTime's contribution to world-class media projects.

Speakers: Glenn Bulycz, Anton Linecker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 723

A Powerful Combination: AppleScript and QuickTime

QuickTime • 49:11

By combining the automation capabilities of AppleScript with the power of QuickTime you can dramatically improve your video production process. This session provides in-depth information on how to use AppleScript to automate your workflow and scale your production process. You'll also learn to access new levels of QuickTime functionality using AppleScript Studio. Learn time-saving tips, unique solutions, and some cool tricks.

Speakers: Stephen Tonna, Sal Soghoian, Ryan Lynch

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 724

QuickTime Workflow for Professional Media

QuickTime • 53:57

QuickTime is essential to professional content creation workflow, from capture to authoring to delivery. Learn about the QuickTime-based tools that media professionals use in their workflow to produce some of the world's most popular content.

Speakers: Glenn Bulycz, Mark Griffiths

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 725

Internet Radio in Depth

QuickTime • 50:51

From live news feeds to the latest music releases, Internet radio has become one of the most effective ways to reach a worldwide audience right from your desktop. Learn all there is to know about the Internet radio business and how you can turn your Macintosh into a professional radio station.

Speakers: Stephen Tonna, George Capalbo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 726

QuickTime Case Studies

QuickTime • 54:13

This session provides an exciting walk through several case studies of some of the most successful uses of QuickTime in the world. Whether you measure success in audience reach, sales, or social goals, these case studies will provide the insight and knowledge you need for your own current and future projects.

Speakers: Glenn Bulycz, Scott Wilcox, Gary Woodcock

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 727

QuickTime in the Enterprise

QuickTime • 1:06:11

From training systems and corporate communications to distance learning—view this session to hear from the experts who have implemented systems in major universities and corporate environments. Case studies cover the opportunities, challenges, and successes, and should provide a wealth of information for your future work.

Speakers: Stephen Tonna, Nate Caplin, Dave Schroeder

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 728

DVD Authoring with DVD Studio Pro 3

QuickTime • 1:02:13

DVD Studio Pro integrates seamlessly with Final Cut Pro HD for a complete DVD delivery workflow. This session shows you how to create chapter and compression markers, alternate audio tracks, and alternate video angles in Final Cut Pro HD. Then take your project into DVD Studio Pro where you will learn about MPEG-2 compression, the creation of Dolby Digital audio tracks, how to add DVD-ROM material, and the requirements for creating graphics for broadcast.

Speaker: Brian Schmidt

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 729

Audio Production Using Logic Pro

QuickTime • 1:11:21

This session provides an introduction to Logic 6, and details how you can create a customized environment that integrates with your own production studio. Learn the ins and outs of MIDI and audio recording, streamlined editing and arrangement techniques, and Logic's comprehensive array of DSP effects and software instruments.

Speaker: Phil Jackson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 730

The Evolution of Standards

QuickTime • 41:55

Want to know what is happening in the world of standards for multimedia and what it means to you? View this session for expert insight into relevant audio and video technologies and standards bodies that matter across Internet, mobile, DVD, and broadcast markets. Our panel of experts cover the latest in standard technology developments, as well as what the future holds for standards like MPEG, AAC, Advanced Video Coding (H.264), 3GPP, and 3GPP2 – as hundreds of companies continue to innovate toward increased multimedia functionality and interoperability.

Speakers: David Singer, Schuyler Quackenbush, Barry Haskell

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 731

Motion: An Introduction to Motion Graphics Design

QuickTime • 1:00:59

Motion, Apple's revolutionary software for motion graphics design, is the first to provide real time previews, procedural behavior animation, and full integration with Final Cut Pro HD. This session provides an introduction to Motion, and cover topics such as behavior animation, particle dynamics and simulation design, stylized title animation, bluescreen keying techniques, DVD motion menu design, tablet-driven gesture UI techniques, keyframing, and integration with Final Cut Pro HD and DVD Studio Pro.

Speakers: Aimee Nugent, Kent Oberheu

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 732

New Directions in Branded Entertainment: An American Express Case Study

QuickTime • 55:23

Advertisers are taking advantage of the digital media explosion and creating new experiences in branded entertainment. Producing big-budget entertainment available only on the web provides a unique opportunity for one-to-one promotion. Learn how Outpost Digital leveraged Apple's suite of professional content creation tools to create and deliver the Adventures of Seinfeld and Superman for American Express, a series of interactive promotional webisodes.

Speakers: Aimee Nugent, Evan Schechtman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 734

H.264/AVC: Exceptional Video from 3G to HD

QuickTime • 58:08

H.264/AVC is the next-generation video codec that provides incredible video quality at a broad range of data rates. View this session to learn all about this ratified standard, including its history, technologies, and applications in the marketplace. See why you'll want to use H.264/AVC in your multimedia projects and find out why everyone is talking about this incredible video standard.

Speakers: Amy Fazio, David Singer, Greg Wallace, Hsi-Jung Wu

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 600

Enterprise IT State of the Union

Enterprise • 1:12:56

Apple continues to capture the attention of IT organizations as it increases its product offerings for the enterprise, providing flexible solutions that deliver on the promise of open standards. In this session, learn from Apple executives and other industry experts how Apple-based solutions deliver unparalleled ROI for customers looking to build the ultimate standards-based network infrastructure in a mixed client world. This session is highly recommended for enterprise developers, system administrators, technology architects, and executives.

Speakers: Bud Tribble, Tim Hoechst, James Gosling

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 601

HPC Technology Update

Enterprise • 1:26:50

Learn how Apple's high performance computing technology is being used to build powerful computational clusters with Xserve G5 – and Xserve RAID. Hear how customers are designing and deploying large installations to solve a variety of complex computing problems. This session is a must for IT managers, project managers, and scientists who are building computational clusters.

Speakers: Douglas Brooks, John Thuotte, Dave Paulmark, Benjamin Singer, John Medeiros

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 602

Introducing Xsan

Enterprise • 56:22

Xsan is Apple's high-performance, easy-to-use SAN file system for Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server. Find out how Xsan can be deployed as a platform for workflow in demanding environments, as an affordable alternative for storage consolidation, and as centralized storage for a computational cluster. Also, learn how Xsan will create new opportunities for applications demanding high-speed access to shared data. Xsan deployments and major features are covered.

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WWDC04 • Session 604

HPC System Design on Mac OS X

Enterprise • 1:04:45

Developers will gain an in-depth knowledge of hardware architectural issues including interconnect technologies, storage solutions, file systems, and software frameworks. Learn about the new and emerging hardware architecture technologies including hardware interconnects (Infiniband, Myrinet, 10GigE, Ethernet Jumbo Frames, Fiber Channel and FireWire), and we’ll also cover topics such as available storage solutions, filesystems, and software frameworks. This session is for developers identifying the best hardware/framework design for their cluster solution.

Speakers: Skip Levens, Srinidhi Varadarajan

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WWDC04 • Session 605

Third-Party Enterprise Backup Solutions

Enterprise • 59:23

View this session to learn how to choose and use the best enterprise backup solution for your company. Solutions from BakBone, Dantz and other leading vendors are showcased for your specific backup needs. This session is intended for system administrators, IT managers, and developers.

Speakers: Chris Bledsoe, Pat Lee, Tim Jones, Andrew Bowles, Randy Batterson

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WWDC04 • Session 606

Third-Party Collaboration Solutions

Enterprise • 58:31

Learn how your Mac clients can operate within a Domino, Exchange, or GroupWise environment. Become acquainted with enterprise-class solutions from Kerio, OpenText, and Stalker that allow you to run your collaboration infrastructure on Mac OS X Server and Xserve. System administrators and IT managers working within heterogeneous environments will find this session useful.

Speaker: JD Mankovsky

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 607

Third Party Client Management Solutions

Enterprise • 1:16:36

Learn how your Mac clients can be managed by solutions from Altiris, LANDesk, and Marimba. Understand the options available from Apple, FileWave, Netopia, and Sassafras for deploying your client management infrastructure on Mac OS X Server and Xserve. System administrators and IT managers working within heterogeneous environments will find this session useful.

Speaker: John DeTroye

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 608

Database Solutions for Mac OS X

Enterprise • 1:00:00

Hear four case studies about application development on Mac OS X featuring these popular databases: 4th Dimension, FrontBase, FileMaker Pro, and OpenBase. By examining both in-house and commercial application development you'll see the unique offerings for Mac OS X each environment offers. See how our wealth of RDBMS tools can fulfill your development needs!

Speakers: Tyler Stone, Alykhan Jetha, Chuck Sholdt, Eric Jungemann, Avi Drissman

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WWDC04 • Session 609

Learn to Develop with WebObjects

Enterprise • 1:03:46

Learn how WebObjects can help you write applications faster and more easily in this technical overview for new developers. Key aspects of the WebObjects architecture, its technical advantages, and its relevance to web application development are presented. You will see demonstrations of the WebObjects tools, design and flow of a typical WebObjects application, and a review of deployment scenarios that allow you to understand how to best take advantage of this technology. This is an introductory to intermediate-level session.

Speaker: Malcolm Crawford

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 610

JBoss in Mac OS X Server

Enterprise • 1:13:51

In this session, you will get an overview of the JBoss server architecture. Learn how to deploy both WebObjects and J2EE applications using the tools that are provided with Mac OS X Server. This is an introductory to intermediate-level session.

Speaker: Ray Kiddy

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 611

File System Access Control Lists

Enterprise • 42:50

File System Access Control Lists (ACLs) allow fine-grained management and administration of file systems and workflows. In this session you will learn about Apple's File System ACL model, Open Directory integration for more scalable group management, and available developer APIs.

Speakers: Rusty Tucker, Mike Smith

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 613

Creating Application Clusters for Apache and MySQL

Enterprise • 39:41

Learn how to use fail-over and load-balancing technology from Emic Networks with Apache or MySQL applications running on Mac OS X. The Emic Application Cluster (EAC) includes performance scalability, load balancing, fault tolerance, and continuous availability with fast fail-over, as well as centralized cluster management—all running on Xserve technology. Web application developers, IT managers, and MySQL administrators will find this session useful and informative.

Speaker: Thomas Loran

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 614

Deploying Java Applications on Mac OS X

Enterprise • 51:15

Learn about the various Java-based deployment options available to you on Mac OS X. We also show how you can use Xcode to make a great Java Web Start application or Java applet, and how you can take advantage of Ant to simplify your building and deployment process.

Speakers: Karl Hsu, Scott Kovatch

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 615

Xsan In Depth

Enterprise • 54:18

Dig in and learn how your application can leverage the powerful collaborative and workgroup features in Xsan, Apple's high-performance, easy-to-use SAN file system. We discuss available APIs and give best practices and guidelines for integrating your application, utility, or workflow.

Speakers: Greg Vaughan, Mike Margolis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 616

Inside Mac OS X Server

Enterprise • 52:21

Dig into the groundbreaking new features planned for Mac OS X Server, including the architecture and APIs available for developers. Each major feature covered will highlight the developer opportunities and integration points for your application or service.

Speakers: Kazu Yanagihara, Rusty Tucker, Chris Jalbert

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WWDC04 • Session 618

Distributed Computing Made Easy with Xgrid

Enterprise • 43:35

Xgrid makes it easy to use a group of distributed Macs as your own personal supercomputer for performing CPU-intensive calculations. This session will cover how scientists, animators, and developers can use Xgrid to distribute their applications. We describe the different protocols, developer APIs, and services provided by Xgrid, as well as provide guidelines for integrating it with MPI and other clustering solutions. If you are developing software that can easily be split into multiple parallel tasks, you won't want to miss this session.

Speakers: David Kramer, Charles Parnot

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 620

Understanding Oracle 10g for Mac OS X

Enterprise • 1:13:46

View this session to learn about Oracle's latest grid-based relational database solution, Oracle 10g. Grid computing reduces the cost of IT by clustering servers together to function as a single large computer, shifting resources dynamically between applications. View this session if you are an in-house developer looking for a highly scalable and reliable database on Mac OS X Server.

Speaker: Thomas Kyte

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 621

Understanding Sybase ASE for Mac OS X

Enterprise • 1:10:59

Sybase is opening up new opportunities for enterprises seeking more cost-effective ways to build and serve mission-critical applications. Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 12.5 allows enterprise developers to create sophisticated applications for resolving business pains and challenges. Learn how to develop enterprise-caliber applications with Sybase ASE 12.5 running on Mac OS X Server.

Speakers: Steve Olson, Eric Leister, Keith Campbell, Bob Cusick

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WWDC04 • Session 622

WebObjects Optimization, Security, and Scalability

Enterprise • 1:15:34

Learn about deploying WebObjects into real world situations. Topics include a tour of the tools available for determining where the bottlenecks are, configuration options for addressing scalability issues, and how to achieve scalability in a secure fashion. Load balancing, content aggregation, and other issues of deployment are also discussed.

Speakers: Bill Bumgarner, Max Muller

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 624

Safari in the Enterprise

Enterprise • 1:06:55

Learn how leading enterprise vendors such as SAP, Oracle and PeopleSoft develop and deploy client solutions on Mac OS X using Safari and other thin-client technologies. Macintosh system administrators responsible for SAP, Oracle and PeopleSoft, and in-house developers for thin clients should view this session.

Speakers: Mark Malone, Mark Cianca, Jesper Andersen

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WWDC04 • Session 625

Integrating Mac OS X with Heterogeneous Networks

Enterprise • 1:03:06

Learn how easy it is to integrate your Mac OS X clients and servers into a heterogeneous network. In this session, you will find out what it takes to integrate with UNIX and Windows networks; how to assume the duties of file and print server in an Active Directory domain; how to setup users' home directories on a Windows network served from an Xserve; and other system administration responsibilities. This is an ideal session for the system administrator of a heterogeneous network.

Speakers: JD Mankovsky, Eric Clements

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 626

Xserve Deployment

Enterprise • 1:09:16

Learn how to deploy Mac OS X Server and Xserve in an enterprise network. Apple's internal IT organization will share best practices in deploying Apple server solutions in a heterogeneous network. This session is for system administrators deploying Mac OS X Server and Xserve.

Speakers: Douglas Brooks, Greg Smith, Eric Senf, Richard Moon

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WWDC04 • Session 627

Inside Directory Services

Enterprise • 45:38

Learn about the new directions and refinements planned for Apple's Open Directory architecture, LDAP directory services, Network Authentication Service Discovery, Network Service Location, the Open Directory API, and migration from NetInfo to Open Directory.

Speakers: David O'Rourke, Jason Townsend

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 628

Introduction to Eclipse

Enterprise • 1:05:02

Eclipse is a rapidly evolving open source project that includes a feature rich IDE for Java development. View this session to learn about the Eclipse platform, the new features and capabilities in Eclipse 3.0, and how you might use Eclipse for your next Java project on Mac OS X.

Speakers: John Wiegand, Erich Gamma

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WWDC04 • Session 629

Using WebObjects EOF

Enterprise • 1:01:45

This session will provide you with an in-depth exploration of the intermediate and advanced features of the Enterprise Objects Framework (EOF) in WebObjects. Topics include performance optimization, shared editing contexts, raw rows, multi-threaded database access, and data synchronization and locking. This is an intermediate-level to advanced session.

Speaker: James Dempsey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 630

Network Administration Best Practices for Education

Enterprise • 52:18

Learn tips and tricks from the experts at the Higher Education Mac OS X Lab Deployment Initiative. Discover scripts and directory integration techniques for deploying labs in a higher-education environment. In this session, system and network administrators will receive useful sample roadmaps for deploying Mac OS X within their institutions.

Speakers: Richard Giaser, Philip Rinehart

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 631

Scripting for System Administrators

Enterprise • 49:05

Learn how to script common system administration activities using various methodologies for Mac OS X, such as bash, Perl, and AppleScript. This session is a great opportunity for the system administrator looking to use automation to simplify tasks.

Speaker: Joel Rennich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 632

Xsan Deployment for Video Workflow

Enterprise • 57:35

Xsan is an ideal platform for collaboration with Apple's industry leading professional video products. Learn about recommended Xsan deployment scenarios for various collaborative video editing environments directly from Apple engineers.

Speaker: Brett Halle

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 633

WebObjects Overview

Enterprise • 1:08:32

This session provides an overview and roadmap for WebObjects. Meet the key players and discover the exciting news that Apple has planned for WebObjects in the year ahead.

Speaker: Bob Fraser

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 635

Security Best Practices Using Open Source Tools

Enterprise • 47:42

Learn how Mac OS X Server, plus open source tools, can help you protect your enterprise's network and provide enhanced security. Security experts from Apple's IT and Consulting teams discuss the security features built into Mac OS X Server, plus how to verify and improve your security model using tools such as Nmap, Netcat, Nessus, Snort and a variety of other open source tools.

Speakers: Brian Sathianathan, Damien Weiss

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 636

Porting Visual Basic Applications to Mac OS X

Enterprise • 48:38

Learn how to use REALbasic to port your existing Visual Basic application to the Mac OS X platform. See the differences between Visual Basic and REALbasic, and learn how to take advantage of this tool for migrating your applications to the Mac. Find out how far VB Project Converter will take you, and learn tips, tricks, and techniques that will help make your port go as smooth as possible. This session includes a case study of how one vendor brought their solution over to the Mac OS X platform.

Speaker: Hank Marquis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 637

Introduction to Sun Java Studio Creator

Enterprise • 58:54

Sun Java Studio Creator (formerly Project Rave) is a next-generation tool for Java application development designed from the ground up to deliver the promise of Java to millions of developers via new technology, ease-of-development features and vastly improved developer productivity. This session provides you with an overview of the product, some principles of ease-of-development as they apply to Creator and a detailed walkthrough of its productivity features and capabilities on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Robert Brewin, Carl Quinn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 638

Xserve RAID Best Practices

Enterprise • 1:18:35

View this session to learn how to combine Xserve RAID in configurations that meet demanding new storage needs with a high degree of reliability and redundancy. For example, we discuss best practices for building a remote data replication and disk-to-disk-to-tape workflows. This session is for network planners, IT project managers, and network administrators.

Speakers: Alex Grossman, Ryan Klein, Stephen Terlizzi

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 639

How to Test and Debug Your Cross-Platform Java Application on Mac OS X

Enterprise • 51:26

In this session we show you critical techniques for building fully platform-independent Java applications that can be deployed effortlessly on Mac OS X and other OS platforms. We demonstrate tools for diagnosing and troubleshooting your Java application, and provide pointers to the resources that Apple provides the Java development community.

Speakers: Tom O'Brien, Barry Langdon-Lassagne, Matt Drance

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 640

Inside Network Authentication

Enterprise • 38:33

Mac OS X Server's robust authentication model is based on Kerberos, the industry standard network authentication protocol. This session discusses enhancements to the implementation of Kerberos both for the server and for end-user single sign-on. You will also learn how to ensure that your application is compatible across the different versions of Mac OS X Server and client using the Kerberos authentication protocol.

Speakers: Jason Townsend, Leland Wallace

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 641

Integrating Apple Remote Desktop

Enterprise • 59:28

Apple Remote Desktop is a powerful desktop management solution for Mac OS X that blends software distribution, asset management, and remote assistance into one easy to use application. Get under the hood and learn how you can extend Apple Remote Desktop to streamline your desktop management processes at this informative session.

Speakers: Nader Nafissi, Tony Graham, Steve Hayman, Mike Bombich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 642

HPC Software Performance Optimization In Depth

Enterprise • 1:12:13

This session provides an in depth look at Mac OS X technologies and applications for optimizing all aspects of software performance specific to a computational cluster. Information covers the OS services, job schedules, optimized libraries, cluster profiling tools, and third party cluster computing development frameworks like GridIron's XLR8.

Speakers: Warner Yuen, Steve Peters, Josh Durham, Dean Dauger, Steve Forde

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 643

Apple in the Enterprise: Myths vs. Realities

Enterprise • 58:17

This session cuts through the hype and gives you the facts and data you need to make, or defend, an Apple hardware or software decision. Learn where Apple has enjoyed considerable success as an enterprise vendor and what has worked at other organizations. We also articulate the reasons why you should develop your next solution on a Mac.

Speaker: Brian Croll

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 644

Inside Apple Remote Desktop

Enterprise • 52:46

Apple Remote Desktop provides powerful desktop management, reporting and help-desk style remote control and assistance to make administering Mac OS X desktops or servers easier than ever. Learn how to get the most out of Apple Remote Desktop by viewing this informative session.

Speakers: Nader Nafissi, Mike Lopp

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC04 • Session 645

Mac OS X Server Update

Enterprise • 47:08

Mac OS X Server, Apple's industrial-strength operating system, is well known as a powerful and robust server platform thanks to its excellent support of industry standards and use of popular open source software projects. Find out all about the major new features coming in the next major release of Mac OS X Server.

Speakers: Eric Zelenka, Greg Burns

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WWDC04 • Session 646

Apple and Scientific Computing

Enterprise • 55:15

Whether it's the PowerBook G4 – for UNIX to go, the Power Mac G5 – for serious computational horsepower on the desktop, or the immense power and scalability of Xserve G5 – and Xserve RAID, Apple delivers an ideal platform for scientific computing with an exceptional price/performance ratio. View this session to learn about how Apple products are driving momentum in scientific markets and hear how science professionals are using Mac OS X to increase productivity.

Speakers: Bud Tribble, Elizabeth Kerr, Chen Peng

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WWDC04 • Session 647

Desktop Management Technologies

Enterprise • 1:09:15

In this session you'll learn about Apple's evolving desktop management strategy in increasingly complex and rapidly changing environments. You'll learn about the changes and updates to the tools that Apple provides to make managing user environments easier and more powerful than ever.

Speaker: Mike Lopp

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WWDC05 • Session 000

Mac OS X State of the Union

General • 2:00:57

Speakers: Bertrand Serlet, Scott Forstall, Eric Seymour, Ali Ozer, Simon Patience

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WWDC05 • Session 001

Go To Market Strategies and Services for Apple Developers

General • 47:54

You've spent countless hours designing and developing your product. Now attend this Go-to-Market (GTM) session to learn why a strong GTM plan is critical to your market success. You'll discover the array of GTM services available from Apple, and will get expert answers on how best to bring your product to market. What's more, we'll share our experiences helping thousands of Mac developers around the world be successful in the marketplace.

Speakers: Christy Wyatt, Carl Smit, Eric Ronberg, Ed Prasek

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 002

Power User's Guide to the Apple Developer Connection

General • 44:21

Designed to help you get the most from your ADC membership, this session covers ADC resources and services, including many "hidden gems" you need to know about. Learn tips for using ADC technical resources, like documentation, code samples, and more, as well as how to take advantage of go-to-market opportunities available through Apple. You'll get an expert tour aimed at making you a more efficient and innovative developer.

Speakers: Paul Kopacki, Melina Kirsch, Mike Korte, Ed Prasek

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WWDC05 • Session 003

Extending Your Application to Run on an Intel-based Macintosh

General • 41:58

During this session, we'll take a well-known Mac OS X application and update it to run on an Intel-based Macintosh. We'll also give you tips, offer hints, and describe building, testing, and debugging in detail.

Speakers: Eric Albert, Ronnie Misra

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WWDC05 • Session 100

Cutting-Edge Interface Design for Mac OS X

Application Technologies • 1:17:41

Surprise and delight your customers with an elegant user experience. Learn about the latest techniques and design methodologies being used to build the best looking, easiest to use applications for Mac OS X. We'll use sample products to demonstrate how to design the best menus, dialogs, and windows.

Speaker: John Geleynse

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 101

Write a Spotlight Plug-in Today

Application Technologies • 1:03:14

Learn how to create a Spotlight plug-in to make your custom file format searchable by Spotlight. We'll show you how to write a Spotlight plug-in to export information from a basic file, create custom keys that the Finder can display, and debug your plug-in.

Speaker: Dominic Giampaolo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 102

Cocoa Today

Application Technologies • 1:05:24

Cocoa, with its mature, object-oriented APIs, intuitive design paradigms, and powerful built-in functionality, is the ideal framework for rapid application development on Mac OS X Tiger. This session will cover important trends in Cocoa development, key advances for Tiger, and the state of Cocoa today. You'll learn about techniques and advances you may have overlooked before, and get a better understanding of how to structure your application. See how you can take advantage of all that Cocoa has to offer.

Speakers: Matt Formica, Ali Ozer, Andreas Wendker, Mike Rossetti

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WWDC05 • Session 103

Designing a Scripting Interface

Application Technologies • 41:50

The easiest way for your application to work with Automator is for it to be scriptable. Most of the effort required involves defining your application's dictionary, which contains the various commands and classes accessible to AppleScript. Learn how to design a dictionary for a sample application, how to define a well-designed scripting interface for your own application, and how to specify the dictionary in the new sdef format.

Speaker: Chris Nebel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 104

Using Spotlight's Query APIs

Application Technologies • 58:29

Modernize the way you search for files in your application by leveraging the Spotlight Query APIs in Mac OS X Tiger. Watch and code along as we write a sample application, integrating Spotlight search capabilities and enabling complex queries on the Spotlight data store.

Speakers: Xavier Legros, Vince DeMarco

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WWDC05 • Session 105

The Tiger HIToolbox

Application Technologies • 1:05:44

Learn about the latest improvements in the HIToolbox framework in Mac OS X Tiger. This session will demonstrate the most recent features including HIArchive, performance advances with deferred updates, HIShape support, new features in HITextView, and more.

Speakers: Eric Schlegel, Bryan Prusha

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WWDC05 • Session 106

Constructing an Installer Package

Application Technologies • 49:45

Learn about the new tools for creating packages that will make your product's installer more powerful and easier to build. Installer engineers will walk you through creating an example package that gets progressively more complex, demonstrating and explaining new features introduced in Tiger such as File Version Checking and distribution scripts.

Speakers: Jean-Pierre Ciudad, Peter Bierman

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WWDC05 • Session 107

Uniform Type Identifiers and Launch Services

Application Technologies • 1:02:17

Key features of Tiger such as Spotlight, Automator, and Launch Services take advantage of the Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) technology. This session discusses how to leverage UTIs in your code in order to achieve seamless integration with Mac OS X. We'll give an update on new the Launch Services APIs available in Tiger and also cover some of the "nuts and bolts" details of interacting with the Launch Services database.

Speaker: Christopher Linn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 108

VoiceOver and Making Carbon Applications Accessible

Application Technologies • 1:13:16

The VoiceOver spoken interface provides a new way to access the Mac for users with visual impairments. We'll cover the VoiceOver navigation model, testing techniques, verification tools, and Accessibility API you can use to make your Carbon application accessible. Government and education customers require solutions that meet the needs of their disabled users. Learn how to meet these customer requirements.

Speakers: Patti Yeh, Guy Fullerton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 110

How To Translate Altivec to SSE

Application Technologies • 38:13

By using Tiger's Accelerate framework (the high performance math library), your application can access the power of Mac hardware without having to vectorize your code. This hands-on session will walk you through different scenarios using the Accelerate framework, including BLAS/LAPACK, vForce, vDSP and vImage. This is a must-attend session if you're doing anything with math.

Speakers: Eric Postpischil, Ian Ollmann

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 111

HITextView Unleashed on Tiger

Application Technologies • 58:03

Learn how HITextView can replace custom text controls in your application and easily handle Unicode text, advanced typography, URLs and multimedia content. Hands-on demonstrations will take you step-by-step through code to show how you can maximize HITextView's benefits to your application.

Speakers: Dan Fenwick, Aaron Haney

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 112

Implementing a Scripting Interface

Application Technologies • 54:15

In this hands-on session we will walk step-by-step through the dictionary designed in the "Designing a Scripting Interface" session. We'll focus primarily on Cocoa scripting; however, Carbon scripting techniques and issues will be addressed. Learn what you need to know to implement a scripting interface for your application.

Speaker: John Comiskey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 113

Using Bindings to Help Sync Your Data and UI

Application Technologies • 1:02:00

Cocoa bindings can dramatically simplify your UI code and improve your application's interface and data consistency. Learn how to use bindings as we walk through example code to illustrate how bindings (the "Controller layer") work, how to configure them within Interface Builder, and how to handle common cases in code.

Speaker: Malcolm Crawford

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 114

Dashboard Widgets

Application Technologies • 59:15

This hands-on session will provide you with the techniques you need to make a great Dashboard Widget on Mac OS X Tiger. We'll discuss Widget UI design and explain, using sample code, how to implement scrollers and other common Widget interface elements.

Speaker: Christian Wagner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 116

Building a Custom HIView

Application Technologies • 1:08:03

Watch and code along as we build a fully featured custom HIView. We'll develop an HIView starting with basic Carbon Events and progress to advanced features such as Accessibility, Text Input, and Drag-and-Drop.

Speakers: Bryan Prusha, Curt Rothert

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 118

Advanced Document-Based Application Techniques

Application Technologies • 57:58

Move beyond the default document handling capabilities of Cocoa. Learn how to properly customize and extend Cocoa's document classes to support multiple windows displaying views of a single document, displaying data from multiple documents within a single window, advanced error handling, plugins, and much more.

Speaker: Mark Piccirelli

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 119

.Mac SDK: What's New for Tiger

Application Technologies • 1:01:24

Enhance your application with collaboration, workflow, and security features enabled by the new .Mac SDK 2. This session will present examples and sample code using the latest features of the .Mac SDK.

Speakers: Scott Ryder, Chris Sharp, Ryan Parks

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 120

The Web Kit Open Source Project

Application Technologies • 48:12

The Safari Web Kit framework has been released under an open source license, joining WebCore and JavaScriptCore. Learn how you can use Web Kit, the new CVS repository, new bug database and other resources made available today at

Speakers: Darin Adler, David Hyatt, Maciej Stachowiak

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 121

Cocoa "Tiger Makeover"

Application Technologies • 1:10:37

Don't miss this hands-on session where we will show you how to transform a simple application into a feature-rich application optimized for Tiger by adding Spotlight searching, language localization, scripting, and much more. Bring your laptop!

Speakers: Doug Davidson, Hansen Hsu, Corbin Dunn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 122

Add Syncing to Your Application

Application Technologies • 58:33

Mac OS X Tiger features a new, high-performance synchronization engine that you can use with your application to keep your user's data in sync across all their computers and mobile devices. Learn how to implement Sync Services to synchronize your application's data between computers and with other applications. Bring your laptop to follow along and add this new functionality to your application.

Speaker: Ken Kocienda

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 123

Introduction to Core Data

Application Technologies • 59:23

Core Data dramatically simplifies development by handling the management of your application's data objects, both in memory and on disk, allowing you to focus on your application's logic. Learn about Core Data's architecture as we walk though code examples and use Xcode's design and modeling tools to build Core Data-based applications.

Speaker: Matt Firlik

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 124

Threading on Mac OS X

Application Technologies • 48:11

Using multithreading can significantly boost the performance and responsiveness of your application, particularly on multiprocessor Macs. Take a closer look at the threading models on Mac OS X, and learn how to leverage the threading architecture using the Carbon, Cocoa, and pthread multiprocessing APIs.

Speaker: George Warner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 125

VoiceOver and Making Cocoa Applications Accessible

Application Technologies • 1:01:40

The VoiceOver spoken interface provides a new way to access the Mac for users with visual impairments. We'll cover the VoiceOver navigation model, testing techniques, verification tools, and Accessibility API you can use to make your Cocoa application accessible. Government and education customers require solutions that meet the needs of their disabled users. Learn how to meet these customer requirements.

Speakers: Rick Fabrick, Mike Engber

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 126

Implementing Core Data

Application Technologies • 1:13:59

In this hands-on session, we'll expand on the basics of Core Data by walking you through a series of examples to demonstrate how you can use Core Data to manage data effectively in your application. From data models to Interface Builder bindings to managed object context initialization, you'll discover practical techniques for using this compelling new Tiger technology in your application.

Speakers: Rick Ballard, Chris Hanson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 128

Introduction to Web Kit Development

Application Technologies • 41:54

Learn how to enable your application with Web Kit, the same powerful HTML and JavaScript engine that powers the Safari web browser.

Speakers: Chris Blumenberg, Kevin Decker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 129

Advanced Web Kit Development

Application Technologies • 42:50

Discover how to use advanced features of the Web Kit, including the new DOM bindings.

Speaker: Richard Williamson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 130

Writing AppleScript Automator Actions

Application Technologies • 1:14:30

In this hands-on session we will take you step-by-step through creating an Automator Action using AppleScript, AppleScript Studio, and Cocoa Bindings. You will learn everything you need to know to create Automator Actions using AppleScript for your own application.

Speaker: Todd Fernandez

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 132

Implementing Networking Using the Cocoa Classes

Application Technologies • 59:17

Wondering how to integrate Bonjour or Soap into your Cocoa application? How about other Cocoa networking solutions and APIs? Learn which APIs are the right ones to use to optimize your Cocoa networking implementation.

Speakers: Chris Parker, Chris Kane

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 133

Best Practices for Networking Programming

Application Technologies • 1:07:44

Unleash the power of the CFNetwork and NSURL APIs in your application. Learn to manage network authentication for accessing secure sites and proxies, add Network Diagnostic support in your application through the new CFNetDiagnostic APIs, and ensure that your application deals well with a wide variety of network configurations.

Speaker: Becky Willrich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 134

Advanced Dashboard Widgets

Application Technologies • 58:06

Bring your laptop for this hands-on session focussed on extending the capabilities of your Widget beyond what is possible with simple HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. You will learn to use Cocoa to access the powerful core technologies in Mac OS X from your Widget.

Speakers: Christian Wagner, Matt Drance

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 135

Safari for Web Designers

Application Technologies • 39:05

Design and build web content to take advantage of the new features of Safari 2.0. We'll focus on standards-based web development to ensure compatiblity, dive into Safari's custom elements, learn about the new XSLT support, and explain the benefits of the extended plug-in model. We'll also demonstrate how to add rich user-editable elements to your pages and add auto-detect for Safari RSS.

Speakers: Vicki Murley, Adele Peterson, Kevin Decker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 136

Getting the Most Out of Cocoa Bindings

Application Technologies • 1:07:28

Gain an in-depth understanding about the new bindings capabilities in Cocoa for Mac OS X Tiger. You'll learn advanced binding techniques, selection handling, value transformers, master-detail configurations, how to establish bindings programmatically, and other advanced techniques.

Speakers: Ron Lue-Sang, Andreas Wendker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 137

Writing Cocoa Automator Actions

Application Technologies • 49:08

Learn how to create an Automator Action using Objective C, Cocoa, and Cocoa Bindings in this hands-on session. You will learn everything you need to know to create your own Automator Actions using Cocoa.

Speaker: Kerry Hazelgren

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 138

AppleScript for C, C++, and Java Programmers

Application Technologies • 1:17:21

This high-level introduction to AppleScript is designed for C, C++, and Java programmers. You will learn how to take advantage of AppleScript using programming methods already familiar to you from these other languages.

Speaker: Sal Soghoian

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 141

Take Your Application Global

Application Technologies • 1:01:28

Make your application ready for new markets by designing with the world in mind. Learn how to take advantage of Mac OS X's robust suite of international technologies to support languages and regions around the world. We'll focus on Unicode text support, international date and number formatting, and language localization issues.

Speakers: Lee Collins, John Jenkins, Deborah Goldsmith

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 143

Advanced Core Data Usages

Application Technologies • 1:08:06

Advanced Core Data techniques will be covered in depth. Learn how to implement multi-store techniques for writing data to multiple places on disk per document, create custom stores, manage object context migration, build models in code, thread Core Data implementations, and much more.

Speakers: Ben Trumbull, Melissa Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 146

Cocoa Advanced View Techniques

Application Technologies • 1:11:27

Learn through coding examples designed to show you how to implement advanced Cocoa graphics techniques. The emphasis will be on the new capabilities in Tiger, such as drawing redirection, NSAnimation, live resizing, view binding, and more.

Speaker: Troy Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 200

Graphics and Media State of the Union

Graphics and Media • 1:01:21

Mac OS X contains an industry-leading array of 2D, 3D, and multimedia technologies to help your application outperform and differentiate itself from the competition. Come find out the latest Mac OS X Tiger has to offer, and learn how Mac OS X's graphics and media capabilities can revolutionize the performance and capabilities of your application.

Speakers: Tim Schaaff, Peter Graffagnino, Michael Johnson, Ean Golden

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 201

Harnessing the Audio Capabilities of QuickTime 7

Graphics and Media • 1:09:42

QuickTime 7 adds powerful audio enhancements through the adoption of Core Audio, providing access to higher sample rates and resolutions, multiple channel layouts, and sample accurate synchronization. Learn how you can leverage QuickTime 7's new audio features and capabilities in your own applications. If you are into high-performance multimedia and sound, you don't want to miss this session.

Speakers: Daniel Steinberg, Brad Ford

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 202

Core Image

Graphics and Media • 1:10:30

Core Image, an innovative new Mac OS X Tiger technology, provides high performance, floating-point image processing services. By harnessing the tremendous pixel processing power of the GPU or Velocity Engine, Core Image performs complex per-pixel imaging operations at blistering speeds to create spectacular visual effects and transitions. Code along as we show you how to add image processing to your own application using any of 100 built-in effects, or create your own custom algorithms and deploy them as Image Units. This is a must-experience session for developers of image enhancement software, video effects systems, color management solutions, and scientific visualization packages.

Speakers: Ralph Brunner, Mark Zimmer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 203

Developing and Using Audio Units

Graphics and Media • 1:07:33

The powerful capabilities of Core Audio, Mac OS X's world-class audio architecture, are easily extended through the creation of Audio Units. Audio Units can generate, modify, or amplify audio data to perform basic audio processing tasks or create amazing aural environments. Bring your laptop to this hands-on session and learn the steps to create and validate Audio Units and integrate them into your media application.

Speakers: Chris Rogers, Michael Hopkins

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 204

Utilizing Quartz Composer in Your Application

Graphics and Media • 1:09:02

Quartz Composer is a powerful visual programming tool for anyone developing graphics-based applications. With Quartz Composer you can easily explore the graphics stack in Mac OS X. Bring your laptop and learn how to create dynamic multimedia effects and animations and easily reuse them in your application with Cocoa. We'll cover all aspects of Quartz Composer, but will focus primarily on demonstrating how you can use Compositions within your own applications.

Speaker: Pierre-Olivier Latour

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 205

3D Environmental Audio with OpenAL

Graphics and Media • 56:28

Looking to create thrilling multi-channel 3D audio experiences in your application? Check out OpenAL, a multi-platform audio API that is perfect for games and advanced media applications. Leveraging the power of Core Audio, Tiger's built-in OpenAL implementation provides high-quality, low-overhead environmental audio that is compatible with a wide-range of audio devices. Learn how easy it is to integrate OpenAL into your application and take your audio to the next dimension.

Speaker: Elliot Sedegah

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 206

Develop and Deliver Great Mac OS X Games

Graphics and Media • 39:55

This session covers a wide gamut of issues related to developing and delivering world-class games on Mac OS X. We'll focus on the key technology ingredients required for game development on Mac OS X, including programming best practices, third-party game technologies, business issues, and successful go-to-market strategies. This is a required session for anyone interested in game development on the Mac.

Speakers: Tim Schaaff, Jay Moore

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 207

High-Performance Video in Mac OS X Tiger

Graphics and Media • 1:05:16

QuickTime 7 seamlessly leverages the latest graphics advancements of Mac OS X. Learn about QuickTime 7's own rendering pipeline and how you can use the power of the new Visual Context together with Core Video, Core Image and OpenGL to create amazing video applications. Also learn how to directly access the core media technologies to customize your own powerful rendering pipelines.

Speakers: Sean Gies, Frank Doepke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 208

Supporting Advanced Video Formats

Graphics and Media • 1:08:35

QuickTime 7 supports advanced video coding formats such as H.264. With this major advancement you'll need to take a new approach when creating, editing and working with media samples. Learn how to handle H.264 and other advanced formats in your application, including how to leverage new APIs for compression, decompression, and synchronization.

Speaker: Sam Bushell

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 209

Mac OS X Color Image Management Explained

Graphics and Media • 56:43

The growing prevalence of color digital media, such as digital photos, puts increasing pressure on applications to handle color correctly. Mac OS X takes a system-wide approach to managing color data by integrating ICC color management into all layers of the graphics stack. Attend this session to learn all aspects of Mac OS X color management capabilities from important automatic color matching behaviors found in Quartz 2D to direct manipulation of color profile information using ColorSync APIs. This is a must-attend session for developers looking to get great color results both on screen and in print.

Speakers: David Hayward, Luke Wallis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 210

Essential Ingredients for Mac OS X Imaging Solutions

Graphics and Media • 1:15:31

Delivering software solutions for photographic and prepress professionals? Learn how you can take advantage of Mac OS X imaging technologies to create industry-leading products. We'll cover the fine details on how to support digital cameras and scanners with Image Capture, how to ensure proper ICC color profile handling using ColorSync, and how to open/save images with metadata using ImageIO. Learn how to take your application to the next level of performance and capability.

Speaker: Werner Neubrand

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 211

Application Programming with QTKit

Graphics and Media • 1:11:27

QuickTime 7 in Tiger introduces QTKit, a new robust Cocoa framework for accessing QuickTime. The QTKit framework provides a set of Objective-C APIs that make it simple to add movie playback, editing, and importing and exporting, and more. We'll go hands on and show you how to use QTKit to unleash the power of QuickTime in your Cocoa application.

Speakers: Tim Monroe, Gary Flint, Tom Maremaa, Michael Johnson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 212

Printing Best Practices for Your Application

Graphics and Media • 58:36

The Mac OS X printing system integrates key technologies such as Quartz 2D, PDF, and ColorSync to ensure high-quality, device-independent printing. Learn how your Mac OS X application can take full advantage of these capabilities and also deliver flexible printing features and exceptional output quality.

Speaker: Richard Blanchard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 213

Harnessing the Power of PDF

Graphics and Media • 1:13:58

Understanding how to take advantage of Mac OS X's PDF capabilities is important for all application developers. Learn how Quartz 2D and PDF Kit benefit your application by giving easy access to the robust graphics and final form document capabilities of the PDF format. Also learn how Mac OS X's PDF-based printing architecture can increase the features and capabilities of your application via its PDF Workflow feature. Don't miss the opportunity to harness the power of PDF in your application.

Speakers: Paul Danbold, Richard Blanchard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 214

Maximizing OpenGL Performance

Graphics and Media • 1:01:56

In this hands-on session, the Mac OS X OpenGL team will explain the latest techniques to optimize your application's OpenGL usage. All aspects of optimization will be covered including vertex and texture submission, elimination of redundant copies of data, and ideal pixel formats. Threading tips and techniques will also be discussed. Code along with live demonstrations of the OpenGL Profiler and Driver Monitor, and discover how to solve real-world performance problems. You'll learn to maximize your use of the GPU to increase your application's frame rate.

Speaker: John Stauffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 215

Moving from QuickDraw to Quartz 2D

Graphics and Media • 1:12:10

Make your Carbon application's graphics shine by moving them from QuickDraw to the modern, powerful Quartz 2D graphics engine. Bring your laptop to this hands-on session and learn techniques to convert your existing application drawing code over to Quartz 2D. You'll also learn how to take advantage of Quartz 2D's extensive capabilities to deliver enhanced functionality. This is a must-attend session for all Carbon application developers with QuickDraw dependencies. Learn how to move beyond gWorlds, CopyBits, and VisRgns to a whole new world of modern 2D graphics functionality.

Speakers: Joseph Maurer, Ted Jucevic

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 216

Optimal 2D Application Graphics

Graphics and Media • 1:18:06

Bring your laptop and learn the latest techniques to ensure your application's 2D drawing makes the most effective use of Mac OS X's visual pipeline. We'll cover high-performance drawing, optimized screen updates, and how to avoid unnecessary graphics overhead. Although we'll focus on best practices with Quartz 2D, this session also contains practical information on the entire visual pipeline--valuable for all application developers. Whether you're a Carbon graphics whiz or a NSImage master, come to this session to learn how to optimize your application's graphics.

Speaker: Andrew Barnes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 300

Introduction to the Shake SDK

Apple Applications • 1:04:55

This session will provide you with the basic information you need to begin writing plug-ins for Shake, Apple's high-end visual FX and compositing software. It will start with a quick conceptual overview of Shake's dependency graph architecture and advanced rendering engine, and then focus in on how to write image processing plug-ins using the C++ base classes that comprise Shake's API. Familiarity with C++ and image processing applications is recommended, but not required.

Speaker: Angus Taggart

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 301

Developing Complex Video Workflows with Final Cut Pro and XML

Apple Applications • 56:41

Today's video production pipelines demand support for complex workflows. In response to this demand, Apple's Final Cut Pro leads the industry in providing a fully open project interchange format via XML. This session will provide an in-depth look into this interchange format and show real-world workflow implementation approaches and developer opportunities using Mac OS X Tiger's rich tool set.

Speaker: David Black

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 305

FxPlug Overview

Apple Applications • 41:57

In this session we will introduce FxPlug, the new SDK for quickly creating hardware accelerated filters and generators for the Apple Production Suite. We will demonstrate building and running a filter in Xcode using FxPlug templates, and show how to use Apple's Core Image framework to write hardware accelerated plug-ins on Tiger. We will also show off the results from several developers that have already created new FxPlug plug-ins, and we'll demonstrate them in Motion.

Speakers: Dave Howell, Pete Warden

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 308

FxPlug in Depth

Apple Applications • 45:21

In this session we will discuss the new FxPlug SDK in detail. We will demonstrate how to create custom UI controls using NSViews, and how to implement OpenGL on screen controls which will enable you to create highly interactive and easy-to-use filters and generators in

Speakers: Dave Howell, Pete Warden

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 400

Development Tools State of the Union

Development Tools • 50:53

Apple's Xcode Tools is the premier development environment for Mac OS X--after all, it's what Apple engineers use to build the operating system. You'll hear from key engineering managers and see important new Xcode features for Tiger, as well as get a roadmap of Xcode plans. Learn how Apple's tools will benefit your development.

Speakers: Ted Goldstein, Chris Espinosa, Kevin Smith, Matt Formica

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 401

What's New in Xcode 2.1

Development Tools • 59:21

Xcode 2.1 provides a variety of new features that help smooth the transition from other environments, as well as provide powerful new productivity capabilities. Come hear all about them!

Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Scott Tooker, Chris Hanson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 402

Adopting Xcode

Development Tools • 1:07:26

See how Xcode can improve your development process. Learn the basics of Xcode's impressive core feature set, time-saving tips for moving your codebase into Xcode, and strategies for managing C/C++ compiler differences. Bring your laptop to this session where you'll get hands-on experience migrating a project to Xcode.

Speaker: Chris Espinosa

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 403

Power Programming with Xcode

Development Tools • 1:04:26

Xcode has many advanced features designed to make your development more productive. This session will help current Xcode users get the most out of Xcode. You'll learn the best ways to structure your projects, how to get maximum build performance, and much more.

Speakers: Bill Bumgarner, Chris Friesen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 404

Moving to gcc 4.0

Development Tools • 45:51

Xcode 2's new compiler, gcc 4.0, offers great benefits such as faster compilation speeds, better code generation, and 64-bit support. We'll cover each of gcc 4.0's new capabilities in detail, in addition to talking about techniques for moving from gcc 3.3 (the default compiler in Panther). Learn how to take advantage of all gcc has to offer.

Speaker: Geoff Keating

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 406

AppleScript Studio in Depth

Development Tools • 1:15:13

AppleScript Studio is a set of professional application development tools that enable you to create full-featured Mac OS X applications using AppleScript. In this session, we will walk you through AppleScript Studio's most interesting features, such as toolbar support and easier-to-use data views, and teach you how to use these features to add exciting functionality to your AppleScript Studio applications.

Speaker: Tim Bumgarner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 407

Swimming with Shark

Development Tools • 55:52

Shark 4 is an extremely powerful performance analysis tool you can't afford to ignore. In this hands-on session, you will learn how to use Shark's capabilities to obtain maximum performance from your application. Bring your laptop and walk through key Shark workflows with us and learn how to use useful features such as time profiling, memory and function tracing, data mining, and VM fault profiling.

Speakers: Nathan Slingerland, Sanjay Patel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 408

Project Management Mastery with Xcode

Development Tools • 1:03:20

Your industrial-strength project needs the industrial-strength features of Xcode. Build multiple versions of products, create project trees, automatically set version numbers, and synchronize project changes among multiple engineers. We'll cover the advanced use of the SCM build system, and scripting features of the Xcode IDE.

Speaker: Anders Bertelrud

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 409

Performance Analysis of Your Memory Code

Development Tools • 59:09

Learn to debug and locate memory leaks in your application. You will learn valuable tips and tricks for identifying, analyzing, and squashing these common bugs. We'll also provide a valuable walk-through of a few sample applications using Shark, setenv commands, and more.

Speaker: Dave Payne

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 500

Using Bonjour in Your Applications and Devices

OS Foundations • 1:03:46

Bonjour gives applications and networked devices the ability to easily advertise and discover each other on the network. Learn how to use Bonjour in your products with programming examples for Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows. We'll also cover how to work with Bonjour using a wide variety of languages, including C, Cocoa, Java, and Ruby. This session is a must for any device with a network interface or application that uses the network.

Speaker: Stuart Cheshire

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 501

Security Tips for Software Developers

OS Foundations • 1:01:44

Make your applications more secure: Apple's engineers will guide you through the best techniques to use when writing applications. Learn about emerging security threats, how to handle data, avoid common coding pitfalls, and system services for security.

Speakers: Ron Dumont, Richard Murphy, Aaron Sigel, Simon Cooper

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 502

Smart Cards in Mac OS X

OS Foundations • 1:03:20

Smart Card support has been greatly expanded in Mac OS X Tiger. Smart Cards offer a great way to store certificates, which can then be used by your applications, as well as by Mail and Safari. Apple's engineers will show you how to access Smart Cards from applications and how to write 'tokend' plug-ins to interface your Smart Card to Mac OS X.

Speakers: Michael Brouwer, John Hurley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 504


OS Foundations • 1:01:35

FireWire provides power and performance for camcorders, scanners, printers, the iPod, and a wide range of other products. In this session we'll talk about the more sophisticated aspects of FireWire communication, hardware bring up, accessing FireWire devices from applications, and writing drivers. Apple's engineers will also demonstrate the tools they use in their own FireWire development, including PHYTool, FireBug, and FireCracker. If you develop FireWire hardware products, write drivers, or access devices from your application, you need to attend this session.

Speaker: Eric Anderson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 505

Developing Reliable and High-Performance Drivers for Mac OS X Tiger

OS Foundations • 1:02:42

Learn I/O Kit driver best practices and how to handle common challenges in this in-depth session on working with I/O Kit. In addition, Apple's engineers will demonstrate the new diagnostic tools and logging support available in Tiger.

Speaker: Dean Reece

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 506

What's New with File System

OS Foundations • 42:37

The File System APIs in Mac OS X give applications the ability to control access, watch for changes in files, and modify attributes. Learn about the file permissions model using ACLs, monitoring the file system using kauth, Extended Attributes, and using the new File Manager APIs. Attending this session is a must for anyone working directly with the File System.

Speaker: Chris Emura

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 507

Building 64-bit Solutions for Tiger

OS Foundations • 1:12:52

Are you developing an application that could benefit from more than 32 bits of address space? Mac OS X Tiger offers support for 64-bit command-line processes that can address vast amounts of memory. Learn the specifics of Tiger's 64-bit support and how to factor a Carbon or Cocoa application to run in conjunction with 64-bit backend processes.

Speaker: Stan Shebs

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 508

Customizing Mac OS X Using Open Source

OS Foundations • 1:03:33

Mac OS X Tiger and Tiger Server incorporate over 150 open source projects, but sometimes that's not enough. You may need new versions of scripting languages, alternate implementations of mail agents, different compile options for databases, custom patches for web applications, and so forth. This session will help you to understand what open source projects are already available on Mac OS X, determine what else you might want and where to find it, and how to configure, install, and use custom open source solutions.

Speaker: Kevin Van Vechten

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 509

Creating Drivers for USB Devices

OS Foundations • 1:03:22

Learn how easy it is to access a USB device as Apple's engineers create drivers for USB devices that are provided to them by the audience at the start of the session. They'll demonstrate how to access devices from applications, as well as how to debug USB drivers using the logging version of the IOUSBFamily KEXT.

Speaker: Fernando Urbina

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 510

Core OS Enhancements for BSD Developers

OS Foundations • 56:45

Mac OS X Tiger introduces a number of interesting and useful enhancements at the BSD level. This session outlines two new system services, Apple System Logger and launchd. Apple System Logger provides logging information in a consistent format, enabling administrators to easily analyze system behavior. Its rich API set also allows programmers to better customize their log messages. The new service management system, launchd, introduces a flexible and powerful way of handling StartupItems and daemons. This session is essential for anyone developing a background process or system service.

Speakers: Marc Majka, Dave Zarzycki

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 600

Enterprise IT State of the Union

Enterprise IT • 1:09:13

Apple provides real solutions to meet enterprise IT needs. Learn how industry-leading companies use Apple technology to solve challenges in database, storage and high performance computing using standards-based network infrastructure. Whether you are developing, deploying or managing solutions for the enterprise, this session will show you how Apple-based products will help you gain the maximum ROI from your Apple investment. Ideal for enterprise developers, system administrators, technology architects and executives.

Speakers: Bud Tribble, Vijay Sonty, Albert Prast

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 601

Java Overview

Enterprise IT • 1:16:40

Java is used everywhere on Mac OS X, from games to desktop applications to high-powered server clusters. Learn about Java on Mac OS X and how it takes advantage of the power of the G5 processor, the flexibility of the underlying frameworks including Quartz and Cocoa, and the power of Xcode for development. We will cover the latest releases of Java and give you insight into the future of Java on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Scott Adler, Michael Powers, Mike Swingler, Scott Kovatch

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 602

A.M.P. on Mac OS X

Enterprise IT • 43:57

Learn how to install, configure, and develop a web application using Apache, MySQL, and Perl, Python, or PHP on Mac OS X. Then learn how easy it is to deploy web applications to Mac OS X Server and other platforms with little or no modification.

Speakers: John Montbriand, Marc Liyanage

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 603

Mac OS X Server Overview

Enterprise IT • 47:40

Mac OS X Tiger Server delivers major new features to Apple's industrial-strength server operating system. Apple engineering managers will explain the major migration areas and integration points, and highlight the primary areas of developer opportunity for extending the platform.

Speakers: Greg Burns, Kazu Yanagihara, Chris LeCroy, Mike Lopp

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 604

WebObjects Overview

Enterprise IT • 59:34

WebObjects is Apple's Java-based web application development platform. Learn about new features and get a glimpse at product directions in upcoming releases of WebObjects.

Speaker: Daryl Lee

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 605

Using Oracle JDeveloper with Oracle 10g on Mac OS X

Enterprise IT • 1:07:19

Oracle JDeveloper is a great Java development tool for Oracle 10g on Mac OS X. Bring your laptop to this hands-on session and learn how to build a Java application using JDeveloper connecting to an Oracle database, as demonstrated by Oracle. This session will be valuable for in-house developers and developers at ISVs.

Speaker: Shay Shemltzer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 606

Mac OS X and Scientific Computing

Enterprise IT • 1:08:36

Whether it's the PowerBook G4 for UNIX to go, the Power Mac G5 workstation for serious computational horsepower on the desktop, or the immense power and scalability of Xserve G5 and Xserve RAID, Apple delivers an ideal platform for scientific computing with an exceptional price/performance ratio. Learn how Apple products are driving momentum in scientific markets and hear how scientific developers are using Mac OS X Tiger technologies to deliver innovative research tools.

Speakers: Bud Tribble, Osman Ratib

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 607

WebObjects Tools

Enterprise IT • 49:40

WebObjects provides a rich set of tools for developing web-based applications. Bring your laptop to this session and get hands-on experience using data modeling, component creation, and rule-based assistants to rapidly build your application.

Speaker: Chris Pavicich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 608

Active Directory Integration

Enterprise IT • 46:29

Learn tips and techniques for implementing and integrating with Active Directory. IT experts who've done the hard work show you how you can make Active Directory integration on Mac OS X a reality.

Speakers: Joel Rennich, Eric Clements

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 609

HPC Technology Update

Enterprise IT • 1:03:39

High Performance Computing continues to gain momentum on the Mac platform, and the technology changes quickly. Get up to speed on the newest tools, technologies and software for HPC on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Skip Levens, Kevin Howard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 610

WebObjects and J2EE Deployment Workshop

Enterprise IT • 1:06:32

WebObjects enables you to deploy applications to either the WebObjects application server or the JBoss application server on Mac OS X. Learn the ins and outs of deploying your WebObjects applications to either server, including packaging and monitoring.

Speakers: Ray Kiddy, Chris Pavicich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 611

The Learning Enterprise Is Now Open

Enterprise IT • 1:08:30

Leading higher education institutions are building new and innovative tools for distributed research, scholarship, teaching, and learning. Based on open and community source projects, the next generation of learning infrastructure solutions innovate via open standards. Learn about Mac OS X implementation, deployment, integration, and business opportunities with the Sakai and Open Knowledge Initiative projects.

Speakers: Scott Morris, Jeff Merriman, Chuck Shubert, Geoff Hulette

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 612

Moving to Tiger Server from Windows: A Primer

Enterprise IT • 22:05

A Tiger Server is highly secure out of the box and can effectively replace a Windows server, even in an all-Windows client environment. Learn how to move to Tiger Server with minimal disruption to your users and your network.

Speaker: Damien Weiss

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 613

Python on Mac OS X

Enterprise IT • 52:18

PyObjC is a bridge between Python and Objective-C. It allows you to write Python scripts that use and extend existing Objective-C class libraries, and most importantly, Cocoa libraries. Specific topics from the 1.2 release covered in this session are: py2app, macho_standalone, NSBundle features, KVO/KVC support, the new scanframework script, objc.inject(), and runtime editing.

Speakers: Bill Bumgarner, Bob Ippolito

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 615

AppleScript and UNIX Scripting for System Administrators

Enterprise IT • 1:06:35

AppleScript and UNIX scripts can make managing your Mac OS X servers and clients a breeze. Learn how to create your own time-saving utilities by automating repetitive tasks using AppleScript, shell scripts, Perl, and the command line version of PHP.

Speakers: Joel Rennich, Andrina Kelly, Josh Wisenbaker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 616

Using Xgrid to Create and Deploy Distributed Computations

Enterprise IT • 51:28

Xgrid simplifies the task of distributing CPU-intensive computations across your existing hardware, from racks of Xserve G5s to rooms of PowerMacs and iMacs--even Mac minis! This session will start by describing Xgrid's architecture, which not only allows ad-hoc grids via Bonjour and Dynamic DNS, but can leverage the administrative and security capabilities in Mac OS X Server for actively managed grids. It will also cover the basics of how to run jobs and manage clusters using the command-line, as well as tie-ins to Xsan, OpenDirectory, and ActiveDirectory. Plus, we will show you how to quickly build rich front-ends to your computations using Xgrid's Cocoa API.

Speakers: David Kramer, David O'Rourke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 617

Leveraging the Power of ACLs

Enterprise IT • 55:23

With the implementation of Access Control Lists in Mac OS X Tiger Server, developers and system administrators now have dramatic new security and management functionality. If your application copies or moves files and you care about file permission, you need to know how to leverage ACLs appropriately. In this session you'll learn where a well thought-out ACL permissions scheme can make managing large numbers of users and groups easier and more secure, and how to build ACL manipulation into your application.

Speakers: Rusty Tucker, Mike Smith, Kevin Hoyt

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 618

Large Installation and HPC Systems Administration

Enterprise IT • 53:29

Building and deploying a high performance cluster, or any large installation, requires a rigorous, repeatable methodology, edge-of-the-envelope system tuning, and hard-core troubleshooting skills. Learn what you need to survive such an installation from those who have.

Speakers: Dave Lopata, Josh Durham

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 619

(Sub)version Control for the Rest of Us

Enterprise IT • 57:06

Thanks to Subversion in Mac OS X Tiger, version control is no longer the realm of software application developers or multi-person development teams. This session walks through the setup of a Subversion repository and provides version control best practices for use in static web development, Perl and PHP scripting, maintenance of configuration files, and more.

Speakers: Chris Parker, Brian Fitzpatrick

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 620

Upgrading to Tiger Server

Enterprise IT • 59:44

Tiger Server introduces hundreds of new features every system administrator will want. Learn techniques for ensuring your migration from Panther Server is as smooth as possible, and discover how to take advantage of new Tiger Server functionality in your environment.

Speakers: Schoun Regan, Josh Wisenbaker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 621

Managing Clients in the Enterprise

Enterprise IT • 49:28

Learn how Mac OS X clients can be deployed and managed in enterprise environments using tools from third-party companies that support Xserve, Mac OS X Server, and Xserve RAID. See how real-life Apple customers use client management technologies to support their heterogenous environments. Ideal for system adminstrators and IT architects who need to support multiple client platforms using Mac OS X.

Speakers: John DeTroye, Mark Jeffries, David Zubradt, Rick Yang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 622

Building Xsan Applications

Enterprise IT • 41:44

Xsan is the SAN file system for Mac OS X. Learn the basics of how Xsan works and how its differences relative to HFS+ might be important to your products. We will also cover how to take advantage of some of Xsan's unique features from within your products for maximized performance.

Speakers: Jason Thorpe, Mike Margolis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 624

Develop, Debug, and Deploy Java Solutions on Mac OS X Tiger

Enterprise IT • 1:03:55

This session covers the entire process of development, debugging, and deployment of Java Applications, Java Web Start, and Applets on Mac OS X Tiger. Xcode, Jar Bundler, and Java Debugger tools will be covered in this session, including how to use GDB to debug Java and JNI.

Speaker: Ted Jucevic

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 625

Integrating Mac OS X into a Heterogeneous Environment

Enterprise IT • 55:43

Macs are good corporate network citizens. Learn techniques and real-world solutions for making them full clients on your Microsoft, Novell, IBM, and Sun networks. We'll cover file sharing, directory integration, Exchange integration, backup, collaboration, and productivity.

Speaker: Joel Rennich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 627

Mobile Development with Xcode for J2ME Devices

Enterprise IT • 1:00:30

Java applications for mobile devices represent one of the fastest-growing application segments today. Developers on Mac OS X have a choice of MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profile) SDKs and tools. This session will cover the entire process of developing and testing MIDP 1.0 and MIDP 2.0 midlets on Mac OS X, and then deploying them to embedded J2ME JVMs.

Speakers: Ted Jucevic, Michael Powers

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 628

Enterprise Streaming Services with QuickTime

Enterprise IT • 1:07:59

The QuickTime platform provides an end-to-end, standards-based solution for deploying rich media in an enterprise or institution. In this session you will learn first-hand how American Electric Power Company and the University of Wisconsin use QuickTime and Xserve to provide a unique media experience for their employees and students. This is a must-attend session for IT professionals looking for a powerful, cost-effective media solution.

Speaker: Nate Caplin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 629

Monitoring Your System with ARD and Open Source Tools

Enterprise IT • 48:47

Knowing what your systems are doing is essential to keeping them up in both 24/7 enterprises and 9-to-5 workgroups. Mac OS X provides hundreds of pieces of information about itself, from the Apple Remote Desktop 2 SQL database, to log files and output from utilities like fs_usage. Learn how to access this data, and build custom tools, workflows and reporting mechanisms (using tools like Automator, PHP, Jabber, and the open source tool Nagios) to proactively monitor and manage your systems.

Speakers: Mike Lopp, Todd Dailey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 630

Designing Network-Friendly Applications

Enterprise IT • 55:08

Learn how to ensure your application can run on a read-only network file system, store preferences that can be managed by the Workgroup Manager's Managed Preferences, and work well with Portable Home Directories. We will modify a Cocoa sample application to demonstrate how easy it is to make your application network friendly, as well as cover installation packaging, pre- and post-installation processing, and why you should store application support files inside the application package.

Speakers: Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Bruce Gaya

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 631

JNI Development on Mac OS X

Enterprise IT • 1:19:39

The Java Native Interface (JNI) enables you to integrate Mac OS X-native code with your Java application. Additionally, JNI allows Cocoa or CoreFoundation applications to call out to Java. Bring your laptop, we will explore how best to use JNI from both angles, and explain what to be aware of when applying it. Topics include creating a mixed-language Xcode project, threading, invoking the JVM, AWT-AppKit interaction, and debugging techniques.

Speaker: Matt Drance

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 632

Performance and Graphics Tuning Your Java Application

Enterprise IT • 55:50

Maximizing speed and performance is important for any application. Bring your laptop to this session and explore how to identify and remove performance bottlenecks throughout your Java application, using Shark, Sampler, and other powerful profiling tools found only on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Viktor Miladinov, Gerard Ziemski, Christy Warren, Josh Outwater

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 633

Enterprise Messaging Solutions

Enterprise IT • 42:50

Come and learn how your Mac clients can operate within a Domino, Exchange, or Groupwise environment. Additionally, become familiar with "Enterprise Class" solutions from third party organizations that support both Mac and heterogeneous environments utilizing Xserve and Mac OS X Server.

Speakers: JD Mankovsky, Ben Hanes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 634

Configuring and Deploying Oracle on Mac OS X Server

Enterprise IT • 51:13

Oracle 10g is a powerful enterprise database system that is fully supported on the Mac OS X Server platform. Learn techniques and tips for building an Oracle 10g server farm on Mac OS X, from people who know the system best: Oracle engineers and Apple IT experts. This session is perfect for database and system administrators who need to learn how to set up and deploy Oracle 10g for the Mac.

Speakers: Sergio Leunissen, Paul Lambert

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 636

Network Authentication

Enterprise IT • 26:14

The Open Directory Server in Mac OS X Server v10.4 "Tiger" provides secure, standards-based network authentication and password policy enforcement. In this session you will learn how to add to your in-house application support for traditional network-based password authentication, as well as Kerberos authentication, for a truly secure and polished single sign-on user experience.

Speaker: Eric Clements

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 637

WebObjects Performance Optimization

Enterprise IT • 57:39

Optimize and tune your WebObjects application. Learn about tools and techniques for collecting and analyzing application performance and identifying areas for improvement. We will give tips for improving WebObjects, EOF, and Java performance.

Speakers: Bill Bumgarner, Max Muller, Ravi Mendis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 638

Large-scale Xserve RAID Deployment

Enterprise IT • 1:12:03

Rolling out large-scale storage with Xserve RAID can be daunting without the proper tools and methodology. Learn from deployment experts who explain how to bring these systems online quickly and efficiently.

Speakers: Alex Grossman, Harry Aine

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 640

Advanced Backup Architectures for Mac OS X

Enterprise IT • 59:26

Backups enable administrators to ensure business continuance. Learn about advanced backup architectures such as mirroring, replication, snap-shots, and more traditional disk-to-disk-to-tape. See how Apple customers deploy Xserve, Xserve RAID, and Xsan to solve business challenges regarding backup.

Speakers: JD Mankovsky, Chris Irvine, Mark Miranda

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 642

The Next Phase of Eclipse's Development

Enterprise IT • 58:36

Eclipse has quickly become one of the most widely used cross-platform Java development environments. In this hands-on session, we'll show you how to get started on your next Java project, get over the initial hurdles, and become comfortable with Eclipse. Learn from other experienced developers who are using Eclipse to build Java applications today.

Speakers: Daniel Steinberg, Bjorn Freeman-Benson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 643

Debugging Parallel Applications

Enterprise IT • 1:08:13

Taming complex MPI codes is easier with a good plan and the right tools. In this session we'll discuss best practices and techniques in deploying MPI codes to Mac OS X clusters, and how to get the most from your code with tools from Apple and third-party providers, including Etnus's TotalView Parallel Debugger.

Speakers: Steve Peters, Yusuf Abdulghani, Chris Gottbrath

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 644

Real-world Desktop Management Practices

Enterprise IT • 58:35

Tiger makes it easy to manage dozens or even thousands of desktop systems. Learn integration techniques for easing the load with Tiger Server. Also learn best practices and tips and tricks for using Apple Remote Desktop and open source tools to make imaging, packaging, delivery, and troubleshooting of systems as automated as possible

Speakers: John DeTroye, Steven Doyle

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 645

Building Automator Actions for System Administrators

Enterprise IT • 1:06:49

Automator Workflows allow you to perform repetitive manual tasks quickly and efficiently. Learn how to extend this level of automation to system management tasks with step-by-step instructions on how to build Automator Actions with perl, the shell, and other scripting languages. This session will be of particular interest to system administrators and in-house developers who want to take advantage of Automator's inherent ease of use.

Speaker: Steve Hayman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 646

Extending and Securing Mail Services Using Mac OS X

Enterprise IT • 49:50

Learn how to expand the built-in capabilities and security of Mac OS X Mail Server. This session will demonstrate how to set up authenticated SMTP and IMAP with SSL (self-signed and otherwise), integrate with Real-Time Blackhole Lists (RBLs), add anti-virus functionality, and build a high-capacity mail server capable of handling tens of thousands of messages daily.

Speakers: Paul Schreiber, Andrew Moon

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 647

Java Virtual Machine Exposed

Enterprise IT • 40:42

Mac OS X Tiger supports Java 1.3.1, Java 1.4.2, and J2SE 5.0. This session gives you an opportunity to look under the hood of the Java Virtual Machine. You'll learn about new functionality available in J2SE 5.0. We'll discuss how the JVM optimizes your application, and provide tips on programming practices that make those optimizations more powerful.

Speakers: Roger Hoover, Mikey McDougall, Victor Hernandez

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC05 • Session 648

Administering MySQL Databases

Enterprise IT • 1:04:12

MySQL databases are a critical part of in-house and enterprise development. Developers often need to manage databases in addition to writing code. Learn about the tools available for administering MySQL databases in order to make this part of your development process as efficient and painless as possible.

Speakers: JD Duncan, Bruce Dembecki

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 000

Mac OS X State of the Union

General • 1:31:55

Speakers: Bertrand Serlet, Simon Patience, Peter Graffagnino, Andreas Wendker, Scott Forstall

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 001

Bug Reporting Best Practices

General • 56:11

Complete, high-quality, reproducible bug reports from developers help to isolate and target known issues in system and application software. Learn the bug reporting best practices that Apple has developed in partnership with our third party developer community. Observe the key components of a great bug report, and how they could expedite your bugs through our processes. You'll also learn to apply these practices to your own bug processes.

Speaker: Paul Schreiber

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 002

Games State of the Union

General • 1:06:56

Like music and movies, games are an integral part of the digital lifestyle. Gaming on the Mac offers a great opportunity for you to bring original products to the platform, port world-class titles for a new audience, or develop the next best-selling game for multiple platforms. Kick off the gamers' view of WWDC 2006 with this overview, and get a glimpse of things to come.

Speakers: Ron Okamoto, Mark Lentczner, Ian Lynch Smith, Travis Brown, David Helgason, Andy Hess

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 003

Mac OS X in Scientific Computing

General • 52:52

Over the last year Apple has released many new hardware and software technologies targeted to meet the needs of technical scientific and high performance computing. These technologies are spurring increased developer support and scientist adoption of Mac OS X. This session will review the technological advancements Apple has made over the last year with respect to the sciences, the market momentum Apple is experiencing in the scientific markets, and the variety of initiatives underway throughout Apple to support scientific computing on the Mac.

Speakers: Elizabeth Kerr, Bud Tribble, Fons Rademakers, Falko Kuester, Alexander Griekspoor

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 004

Go-to-Market Strategies and Services for Mac Developers

General • 39:27

Get expert advice on how to bring your product to market effectively. Learn how to use Apple Developer Connection (ADC) programs and make the most of other opportunities to help increase your success in the marketplace. We'll cover the full range of go-to-market topics, including promotion options, distribution channels, co-marketing with Apple, and more. We'll also provide constructive guidance based on our experiences with helping thousands of Mac developers around the world successfully market their products.

Speakers: Paul Papageorge, Wayne Pfeffer, Erik Lammerding

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 100

Resolution Independence on Mac OS X

Application Technologies • 57:18

Learn how to give your application a resolution independent interface. The session will discuss guidelines for revising artwork, new APIs to adopt, testing strategies, performance concerns, and common problems.

Speaker: Guy Fullerton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 101

What's New in Cocoa

Application Technologies • 45:03

This talk provides an overview of new features and important changes introduced in the Cocoa frameworks in Leopard. Learn about the exciting developments in AppKit, Core Data, Foundation, and other related frameworks on Mac OS X, and get pointers to other sessions that cover the changes in more detail.

Speakers: Chris Parker, Doug Davidson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 102

Make Your Application Scriptable

Application Technologies • 45:45

Learn how to give your application the power to respond to AppleScript commands. We'll introduce you to the key concepts of scriptability, show you how to design and create an AppleScript terminology for your application, and then explain how to implement the code needed to make it work.

Speaker: John Comiskey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 103

User Interface Design

Application Technologies • 1:03:20

Good user interface design is important, particularly on Mac OS X, where users expect a cohesive, elegant, and intuitive user experience. Learn best practices and design methodologies for creating a superior user interface. You'll hear design do's and don'ts, how to improve an existing user interface to achieve greater consistency with Mac OS X, and much more.

Speaker: John Geleynse

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 105

HIToolbox State of the Union

Application Technologies • 1:03:13

Take an in-depth look at the latest improvements to the HIToolbox framework in Mac OS X. This session will demonstrate the most recent features including HiDPI - resolution independent views, embedding NSViews within HIViews, 64-bit capable Carbon APIs, and more.

Speakers: Guy Fullerton, Eric Schlegel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 106

Taking Advantage of Leopard Features in Cocoa

Application Technologies • 1:04:38

Gain an in depth understanding of Cocoa support for major Leopard features. Find out how to prepare your application for resolution independence, how and why to convert your application to 64-bit, and how to use the Cocoa API to incorporate other Leopard features into your application.

Speakers: Kristin Forster, Ali Ozer, Mark Piccirelli, Kevin Perry

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 107

Software Installation Strategies

Application Technologies • 53:25

Distributing, installing, and configuring software should be easy for developers and users alike. Learn how to get the most out of the Mac OS X Installer by exploring basic, intermediate, and advanced software installation scenarios. You'll learn key features of PackageMaker, when to use Internet-Enabled Disk Images, how to locate and upgrade your application on any system, and much more.

Speakers: Peter Bierman, Sean Kelly

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 108

Taking Advantage of Spotlight

Application Technologies • 1:01:31

Spotlight, the powerful, easy-to-use search technology in Mac OS X, supports a wide range of file formats and helps users quickly find anything on their computers. Learn how to create a Spotlight plugin and incorporate searching within your application using Spotlight's Query APIs to deliver an improved user experience.

Speakers: Jonah Petri, Toby Paterson, Christy Warren

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 110

64-bit Overview

Application Technologies • 50:34

Today's software uses increasing amounts of memory - and many products are pushing the boundaries of 32-bit addressing. Now in Leopard you have a full 64-bit application stack for both PowerPC and Intel-based Macintoshes. Learn the what, why, and how basics of 64-bit development, and understand what you need to know to scope out your 64-bit development efforts today.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 112

Safari and WebKit for Web Content Developers

Application Technologies • 58:29

Safari and other WebKit-based applications deliver rich, interactive user experiences via open standards such as HTML, ECMA Script, and CSS. Dive into new features and enhancements in WebKit's standards-based implementation from a web content developer's perspective. Learn how to prepare your web pages for the high DPI future, how to embed standards-based vector graphics with native SVG and canvas, and review WebKit's enhanced document object model.

Speakers: Adele Peterson, Beth Dakin, Alice Liu

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 113

Integrating with iCal

Application Technologies • 22:54

New Leopard Calendaring technologies offer exciting ways to programmatically integrate with the iCal API to obtain, edit, and create iCal's event and task information. Whether you want to simply query upcoming events or use iCal to store all your calendaring data, the CalendarStore framework empowers developers to easily add calendaring functionality. In this session we will explore the APIs in the CalendarStore framework and demonstrate how easy it is to use.

Speakers: Red Dutta, Matt DiMaggio

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 114

Core Data in a Nutshell

Application Technologies • 1:07:46

Core Data provides a framework for object graph management and object persistence, automatically taking care of tasks such as undo and redo and saving data to disk. In this session you will learn about Core Data's architecture, and how you can take advantage of the technology to create a more full-featured application with less code.

Speakers: Matt Firlik, Ben Trumbull

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 115

Publish & Subscribe with RSS

Application Technologies • 47:14

Take advantage of the PubSub framework to easily add sharing and casting features to your application in Leopard. The PubSub framework provides high-level access to the power of RSS and Atom so developers can easily add support for these internet standards without having to be XML or http experts. Let the PubSub framework deal with the complexities of evolving syndication standards and networking so that you can concentrate on creating great sharing opportunities for your users.

Speakers: Ricci Adams, Jens Alfke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 116

Controlling Scriptable Applications

Application Technologies • 36:59

Mac OS X contains many powerful applications and utilities that you can use from your application via Apple events. Learn about new and improved ways to invoke that power easily and efficiently, whether your language of choice is AppleScript, Objective C, Python, or Ruby.

Speakers: Chris Nebel, Adam Goldstein

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 117

64-bit In-Depth

Application Technologies • 58:53

Transitioning your application from 32-bit to 64-bit requires you to modify your code to play well in a 64-bit world. Learn in this session about framework API changes for 64-bit, 64-bit ABI changes, 64-bit binary debugging tips/tricks, and how to do 64-bit performance tuning, among other topics.

Speakers: Matt Formica, Eric Albert

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 118

Core Data Model Versioning and Data Migration

Application Technologies • 1:11:10

As you change your application's underlying data model to accommodate new features, you still need to support different file formats and allow for backward compatibility. Learn how to support different managed object models in your Core Data application and how to migrate data from one model to another.

Speaker: Miguel Sanchez

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 119

Creating Great Automator Actions: The Basics

Application Technologies • 57:17

Learn the basics of developing great Automator actions. We'll provide practical guidance on how you can create Automator actions using Cocoa bindings and a variety of programming languages, including Objective-C,as well as AppleScript and other scripting languages.

Speakers: Todd Fernandez, Emilie Kim, Brooke Callahan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 120

Beyond Buttons and Sliders: Complex Controls in Cocoa

Application Technologies • 56:36

Learn how you can quickly and efficiently create sophisticated Cocoa user interface elements for your application. Get practical guidance on how to extend Cocoa control objects like the table view and outline view using your own custom cells, and how to customize menus in a variety of ways.

Speakers: Corbin Dunn, Peter Ammon

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 122

Optimizing Core Data Applications

Application Technologies • 1:03:32

Learn how to use Core Data to manage large amounts of data efficiently while maintaining peak application performance.

Speakers: Melissa Turner, Ben Trumbull

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 124

Connecting Your Application with iChat

Application Technologies • 42:53

Instantly communicating with others using text, audio, and video has changed our lives dramatically. In Leopard, iChat enables your application to show its contents to others via video chats using the new iChat Theater API. Learn how to integrate this new capability into your application and how to use Mac OS X's Instant Messaging framework which provides your application with the ability to determine who's online and initiate connections with them.

Speakers: Jean-Pierre Ciudad, Eric St. Onge, Mike Estee

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 125

Creating Great Automator Actions: Advanced Topics

Application Technologies • 38:16

Move beyond the basics to develop outstanding Automator actions. Gain insight into strategies to create enhanced Objective-C, AppleScript, and shell scripting actions which will enable your users to create more powerful and more generalized workflows. You will also learn how to create new data types and conversion actions, an important aspect of a solid set of actions for any application.

Speaker: Kerry Hazelgren

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 126

Optimize Performance through Testing and Tracking

Application Technologies • 39:39

Performance monitoring and analysis for your application should be an important part of every stage of development, not only when it's time to ship. Learn the principles and practices of test design, automation, data tracking, and regression handling that will enable your application to perform exceptionally on Mac OS X. Hear case studies and real-world results from the engineers who've created some of the fastest Mac OS X applications.

Speakers: Vicki Murley, Ken Kocienda

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 127

Authoring Dashboard Widgets

Application Technologies • 55:38

Based upon standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, Dashboard widgets are simple to build and easy to extend. Learn the code tricks and design tips that can help make your widgets even better. We'll discuss how to use native code to integrate your widget into system frameworks, and show how a gorgeous widget can make a dramatic difference to your users.

Speakers: Christian Wagner, Matt Drance

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 128

Syncing with Sync Services

Application Technologies • 1:04:04

Develop the ultimate sync client using the Mac OS X synchronization engine to keep users' data in sync across all of their computers and mobile devices. Learn how new Leopard syncing features and performance enhancements can add value to your product, review typical usage scenarios, gain insight into the proper definition of schemas, and learn how to take full advantage new features like streamlined client development and Core Data integration.

Speakers: Andy Belk, Paul Seligman, Karl Groethe

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 129

Cocoa for Carbon Developers

Application Technologies • 59:02

Cocoa provides the fastest way to full-featured, extensible, and maintainable applications on Mac OS X and, for many Carbon developers, Cocoa also provides the easiest way to add new technologies. Learn the ins and outs of what it takes to integrate Objective-C frameworks and a Cocoa user interface into your existing Carbon application. You'll also hear development strategies and advice from those who have already made the transition to Cocoa from Carbon.

Speakers: Deric Horn, Scott Thompson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 130

Multithreading in Cocoa

Application Technologies • 1:03:59

Multithreading can boost the performance and responsiveness of your application. Learn how to use multithreading effectively in Cocoa to get the most out of dual-processor Macs.

Speaker: Chris Kane

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 132

Cocoa Animation Techniques

Application Technologies • 1:00:24

With the introduction of Core Animation in Leopard, Mac OS X provides an exciting new model for implementing high-performance animations and visual effects. Cocoa's new animation capabilities are designed to leverage this powerful new facility and its intuitive animation model to maximum advantage. Learn how you can use the new enhancements in NSView and other classes to easily add compelling animations and visual effects to your Cocoa user interfaces in this demo-intensive session.

Speaker: Troy Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 133

WebKit's Open Source Anniversary

Application Technologies • 46:02

It's been a year since the WebKit went open source and much has changed. Hear from the contributors about what has been accomplished in such a short time. You'll learn about the current project structure, evolving best practices, and the expansion of WebKit usage beyond Safari on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Geoffrey Garen, Kevin Decker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 135

Introducing Time Machine

Application Technologies • 27:34

Leopard introduces Time Machine, automatic backup built in to Mac OS X with an intuitive time based visual display to search back through time to find and restore anything on the Mac. Learn more about Time Machine, how it works, and how you can use time based search and restore in your application.

Speaker: Robert Ulrich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 136

Advanced WebKit Integration

Application Technologies • 56:41

Come for an in-depth review of the Web Kit APIs. Learn about plug-in development, and see practical examples describing how to use Web Kit beyond the simple browser-in-a-window implementation.

Speakers: Tim Hatcher, Tim Omernick

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 137

CoreText: The next generation text API

Application Technologies • 1:10:34

The new CoreText font and text layout APIs enable high-performance advanced font handling and fast Unicode layout while providing close integration with system frameworks. If you are using deprecated APIs such as Quickdraw or simply want to learn how to take advantage of Apple's next generation text engine, you will want to attend this session.

Speakers: Julio González, Ned Holbrook

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 139

Make Your Cocoa Application Accessible

Application Technologies • 1:18:17

Learn how to make your Cocoa application accessible to users with disabilities. We'll cover the Accessibility API, provide you with practical guidance on how to use the Universal Access features - like Zoom and VoiceOver, and show you how your application can work with specialized input and output devices. You'll also find out about valuable testing techniques and verification tools to ensure your application is accessible.

Speakers: James Dempsey, Rick Fabrick

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 140

Carbon Programming Hands-On

Application Technologies • 1:12:18

Walk through the steps for quickly and efficiently adding features to your Carbon application. Bring your laptop and get practical guidance from Apple engineers on integrating a Cocoa web view window into a Carbon application, writing your own custom HIView, and more.

Speakers: Deric Horn, Larry Coopet, Bryan Prusha, Curt Rothert

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 143

Using Python and Ruby to Build Cocoa Applications

Application Technologies • 33:53

Cocoa's dynamic nature makes it a natural fit for modern, object-oriented scripting languages such as Python and Ruby. Open Source scripting bridges provide a powerful tool for coders to experiment with dynamic interpreters, while scripters can tap into the richness and power of native application frameworks. This session will cover everything from basic prototyping to constructing complete standalone applications using AppKit, Core Data and other high-level frameworks, using Python and Ruby.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 144

Leopard Installer Technologies and Tools

Application Technologies • 48:44

Mac OS X Leopard includes exciting new Install technologies. Learn about signed packages, automatically downloading packages from the internet, patching files, new home directory support, and easier ways to locate previously installed software. Discover best practices for building fine grained packages and learn about new receipt tools to help manage your upgrade strategy.

Speakers: Christopher Ryan, Sean Kelly

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 146

Latent Semantic Mapping: Getting At The Meaning Behind The Words

Application Technologies • 1:00:29

Latent Semantic Analysis is the text-analysis technology that underpins the junk mail filtering of Mac OS X Mail and the Mac OS X Kanji text input method. After years of refinement and pent-up demand from developers, this advanced technology is now available for your own applications. Latent Semantic Analysis enables you to analyze documents, classify them into categories, and find which words best characterize the meaning of those documents and categories. Orient yourself to the overall process of training, creating, using, and adapting this technology. Gain an understanding of the major concepts behind the API, see the types of problems it can address and the cool features it might allow you to begin to offer in your application, and learn the development best practices to achieve the most robust performance.

Speakers: Kim Silverman, Matthias Neeracher, Jerome Bellegarda, Yasuo Kida

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 149

Cocoa Bindings Essentials

Application Technologies • 1:06:06

Learn to take full advantage of powerful Cocoa bindings capabilities such as managing an outline view, presenting information from a dictionary, and implementing cross-nib bindings. Gain insight into common development techniques used by the experts.

Speaker: Ron Lue-Sang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 150

Internationalization in Cocoa

Application Technologies • 45:59

Making your application ready for world-wide use can increase the size of your market. Learn to take advantage of Cocoa features that make internationalization easy, including support for international text via Unicode strings, and objects that abstract information about a user's locale.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, Aki Inoue

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 151

Take Charge of Text Input

Application Technologies • 1:08:27

With Unicode-based text in Mac OS X, Apple is introducing a modern and powerful way to manage keyboard layouts, palettes, and input methods that replaces the Script Manager and scriptCode-based functions. Learn how to easily build input methods with the new Input Method Kit and learn how to manipulate input sources and programatically select them, receive notification of changes, constrain input in a particular text context, select inputs depending on languages, obtain input sources properties, register custom input sources, and much more.

Speakers: Peter Edberg, Mike Grady, Lee Collins

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 152

Cocoa Development Tips, Tricks, and Debugging Techniques

Application Technologies • 54:17

There are a variety of tools and strategies you can adopt to make your application secure and bug-free. Learn about the debugging tools, such as GDB and F-Script, and techniques you can use to avoid problems with your application. In the event that runtime errors do occur, Cocoa provides a rich infrastructure to efficiently and effectively handle them. Learn how you can continue to give as good a user experience as possible even if something goes wrong.

Speaker: Ken Ferry

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 155

Let's Talk: Building Speech Technology into your UI

Application Technologies • 58:22

Speech Technologies have matured and are now mainstream, pervading personal computing, cell phones, cars, and telephone networks. Bring your application into the 21st century by adopting these technologies in your application. Speech synthesis, also called Text-to-Speech (TTS), converts any text into human-sounding audible speech, and thereby delivers information to users without requiring them to shift attention from their current task. Mac OS X Leopard includes new speech synthesis features and APIs that help you easily incorporate speech synthesis into your application. Learn about these new capabilities, and guidelines for how best to use speech synthesis and recognition to give your users exciting modern ways to interact with your application.

Speakers: Kim Silverman, Kevin Aitken, Wil Shipley

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WWDC06 • Session 158

Using Identity Services in your Application

Application Technologies • 57:29

Identity Services, the underlying technology behind the Identity Picker, is a service being introduced in Leopard. It allows you to create and access Identity users and groups with which you can share files and data. We'll take an in-depth look at the APIs enabling you to take advantage of Identity Services in your application as well as the collaboration between Identity Services, Address Book, Bonjour, and .Mac.

Speakers: Christopher Linn, Alex Aybes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 200

Graphics and Media State of the Union

Graphics and Media • 56:27

Mac OS X contains an incredible array of 2D, 3D, and multimedia technologies that provide a powerful springboard for innovation. Come learn how the powerful graphics and media frameworks in Mac OS X will enhance your application in this session filled with important details on Quartz, Core Image, OpenGL, QuickTime, and Core Audio. It is the perfect kickoff for developers attending the Graphics and Media track.

Speakers: Peter Graffagnino, Geoff Stahl

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 201

Modern Image Handling with the Image I/O Framework

Graphics and Media • 45:36

The Image I/O framework is the definitive technology for accessing pixels and metadata from image files. Its high-performance architecture supports reading and writing standard image file formats, digital camera RAW files, and specialized formats such as OpenEXR. Learn how to use Image I/O to modernize image handling, increase loading performance, and support popular image metadata tags. If you work directly with image data, this is one session that you won't want to miss.

Speakers: David Hayward, Stan Jirman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 202


Graphics and Media • 1:06:54

Learn how to enhance your Cocoa application with the robust graphics and final form document capabilities of the PDF format with PDF Kit. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to harness the power of PDF Kit in your application.

Speaker: John Calhoun

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 203

Introducing ImageKit

Graphics and Media • 1:04:10

ImageKit is a new robust framework providing many powerful imaging services which you can easily incorporate into your application. Discover how to add zoom, rotate, and filter capabilities with the new image viewer. Take advantage of fast image browsing, leverage the new picture taker and display image slideshows with ease. This is a must-experience session for developers looking to take advantage of powerful imaging services in their applications.

Speakers: Werner Neubrand, Thomas Goossens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 205

Core Audio Surround Sound

Graphics and Media • 1:10:42

Discover how to use surround sound in your application or game. Learn about the powerful multichannel audio services (such as panning and mixing) provided by Core Audio, the Mac OS X built-in OpenAL implementation, and the surround Audio Unit.

Speakers: Bob Aron, Michael Hopkins, James McCartney

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 206

Quartz Composer Overview

Graphics and Media • 1:04:28

Quartz Composer is a powerful and multifaceted visual programming tool for anyone with an interest in graphics. It seamlessly integrates the key graphics technologies of Mac OS X and lets you create stunning multimedia effects and dynamic animations without the need to write traditional code. Attend this session for an overview of Quartz Composer features and to learn how to use this unique tool to create multimedia ""compositions"" and graphically rich applications.

Speaker: Pierre-Olivier Latour

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 207

Creating Quartz Composer Compositions

Graphics and Media • 57:25

Quartz Composer takes all the graphics capabilities of Mac OS X and combines them into a single code-free environment. We will walk through the content creation process in Quartz Composer, using the editor tool to efficiently create high quality, high performance compositions. Through multiple examples you'll see how to realize your ideas and put them in users' hands. If you have a graphics concept in your head that you're just not sure how to put into action in your application, this session is for you.

Speaker: Alessandro Sabatelli

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 208

Introducing Core Animation

Graphics and Media • 43:08

Core Animation is an exciting new layer-based animation framework that can enhance your application with eye-catching animations, dazzling interactive visualizations and enhanced UI. See how you can use Core Animation to composite and animate 2D, 3D, and even Quartz Composer-based content into dynamic scenes. Don't miss the opportunity to learn how Core Animation can revolutionize the visual qualities of your application!

Speakers: Ralph Brunner, John Harper

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 209

Core Audio Update

Graphics and Media • 1:03:11

Core Audio is the world-class audio architecture in Mac OS X. Go in-depth with Core Audio's new high-level audio services for playing and recording audio. You'll also discover Core Control, a new API set to represent control surfaces such as mixers and other audio hardware.

Speakers: Doug Wyatt, Bill Stewart

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 210

Developing with Core Image

Graphics and Media • 52:26

Core Image provides high-performance and GPU-assisted image processing. By harnessing the tremendous pixel processing power of the GPU or the vector execution unit of the CPU, Core Image performs complex per-pixel imaging operations at blistering speeds to create spectacular visual effects and transitions. In this session, you'll see how to add image processing to your own application using any of the 100 built-in effects. We'll also show you how to create your own custom algorithms and deploy them as Image Units. This is a must-experience session for developers of image enhancement software, video effects systems, color management solutions, and scientific visualization packages.

Speakers: Ralph Brunner, Frank Doepke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 211

Programming with Quartz

Graphics and Media • 1:09:32

Quartz is the powerful 2D graphics imaging library in Mac OS X that lets you draw vector-based graphics, images, and PDF in amazingly flexible ways. This session introduces the Quartz drawing model and the fundamental concepts needed to take advantage of its extensive capabilities. Whether you work with Carbon or Cocoa, you'll see how to use Quartz to create, stroke, and fill shapes, apply transformations, use color spaces, use alpha blending, and more.

Speakers: David Gelphman, Bunny Laden

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 212

Developing Modern QuickTime Applications

Graphics and Media • 1:04:01

The QuickTime architecture provides state-of-the-art multimedia technologies that enable high-definition audio and video playback. Discover how QuickTime integrates with the industry-leading array of 2D and 3D frameworks available in Mac OS X. Learn how to keep your application on the cutting edge by taking full advantage of these features.

Speakers: Vince Uttley, Tim Monroe, Brad Ford, Ken Greenebaum

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WWDC06 • Session 213

Optimal 2D Graphics

Graphics and Media • 52:31

Learn techniques for ensuring that 2D drawing within your application takes optimal advantage of the Mac OS X graphics architecture. We'll cover best practices for application drawing, optimizing screen updates, and detecting and removing unnecessary graphics processing overhead. This is a great session for all developers interested in maximizing the performance of their application.

Speakers: Ralph Brunner, Assana Fard, Andrew Barnes, Ken Dyke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 214

OpenGL in Mac OS X

Graphics and Media • 1:12:33

The Mac OS X implementation of the OpenGL framework continues to track the innovations in the OpenGL specification. Come learn how to increase the 3D-imaging capabilities and improve the performance of your application. You'll get all the details of the most recent OpenGL extensions, as well as learn best practices and tips for modernizing and streamlining your graphics code.

Speaker: John Rosasco

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 216

Using the OpenGL Shading Language

Graphics and Media • 58:26

One of the most exciting developments in OpenGL is the advent of the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). GLSL gives you high-level C-like access to programmable GPUs. With GLSL, you have programmatic control over vertex and fragment processing, allowing you to accelerate complex renderings, create spectacular visual effects and enable new graphics capabilities. Come learn about GLSL and its incredible capabilities and how to use it in your application.

Speakers: Nick Burns, Rav Dhiraj

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 217

Optimizing OpenGL Applications for Maximum Performance

Graphics and Media • 1:03:02

Learn the latest techniques for optimizing OpenGL code in your application. This in-depth session covers all aspects of optimization including the best way to submit vertex and texture data, tips for eliminating unnecessary data copies, the ideal pixel formats to use, and advice on threading. You'll see how to use OpenGL Profiler and Driver Monitor to diagnose and solve real-world performance problems. This is a must-attend session for anyone who wants to harness the power of the GPU to increase application frame rate.

Speakers: Chris Niederauer, Dave Springer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 218

Building Multimedia Applications with QTKit

Graphics and Media • 1:06:24

Leverage the power and flexibility of QTKit to add advanced multimedia capabilities to your application. In this session, we will present practical, hands-on coverage of the QTKit framework, which offers a rich API for manipulating time-based media. Bring your laptop and follow along as we go deep in QTKit code.

Speaker: Tim Monroe

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 219

Workflow Solutions for Final Cut Pro using XML

Graphics and Media • 42:51

Are you developing or supporting software for video or audio post production? Learn how to design and implement workflow solutions by using open data and media formats to extend Final Cut Pro. This session describes the new features and enhancements to the Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format, shows how to use metadata with QuickTime movie files, and discusses the extensions to Final Cut Pro that allow tighter integration with custom applications. You'll get the most out of this session if you are familiar with XML and QuickTime, but knowledge of these is not required.

Speakers: David Black, Helena Ju

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 220

High-Performance QuickTime Video Processing

Graphics and Media • 58:41

QuickTime leverages the latest graphics advancements of Mac OS X allowing your application to easily take advantage of key Mac OS X graphics technologies. Discover how to use the power of OpenGL, Core Video, and Core Image with your own rendering pipeline. Learn Visual Context best practices, modern ways to use QuickTime compression sessions, movie exporting to the iPod and much more. This is the ideal session for QuickTime developers looking to add next-generation capabilities to their applications.

Speakers: Ken Greenebaum, David Eldred, Frank Doepke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 221

Advanced Quartz Composer Development

Graphics and Media • 1:12:59

Quartz Composer is a powerful visual programming tool for utilizing graphics and animation on the Macintosh. With Quartz Composer you can easily explore the graphics stack in Mac OS X. Mac OS X Leopard brings a number of new APIs as well as the ability to write custom ""patches"" for use in your compositions, allowing you to take Quartz Composer further than it's ever gone before. We'll demonstrate this new technology as well as advanced API techniques for integrating Quartz Composer technology into your application.

Speaker: Pierre-Olivier Latour

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 222

Extending Final Cut Studio with FxPlug

Graphics and Media • 52:57

The FxPlug SDK lets you create hardware-accelerated plug-ins for Final Cut Studio image processing. Join us for an in-depth exploration of this SDK to learn about new FxPlug features and new opportunities for plug-in developers.

Speakers: Dave Howell, Vijay Sundaram, Gabriele de Simone

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 223

Modern QuickTime Audio Programming Techniques

Graphics and Media • 1:09:21

QuickTime integrated with Core Audio provides access to powerful professional-grade audio capabilities such as high sampling rates and resolutions, multiple channel layouts, and sample-accurate synchronization. If you want to modernize the existing audio capabilities of your QuickTime application or take advantage of the spectacular audio capabilities in QuickTime, this session is for you.

Speakers: Sayli Benadikar, Brad Ford

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 235

Advances in Application Printing

Graphics and Media • 41:48

Come learn how you can fully utilize Mac OS X's printing architecture to create fantastic printed output from your application. You'll learn how to customize the printing experience using Print Dialog Extensions which extend base printing functionality to meet your application's needs. A valuable session for all application developers who are looking to create a great printing experience.

Speakers: Paul Danbold, Alan Beck

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 237

Exploring the Common Unix Printing System

Graphics and Media • 56:20

The Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) forms the basis of the Mac OS X printing architecture. Hear how Mac OS X integrates the latest version of CUPS to extend the capabilities and performance of the printing system. Developers of advanced printing applications, printer drivers, and printer management software will not want to miss this information-packed session.

Speaker: Mike Sweet

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 300

Development Tools State of the Union

Development Tools • 1:24:48

With the move to Universal Binaries, more developers than ever are building their products with Xcode. Hear about the latest important features in Apple's developer tools and gain insight into what's next from Apple management and key members of the tools engineering team. Learn how Xcode will continue to make you a more productive developer.

Speakers: Ted Goldstein, Ken Case, Andreas Wendker, Jeff Glasson, Todd Fernandez, Brent Shank, James Dempsey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 301

Welcome to Xcode

Development Tools • 49:36

Xcode is the integrated development environment for Mac OS X. It includes everything that you need to build software for Mac OS X from the basic IDE to advanced debugging and performance tools. The centerpiece is the Xcode application, which provides an elegant, powerful user interface for creating and managing software development projects on Mac OS X. Learn the basics of Xcode's features and workflow, and see how you can use Xcode to make your development easier.

Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Chris Hanson, Rick Ballard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 302

Objective-C 2.0 Overview

Development Tools • 1:01:08

Objective-C has proven itself through the years thanks to the language's dynamic runtime, powerful features, and elegant syntax. Objective-C 2.0 takes advantage of what we've learned about language design over the past 20 years to leap further ahead in productivity. Learn about compelling new language features, including new keywords and language ""properties.

Speakers: Matt Formica, Blaine Garst, Patrick Beard, Greg Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 303

"GCC, C++, and You"

Development Tools • 42:22

GCC is the powerful open-source compiler in Xcode that's used to build Mac OS X and thousands of third-party applications written in C, C++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++. Learn about the latest updates to GCC, and gain an in-depth understanding of advanced GCC C++ runtime behavior, including symbol hiding, overriding new and delete operators, and more.

Speaker: Geoff Keating

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 304

Xcode: Streamlining Your Workflow

Development Tools • 57:46

The Xcode IDE is the center of Apple's development environment and it's constantly being refined to give you a more elegant and powerful user experience. Xcode 3.0 adds several new features including enhancements to the editor, more intuitive and powerful context-sensitive presentation of information, and other innovations to help give you more insight into your application and push your code to the next level. Learn how to improve your productivity with Xcode's new capabilities.

Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Dave Ewing, Matt Morse, Scott Tooker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 305

Objective-C 2.0 In-Depth

Development Tools • 56:19

Some of Objective-C 2.0's new features can change the way you think about the architecture of your Cocoa application. This session will focus in-detail on how to design for garbage collection, as well as other advanced Objective-C 2.0 features such as enhanced method dispatch.

Speaker: Blaine Garst

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 306

Xcode: Creating Complex Projects

Development Tools • 1:14:16

Complex applications often require complex Xcode projects. Xcode's user interface and build system are designed to help you cope with complexity in target organization, settings, SDKs, and project references. Learn practical strategies and step-by-step procedures for managing your growing application with Xcode.

Speaker: Anders Bertelrud

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 308

Debugging with Xcode

Development Tools • 44:29

The Xcode debugger makes it possible to rapidly discover the source of bugs in your program and track data flow over time. You'll learn how to develop more efficiently by taking advantage of powerful debugging features in Xcode.

Speakers: Chris Friesen, Stan Shebs

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 309

Using Performance Analysis and Debugging Tools on Mac OS X

Development Tools • 1:01:10

The first step in optimization is understanding where your application is using resources. Learn to use Shark and other tools to understand application flow, analyze what your code is doing, and take the necessary measurements so you can make your application run lean and fast.

Speakers: Dave Payne, Rick Altherr, Ryan Du Bois

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 310

A Practical Approach to Software Testing

Development Tools • 1:04:58

Software testing, despite its obvious importance, is often neglected and frequently the first thing to go when budgets get tight. Automation can help you make the most of scarce testing resources, but it can be difficult to know where to start and how best to focus your efforts. This session offers practical information about different types of testing so you can decide which are relevant for you, as well as ideas on how to get started with automation.

Speaker: Doug Simons

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 311

Interface Builder Techniques

Development Tools • 1:07:36

Interface Builder is the ultimate visual design tool for creating Mac OS X user interfaces. Learn about the latest enhancements to Interface Builder and discuss best practices for building, debugging, and localizing user interfaces.

Speakers: Kelly Keenan, Chris Pavicich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 312

Using Intel Software Development Products for Mac OS X

Development Tools • 59:03

The Intel Fortran Compiler and Intel C++ Compiler work with the Intel Math Kernel Library and Intel Integrated Performance Primitives to help produce high-performance scientific and media applications. Discover how these tools integrate with Xcode, allowing you to produce code that takes advantage of the multi-core features of the Intel Core Duo processor. Watch live as sample application is taken through the steps needed to become fully vectorized, connected with key performance routines, and optimized.

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WWDC06 • Session 313

Introducing Dashcode

Development Tools • 1:11:15

Introducing Dashcode, the new Dashboard Widget development tool from Apple. Dashcode is the center of widget authoring, giving you one place to assemble a user interface, author code, and debug your widget. You'll also learn how to make your own Dashcode templates and work with existing Widgets.

Speakers: Tim Bumgarner, Max Drukman, Han-Ming Ong

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WWDC06 • Session 315

Using AppleScript Studio

Development Tools • 1:05:39

AppleScript Studio enables you to create full-featured Mac OS X applications using AppleScript. Learn how AppleScript Studio can help you to turn a script into a full-fledged application, or even build a new application from scratch.

Speaker: Todd Fernandez

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 316

Using Xray

Development Tools • 58:42

Advanced debugging requires a complete understanding of your application: its memory usage, tracing events, performance impact, and the relationship to user actions. Xcode's new visualization and tracing tool integrates many of today's familiar performance tools along with a new Mac OS X version of Dtrace to provide unparalleled insight into the behavior and performance of your application. This session will show you how to get the most out of your code using this revolutionary new tool.

Speaker: Steve Lewallen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 317

Integrating Custom Views with Interface Builder

Development Tools • 47:34

Interface Builder enables you to design your user interface quickly using a wealth of components provided by Mac OS X. You can also package your own user interface elements to integrate with those from the system frameworks. Learn how to drag, connect, and configure your own views and controls in Interface Builder and easily share them with other developers as custom palettes.

Speakers: Jon Hess, Matt Firlik

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 319

Xcode: Accelerating Development of Complex Projects

Development Tools • 28:03

Xcode delivers a number of features designed to help you build complex projects quickly. Distributed builds are essential for accelerating your project compile times, and this session will help you gain an understanding of the latest techniques to configure and optimize your own distributed build systems. Topics will also include strategies for maximizing the value of configuration files, integrating Xcode projects into automated build and testing systems, and using Subversion to automatically trigger building and testing of a complex project.

Speaker: Bill Bumgarner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 320

Refactoring in Xcode

Development Tools • 54:29

Xcode in Leopard introduces refactoring for Objective-C, a powerful way to help you improve the readability and maintainability of your codebase through automated transformations. Learn about the variety of refactoring operations that Xcode supports, and gain an understanding of how to use Xcode's new capabilities.

Speakers: Robert Bowdidge, Andrew Pontious

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WWDC06 • Session 400

What's New in the Kernel

OS Foundations • 43:52

The kernel is the heart of Mac OS X, providing the memory management and processing primitives that support the rest of the system. Come learn about how the kernel is being supercharged for Leopard with support for new processors and smarter algorithms.

Speaker: John Wright

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WWDC06 • Session 403

Login and Authentication: Mac OS X's New Front Door

OS Foundations • 29:44

An extensible authentication mechanism is a cornerstone of system security, allowing users to identify themselves with more than just a username & password. Mac OS X makes it easy for developers to provide new modes of authentication such as biometrics, or token storage devices that integrate with all of the authentication-related components of the system. With Mac OS X Leopard, a new plugin mechanism allows developers to easily add their solutions to the Mac OS X login experience.

Speaker: Kevin Armstrong

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 404

Writing Drivers for Mac OS X: An Introduction to the I/O Kit

OS Foundations • 58:03

The I/O Kit handles most of the heavy lifting of driver development in Mac OS X. Learn when to use (and when not to use) the I/O Kit, and gain a deeper understanding of how the I/O Kit models hardware and I/O connections. Discover how to take advantage of the I/O Kit's powerful in-kernel and user-space APIs, whether you're bringing a new device to Mac OS X or developing an application to access an existing device.

Speakers: Dean Reece, Nik Gervae

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WWDC06 • Session 405

64-bit I/O Kit Drivers for Large-Memory Systems

OS Foundations • 46:08

Learn how new I/O Kit features let driver writers perform DMA operations in a way that's compatible with systems containing large amounts of physical memory. We'll also discuss how EFI works and how to decide whether your device needs an EFI device driver.

Speakers: Simon Douglas, Curtis Galloway

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WWDC06 • Session 406

Maximizing the Performance of Resource-Hungry Applications

OS Foundations • 1:05:21

All software developers want great performance, but users of resource-hungry products in the scientific, content-creation, and enterprise realms demand it. To optimize your application for the best possible perfomance on Mac OS X, you need to understand the low-level details of how the system manages memory, threads, and I/O. Come find out how to use Apple's tools, methodologies, and APIs to track, analyze, and optimize the performance of your most demanding applications

Speaker: Mike Smith

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 407

Service Discovery with Bonjour

OS Foundations • 52:17

Bonjour--Apple's implementation of standards-compliant, zero-configuration networking--is essential for anyone developing applications or devices that need to communicate over a network. Discover the latest on how to use the Mac OS X, Windows, and Open Source implementations of Bonjour for both local and wide-area service discovery.

Speaker: Stuart Cheshire

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 408

Performance Optimization for Intel-Based Macs

OS Foundations • 42:53

Optimize your performance-sensitive applications with guidance from Intel's performance engineers. Discover how to take advantage of the Intel SIMD (SSE/SSE2/SSE3) instruction set and other features of the Intel architecture. The session will emphasize moving PowerPC-optimized code--including highly-tuned Velocity Engine routines--to the Intel architecture. Additional in-depth coverage on the use of Intel's compilers will help you round out your optimization toolkit.

Speakers: Justin Landon, Phil Kerly

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 409

I/O Technologies Overview: Best Practices for Driver Development

OS Foundations • 52:55

I/O Kit, the driver development framework in Mac OS X, provides a number of families that make it easy to develop state-of-the-art drivers for FireWire, USB, PCI Express, and ExpressCard devices. Come learn how Apple's own driver writers use I/O Kit, Xcode, and related Mac OS X technologies to handle issues impacting driver development.

Speakers: Rhoads Hollowell, Rob Yepez, Ethan Bold, Eric Anderson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 410

Designing Standards-Based Devices

OS Foundations • 1:11:18

Designing standards-compliant devices for the Mac OS X platform is a huge win for both developers and users. Learn what it takes to make your products work out-of-the-box with Mac OS X, without requiring custom drivers. You'll learn about how to design mass storage, audio, video, and communication products to work seamlessly with FireWire and USB.

Speakers: Kai Kaahaaina, Fernando Urbina, Russ Winsper, Torrey Walker, Eric Anderson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 411

Designing for Security

OS Foundations • 1:03:35

Mac OS X is the first mass-market operating system built from the ground up with security in mind. Discover how to utilize best practices for key management, code execution, default configuration, and controlled execution in your secure application or network service. If your application manages sensitive data, provides a network service, or accesses the network, you can't afford to miss this session.

Speakers: Simon Cooper, Conrad Sauerwald

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 412

Developing and Porting UNIX Applications on Mac OS X

OS Foundations • 46:04

Mac OS X supports a rich and evolving set of POSIX-based APIs that make it easy to write, port, and run UNIX software on the Macintosh. Discover Mac idioms and delve into best practices and APIs that will be of great value to anyone who wants to build on the UNIX-based foundations of Mac OS X.

Speaker: Kevin Van Vechten

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 413

Signed Applications

OS Foundations • 1:03:16

Mac OS X Leopard will provide support for identifying applications by digital signatures. Various OS features will make use of this identification to base trust decisions for the user. Come to this session to learn about the tools available on the system to sign applications, Apple's Strategy for signed applications, and to see how features make use of this new capability.

Speaker: Perry "the Cynic" Kiehtreiber

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 414

Daemon Wrangling with Launchd

OS Foundations • 34:28

If you write software that runs in the background, you need to become best friends with launchd. Introduced in Tiger, launchd provides a central facility for managing all the various daemons and timed services on your machine. Sysadmins and service developers alike will gain a deeper understanding of the how to utilize the full power of launchd.

Speakers: Dave Zarzycki, Kevin Van Vechten

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 415

What's New In The File System

OS Foundations • 1:01:07

If you read or write lots of files, or care about the precise way your data is laid out on disk, you'll want to attend this session. This is the best place to find out about the latest features of Mac OS X's filesystem architecture. We will cover change notification, 64-bit inodes, extended attributes, ACLs, ""safe save"", and the other APIs, formats, and structures you need to know to make optimal use of Mac OS X's many filesystems

Speakers: Deric Horn, Dominic Giampaolo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 416

Token-Based Authentication Using Smart Cards

OS Foundations • 43:27

Today's high-security systems combine traditional password-based authentication with novel token-based mechanisms such as smart cards. Tiger extended the powerful keychain services at the heart of Mac OS X to work with smart cards and other types of tokens. Learn about the different daemons, APIs, and plug-ins that make up the smart card ecosystem on Mac OS X. Find out more about creating smart-card aware applications, making resources on smart cards available through keychain services, and deploying smart-card based solutions.

Speaker: John Hurley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 418

DTrace: Kernel Logging Made Easy

OS Foundations • 46:18

DTrace, an open source project which provides insight into the interaction between your code and the OS kernel, is now available as part of Leopard. This session will explain how kernel developers can both take advantage of, and extend, DTrace's functionality to help debug and optimize low-level code.

Speaker: Terry Lambert

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 419

X.509 Certificate Management in Mac OS X

OS Foundations • 46:52

Mac OS X Leopard provides a host of technologies for creating, managing, and using user X.509 certificates. This session will explain the various APIs, services, repositories, interfaces and protocols associated with digital identity, and how to make your application certificate-aware.

Speaker: Ken McLeod

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 500

IT State of the Union

Information Technologies • 1:03:40

From the enterprise to the home office, Apple technologies add significant value to IT organizations of all sizes. Come kick-off the Information Technology track at WWDC 2006 with an overview of Apple's impact in corporate, education, scientific, and small business IT environments.

Speakers: Bud Tribble, Anton Harfmann, David Gohara, Michael Culbert, Greg Burns

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WWDC06 • Session 501

Mac OS X Server Overview

Information Technologies • 1:07:11

Each version of Mac OS X Server has made impressive leaps in functionality, compatibility, and support for open standards while continuing to offer the easiest and most powerful management tools. Leopard Server promises a giant step forward in capabilities and performance for deploying and managing Apple's industrial-strength server operating system. Hear from the architects of Leopard Server as they outline their design goals and major new features.

Speakers: Kazu Yanagihara, Jeff Michaud, Greg Vaughan, Mike Lopp, Red Dutta, Dave Thewlis, Chris LeCroy

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WWDC06 • Session 502

Java on Mac OS X Overview

Information Technologies • 1:10:30

Java is used everywhere on Mac OS X, from games to desktop applications to high-powered server clusters. Learn about Java on Mac OS X and how it leverages Intel-based processors, Mac OS X frameworks, and the Xcode development environment. You'll also learn about the latest releases of Java and gain valuable insights into the future of Java on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Francois Jouaux, James Gosling, Scott Violet, Mike Swingler, Mihailo Despotovic, Ben Galbraith, Lynne Salameh

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WWDC06 • Session 503

Mac OS X and Active Directory Integration

Information Technologies • 46:29

Through Open Directory, Macs can interact with Active Directory. Learn tips and techniques from Apple field engineers for implementing and integrating Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server into Active Directory environments.

Speakers: Ståle Bjordal, Michael Dhaliwal, Rick Lemmon

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 504

Inside Leopard Calendaring Technologies

Information Technologies • 1:04:34

iCal Server and the new standards-based calendaring technologies of Leopard and Leopard Server promise to be a dramatic step forward for business collaboration based on Mac OS X Server. Learn about the development opportunities possible once resource and calendar sharing are driven by the open source and open standards technologies in Leopard Server, with powerful cross-platform features and easy to use administration. Developers, Integrators, and Solution Providers will gain insight into the architecture and development of iCal Server, the CalDAV standard it is based upon, and how to use these features.

Speakers: Chris LeCroy, Scott Adler, Mike Hay, Dave Thewlis, Grant Baillie, Jeffrey Harris

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WWDC06 • Session 505

Network File Systems

Information Technologies • 48:08

Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server support a veritable alphabet soup of network file systems out of the box, including AFP, SMB/CIFS for Windows, and NFS for UNIX. Discover the latest features of all these file systems, as well as how they interact with supporting technologies such as Kerberos and the automounter. If you are a system or network administrator working in a heterogeneous environment, come find out everything you need to know to have Macs interoperate with and provide services to your existing hardware and operating systems.

Speakers: Rusty Tucker, Brent Callaghan, Guy Harris, George Colley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 507

QuickTime Streaming for IT

Information Technologies • 1:07:48

Take advantage of QuickTime Streaming Server and QuickTime Broadcaster, both built in to Mac OS X Server. See a number of real-world streaming solutions using QuickTime services in conjunction with third-party tools. This session will help you get your internal stream for training or external stream for financial webcasts up and running in no time.

Speakers: George Cook, Steev Dinkins, Dave Schroeder

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 508

Mixed Platform Messaging Solutions

Information Technologies • 38:04

IT departments in large organizations often need to provide messaging solutions to a broad range of desktop operating systems. Learn about the wide array of messaging environments where Mac OS X thrives as a client, in addition to the different heterogeneous messaging solutions hosted by Mac OS X Server.

Speaker: JD Mankovsky

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 509

What's New in Open Directory

Information Technologies • 37:10

In Leopard, Open Directory takes the next evolutionary step. Learn abou the new features and implementations of Open Directory and directory service integration, including coverage of single sign-on and network authentication with Kerberos.

Speaker: David O'Rourke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 510

Black Belt Java Debugging

Information Technologies • 1:09:34

The process involved in isolating and targeting bug reports from our Java developers reveals many insights. Apple's engineers will start with crashing Java applications and then walk you through stack traces and crash logs, hang trace logs, gdb, and crashreporter. Learn the tricks we have learned over the years to help isolate Java problems given only limited information, and see how to use the same tools we use at Apple to identify problems. In addition, find out how to make it easier for us to fix bugs that you find, and what you can expect from a Java Developer Preview.

Speakers: Mikey McDougall, Barry Langdon-Lassagne, Brett Groshong

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WWDC06 • Session 512

Performance and Graphics Tuning Your Java Application

Information Technologies • 1:09:49

Maximizing speed and performance is important for any application. See how Apple's Java engineers use powerful Mac OS X profiling tools such as Shark and Sampler to identify performance issues and then make the necessary corrections, resulting in better application performance. Bring your laptop and work along with the Java team.

Speakers: Viktor Miladinov, Chris Campbell, Rick Altherr

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WWDC06 • Session 513

Integrating iTunes U into Higher Education

Information Technologies • 32:26

Dive deep into the entire iTunes U workflow, from integration with authentication and authorization to media workflows. Get an overview of the iTunes U architecture and learn how iTunes U can be integrated into other web services, like C/LMSs and digital asset management systems. Then learn how iTunes U media service workflows are created and how to support publishing for iTunes U within your applications. This session is geared towards Higher Education IT and web service developers and provides a comprehensive overview for iTunes U development support and on-campus management.

Speakers: Eric Bailey, Jason Ediger

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WWDC06 • Session 514

Client Management with Leopard Server

Information Technologies • 1:03:26

Mac OS X Server Leopard will bring new and exciting manageability options to the Mac System Administrators and IT Staff. This session will introduce hierarchical group management with Workgroup Manager and Managed Client; Application Launch Restrictions (including management of Dashboard widgets); a version of System Image Utility with support for Automator workflows and command-line use and others. A thorough understanding of these new Mac OS X Server Leopard capabilities is a must for anyone deploying large numbers of Mac OS X Leopard systems.

Speakers: Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Bruce Gaya, Nick Heuser

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WWDC06 • Session 515

Introducing Teams

Information Technologies • 38:54

Leopard Server introduces productivity tools that help groups gather, track and coordinate resources, people and assets. With resources dynamically updated from a central repository groups and teams can seamlessly coordinate efforts and keep each other updated on their progress. We will explore these new productivity tools in-depth, and offer examples of how they can be used together.

Speakers: Mike Lopp, John Anderson

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WWDC06 • Session 516

Scripting for System Administrators

Information Technologies • 59:32

Automator, AppleScript Studio, and UNIX shell scripts can make managing your Mac OS X servers and clients a breeze. Learn how to create your own time-saving utilities for repetitive tasks using Automator, AppleScript Studio, Perl, shell scripts, and other languages accessible from the command line.

Speakers: Joel Rennich, Brian James, Nigel Kersten, Timothy Perfitt

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 517

NetBoot for Large Networks

Information Technologies • 54:45

The NetBoot services built into Mac OS X Server allow system administrators to manage a group of computers as easily as managing a single computer. But what happens when that group grows to be several hundred or thousand? Discover how to scale your NetBoot environment beyond the traditional workgroup size from those who have done it before.

Speakers: Mike Bombich, Joel Rennich, Gavin Cook

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 518

Inside Apple Remote Desktop 3

Information Technologies • 58:21

Apple Remote Desktop has evolved into a powerful system management and reporting platform. The latest version of Apple Remote Desktop makes it dramatically easier to distribute software, provide real-time help to your users and automate routine management chores. Find out how to put these features to use in different environments.

Speakers: Mike Lopp, Mark Whittemore, Steve Hayman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 519

WebObjects and Web 2.0

Information Technologies • 1:07:13

WebObjects provides the perfect foundation to build powerful Web 2.0 applications. You'll learn the latest techniques for integrating AJAX, Syndication, and other Web 2.0 technologies into your WebObjects applications.

Speakers: Daryl Lee, Mike Schrag, Max Muller, Francois Jouaux

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WWDC06 • Session 520

Eclipse Development on Mac OS X

Information Technologies • 1:00:21

Eclipse has quickly become one of the most widely used cross-platform Java development environments, and Apple has worked to significantly improve Eclipse performance and integration on Mac OS X. We will showcase some of the lastest advances including integration of Apple's AWT with the Eclipse Foundation's SWT project. We will show how other developers are integrating their AWT and Swing solutions into Eclipse and make the best Mac OS X Eclipse application. Bring your laptop.

Speakers: Daniel Steinberg, Steve Northover, Silenio Quarti, Scott Kovatch

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WWDC06 • Session 522

Scientific Clusters on Mac OS X Server and Xserve

Information Technologies • 1:03:06

Come hear from the experts who have deployed small to large scale HPC systems with a variety of technologies including Xgrid, Sun Grid Engine, Platform LSF and other tools to make scientific computing more powerful than before. Through practical configuration tips and live real-world demos you'll see how easy it is to operate high performace computing solutions on Apple software and hardware.

Speakers: Todd Dailey, Warner Yuen, Yusuf Abdulghani, Josh Durham

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WWDC06 • Session 523

Leopard Server as a Web Platform

Information Technologies • 58:36

Leopard Server ties together a broad range of standards based, web related technologies making it easier than ever to create and deploy your web solution. In this session we'll cover the tools available to you in Leopard Server, the related standards that are supported, and show you examples of how these powerful, integrated tools can be leveraged to quickly create dynamic and incredibly useful applications.

Speakers: Al Begley, Lionel Desai, Ernest Prabhakar, David Heinemeier Hansson

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WWDC06 • Session 524

Xsan Best Practices

Information Technologies • 1:14:23

Xsan and storage area networks can easily be tailored for use in a variety of configurations. Come to this session to learn best practices on SAN setup and configuration, Xsan deployment, and effective administration of your SAN.

Speaker: JD Mankovsky

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WWDC06 • Session 525

Managing Clients in Heterogenous Environments

Information Technologies • 47:35

Mac OS X clients can be deployed and managed in enterprise environments using third-party tools that support Mac OS X Server, Xserve, and Xserve RAID. See how real-life Apple customers use client management technologies to support their heterogeneous environments. If you are a system administrator or IT architect who needs to support multiple client platforms using Mac OS X, this session is for you.

Speaker: John DeTroye

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 526

Automating Apple Remote Desktop 3

Information Technologies • 37:15

With the addition of Automator support in Apple Remote Desktop 3, system adminstrators can streamline time-consuming administrative tasks. Discover the 30 Automator actions included with Apple Remote Desktop and see how to construct Automator workflows to reduce your routine management tasks.

Speakers: Tony Graham, Steve Hayman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 527

Smart Cards and Other Two-Factor Authentication Solutions

Information Technologies • 51:19

Two-factor authentication has become a necessity for many organizations. Learn how to implement two-factor authentication solutions on Mac OS X in a wide variety of server configurations.

Speaker: Shawn Geddis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 529

Advanced Troubleshooting for System Administrators

Information Technologies • 1:03:53

Mac OS X Server has an incredibly rich set of configuration and diagnostics options available. Find out what the optimal preference settings are to help prepare for the unexpected, and discover monitoring techniques that will make troubleshooting easier and more efficient. Learn from those who interact with system logs on a regular basis.

Speaker: Nicole Jacque

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 530

Deploying Oracle RAC 10g for Mac OS X Server

Information Technologies • 52:17

Oracle has introduced 10g for RAC on Mac OS X Server. Learn how to set up an Oracle RAC installation on Mac OS X Server directly from Oracle engineers. Discover tips and techniques to obtain the best performance from your Oracle 10g.

Speaker: Barb Lundhild

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 531

Podcasting with Mac OS X Server

Information Technologies • 33:43

As podcasting and the iPod have grown incredibly popular, the need to host, manage and deliver podcasting content has become more important than ever. Podcast Studio offers you a new and powerful toolset to manage and automate podcasting setup and deployment. We will discuss the features available and step through several examples of building workflows to take raw content from production stage through deployment.

Speakers: David O'Rourke, David Kramer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 532

WebObjects Deployment on Mac OS X Server

Information Technologies • 51:02

WebObjects is a powerful system to develop and deploy web applications and web services. Get the latest information on configuring and deploying your WebObjects applications on Mac OS X Server. Learn about tools and techniques for troubleshooting your WebObjects deployments. Find out how to make your transition to the latest version of Mac OS X Server as seamless as possible for your WebObjects applications.

Speaker: Mankit Sze

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 533

Inside Apple's Open Source Calendar Server

Information Technologies • 1:06:29

Apple's Open Source Calendar Server is group calendaring server project that Apple's new iCal Server is based upon. Learn all about the details of the open source project, the details of the CalDAV protocol, the structure of the code and how you can help to contribute to this exciting new open calendaring project.

Speakers: Wilfredo Sanchez, Cyrus Daboo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 536

Developing Xsan-Friendly Applications

Information Technologies • 41:32

Xsan has become the fastest-deployed SAN software ever -- and it becomes even more powerful when you integrate the Developer API directly into your application or environment. We will survey the Developer API in Xsan and offer examples, best practices, and cutting-edge techniques in how to use each.

Speaker: Jason Thorpe

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC06 • Session 537

64-bit Java JVM Exposed

Information Technologies • 1:07:14

What will you do with more than 4GB of memory available to your Java applications? The 64-bit environment is not only for servers anymore. You'll learn about migrating 32-bit Java applications to take full advantage of a 64-bit platform, and the performance implications of doing so. You will also learn about functionality available on the desktop and on the server. We'll discuss how the JVM optimizes your application and provide tips on programming practices that get the most from those optimizations.

Speakers: Victor Hernandez, Roger Hoover, Pratik Solanki

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WWDC06 • Session 543

Develop and Deploy with Xgrid 2

Information Technologies • 44:37

Xgrid 2, part of Leopard and Leopard Server, makes Apple's groundbreaking distributed resource technology for clusters and grids more powerful and even easier to use. We will explore the newest features of Xgrid 2 while surveying best practices in building and deploying applications for your IT infrastructure, from loosely coupled 'ad hoc networks' to tightly integrated clusters.

Speakers: David Kramer, Steve Simon

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 100

Coming to the Mac OS X Platform: Part 1-The Mac OS X Architecture

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:04:36

If you're a software professional new to Mac OS X, make this session your first priority. Find out what it takes to develop first-class Mac software, and discover the fundamentals of the Mac OS X architecture and what makes a great Mac application shine. Gain an orientation to the system that will propel you to higher learning in the Frameworks, APIs, and Tools sessions.

Speakers: Deric Horn, Larry Coopet

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 101

Coming to the Mac OS X Platform: Part 2-Frameworks, APIs and Tools

Mac OS X Essentials • 50:48

Beyond the architecture described in Part 1 come the details needed to create first-class software for Mac OS X. Learn about the application development process, Mac OS X frameworks, APIs, developer tools, and other resources that help you create outstanding Mac applications. Gain the foundation you need to get the most out of WWDC. Attendance at the first half of the Coming to the Mac OS X Platform presentation is highly recommended.

Speakers: Babak Mahbod, Matt Henderson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 102

Threading for Performance using OpenMP and Intel Threading Building Blocks on Mac OS X

Mac OS X Essentials • 56:10

Speakers: Phil Kerly, Mike Lewis

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WWDC07 • Session 103

Getting Started with Core Data

Mac OS X Essentials • 54:58

Core Data provides an infrastructure that manages model object graphs and object persistence. Learn how to use Core Data to define your application's data model, access it from your code, and handle undo, redo, and data persistence. Find out how you can use Core Data to create high-performance, feature-rich applications.

Speakers: Melissa Turner, Ben Trumbull

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WWDC07 • Session 104

Getting Started with Mac OS X Kernel Programming

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:04:27

If you are new to Mac OS X kernel programming, attend this session to learn about the basics of the kernel architecture, building kernel extensions, and use of the kernel programming interfaces (KPIs) for maintaining release-to-release binary compatibility.

Speakers: Nik Gervae, Ananthakrishna Ramesh, Laurent Dumont

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WWDC07 • Session 105

Optimizing Your Core Data Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:03:27

Learn how to make your Core Data application perform as well as it can. Discover how you can use new APIs in Leopard to create your own store type, and how you can fetch managed objects more efficiently, or avoid fetching them entirely. Find out how you can optimize the managed object model itself for a particular problem domain, and use multi-threading to maximize the responsiveness of application.

Speakers: Adam Swift, Ben Trumbull

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 106

Fundamentals of Kernel Debugging

Mac OS X Essentials • 59:21

Learn about a variety of kernel analysis and debugging techniques including common types and causes of kernel panics, decoding kernel panic logs, and analyzing deadlocks. Find out what tools are available for kernel debugging such as two-machine debugging, kernel debugging macros, and the new single-machine live kernel debugger. Gain insight into kernel tracing and examination tools like trace, latency, and the new spindump and stackshot tools.

Speaker: Derek Kumar

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WWDC07 • Session 107

Students-Getting the Most Out of WWDC

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:14:36

Speakers: Mike Jurewitz, Kyle McNeely, John Geleynse

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WWDC07 • Session 108

Mac OS X Filesystems

Mac OS X Essentials • 46:41

Speaker: Chris Emura

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WWDC07 • Session 109

Code Hardening Techniques

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:04:32

Learn code fuzzing techniques and other ways to simulate an attack on your own code to find security vulnerabilities. Find out how to respond to security incidents and about new security features in Mac OS X Leopard.

Speakers: Drew Yao, Jacques Vidrine

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WWDC07 • Session 110

Cocoa Today

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:08:29

Cocoa, with its powerful object-oriented APIs, intuitive design paradigms, and extensive built-in functionality, is the ideal framework for application development on Mac OS X. This session will cover important trends in Cocoa development, key advances for Leopard, and the state of Cocoa today. See how you can take advantage of all that Cocoa has to offer.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 111

Managing Schema Versioning and Data Migration in Your Core Data Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 56:13

As your application evolves, typically so does your data model. In Leopard, Core Data provides support for creating versioned managed object models and for migrating data from one version to another. Learn how you can use these new features to make it easier for you and your users to transition to the latest version of your application.

Speakers: Miguel Sanchez, Ron Lue-Sang

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WWDC07 • Session 112

From Power On to Login: Inside the Mac OS X Leopard Boot Process

Mac OS X Essentials • 59:12

Gain insight into the Mac OS X startup process from the time the power is turned on until the login prompt appears. Developers of file system plug-ins can learn how to boot from volume formats not supported by the Mac boot ROMs while avoiding the need to write Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) or Open Firmware drivers.

Speakers: Curtis Galloway, Soren Spies

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WWDC07 • Session 114

Developing for UNIX on Mac OS X

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:03:24

Whether you're new to the platform or a veteran Mac OS X developer, find out how to adapt to the new POSIX-conformant industry-standard APIs available in Leopard, as well as how your UNIX, BSD, and Linux experience (and applications) translate to the Mac OS X universe.

Speaker: Kevin Van Vechten

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 115

Getting Started with Cocoa Bindings

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:05:32

Cocoa bindings is a collection of technologies that provide a means of keeping model and view values synchronized in your application. Find out how to create a more consistent user interface with less code, and how to refactor your code to leverage built-in classes. Bring your laptop and walk through a practical introduction to Cocoa bindings.

Speaker: Malcolm Crawford

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 116

Apple Events: Packets of Pure Power

Mac OS X Essentials • 53:37

Speaker: Matt Neuburg

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 117

Discovering Network Services Using Bonjour

Mac OS X Essentials • 47:04

Bonjour is a key component of modern, network-oriented applications and devices such as iTunes, Apple TV, and AirPort Extreme. Find out how adding Bonjour and Wide Area Bonjour makes it easy for devices and applications to locate and identify your product's services from across the room or from the other side of the planet. Learn how Leopard and Leopard Server provide even more reasons to add Bonjour support to your current and future products.

Speaker: Stuart Cheshire

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 119

Managing Processes with launchd

Mac OS X Essentials • 46:02

The launchd program provides a powerful XML interface for defining when, where, and how programs should be invoked on Mac OS X. Learn about the many options launchd provides for defining the interaction between the operating system and your code, and how your code can be started automatically.

Speaker: Dave Zarzycki

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WWDC07 • Session 124

Adopting Modern Internationalization APIs

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:03:43

Prepare your application for the global marketplace with modern internationalization APIs. Learn how to replace the deprecated Script Manager APIs with the new Text Input Sources Services and other modern Leopard APIs to simplify and enhance your code base. Learn about the new Leopard Dictionary and Language APIs and how to create your own dictionaries and glossaries.

Speakers: Peter Edberg, Deborah Goldsmith, Yasuo Kida, Mike Grady

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WWDC07 • Session 125

Building a Custom Control for Your Cocoa Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 53:17

Walk through the design and implementation of a custom user-interface control with Cocoa engineers. First, learn how your custom control should support user input and keyboard focus. Then incorporate accessibility, support for resolution independence, bindings, and other features to make your control a first-class citizen on Mac OS X. Bring your laptop.

Speaker: Peter Ammon

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WWDC07 • Session 126

Introduction to the FSEvents Framework

Mac OS X Essentials • 55:05

The FSEvents framework helps applications efficiently monitor large directory hierarchies for changes. Applications can receive live updates as well as the history of changes made since the last time the application ran. If your application manages files or needs to track modifications to the file system, come find out how the FSEvents framework can help.

Speakers: Dominic Giampaolo, Brent Knight

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WWDC07 • Session 127

Getting Started with Core Text

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:04:10

Learn how quickly and easily you can render text on Leopard using the Core Text Framework. Walk through the complete development of a fully functional Carbon application using Core Text and the Font Panel, and find out how to access Core Text from an NSTextView in a Cocoa application. Bring your laptop.

Speakers: Ned Holbrook, Nathan Taylor

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 128

Cocoa Drawing Techniques

Mac OS X Essentials • 55:17

The options available to the artistically-minded Cocoa developer have multiplied over the past few years. Learn about the appropriate use of NSImage, CGImage, CIImage, CGLayerRef, CG transparency layers, CoreAnimation, NSImageRep, NSCustomImageRep and more. We will also discuss HiDPI drawing and Cocoa's resolution-independent architecture.

Speaker: Ken Ferry

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 130

Cocoa Scripting Enhancements in Leopard

Mac OS X Essentials • 57:57

Leopard significantly enhances Cocoa's scriptability support. You'll learn how to take advantage of improvements to Cocoa's support for .sdef scriptability declarations, error reporting, and type safety. Come see how providing rich scripting in your Cocoa app has never been easier.

Speaker: Mark Piccirelli

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 131

Add WYSIWYG HTML Editing to Your Web Page or Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 49:47

Discover how the WebKit framework's Objective-C and JavaScript APIs allow you to add a rich, in-page HTML editing experience to your desktop or web application. Learn how to "roll your own" or integrate with other WYSIWYG HTML editing libraries.

Speaker: Tim Hatcher

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 134

Customizing the Cocoa Text System

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:04:27

Cocoa provides a powerful, flexible text system for a wide variety of text handling, display, and editing needs. Learn how to configure and customize the Cocoa text-handling classes, and put them together in many different ways, with special attention paid to facilities new in Leopard.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, Aki Inoue

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WWDC07 • Session 136

Modernizing Your Text Rendering with Core Text

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:04:00

Adopt the new Core Text APIs that replace the deprecated QuickDraw Text APIs. Learn how to replace your handling of Pascal and C strings, text encodings, fonts, styles, layouts, and more with Core Text and other Leopard APIs. If you're currently using ATSUI to achieve simple Unicode text rendering, learn how you can switch to Core Text for faster rendering.

Speaker: Dan Fenwick

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WWDC07 • Session 138

Discover Java on Mac OS X Leopard

Mac OS X Essentials • 56:15

New features and performance enhancements make Java a greatly improved technology on Mac OS X Leopard. Discover how Leopard makes the Java development experience better than ever with resolution independence, a crisper Aqua look and feel, a 64-bit virtual machine, and more. Get the latest news on WebObjects and find out how other developers are using Java successfully on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Tom O'Brien, Pratik Solanki, Tad Frysinger, Steve Buck

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 139

Partitioning Your Cocoa Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:03:52

Multithreading and multiprocessing are powerful techniques you can use to improve your Cocoa application. Find out why and how to separate an application into independent pieces, and ensure those pieces interact smoothly. This is a good opportunity to build on your knowledge of multithreading and interprocess communication.

Speaker: Chris Kane

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 140

Developing Cocoa Applications with Python and Ruby

Mac OS X Essentials • 54:46

Learn how you can write first-class Cocoa applications in Python or Ruby. With better meta-data driven bridging bundled in Leopard, you can use PyObjC and RubyCocoa to leverage the power of Cocoa from your favorite scripting language. Discover how you can write dynamic applications faster and easier than ever before.

Speaker: Bill Bumgarner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 141

Boosting Responsiveness and Performance in Your Cocoa Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 51:13

Cocoa provides robust features and APIs you can use to make your application more responsive and efficient. Learn how to identify performance hot spots in your application and how to address them using the newest Cocoa features in Leopard. You'll learn about memory usage, threads, when to draw (and when not to).

Speaker: Chris Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 145

See What's New in HIToolbox

Mac OS X Essentials • 49:57

Get an in-depth look at the latest improvements to the HIToolbox framework. Learn about embedding Cocoa views in Carbon windows, extending your Navigation Services dialogs with Cocoa, and using other new APIs and functionality available in the Leopard HIToolbox.

Speakers: Guy Fullerton, Curt Rothert, Bryan Prusha, Eric Schlegel

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WWDC07 • Session 146

Sign Your Application to Increase Security and Ensure Code Integrity

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:00:07

Leopard's code signing feature allows the Keychain and other system software to verify your application's ownership without prompting the user'even after you've updated the program. Find out how digitally signing an application ensures the integrity of your code and enables the system to recognize unauthorized changes and alert the user. Learn how signed applications work, how signing improves security and your customers' experience, and how to sign your applications.

Speaker: Perry "the Cynic" Kiehtreiber

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 147

Advanced Java Development on Mac OS X

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:02:20

Listen as members of Apple's Java engineering team show you how to add polish to your Java application. Learn how to use resolution-independent artwork, adopt custom Aqua controls from within Swing, and how to open documents from the Finder. You will also discover tricks for integrating toolkits such as SWT and Cocoa within your application, and find out if your application should go 64-bit. This session covers the advanced features you need to maximize the features of Java on Mac OS X Leopard.

Speakers: Scott Kovatch, Mike Swingler

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 154

Leveraging SOAP Technologies on Mac OS X

Mac OS X Essentials • 44:48

Learn how the frameworks and tools provided in Mac OS X facilitate the integration of your application into a SOAP-savvy environment. You'll discover how to use Apple's WebServices Core framework to access SOAP, WSDL and XML-RPC-based web services, easily bind your objects and data structures directly to XML requests, and interact securely with a wide range of SOAP server implementations.

Speaker: Todd Ditchendorf

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 156

Writing an Input Method Using the Input Method Kit

Mac OS X Essentials • 44:39

Learn to quickly and easily support international users with Unicode input methods on Leopard with the Input Method Kit framework. This hands-on session guides you through the complete development of a fully functional input method.

Speakers: John Harvey, Jöns Åkerlund

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 157

Extending Your Application with JavaScript

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:02:57

WebKit and the JavaScript Core framework support bridging between JavaScript and C. Learn practical techniques for extending your application's functionality by using JavaScript attributes and functions to enable internal scripting.

Speakers: Geoff Garen, Brady Eidson, Alice Liu

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 158

Adding Accessibility Support to Your Application

Mac OS X Essentials • 1:14:01

Discover the Universal Access features of Mac OS X and learn how to use the accessibility APIs to meet Section 508 requirements and make your application accessible to all users. By adding accessibility support to your application you get additional benefits like Xray profiling and improved Automator support for free.

Speakers: James Dempsey, Eric Seymour

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WWDC07 • Session 161

Making Your Custom Controls, Icons, and Artwork Resolution Independent

Mac OS X Essentials • 48:06

If your application uses custom controls or artwork, make this session a top priority. Modern displays vary in size and pixels per inch. Find out how to design a rich, scalable user interface for your application. The session will discuss guidelines for revising icons and artwork, new functions to adopt, testing strategies, performance concerns, as well as common problems and solutions.

Speaker: Guy Fullerton

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WWDC07 • Session 164

Professional Audio Input and Output with Leopard

Mac OS X Essentials • 57:39

Discover Leopard's support for the recently-approved USB Audio Device 2.0 class specification and how to write spec-compliant descriptors for your high-speed USB audio device. Find out how to unleash the power of FireWire peer-to-peer networking using Leopard's all-new FireWire audio drivers and enhanced Audio/Video Control (AV/C) media services. Learn how to implement user interfaces and vendor-specific AV/C commands to control your audio device.

Speakers: Nick Thompson, Torrey Walker, Ashley Butterworth

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WWDC07 • Session 166

Improving User Experience with Effective Power Management

Mac OS X Essentials • 52:38

With the rapid growth of the notebook computer market, more customers than ever count on the power management features of Mac OS X to handle sleep/wake cycles and maximize battery life. Learn how to take advantage of the Leopard power management APIs to ensure your applications and device drivers handle power events gracefully.

Speakers: Ethan Bold, David Ferguson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 200

Mac OS X State of the Union

Leopard Innovations • 1:35:47

Speakers: Bertrand Serlet, Simon Patience, Peter Graffagnino, Scott Forstall

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WWDC07 • Session 201

Effective Widget Creation with Dashcode

Leopard Innovations • 57:07

Discover the tools and technologies behind creating fantastic Dashboard widgets. Get an introduction to the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a new desktop experience for your users. Apple experts walk you through the design process and show you how Dashcode, the new widget development tool in Mac OS X Leopard, makes it easy and fun to realize your vision.

Speaker: Christian Wagner

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WWDC07 • Session 202

Broadcast Your Application's Content with iChat Theater

Leopard Innovations • 54:52

Mac OS X Leopard elevates video communication with iChat Theater, a new API that shares content from your application over video chat. The Instant Message framework leverages your existing presentation code to reach out to users in a way never before possible. Go hands-on with Apple engineers as they demonstrate how iChat Theater can enhance your user experience.

Speaker: Peter Westen

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WWDC07 • Session 203

Coding Smarter with Objective-C 2.0

Leopard Innovations • 53:50

Learn more about Objective-C 2.0 and how you can take advantage of it in your own applications. You'll receive an introductory, hands-on primer to properties, fast enumeration, and common garbage collection design patterns. Gain a deep appreciation for how Objective-C 2.0 will help you write better, more maintainable, and more concise code. Bring your laptop.

Speakers: Bill Bumgarner, Mike Jurewitz

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WWDC07 • Session 204

Fostering User Interaction with iChat

Leopard Innovations • 51:10

Make your users more productive by embracing instant messaging technologies in your application. Learn how to display and track buddy information inside your application using the Instant Message framework. Become part of a user's daily workflow by initiating file transfers, AV chats, and more with iChat's newly enhanced scriptability. Leopard's Scripting Bridge even allows you to control iChat from your own Objective-C code. Come and see how iChat support can add a whole new dimension to your application.

Speakers: Jamie Montgomerie, Eric St. Onge

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WWDC07 • Session 205

Making Your Application Scriptable

Leopard Innovations • 1:03:45

Scriptablity allows customers to use your application in ways you never thought of. Leopard brings the ability to script applications using Ruby and Python, as well as AppleScript-even Objective-C code can access an application's dictionary through the new Scripting Bridge technology. Learn how and why to facilitate and use effective application scripting in this eye-opening session.

Speakers: Chris Nebel, John Comiskey

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WWDC07 • Session 206

Building Automator Actions

Leopard Innovations • 1:09:29

Automator actions are the foundation of creating workflows that use your application. Go hands-on with Apple engineers as they guide you through the creation of basic actions using AppleScript Studio, Cocoa, Objective-C, and other scripting languages.

Speaker: Sal Soghoian

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 207

Integrating iCal Events and Tasks into Your Application

Leopard Innovations • 36:29

The Calendar Store framework, provided in Mac OS X Leopard, is a simple interface to a user's iCal data. Using the Calendar Store, applications can read, create, and modify events and tasks with just a few lines of code. This hands-on session explores the ways your application can use calendaring to keep users connected, even when your application isn't running.

Speakers: Scott Adler, Matt DiMaggio, Matt Shepherd

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WWDC07 • Session 209

Getting Started with Address Book

Leopard Innovations • 58:10

The Address Book framework leverages the Mac OS X contacts database to provide access to a user's contacts in your application. Hear Apple engineers explain the architectural improvements to Address Book in Mac OS X Leopard and learn how to interact with contact information or present Address Book components in your user interface.

Speakers: Brendan Langoulant, Joe Engel, Brett Neely, Colter Reed

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WWDC07 • Session 210

Building Animated Cocoa User Interfaces

Leopard Innovations • 1:03:05

Delight your users with dynamic, responsive user interfaces. In Leopard, standard AppKit NSViews can be rendered and animated using Core Animation. Learn how to combine familiar Cocoa controls, views, and event handling with the power of Core Animation layers to create stunning user interfaces. James Dempsey and the Breakpoints perform at 51 minutes into the video. Encore of "Hold me, Use me, Release me" at 59 minutes into the video.

Speakers: Deric Horn, James Dempsey, Troy Stephens

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WWDC07 • Session 211

Adding Core Animation to Your Application

Leopard Innovations • 58:33

Core Animation is an incredible layer-based animation system that will revolutionize the user experience of your application. Come learn how the automatic animation capabilities of Core Animation make compositing and animating 2D, 3D, and video content easy. See how to use this capability to explore new forms of data visualization and user interaction. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how Core Animation will transform your application.

Speakers: Haroon Sheikh, John Harper

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WWDC07 • Session 213

Getting Started with Spotlight and Quick Look

Leopard Innovations • 53:20

Make sure the Spotlight search engine in Mac OS X can find your files by adding a Spotlight plug-in to your application. And new in Mac OS X Leopard, Quick Look plug-ins make your files previewable using the new Quick Look feature found throughout Leopard. These plug-in technologies are very similar, so building one makes it simple to build the other. Gain an understanding of Spotlight and Quick Look starting at the beginning, and come away with practical knowledge on how to build them into your product.

Speakers: Jonah Petri, Julien Jalon

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WWDC07 • Session 214

Getting Started with the .Mac SDK

Leopard Innovations

Unleash your application's potential with the web-based collaboration, synchronization, and security features provided by the same APIs that Apple's own iApps use to publish and share content through .Mac. Learn more about how to provide .Mac services with examples and sample code that use the latest features of the .Mac SDK.

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WWDC07 • Session 215

Embracing Automator Workflows with Your Application

Leopard Innovations • 37:29

Automator empowers users to create extraordinary application workflows. Learn how to create Automator actions for your application and find out how the new technologies in Leopard allow you to define variables for more flexible workflows, provide workflow editing from your own UI, and more. Discover the power of automation and create new possibilities for users of any skill level.

Speakers: Kerry Hazelgren, Emilie Kim

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WWDC07 • Session 216

Time Machine In-Depth

Leopard Innovations • 54:36

Time Machine, with its automatic backups and intuitive file recovery, transforms the experience of using backup software. Gain in-depth knowledge about Time Machine, including detailed information about its infrastructure and considerations that affect developers.

Speakers: Deric Horn, Robert Ulrich, Eric Weiss

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WWDC07 • Session 217

Unlocking the Potential of Dashcode

Leopard Innovations • 54:15

Dashcode, a new developer tool in Leopard, provides everything you need to create great Dashboard widgets, even if you are new to programming. Apple engineers will walk you through the creation of a real widget, showing you how to visually construct your widget out of the included parts to give it a custom, polished look. You will then learn how to add new functionality to your widget using the JavaScript editor, debugger, and the runtime expression evaluator. Every widget developer will enjoy this in-depth exploration of Dashcode's capabilities.

Speakers: Max Drukman, Mike Kahl, Han-Ming Ong, Dan Gobera

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WWDC07 • Session 218

Garbage Collection Strategies for Objective-C 2.0

Leopard Innovations • 1:11:42

Garbage collection is one of the most significant features of Objective-C 2.0, opening up new styles of coding and changing long-established patterns. Dive deep in this advanced session on how to adopt garbage collection in your code, and learn tips and tricks you'll want to know to take best advantage of the efficiencies it provides.

Speaker: Blaine Garst

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WWDC07 • Session 220

Leopard User Interface Design

Leopard Innovations • 1:19:59

Users expect simple, elegant, and intuitive products but designing and building one is hard work. Learn best practices and design methodologies for creating a superior user interface for your Mac OS X Leopard application. You'll gain insight into design do's and don't's, how to improve an existing user interface to achieve greater consistency with Leopard, how and when to use animation to augment your application's user experience, and much more. Always popular and enagaging, this session is perfect for anyone involved directly or indirectly in the design, implementation, or testing of the user interface of your Mac OS X product.

Speaker: John Geleynse

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WWDC07 • Session 221

Handling Images with the Image Kit

Leopard Innovations • 1:06:12

Image Kit provides a powerful set of image-related services for Cocoa applications. Learn how Image Kit can help your application browse, view, and present common image formats using a standardized user interface. See how to use Image Kit to perform lightweight image editing and apply Core Image filter effects. Find out how Image Kit can even be used to create slideshows and take pictures with the iSight camera.

Speakers: Werner Neubrand, Thomas Goossens

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WWDC07 • Session 222

Using Advanced Objective-C 2.0 Features

Leopard Innovations • 58:09

Gain advanced insight into using properties in threaded applications, implementing fast enumeration in your own classes, and designing rock-solid applications with garbage collection. This session builds on the concepts introduced in Coding Smarter with Objective-C 2.0.

Speakers: Patrick Beard, Greg Parker

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WWDC07 • Session 223

Adopting 64-bit Programming

Leopard Innovations • 47:17

Mac OS X Leopard introduces a full 64-bit application framework stack for writing software that takes advantage of large memory configurations to support data beyond the 4GB boundary. If your application needs access to more memory or maximum performance on the platform, learn why you should consider going 64-bit.

Speaker: Matt Formica

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 224

Next Generation Automation

Leopard Innovations • 47:27

Speaker: Sal Soghoian

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 300

Development Tools State of the Union

Developer Tools • 1:15:26

Apple's development tools for Mac OS X Leopard bring sweeping advances in productivity, performance, and debugging capabilities. Get an overview of the new releases of Xcode and Interface Builder, the brand-new Xray and Dashcode tools, and more. Key members of the engineering team will demonstrate the new features, and give insight into the latest developer technologies.

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, Chris Espinosa, Dave Payne, Matt Firlik, Francois Jouaux, Todd Fernandez

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WWDC07 • Session 301

Getting Started with Mac OS X Development Tools

Developer Tools • 43:15

Mac OS X provides a comprehensive set of developer tools, with Leopard introducing several new ones. Find out where to begin, from the basics of navigating the Xcode development environment, to user interface design with Interface Builder, to runtime analysis with Xray. You will learn how to put it all together so you can start creating the next great Mac application.

Speakers: Todd Fernandez, Anders Bertelrud

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WWDC07 • Session 302

Getting Started with Xcode

Developer Tools • 53:52

Xcode 3.0 is the fastest way to develop Mac OS X applications. Get an introduction to working within the Xcode integrated development environment (IDE). Learn how to create your own project and see how Xcode brings together a robust editor with code completion, the GCC compiler, an integrated build system, a visual debugger, and source control management (SCM) so you can create applications that take advantage of the latest Apple technologies.

Speakers: Matt Formica, Scott Tooker

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WWDC07 • Session 304

Creating Custom Installers with Leopard's New PackageMaker

Developer Tools • 45:25

Leopard adds exciting new technologies for software installation. Discover how to use the new PackageMaker 3.0 to create signed packages and automatic Internet download packages. Learn about the new home directory support, and walk through the best practices for managing your application upgrades using Leopard's new receipt tools.

Speakers: Jack Matthew, Luke Bellandi

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WWDC07 • Session 305

Xcode 3.0: The New Development Workflow

Developer Tools • 1:00:10

Xcode 3.0 has been streamlined and enhanced with new features to make you more productive than ever before. Discover how to build, fix errors, and debug your code without ever leaving the text editor window. See how the enhanced CodeSense and new Research Assistant will help you code faster and more accurately. Discover how easy it is to make project-wide changes using refactoring, with the confidence and safety of integrated project snapshots and SCM support. Learn about these features and much more that is new in Xcode 3.0.

Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Dave Ewing, Scott Tooker, Brent Shank

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WWDC07 • Session 306

Interface Builder 3.0: Creating an Interface from Start to Finish

Developer Tools • 1:03:22

Interface Builder 3.0 is brand new for Leopard. The new version provides even better integration with Xcode, a library window for access to all your controls, a new connections interface, support for Leopard's new visual effects, and the new XIB file format. Learn how to put all these new features to use, and see a demo that creates a great new user interface from scratch, right in front of your eyes.

Speakers: Jon Hess, Kelly Keenan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 309

Getting Started with Xray

Developer Tools • 44:50

Xray is a new application in Leopard that lets you visualize what your application is doing as it runs. Discover how Xray will help you to better understand, debug, and optimize your application. You will learn how to use the included instruments to trace memory and CPU usage, how to create an automated testing template, and even how to create your own instrument using the power of DTrace.

Speakers: Steve Lewallen, Daniel Delwood

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WWDC07 • Session 311

Unleashing the Power of the Xcode Build System

Developer Tools • 1:09:12

Building Xcode projects just got faster with Xcode 3.0. Whether working on a laptop or taking advantage of a server farm, you can get significantly better build times by fine-tuning your Xcode projects. Learn the most efficient way to create 64-bit applications, how to set up targets to build in parallel on multi-core Macs, and how to use composite SDKs for Xcode libraries and frameworks.

Speakers: Eric Espinosa, Rick Ballard

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WWDC07 • Session 312

Refactoring in Xcode: Automatic Project-wide Code Changes

Developer Tools • 59:26

Xcode 3.0 introduces refactoring, an automatic way to apply project-wide changes to the structure of your source code and user interfaces. With demonstrations and practical use cases, you'll learn how Xcode's refactoring capability allows you to safely, effectively, and quickly restructure your code. You will see how refactoring makes it much easier to maintain your codebase, convert it to use Objective-C 2.0, and continue to add new features to your application.

Speakers: Andrew Pontious, Robert Bowdidge

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WWDC07 • Session 314

Project-Free Xcode: Mixed Language Development

Developer Tools • 1:04:58

Xcode 3.0 is great for all types of Mac development, even without an Xcode project file. Learn in a practical, hands-on way a new method to manage files and custom build scripts in Xcode, edit source code in any programming language, build open-source C/C++ and Java programs, and create and test your web environment entirely in Xcode. Discover how Xcode's feature-rich editor, integrated build system, and many other features will benefit all your Mac development.

Speakers: Chris Hanson, Norbert Schatz

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WWDC07 • Session 315

Tracing Software Behavior with DTrace

Developer Tools • 1:00:04

Get an introduction to DTrace, the popular open source project that Apple has optimized for and integrated into Mac OS X. DTrace is embedded in the core of Leopard, underpinning many analysis instruments in the new Xray application. Learn how to directly interact with DTrace from the command line to observe the runtime behavior of an application, the kernel, or the entire system to gain valuable insight.

Speakers: Steve Peters, James McIlree

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WWDC07 • Session 316

Getting Started Performance Tuning with Shark

Developer Tools • 1:15:59

Shark is very powerful, yet easy-to-use tool for discovering where your application is spending its time. Learn practical ways to find performance bottlenecks, obtain tips on optimization, and understand how your software interacts with the system. Gain an understanding of how Shark can help your application perform at its best in today's multi-core, 64-bit world.

Speakers: Rick Altherr, Ryan Du Bois, Lance Hammond

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WWDC07 • Session 317

Taking Advantage of Compiler Advances

Developer Tools • 54:20

Explore improvements in Mac OS X Leopard compiler technologies, and get new insight into the compiler roadmap. Learn how new features in the GCC compiler can make your applications faster and more secure. Gain an understanding of how to take advantage of these features in your own projects.

Speakers: Geoff Keating, Chris Lattner

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WWDC07 • Session 318

Using Xray and DTrace for In-depth Analysis

Developer Tools • 1:00:55

Explore case studies using Xray to solve specific application and system performance issues. These case studies show Xray and DTrace features in more depth, including adding static DTrace probes in application and library code, building new instruments in Xray to use those probes, and using Xray's data analysis features to study results.

Speakers: Steve Lewallen, Dave Payne

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 319

Developing Plugins for Interface Builder

Developer Tools • 52:19

Interface Builder 3.0 provides a brand-new plugin architecture for developers to integrate their custom controls directly into the new Library window. Learn how to build your custom control as a plugin, how to give your control a unique look, and even how to create its own specialized inspector.

Speakers: Matt Gamble, Chris Pavicich

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WWDC07 • Session 323

Fortran Development and HPC on Mac OS X: 3rd Party Solutions

Developer Tools • 54:44

Fortran continues to play a prominent role in scientific and mathematical computing. See the latest Fortran tools, and computing solutions in action on Mac OS X. Learn from compiler vendors and key members of the development community how to use third-party 32-bit and 64-bit Fortran compilers in your development workflow.

Speakers: Dave Kreitzer, Drew McCormack, Wood Lotz

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WWDC07 • Session 324

Bug Reporting Best Practices

Developer Tools • 1:10:32

Bug reports that are complete and reproducible help to isolate known issues in system and application software, making a solution much more likely. Learn the bug reporting best practices that Apple has developed in partnership with our third-party developer community. Observe the key components of a great bug report, and how they could expedite your bugs through our processes. You'll also learn to apply these practices to your own bug processes.

Speaker: Paul Schreiber

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WWDC07 • Session 400

Graphics and Media State of the Union

Graphics and Imaging • 1:26:23

Mac OS X Leopard contains an incredible array of graphics, multimedia, and web frameworks that collectively provide a powerful springboard for creating innovative, visually rich applications and modern, platform-optimized content. Join fellow developers in kicking off the Graphics & Imaging and Content & Media tracks. Whether you're designing the next killer app, developing the ultimate digital content production pipeline, or creating next-generation rich-media experiences, you'll gain insight into the latest graphics technologies that Apple provides and how they can help you differentiate yourself and outperform the competition.

Speakers: Peter Graffagnino, John Stauffer, Geoff Stahl, Darin Adler

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WWDC07 • Session 401

Creating Leading-edge 2D Graphics with Quartz

Graphics and Imaging • 1:08:47

Quartz is the high-performance 2D graphics system at the heart of the Aqua user experience. See how to directly access the Quartz 2D APIs to handle even the most advanced vector or bitmap drawing needs. Learn the fundamentals of the drawing model and how to use advanced rendering features to create high-quality 2D graphics. A key session for all application developers interested in creating more compelling 2D graphics in their application.

Speaker: Derek Clegg

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WWDC07 • Session 402

Understanding the Architecture of Core Audio

Graphics and Imaging • 1:04:27

Professional-level audio is designed right into Mac OS X Leopard with Core Audio. Get an overview of the Core Audio architecture and learn to take advantage of its richness in your own code. Deepen your understanding of audio codecs and how to work with popular audio formats. This is an important session for audio developers who need to know the strategy and fundamental paradigms driving audio development in Mac OS X Leopard.

Speaker: Jeff Moore

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WWDC07 • Session 403

Creating Integrated Workflow Solutions with Final Cut Pro

Graphics and Imaging • 49:09

Post-production professionals from broadcasters to feature filmmakers to independent creatives are relying on an ever-increasing number of tools to create compelling content. Learn the techniques to efficiently interchange data with Final Cut Pro and other applications. Get details of the Final Cut Pro XML Interchange Format, see how to use AppleEvents to programatically communicate with Final Cut Pro, and learn how to leverage the metadata capabilities of QuickTime. Basic familiarity with XML and QuickTime is recommended but not required for this session.

Speakers: David Black, J.R. Hass

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WWDC07 • Session 404

Queueing, Streaming, and Extending Core Audio

Graphics and Imaging • 1:05:00

Mac OS X features a state-of-the-art audio engine in Core Audio, enabling the most powerful music and audio applications available today. Walk through the high-level queueing services for playing and recording audio, see how to stream audio files over a network, and get the details of extending Core Audio to load and store audio files. Bring your headphones and laptop.

Speakers: Doug Wyatt, James McCartney, Bob Aron

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WWDC07 • Session 407

Extending the Aperture RAW Workflow with Export Plug-Ins

Graphics and Imaging • 51:42

Aperture provides a revolutionary RAW-focused workflow to import, manage, edit, adjust, export, and archive your images more effectively and efficiently than ever before. Learn how to access Aperture's images and extensive metadata using export plug-ins. Extend the Aperture workflow to integrate images with your application or web service. See how Aperture provides access to all its metadata and allows you to send metadata back into its database, completing the workflow loop.

Speaker: Blake Seely

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WWDC07 • Session 408

Modernizing Your OpenGL Application for Leopard

Graphics and Imaging • 1:02:57

OpenGL in Mac OS X Leopard takes advantage of the most recent innovations in graphics hardware. Come see how advances in OpenGL will unlock the incredible rendering power of the GPU. Learn how to use powerful extensions to OpenGL to fully modernize your OpenGL code and ensure that it is ready for evolutions in the OpenGL specification. A must-see session for all developers who use OpenGL in their application.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

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WWDC07 • Session 409

Mastering QuickTime Digital Video Techniques

Graphics and Imaging • 1:00:51

QuickTime is the cornerstone framework for digital video applications on Mac OS X using OpenGL, visual context rendering, Core Video, and Core Image. Learn expert techniques relating to video application development. Deepen your understanding of the QuickTime rendering pipeline, the difference between visual context rendering and older GWorld-based rendering, and how QuickTime deals with color and gamma. Learn about clean aperture, pixel aspect ratio, media tagging, and QuickTime pixel formats. A must-attend session for all developers working with digital video on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Jean-Michel Berthoud, Ken Greenebaum, David Black

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WWDC07 • Session 410

Introduction to FxPlug Development for Final Cut Studio

Graphics and Imaging • 50:41

The FxPlug SDK lets you create image-processing plug-ins for Final Cut Studio leveraging OpenGL, Cocoa and Objective C. Begin an in-depth exploration of the FxPlug SDK. Learn to create rapid FxPlug plug-ins such as effects, generators and transitions using the built in XCode templates. Get an understanding of how best to target both Motion and Final Cut Pro with a single plug-in. Watch the demos to get a better understanding of the real world FxPlug plug-ins currently available.

Speakers: Dave Howell, Vijay Sundaram

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WWDC07 • Session 411

Advanced FxPlug Development for Final Cut Studio

Graphics and Imaging • 53:07

Go deeper into the FxPlug SDK with details of OpenGL usage and API additions to FxPlug. Learn how to manage pbuffers, graphics state, and OpenGL drawing by walking through the innards of a FxPlug plug-in. Learn more about re-timing. Gain a better understanding of the best practices to move existing code to FxPlug with examples on how to do so.

Speakers: Dave Howell, Darrin Cardani, Paul Schneider, Pete Warden

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WWDC07 • Session 414

Creating High-quality Content With QuickTime APIs

Graphics and Imaging • 1:08:37

QuickTime includes rich APIs that make it easy to create and work with audio and video media. Gain insight into video export components, clean aperture mode, multi-channel audio processing, high-resolution audio export, the audio context mixing path, movie audio extraction, audio context inserts, closed-captioning, and more. This is a must-attend session for developers using QuickTime APIs to create high-quality content for the iPod and Apple TV.

Speakers: Kazuhisa Ohta, Sayli Benadikar, Brian Pietsch

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WWDC07 • Session 415

Mastering the Quartz Composer Editor

Graphics and Imaging • 1:05:40

Are you creating Quartz Composer compositions? Learn how you can increase your productivity with the exciting capabilities built into the Quartz Composer Editor for Mac OS X Leopard. See how the editor makes it easy to edit, debug and optimize your compositions. Explore patches that will help you create rich, high-quality compositions. A must-see session for everyone who uses Quartz Composer.

Speakers: Nathan Wertman, Troy Koelling, Kevin Quennesson

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WWDC07 • Session 416

Integrating QuickTime Support into Your Application with QTKit

Graphics and Imaging • 1:07:12

QTKit, the premier method for Cocoa developers to access QuickTime, offers significant improvements for Leopard. Come see how to use QTKit for high-definition playback and to programmatically create movie content and capture video. Bring your laptop for a hands-on experience using QTKit to harness the incredible power of QuickTime in your application.

Speakers: Tim Monroe, David Underwood

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WWDC07 • Session 417

Switching to Mac OS X OpenGL

Graphics and Imaging • 1:04:05

OpenGL is the fast path to bringing your games and 3D graphics applications from other platforms to Mac OS X. Get an OpenGL transition plan from experts who have made the leap. Find out how render targets, high-level shading, and other 3D graphics techniques are done in OpenGL. Discover methods for bridging OS platforms, as well as the best practices, tools, and APIs to make it easy. This is a must-attend session for developers of cross-platform games, 3D rendering applications, and everyone with an interest in switching to OpenGL.

Speakers: Babak Mahbod, Mike Jurewitz

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WWDC07 • Session 418

Leveraging the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)

Graphics and Imaging • 1:12:52

The OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) enables you to program the GPU and transform your 3D rendering into a cinematic experience. Learn how to create spectacular visual effects through control over vertex and fragment processing. Find out how programmable shading can accelerate complex renderings, enable new ideas in 3D graphics, and transform your application. A must-attend session for advanced OpenGL developers.

Speakers: Geoff Stahl, Alex Eddy

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WWDC07 • Session 419

Printing with Style in Mac OS X

Graphics and Imaging • 1:04:44

The printing system in Mac OS X Leopard gives your application the ability to produce high quality WYSIWYG printed output. Learn how to properly color manage print jobs, extend print dialogs, create document previews and more. Come see the latest techniques that ensure your application is taking full advantage of what Mac OS X Leopard printing has to offer.

Speakers: Howard Miller, David Gelphman, Alan Beck

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WWDC07 • Session 420

Tune Your OpenGL Application

Graphics and Imaging • 1:02:23

Discover the latest techniques to maximize the performance of OpenGL. Learn not only the methods to increase frame rates, but how to ensure that your application makes the most efficient use of the OpenGL pipeline. See how to best submit vertex and texture data, eliminate redundant data copies and use optimal pixel formats. Find out how you can enable multi-threaded OpenGL execution to dramatically take advantage of multi-core CPUs. This is a great session for application and game developers alike.

Speakers: Kent Miller, Dave Springer

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WWDC07 • Session 421

Using Quartz Composer in Your Application

Graphics and Imaging • 1:10:17

Quartz Composer is a rich visual programming environment that allows you to rapidly utilize the best of Mac OS X graphics technologies. Learn how Quartz Composer compositions can be used directly within your application. See how to use Cocoa bindings to enhance your application. Find out how you can extend Quartz Composer to create powerful, interactive visualizations.

Speakers: Pierre-Olivier Latour, Kevin Quennesson

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WWDC07 • Session 424

Create Stunning Effects with Core Image

Graphics and Imaging • 59:15

Core Image performs image processing operations at blistering speeds to create spectacular visual effects and transitions. Discover how to use powerful Core Image filters in your application to enhance still images, process RAW photos, create video effects, and visualize scientific processes. Learn how you can create filters that harness the power of the GPU for your own custom algorithms. See how Core Image and Core Animation can be integrated to add stunning effects to your application's user interface. This is a must-experience session for developers of image enhancement software, video effects systems, and scientific analysis packages.

Speakers: Allan Schaffer, Frank Doepke, Ralph Brunner, David Hayward

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WWDC07 • Session 429

Tune Your 2D Graphics Code

Graphics and Imaging • 1:13:18

Have you taken the time to tune your 2D drawing code? It can be a great way to increase the efficiency of your application. Learn the techniques that squeeze the most performance out of your drawing code. See how to use Quartz debugging tools to locate and remove graphics bottlenecks and optimize screen updates. Appropriate for all Carbon and Cocoa developers.

Speaker: Andrew Barnes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 430

Manipulating PDF Content in Your Application

Graphics and Imaging • 57:54

PDF Kit makes it easy to harness the capability of the PDF document format in your application. Learn how PDF Kit's Cocoa classes objectify the structure and content of PDF documents and allow easy editing and annotation. See how you can minimize your development time by using a PDF Kit view to display and navigate even the most complex PDF documents. A great session for any developer who is interested in PDF.

Speaker: John Calhoun

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WWDC07 • Session 431

Leveraging the Common Unix Printing System (CUPS)

Graphics and Imaging • 1:02:49

The Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) forms the basis of the Mac OS X printing architecture. See how Mac OS X Leopard integrates CUPS to extend the capabilities and performance of the printing system. Learn ways for your application to interact directly with CUPS. Discover how PDEs, printer utilities, ICA modules, ICC profiles, and other modules and plug-ins fit together to support single and multi-function printers. Developers of advanced printing applications, printer drivers, and printer management software will not want to miss this session.

Speakers: Paul Danbold, Mike Sweet

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WWDC07 • Session 500

IT State of the Union

Information Technologies • 1:00:53

Join your colleagues in kicking off the Information Technology Track and learn how Apple technologies serve as an integral part of critical operations in corporate, educational, scientific and small business environments. Whether you administer, deploy, develop, or design Information Technology infrastructure, you'll gain insight on how Apple's innovative software and hardware empower IT organizations of all sizes.

Speakers: Simon Patience, Adrian Sannier, Dale Jensen, David Aucoin, Greg Burns

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WWDC07 • Session 501

Welcome to Leopard Server

Information Technologies • 1:20:25

With the launch of Mac OS X Server, organizations of all sizes can take advantage of the most highly evolved standards-based UNIX server operating system. From small businesses to complex environments, Leopard Server delivers incredible new ways to get your users up and running quickly. Come discover how Podcast Producer automates the creation of podcasts from capture to delivery; and learn how the shared calendaring and collaboration features in Leopard Server have been designed to complement Leopard clients and integrate easily into your environment.

Speakers: Kazu Yanagihara, Jeff Michaud, Mike Thole, Kjell Bronder, Nathan Spindel, Mike Lopp, Wilfredo Sanchez, Chris LeCroy

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WWDC07 • Session 502

Getting Started with Mac OS X Administration

Information Technologies • 1:10:10

While Mac OS X contains many similarities to other operating systems, some of the features that make it great are either new or different from UNIX, Linux, and Windows. Discover how the expertise you already have managing other operating systems translates to Mac OS X, and learn what you need to know to take full advantage of the differences in Mac OS X.

Speaker: Brian Loose

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WWDC07 • Session 503

Scripting for SysAdmins

Information Technologies • 1:06:47

Every IT professional has to perform repetitive tasks. Mac OS X supports a number of scripting languages so that you can automate many of these tasks. Learn from Apple engineers how to build valuable scripts in Automator, AppleScript Studio, Python, Ruby, and UNIX shells to save you time.

Speakers: Steve Hayman, Jeff McCune, Tim Perfitt

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WWDC07 • Session 504

Mac OS X Security Configuration

Information Technologies • 1:13:52

The default configuration of Mac OS X is highly secure, and can be customized to meet your unique network security requirements. Discover the security policy control points in Mac OS X from the experts at Apple and the National Security Agency (NSA) Systems Network Analysis Center (SNAC). Learn best practices for security enhancement so that you can make sure your systems are properly configured to match your security policy.

Speakers: Shawn Geddis, Kim Cummings

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WWDC07 • Session 505

Discovering Wiki and Group Services in Leopard Server

Information Technologies • 44:26

Leopard Server delivers powerful collaboration and group communication tools to help you define, create, and administer groups in your organization-whether you are a new business just launching, or a workgroup in a large enterprise. The new Wiki in Leopard Server lets you gather, tag, and coordinate resources, people, and assets. Explore these new productivity tools in depth, and learn about examples of how they can be used together for various environments.

Speakers: Mike Lopp, Chris LeCroy, John Anderson, Doug Whitmore

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WWDC07 • Session 506

Integrating Smart Card Solutions in Leopard

Information Technologies • 1:01:02

Smart card authentication has become a necessity for many organizations. Learn how to implement smart card authentication solutions on Mac OS X in a wide variety of server configurations, and find out about smart card support improvements in Leopard.

Speakers: Shawn Geddis, John Hurley

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WWDC07 • Session 508

Building Powerful Web 2.0 Applications with WebObjects

Information Technologies • 1:04:59

WebObjects is a terrific platform for having your modern web applications take advantage of the latest web-based services such as social networking, blogging, and wikis. Watch Apple engineers demonstrate the ease of development and deployment provided by the WebObjects tools, and see how WebObjects and Mac OS X Server make a fantastic combination for hosting your next-generation web applications.

Speakers: Pierre Frisch, Daryl Lee, Mike Schrag

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WWDC07 • Session 509

Mac OS X Scientific Computing State of the Union

Information Technologies • 1:13:22

Apple continues to introduce hardware and software targeted at scientific computing which has spurred increased adoption of Mac OS X in the sciences. This session will review Apple's technological advancements supporting scientific application development, Apple's momentum in the market, and the variety of initiatives underway throughout the company and the community to further science on the Mac.

Speakers: Elizabeth Kerr, Simon Patience, Liang Hoe, Alyssa Goodman, Jay Lyerly, Brian Gupton

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WWDC07 • Session 510

Learning to Become an Effective SysAdmin

Information Technologies • 54:52

Managing more than a few computers requires thinking like a system administrator. Discover IT skills, habits, and philosophies that can save you time and effort and avoid frustration as your network grows. See what goes on behind the GUI tools, embrace the command-line interface, and learn other valuable techniques that can help you succeed as a system administrator.

Speaker: Fred Licht

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WWDC07 • Session 512

Bending Directory Services To Your Will: Best Practices

Information Technologies • 50:20

Directory Services allows system administrators to manage network users and volumes. Learn from current Directory Service masters how to make Directory Services respond to your every command and return the information your network seeks. Hear the best configuration, management, and troubleshooting tips from people who have gained mastery over Open Directory and Active Directory.

Speaker: Nicole Jacque

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WWDC07 • Session 514

Understanding PKI and Certificate Management on Mac OS X

Information Technologies • 58:34

Public key infrastructure (PKI) includes the software, policies and procedures needed to create, manage and distribute digital certificates based on public key cryptography. Learn how Public and Private Keys, Identities, and Certificates are managed on Mac OS X, and how the use of these technologies has advanced in Leopard. Hear about some of the best practices for corporate management of certificate stores, along with smart card integration.

Speakers: Shawn Geddis, Ken McLeod, Craig Mortensen

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WWDC07 • Session 518

Real-World WebObjects Solutions

Information Technologies • 1:06:29

Hear about best practices for building powerful web applications from WebObjects experts, and learn to apply their success stories to your application. See a demonstration of the WebObjects frameworks used with third-party tools, presented by a variety of speakers both inside Apple and from the WebObjects community.

Speakers: Chuck Hill, Anjo Krank, Benoit Marchant

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WWDC07 • Session 519

Deploying Large-scale Storage Solutions using Xsan and Xserve RAID

Information Technologies • 1:00:56

Measuring your storage needs in the range of terabytes requires a solid infrastructure and an in-depth understanding of networking. Learn how to spec and implement the types of storage solutions used by some of the largest media, IT and HPC companies. Discover the trouble spots you may encounter and how to avoid them during integration. Come hear configuration details and optimization tricks for ensuring the highest performance for your environment.

Speakers: JD Mankovsky, Ståle Bjordal

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WWDC07 • Session 521

Deploy and Manage Access Control Lists

Information Technologies • 1:02:21

Access Control Lists (ACLs) enable servers to enforce fine-grained control of who can access shared files and services and which level of access they are allowed. Discover how to use ACLs to ensure the right people in your organization have the appropriate level of access, and learn how to use ACLs with non-Mac OS X servers and clients on your network.

Speakers: Josh Wisenbaker, Sean Eric Fagan

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WWDC07 • Session 523

Deploying Large NetBoot Networks

Information Technologies • 50:46

NetBoot makes it possible to boot your Macs over the network from a centralized Mac OS X image. Discover how Leopard Server improves large-scale NetBoot deployments, learn about the improved system imaging functionality, and hear real-world tips and techniques for successful implementation of NetBoot in your environment.

Speakers: Joel Rennich, Mike Bombich, Chris Lasell

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WWDC07 • Session 526

Deploying Network Home Directories

Information Technologies • 1:02:06

Get practical guidance and advice from IT experts and Apple engineers on planning, deploying, and managing network home directories. Whether you are just getting started, or have already deployed network home directories on Mac OS X or other platforms, discover techniques and tricks to ensure your users can operate efficiently both on line and off.

Speakers: Armin Briegel, Greg Neagle

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WWDC07 • Session 527

Leveraging the iCal Server Platform

Information Technologies • 58:00

The sharing of time and resources promises to change forever thanks to iCal Server and CalDAV, the open standard that iCal Server is based on. Discover iCal Server and the full spectrum of messaging devices and calendar servers that can work with iCal Server. Hear about new best practices for managing and deploying iCal Server, how to extend iCal Server with CalDAV, and how to integrate other CalDAV-compliant tools with messaging and calendaring servers.

Speakers: Wilfredo Sanchez, Cyrus Daboo, Tony Becker

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WWDC07 • Session 528

Extending Apple Remote Desktop for Large Scale Deployments

Information Technologies • 54:52

Hear from members of Apple's engineering and consulting teams talk about how to configure Apple Remote Desktop to manage large scale deployments of Macs. Learn about real-world tips and techniques for successful implementations of Apple Remote Desktop as a desktop management solution for your organization.

Speakers: Mark Whittemore, Steve Hayman, Doug Richardson

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WWDC07 • Session 529

Introducing Podcast Producer

Information Technologies • 53:37

As podcasting increases in popularity as an important new media-distribution channel, many organizations are evaluating how to create and deliver their content. Podcast Producer in Leopard Server provides the tools to capture, process, and deliver your content with the flexibility and scalability to meet the needs and challenges of this new medium. Learn what comes "in the box" in Podcast Producer, how to extend and scale your infrastructure, and how to change the sample media-processing workflows. Also, hear recommendations on how to set up for different types of environments.

Speakers: David O'Rourke, Nathan Spindel, Kjell Bronder

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WWDC07 • Session 531

Deploying Podcast Producer

Information Technologies • 1:08:44

Explore the possibilities in setting up Podcast Producer, from "standalone" environments to highly distributed ones. Get in-depth information about the command-line tools, and learn how to integrate camera control and multiple podcast-producer servers with your Directory Services.

Speakers: George Cook, Eric Circlaeys, Willie Pritchard, Adam Hochman

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WWDC07 • Session 533

Best Practices in Mac OS X Administration

Information Technologies

Bring your best Mac OS X administration techniques and questions to gain real-world assistance from a panel of administration experts. Whether you are a beginner administrator or the most seasoned professional, gain insight on how other system administrators deal with IT challenges using Xserve, Xserve RAID, Mac OS X Server, Apple Remote Desktop and Xsan.

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WWDC07 • Session 535

Bring Your Java Application to Mac OS X Leopard

Information Technologies • 1:14:18

Java is one of the most popular ways to create cross-platform applications and is right at home on Mac OS X. Hear Apple's Java engineers talk about the practical aspects of making your Java application shine on the Mac. Learn about the unique tools and techniques for each stage of the Java development cycle on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Matt Drance, Victor Hernandez

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WWDC07 • Session 536

Integrating Rich Content Publishing and Infrastructure with iTunes U

Information Technologies • 45:47

iTunes U complements online learning systems and technology infrastructures that currently exist in higher education. Learn critical information about leveraging in-house authentication mechanisms, course provisioning, and content integration workflows from file upload to publication.

Speakers: Eric Bailey, Tom Burkholder

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WWDC07 • Session 540

Managing Mobile Computers

Information Technologies • 57:27

The increasing popularity and proliferation of portable computers introduces new challenges for system administrators responsible for managing them. Learn how to use the technologies built into Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server and Apple Remote Desktop such as File Vault, Task Server, Cached Managed Preferences, Portable Home Directories and more. Make your life easier and more effectively manage the portable computers in your organization.

Speakers: Tony Graham, Shawn Geddis

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WWDC07 • Session 542

Managing and Deploying Open Directory

Information Technologies • 59:19

Why use five logins when you can use one? Open Directory and Mac OS X Server form the core of enterprise-wide directory services architectures. Learn about new Open Directory functionality in Leopard, and discover single sign-on solutions to authenticate Apple and third-party services in a heterogeneous, "five nines" environment.

Speakers: Joel Rennich, Paul Suh

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WWDC07 • Session 544

Integrating Remote Access Client with Corporate VPNs

Information Technologies • 54:13

Apple's remote access client Internet Connect allows you to connect to corporate VPN solutions from Apple, Cisco, Juniper, and Nortel. Discover how to configure and deploy a VPN solution for your environment while learning about how the various VPN protocols such as L2TP/IPSec and PPTP interoperate.

Speaker: Shawn Geddis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC07 • Session 545

Introducing Xsan 2

Information Technologies • 43:32

Speakers: Jason Thorpe, Jason Townsend, Bill Studenmund, Bill Hudson

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WWDC07 • Session 547

Managing Your Clients with Leopard Server

Information Technologies • 1:02:29

Mac OS X Server includes a wealth of user management tools to streamline tasks for handling your users and systems. Learn how to incorporate Workgroup Manager, NetBoot, NetInstall, and the System Imaging Utility as part of your user and system management strategy in Leopard Server, and how to provide and care for mobile users with Portable Home Directory 2.

Speakers: Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Bruce Gaya, Brian Nesse

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WWDC07 • Session 549

Building System Images for Large-scale Deployments

Information Technologies • 1:01:35

Building system images reduces deployment time when rolling out new or upgraded machines. Discover techniques to customize your workflow for building system images and deploying them on hundreds of systems. Apple engineers will offer configuration secrets that give you detailed control over your setup, and discuss proven methods for reducing image size and complexity.

Speakers: Tim Weiand, Josh Wisenbaker, Daryl Hawes

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WWDC07 • Session 552

Understanding Managed Deployment

Information Technologies • 1:05:17

Implementing a managed deployment strategy brings many benefits, including a consistent end-user experience, a simplified support model, automated software installation, automated software updates, asset tracking, and inventory management. Hear practical advice on why you should implement a managed deployment. Learn best practices for building master images, package management, automated software installations, and automated testing.

Speakers: Gage Beauchemin, Veronica Law

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WWDC07 • Session 600

Fundamentals of Digital Video

Content and Media • 1:03:19

As the world of digital video changes, the key to staying ahead of the curve is making your content look its best regardless of where it is viewed. Gain a comprehensive overview of the current digital media landscape including tape formats from SD to HD, color space, aspect ratios, audio and video codecs, and much more. This is a must-attend session for anyone creating rich media.

Speakers: Ben Durbin, Kenji Kato, Craig Syverson

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WWDC07 • Session 601

Improving Your Video With Professional Preprocessing

Content and Media • 50:44

Preprocessing is widely considered the key to making excellent video for digital delivery. Learn the accepted principles for video preparation from industry experts, including: how to handle multiple sources (for example, film and video), interlaced content and how to pick appropriate cropping, scaling, noise reduction, and image adjustment parameters for creating that perfect master file ready for compression.

Speaker: Cliff Wootton

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WWDC07 • Session 602

The Encoding Process In Depth

Content and Media • 43:04

Knowledge of encoding principles is the key to high quality content. The session will walk through the entire compression workflow for delivery of content to the Web, iPod and Apple TV. Learn the tools, codecs, and best practices for creating stunning digital audio and video, as well as techniques for automating your workflow using AppleScript and Compressor.

Speakers: Doug Werner, Nate Caplin, John McClintock

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WWDC07 • Session 603

Delivering Your Media

Content and Media • 47:16

Reaching the widest possible audience means understanding how to prepare your content for delivery via multiple distribution platforms using various technologies and techniques. See the many different delivery vehicles for your media, including real-time streaming, download, and podcasting, and understand which one is right for you. You will also learn how to present a compelling, interactive user experience for your content.

Speakers: Ken Waagner, Mike Shaff, Austin Shoemaker

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WWDC07 • Session 604

Iterative Cocoa and Web Application Design

Content and Media • 1:01:07

Web application design continues to grow increasingly complex. This session will help you refine your application development process and project management to an art form. Learn the behind-the-scenes techniques for rapid prototyping and learn to include iterative usability testing and contextual inquiry cycles in your project development. Discover how to verify requirements before you code using iterative prototype and testing techniques. With a collaborative mindset and the proper process in place, your organization's design and engineering teams can work together and launch your application successfully.

Speakers: Kelly Goto, Garrett Murray

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WWDC07 • Session 605

Understanding Web Accessibility for Building Better Websites

Content and Media • 42:00

Integrating accessibility into your web design and development process helps you effectively create web sites and web applications that become open to a broader range of customers. Learn what web accessibility means and how it fits in with modern web development techniques and best practices. Explore best practices for separating structure, presentation, and behavior to make it easier to build ground-up accessibility into your web applications.

Speaker: Faruk Ates

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WWDC07 • Session 606

Motion Graphics Design Using Quartz Composer

Content and Media • 53:09

Quartz Composer is a rich visual prototyping and production environment that allows you to create compelling content leveraging the unique graphic technologies of Mac OS X. Learn how you can use Quartz Composer in your next interactive graphics project, and find out how it has been used successfully in design projects.

Speaker: Alessandro Sabatelli

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WWDC07 • Session 607

Development Methods for WebKit AJAX Applications

Content and Media • 49:08

Innovative developers today can build a variety of applications on the Web accessed from varied platforms. Join a Web 2.0 industry leader to see their design and development techniques for creating optimized AJAX applications for WebKit on Mac OS X. Learn the latest and best industry techniques for handling the ever-changing landscape of AJAX development.

Speakers: Jason Fields, Michael Agostino

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WWDC07 • Session 608

Vector Graphics for WebKit

Content and Media • 1:09:16

WebKit in Leopard provides a new assortment of vector graphics development options. This session is an introduction and general overview to vector graphics technologies for the Web. Learn how to use these powerful technologies to drive a richer dynamic data visualization, by adding standards-based vector graphic elements to sites leveraging options like Scalable Vector Graphics, Canvas, and PDF.

Speakers: Antoine Quint, Dean Jackson

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WWDC07 • Session 609

Dashboard Widget Design Techniques

Content and Media • 50:15

Dashboard provides quick and easy access to widgets-lightweight Web 2.0 applications-on Mac OS X. Join industry experts to explore how a few of the best widgets were created, from concept to deployment.

Speakers: Joshua Keay, David Keay, Chris Masto

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WWDC07 • Session 610

Design Innovation behind

Content and Media • 56:23 has continuously used open standards to build the unique and compelling user experiences found on the site for years. Join the team as they guide you through some of their web applications developed using leading AJAX toolkits. Learn how they went from concept, through design, to implementation for many of these site projects.

Speakers: Dan Marusich, Mike Czepiel, Doug Vincent, Aubrey Anderson

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WWDC07 • Session 611

AJAX Methodologies for QuickTime Development

Content and Media • 49:32

Move beyond the traditional playback controls provided by the QuickTime web plug-in. This session will open up new insights into capabilities for controlling media interaction possibilities for your web applications through JavaScript and other leading AJAX toolkits. Learn how to develop custom UI controllers, programmatically handle unique media playback, and use other advanced methodologies when working with JavaScript and QuickTime.

Speakers: Kevin Calhoun, Ibid Isonom, Mike Czepiel, Todd Ditchendorf

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WWDC07 • Session 614

Developing Web Sites for iPhone

Content and Media • 1:00:48

iPhone completely redefines browser-based web access on a mobile phone. Learn iPhone best practices for ensuring optimal web development of your existing website, or hosted web application. Join the iPhone Safari and WebKit browser development teams as they share the latest techniques on mobile browser-based user experience design and development.

Speakers: Richard Williamson, Sam Bushell

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WWDC07 • Session 615

Using Dojo Toolkit Power Tools to Build Rich Web Applications

Content and Media • 1:06:39

Learn how Dojo enhances web applications and helps you build compelling interfaces using Open Web technology. Join members of the core Dojo team as they show you how Dojo's unique features let you upgrade your applications incrementally and even while off-line; we will work our way from basic AJAX through the latest technologies in WebKit.

Speakers: Dylan Schiemann, Alex Russell

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WWDC07 • Session 616

Designing and Developing Hybrid-Web/Cocoa Applications

Content and Media • 1:06:46

Leopard supports combining the power of the desktop experience with the latest advanced Web 2.0 techniques in hybrid-Web/Cocoa applications. Discover advanced uses of WebKit, XHTML, CSS, and AJAX in creating rich user interfaces for applications. Learn how industry experts are building lightweight Cocoa applications that allow easy binding of JavaScript to CoreData, and hear how they intend to use this configuration to make powerful applications.

Speakers: Keith Butters, Toby Boudreaux, Chandler McWilliams

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WWDC07 • Session 618

Designing and Extending the Mac OS X Blog Experience

Content and Media • 53:32

Blogging is ubiquitous, and when done right can be powerful and impressive. Learn from an industry expert within the blogosphere best real-world practices for designing, developing, and deploying elegant blogging solutions with thorough use of mixed media.

Speaker: Melvin Rivera

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WWDC07 • Session 619

Designing and Developing Rich Media WebKit-based Applications

Content and Media • 1:08:40

WebKit in Leopard introduces new features based on the latest open standards for delivering richer client-side and server-side web applications. Explore advanced development techniques for designing rich user experiences in your Web application. Learn advanced uses for incorporating CSS3, SVG, resolution independence, and rich media.

Speakers: Antoine Quint, Dean Jackson

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WWDC07 • Session 621

Advanced Concepts in Using the Prototype JavaScript Framework

Content and Media • 57:00

Discover how Prototype extends built-in objects to make cross-browser JavaScript development easier. This session will show you how to manipulate and traverse the DOM, add custom behavior to page elements, deliver UI elements incrementally with Ajax, and extract common functionality into reusable components. Plus, get a first-hand look at techniques for integrating Prototype and WebKit into your Cocoa applications.

Speaker: Sam Stephenson

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WWDC07 • Session 622

Create Effective, Sophisticated Podcasts

Content and Media • 54:16

Podcasting is changing the way that audio and video is collected and experienced. Hear from leading industry experts on the essentials for creating, delivering and distributing successful podcasts.

Speaker: Alex Lindsay

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WWDC08 • Session 100

Introduction to Mac and iPhone Development

Getting Started • 55:14

This session is designed for experienced developers who are new to Mac OS X and iPhone OS. Learn the fundamentals of the Mac OS X architecture and what makes a great Mac or iPhone application. Benefit from an orientation that will prepare you for further learning in the sessions on frameworks, APIs, and tools. Whether you are interested in creating applications for the growing Mac platform or mobile applications for iPhone and iPod touch, this is a must-attend session.

Speakers: Deric Horn, Larry Coopet

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WWDC08 • Session 101

Getting Started with Mac OS X Administration

Getting Started • 1:19:54

Whether you're new to deploying Mac OS X or just need a refresher, learn why Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server are as easy to manage as they are to use. Discover a wealth of management tools and services that are at your disposal, explore management features unique to Mac OS X, and learn how the administration expertise you've already gained managing other platforms translates to Mac OS X management.

Speakers: Brian Loose, Jason Deraleau

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WWDC08 • Session 102

Integrating Your Organization's First Macs

Getting Started • 1:10:04

What strategies do you need to support your boss or a highly placed executive who requests that Macs be considered first-class citizens in your IT environment? Learn how to create a migration plan, prepare your users for the transition and handle technical integration issues from sysadmins who've managed both targeted and wholesale Mac transitions.

Speakers: Schoun Regan, Ian Kelly, Brendan Langoulant

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WWDC08 • Session 105

Publishing on the App Store

Getting Started • 1:04:17

Understand how to publish your finished application on the App Store to reach every iPhone and iPod touch user.

Speakers: Max Muller, Ricardo Cortes, Elizabeth d'Errico

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WWDC08 • Session 300

Mac OS X State of the Union

Essentials • 1:14:15

Speakers: Bertrand Serlet, John Stauffer

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WWDC08 • Session 312

iPhone Application Development Fundamentals

Essentials • 59:02

The iPhone SDK contains the code, information, and tools you need to develop applications for the iPhone OS. Learn how to take advantage of these resources to build your first iPhone application.

Speaker: Paul Marcos

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WWDC08 • Session 313

Getting Started with Web Development for Safari on iPhone

Essentials • 50:48

Safari on iPhone has revolutionized the way people browse the Web on mobile devices. In this session you'll learn straightforward techniques to optimize your web content for iPhone, and discover the building blocks you need to create full-featured iPhone web applications.

Speakers: Richard Williamson, Chris Blumenberg

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WWDC08 • Session 314

Java and WebObjects Overview

Essentials • 56:45

Java and WebObjects are proven technologies used by small businesses and enterprises around the world, including Apple. Come see how Mac OS X helps you develop and deliver cross-platform Java applications and deployments. Learn what sets Java on the Mac apart as we tour the world of development, testing, polish, and deployment.

Speakers: Francois Jouaux, Tom O'Brien, Pierre Frisch, Daryl Lee

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WWDC08 • Session 324

iPhone for Mac Developers

Essentials • 58:34

Cocoa Touch uses many of the same fundamental technologies and design patterns as Cocoa for Mac OS X. Discover how you can make the most of your experience with Cocoa for Mac OS X when you start developing for iPhone.

Speaker: Corbin Dunn

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WWDC08 • Session 325

Safari and WebKit Overview: Features, Enhancements, and Open Source Development

Essentials • 58:29

WebKit is a full-featured, open source, standards-based layout engine that powers the Safari web browser and other native applications on a variety of platforms. Discover the ongoing performance enhancements and advanced features that have been implemented in WebKit. Learn how WebKit fits into the Mac OS X system architecture, how WebKit development relates to Safari on iPhone and the desktop, and how to get involved with the WebKit Open Source community. This session is essential for anyone interested in web technology at WWDC.

Speakers: Darin Adler, Mark Rowe, Maciej Stachowiak

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WWDC08 • Session 326

Application Accessibility

Essentials • 1:08:09

Apple's commitment to accessibility is rooted in the Mac's legendary ease of use and is enhanced by the Universal Access features in Mac OS X. Accessibility has evolved from a good idea to an essential component of competitive applications. By access enabling your Mac OS X application, you make it more attractive to a wider range of markets. Learn how to implement the Accessibility APIs and how to use test techniques and verification tools to design applications that meet the common government accessibility requirements. This session also covers Instruments profiling and Automator support to further improve your applications.

Speakers: James Dempsey, Dean Hudson, Karl Schramm

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WWDC08 • Session 327

Building Great Java Applications on Mac OS X Leopard

Essentials • 1:07:00

Leopard brings many enhancements to Java for Mac OS X, including 64-bit support and deep system integration. Discover the features and tools that make the Mac an ideal choice for cross-platform application development. Find out how to use native Mac OS X controls and incorporate Mac desktop features, making your application shine while using industry-standard Java practices and techniques.

Speakers: Mike Swingler, Pratik Solanki, Scott Kovatch, Ken Russell

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WWDC08 • Session 328

Networking with Bonjour

Essentials • 51:25

Bonjour is a key networking technology used in all of Apple's network products, from iMacs and MacBooks to AirPort Extreme, Apple TV and iPhone. Come find out how to use the Bonjour APIs to make your network application work with Back to My Mac and how to use the Bonjour APIs on iPhone and iPod touch to make amazing handheld network applications.

Speakers: Stuart Cheshire, Rory McGuire, Craig Keithley

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WWDC08 • Session 337

Understanding iPhone View Controllers

Essentials • 52:21

View controllers--including navigation and tab controllers--play a fundamental role in the architecture of most iPhone applications. Learn what view controllers are, how to use them, and why they are important to your application.

Speakers: Evan Doll, Alex Aybes

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WWDC08 • Session 338

Mac OS X 64-bit Kernel: Architecture and Kernel Extension Transition

Essentials • 47:37

Learn about the architecture of the Mac OS X kernel with emphasis on its new 64-bit capabilities. Explore the required steps to port kernel extensions to 64-bit and how to use the Mac OS X tools to build, load, and debug kernel extensions for a universal environment.

Speakers: Chris Peak, Shantonu Sen

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WWDC08 • Session 339

Getting Started with Objective-C: Migrating from Other Languages

Essentials • 52:15

Objective-C is the language of choice for development on Mac OS X and iPhone OS. Understanding Objective-C, how it works, and how it supports development on both platforms is key to creating great applications. Learn all about Objective-C, advantages of the dynamic runtime, and compare its design patterns to other common programming languages. If you're new to Objective-C or need a good refresher, this session is for you.

Speaker: Bill Bumgarner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 340

Creating Secure Applications for iPhone and Mac OS X

Essentials • 51:20

Learn how to protect your customers from emerging security threats by adopting security mechanisms and secure coding practices for Mac OS X and iPhone.

Speakers: David Remahl, Braden Thomas

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 343

Understanding iPhone Table Views

Essentials • 1:03:02

Table views are fundamental to the presentation of information on iPhone. This session will explain the basic features of table views and show you how to use them for everything from creating a simple list to laying out a more elegant user interface.

Speaker: Josh Shaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 344

Adding Rich Graphics and Media to Web Content in Safari

Essentials • 42:44

Adding sophisticated graphics and media to your website or application has never been easier with the powerful, W3C standard technologies available in Safari. Learn how to leverage cutting-edge features of HTML5 to deliver media with standard HTML audio and video elements and discover how to create rich, animated graphics with new features of the canvas element and SVG.

Speakers: Adele Peterson, Stephanie Lewis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 345

Managing Certificates for iPhone and Mac OS X

Essentials • 54:46

Digital signatures and certificates provide enhanced levels of security, data integrity and trust in iPhone and desktop environments. Learn how to be your own certificate authority and generate digital certificates with tools and services built into Mac OS X. Discover how digital signing facilitates secure development and distribution of iPhone applications, identification of trusted applications and encryption of corporate email.

Speakers: Shawn Geddis, Ken McLeod

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 348

Cocoa Fundamentals

Essentials • 1:03:45

Get an introduction to Apple's advanced application-development framework, Cocoa, and its primary language, Objective-C. Learn how to take advantage of common Cocoa programming paradigms, such as target/action, delegation and bindings. Through code examples and demos, see how Cocoa can help you easily create powerful, professional Mac OS X applications. iPhone developers will also gain valuable insights into the heritage of Cocoa Touch and learn helpful techniques for iPhone application development.

Speaker: Peter Ammon

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 349

Creating Rich User Interfaces for Web Content in Safari

Essentials • 1:04:24

The powerful, standards-based technologies available in Safari give you exceptional control over the look and feel of your web application on iPhone, Mac OS X and Windows. Learn how to position web content for increased visual appeal and create animated user interfaces using CSS3 transforms and transitions. Discover how to add depth and distinction to your web application with rich-text editing and CSS3 web fonts, and discover new and improved ways to style and interact with forms.

Speakers: Beth Dakin, Vicki Murley, Alice Liu

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 351

iPhone Application User Interface Design

Essentials • 1:17:03

iPhone presents a revolutionary user interface and interaction model to developers, and provides an inspiring environment for designing innovative mobile applications. Learn best practices, design techniques and key insights into what it takes to deliver a phenomenal user experience in your iPhone application.

Speakers: John Geleynse, Todd Brannam, Doug Dickerson, John Faith

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 352

Web Development for iPhone: Tips, Tricks, and Advanced Techniques

Essentials • 51:45

Safari on iPhone enables web developers to create applications that truly look and feel like built-in applications. Learn how to detect orientation changes, recognize touch events, create custom site icons, and other advanced techniques to help you deliver a uniquely native experience in your web application on iPhone.

Speakers: Tim Omernick, Brad Moore

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 353

What's New in Objective-C

Essentials • 56:18

Objective-C is the dynamic programming language at the heart of Mac OS X and iPhone OS application development. From its roots as a simple object-oriented superset of C to powerful new features in Leopard, the language has evolved to meet your needs. Learn how to use properties, take advantage of fast enumeration, and use garbage collection in your own development. Discover Objective-C as it is today and learn where it's headed.

Speaker: Blaine Garst

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 362

Controls, Views, and Animation on iPhone

Essentials • 49:46

The UIKit framework in iPhone OS provides a core set of standard user interface controls, such as buttons and sliders. Discover how to use these control objects to respond to user gestures, such as taps and drags. Learn how to use the view hierarchy to best effect and create your own views when you need to extend the user interface.

Speaker: Dan Keen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 363

What's New in Cocoa

Essentials • 54:23

Get an overview of the newest features and important changes in the Cocoa frameworks. Learn about exciting developments in the Application Kit and other related frameworks on Mac OS X. This session will help orient you to other sessions that will cover these technologies in more detail.

Speaker: Chris Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 364

Font Management and Core Text

Essentials • 1:06:41

Learn how the Core Text font APIs can simplify your applications' font management. If you've been managing fonts with QuickDraw, ATSUI, or ATS, you'll be impressed with how Core Text unifies and simplifies the use of fonts in your applications.

Speakers: Julio González, Nathan Taylor

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 374

Internationalizing Your Software

Essentials • 1:02:42

By creating international versions of your application, you can reach more users and expand your sales. It can even be easy to do, once you know a few rules and learn the tools that do most of the work for you. As a developer, you have to use the right APIs and follow certain rules to be localization-friendly. As a localizer, you need to use the right tools. Learn what to do and what to use from the people who write the APIs and the tools.

Speaker: John Jenkins

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 375

Using Filesystem APIs Efficiently

Essentials • 59:20

Learn about new file system APIs and how they can be used to access the file system efficiently. Find out how new techniques for accessing file properties and enumerating directories can make your code cleaner and faster.

Speakers: Chris Linn, Keith Stattenfield

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 379

Enhancing Your iPhone Web Application with CSS Transforms and Animations

Essentials • 1:07:16

Adding rich, hardware-accelerated graphics to your web content is now as easy as writing a few lines of CSS and JavaScript. Using the latest web standards, you can scale, rotate, or skew HTML elements, position page components within three-dimensional space, provide smooth transitions, and create captivating animations.

Speakers: Simon Fraser, Dean Jackson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 380

iPhone Multi-Touch Events and Gestures

Essentials • 39:42

iPhone's ability to handle multiple touches simultaneously is central to its unique usability. Learn how touches and events are represented to your application and how it can respond to a user's gestures to provide an intuitive, easy-to-use interface.

Speaker: Jason Beaver

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 381

Core Data Tips and Tricks

Essentials • 57:27

Get the most out of Core Data in your application. Learn how to maximize data access with powerful new fetching options, migrate your old data into new schemas, maximize your performance by leveraging multi-threaded Core Data design patterns, and dig deeply into the performance of your Core Data application. An important session for experienced Core Data developers.

Speaker: Miguel Sanchez

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 382

Simplifying Multicore with Grand Central Dispatch

Essentials • 45:26

Learn how to simplify event handling in low-level tools and applications using Grand Central Dispatch. Grand Central Dispatch introduces a CFRunLoop-like event handling model to the POSIX layer, supporting task scheduling, automatic allocation of work to multiple processor cores, thread management, and event queuing. Grand Central Dispatch also interoperates with CFRunLoop.

Speaker: Kevin Van Vechten

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 387

Text Input on iPhone

Essentials • 53:52

iPhone provides a unique and powerful way to input text via the Multi-Touch user interface. Learn how to use text fields, text views, and web page forms effectively, and how to optimize your users' experience by controlling text entry characteristics and keyboard behaviors.

Speaker: Ken Kocienda

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 391

Building an Advanced iPhone Web Application, Hands On

Essentials • 1:07:44

Safari on iPhone provides a rich feature set, and Mac OS X includes a comprehensive set of first-class tools for web developers. Learn how to bring the two together as you walk through code step by step with Apple experts. Create a compelling iPhone web application that uses cutting-edge features such as DOM touch events and CSS animations and transforms. This session includes a prerequisite download.

Speakers: Antoine Quint, Chris Marrin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 392

Cocoa Tips and Tricks: Using Leopard Features Effectively

Essentials • 53:14

It's often a small quantity of code that uniquely solves a problem or turns a good application into a great one. Learn how the amazing features introduced in Leopard can improve your Cocoa application. Hear some of the latest tips and tricks directly from Cocoa framework engineers.

Speaker: Ken Ferry

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 393

Managing User Privileges and Operations with Authorization Services

Essentials • 54:39

Discover how Authorization Services facilitates control of privileged operations, such as accessing restricted areas of Mac OS X and self-restricted parts of your application. Learn how to factor your application to perform privileged operations securely and how to use authentication and authorization plug-ins to customize your application's user experience for these operations.

Speaker: Gary Hoo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 401

Leveraging Cocoa's Layer-Backed Views

Essentials • 1:08:16

Take your user interfaces to the next level. Leopard provides the ability to render and animate Application Kit views using Core Animation layers. Learn how to build on this technology and take advantage of animation capabilities that will make your application shine.

Speaker: Troy Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 402

Managing Secure Data on iPhone

Essentials • 39:46

Learn about data security on iPhone OS and how you can greatly reduce your work in implementing a mobile data security solution. See how to carry out basic cryptographic operations, coordinate the secure storage of sensitive passwords and manage X.509 digital certificates with respective trust policies.

Speaker: Conrad Sauerwald

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 403

Using Advanced AJAX Technologies in Safari

Essentials • 51:04

Many modern web applications gather data from multiple sources and share that information with users. Discover new features in Safari and WebKit that enable secure and efficient data sharing across multiple domains. Learn to leverage other advanced web technologies such as XMLHttpRequest, postMessage, and querySelector to improve a web framework, add features to a web application, or invent the next great mashup.

Speakers: Geoff Garen, Kevin McCullough

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 410

Mastering iPhone View Controllers

Essentials • 49:51

View controllers support user interface elements that enable users to access the information they want quickly and easily. Find out how you can use view controllers most effectively, not only to support navigation, but also to support device rotation and to reduce memory overhead in your application.

Speakers: Evan Doll, Alex Aybes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 411

Utilizing Offline Data in Safari

Essentials • 56:10

Offline data capabilities in Safari open up new possibilities for web application design and data management. By combining SQL with standard HTML and JavaScript, novice and advanced programmers alike can store data persistently between sessions, save data locally before submitting it to a remote host, and enhance the overall user experience and functionality of their web applications.

Speakers: Brady Eidson, Ada Chan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 412

Cocoa Performance Techniques

Essentials • 1:06:37

Recent developments in Cocoa can help improve your application's performance profile. Using demonstrations and example code, we'll highlight topics and techniques that help you create Cocoa applications that get the most from all the memory and processor cores in the Mac. Deliver the great features of your application with the performance your users crave.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 413

Assigning Your Application an Identity with Code Signing

Essentials • 1:11:41

Code signing in Mac OS X allows the Keychain and other operating system features to verify your application's ownership without prompting your users--even after you've updated your application. Find out how digitally signing your application ensures the integrity of your code and enables the system to recognize and alert users to unauthorized changes. Learn how to sign your applications, how signed applications work and how signing improves security and your customers' experience.

Speaker: Perry "the Cynic" Kiehtreiber

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 417

Optimizing Performance in iPhone Applications

Essentials • 55:37

Performance optimization is critical for iPhone applications. Learn the best practices for using memory efficiently, optimizing drawing and scrolling operations, and minimizing power consumption for iPhone applications. Discover tips and tricks for using Mac OS X performance tools such as Shark and Instruments to diagnose suboptimal behavior quickly, and learn about built-in solutions on iPhone that maximize available resources.

Speakers: Dave Myszewski, Peter Handel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 418

Debugging Websites Using Safari's Integrated Developer Tools

Essentials • 1:07:49

Safari on Mac OS X and Windows includes a complete set of developer tools for quickly debugging HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Learn how to use these powerful tools to improve performance, tweak layout to perfection, and quickly diagnose JavaScript problems on even the most complicated web sites.

Speakers: Timothy Hatcher, Adam Roben

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 419

Polishing Your Cocoa Application

Essentials • 1:14:06

Mac OS X users expect more than merely a stable, functional application. Learn how to make your application really stand out by improving usability, responsiveness, security, internationalization, accessibility, and operating system integration. Delight your users with the attention to detail that sets a great application apart.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, James Dempsey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 420

Using Garbage Collection with Objective-C

Essentials • 52:41

Garbage collection for Objective-C is an exciting technology that manages the memory in your application for you. By removing the worry of memory management, garbage collection allows you to simplify your code and focus on other aspects of your design. Discover how the garbage collector works, how to use zeroing weak references, how to take advantage of Foundation classes using garbage collection, and how to adopt best practices for using garbage collection in your own applications or frameworks.

Speaker: Patrick Beard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 421

Introduction to Kerberos

Essentials • 50:40

Every Mac OS X system includes a Kerberos KDC that plays a significant role in enabling ad-hoc Shared Computers, Back to My Mac and other Mac OS X features. For applications, Kerberos brings Single Sign On capabilities and allows them to take advantage of authentication methods included in Mac OS X, such as using .Mac certificates in lieu of passwords. Learn how Kerberos makes these features possible, and get some tips on adopting Kerberos into your own application.

Speaker: Love Hornquist Astrand

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 425

Performance in Document-Centric Cocoa Applications

Essentials • 1:00:32

Cocoa has a powerful architecture for helping you write document-centric applications. Learn what's new and how you can get the best possible performance from Cocoa's document architecture. You'll learn about using file packages, how to manage the effective retrieval and caching of file system information, and how to write applications that don't slow system shutdown.

Speaker: Mark Piccirelli

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 426

Creating Ruby on Rails Applications for Safari on iPhone and the Desktop

Essentials • 1:05:35

Discover why Mac OS X is the dream development platform for Ruby on Rails, a powerful and agile web development framework that comes bundled with Mac OS X Leopard. Learn to harness the power of Ruby on Rails to create unified, first-class web applications that are simple to deploy on Mac OS X Server and that display and perform exceptionally in Safari on Mac OS X, Windows, and iPhone.

Speakers: Luke Burton, Joel Young

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 427

Managing X.509 Certificates and Digital Identities

Essentials • 52:08

Mac OS X and iPhone OS provide a host of technologies for creating, managing and using user X.509 certificates. Learn about the various APIs, services, repositories, interfaces and protocols associated with digital identity and how to make your application certificate-aware.

Speaker: Ken McLeod

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 432

Mastering iPhone Table Views

Essentials • 48:44

Table views on iPhone give you a wide range of options for customization, and enable you to create a more compelling, dynamic user interface. Find out how you can create checklists, manage editing and reordering, and efficiently implement your own table cells to support custom layouts.

Speaker: Jason Beaver

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 433

Building Native Look-and-Feel Web Applications Using SproutCore

Essentials • 58:10

SproutCore is an open source, platform-independent, Cocoa-inspired JavaScript framework for creating web applications that look and feel like Desktop applications. Learn how to combine SproutCore with HTML5's standard offline data storage technologies to deliver a first-class user experience and exceptional performance in your web application.

Speaker: Charles Jolley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 434

Getting Started with the I/O Kit: Device Drivers on Mac OS X

Essentials • 53:08

The I/O Kit is a set of system frameworks and libraries for creating device drivers on Mac OS X. If you are new to writing Mac OS X device drivers, learn about the I/O Kit's powerful in-kernel and user-space APIs. Whether you're bringing a new device to Mac OS X or developing an application to access an existing device, this session is for you.

Speaker: Dean Reece

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 435

Configuring the Apple AirPort Interface

Essentials • 32:17

The Apple AirPort interface is the means by through which a wireless networking connection is established. Learn how to detect the available wireless connections, obtain their signal strength and connection information, determine the type of security implementation for the connection, connect with a desired wireless base station, save the connection as a preferred connection for the future, and much more.

Speaker: Alf Watt

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 446

How Do I Do That? Tips and Tricks for iPhone Application Development

Essentials • 1:06:38

The best solution sometimes involves just a small change in coding or thinking. Learn how best to take advantage of Cocoa Touch to improve your iPhone application. Hear tips and tricks directly from Cocoa Touch framework engineers.

Speakers: Andrew Platzer, Paul Marcos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 447

Maximizing Platform Compatibility of I/O Kit Drivers

Essentials • 36:59

When writing I/O Kit device drivers, you need to support both PowerPC and Intel-based Macs, multiple operating system versions, and 32-bit and 64-bit address spaces, all from a single code base. Learn how to structure your driver and configure build settings to make this possible. Also learn how to use the Leopard user client APIs to enable communication between 64-bit applications and your driver.

Speaker: Jay Towslee

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 453

Using Vectorization Techniques to Maximize Performance

Essentials • 56:09

Using vectorization in your code allows you to process and transform large amounts of data in a single instruction. Come learn how you can take advantage of vectorization in your own code. We'll explain how to use the existing high-level and numerics APIs, which have been optimized for you, along with techniques for using Intel's SSE vector architecture directly within your own code.

Speakers: Jeff Kidder, Eric Postpischil

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 454

Improving Responsiveness in Websites and Web Applications

Essentials • 53:38

Great performance is an important component of any advanced website or web application, and is essential for content delivered to mobile devices like iPhone. Discover techniques and technologies for improving overall responsiveness. Learn how to minimize resource requests, streamline CSS, and use techniques such as image spriting to dramatically reduce page load time for your website or web application.

Speakers: Jeff Watkins, Ryan Orr

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 455

Kernel Extension Management

Essentials • 40:10

SnowLeopard includes a new kernel linker and kernel extension loading system that provide many features such as cross-architecture symbol generation, architecture-specific properties, support for 64-bit kexts, and more. See these new features in action, and learn how they can make kernel extension development easier.

Speakers: Nik Gervae, Andrew Myrick

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 456

The KPCB iFund

Essentials • 16:22

KPCB's iFund(tm) is a $100M investment initiative that will fund market-changing ideas and products that extend the revolutionary new iPhone and iPod touch platform. Focus areas include location based services, social networking, mCommerce (including advertising and payments), communication, and entertainment. Come learn more about building a great company on the iPhone / iPod touch platform and meet the Kleiner Perkins partners managing the iFund. Bring your demos for Q and A.

Speaker: Matt Murphy

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 457

Welcome to WWDC - Students


In this hour we'll provide a general overview of the conference week, followed by a presentation by Jonatahan Rentzsch. In this session we'll discuss the myriad technical and entrepreneurial opportunities now available to students on Mac OS X and iPhone. Whether you are looking to put your skills to work in a large development environment or strike out on your own as an independent, you'll gain valuable insight into what it takes to launch and sustain a successful development project, and a solid career. Guest speaker Jonathan Rentzsch is a software developer, Apple veteran, and principle of Red Shed Software.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 700

Graphics and Media State of the Union

Media • 55:48

Apple's Graphics and Media frameworks bring sweeping advances to developers with an incredible array of 2D, 3D, audio, and video technologies for both iPhone OS and Mac OS X. Whether you are developing a media-rich mobile application or a cutting-edge handheld game for iPhone, building the ultimate graphics application or a content production pipeline for Mac OS X, or designing an application that scales to both platforms, come to this session filled with in-depth information and captivating technology demonstrations.

Speakers: John Stauffer, Tim Bienz, Gilles Drieu

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 701

Handling PDF Content in Your Application

Media • 56:06

PDF Kit makes it easy for your Mac OS X application to display and navigate even the most complex PDF documents. Learn the simple steps for adding PDF viewing, page thumbnails and outlines to your Cocoa application. Understand the structure and content of PDF documents and see how to perform editing and annotation. A great session for any Cocoa developer utilizing PDF.

Speaker: John Calhoun

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 702

Getting Started with OpenGL on the Mac

Media • 1:09:47

OpenGL provides access to high-performance graphics hardware on Mac OS X. Get started with OpenGL development and learn how to develop OpenGL applications quickly on the Mac. Gain a strong understanding of the design and construction of a new application using OpenGL and Cocoa. See how to take your application full-screen, load texture data from a file, render geometry and control graphics state. Understand how to leverage GLSL and the GPU to support more advanced rendering techniques. Attend this session to gain a thorough understanding of OpenGL best practices and explore the power of OpenGL in Mac OS X.

Speaker: Geoff Stahl

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 703

Introduction to Game Development for iPhone

Media • 1:08:26

The iPhone SDK provides an amazing lineup of technologies for developing cutting-edge handheld games. Learn the techniques to harness these technologies efficiently for your users' entertainment. See how to incorporate graphics, audio, accelerometer input, touch screen controls, video playback, and much more as you walk through the process of creating a game for iPhone.

Speakers: Allan Schaffer, Kevin Quennesson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 704

Understanding the Core Audio Architecture

Media • 1:03:11

Professional-level audio is designed right into Mac OS X and iPhone OS with Core Audio. Get an overview of the Core Audio architecture and learn to take advantage of its richness in your own code. Learn how to write code that works on both the Mac and iPhone. Deepen your understanding of audio codecs and how to work with popular audio formats.

Speaker: Jeff Moore

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 706

Audio Development for iPhone

Media • 1:05:40

Core Audio provides a powerful engine for playing and recording audio in your iPhone application. Learn how to play sounds and alerts, record audio from the built-in microphone and play sound files of arbitrary length. Understand the best practices to minimize latency and conserve power. Learn about the audio codecs and formats available for iPhone and understand the capabilities for playing multiple sounds simultaneously.

Speaker: Bill Stewart

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 707

Mastering the Mac Graphics Architecture

Media • 1:02:31

Mac OS X provides an array of powerful graphics technologies that your application can leverage individually or in combination. Learn about the relationships between Quartz, Core Image, Core Animation, Quartz Composer, Cocoa, the window system, and OpenGL. See how the strengths of each technology can be combined with the others, and learn how to bridge the differences in data types and object models.

Speaker: Andrew Barnes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 708

3D Graphics for iPhone using OpenGL ES

Media • 1:09:23

OpenGL ES provides the interface for accelerated 3D graphics on iPhone and iPod touch. We'll compare OpenGL ES to desktop OpenGL, then show you how OpenGL ES can drive iPhone games and other mobile 3D applications. Learn how to access OpenGL ES from Cocoa Touch, and how to tune your code to the performance profile of iPhone.

Speaker: Jeremy Sandmel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 709

High-Performance Image Processing with Core Image

Media • 54:34

Core Image harnesses the GPU to perform image processing operations and create spectacular visual effects. Take the plunge into the practical application of Core Image for image adjustments building on RAW photo processing, using Core Image for user interface transitions, and more. Learn techniques for image processing that range from common to complex. See how you can create filters that harness the GPU for your own algorithms and get instruction about the tools used for tuning custom filters.

Speakers: Frank Doepke, Ralph Brunner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 710

Integrating Media into Your Application with QTKit

Media • 1:04:10

QTKit delivers the core functionality of QuickTime in a robust framework accessible with Cocoa. See how easily you can play movies, capture audio and video, make edits, splice and combine clips, access movie attributes, and much more. Understand how to leverage Interface Builder and Cocoa bindings to create a functional movie player/recorder.

Speakers: Tim Monroe, David Underwood

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 711

2D Graphics and Animation for iPhone and Mac

Media • 58:45

Quartz and Core Animation are the 2D drawing and animation engines at the heart of iPhone OS and Mac OS X. See how to create, stroke and fill shapes, display bitmap images and draw vector illustrations in amazingly flexible ways. Learn how to provide a dynamic graphical experience by animating composited surfaces and constructing smooth transitions with Core Animation. Understand when and how to go beyond the higher-level interfaces in Cocoa or Cocoa Touch and directly access the rich capabilities of Core Graphics and Core Animation.

Speakers: Derek Clegg, Joel Kraut

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 712

Advanced Media Application Development

Media • 59:09

Dive deep into QTKit, the framework for handling rich media, to learn advanced uses of its classes, data structures, and protocols. Learn the nuts and bolts of creating movie content, tracks, timecode, threading considerations, and more. Understand when and how to drop into the procedural QuickTime API. A critical session for advanced developers who are playing, capturing, and manipulating time-based media.

Speakers: Tim Monroe, David Underwood

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 716

Core Animation Techniques for iPhone and Mac

Media • 1:07:35

Core Animation is the layer-based animation system that is revolutionizing applications made for Mac OS X. Core Animation is also the technology underlying the dynamic user experience seen on iPhone. Learn how to delight your users by using Core Animation for a dynamic, responsive user interface and eye-catching animations. This is an advanced session for those of you going beyond the built-in animations provided by Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.

Speaker: John Harper

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 719

Advances in Modern OpenGL

Media • 59:38

Understand how advances in OpenGL unlock the rendering power of the GPU. Tackle GPU-based vertex and fragment processing with the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) and use the most current capabilities of OpenGL to modernize your code. Learn techniques for integrating the high-performance 3D graphics pipeline with the other graphics frameworks on Mac OS X. A must-attend session for Mac OpenGL developers to learn how to take advantage of the recent innovations in graphics hardware.

Speakers: Kent Miller, Alex Eddy

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 722

Preparing and Delivering Video for iPhone, Safari, and Apple TV

Media • 1:09:01

Learn how to prepare H.264 video content for optimal playback on iPhone, Safari, Apple TV, and other platforms. Find out which formats, resolutions, and bitrates are appropriate for WiFi or cellular networks. See how reference movies can help you service different clients with a single URL. Hear best practices for structuring your code and delivering your videos through Safari and in native applications using the iPhone SDK.

Speakers: Kevin Calhoun, Jeremy Farabaugh, Eric Carlson, Mike Czepiel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 723

Tuning OpenGL Applications for the Mac

Media • 1:06:21

Discover the latest techniques to maximize performance for your OpenGL application on Mac OS X. Understand how to tune your code to the performance profile of both dedicated and integrated graphics processors. See how to overcome any GPU-specific hurdles that could take you off the fast path. Delve into the latest tools, techniques, best practices and specific API performance insights to ensure maximum frame rates.

Speakers: Chris Niederauer, Eric Klein, Srinivas Dasari

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 724

Introducing OpenCL

Media • 1:07:22

OpenCL is a groundbreaking new technology that unleashes the blazing power of modern GPUs and multi-core CPUs for use by your application. See how OpenCL gives you full access to the computational capabilities of the Mac platform. Learn the details of the OpenCL architecture and discover its C-like language syntax and powerful built-in functions.

Speakers: Aaftab Munshi, Henry Moreton, Kevin Quennesson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 725

Application Printing in Mac OS X

Media • 1:15:45

The Mac OS X printing system integrates key technologies such as Quartz and CUPS to produce high-quality printed output. Learn how to deliver flexible printing capabilities and provide exceptional printed output in your application, and learn best practices for enhancing your customers' printing experience. Whether you create applications that print, create printer management software, or develop printer drivers, you'll learn about the latest printing advances in Mac OS X at this information-packed session.

Speakers: Howard Miller, Mike Sweet

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 727

Advanced OpenCL

Media • 1:03:26

Dive deeper into the practical applications of OpenCL to accelerate compute intensive tasks. Discover a variety of algorithms that can harness OpenCL to yield incredible performance gains. Understand the details of writing an OpenCL compute kernel, and get deeper insight into the specifics of the OpenCL execution model and memory architecture.

Speakers: Derek Gerstmann, Ian Ollmann

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 731

Integrating and Extending Quartz Composer

Media • 57:07

Quartz Composer is a powerful and extensible visual programming tool that seamlessly combines many of the key technologies of Mac OS X. Dive deep into practical details about integrating Quartz Composer with your own application development or motion graphics workflow. Learn to build advanced compositions that integrate audio and video, visualize custom data sets, enhance the production value of your user interface and more. Understand how to extend Quartz Composer and get tips for tuning and debugging your compositions.

Speakers: Troy Koelling, Alessandro Sabatelli, Kevin Quennesson

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WWDC08 • Session 735

Image Capture, Manipulation, and Display with Image Kit

Media • 1:08:03

Image Kit provides Cocoa developers with a straightforward interface for common image handling tasks. Discover how easily you can equip your application with image capture, browsing, viewing, import, adjustment and presentation, all within a crisp and consistent user experience. Learn how to apply image processing filters for lightweight image editing, how to capture images from the camera and how to assemble an enhanced image browser. An important technology for Cocoa developers who want to handle photos and other media in their Mac OS X applications.

Speakers: Werner Neubrand, Thomas Goossens, Baskaran Subramaniam

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WWDC08 • Session 736

Extending and Integrating Post-Production Applications with Final Cut Pro

Media • 49:04

The XML Interchange Format gives your video post-production application extensive access to the contents of Final Cut Pro projects. Understand how to use embedded metadata, data and media interchange, and AppleEvents for workflow enhancement, integration, and automation. Some familiarity with XML and QuickTime is suggested for this session.

Speakers: David Black, Helena Ju

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WWDC08 • Session 737

FxPlug Development for Motion and Final Cut Pro

Media • 1:02:48

The FxPlug architecture enables you to create extraordinary effects for use in Motion and Final Cut Pro. See what's possible with FxPlug and learn how to create your own GPU-accelerated plug-ins for filters, generators, and transitions. Understand the best practices for developing plug-ins targeting Motion, Final Cut Pro, or both. Go deeper into advanced topics with details of OpenGL usage and examples of methods to move existing code to FxPlug.

Speakers: Darrin Cardani, Paul Schneider, Pete Warden

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WWDC08 • Session 739

Extending Aperture with Image Editing Plug-Ins

Media • 33:24

Aperture's extensible architecture makes it easy for photographers to integrate 3rd-party image editing plug-ins into their RAW workflow. Get introduced to the Edit API built into Aperture and learn how to develop your own plug-in to manipulate images and metadata within Aperture. See how to send metadata back to Aperture, completing the workflow loop.

Speakers: Blake Seely, Joe Howard

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WWDC08 • Session 500

Mac OS X Server State of the Union

Integration • 1:03:16

Mac OS X Server ships with a wealth of powerful yet easy-to-use and configure services that make collaboration, system management and resource deployment accessible to organizations of all sizes. Come for a thorough overview of Mac OS X Server's host of features and advanced capabilities that can add value to your organization.

Speakers: Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Kjell Bronder

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WWDC08 • Session 501

Integrating iPhone with IT

Integration • 1:02:09

The revolutionary iPhone is quickly becoming a leading choice of mobile professionals. Find out about configuring and deploying iPhone in your organization, learn techniques for development, configuration and deployment of native and web-based iPhone applications and discover how server-side technologies integrate with iPhone 2.0--all from the IT professional's perspective.

Speakers: Bud Tribble, Steve Cotterill, Curtis Galloway

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WWDC08 • Session 504

Deploying Network and Portable Home Directories

Integration • 56:10

Whether you've deployed a few MacBooks or have thousands of roaming users, you need to ensure that your users are working effectively and efficiently both online and offline. Learn valuable and practical techniques--from real-world IT experts--for planning, deploying and managing network and portable home directories in a hybrid environment.

Speaker: Scott Barber

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WWDC08 • Session 505

Integrating iTunes U into Your Workflows and Infrastructure

Integration • 46:08

iTunes U is a powerful distribution system designed to deliver dynamic educational content to today's digitally-connected students. Learn critical details for leveraging in-house authentication mechanisms, techniques for integrating with existing campus services and workflows, and new features that make iTunes U easier than ever to manage.

Speakers: Eric Bailey, Richard Wolf, Cindy Franco

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WWDC08 • Session 511

Enterprise iPhone Management with Configuration Profiles

Integration • 1:05:29

iPhone configuration profiles make mass support of iPhones a snap. With configuration profiles, your organization can deploy account information, password policies, secure access settings, certificates and more--all within a single package. Get the details on the iPhone configuration profile file format, the breadth of managed services they support, your distribution options, Apple's profile creation tools and all details you need to create them within your own workflow.

Speakers: Stan Jirman, Ron Lue-Sang, Hernán Eguiluz

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WWDC08 • Session 512

Deploying the Mac in a Highly Secure Environment

Integration • 50:25

Macs deployed in government and other highly secured settings have unique requirements, from stringent security requirements to structured software approval processes. Discover tools, resources and strategies for configuring, deploying and managing Macs in a locked-down environment.

Speakers: Shawn Geddis, Kim Cummings Hersh

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WWDC08 • Session 513

System-Wide Previews with Quick Look

Integration • 53:07

Quick Look lets Leopard users preview documents and media without opening them, quickly providing valuable information and context. By providing rich and timely Quick Look previews, you'll make your presence known in the Finder, Time Machine, and throughout Leopard. Learn about all the options available for producing efficient, compelling previews and thumbnails, and see how you can use Quick Look resources inside your own application.

Speakers: Jean-Pierre Ciudad, Julien Jalon, Julien Robert

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WWDC08 • Session 514

What's New for Podcast Producer

Integration • 58:57

Podcast Producer automates and streamlines the production of podcasts of your organization's lectures, training, and other presentations. You can capture high-quality audio and video to upload to podcasts, as well as encode, distribute, and publish podcasts for playback in iTunes and on iPod, iPhone, and Apple TV. Learn the new features that make Podcast Producer's architecture, security model, and workflows an even more compelling media distribution solution for your organization.

Speakers: David O'Rourke, Kjell Bronder

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WWDC08 • Session 515

Best Practices for Tiger to Leopard Server Migration

Integration • 1:09:09

Improved directory services, enhanced collaboration tools and a revamped management suite are among the many compelling reasons to upgrade to Leopard Server. Discover best practices for smoothly upgrading your Tiger Server based environment with minimal downtime.

Speakers: Schoun Regan, Jeff Walling, Andre LaBranche

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WWDC08 • Session 516

Sync Services: A Complete Tour

Integration • 1:05:58

The Sync Services framework provides data synchronization between Macs, mobile devices and the .Mac service. Get to know the APIs, tools, and techniques available to keep your application data in sync across multiple Macs and learn best practices for syncing Contacts, Calendars, and Bookmarks to iPhone. Master the art of designing a sync schema for your application, and find out how Leopard makes syncing effortless for Core Data applications.

Speakers: Andy Belk, Bruce Nilo

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WWDC08 • Session 517

Managing Clients and Preferences with Mac OS X and Leopard Server

Integration • 56:21

When deploying Macs in a managed environment, Leopard Server provides tools that let system administrators ensure only approved applications are launched, set important system preferences, and manage system resources on a per-user or per-machine basis. Come see how to use code signing to manage application access, find out how to auto-configure application and user preferences, and learn secrets and tips about managed preference attributes.

Speakers: Armin Briegel, Tony Graham

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WWDC08 • Session 519

Push Notification Service: Wireless Notifications for iPhone

Integration • 45:54

The upcoming Push Notification Service lets native iPhone applications provide updated information to users at any time. Your network-based services can leverage this technology to keep users informed of new activity, even when your iPhone application isn't running. Get an early look at the architecture behind this new service, along with the client and server APIs for delivering notifications that your users can immediately act on.

Speaker: Matt Drance

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 520

Deploying and Scaling iCal Server Calendaring Services

Integration • 54:25

Mac OS X Server provides a wealth of easy-to-set up and easy-to-use collaboration applications and services including iCal Server. iCal Server makes it easy to share calendars, schedule meetings, and coordinate events within a workgroup, a small business, or a large corporation. Learn which clustering, deployment, and management techniques to apply in your environment to ensure that calendaring services provided by iCal Server scale as your organization grows.

Speakers: Wilfredo Sanchez, Cyrus Daboo

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WWDC08 • Session 523

Keeping Users Connected with the Instant Message Framework

Integration • 41:37

iChat offers out-of-the-box instant messaging for Mac users, and a rich set of native and scripting APIs for developers to determine online buddy status, initiate chats, and send files through iChat. Find out how your applications can facilitate communication between users by creating workflows with iChat on Mac OS X Leopard.

Speakers: Justin Wood, Matt Jarjoura

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WWDC08 • Session 525

Cocoa Development Using Scripting

Integration • 41:54

Cocoa development isn't just for Objective-C programmers. Learn to create Cocoa applications using your favorite scripting language, whether it be Python, Ruby or AppleScript. In addition, find out how to control Apple Event-aware applications from Objective-C, Ruby, or Python through the Scripting Bridge. Come see how Mac OS X Leopard makes application development and interaction easier than ever, from a number of languages.

Speakers: Chris Nebel, Barry Langdon-Lassagne

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WWDC08 • Session 526

Latent Semantic Mapping

Integration • 58:30

The Latent Semantic Mapping (LSM) framework is the text-analysis technology that underpins the junk mail filtering of Mac OS X Mail and the Mac OS X Kanji text input method. Using this API and text samples with known characteristics, you create and train maps, which you can use to analyze and classify arbitrary text. Learn more about this technology and the major concepts behind the Latent Semantic Mapping API. FInd out how this API lets you add innovative features to your applications, and learn development best practices to achieve the most robust performance.

Speakers: Kim Silverman, Matthias Neeracher, Jerome Bellegarda, Giovanni Donelli

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WWDC08 • Session 527

Sharing Live Content Through iChat Theater

Integration • 45:51

Mac OS X Leopard lets iChat users share presentations, movies, and documents over a video chat with friends and colleagues. The iChat Theater API gives you a number of approaches for controlling how your application's documents or live window contents are shared. Learn from the iChat engineering team how to get started with this exciting Leopard feature, as well as best practices and performance tips for a great experience.

Speaker: Eric St. Onge

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WWDC08 • Session 529

Address Book for iPhone

Integration • 1:14:20

The iPhone Address Book API gives you access to the contact database on iPhone. Find out how to read and write system-wide contact information, create new contacts, and display selected contact information with the same user interface as Apple's iPhone applications.

Speaker: Alex Aybes

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WWDC08 • Session 533

Customizing and Extending Leopard Server Wiki Server

Integration • 36:16

Wiki Server provides ready-to-use collaboration tools right out of the box. Learn how to tailor Wiki Server's built-in themes to include your organization's look and feel and how to extend out-of-the-box collaboration scripts to include your own web services.

Speakers: John Anderson, James Craig

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WWDC08 • Session 534

Spotlight: Search and Be Searched

Integration • 1:04:37

Spotlight is an integral feature of Mac OS X that enables users to search documents and data throughout the system by name, content, or metadata. Making your own documents and data searchable is a critical part of providing a great Mac experience. Find out how to produce searchable metadata for the Spotlight engine and leverage Spotlight from your own application so your users can find content on demand.

Speakers: Andy Carol, Kaelin Colclasure

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WWDC08 • Session 535

Podcast Producer In-Depth

Integration • 54:34

Podcast Producer includes the tools and built-in workflows to automate publishing of podcasts to blogs, iTunes, iTunes U, or Apple TV. Learn how to create advanced workflows that leverage the powerful built-in graphic capabilities of Leopard and provide custom actions that are only limited by your imagination.

Speakers: Eric Circlaeys, Kjell Bronder

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WWDC08 • Session 539

Making Your Application Scriptable

Integration • 1:00:05

When you make your application scriptable, it can be used in Automator workflows and by scripting languages such as Ruby, Python, and AppleScript. Take advantage of Mac OS X's rich application scripting architecture so users can integrate your application into their automated workflows, making your application more valuable to expert and professional users.

Speakers: John Comiskey, Chris Page

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WWDC08 • Session 540

Deploying Podcast Producer

Integration • 41:55

Podcast Producer makes it easy for organizations of all sizes to create high-quality podcasts for playback in iTunes and on iPod, iPhone, and Apple TV. Hear about large-scale deployment best practices from the experts, and see compelling demonstrations of real-world Podcast Producer implementations.

Speakers: Jacob Brown, Andy Wasklewicz, Michael James, Jason Deraleau

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WWDC08 • Session 541

Scripting for System Administrators

Integration • 53:18

Gain inspiration--and practical advice--from pragmatic Mac OS X system administrators who use Python, Scripting Bridge, Automator, AppleScript, Ruby and other technologies to automate their world, speed repetitive tasks and build highly useful tools.

Speakers: Andy Leeper, Chris Adams, Josh Wisenbaker

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WWDC08 • Session 543

Deploying Final Cut Server

Integration • 1:15:43

Final Cut Server is Apple's powerful new media asset management and workflow automation tool. Learn the best practices for deploying Final Cut Server. Discover how to configure the event-based response model to build complex workflows that can track job status, and monitor media changes, media delivery and archiving.

Speaker: Matthew McManus

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WWDC08 • Session 544

Doing Business on Mac OS X: The TBWA Media Arts Lab

Integration • 47:02

The TBWA Media Arts Lab (MAL) in Los Angeles produces phenomenal Apple advertisements that are recognized around the world. To find inspiration for such great content, MAL employees are completely immersed in Apple technology: from Mac OS X Leopard, to Mac OS X Leopard Server, to iPhone, to Final Cut Studio. Find out how this all-Apple-all-the-time environment was built, how it's maintained, and what has been learned in the process.

Speaker: Eric Ediger

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WWDC08 • Session 546

iPhone Device APIs: Location, Accelerometer and Camera

Integration • 47:01

Find out how your application can leverage the iPhone's built-in hardware and use detailed device information to provide a revolutionary user experience. Learn to identify an individual iPhone or iPod touch, and pinpoint a user's whereabouts at runtime. Use the built-in accelerometer to create unique interfaces for applications and games, and add a personal touch to your application by incorporating iPhone's camera and photo library.

Speakers: Scott Herz, Ron Huang

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WWDC08 • Session 547

Building and Leveraging Automator Actions

Integration • 50:46

Automator lets ordinary users create extraordinary automated workflows through an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. By working with Automator, your application can become part of complex, business-critical tasks in ways you never thought possible. Find out how to create useful and effective Actions for use within Automator, and learn about Cocoa APIs that enable users to construct and execute workflows from inside your own application.

Speakers: Kerry Hazelgren, Emilie Kim, Sal Soghoian, Michael Silva

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WWDC08 • Session 549

Extending and Troubleshooting Directory Services

Integration • 1:02:27

Directory Services lies at the heart of your organization since many services--including single sign-on, iCal Server, and Podcast Producer--rely on the resource information it manages. Discover tips from expert admins for configuring, extending, managing and troubleshooting your Open Directory and Active Directory infrastructure.

Speaker: Nicole Jacque

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WWDC08 • Session 550

Integrating with Final Cut Server

Integration • 1:05:39

Final Cut Server provides powerful media asset management and workflow automation tools that you can easily integrate with other applications in your environment. Real-world examples form the basis of this session, including integration with Ruby on Rails to make a web-based Review and Approval site, and workflow customizations to streamline content delivery to Podcast Producer. Find out how to apply the techniques and expertise used in these examples to improve your system's features and functionality.

Speakers: Matthew McManus, Eryk Vershen

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WWDC08 • Session 551

Providing User Assistance with Apple Help

Integration • 49:07

Providing quick and clear assistance to Mac users is critical to a quality user experience. Be the first to hear about major upcoming features in Apple Help, the HTML-based help system for Mac OS X applications. You'll find out how to build Apple Help into your application and learn about topic lists, improved indexing, and integrated network search results. Additionally, get the details on the brand new format for Apple Help books, indexes, and metadata.

Speakers: Nick Kocharhook, Daniel Feldman

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WWDC08 • Session 552

Unleashing Leopard Server Performance

Integration • 50:00

Leopard Server contains substantial performance enhancements designed to ensure that critical services remain responsive even under high utilization conditions. Get the details on how to maximize performance and enhance scalability of Leopard Server installations across a variety of workloads and configurations in your environment.

Speaker: Steve Parker

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WWDC08 • Session 556

Accessing Contacts and Calendars on Leopard

Integration • 56:20

Mac OS X Leopard provides two powerful Cocoa frameworks for accessing a user's contacts and calendars, which are frequently synced between Mac and iPhone. The Address Book framework lets you talk directly to the data behind Address Book, and provides a reusable panel for choosing stored contacts. The Calendar Store framework gives simple read/write access to events and tasks that appear in iCal, as well as the ability to create complex recurrence rules for repeated events. Find out how these two frameworks can help you personalize your Leopard application while saving you hundreds of lines of code in the process.

Speaker: Matt Drance

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WWDC08 • Session 557

Infrastructure and Deployment Techniques for Large-Scale On-Demand Content Delivery with the Mac

Integration • 57:15

From showing live video to taking dinner orders, Macs make incredible interactive content delivery systems. Discover how Macs have been deployed to deliver thirty-two channels of live television, on-demand pay-per-view and other on-demand services. Discover infrastructure requirements and configuration secrets, and learn how to deploy Macs in challenging and unique environments.

Speakers: Juan Fernandez, Anthony Palermo, Juergen Buchmann, Lennart Hagberg

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WWDC08 • Session 558

Best Practices in Mac OS X Administration Panel

Integration • 1:16:01

Interact with a panel of administration experts to get real-world assistance for honing your Mac OS X administration skills and finding answers to your questions. Whether you are a beginning administrator or the most seasoned professional, gain insight on how other system administrators use Apple's Xserve, Mac OS X Server, Apple Remote Desktop, and Xsan to conquer their IT challenges.

Speakers: Schoun Regan, Joel Rennich, Nigel Kersten, Greg Neagle

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WWDC08 • Session 900

Developer Tools State of the Union

Tools • 1:16:00

Apple's advanced developer tools are used by thousands of engineers to build Mac, and now iPhone applications. See Xcode, Interface Builder, and Instruments in action, demonstrated by the head of Apple's developer tools group and lead product engineers. Understand the vision that drives development on the Mac and iPhone, learn about the newest features, and hear the roadmap for building leading-edge applications into the future.

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, Todd Fernandez, Matt Firlik, Max Drukman

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WWDC08 • Session 901

Introduction to the iPhone Development Tools

Tools • 1:04:40

You can now develop your own full-featured, native applications for iPhone and iPod touch. Gain a solid foundation in the tools and workflow for iPhone application development. Discover how to prepare your iPhone for testing, develop your application in Xcode, rapidly design your user interface with Interface Builder, and analyze your application with Instruments for the best possible performance on this revolutionary mobile device.

Speakers: Mike Jurewitz, Rick Ballard, Clark Cox

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WWDC08 • Session 902

Using WebObjects to Build Powerful Web Applications

Tools • 1:10:13

Newcomers and veterans alike will enjoy this fresh perspective on modern WebObjects development. Watch Apple engineers and developer community members walk through the process of creating a powerful, interactive web application with WebObjects. Learn how WebObjects makes it easy to quickly develop and deploy scalable professional websites.

Speakers: Jumana Al Hashal, Guido Neitzer, Pierre Frisch

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WWDC08 • Session 903

Introducing Address Book Server

Tools • 38:47

Address Book Server provides a centralized repository for sharing contact data across the organization. Learn the details of the open CardDAV specification and how Mac OS X Server's implementation simplifies centralized management, integration, and distribution of contact information.

Speakers: Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Bruce Gaya

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WWDC08 • Session 906

Xcode for Visual Studio and Eclipse Developers

Tools • 1:07:22

The Xcode development environment is the premiere toolset for creating iPhone OS and Mac OS X applications. As a newcomer to Mac or iPhone development, you will learn the ways in which Xcode both resembles and differs from development environments you may currently use. Explore techniques that will maximize your productivity in this new environment. This session is highly recommended for developers new to Xcode with experience in Visual Studio or Eclipse.

Speakers: Anders Bertelrud, Chris Hanson, Joar Wingfors

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WWDC08 • Session 907

New Compiler Technology and Future Directions

Tools • 1:01:37

Xcode 3.1 introduces two new compilers for Mac OS X: GCC 4.2 and LLVM-GCC. Learn how the new security and performance improvements in GCC 4.2 can help you produce better applications. Understand the innovations in LLVM-GCC, and find out how you can use it in your own testing and development. Finally, get a preview of future compiler developments.

Speakers: Francois Jouaux, Eric Christopher, Chris Lattner

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WWDC08 • Session 908

Managing Mac OS X with Netboot, Managed Preferences and Apple Remote Desktop

Tools • 1:02:06

Apple Remote Desktop and the rich set of management tools in Leopard Server make a powerful combination for managing Macs on your network. Come see how these tools can be used in concert to manage a wide variety of deployment configurations in your organization.

Speakers: Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Mark Whittemore, Brian Nesse, Bruce Gaya

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WWDC08 • Session 910

Designing Applications with Interface Builder

Tools • 54:52

Interface Builder is a powerful tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces for iPhone and Mac applications. Learn the ins and outs of Interface Builder including laying out an interface, wiring code to graphical controls, and loading interface nib files at runtime. Understand the model-view-controller concepts upon which iPhone and Mac development are based. A must for developers new to Mac and iPhone development.

Speakers: Kelly Keenan, Chris Pavicich

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WWDC08 • Session 911

Advanced Performance Profiling Techniques with Shark

Tools • 1:10:22

Shark is a powerful, lightweight tool for collecting accurate information about the performance of your application. Move beyond the basics to discover how to further interpret what Shark reveals about your Mac OS X application and learn how you can identify and fix difficult performance problems. Finally, join us for a sneak peak at how Shark is evolving for future releases.

Speakers: Eric Miller, Lance Hammond, Rick Altherr

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WWDC08 • Session 915

Using Xcode: Source Editor, Refactoring, Debugger, and SCM

Tools • 50:48

Xcode's editor, debugger, refactoring engine, and source control management support can help you write better code while staying in sync with your team. Discover hidden abilities of the built-in editor, use Xcode's powerful debugger to pinpoint problems, maintain cleaner code with Xcode's refactoring engine, and master project-based SCM support. Take your Xcode skills to the next level.

Speakers: Andrew Pontious, Justin Gareau, Chris Friesen, Antonios Proios, Dave Ewing

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WWDC08 • Session 916

Getting Started with Instruments

Tools • 53:23

Instruments is a versatile and powerful software analysis tool introduced in Mac OS X Leopard, with added support for iPhone OS. Instruments brings context to your analysis, allowing you to view multiple aspects of your application's performance over time and easily correlate events. This introductory session will help you understand how you can utilize this tool in your own development, rapidly identify problems in your code, and write better performing applications for the Mac and iPhone.

Speakers: Daniel Delwood, Lynne Salameh

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WWDC08 • Session 917

What's New in Core Data

Tools • 49:05

Core Data is a rich framework for managing your application data and persistence on Mac OS X. Join us for a preview of Core Data's upcoming Snow Leopard features including Spotlight integration and lightweight schema migrations. Learn about powerful new fetch request options, sophisticated additions to using predicates, and generating aggregate statistics. Discover the new API, notifications, and changes under the hood that will take your Core Data development to the next level in Snow Leopard.

Speaker: Adam Swift

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WWDC08 • Session 919

Understanding the Xcode Project Management and Build System

Tools • 1:05:15

Beneath the surface of Xcode lies a powerful, highly configurable build system. Understand how to configure Xcode build settings at the project, target, and file level. Learn best practices for structuring complex projects to achieve blazing fast build times on your multi-core Mac. See how to select the right compiler for your project. Get the most out of the tools you use every day.

Speaker: Chris Espinosa

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WWDC08 • Session 920

Best Practices for Large-Scale Xsan 2 Deployments

Tools • 49:32

Xsan 2 is a major release that brings greater scalability, redundancy and searchability to your large-scale video and data deployments. Discover best practices for deploying Xsan 2 using your Fibre Channel backbone. Learn how to build a scalable storage area network (SAN) to support your video, podcasting, calendar and email server infrastructure.

Speakers: JD Mankovsky, Jason Thorpe

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WWDC08 • Session 921

Using Dashcode to Create and Debug iPhone Web Applications

Tools • 1:06:22

Dashcode 2.0 includes a wide variety of tools to help both beginning and expert web developers quickly create great iPhone web applications. See how you can save time with an extensive drag-and-drop library of UI controls and JavaScript code snippets. Learn how to customize the new iPhone web application templates and understand runtime behavior using Dashcode's powerful JavaScript debugger. Discover a new way to create powerful, polished web applications for iPhone.

Speakers: Mike Ferris, Dan Gobera, Mike Kahl, Sarah Laiwala

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WWDC08 • Session 922

Creating Efficient Data Models with Core Data

Tools • 43:56

Core Data is a rich framework for managing your persistent application data on Mac OS X. Learn the best strategies for structuring your Core Data model, and the design decisions that will yield the most scalable and efficient application data. An invaluable session for developers new to Core Data and for experienced Core Data developers looking to get the best performance out of their application.

Speaker: Melissa Turner

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WWDC08 • Session 923

Mastering Interface Builder

Tools • 59:52

iPhone and Mac developers depend on Interface Builder to design sophisticated user interfaces in a short amount of time. Learn to use this powerful tool more effectively as we guide you through application development from start to finish. See how you can quickly and easily localize your interface designs and master advanced features to speed your development.

Speakers: Matt Gamble, Jon Hess, Kevin Cathey

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WWDC08 • Session 925

Debugging and Profiling Your iPhone Application

Tools • 56:46

Whether tracking down a nagging bug or getting the best performance out of your iPhone application, the Xcode developer tools are ready to help. Learn to debug your applications in the iPhone OS Simulator and on an iPhone to get to the root of problems. See how Instruments can help pinpoint performance bottlenecks. Take a journey through debugging and optimization case studies to see how you can perfect your iPhone application.

Speakers: Dave Payne, Chris Friesen, Steve Lewallen

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WWDC08 • Session 930

Using DTrace on Mac OS X

Tools • 57:31

DTrace is a powerful software tracing tool introduced in Mac OS X Leopard, providing much of the data collection in the Instruments analysis tool. Learn how to interact directly with DTrace using command line tools. See how DTrace scripts can be used to understand the runtime behavior of an application, the kernel, or the entire system. A valuable session for all Mac OS X developers.

Speakers: Steve Peters, James McIlree

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WWDC08 • Session 932

Performance Tuning Your Application with Shark

Tools • 1:06:18

Shark is a powerful performance analysis tool for discovering where your application is spending time in iPhone OS and Mac OS X. Learn practical ways to find performance bottlenecks, obtain tips on optimization, and understand how your software interacts with the system. Discover how Shark can help your application perform at its best.

Speakers: Wade Tregaskis, Ryan Du Bois

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WWDC08 • Session 933

LLVM Compilers In Depth

Tools • 57:41

Xcode 3.1 introduces the new llvm-gcc 4.2 compiler based on the open source project. Learn how to use llvm-gcc 4.2 within Xcode, make the most of its new features, and discover how your code can benefit from it. Finally, get a sneak peak at important future directions, including the LLVM/Clang project.

Speakers: Chris Lattner, Devang Patel, Steve Naroff, Ted Kremenek

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WWDC08 • Session 935

Advanced Performance Analysis with Instruments and DTrace

Tools • 56:55

Instruments and DTrace are powerful software analysis tools introduced in Mac OS X Leopard. Explore how you can use these tools to solve specific application and system performance issues. Discover advanced profiling and inspection techniques including adding static DTrace probes in your code, building new instruments to collect data from your custom probes, and using Instruments' data analysis features to study results.

Speakers: Dave Payne, Chad Woolf

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WWDC08 • Session 936

Intel's Multi-Core Software Vision

Tools • 52:51

A software revolution is underway, triggered by the shift to multi-core hardware architectures. Software capable of running tasks in parallel has become critical for scalability across multi-core systems. Intel's James Reinders, Chief software Evangelist and Director with Intel Software Products, will share tips and lessons learned through open-sourcing Intel Threading Building Blocks.

Speaker: James Reinders

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WWDC08 • Session 938

Creating Widgets with Dashcode

Tools • 1:07:18

Dashcode is a start-to-finish tool for building great Mac OS X Dashboard widgets in minutes. With elegant drag-and-drop design capabilities, reusable code snippets, and a powerful JavaScript debugger, Dashcode revolutionizes the widget development experience for beginners and experts alike. Get started with Dashcode and find out how to make the most of its design and debugging features. With these tools at your command, you'll be shipping polished Dashboard widgets in no time.

Speakers: Christian Wagner, Chris Ryan, Han-Ming Ong

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WWDC08 • Session 939

Performance Optimization Techniques using Intel Libraries

Tools • 51:14

Scaling the performance of your application to get the most out of a multi-core Mac requires an understanding of the various tools and libraries available at your disposal. Intel engineers will demonstrate, with the help of a real-world use case, how you can employ Intel's Threading Building Blocks and Intel Integrated Performance Primitives to achieve sophisticated and scalable applications on Mac OS X.

Speakers: Phil Kerly, Pallavi Mehrotra, Justin Landon, Mohamed Ahmad

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC08 • Session 940

Mastering Advanced Objective-C Features

Tools • 1:07:53

The Objective-C language, runtime, and garbage collector contain a wealth of features to help make your development easier than ever. Discover how you can master garbage collection for development and debugging, including programming at the C level and upgrading existing code to support garbage collection. Gain deep insight into new features in the Objective-C runtime, including information on multithreading, associative references, and the modern ABI.

Speaker: Greg Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 700

WWDC Sessions Kickoff

Special Events • 31:28

Speakers: Bertrand Serlet, Richard Wright

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 701

Core OS State of the Union

Mac • 39:59

Speaker: Simon Patience

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 108

Concurrent Programming in Cocoa

Mac • 1:01:22

Snow Leopard has increased concurrency support in the Foundation and Application Kit frameworks. Find out how to make effective use of NSOperation to manage tasks and write multithreaded code to maximize your application's use of multiple CPU cores.

Speaker: Chris Kane

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 109

Pasteboards, Services, and Interoperability on Mac

Mac • 1:03:45

NSPasteboard provides the foundation for the application interoperability that all Mac users expect such as copy, paste, drag, and drop. Services harness the pasteboard, allowing users to integrate your app into their workflows across applications. Learn about significant enhancements to NSPasteboard and Services and how to leverage these capabilities in your app.

Speakers: James Dempsey, Peter Ammon

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 110

Presenting User Data with Table Views and Browsers

Mac • 52:27

NSTableView and NSBrowser allow extensive customization that can add polish and ease of use to your application. Learn to create user interface elements such as inline cell editors, custom column headers, and preview columns. See how to combine them with the dynamic animation support in Leopard and Snow Leopard to add the sophistication your customers expect.

Speakers: Corbin Dunn, Raleigh Ledet

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 111

NSImage in Snow Leopard

Mac • 1:05:07

NSImage gives you easy access to the powerful image handling capabilities of Mac OS X. Learn the basics of NSImage and how it works with other Mac OS X graphics technologies including Core Animation, Core Image, and Quartz. Discover the latest best practices and performance tips for harnessing the full potential of NSImage in your application.

Speaker: Ken Ferry

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 112

Text Processing in Cocoa

Mac • 1:00:07

As native applications receive more and more content from the Internet, text processing gains more importance. Snow Leopard adds several new Cocoa APIs and features to process text, performing most of the heavy lifting for you. Learn how these new and existing APIs help you to manage URLs; format dates, times, and addresses; read and write rich and plain text documents; and detect spelling mistakes.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, Aki Inoue

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 113

Mac Programming for iPhone Developers

Mac • 1:05:55

iPhone OS and Cocoa Touch have already enlisted thousands of new developers to Apple's platform. The UIKit skills cultivated for iPhone programming translate extremely well to adopting the Cocoa AppKit framework for Mac OS X development. Learn how easy it is to add the growing Mac user base to your list of target customers.

Speakers: Chris Parker, Kevin Perry

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 115

What's New in Cocoa

Mac • 1:12:08

The Cocoa frameworks give you high-level access to the underlying power of Mac OS X. Get an overview of the latest Snow Leopard advances in key Cocoa frameworks such as Foundation and Application Kit. This session will orient you for the other Cocoa sessions that cover these technologies in further detail.

Speakers: Ali Ozer, Kevin Perry

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 116

Cocoa Tips and Tricks

Mac • 59:06

With a few small changes to your code you can turn a good application into a great one. See how you can make efficient use of amazing new technology in Snow Leopard to make your application feel snappier, look better, and behave more elegantly. Learn the keys to avoiding common pitfalls, debugging efficiently, and using best practices throughout your entire development process.

Speaker: Tony Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 117

User Events in Cocoa

Mac • 57:59

Understanding the flow of user events is an essential skill for every Cocoa developer. Learn how the responder chain routes user input events through your Cocoa application and use that knowledge to insert detours into the event path and monitor events effectively. These practices are sure to make your Mac application more interactive and responsive than ever.

Speaker: Raleigh Ledet

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 126

Enabling Your Mac Applications for Assistive Technologies

Mac • 1:06:43

Mac OS X includes VoiceOver, a screen access technology for blind and low vision users that translates your graphical Mac application into an interactive, descriptive, spoken audio experience. Introduce yourself to the amazing capabilities of VoiceOver and learn how to implement the Accessibility APIs. Learn how just a few modifications can make a shipping application accessible.

Speakers: Eric Seymour, David Tseng, Patti Hoa, Greg Hughes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 127

Advanced Accessibility: Best Practices and New APIs in Snow Leopard

Mac • 1:09:40

Mac users rely on the accessibility of your application in a growing number of ways, whether using VoiceOver, using AppleScript and Automator to build custom workflows, or using any one of the many third party assistive applications. Discover how to make your custom Cocoa views accessible to all of these users by implementing the NSAccessibility protocol, including many tips and best practices. Also learn about SnowLeopard accessibility additions and how to use them for your custom views.

Speaker: James Dempsey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 129

Text-to-Speech: Adventures with Alex

Mac • 57:30

Speech technologies have matured and are now mainstream, pervading personal computing, cell phones, cars, and telephone networks. Bring your application into the 21st century by adopting these technologies in your application. Speech synthesis, also called text-to-speech (TTS), converts text into human-sounding audible speech, delivering information to users without requiring them to shift attention from their current task. Learn about new speech synthesis features and APIs on Mac OS X Snow Leopard that help you easily incorporate speech synthesis into your application.

Speakers: Matthias Neeracher, Kim Silverman, Kevin Aitken

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 130

Using Processor Performance Events to Investigate the Architecture and Tune Applications

Mac • 56:58

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WWDC09 • Session 131

Scaling Performance Using Grand Central Dispatch and Intel Libraries

Mac • 49:05

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 200

Leveraging Web Content in Mac OS X Applications with WebKit

Mac • 54:15

WebKit lets you build Mac OS X applications that combine the rich user experience of Cocoa applications with dynamic web content. Walk through the development process of building an application that uses WebKit and learn design principles for making your application extensible for new features or updated content. See how to maintain a uniform look and feel in hybrid applications and discover the best practices for performance and error handling.

Speakers: Mike Lopp, Tony Kinnis, Gregor Purdy, Ryan Orr

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 204

Building Compatible Websites Using Emerging Web Technologies

Mac • 48:37

Safari pushes the web forward by implementing the latest, most innovative HTML and CSS technologies. Adopt these technologies without creating multiple versions of your website to stay compatible with other browsers. Discover how to use object detection and fallback techniques to create a single web application that takes advantage of cutting-edge web standards and gracefully remains compatible with less sophisticated rendering engines.

Speaker: Vicki Murley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 207

Rapid Development with Safari's Integrated Developer Tools

Mac • 45:40

Safari contains the best set of development tools ever included in a browser. Discover how to effectively use these tools to fine tune your website. Learn how to efficiently debug JavaScript, profile JavaScript performance, inspect and edit CSS, optimize page load time, and test pieces of code on the fly.

Speaker: Timothy Hatcher

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 208

Creating Safari Web Applications in Dashcode

Mac • 53:11

Speakers: Sarah Laiwala, Dan Gobera

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 209

Improving Accessibility in Web Applications

Mac • 57:34

Universal design describes a philosophical approach for improving product usability and accessibility for everyone, regardless of their degree of technical or physical ability. Explore the principles of universal design and discover specific techniques for implementing the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Learn to take advantage of new web technologies such as the W3C Working Draft for Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) to create advanced, AJAX-based web applications that meet the needs of those with disabilities-including those who use assistive technology like VoiceOver to interact with your web content.

Speakers: James Craig, Chris Fleizach

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 301

Color Management for Snow Leopard

Mac • 1:15:36

Mac OS X uses advanced standards-based color management techniques to ensure that images, graphics, and video always look great on screen and on paper. See how ColorSync, Quartz, and QuickTime X can automatically color match digital media in your application. Learn color management best practices and understand how changes to system gamma may affect your application.

Speakers: Luke Wallis, Ken Greenebaum

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 306

Quartz Composer Advances in Snow Leopard

Mac • 50:13

Quartz Composer is a powerful and extensible visual programming tool that seamlessly combines many of the core technologies of Mac OS X. Learn about the latest advances in Quartz Composer for Snow Leopard and the imaginative compositions that are now possible. Understand the improvements in the Quartz Composer workflow and learn about its integration with other Snow Leopard technologies.

Speakers: Alessandro Sabatelli, Troy Koelling

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 307

Introduction to OpenCL

Mac • 56:24

OpenCL (Open Computing Language) lets a Mac OS X application tap into the vast computing power of the modern graphics processor (GPU). Discover the OpenCL architecture, its approachable C-based language, and powerful API for managing parallel computations. Attend this session to see how OpenCL can dramatically improve the speed and responsiveness of your application.

Speakers: David Black-Schaffer, Mon Ping Wang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 308

Harnessing the Power of OpenCL

Mac • 57:50

Dive deeper into the practical applications of OpenCL and learn techniques that yield incredible performance increases. See how experts refactor application code into optimized OpenCL kernels and gain insight into the best ways to take advantage of the OpenCL execution model and memory hierarchy. This is a perfect session for developers looking to push the performance envelope of their applications.

Speakers: Ian Ollmann, Andrew Brownsword

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 309

Mastering OpenCL

Mac • 55:17

Discover the advanced OpenCL techniques that let you access the full computational capabilities of different GPU and CPU architectures. Gain vendor-specific kernel programming and dataflow best practices to realize the ultimate performance potential of OpenCL.

Speakers: Justin Hensley, Boaz Ouriel, Chris Lamb

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 310

OpenGL Techniques for Snow Leopard

Mac • 58:56

OpenGL is the foundation for high-performance, hardware-accelerated graphics on Mac OS X. Attend this session to explore the full power of OpenGL through key best practices. See how to use OpenGL from multiple threads, across multiple GPUs, and with multiple displays. Learn how to integrate high-performance OpenGL graphics with the computational capabilities of OpenCL.

Speaker: Chris Niederauer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 314

Transitioning to QuickTime X

Mac • 1:09:21

Snow Leopard introduces QuickTime X, the next-generation path for efficient playback of modern standards-based media. Explore QuickTime X architecture, codec support, and color management details. See how QTKit delivers the power of QuickTime X through an object-oriented Cocoa framework. Learn how to transition your QuickTime 7-based application to the rich capabilities of QuickTime X.

Speakers: Kevin Calhoun, Tim Monroe

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 320

Image Processing and Effects with Core Image

Mac • 1:03:52

Create stunning visual effects and perform sophisticated imaging operations with Core Image. Discover how you can use Core Image to adjust still images, enhance video playback, and process digital camera RAW files. Learn how to create your own custom image-processing filters and see how to optimize their performance.

Speakers: David Hayward, Frank Doepke, Alexandre Naaman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 401

Improving Your Application with the Xcode Static Analyzer

Mac • 1:08:22

Speakers: Ted Kremenek, Yuji Akimoto

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 403

AppleScript and Cocoa Bridge

Mac • 52:00

AppleScript is now a first-class language for Cocoa development thanks to the updated Cocoa Bridge in Snow Leopard. Discover how the Cocoa Bridge gives AppleScript consistent access to all the Cocoa frameworks, including full support for bindings and connections in Interface Builder. Learn how to transition your applications from AppleScript Studio to this more powerful, efficient architecture.

Speakers: Chris Nebel, Michael Gorbach

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 404

Using Automator and Services to Integrate with Mac OS X

Mac • 45:05

Automator has been enhanced to enable creation of system Services in Snow Leopard. Learn how to build Services, create custom Automator actions and extend the flexibility of your application using Automator workflows. See how your application can become more integrated into your users' daily lives, enhancing the power of the entire system

Speakers: Emilie Kim, Itai Rom

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 405

Java SE 6 on Snow Leopard

Mac • 57:31

As Snow Leopard moves to Java 6, learn modern techniques for the best possible Mac experience while maintaining cross-platform compatibility using the latest version of Java. Find out how Mac OS X continues to build on its strong Java support with new UI enhancements, new APIs, and a next-generation Java Applet browser plug-in.

Speakers: Tom O'Brien, Mike Swingler, Pratik Solanki, Scott Kovatch

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 406

Programming with Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch

Mac • 49:51

Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) is a revolutionary system technology in Snow Leopard that allows your application to take full advantage of today's multi-core Macs. Learn about the new blocks feature for Objective-C, C, and C++ as well as the key concepts and APIs necessary to understand and use GCD. Learn to incorporate these new features into your modern, multi-core Mac OS X application.

Speakers: Blaine Garst, Dave Zarzycki

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 407

Migrating Your Application to Grand Central Dispatch

Mac • 49:02

Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) lets you write concurrent and asynchronous code without the burden of direct thread management. Learn from the experts how to simplify your multithreaded code base by transitioning to GCD. A must-attend session for anyone interested in GCD with experience in other threading models.

Speakers: Kevin Van Vechten, Dave Zarzycki

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 408

Understanding Grand Central Dispatch in Depth

Mac • 1:11:37

Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) offers you unprecedented power and ease in optimizing your code for maximum clarity and performance. Build on your knowledge of GCD by exploring the architecture and design patterns that will make your application perform at its best. This deep dive is highly recommended for anyone looking to master GCD.

Speakers: Kevin Van Vechten, Dave Zarzycki

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 411

What's New in Instruments

Mac • 57:10

Instruments is a versatile and powerful analysis tool for visualizing, understanding, and optimizing your Mac or iPhone application. Discover how Instruments has evolved to analyze Grand Central Dispatch, profile launchd, perform fine-grained sampling, and offer other new data collection views for tuning your application.

Speaker: Lynne Salameh

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 412

Advanced Debugging and Performance Analysis

Mac • 1:06:05

Learn from the experts as they dive into the depths of an application to track down, identify, and fix the most difficult bugs. Get the most out of Xcode's debugger and symbolicate crash traces, add DTrace scripts to your tool set, and learn other advanced debugging skills.

Speakers: Chad Woolf, Jim Ingham, Greg Clayton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 419

Objective-C and Garbage Collection Advancements

Mac • 56:21

Objective-C for Mac OS X continues to advance at a rapid pace with the addition of properties, garbage collection, and now with Snow Leopard, blocks and other performance-oriented improvements. Learn to take full advantage of the modern Objective-C runtime. Explore how to utilize garbage collection in conjunction with Grand Central Dispatch to create lightning-fast applications all while the runtime manages memory for you. Get on the path to becoming an expert Objective-C developer.

Speakers: Blaine Garst, Patrick Beard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 425

Designing Your Cocoa Application for Concurrency

Mac • 1:04:51

Concurrency is a powerful but complex opportunity for modern applications. Explore challenges and solutions for designing multi-threaded applications. Examine strategies for working with notifications between threads, processing data asynchronously, and maximizing your application's efficiency with the file system and network.

Speaker: Ben Trumbull

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 426

State of the Art Cocoa: User Interface Design

Mac • 1:06:03

Often, the difference between an amazing application and a merely adequate one lies in the level of polish applied to the user interface. Learn how to take a functional Interface Builder project and add the subtle details that make the user experience feel intuitive and look more attractive. Find out how to add custom drawing and controls to get the exact effect desired, and even how to add Core Animation to make your application shine.

Speakers: Joar Wingfors, Ron Lue-Sang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 500

Managing Processes with launchd

Mac • 45:10

launchd is the primary tool on Mac OS X for automatically launching processes on behalf of the system (daemons) or individual users (agents). Find out how launchd's dynamic architecture makes your Mac more robust and responsive while simplifying the development and deployment of many kinds of helper programs. Dive into the details of the launchctl utility and launchd property lists. Learn how to restructure your programs to take advantage of the services provided by launchd. Explore the many levers launchd provides for system administrators to fine-tune the performance and behavior of Macs on their network.

Speaker: Damien Sorresso

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 501

Managing Kernel Extensions

Mac • 53:55

Snow Leopard provides a new kernel linker and kernel extension loading system that makes managing kernel extensions easier than ever, especially when dealing with multiple architectures. See new features, such as architecture-specific properties and cross-architecture symbol generation. Find out how to streamline your KEXT development process and adapt your KEXT to work with both 32-bit and 64-bit kernels.

Speakers: Nik Gervae, Andrew Myrick

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 502

Creating I/O Kit Drivers for Multiple Architectures and OS Versions

Mac • 47:46

Learn how to structure your I/O Kit device driver project to support multiple operating system versions and both 32-bit and 64-bit kernels, all from a single code base. Explore how Mac OS X tools support building, loading, and debugging kernel extensions for a universal environment.

Speakers: Ethan Bold, Jay Towslee

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 504

Assigning Your Application an Identity with Code Signing

Mac • 56:16

Code signing allows Mac OS X to establish and verify your application's identity without user interaction--even after you've updated your application. Find out how digitally signing your application ensures the integrity and security of your code and enables the system to recognize and alert users to unauthorized changes. Learn how signed applications work, how to sign your Mac OS X applications, and how signing improves your customers' experience.

Speaker: Perry "the Cynic" Kiehtreiber

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 505

Managing User Privileges and Operations with Authorization Services

Mac • 45:05

Authorization Services provide a secure, consistent way to manage privileged operations -- those that access restricted portions of Mac OS X or your application. Learn best practices for factoring your application to more safely carry out privileged operations. Also learn how to improve the user experience of your application by creating custom authentication and authorization plug-ins that deal with restricted data.

Speaker: Vince Giffin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 506

Designing USB Audio Class Devices for Mac OS X

Mac • 43:24

Designing USB audio class devices that take full advantage of Mac OS X is a critical skill for those developing USB Audio Class 1.0 and 2.0 devices. Discover key details of the Snow Leopard USB audio driver and learn about high-speed streaming, clock domains, latency reporting, and device status. See how to optimally configure descriptors to ensure that your device accurately publishes audio controls and device names.

Speaker: Alison Hughes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 604

Managing Home Directories with Mac OS X Server

Mac • 57:04

Mac OS X Server delivers flexible options for managing your organization's user home directories including Network Home Directories, Mobile Home Directories, Portable Home Directories, and External Accounts. Learn which of these options is best suited for your environment, while getting field-tested best practices for home directory deployment and management. See how new features in Snow Leopard Server enhance your options for managed home directories.

Speakers: Tony Graham, Armin Briegel, Dave Douglas

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 606

Adding Authentication, Authorization, and Access Controls with the Open Directory Framework

Mac • 1:08:08

Integrating Snow Leopard's Open Directory framework allows your application to provide authentication, authorization, and access controls. Learn how to implement common features such as record lookup, search and authentication, best practices for doing it right the first time, and critical debugging techniques and tools.

Speaker: Nicole Jacque

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 607

Using Services in Snow Leopard for Scripting IT Tasks

Mac • 45:55

The power of IT is expressed not only in the management of systems, but in enabling others to do their jobs smoothly and efficiently. The dramatically redesigned Services architecture in Snow Leopard lets you put management tools at the and point-of-need and where staff and managers require them the most. Join the experts as they demonstrate Services integration strategies involving a range of standard computer languages and applications.

Speakers: Sal Soghoian, Steve Hayman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 615

System Image Creation and Deployment with Snow Leopard Server

Mac • 1:10:19

System Image creation and deployment is the best way to ensure consistent configuration of Macs in your organization. Learn how to use the new features in System Image Utility 2 to create NetBoot, NetInstall, and NetRestore images to simplify the deployment of Mac OS X across your organization.

Speakers: Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Brian Nesse

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 623

The Technologies that Empower Podcast Producer

Mac • 1:13:33

Speakers: David Kramer, Nathan Spindel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 100

iPhone User Interface Design

iPhone • 1:19:00

Gain key insights into delivering a phenomenal user experience in your iPhone application. Learn the latest in best practices, methodology, and prototyping techniques.

Speakers: Eric Hope, Takeshi Tezuka

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 101

Perfecting Your iPhone Table Views

iPhone • 50:36

Table views present list information in thousands of iPhone applications, from games to utilities. Well-designed table views are critical to a responsive and effective user interface. Find out how to build yours to achieve a unique look and feel, maximize scrolling speed, and minimize memory consumption.

Speaker: Jason Beaver

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 102

Mastering iPhone Scroll Views

iPhone • 55:22

Scrollable content can be found in nearly every iPhone application. Find out how to do it right. Learn to process events in subviews and combine horizontal paging with vertical scrolling. Understand the best practices for zooming, scaling, and tiling inside your scroll views. This session gives you everything you need to produce efficient, high quality scroll views in your iPhone app.

Speakers: Josh Shaffer, Eliza Block

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 103

Processing Multi-Touch Events on iPhone

iPhone • 54:09

Get a strong understanding of the Multi-Touch technology built into iPhone OS. See the path that touch events take through the user interface and how to properly pinpoint an event's origin. Learn to recognize common gestures and make use of new accelerometer events to give users the intuitive experience they expect from an iPhone application.

Speakers: Josh Shaffer, Jason Beaver

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 104

What's New in Cocoa Touch

iPhone • 43:46

iPhone OS 3.0 includes many enhancements to the UIKit framework that accelerate your development and improve your iPhone application's user experience. Familiarize yourself with new additions including In-App email, new table cell styles, an improved user interface for search, and much more.

Speaker: Chris Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 105

Cut, Copy, and Paste on iPhone

iPhone • 49:49

Cut, copy, and paste is a major new feature of iPhone OS 3.0. Learn how it can enrich your applications and how best to take advantage of it. Find out how to enable cut, copy, and paste in your custom controls, add undo support to your application, and use the system pasteboard to share data with other iPhone applications.

Speaker: Andrew Platzer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 106

Building Localized Mac and iPhone Applications

iPhone • 1:05:37

Users from across the globe are downloading more Mac and iPhone applications than ever. Internationalization is a critical part of the application design process that lets you easily expand your audience to new languages and countries. Learn the practical techniques behind efficient Mac and iPhone app localization and see how Xcode and Interface Builder help you build a multilingual application.

Speakers: Lee Collins, J.J. Enser

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 107

iPhone OS Networking

iPhone • 41:57

Efficient networking code is essential to an iPhone application's overall performance. Learn all about the networking infrastructure on iPhone OS, as well as the BSD and Core Foundation networking APIs available to you. Understand how to write solid networking code for low-power, high-performance iPhone applications.

Speaker: Josh Graessley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 114

What's New in Core Data

iPhone • 44:59

Both Mac and iPhone developers now have the power of Core Data at their disposal. See what's new in Core Data for both iPhone OS 3.0 and Snow Leopard. Learn the most efficient ways to employ Core Data in your next project while taking advantage of recommended design patterns. Walk through solutions to the most common problems facing experienced Core Data programmers.

Speakers: Adam Swift, Melissa Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 118

Embedding Maps in iPhone Applications

iPhone • 51:49

Using the new Map Kit framework that works with the Google Mobile Maps Service, you can now embed maps within your applications. Find out how to effectively display a map, create custom annotations that highlight places of interest, and turn location coordinates into readable addresses.

Speakers: Chris Blumenberg, James Howard, Kimon Tsinteris, Seejo Pylappan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 119

Finding Your Place with Core Location

iPhone • 52:44

Core Location allows your apps to determine where your users are. Whether they're taking a picture, searching for nearby restaurants, or just looking on a map, there are many ways to leverage a user's location in your apps. Get the best practices for accuracy, performance, and battery life, and learn how to report information to your users in an efficient and elegant manner.

Speaker: Patrick Piemonte

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 120

Apple Push Notification Service

iPhone • 57:43

The Apple Push Notification service provides a way to alert your users to new information, even when your application isn't running. Send text notifications, trigger audible alerts, or add a numbered badge to your application icon. Learn best practices for optimal performance, consistency, and user experience.

Speakers: Chris Marcellino, Kris Macleod Bell, Justin Santamaria

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 121

iPhone accessibility: Make your app compatible with VoiceOver

iPhone • 54:06

Speakers: Chris Fleizach, Eric Seymour

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 122

In-App Purchase on iPhone

iPhone • 40:34

With iPhone 3.0 SDK you can request payment for subscriptions, additional game levels, or other content from within your applications. This session covers the entire purchase life cycle for in-app payments, including use of the new Store Kit APIs, the product submission process, proper product presentation, purchase authentication, and transaction validation.

Speaker: Payam Mirrashidi

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 123

iPhone View Controller Techniques

iPhone • 58:06

iPhone OS 3.0 adds tremendous power to the view controllers behind your application's user interface. Explore the new support for alternate landscape views, contextual toolbars, and modal transition styles. Gain a strong understanding of a view controller's role, and learn how to apply that knowledge effectively throughout your application. These new features and best practices will save you time and dramatically improve your application's user experience.

Speaker: Evan Doll

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 124

Displaying Web Content in iPhone Applications

iPhone • 55:44

iPhone SDK makes the WebKit engine that powers Safari available to every iPhone application. Using the UIWebView class, you can load web pages directly inside your application, display styled text with HTML and CSS, and display PDF and iWork documents. Learn to leverage your existing web content inside a native iPhone application with communication between your JavaScript and Objective-C code. Find out how to make the most of UIWebView in a clean and efficient manner.

Speaker: Wil Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 125

Effective iPhone App Architecture

iPhone • 1:01:04

Whether your iPhone app is in development or on the App Store, strong code architecture is an essential part of your daily process. Learn about good data modeling, communication between view controllers, and when to use delegates and notifications. Find out how to make important decisions about memory, speed, and a responsive UI. Developers of all skill levels can benefit from this thorough examination of iPhone SDK best practices.

Speakers: Matt Drance, Alex Aybes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 128

Prototyping iPhone User Interfaces

iPhone • 55:10

Learn how to turn your personal vision into an elegant iPhone application design. Explore your ideas through rapid prototyping and experience the iterative design process that leads to a truly innovative user interface. With some cool tricks and a few lines of code, see how a working prototype provides insight far beyond a static mockup. Watch your design evolve from good to great.

Speaker: Bret Victor

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 132

iPhone Views and Animations

iPhone • 50:54

The iPhone SDK provides a rich library of views and controls that you can use to build your user interface. Find out how to add your own capabilities to custom views and controls and make the best use of Core Animation to produce a truly unique iPhone application. Understand the design decisions and best practices for drawing and layout that go into a polished user interface.

Speaker: Dan Keen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 201

Safari and WebKit Overview

iPhone • 41:31

Safari and WebKit have changed the way people design and interact with web content. Groundbreaking performance improvements, early adoption of cutting-edge web standards, and an intuitive set of integrated developer tools make Safari and WebKit the optimal platform for web developers on iPhone, iPod touch, Mac OS X, and Windows. Hear about the latest developments in Safari and WebKit and discover the emerging web technologies and trends of tomorrow.

Speakers: Darin Adler, Vicki Murley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 202

Adding Innovative Styling and Animation to Webpages with CSS Effects

iPhone • 1:02:28

Safari brings a new level of interactivity to the web by supporting the latest innovations in CSS on both the desktop and iPhone. Learn to take advantage of CSS animations and effects to create exceptional user interfaces and stylized content that make your web application more intuitive and visually appealing. Discover best practices for implementing the latest CSS technologies to deliver optimal performance.

Speakers: Simon Fraser, Dean Jackson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 203

Local Data Storage and Offline Web Applications for Safari

iPhone • 48:17

Web developers can now create web applications that you can use even when you don't have access to the Internet. Discover how to cache web applications and store data locally so that the application is always accessible. Learn how to employ the latest HTML 5 offline storage technologies including simple key/value storage, local database storage for complex structured data, and application cache storage for your HTML, JavaScript, CSS and other webpage resources.

Speakers: Brady Eidson, Beth Dakin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 205

Sophisticated Media Playback and Animation Through Open Web Standards

iPhone • 1:03:34

Safari is the first web browser to implement HTML 5 and lt;audio and gt; and and lt;video and gt; elements to provide native media playback through open web standards, and the first to implement CSS effects such as transforms, transitions, and animations. Discover the best practices for combining these two technologies to deliver a superior media experience in Safari on iPhone and the desktop. Learn to deliver streaming media in webpages, control and query media playback through JavaScript, use CSS to create cutting-edge playback controls, and more.

Speakers: Antoine Quint, Eric Carlson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 206

iPhone Web Applications from Start to Finish

iPhone • 1:07:32

Safari on iPhone provides a rich platform for delivering web applications that look like built-in, native applications. Get an overview of the technologies available for iPhone web applications and learn how to add advanced features such as location-based services, offline data storage, touch events through JavaScript, and rich accelerated graphics through CSS. Discover how to tailor your iPhone web application to hide the Safari user interface components and run in full-screen mode and learn how to create a version of your iPhone web application that is fully functional even when there is no Internet connection available.

Speakers: Greg Bolsinga, Paul Knight

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WWDC09 • Session 300

Graphics and Media State of the Union

iPhone • 1:07:47

Apple's Graphics and Media frameworks bring sweeping advances to developers with an incredible array of technologies for rich graphics, GPU computation, cutting-edge game development, and platform-optimized audio and video experiences. Learn how you can harness these capabilities in this overview session filled with in-depth information and captivating technology demonstrations.

Speakers: John Stauffer, Geoff Stahl, David Gohara, Tim Bienz, KC Estenson, Tracy Pesin, Meriko Borogrove, Graeme Devine

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WWDC09 • Session 302

Getting Started with Graphics for iPhone

iPhone • 46:54

iPhone OS provides an incredible suite of graphics technologies to handle your application's 2D and 3D graphics tasks. Get an introduction to the iPhone display architecture and learn essential details on UIKit, Core Animation, Quartz, and OpenGL ES. See which graphics technologies are right for your application. This session is perfect for new iPhone developers.

Speaker: Assana Fard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 303

Core Animation Techniques for iPhone and Mac

iPhone • 1:04:21

Core Animation powers the dynamic user interfaces and visual effects seen on iPhone OS and Mac OS X. Come see Core Animation in action and learn about its layer-based architecture, advanced capabilities, and recommended practices. Find out how to use Core Animation in your application and go beyond the built-in animations provided with Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.

Speaker: John Harper

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 304

Game Development for iPhone, Part 1

iPhone • 59:06

The iPhone SDK delivers an amazing lineup of graphics, media, and mobile technologies for developing cutting-edge handheld games. Learn the insider techniques and best practices to harness iPhone capabilities in the most efficient and sophisticated way possible. Understand the existing technologies leveraged by thousands of game titles and the new features added in iPhone OS 3.0. We'll examine the many capabilities iPhone OS provides for game developers in this first of two sessions.

Speakers: Allan Schaffer, Graeme Devine

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 305

Game Development for iPhone, Part 2

iPhone • 57:02

The iPhone SDK provides a phenomenal platform for mobile game development. Explore the technologies available to iPhone game developers and learn essential best practices for your titles. Understand how the best games harness the rich capabilities of iPhone OS and receive expert guidance for creating a compelling and entertaining experience of your own. This is the second of two sessions covering iPhone game development techniques.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 311

OpenGL ES Overview for iPhone OS

iPhone • 49:51

OpenGL ES provides access to the stunning graphics power of iPhone and iPod touch. Learn what makes OpenGL ES unique on the iPhone and how it compares to desktop OpenGL. Learn how to access OpenGL ES from Cocoa Touch, and see how OpenGL ES can drive iPhone games and other mobile 3D applications.

Speakers: Mike Swift, Alex Kan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 312

OpenGL ES Tuning and Techniques

iPhone • 1:05:31

Your application can create incredible visuals while maintaining high frame rates using OpenGL ES. Get specific recommendations to harness the iPhone and understand the best practices to keep your application on the fast path. Delve into advanced techniques for rendering visual effects and master the tools to measure and streamline their efficiency.

Speakers: John Rosasco, Benj Lipchak

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 313

HTTP Live Streaming Introduction

iPhone • 51:13

HTTP Live Streaming is a revolutionary new way to deliver a live video experience using the same technology that powers the web. Learn about the HTTP Live Streaming architecture, technology requirements, and how to prepare content for streaming. See the easy steps to integrate streaming into your application to provide live or on-demand video to your users.

Speakers: Roger Pantos, Bill May

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 315

Audio Development for iPhone OS

iPhone • 55:35

iPhone features a state-of-the-art audio engine, enabling the most innovative mobile music and audio applications available. Get introduced to the range of powerful audio APIs provided in the iPhone SDK and understand how the audio system works with popular audio formats. Learn the recommended practices for handling audio interruptions, responding to user actions, and playing multiple sounds simultaneously.

Speaker: Bill Stewart

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 316

Audio Processing and Playback

iPhone • 1:04:11

Core Audio delivers professional-grade audio processing and playback capabilities to any application. Dive deeper into the functionality of Core Audio and see how to take advantage of its richness in your own code. See how to apply the AV Foundation API to play sounds or record audio. Understand the best practices to adopt when using OpenAL for game audio, and uncover the power of I/O units for low-latency input and output.

Speakers: James McCartney, Bob Aron, Doug Wyatt, Eric Allamanche

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 317

Accessing the iPod Library

iPhone • 36:11

Bring the user's music into your application through the updated Media Player in iPhone OS 3.0. See how to access songs, podcasts, or audio books stored in the iPod library. Learn the mechanism to play, repeat, and shuffle songs or whole playlists. See how to create sequences of songs using custom searches and built-in user interface controls.

Speakers: Lucas Newman, Henry Mason

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 318

Peer to Peer Networking with Game Kit

iPhone • 58:33

Add multi-player functionality to your games using the peer to peer networking capabilities of Game Kit, a new framework in iPhone OS 3.0. See how to access the standard interface for discovering remote players and sending data or game state over a Bluetooth connection. Learn how this new framework can be used for more than just games and discuss how you can take advantage of in-game voice over Wi-Fi.

Speakers: Joe Abuan, Jonathan Bennett, Roberto Garcia

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 319

OpenGL ES Shading and Rendering

iPhone • 1:07:49

Speakers: Luc Semeria, Alex Eddy

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 400

Developer Tools State of the Union

iPhone • 1:17:32

See the latest innovations in Apple's developer tools for Mac and iPhone. The Developer Tools Engineering team will demo the latest features in Xcode, Interface Builder, and Instruments and show you how to take advantage of the great new technologies in Snow Leopard and iPhone OS 3.0. This session will get you excited for the introductory, new technology sessions and the deep-dive sessions to be presented throughout the week.

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, Matt Firlik, Max Drukman, Steve Lewallen, Todd Fernandez

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 402

Compiler Overview

iPhone • 1:01:35

Catch up on the latest innovations in Apple's rapidly advancing compiler technologies. See how to use GCC and LLVM in your own projects to maximize application performance. Understand the innovations in LLVM-GCC and find out how you can use it in your own testing and development.

Speakers: Chris Lattner, Evan Cheng

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 409

Getting Started with Interface Builder

iPhone • 47:34

Interface Builder lets you rapidly design your application's user interface on Mac and iPhone. Jump-start your next application by learning how to integrate Interface Builder into your Xcode workflow, connect your code to your interface elements, and visually design your application's interface. Build a strong set of skills that will help you create quality applications quickly and easily.

Speakers: Joey Hagedorn, Kelly Keenan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 410

iPhone Application Design Using Interface Builder

iPhone • 1:00:01

Interface Builder provides the easiest route to an elegant and well-designed iPhone application, letting you seamlessly implement many popular interface styles. Take your experience with Interface Builder to the next level and learn how to efficiently build and structure your iPhone interface. Find out how to create a multi-screen interface, work with view controllers, employ navigation controllers, and properly isolate data across master-detail interface pairs.

Speakers: Rob Marini, Matt Gamble

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 413

Performance Tuning with Shark on Mac and iPhone

iPhone • 1:06:16

Shark is a powerful, low-overhead tool for collecting accurate information about the performance of your Mac or iPhone application. Move beyond the basics to discover how to interpret what Shark reveals about the inner workings of your application and to identify and fix difficult performance problems.

Speaker: Wade Tregaskis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 414

iPhone Performance Optimization with Instruments

iPhone • 56:22

Instruments is a powerful tool for visualizing what is happening within your iPhone or Mac application. This iPhone-focused session walks you through the collection of valuable runtime data from your application. Drill down using Instruments' latest data mining capabilities to understand memory usage and identify leaks, analyze drawing performance, and relate this information back to your source code.

Speakers: Daniel Delwood, Lynne Salameh

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 415

Optimizing Performance on iPhone

iPhone • 54:16

To create an immersive iPhone experience, your apps need to respond instantly to your users, start up quickly, and use power efficiently. Learn the techniques that optimize CPU usage to minimize power drain, make efficient use of available memory, and give your table views the smooth scrolling users expect. Discover this and a wealth of other best practices for making your iPhone applications perform at their best.

Speakers: Dave Myszewski, Peter Handel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 416

Understanding Memory Management on iPhone

iPhone • 57:02

Memory management is a key skill for any iPhone developer. Efficiently using the available RAM on iPhone will keep your application running smoothly. Walk through techniques that will keep your app's memory footprint to a minimum, understand how the reference counting model works, and learn to properly respond to the memory warnings iPhone OS provides. The best practices covered belong in every iPhone coder's toolbox.

Speakers: Dave Myszewski, Charles Srisuwananukorn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 417

Managing the iPhone Development Process

iPhone • 1:11:18

Xcode provides powerful tools for managing your iPhone development process. Learn to use Xcode's Organizer for device and profile management, use the iPhone Developer Portal to manage your devices and team, track down bugs by symbolicating crash reports, and run an effective beta program for your application.

Speakers: Nitin Mishra, Clark Cox, Christian Wagner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 418

Customizing Xcode for Your Development Workflow

iPhone • 1:03:46

Learn to customize Xcode features such as code completion, the code editor, and key bindings to suit your taste. Discover new Xcode shortcuts to documentation, sample code, build-results views, and build settings. Find other useful ways to enhance your coding sessions, whether you are a new or experienced Xcode user.

Speakers: Andrew Pontious, Dave Ewing, Justin Gareau

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 420

Introduction to Objective-C

iPhone • 1:00:51

Objective-C is the language of choice for development on both Mac OS X and iPhone OS. Understanding Objective-C basics is key to creating great applications. Learn about its syntax, common classes, design patterns, memory model, and runtime engine. If you're new to Objective-C or just need a good refresher, this session is for you.

Speaker: Mike Jurewitz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 421

Introduction to Core Data on iPhone

iPhone • 1:00:50

Core Data is a powerful, efficient framework for data management and persistence on Mac OS X and iPhone. Learn how Core Data uses entity relational mapping, makes data storage and retrieval more efficient, and even helps you to display your data more easily. Explore the key components of the Core Data architecture and discover how Core Data can accelerate your iPhone application development.

Speaker: Miguel Sanchez

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 422

State of the Art Cocoa: Application Design

iPhone • 1:09:34

Innovations are a core element of Cocoa development on Mac OS X, from new compiler technologies, runtime advancements, and multi-processing APIs to high-level frameworks for application design, interaction, and presentation. Add your own creativity, and the result is a truly modern application. Discover how all of the core Cocoa technologies come together to help you create state-of-the-art products.

Speakers: Jon Hess, Mike Ferris

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 423

Introduction to iPhone Development Tools

iPhone • 1:06:57

Work through the iPhone application development process step by step, as you see the developer tools put through their paces. Learn how your team can efficiently manage certificates and provisioning profiles within your project, how to use Instruments to analyze memory and performance in your application, and compare testing both on iPhone and in the Simulator.

Speakers: Anders Bertelrud, Mike Jurewitz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 424

Introduction to Cocoa and Cocoa Touch Development with Xcode

iPhone • 1:09:46

The Xcode project system scales from building the simplest Mac and iPhone applications to the most complex. Get a complete overview of the system, including how to create custom build configurations, support unit tests, use compiler settings to track down coding errors, build 32- and 64-bit universal applications, and use SDK settings to ensure compatibility for your target customers.

Speakers: Chris Espinosa, Rick Ballard, Brent Shank

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 503

Creating Secure iPhone and Mac OS X Applications

iPhone • 1:02:33

Security is a critical facet of any successful application. Mac OS X and iPhone provide a great foundation for security, and your app can build on that foundation. Discover emerging security threats and learn preferred techniques for securely coding, reviewing, testing, and installing your software. Gain insight into high-priority areas such as string handling, media playback, and file system permissions.

Speakers: Geoff Keating, Drew Yao

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 507

Creating iPhone Apps that Communicate with Accessories

iPhone • 52:51

iPhone OS 3.0 applications can now communicate with accessories, through either the 30-pin dock connector or wirelessly using Bluetooth. Your applications can now retrieve data from external sensors or even control accessories with a sophisticated, Multi-Touch interface. This session covers how to use the new External Accessory framework: a standard interface for sending and receiving data and instructions between your app and an external accessory.

Speakers: Paul Holden, John Ananny

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 508

Zero Configuration Networking Using Bonjour

iPhone • 53:47

Bonjour is a key networking technology used in all of Apple's network products, from iMacs and MacBooks to AirPort Extreme, Apple TV, and iPhone. Learn how to use the Bonjour APIs to make your network application work with Back to My Mac and how to use the Bonjour APIs on iPhone and iPod touch to make amazing handheld network applications.

Speakers: Stuart Cheshire, Rory McGuire

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 601

Integrating iPhone into the Enterprise

iPhone • 1:10:57

iPhone has become a leading choice for mobile professionals. Find out about configuring and deploying iPhone in your organization, learn tools and techniques for configuration and deployment of native and web-based iPhone applications, and discover how server-side technologies integrate with iPhone, all from the IT professional's perspective.

Speakers: John Wright, Duncan Keefe, Cheryl Madson, Dean Moore

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 602

iPhone Configuration Creation and Deployment

iPhone • 1:08:55

iPhone configuration profiles make mass configuration of iPhones a snap. With configuration profiles, your organization can deploy account information, password policies, secure access settings, certificates and more, all within a single package. Get the latest details on the iPhone configuration profile file format, new additions to the managed services they support, Apple's profile creation tools for Mac OS X and Windows, and new deployment options that make profile distribution even easier.

Speakers: Stan Jirman, Chris Skogen, Conrad Sauerwald, Chris Pavicich

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 603

In-House App Development for iPhone

iPhone • 1:03:23

iPhone SDK provides in-house developers a compelling platform for the creation and deployment of mission-critical business applications. Come learn the networking, security, and web services capabilities most relevant to an in-house developer, including tips and techniques useful for creating web, native, or hybrid applications that leverage existing IT resources.

Speakers: Steve Cotterill, Jake Logan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 605

Contact Management with Snow Leopard Server, Snow Leopard, and iPhone

iPhone • 38:59

Centralized contact management is critical to organizations of all sizes. Learn how Address Book Server in Snow Leopard Server provides CardDAV standards-based contact management services. Also learn how Address Book in Snow Leopard and Contacts in iPhone connect with enterprise contact management systems such as Address Book Server, LDAP, and Microsoft Exchange.

Speakers: Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Brendan Langoulant

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 610

Mac OS X Server State of the Union

iPhone • 1:08:37

Mac OS X Server uniquely combines a wealth of powerful--yet easy to use and configure--services that elegantly simplify communication and collaboration in organizations of all sizes. Learn the latest on Mac OS X Server's technologies for streamlined mobile access; enhancements to mail, calendar, contacts, and wiki services; advanced capabilities in Podcast Producer 2; and an update on Mac OS X Server's performance and storage capabilities.

Speakers: Wilfredo Sanchez, John Anderson, Elise Eisenberg, Kjell Bronder

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 611

What's New for Wiki Server 2

iPhone • 37:59

Wiki Server 2 in Snow Leopard Server allows any organization's users to collaborate more easily and effectively. Learn about new features such as Quick Look previews of wiki attachments in the browser window; content searching across multiple wikis; and wiki and blog templates optimized for viewing on iPhone. Wiki Server 2 also introduces My Page, which gives each user one convenient web portal to view and create wikis and blogs, use web calendars, track wiki updates, and access webmail.

Speakers: John Anderson, Skip Baney, Andrew Nesbitt

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 612

Calendaring Solutions in Snow Leopard Server, Snow Leopard, and iPhone

iPhone • 48:08

Centralized calendaring is critical to organizations of all sizes. Learn how iCal Server 2 in Snow Leopard Server provides standards-based event and resource management services. Find out how iCal in Snow Leopard and Calendar in iPhone connect with enterprise calendaring systems such as iCal Server 2, CalDAV, and Microsoft Exchange.

Speakers: Wilfredo Sanchez, Cyrus Daboo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 613

What's New for Podcast Producer 2

iPhone • 54:53

Podcast Producer automates and streamlines the capture, encoding, and publishing of high-quality podcasts of your organization's lectures, training, and other presentations. Snow Leopard Server introduces a host of new features including Dual Source Video capture, Podcast Composer, and Podcast Library. These features let you create picture-in-picture podcasts, provide an easy-to-use application for designing video-based Podcast Producer workflows, and define a new publishing model that uses Atom and RSS for providing long-term media file storage and organization.

Speakers: Kjell Bronder, Eric Circlaeys

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 617

Deploying Mobile Access Server

iPhone • 36:08

Secure remote access to your business network has never been more critical than in today's increasingly mobile world. The Mobile Access Server provides a path through a corporate firewall for IMAP, SMTP, HTTP, and CalDAV without using VPN. Learn about the features of, and deployment tips for, this powerful new service in Snow Leopard Server.

Speakers: Steve Cervera, Al Begley, John Murata, Greg Vaughan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 619

Secure Access with 802.1X

iPhone • 1:02:38

802.1x is the standard for authenticated access to organizational resources by a remote Mac, iPhone, or iPod touch. Discover salient details of the 802.1x specification and gain practical insights into configuring authenticators, authentication servers (RADIUS), and supplicants from several large organization use-cases.

Speaker: Tommy Hann

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 625

iPhone Security Best Practices

iPhone • 43:47

iPhone is engineered to provide secure access to your organizational information. Learn how to combine iPhone's built-in security features with organizational security policies for data access, secure iPhone configuration and deployment, and app development techniques, to ensure your in-house information stays in house.

Speakers: Shawn Geddis, Michael Brouwer, Mitch Adler

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 702

Publishing on the App Store

iPhone • 39:29

Speakers: Max Muller, Ricardo Cortes

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WWDC09 • Session 608

Snow Leopard Server Setup: Under the Hood

IT • 55:04

Snow Leopard Server includes a powerful new Setup Assistant that streamlines the configuration of your server. Learn from the experts about the rich set of functionality that the new setup experience provides for several different network topologies. Get a behind-the-scenes glimpse of how the Setup Assistant can automatically configure other network devices such as client computers, Airport Extreme, and Time Capsule to provide seamless network connectivity for local networks as well as the Internet.

Speakers: Josh Durham, Eric Firestone

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 609

Podcast Composer In-Depth

IT • 57:52

Podcast Composer provides a visual step-by-step approach to easily build powerful workflows for Podcast Producer. Get in-depth information from the experts as they show you how to get the most out of this new application. Find out best practices for integrating with Podcast Library and learn how you can incorporate your own content and customize workflows to meet the needs of your organization.

Speakers: Kjell Bronder, Eric Circlaeys

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 614

What's New in Directory Services

IT • 1:09:04

Open Directory provides standards-based storage and organization of user and network resource information. Get the details on Open Directory enhancements in Snow Leopard Server including a new UI for binding, refinements to Active Directory integration, password synchronization, and performance improvements.

Speaker: Nicole Jacque

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 616

System Management with Apple Remote Desktop

IT • 1:07:17

Apple Remote Desktop is the best way to provide system management for the Macintosh computers on your network. Learn from the experts how to optimize Apple Remote Desktop for various networking topologies across NATs, LANs, and WANs. Discover how Task Server can help manage your mobile computers. Come for the latest tricks for easing your system management duties with the Send UNIX task.

Speakers: Mark Whittemore, Brian Ganninger, Doug Richardson, Steve Hayman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 618

Scripting for Sys Admins

IT • 53:19

Snow Leopard and Snow Leopard Server deliver the widest array of scripting technologies in a single box. Learn how to write scripts using a variety of tools and languages to automate repetitive tasks for system setup, configuration, and other management duties.

Speakers: Joel Rennich, Josh Wisenbaker, Timothy Perfitt

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WWDC09 • Session 620

Performance Tuning for Mac OS X Server

IT • 44:29

Apple's advanced hardware, including Mac Pro and Xserve, paired with Snow Leopard Server, delivers substantial performance and helps to ensure that critical applications and services perform optimally-even under high utilization conditions. Get the latest benchmarks and details on how to maximize performance and enhance scalability of Snow Leopard Server installations across various workloads and configurations in your environment.

Speaker: Steve Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 621

Deploying Podcast Producer

IT • 1:04:19

Podcast Producer streamlines consistent creation, production, and distribution of rich media assets. Learn deployment best practices from experts with real-world installations. Discover how to use new features such as Podcast Library for seamless integration with iTunes U, adding content to in-house web portals, and publishing training materials.

Speakers: Kjell Bronder, Eric Circlaeys

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC09 • Session 622

Moving to Snow Leopard Server

IT • 1:00:58

Mac OS X Server provides a wealth of services that your organization relies on every day. To ensure an easy transition, system administrators should devise and follow a solid migration plan for moving to Snow Leopard Server. Learn key planning points, strategies, and methodologies for migrating wikis and blogs, file services, resource and client data and management details, NetBoot information, and more.

Speakers: Schoun Regan, John Poynor, Andre LaBranche

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WWDC09 • Session 624

Xsan Configuration, Optimization, and Integration Best Practices

IT • 1:06:08

Measuring your storage needs in the range of terabytes requires a solid infrastructure and an in-depth understanding of networking and Fibre Channel. Learn how to specify and implement the types of storage solutions used by some of the largest media, IT, and HPC organizations. Discover how to plan for a seamless deployment that easily integrates with your existing infrastructure. Come hear configuration details and optimization tricks for ensuring the highest Xsan performance for your environment.

Speakers: JD Mankovsky, Jason Deraleau, Ken Holden

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WWDC10 • Session 100

Usable by Everybody: Design Principles for Accessibility on Mac OS X

Frameworks • OS X • 52:01

Apple leads the computing industry in accessibility. Snow Leopard provides many features to help you create Mac OS X applications that everyone can use. Learn about the universal-design principles you should use when building a user interface, and learn techniques for making existing interfaces accessible to a wider audience.

Speaker: Greg Hughes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 101

What's New in Cocoa Touch

Frameworks • iOS • 51:23

iOS 4 introduces many enhancements to the Cocoa Touch frameworks — enhancements that accelerate your development and improve your iPhone application's user experience. Get up to speed with search bar enhancements, input views for your responders, in app SMS, and many more iOS 4 additions.

Speaker: Chris Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 102

What's New in Foundation for iOS 4

Frameworks • iOS • 56:40

Understanding the Foundation framework is essential for building good software on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad. As Foundation evolves, it is important to keep your knowledge up to date. Get an overview of the new features and important changes in the Foundation framework in iOS 4. Learn about the new blocks feature and how it's used in the new Foundation APIs as well. This session will also help orient you to other sessions that will cover these technologies in more detail.

Speaker: Chris Kane

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 103

iPad and iPhone User Interface Design

Frameworks • iOS • 56:56

iPad and iPhone provide a great environment for designing compelling apps that are rich in functionality and simple to use. Gain key insights into what it takes to create amazing iPhone and iPad apps. Learn how to re-imagine your iPhone or desktop apps for iPad. Understand how some significant differences between iPhone and iPad affect your design decisions.

Speaker: Jay Capela

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 104

Designing Apps with Scroll Views

Frameworks • iOS • 51:02

Scrolling easily through large amounts of content is integral to the ease of use of an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. UIScrollView and CATiledLayer provide ways for iPhone OS applications to display and manipulate content that that won't fit on the screen. Learn some of the techniques used in Apple's own applications. We'll explain centering zoomable content, zooming in on one piece of content while leaving another fixed in place, and other advanced uses of UIScrollView.

Speakers: Eliza Block, Josh Shaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 105

Adopting Multitasking on iPhone OS, Part 1

Frameworks • iOS • 57:41

Multitasking in iOS 4 allows applications to perform key tasks in the background while preserving battery life and performance. Discover how your app can take advantage of multitasking and learn how easy it is to adopt. Gain advanced insight on how to make your app take advantage of the seven multitasking services in order to provide the best user experience. This is the first part of a two-part series.

Speakers: David Goodwin, Dave Myszewski

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 106

Understanding Document Interaction Controller

Frameworks • iOS • 56:17

iPhone OS 3.2 introduced a new way to share documents between apps. The document interaction controller provides ways for previewing the contents of a file in place or opening it in another app. If your app supports documents it should also support this feature. Learn how documents are handled in iPhone OS and how to add this functionality to your application.

Speakers: Jason Beaver, Luke Hiesterman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 107

Cocoa Tips and Tricks

Frameworks • OS X • 53:19

Cocoa's rich set of APIs help you to refine your application and better integrate it with Mac OS X so that it stands apart from your competition. Discover how to add great features to your application and make it run more efficiently with just a few lines of code. Learn from the experts tips and tricks to help your application leverage the most from Cocoa to delight your users.

Speakers: Corbin Dunn, Mark Piccirelli, Kevin Perry, James Dempsey, Ken Ferry

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WWDC10 • Session 108

Managing Mobile Devices

Frameworks • iOS • 50:28

Devices running iPhone OS are as easy to configure and manage as they are to use. Learn about the new Mobile Device Management architecture and discover how to use new Over-The-Air (OTA) capabilities to erase or lock a device and query for important device information. OTA also lets you remotely deploy configuration profiles, install in-house applications, and make managed iPhone deployments even more manageable.

Speakers: Dave Rahardja, Chris Skogen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 109

Adopting Multitasking on iPhone OS, Part 2

Frameworks • iOS • 55:14

Multitasking in iOS 4 allows applications to perform key tasks in the background while preserving battery life and performance. Discover how your app can take advantage of multitasking and learn how easy it is to adopt. Gain advanced insight on how to make your app take advantage of the seven multitasking services in order to provide the best user experience. This is the second part of a two-part series.

Speakers: Dave Myszewski, Charles Srisuwananukorn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 110

Advanced Text Handling for iPhone OS

Frameworks • iOS • 53:38

Applications deal with large amounts of text in a wide variety of languages and formats. iOS 4 introduces many new features and enhancements to the ways you can use and present text. Learn the details of these additions including string handling, attributed strings, regular expressions, data detectors, spellchecking, custom fonts, displaying text with Core Text, and more.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, Julio González

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WWDC10 • Session 111

iPad Development Overview

Frameworks • iOS • 36:22

Developing for iPad uses many techniques and processes similar to developing for iPhone, but there are important differences. Learn how to bring your existing code to iPad as a universal application while taking advantage of split view and popover controllers, gesture recognizers, and other new features.

Speaker: Chris Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 112

Integrating Ads with iAd

Frameworks • iOS • 47:59

iAd lets you easily incorporate advertisements in your apps. Use Apple's iAd service to automatically handle all the work associated with loading and presenting the ad content and responding to taps in those ads. Learn details on ad placement and sizes, delegate and tap-related behaviors, testing configurations, and much more.

Speakers: Wil Turner, Juan Carlos Jimenez

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WWDC10 • Session 113

Working Effectively with Objective-C on iPhone OS

Frameworks • iOS • 52:11

Objective-C is the language of Cocoa Touch. Take an in-depth working tour of Objective-C, from properties and memory management, to integrating your existing C and C++ code with Objective-C. Examine design patterns, exception models, and other important considerations. A valuable session to hone your knowledge of the language.

Speaker: Blaine Garst

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WWDC10 • Session 114

Advanced Cocoa Text Tips and Tricks

Frameworks • OS X • 49:29

The Cocoa Text System provides easy-to-use building blocks for developing powerful, sophisticated applications that can create, edit, modify and add features to documents. Learn tips and tricks for enhancing the Cocoa text classes to your specifications: customizing glyph generation, synchronizing multiple document contents, modifying line fragment calculation, animating text inline, and more.

Speakers: Aki Inoue, Dan Schimpf

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WWDC10 • Session 115

Using Core Location in iOS 4

Frameworks • iOS • 52:24

The Core Location framework lets you determine the current location and position of a device. With the new location monitoring service in iOS 4, your app can register for callbacks when the location of the device changes—even when your app isn't running. Learn details from the experts on notification registration, code execution, geocoding, and further enhancements to determining location.

Speakers: Morgan Grainger, Jay Bruins

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WWDC10 • Session 116

Model-View-Controller for iPhone OS

Frameworks • iOS • 1:01:52

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm is pervasive in the Cocoa Touch frameworks. With the arrival of iPad and the need to display that same information (the M in MVC) in a new way, it is more important than ever to understand this fundamental pattern. Learn about the support built into iPhone OS for MVC, the implementation choices open to you based on the needs of your application, and how to use this design pattern to help you deliver code that works great on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.

Speaker: Ken Kocienda

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WWDC10 • Session 117

Building a Server-driven User Experience

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 54:08

Powerful server-side technologies and Cocoa Touch best practices make it easy to remotely update native user interface and data structures in deployed mobile applications. Find out how to use proven techniques and technologies to deliver unique content and a personalized experience for each user of your application.

Speakers: Gregor Purdy, Scott Lopatin, David der Boer

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WWDC10 • Session 118

Mastering Core Data

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 54:04

Core Data contains a vast set of advanced features to help you better manage your data and evolve your application over time. Master the techniques for working with data in your application, from being more efficient to doing more in the database and changing how you store your data over time. Take your Core Data knowledge to the next level.

Speakers: Miguel Sanchez, Adam Swift

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WWDC10 • Session 119

Accessing Shared Contact Information

Frameworks • iOS • 58:28

The Address Book Framework lets you easily fetch, browse, and edit contacts from multiple sources including CardDav, MobileMe, and Exchange—all from within your app. Learn how to leverage built-in UI classes and APIs to retrieve contacts based on source, and to view and access links between the same contact that occur in multiple sources. The session also covers coding best practices for multi-threaded access.

Speakers: Alex Aybes, Clare Kasemset, Eric Gillum

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WWDC10 • Session 120

Simplifying Touch Event Handling with Gesture Recognizers

Frameworks • iOS • 1:00:37

iPhone OS 3.2 introduced a new way to manage and recognize Multi-Touch gestures, leaving you free to focus on the resulting actions. Learn how easy it is to incorporate standard gestures into your application now that gesture detection and handling have been decoupled.

Speakers: Brad Moore, Josh Shaffer

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WWDC10 • Session 121

Advanced Gesture Recognition

Frameworks • iOS • 1:00:53

Direct content manipulation is a big part of what makes using iPhone OS so compelling. iPhone OS 3.2 introduced a new way to define reusable custom gestures, decoupling the act of recognizing a gesture from the resulting action. Learn how to create custom gestures and manage their interaction with other gesture recognizers and existing touch handlers.

Speakers: Brad Moore, Josh Shaffer

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WWDC10 • Session 122

Accessibility on iPhone OS

Frameworks • iOS • 37:34

The iPhone has revolutionized the lives of blind people with its incredible built-in VoiceOver technology — but can they use your app? A few simple steps can expand your user base within this growing community of iPhone users. In addition, adding accessibility to your app makes automating your UI testing much simpler. Discover how your app can be truly universal and simpler to test by adopting the iPhone Accessibility API.

Speaker: Chris Fleizach

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 123

Building Animation Driven Interfaces

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 57:05

Animation plays an important role in apps for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Learn how to build high performance animated user interfaces using UIKit and Core Animation. Gain insight about various types of animations. Also hear about the best practices to follow when creating animations.

Speakers: André Boulé, Tyler Hawkins

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WWDC10 • Session 124

Understanding Foundation

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 49:52

The Foundation framework provides the "nuts and bolts" classes for both iPhone OS and Mac OS programming, and an understanding of the Foundation framework is essential for building great software on the Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Learn about the wide-ranging capabilities of the Foundation framework and discover how to best use features like collections, strings, archiving, notifications, preferences, bundles, and more.

Speaker: Tony Parker

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WWDC10 • Session 125

Internationalizing Data on Mac and iPhone

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 46:59

Mac OS X and iPhone OS have a rich model for processing and presenting language and locale-specific information such as dates, times, numbers, calendars, and time zones. Avoiding common mistakes when handling international data is critical to making your application ready for a global audience. Get the detailed knowledge you need to make your application shine no matter where in the world your users are.

Speaker: Deborah Goldsmith

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WWDC10 • Session 127

Customizing Maps with Overlays

Frameworks • iOS • 35:35

The Map Kit framework lets you embed annotated maps directly into your app. Additional support for draggable map annotations and map overlays provide further ways to enhance your app's map functionality. Learn how to reposition annotations and use overlays to layer information such as bus routes and weather maps to present truly customized location-based information.

Speaker: James Howard

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WWDC10 • Session 128

Mastering Table Views

Frameworks • iOS • 43:50

Table views present list information in thousands of iPhone applications, from games to utilities. Users often want to add, remove and edit their list data. Come gain a deeper understanding of how to enable table view content to be edited, new content to be inserted and unwanted content to be deleted.

Speakers: Jason Beaver, Luke Hiesterman

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WWDC10 • Session 129

Implementing Local and Push Notifications

Frameworks • iOS • 36:06

Push notifications keep users up-to-date when their apps have data waiting for them on remote servers. Local notifications let apps generate notifications locally, without relying on a remote server. Learn best practices for creating notifications that get a user's attention through any combination of an alert message, a distinctive sound, or number badging of the application—even when your app isn't running.

Speakers: Jacob Farkas, Darryl Bleau, Chris Marcellino

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WWDC10 • Session 130

Future Proofing your Application

Frameworks • iOS • 38:10

iPhone OS has a rich set of APIs that enable you to build great applications. However, applications that make incorrect assumptions may fail to run properly on future versions of iPhone OS. Understand the most common mistakes and how to achieve your application's goals and maintain compatibility.

Speaker: Henry Mason

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WWDC10 • Session 131

Performance Optimization on iPhone OS

Frameworks • iOS • 1:00:08

Building a fast, efficient app is essential to delight your users and play well on iPhone OS. Learn how to add valuable polish and speed to your app by launching faster, scrolling smoother, reducing memory consumption, and avoiding common design pitfalls. Take your app to the next level of performance.

Speakers: Erik Neuenschwander, Ben Weintraub

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WWDC10 • Session 133

Using iTunes and App Store Affiliate Tools and Technologies

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 54:20

The iTunes and App Store Affiliate Program lets you earn commissions by using a number of powerful tools to integrate iTunes and App Store product information and links into your apps and website. Learn how to leverage tools like Link Maker, the Enterprise Partner Feed, JSON Search API, RSS and others, to build rich user experiences using product meta-data to efficiently direct users to specific apps and discrete iTunes collections.

Speakers: Mark Miller, Joe Hwang, Rick Rubenstein

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WWDC10 • Session 134

Optimize your iPhone App for the Retina Display

Frameworks • iOS • 48:26

The iPhone 4 Retina display packs four times as many pixels into the same size screen as earlier iPhone models. All of these additional pixels mean your apps can now display incredibly crisp images and text. While iPhone OS has built-in support for high pixel density and takes care of most of the heavy lifting, there are several opportunities for you to optimize your applications for this new display. Learn the tips and tricks to ensure your application takes full advantage of these wonderful new display capabilities.

Speakers: Andrew Platzer, Richard Schreyer

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WWDC10 • Session 135

Advanced Performance Optimization on iPhone OS, Part 1

Frameworks • iOS • 59:10

Quick, nimble, and efficient apps provide the best user experience on iPhone OS. Learn advanced techniques for optimizing memory usage and making efficient network requests. Get expert instruction on how to use Instruments and other tools to examine your application's memory footprint, monitor network activity, and track CPU utilization to fine tune application performance. This is the first part of a two part series.

Speakers: David Chan, Peter Handel

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WWDC10 • Session 136

Calendar Integration with Event Kit

Frameworks • iOS • 53:24

The Event Kit and Event Kit UI frameworks together allow iPhone OS applications to access event information from a user's Calendar database. You can fetch events based on a date range or a unique identifier, receive notifications when event records change, and allow users to create and edit events for any of their local and server-based calendars. Learn techniques to take advantage of these features and other useful tips from Apple engineers.

Speakers: Ed Voas, Glen Steele

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WWDC10 • Session 137

Optimizing Core Data Performance on iPhone OS

Frameworks • iOS • 50:31

Core Data provides fast, easy, and efficient management of your app's data on iPhone OS. Learn Core Data best practices to obtain great performance while reducing memory consumption. Gain a deeper understanding so you can use Core Data to its fullest.

Speaker: Melissa Turner

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WWDC10 • Session 138

API Design for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 1:00:27

Cocoa and Cocoa Touch feature highly consistent design patterns throughout their APIs. A pattern used in one context is readily available in many other contexts. Build better apps more quickly by understanding these patterns along with the motivations behind their design. Learn about API conventions and guidelines, techniques for extending Cocoa classes, exceptions, errors, performance, thread safety, among other common Cocoa API design patterns.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

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WWDC10 • Session 141

Crafting Custom Cocoa Views

Frameworks • OS X • 55:11

Learn how to build robust, polished, well-crafted custom views that integrate gracefully with Mac OS X's capabilities and user interface. Through examination of a comprehensive example, this talk illustrates the necessary ingredients to putting the fit and finish on any custom view. Leave with a checklist and clearly written example in hand, ready to perfect custom views of your own.

Speaker: Troy Stephens

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WWDC10 • Session 144

Advanced Objective-C and Garbage Collection Techniques

Frameworks • OS X • 48:41

Objective-C powers Mac OS X, providing a truly dynamic language upon which to build exciting applications. Mastering Objective-C will make you more productive, and provide greater insight into the Cocoa frameworks. Discover advanced techniques using garbage collection, blocks, and other new Objective-C features that will help you wring the most performance out of today's multicore Macs.

Speaker: Greg Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 145

Key Event Handling in Cocoa Applications

Frameworks • OS X • 54:46

Increase the productivity of your users by expediting common operations via keyboard shortcuts. Discover your options for implementing key equivalents for menus and controls, and how hot keys and Services can handle events from within any app. Learn the ways that users can customize key equivalents and how your app can facilitate their use. Also learn about advanced techniques for emulating contextual menus when you need ultimate control.

Speakers: Peter Ammon, Raleigh Ledet

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WWDC10 • Session 147

Advanced Performance Optimization on iPhone OS, Part 2

Frameworks • iOS • 58:10

Quick, nimble, and efficient apps provide the best user experience on iPhone OS. Learn advanced techniques for optimizing memory usage and making efficient network requests. Get expert instruction on how to use Instruments and other tools to examine your application's memory footprint, monitor network activity, and track CPU utilization to fine tune application performance. This is the second part of a two part series.

Speaker: Ben Nham

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WWDC10 • Session 200

Core OS Networking

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 41:21

iPhone OS and Mac OS X offer a rich set of networking APIs that provide advanced features while maintaining compatibility with open standards. You can use Apple's networking APIs to develop software that perform a wide range of networking tasks, from providing access to web services within your application to writing a device driver for a network hardware device. Hear about new technologies, the latest developments in the networking frameworks and best practices.

Speaker: Brett Halle

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WWDC10 • Session 201

Developing Applications that work with iPhone OS Accessories

Core OS • iOS • 57:30

Accessories can connect to iPod, iPhone, and iPad through the 30-pin dock connector, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi. Learn about the options for using standard or custom protocols such as location and iPod remote control. Understand best practices for Bluetooth and hear the latest on designing applications that use the External Accessory framework to interact with wired and wireless accessories.

Speakers: Emily Schubert, Brian Tucker, Paul Holden

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WWDC10 • Session 202

The Accelerate framework for iPhone OS

Core OS • iOS • 41:31

The ARM architecture used in iPhone 3GS, iPad and iPod touch has a powerful vector unit that can be used to improve the performance and energy consumption of array computations. Learn how to use the Accelerate framework to take advantage of the vector unit while avoiding the hassle of writing processor-specific code.

Speaker: Steve Canon

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WWDC10 • Session 203

I/O Kit Device Drivers for Mac OS X

Core OS • OS X • 40:29

The I/O Kit is a set of system frameworks and libraries for creating device drivers on Mac OS X, supporting both 32 and 64 bit architectures. Learn about the design of I/O Kit drivers, as well as tips and tricks for fast, efficient driver development and debugging. Whether you're bringing a new device to Mac OS X or developing an application to access an existing device, this session is for you.

Speakers: Thane Norton, Dean Reece

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WWDC10 • Session 204

Creating Secure Applications

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 57:05

Secure coding helps protect a user's data from theft or corruption and prevents the compromise of secrets, loss of service, or damage to your users' systems. Gain insight into emerging security threats and learn powerful techniques to securely code, review, and install your software. Learn about hot topics in security such as the use of SSL, privacy, URL handlers, WebKit views, and privilege separation with Service Management.

Speakers: Matt Murphy, David Remahl

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WWDC10 • Session 205

Simplifying Networking Using Bonjour

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 54:26

Bonjour, also known as zero-configuration networking, enables automatic discovery of computers, devices, and services on IP networks. A wide range of Apple's products, from iMacs and MacBooks to AirPort Base Stations and Time Capsules, Apple TVs to iPhones, iPod touches and iPads use Bonjour for streamlined and reliable networking. Learn how to use Bonjour to make it easy for your applications to publish, discover, and resolve network services.

Speakers: Stuart Cheshire, Rory McGuire

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WWDC10 • Session 206

Introducing Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch on iPhone

Core OS • iOS • 49:52

iOS 4 introduces support for blocks and Grand Central Dispatch, which enable you to encapsulate units of work that may be executed concurrently. Learn how these revolutionary technologies can help you write better, cleaner, asynchronous code.

Speakers: Kevin Van Vechten, Bill Bumgarner, Shiva Bhattacharjee, Daniel Steffen

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WWDC10 • Session 207

Network Apps for iPhone OS, Part 1

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 48:52

First of a two-part series to present the latest techniques for building reliable, secure, high-performance network apps for iPhone OS. Gain a solid understanding of network architecture, bandwidth and latency, asymmetric connectivity, service discovery, reachability, and other networking concepts. Equip yourself with the skills necessary to build reliable and secure networking products.

Speaker: Quinn Quinn

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WWDC10 • Session 208

Network Apps for iPhone OS, Part 2

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 56:21

Concludes a two-part series to present the latest techniques for building reliable, secure, high-performance network applications, with a focus on iPhone OS applications. Part 2 covers the interface lifecycle, NSOperation and runloop-based asynchronous APIs, performance considerations, debugging, logging, packet tracing, and failure simulation. Find out from the experts how to improve and enhance your networking products to perform as reliably and securely in real-world implementations as in your test lab.

Speaker: Quinn Quinn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 209

Securing Application Data

Core OS • iOS • 53:38

Securing data is an important feature of any application. Learn how to use the Keychain and get recipes to protect application data. Understand how to determine data caching policies, what to do when a device locks, and how to handle upgrades and restores of iPhone OS devices.

Speakers: John Wright, Mitch Adler

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WWDC10 • Session 210


Core OS • OS X • 38:58

Dig into Mac OS X's unique launch-on-demand architecture. Learn best practices for creating an efficient, robust, on-demand daemon.

Speaker: Damien Sorresso

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WWDC10 • Session 211

Simplifying iPhone App Development with Grand Central Dispatch

Core OS • iOS • 54:03

Grand Central Dispatch makes it faster and easier than ever before to write asynchronous code. Learn new techniques that will help your app get more done while remaining responsive to the user. Discover how Grand Central Dispatch can help simplify or even eliminate complicated threading code.

Speakers: Daniel Steffen, Shiva Bhattacharjee

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WWDC10 • Session 300

Developer Tools State of the Union

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 1:10:18

Xcode is the development environment for creating great applications for Mac, iPhone, and iPad. The Xcode toolset consists of the Xcode IDE for coding, building, and debugging, Interface Builder to design UI, and Instruments to analyze behavior and performance, plus dozens of additional tools. Discover amazing new features, and learn how to get the most out of your development experience. A must-attend session for all developers.

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, Todd Fernandez, Matt Firlik, Mike Ferris, Max Drukman, Dave Payne, Steve Lewallen

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WWDC10 • Session 301

Mastering Xcode for iPhone OS Development, Part 1

Developer Tools • iOS • 41:52

Xcode is your iPhone development hub. Master the full spectrum of development within Xcode, including coding and building your app, managing device provisioning, performing static analysis, employing advanced debugging techniques, sharing your app with testers, and publishing to the App Store. This is the first session of a two-part series.

Speakers: Todd Fernandez, Jacob Xiao, Chris Skogen, Clark Cox

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WWDC10 • Session 302

Automating the Creation of iPad Content

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 53:07

As the demand for content for iPad increases, so does the need for tools to create that content. Mac OS X offers well-integrated automation technologies and tools, including Automator, Services, and AppleScript, that are ideal for generating content. Geared towards professional and non-professionals alike, this session will include hands-on tutorials covering how to use the automation technologies of Mac OS X to create and distribute HTML-based content for iPad.

Speakers: Francois Jouaux, Sal Soghoian

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WWDC10 • Session 303

Mastering Xcode for iPhone OS Development, Part 2

Developer Tools • iOS • 32:05

Xcode is your iPhone OS development hub. Master the full spectrum of development within Xcode, including coding and building your app, managing device provisioning, performing static analysis, employing advanced debugging techniques, sharing your app with testers, and publishing to the App Store. This is the second session of a two-part series.

Speakers: Marc Verstaen, Jacob Xiao, Clark Cox, Chris Skogen

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WWDC10 • Session 304

What's New in Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 45:01

Discover how the latest advancements in Instruments help you to pinpoint and eliminate performance problems in your iPhone OS and Mac OS X apps. At this highly-recommended session for all developers, you'll gain a new understanding of your memory usage, learn to perform fine-grained CPU analysis, and acquire other new performance-enhancing skills.

Speaker: Steve Lewallen

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WWDC10 • Session 305

Designing Apps with Interface Builder

Developer Tools • iOS • 47:31

Interface Builder is the way to design rich user interfaces for iPhone and iPad apps. Discover how to rapidly develop polished and professional interfaces for your app, and learn how Interface Builder and nib files help you develop apps more efficiently.

Speakers: Rob Marini, Barry Langdon-Lassagne

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WWDC10 • Session 306

Automating User Interface Testing with Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS • 40:15

iPhone SDK 4 provides a powerful new instrument for automated user interface testing. Learn how to write scripts to control your app, verify run-time behavior, and discover user-facing regressions quickly and efficiently. See how automated testing can help you write better apps that behave the way you expect.

Speakers: Michael Creasy, Matt Dreisbach

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WWDC10 • Session 307

Introducing Xcode 4

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 52:59

Xcode 4 is the next generation integrated development toolset for building Mac, iPhone, and iPad applications. Take a tour of the new features in Xcode 4, and see the streamlined workflows for editing, debugging, and versioning in action.

Speakers: Anders Bertelrud, Brooke Callahan, Ron Lue-Sang

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WWDC10 • Session 308

Developing Your App with Xcode 4

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 46:02

Xcode 4 contains powerful new features, and subtle refinements, to make you and your team more productive. Discover improvements in the editor, new ways to structure your projects, and how to use source control directly within Xcode, to produce better apps, faster than ever before.

Speakers: Kerry Hazelgren, Dan Gobera, Christopher Ryan

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WWDC10 • Session 309

Advanced Performance Analysis with Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 58:08

Great Mac and iPhone applications delight users with fast execution and responsive UI. Join the Instruments team as you dive deeply into the latest techniques to improve your application's performance.

Speakers: Lynne Salameh, Chad Woolf

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WWDC10 • Session 310

App Publishing with iTunes Connect

Developer Tools • iOS • 45:53

The iTunes Connect portal provides a variety of tools for managing all aspects of your app publishing lifecycle. Learn app publishing best practices, review support for iOS 4 features like Game Center and iAd, and see how the portal has evolved to make it easier to manage your electronic assets, meta-data, contracts, and reports.

Speakers: Max Muller, Jason Fosback, Ricardo Cortes, Aloke Bhatnagar

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WWDC10 • Session 311

Advanced Memory Analysis with Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 52:01

Efficient memory management is essential to making an app great. Inefficient memory usage wastes scarce resources, can degrade system performance, and can even cause your app to crash. At this must-attend session for Mac and iPhone developers, learn advanced techniques for tracking memory usage in your app. Come to a better understanding of the object life cycle, and discover how to improve your app's memory performance.

Speakers: Daniel Delwood, Victor Hernandez

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WWDC10 • Session 312

What's New in the LLVM Compiler

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 47:40

LLVM tightly integrates with Xcode to produce high-performance code from lightning-fast compiles. Learn about the latest features in the LLVM compiler, see how it is employed from within Xcode, compatibility with GCC, and how you can make full use of its new technologies in your application.

Speakers: Chris Lattner, Doug Gregor

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WWDC10 • Session 313

LLVM Technologies in Depth

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 48:51

The open source LLVM compiler included with Xcode has evolved at a staggering pace, providing a remarkable combination of lightning-fast compile times and faster code. Explore the power of LLVM's library architecture, see how Xcode employs the Clang front-end for detailed code analysis, and learn about the latest advancements in C++ support.

Speakers: Ted Kremenek, Evan Cheng

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WWDC10 • Session 314

Building and Distributing Your App with Xcode 4

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 58:41

Xcode 4 makes it easier than ever to build and distribute your applications to the world. Discover how to create a custom build scheme, and how Xcode 4 makes it easy to package your app for QA, beta testing, and the App Store.

Speaker: Chris Espinosa

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 315

Using Interface Builder in Xcode 4

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 50:51

Xcode 4 integrates the Interface Builder design tool directly into the IDE, providing a seamless experience between UI layout and coding. Learn to use Xcode Genius to keep your implementation and design in sync, and use the Library to drag and drop GUI controls or code snippets into your project.

Speaker: Kevin Cathey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 316

Debugging with Xcode 4 and LLDB

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 59:45

Xcode 4 takes debugging to the next level with new features to help you work faster and more efficiently. Learn about new workflows for debugging Mac and iPhone applications, and discover Apple's powerful new debugger infrastructure, LLDB.

Speakers: Ken Orr, Greg Clayton, Sean Callanan

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WWDC10 • Session 317

Understanding Crash Reports on iPhone OS

Developer Tools • iOS • 40:34

Even the best apps crash sometimes. Diagnosing and fixing your app's crashes can make the difference between improving it or losing your customers. Learn the skills you need to identify and fix your crashes and avoid common pitfalls.

Speakers: Madhuwanti Vaidya, Bill Dirks

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WWDC10 • Session 400

Graphics and Media State of the Union

Graphics & Media • iOS, OS X • 58:37

Apple's Graphics and Media frameworks provide an incredible array of technologies for rich graphics, cutting-edge game development, and platform-optimized audio and video experiences. Join your fellow developers in kicking off the Graphics and Media sessions of WWDC 2010 and gain key insights into the powerful capabilities you'll use to create great applications.

Speakers: John Stauffer, Geoff Stahl, Torsten Reil, Meriko Borogrove, Matt Johnson, Graeme Devine

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WWDC10 • Session 401

Game Design and Development for iPhone OS, Part 1

Graphics & Media • iOS • 55:16

iOS 4 delivers an incredible collection of graphics, media, and connected technologies for developing cutting-edge mobile games. Learn how to create the most compelling and innovative games possible. Understand the tools for creating game models, audio assets, and gorgeous artwork, and learn practical techniques behind game design and production. This two-part session is essential for developers wishing to create rich gameplay experiences for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Speakers: Graeme Devine, Jeff Ruediger, Helen Ma

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WWDC10 • Session 402

Game Design and Development for iPhone OS, Part 2

Graphics & Media • iOS • 55:28

The iPhone SDK provides a phenomenal platform for mobile game development. Dive deeper into the technologies available to iPhone game developers and learn best practices. Understand real-world solutions for enhancing gameplay and creating high-quality content through rapid design iteration. See how the best games harness the rich capabilities of iPhone OS, and learn how to create a compelling and entertaining experience of your own. This two-part is session essential for developers wishing to create rich gameplay experiences for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Speakers: Graeme Devine, Jeff Ruediger, Pete Parisi

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WWDC10 • Session 403

Advances in HTTP Live Streaming

Graphics & Media • iOS, OS X • 50:12

HTTP Live Streaming lets you deliver video using HTTP from a standard Web server. Gain a practical understanding of the details behind deployment of live and on-demand streams. Learn how to design for mobility and the best practices for delivering video into your application or on the web.

Speakers: Roger Pantos, Eryk Vershen

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WWDC10 • Session 404

Introduction to Game Center

Graphics & Media • iOS • 40:56

iOS 4 includes a developer preview of Game Center, Apple's new social gaming network. Get introduced to the concepts behind this technology and understand how to use it to create great games. Learn about the classes and APIs in the Game Kit framework and see how your users will interact with your Game Center enabled app.

Speakers: Mike Lampell, Albert Ho

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WWDC10 • Session 405

Discovering AV Foundation

Graphics & Media • iOS • 59:18

The AV Foundation framework provides a rich Objective-C interface for recording and playing audio and video in your iPhone OS application. In iOS 4, the framework includes significant new foundation classes for working with media. Learn how to use these new classes for media playback, editing, capture, and export.

Speaker: Kevin Calhoun

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 407

Editing Media with AV Foundation

Graphics & Media • iOS • 47:31

The AV Foundation framework gives you a new level of power and control over iPhone OS media. New classes introduced in iOS 4 extend your ability to work with movies as well as audio. Discover how you can edit media files for outstanding results.

Speaker: Eric Lee

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 408

Game Center Techniques, Part 1

Graphics & Media • iOS • 41:19

The developer preview of Game Center is enabled through new additions to the Game Kit framework in iOS 4. Dive into its rich API to get your Game Center application up and running. Learn the process for authenticating a player, managing achievements, and updating leaderboards. Learn from a variety of usage scenarios that can help you enrich your users' gaming experience.

Speaker: Gabriel Belinsky

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WWDC10 • Session 409

Using the Camera with AV Foundation

Graphics & Media • iOS • 59:27

AV Foundation provides your application with full programmatic access to video and still images from the built-in camera. Learn how to utilize camera input in your app to analyze incoming video frames. Explore the capture capabilities of the AV Foundation framework, and see how you can integrate them into your products.

Speaker: Brad Ford

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 410

Game Center Techniques, Part 2

Graphics & Media • iOS • 56:13

Continue to learn about Game Center by examining of the richness of the Game Kit framework and API. Understand the process behind matchmaking and go deeply into the details of sending, receiving, and handling multi-player invitations. Learn about sending data or game state to remote players and discuss how you can take advantage of in-game voice chat.

Speaker: Nathan Taylor

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 411

Fundamentals of Digital Audio for Mac OS X and iPhone OS

Graphics & Media • iOS, OS X • 56:07

Core Audio features a state-of-the-art audio engine for Mac OS X and iPhone OS, enabling the world's most innovative desktop and mobile music and audio applications. Understand the fundamental principles of digital audio processing and codecs that are critical to any application delivering audio functionality and how these relate to the Core Audio API and services.

Speakers: James McCartney, Eric Allamanche

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 412

Audio Development for iPhone OS, Part 1

Graphics & Media • iOS • 53:49

iPhone OS provides a powerful engine for playing, recording, and processing audio in your applications for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Get introduced to the high level classes in AV Foundation used to play or record sounds. Gain a thorough understanding of audio session management, and learn the recommended practices for handling background audio, choosing an audio session category, and playing multiple sounds simultaneously.

Speakers: Bill Stewart, Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 413

Audio Development for iPhone OS, Part 2

Graphics & Media • iOS • 51:47

Audio units unleash the power of iPhone OS to provide your app with sophisticated audio manipulation and processing. Dive deep into the architecture and fundamentals of an app built around audio units and understand how to take advantage of their richness in your own code. Learn to use audio units for mixing, and see how your app can support low-latency input and output.

Speakers: Murray Jason, Bill Stewart

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 414

OpenGL Essential Design Practices

Graphics & Media • iOS, iOS, OS X • 55:51

OpenGL and OpenGL ES provide access to the stunning 2D and 3D rendering power of the Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Learn fundamental, platform-independent best practices along with specific techniques to use the graphics pipeline efficiently. See how to best submit vertex and texture data, eliminate redundant data copies, streamline your use of the GPU, and attain maximum frame rates in your application.

Speaker: Dan Omachi

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 415

OpenGL ES Overview for iPhone OS

Graphics & Media • iOS • 52:53

OpenGL ES provides access to the stunning graphics power of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. See how your application can create incredible visuals while maintaining high frame rates using the programmable pipeline enabled by OpenGL ES 2.0. Learn more about the innovations provided by iOS 4, and see how OpenGL ES can deliver interactive graphics in your games and other mobile 3D applications.

Speakers: Gokhan Avkarogullari, Richard Schreyer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 416

Harnessing OpenCL in Your Application

Graphics & Media • OS X • 1:03:11

OpenCL is a groundbreaking technology that lets your application tap into the vast computing power of modern graphics processors and multicore CPUs. Understand the OpenCL architecture, its approachable C-based language, and its powerful API for managing parallel computations. Discover how to refactor your application code to unleash the full computational capabilities of the Mac OS X platform.

Speakers: Ian Ollmann, Abe Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 417

OpenGL ES Shading and Advanced Rendering

Graphics & Media • iOS • 54:26

The OpenGL ES Shading Language lets you tap into the programmable graphics pipeline enabled by OpenGL ES 2.0. Dive straight into the vertex and fragment shader code used to create spectacular visual effects. Find out how OpenGL ES 2.0 advanced rendering techniques can accelerate and transform your application.

Speakers: Luc Semeria, Mike Swift

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 418

Maximizing OpenCL Performance

Graphics & Media • OS X • 58:51

Dive deeper into the practical application of OpenCL to accelerate computationally intensive tasks. Discover a variety of algorithms that can harness OpenCL to yield incredible performance gains, and learn to take advantage of the OpenCL execution model and memory architecture. Learn how to mix high-performance rendering using the OpenGL graphics API with the parallel computing capabilities of OpenCL.

Speakers: Benedict Gaster, Vinay Awasthi, James Fung

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 419

OpenGL ES Tuning and Optimization

Graphics & Media • iOS • 56:13

Your application can create incredible visuals while maintaining high frame rates using OpenGL ES. Understand how to fine tune your code to the performance profile of the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Gain specific insights into mastering the developer tools, and learn key practices to keep your application on the fast path.

Speakers: Alex Kan, Jean-François Roy

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 420

OpenGL for Mac OS X

Graphics & Media • OS X • 44:03

OpenGL is the foundation for accelerated graphics in Mac OS X, taking advantage of the most recent innovations in graphics hardware. See how advances in OpenGL enable you to unlock the incredible rendering power of the GPU. Get all the details to take advantage of OpenGL extensions, and learn best practices and tips for modernizing and streamlining your graphics code.

Speaker: Matt Collins

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 421

Incorporating the Camera and Photo Library in your App

Graphics & Media • iOS • 37:30

iPhone OS lets you easily integrate still images and video into your apps and provides direct access to the Photo Library. You can also combine live camera input with positional information and other data to create a visually stunning app. Hear about best practices from existing use cases. Also learn how to take advantage of new features such as programmatic access to all library assets and live image buffer access.

Speakers: Emilie Kim, Hernán Eguiluz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 422

Taking Advantage of Multiple GPUs

Graphics & Media • OS X • 50:46

Your application may be running on a Mac that contains more than one graphics processor. Understand how to adapt to renderer changes and the actions to take when the user drags your app from one screen to another. Discover how your application can drive multiple GPUs with OpenGL and OpenCL simultaneously, and see how to leverage the low-level power of IOSurface to share media data between them.

Speakers: Ken Dyke, Abe Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 423

Sensing Device Motion in iOS 4

Graphics & Media • iOS • 47:02

The Core Motion framework provides a consolidated programing interface for all things motion - providing high-fidelity data that lets you determine precisely how the device is oriented and moving in 3D space. Come discover how you can create incredibly immersive user experiences using only your device's motion for input.

Speakers: Chris Moore, Patrick Piemonte

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 424

Core Animation in Practice, Part 1

Graphics & Media • iOS • 55:14

Core Animation is the layer-based animation system that powers the dynamic user experience seen in iPhone OS. See Core Animation in action and learn about its architecture, capabilities, and best practices. Learn how to combine the familiar capabilities of UIKit, Quartz 2D, and OpenGL ES with the power of Core Animation layers and animation.

Speakers: Michael Levy, Tim Oriol

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 425

Core Animation in Practice, Part 2

Graphics & Media • iOS • 58:04

Core Animation can give your application a dynamic, responsive user interface and eye-catching visuals. Learn how to maintain high frame rates and deliver smooth transitions and effects. Understand the impact of design decisions and how to implement best practices for creating compelling animations. Review solutions to common issues faced by Core Animation programmers.

Speaker: John Harper

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 426

Core Image Effects and Optimization

Graphics & Media • OS X • 49:34

Core Image lets you create high-performance image processing solutions that automatically take advantage of modern GPU hardware on Mac OS X. See how you can harness its capabilities to enhance still images and create stunning visual effects. Learn recommended practices for using Core Image efficiently, and understand how to extend Core Image to leverage your own custom image processing algorithms.

Speakers: David Hayward, Daniel Eggert, Alexandre Naaman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 500

Safari, Internet and Web State of the Union

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 43:43

With blazing performance, a strong commitment to open web standards, and an intuitive set of integrated developer tools, Safari is the optimal platform for web developers on iPhone OS, Mac OS X, and Windows. Familiarize yourself with the tools and technologies that you can use to deliver a superior web experience in Safari, and discover exciting new features specifically for web developers. Get up to speed on the state of Internet and Web technologies, and plan your roadmap of sessions for the entire week.

Speakers: Darin Adler, Adele Peterson, Jeff Henshaw, Roustem Karimov, Sandeep Gupta, Charles Osborne, Deepa Ramachandran, Cabel Sasser, Michael Gundlach

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 501

Delivering Audio and Video Using Web Standards, Part 1

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 48:33

HTML5 is the best way to deliver audio and video in web pages in Safari. Discover basic techniques for delivering media with HTML5 and master the JavaScript APIs necessary to design and implement your own custom media controls to match the look and feel of your website. Learn platform-specific details and best practices for delivering a seamless media experience in Safari on iPhone OS, Mac OS X, and Windows.

Speakers: Vicki Murley, Beth Dakin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 502

Delivering Audio and Video Using Web Standards, Part 2

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 38:02

Learn to integrate HTML5 video with CSS3 2D and 3D transforms and animations to deliver rich media experiences for Safari on iPhone OS, Mac OS X, and Windows. See how to add advanced features such as closed captions, and understand how to modify your code so that your video can be embedded in other websites in a way that is compatible with multiple platforms and web browsers.

Speakers: Jer Noble, Eric Carlson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 503

CSS Effects, Part 1: UI Elements and Navigation

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 38:54

You can use the latest CSS technologies to deliver a top-notch web experience in Safari on iPhone OS and the desktop. Discover how to use CSS to dynamically position, scale, or rotate any web page element in 2D space, create rich animated menus, and implement image-free mastheads and buttons. See how to optimize with CSS to take advantage of hardware-accelerated animations and reduce your overall page load time, and learn the best practices for creating content that degrades gracefully in older web browsers.

Speakers: Jing Jin, Mike Thole

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 504

CSS Effects, Part 2: Galleries and 3D Effects

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 49:37

You can create rich, interactive media galleries for Safari on iPhone OS and the desktop using standard web technologies such as CSS transitions and animations. See how to deliver a first-rate immersive experience by positioning and animating webpage elements in 3D space, controlling keyframes within animations, and listening for animation events to trigger other actions on the page. Understand how to deliver these effects with a minimal amount of code, and discover tips and tricks for great performance.

Speakers: Simon Fraser, Enrica Casucci

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 505

Creating Extensions for Safari, Part 1

Internet & Web • OS X • 51:27

New in Safari 5, the Safari Developer Program lets you use standard web technologies to create extensions for Safari. Discover what's possible with Safari extensions, and learn how you can use this technology to add buttons to the Safari toolbar, or a display a bar that shows your own custom content. See how to get a head start on extension development with the Extension Builder in Safari, and find out how to create user settings for your extension.

Speaker: Timothy Hatcher

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 506

Creating Extensions for Safari, Part 2

Internet & Web • OS X • 42:21

Take your Safari extension to the next level by learning how to modify the appearance and behavior of any web page. Find out what methods and properties are exposed to JavaScript specifically for extensions, and see how your Safari extension can execute scripts, apply CSS styles, and display context menus. Learn how you can easily adjust an existing extension for use in Safari, and discover how easy it is to publish updated versions of your extension.

Speakers: Adam Roben, Cabel Sasser

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 507

Getting the Most Out of Safari Integrated Developer Tools

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 45:53

Safari contains an extraordinary set of integrated developer tools. See how to use these tools to debug JavaScript, profile performance, inspect and edit CSS, view locally stored data, and test pieces of code on the fly. Discover new features that streamline your development, and learn techniques for optimizing page load time on mobile devices such as iPhone and iPad.

Speakers: Joseph Pecoraro, Brian Weinstein

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 508

Adding Touch and Gesture Detection to Web Pages on iPhone OS

Internet & Web • iOS • 40:40

Safari on iPad literally puts the Web right in your hands. See how to enable direct manipulation of web content using the DOM Touch JavaScript API to detect touch and gesture events such as pinch and rotation. Learn to augment your web content with the kinds of rich interactions that you typically see in native applications, and see how to integrate DOM touch events with other prominent cutting-edge web technologies.

Speakers: Paul Knight, Greg Bolsinga

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 509

Creating Info Graphics with Standard Web Technologies

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 45:41

You can use standard web technologies to create rich informational graphics that display flawlessly in Safari and other web browsers. Learn how to use SVG and the HTML5 canvas element to create and display graphs, tables, charts, and data visualizations in your web pages. Discover the best practices for optimal drawing performance, and for integrating remote, dynamic data into your web graphics.

Speakers: Sam Weinig, Chris Marrin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 510

Creating Content With iAd JS, Part 1

Internet & Web • iOS • 51:55

See how to build an ad with iAd JS as Apple engineers take you through the code step-by-step. Discover the best practices for organizing your various ad assets for preloading, media streaming, and more. Learn to add view controllers, and see how to correctly package your ad content for deployment.

Speaker: Dean Jackson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 511

Creating Content With iAd JS, Part 2

Internet & Web • iOS • 53:35

Learn to use the iAd JS framework to create rich ad content for iPhone OS applications. See how iAd JS uses the latest web technologies like HTML5 and CSS3, and learn to leverage the iAd JS class structure and built-in controls to deliver high-performance ad content. Understand the basic principles of this framework, and learn to extend iAd JS to make your own custom controls.

Speaker: Antoine Quint

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC10 • Session 512

Using HTML5 Offline Storage

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 44:08

See how you can use HTML5 local data storage to improve responsiveness in your web application. Learn to create full-fledged offline web applications that can be used even when your users don't have a connection to the Internet, and discover the best practices for using these technologies in web content that's intended for Safari on iPhone OS and the desktop.

Speakers: Brady Eidson, Andy Estes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session keynote


Special Events • 1:58:23

WWDC 2011 Keynote

Speakers: Eddy Cue, Craig Federighi, Scott Forstall, Steve Jobs, Greg Joswiak, Roger Rosner, Phil Schiller

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 601

Apple Platforms Kickoff

Special Events • iOS, OS X • 46:27

Apple Platforms Kickoff

Speaker: Craig Federighi

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 100

What's New in Cocoa Touch

App Frameworks • iOS • 47:15

iOS 5 introduces many enhancements to the Cocoa Touch frameworks that accelerate your development and improve your application's user experience. Get up to speed with theming UIKit, handling documents, custom view controller containment and all the other new features that will help you write great applications.

Speaker: Chris Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 101

What's New in Cocoa

App Frameworks • OS X • 54:56

The Cocoa frameworks give you high-level access to the underlying power of Mac OS X. Get a developer's eye overview of the Lion advances in Foundation and Application Kit, including support for new features such as Full-screen, Auto Save, Resume, Versions, and many others. This session will orient you for the other Cocoa sessions that cover these technologies in further detail.

Speakers: Aki Inoue, Ali Ozer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 102

Implementing UIViewController Containment

App Frameworks • iOS • 58:42

View controllers are a fundamental piece of any iOS application. Come to this session to learn how to ensure child view controllers receive appearance and rotation callbacks correctly, new methods of controlling view controller presentation, and become acquainted with a new view controller container class.

Speakers: Matt Gamble, Bruce Nilo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 103

Cocoa Autolayout

App Frameworks • OS X • 59:16

In Lion, we revisit the basics of how views are placed in windows for the first time since Mac OS X 10.0. Springs and struts (i.e. autoresizing masks) are out, dashed blue Interface Builder guides are in. Rather than being one-off helpers for setting a frame in IB, guides become persistent objects that maintain a relationship at runtime. Come see what's going on, and what merited such a big change.

Speakers: Kevin Cathey, Ken Ferry

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 104

Advanced ScrollView Techniques

App Frameworks • iOS • 54:51

Come learn about how to achieve the appearance of infinite scrolling in either one or two dimensions. We'll also look at how to change the resolution of drawn content during zooming, without requiring the use of CATiledLayer.

Speakers: Eliza Block, Josh Shaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 105

Polishing your App: Tips and Tricks to Improve Responsiveness and Performance

App Frameworks • iOS • 46:15

It's easy to write an app for iOS, however writing a great app takes effort. iOS Engineers will show you how to improve your app's responsiveness and performance, while polishing the overall user experience. Discover new techniques for saving your app's state, starting quickly on cold launch, improving user awareness by utilizing animations, and working efficiently with network resources and GCD.

Speaker: Ian Baird

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 106

System-wide Previews on OSX and iOS

App Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 51:25

Quick Look is a technology that displays previews (OSX and iOS) and thumbnails (OSX only) of your documents. It helps the user quickly identify the files he is interacting with.Learn how to take advantage of Quick Look to display document previews on the Mac, iPhone and iPad. Learn how you can generate thumbnails and how to write plug-ins to support your own document formats on the Mac.

Speakers: Philippe Champeaux, Julien Robert

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 107

Auto Save and Versions in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

App Frameworks • OS X • 55:33

Your application can easily be part of the new Auto Save and Versions features in Lion. We will show the benefits of adopting these new features, discuss how to implement them, and go over best practices for Auto Saving applications. This talk will also cover some of the other new topics in NSDocument.

Speakers: Tony Parker, Kevin Perry

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 108

iOS Printing System

App Frameworks • iOS • 49:47

iOS now contains a full featured printing system that allows any application to create great printed output. In this session you will learn about how printing works on iOS, the printing models available to your application and how to determine which approach is best. We will provide step by step walk through of the necessary APIs and program structure to allow your application to printing with desktop quality and richness, with a minimum of development effort.

Speakers: Dave DeLong, Howard Miller, Andrew Platzer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 109

Taking Advantage of File Coordination

App Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 46:30

The next version of the Foundation framework will include file coordination, a new mechanism that allows a process to interoperate well with other processes that are accessing the same files. It even lets your application play an active role in file operations done by other processes. We'll talk about what it is and how you use it. It's an important API to some of the other new features you'll learn about at this year's WWDC so we'll also talk about how parts of Mac OS X and iOS are already using it.

Speaker: Mark Piccirelli

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 110

Designing User Interfaces for iOS and Mac OS X Apps

App Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 55:04

Gain key insights into what it takes to create amazing iPhone, iPad, and Mac OS X apps. Learn the latest tips, best practices, methodology and prototyping techniques.

Speaker: Mark Kawano

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 111

Visualizing Information Geographically with MapKit

App Frameworks • iOS • 43:26

The Map Kit framework lets you present rich annotated maps from within your application. Come learn about the added support for different tracking modes and new ways of showing custom information and maps to users. Review the latest best practices for integrating Map Kit into your app.

Speakers: Matt Jarjoura, Stephane Moore

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 112

Writing Easy-To-Change Code: Your Second-Most Important Goal As A Developer

App Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 57:23

Dealing with software change is constant. The better you plan for change, the faster you can make new apps and update your existing apps. This talk gives you ideas for improving your approach to software change, and includes both general software engineering conventions and iOS-specific conventions. You'll hear concrete suggestions you can use to make your development process quicker and more efficient.

Speaker: Ken Kocienda

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 113

Full Screen and Aqua Changes

App Frameworks • OS X • 1:00:26

Learn the ins and outs of making your app Lion-ready. Use Lion's new Full Screen mode, and adapt to changes in the look and behavior of standard controls. This session will include tips and sample code that you can learn from and put immediately to work.

Speakers: Patrick Heynen, Dan Schimpf, Troy Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 114

Customizing the Appearance of UIKit Controls

App Frameworks • iOS • 47:11

With iOS 5, you can customize the look of your app controls using the new Appearance APIs. The new Appearance Proxy API allows you to efficiently apply a custom appearance to your views and controls, including built-in controls such navigation, tab, and toolbars. These customizations can be applied across your entire app or independently on a per-control basis.

Speakers: Marian Goldeen, Chris Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 115

Scrolling, Swiping, Dragging: Now with more animation!

App Frameworks • OS X • 59:05

Scrolling and drag and drop have undergone major improvements in Lion. Get introduced to the new scrolling behavior and learn why up is now down, and down is now up. Discover the new scroll wheel event properties providing a wealth of new information about each scroll event. Learn how to customize scrolling in NSScrollView such as setting a custom background for rubber-banding and setting which axis are allowed to rubber-band. Learn how to track scrolling to perform a fluid swipe animation of your content while playing nice with rubber-banding. No longer be a passive observer of drag and drop. Learn how and when to actively participate by changing the drag images in flight.

Speakers: Raleigh Ledet, Troy Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 116

Storing Documents in iCloud using iOS 5

App Frameworks • iOS • 54:39

iCloud Storage enables iOS 5 apps to store documents in the cloud, so users can access the same documents from iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, or PC. Learn how to use the new UIDocument class to build applications that integrate with iCloud.

Speaker: Luke Hiesterman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 117

Performing Calendar Calculations

App Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 59:10

Calendar arithmetic can be tricky. Discover some of the common pitfalls in various calendars and learn about the best practices to doing various kinds of calculations.

Speaker: Chris Kane

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 118

Making the Most of Multi-Touch on iOS

App Frameworks • iOS • 55:22

This session will help you take advantage of the Multi-Touch features available in iOS. You will learn practical information about Multi-Touch APIs, touch routing, gesture recognizers, as well as guidelines for interoperating with the system and other apps, and pointers for how to create complex real-world user interfaces which make great use of Multi-Touch.

Speaker: Ken Kocienda

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 119

Resume and Automatic Termination in Lion

App Frameworks • OS X • 49:51

Lion introduces Resume: a simpler way for apps to exit and later resume where they left off. Come learn how to take advantage of new APIs to enable your users to spend less time managing your app and more time using it. You will learn about the Resume feature as we walk through converting real applications to adopt automatic termination and window restoration. The session will include plenty of concrete code samples and practical advice.

Speakers: Peter Ammon, David Smith

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 120

View Based NSTableView Basic to Advanced

App Frameworks • OS X • 53:44

Lion now has the ability to use Views instead of Cells inside NSTableView. Get the information on how to quickly develop applications using this new technology. Basic TableView setup will be covered, along with more advanced features, such as insertion animations and dynamically updating content.

Speaker: Corbin Dunn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 121

Understanding UIKit Rendering

App Frameworks • iOS • 58:36

UIKit has strong ties to Core Animation, and an understanding of this relationship can provide important insight into the behavior and performance of your UIKit application. We'll walk through the fundamentals of UIView and CALayer geometry, convert a pure Core Animation application to use UIKit, and explore some tools Core Animation offers to enhance your application's appearance and performance. Learn various techniques to provide optimal edge anti-aliasing, group opacity, clipping, shadows and more.

Speakers: Mathieu Martin, Andy Matuschak, Josh Shaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 122

iOS Accessibility

App Frameworks • iOS • 51:21

iOS devices are incredibly popular for users with blindness, low vision, and other disabilities. Learn how to make your apps accessible to everyone, as well as how to make apps that are tailored expressly for users with disabilities. This talk will cover new and existing UIAccessibility API, and it will provide tips and tricks for making all apps more usable by everyone.

Speaker: Chris Fleizach

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 123

Improving the Stability of Your Apps

App Frameworks • iOS • 57:45

Learn how to properly test and debug your application to ensure a great first impression. From edge cases to common pitfalls, learn tips and tricks on how to ensure that your application runs on multiple devices and multiple versions of iOS.

Speakers: Jake Behrens, Jim Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 124

Twitter Integration

App Frameworks • iOS • 51:15

Learn how to integrate Twitter into your applications. If you're new to Twitter, or have existing applications, we'll show you how easy it is to make the most of our new framework for single sign-on accounts.

Speakers: Scott Herz, Glen Steele

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 125

UITableView Changes, Tips and Tricks

App Frameworks • iOS • 47:28

iOS 5.0 introduces a number of new features in UITableView. Come learn what's new as well as some fun tricks to make your application stand out from the crowd.

Speakers: Jason Beaver, Luke Hiesterman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 127

Design Patterns to Simplify Mac Accessibility

App Frameworks • OS X • 41:19

Your Mac app already contains a wealth of accessibility information just waiting to be reported through the NSAccessibility APIs. Doing so opens your app up to growing numbers of VoiceOver users and gives you and your users a way to automate your application's interface. Come learn about design patterns that simply the process of making your application and custom views accessible, and discover accessibility enhancements in Lion.

Speaker: James Dempsey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 128

Advanced Text Processing

App Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 56:31

Applications deal with large amounts of text in a wide variety of languages and formats. They can benefit from improving their understanding of textual data. Learn how to analyze the content of text using the wide range of features now available on iOS and Mac OS X, including regular expressions, data detectors, linguistic APIs, spellchecking, and more.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, Jennifer Moore

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 129

Practical Drawing for iOS Developers

App Frameworks • iOS • 52:30

Come learn about all the amazing things you can do with Core Graphics. In this talk you learn from seasoned Apple engineers how to use Core Graphics to get great performance, beautiful graphics, and compelling animations. Learn to draw amazing custom user interface elements, customize the appearance of UIKit with procedurally generated images and animate between draw states. This talk will help you use Core Graphics to its full potential in your application.

Speaker: Bill Dudney

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 131

Getting Your Apps Ready for China and other Hot New Markets

App Frameworks • iOS • 48:41

Sales of Apple products are increasing dramatically in new markets such as China. Apple platforms now support new localizations such as Arabic. Quality localization is critical to the success of your apps in these rapidly growing markets. This session will cover the things you need to know to succeed, including: 1. What kind of language support is offered and how you can test. 2. Making your application localizable for these markets. 3. How to make sure your application supports bidirectional UI.

Speaker: Brent Ramerth

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 133

Lion-Sized Automation

App Frameworks • OS X • 48:22

Every one of Mac OS X's automation technologies has been super-charged for Lion, resulting in significant improvements in their design and integration with Mac OS X. Automator sports new controls for creating and installing workflows, along with a powerful set of "content-focused" actions for encoding media, viewing and processing web content, and for creating digital publications. AppleScript in Lion brings the power of AppleScript/Objective-C to the desktop with new Cocoa-AppleScript applets that access the Cocoa frameworks directly within scripts. And even the Terminal gets rejuvenated, sporting numerous new features and UI enhancements, including the new "geek-mode" full-screen display option. This session is for all attendees looking for a quick but thorough indoctrination in the automation prowess of Lion.

Speakers: Chris Page, Sal Soghoian

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 136

Latent Semantic Mapping: Exposing the Meaning behind Words and Documents

App Frameworks • OS X • 45:11

Latent Semantic Mapping (LSM) is the powerful engine behind such Mac OS X features as the Junk Mail Filter, Parental Controls, Kanji Text Input, and in Lion, a more helpful Help. This session will explain how you can use LSM to make your own documents easier for your users to find, to sort, to filter, to classify, and to retrieve. Learn how to use this valuable framework and the LSM command-line tool. Gain an understanding of the major concepts behind the API, see the types of problems it can address in your application, and learn best practices for achieving robust performance.

Speakers: Jerome Bellegarda, Matthias Neeracher, Kim Silverman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 200

Core OS Networking, Key Principles

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 46:43

Networking has become a key part of the experience we expect from our computers, devices, and the applications our customers use every day. In this session we will discuss the key principles for successful network integration for your applications as well as new technologies and features you should be considering as you write the next great app.

Speaker: Brett Halle

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 201

Working with iOS Accessories

Core OS • iOS • 51:15

iOS provides several services in which apps can interact with external accessories and devices. Starting with iOS 4.3, you can stream content from your app using AirPlay. In this session we will review the AirPlay feature set and describe how apps and websites can work with AirPlay devices. We will also review the latest hardware guidelines for developers of Bluetooth accessories and cover new features for Bluetooth, the External Accessory framework, and accessibility devices.

Speakers: Peter Langenfeld, Emily Schubert, Brian Tucker

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WWDC11 • Session 202

Security Overview

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 39:00

Get an overview of new security capabilities in iOS and Mac OS X Lion. Learn how these features can be used to help secure your application. Gain insights into emerging security threats and the implications at the application level.

Speaker: Alex Radocea

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 203

Introducing App Sandbox

Core OS • OS X • 45:39

Discover how you can use Lion's App's Sandbox feature to protect your application's users from unintentional bugs or deliberate attempts to compromise security. Understand the App Sandbox security goals, how applications and user data are isolated from each other, and how to describe the system resources your application needs to get its work done.

Speaker: Ivan Krstić

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 204

App Sandbox and the Mac App Store

Core OS • OS X • 38:56

Planning to distribute your application on the Mac App Store? Don’t miss this session! Learn how to adopt App Sandbox in your application in order to meet the Mac App Store Guidelines. (pre-req: Introducing App Sandbox)

Speaker: Ivan Krstić

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 205

Core OS Networking In-Depth

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 55:37

In this session we will got into depth on key new features, tools, and technology that you should be considering as part of your next great iOS or Mac app.

Speakers: Josh Graessley, Vincent Lubet, Anil Vempati, James Woodyatt

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WWDC11 • Session 206

Introducing XPC

Core OS • OS X • 47:23

XPC is a powerful new technology in Mac OS X Lion for logically separating parts of your application. This separation allows you to work better with App Sandboxing and produce more secure, fault tolerant architectures. Learn all about XPC, how to incorporate it into your application, and discover the real world best practice to get the most out of it.

Speaker: Damien Sorresso

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 207

Userland Device Access

Core OS • OS X • 54:17

As Mac OS X has evolved, many tasks that previously required a kext can be accomplished entirely from outside the kernel. Learn what APIs and services are available to applications to access and control IOKit devices, including Mac App Store compatible solutions.

Speakers: Ethan Bold, Thane Norton, Dean Reece

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WWDC11 • Session 208

Securing Application Data

Core OS • iOS • 54:01

Securing data is an important feature of any application. Learn how to use the Keychain and get recipes to protect application data. Understand how to determine data caching policies, what to do when a device locks, and how to handle upgrades and restores of iOS devices.

Speakers: Michael Brouwer, Conrad Sauerwald, Andrew Whalley

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WWDC11 • Session 209

Inside the Accelerate Framework for iOS

Core OS • iOS • 30:47

Introduction to the Accelerate framework APIs, which consists of state of the art signal processing, matrix and linear algebra computation and now image processing and array based elements.

Speakers: Steve Canon, Luke Chang

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WWDC11 • Session 210

Mastering Grand Central Dispatch

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 42:47

Grand Central Dispatch is a powerful technology on Mac OS X and iOS that simplifies multi-threaded development. Learn about the latest advancements in Grand Central Dispatch, discover how you can adopt GCD in your own application to increase performance, and gain the real world knowledge you need take your app to the next level.

Speaker: Daniel Steffen

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WWDC11 • Session 211

Bonjour Network Discovery and Connectivity

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 56:46

Bonjour, also known as zero-configuration networking, enables automatic discovery of computers, devices, and services on IP networks. A wide range of Apple's products—from iMacs and MacBooks to AirPort Base Stations and Time Capsules, Apple TVs to iPhones, iPod touches and iPads—use Bonjour for streamlined and reliable networking. Learn how to use Bonjour to make it easy for your applications to publish, discover, and resolve network services.

Speakers: Stuart Cheshire, Rory McGuire

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WWDC11 • Session 212

Next Generation Cryptographic Services

Core OS • OS X • 46:01

Learn about new cryptographic capabilities as well as changes made to the cryptographic services in Mac OS X. Gain insight into the best practices and techniques for using cryptography in your code. Learn how easy it is to add cryptography to your applications.

Speaker: Jon Callas

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WWDC11 • Session 300

Developer Tools Kickoff

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 1:09:03

Xcode is the development environment for creating great applications for Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Discover amazing new features in Xcode, and learn how to get the most out of your development experience. A must-attend session for all developers.

Speakers: Max Drukman, Matt Firlik, Jon Hess, Chris Lattner, Andreas Wendker

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WWDC11 • Session 302

Using Interface Builder in Xcode 4

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 53:43

Xcode 4 seamlessly integrates Interface Builder within the IDE. Learn how you can use this integration to work more efficiently than ever before. Discover how Interface Builder in Xcode 4 makes it easy to visually design your user interface and create connections to your code.

Speakers: Kevin Cathey, Joey Hagedorn

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WWDC11 • Session 303

What's New in Core Data on iOS

Developer Tools • iOS • 47:43

Core Data is a powerful technology for managing data persistence in your applications. Learn about the latest advancements in Core Data on iOS, including improved fetch request API, ordered relationships, and improved concurrency support. Discover how you can adopt these powerful enhancements in your iOS apps.

Speakers: Nick Gillett, Adam Swift

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WWDC11 • Session 306

Maximizing Productivity in Xcode 4

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 47:26

Xcode 4 delivers a wealth of new features to help you be more productive than ever before. Join engineers from the Xcode team as they teach time-saving tips, and demonstrate workflows geared toward the power user, to help you work faster and more efficiently.

Speakers: Brooke Callahan, Mike Ferris, Ron Lue-Sang

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WWDC11 • Session 307

Moving to Apple LLVM compiler

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 58:40

Apple LLVM is the modern compiler for Mac OS X and iOS development. Discover the latest features in the Apple LLVM compiler, and see how to take advantage of them in your application. Learn from Apple's compiler team as they walk you through the steps to migrate your project from GCC to LLVM.

Speakers: Doug Gregor, Bob Wilson

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WWDC11 • Session 308

Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch in Practice

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 45:02

From processing events and callbacks to keeping your app's user interface running smoothly, block objects and GCD queues are a fundamental part of software design on iOS and Mac OS X. This session provides both an introduction to the technologies and more advanced tips and tricks you need to take advantage of blocks and GCD.

Speakers: Kevin Van Vechten, Dave Zarzycki

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WWDC11 • Session 309

Introducing Interface Builder Storyboarding

Developer Tools • iOS • 50:04

Discover how Xcode's Interface Builder support for Storyboarding in iOS 5 makes designing your iOS apps so much easier. Storyboarding allows you to graphically arrange all your views within a single design canvas, where you can then define the app's logical flow, and even assign transition animations. Learn how to use Storyboarding to quickly go from concept, to creating your next great app.

Speakers: Rob Marini, Joshua Pennington

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WWDC11 • Session 310

What's New in Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 47:37

Instruments is the one stop shop for all your performance needs on Mac OS X and iOS. Discover the latest advancements in Instruments, including improvements in System Trace, Time Profiler, and memory analysis. Learn how Instruments can help your app perform even better.

Speakers: Daniel Delwood, Steve Lewallen

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WWDC11 • Session 311

Mastering Source Control in Xcode 4

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 46:54

Xcode 4 provides powerful new ways to integrate directly with Git and Subversion repositories. Learn how this integration can help you work more efficiently with your team, juggle numerous development branches, find and fix bugs, and better understand the history of your code with the Version editor.

Speakers: Kerry Hazelgren, Kevin Lindeman, Brent Shank

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WWDC11 • Session 312

iOS Performance and Power Optimization with Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS • 55:37

Creating an app that performs great is essential to making your users happy. Learn the techniques that will make your app launch faster, require less memory, efficiently use the network, and minimize power consumption. A must attend session for all iOS developers.

Speakers: Tim Lee, Chad Woolf

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WWDC11 • Session 313

Mastering Schemes in Xcode 4

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 56:38

Xcode 4 introduced schemes: a powerful new way to control how you build, debug, test, analyze, profile, and deploy your application. Discover how to use schemes to their fullest potential, learn in-depth details about the Xcode build system, and see how you can configure your project for maximum productivity.

Speakers: Rick Ballard, Chris Hanson

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WWDC11 • Session 315

What's New in Core Data on Mac OS X

Developer Tools • OS X • 44:33

Learn about the latest advancements in Core Data on Mac OS X Lion, including improved fetch request API, ordered relationships, new incremental store support, and iCloud Storage APIs. Discover how you can adopt these powerful enhancements in your Mac OS X Lion apps.

Speakers: Ben Trumbull, Melissa Turner

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WWDC11 • Session 316

LLVM Technologies in Depth

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 48:38

The Apple LLVM compiler has evolved at a staggering pace, providing remarkably quick compile times and generating lightning-fast code. See how Xcode integrates LLVM into the IDE to alert to you mistakes as you type, and how it can even fix problems for you. Learn how Xcode's static analyzer leverages the intelligence of the LLVM engine, and see the latest advancements in C++ support.

Speakers: Evan Cheng, Doug Gregor

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 317

Device Management and App Submission with Xcode 4

Developer Tools • iOS • 43:44

Xcode 4 contains a wide array of features to make developing for iOS easy and straightforward. From automatic device provisioning, to creating and resigning build archives, and validation and submission to the app store. Join the Xcode engineering team for a tour through the iOS development process and discover time-saving tips and tricks built right into Xcode.

Speakers: Clark Cox, Itai Rom, Marc Verstaen, Jacob Xiao

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WWDC11 • Session 318

iOS Performance in Depth

Developer Tools • 58:37

Take your iOS performance knowledge to the next level in this detailed session. Discover how to use memory more efficiently, learn detailed tips for working with views and images, and see how you can better optimize for speed and responsiveness.

Speakers: Dan Crosby, Ben Nham

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WWDC11 • Session 319

Effective Debugging with Xcode 4

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 55:13

Xcode 4 introduces a refined and powerful new debugging interface. Discover how you can better track the value of your variables, better debug multithreaded applications, and find and fix issues faster than ever. Join the Xcode engineering team for an in-depth look at the Xcode debugger and LLDB.

Speakers: Anders Bertelrud, Blake Chaffin, Ken Orr

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WWDC11 • Session 320

Adopting Multitasking in Your App

Developer Tools • iOS • 55:00

If your app would benefit from playing audio or updating location when in the background, or completing a task even after the user leaves, or from fast app switching, you will want to learn about multitasking in iOS. A must attend session if you plan to use multitasking in your app.

Speakers: Dave Myszewski, Charles Srisuwananukorn

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WWDC11 • Session 321

Migrating from GDB to LLDB

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 55:25

LLDB is the next-generation debugger for Mac OS X and iOS. Discover why you'll want to start using LLDB in your own development, get expert tips from the team that created LLDB, and see how it will help you track down bugs more efficiently than ever before.

Speakers: Sean Callanan, Jim Ingham, Caroline Tice

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WWDC11 • Session 322

Objective-C Advancements In-Depth

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 58:31

Join experts from the Objective-C runtime team as they dive deep into the latest runtime and language advancements. Discover how LLVM is helping to advance innovation in Objective-C, learn about new language constructs, and find out more about Automatic Reference Counting.

Speakers: Blaine Garst, Greg Parker

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WWDC11 • Session 323

Introducing Automatic Reference Counting

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 1:02:43

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) dramatically simplifies memory management in Objective-C. Discover how the latest advancements in the LLVM compiler can help you write less code when creating safe, fast applications. A must-attend session for developers of all skill levels, on both Mac OS X and iOS.

Speakers: Patrick Beard, Chris Lattner, John McCall

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WWDC11 • Session 400

Graphics, Media, and Games Kickoff

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 54:40

iOS and Mac OS X deliver an amazing lineup of technologies for developing cutting-edge games, innovative graphical applications, and platform-optimized audio and video experiences. Join your fellow developers in kicking off the Graphics, Media, and Games sessions of WWDC 2011 and gain key insights into the powerful capabilities you'll use to create great apps.

Speakers: Meriko Borogrove, Geoff Stahl, John Stauffer

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WWDC11 • Session 401

What's New in OpenCL

Graphics, Media, and Games • OS X • 53:22

OpenCL lets your application tap into the vast computing power of modern GPUs and multicore CPUs to accelerate computationally intensive tasks. Get all the details about advances in OpenCL for Mac OS X Lion and learn techniques that yield incredible performance increases. Explore tightened integration between OpenCL and Grand Central Dispatch, and see how auto-vectorization makes it easy for your app to harness parallel computation.

Speakers: Sion Berkowits, James Shearer, Abe Stephens

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WWDC11 • Session 402

Essential Game Technologies for iOS, Pt 1

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 49:54

iOS delivers an incredible collection of graphics, media, and integrated technologies for developing cutting-edge mobile games. Explore the frameworks and technologies that enable you to create the most imaginative games possible. Dive into expert techniques to harness the full capabilities of iOS and create rich gameplay experiences for your players. This is the first of two sessions covering the techniques for iOS game development.

Speaker: Nate Begeman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 403

Essential Game Technologies for iOS, Pt 2

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 55:39

iOS provides a phenomenal platform for mobile game development. Dive deeper into iOS game technologies and see how the best games take advantage of the rich features of the platform. Get practical guidance about game design and production, and see which iOS features can drive incredible advances in your titles. This is the second of two sessions covering the techniques for iOS game development.

Speakers: Craig Adams, Graeme Devine, Nathan Vella

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WWDC11 • Session 404

Audio Development for Games

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 45:33

iOS and Mac OS X provides an impressive array of audio technologies tailored for use in games. See how to apply the high-level classes for audio in AV Foundation for simple playback and understand the recommended practices for looping sounds and effects. Then dive deeper into game audio and learn how easy it is to integrate OpenAL into your immersive games and create a thrilling 3D audio experience.

Speakers: Kapil Krishnamurthy, James McCartney

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WWDC11 • Session 405

Exploring AV Foundation

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 54:56

AV Foundation harnesses a streamlined media architecture that enables high-performance audio and video playback, editing, recording, and more. Explore the features provided by this technology and understand how to add advanced multimedia capabilities to your apps. Get an overview of the classes in the AV Foundation framework on iOS and get introduced to the powerful capabilities brought back to the Mac in Lion.

Speakers: Kevin Calhoun, Simon Goldrei

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WWDC11 • Session 406

AirPlay and External Displays in iOS apps

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 59:12

AirPlay enables apps to wirelessly stream music, video, or even the entire display to an HDTV via Apple TV. Get an overview of AirPlay capabilities and see how it creates entirely new possibilities for games, media apps, and more. Learn how your apps can output visuals and audio to a second display wirelessly over AirPlay or through a connected cable. Understand the key principles for driving external displays from iOS and gain insight into recommended practices to enrich the user experience and optimize performance.

Speakers: Jim Batson, Jacques Gasselin de Richebourg, Josh Shaffer

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WWDC11 • Session 407

Introduction to Game Center

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 55:37

iOS games can take advantage of Game Center, Apple's social gaming network. Get introduced to the concepts behind this technology and understand how to create a gaming experience that users find compelling, fun, and easy to use. Learn the approach for adding Game Center to your games and get an overview of the classes and APIs in the Game Kit framework.

Speaker: Nathan Taylor

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 408

HTTP Live Streaming Update

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 58:22

HTTP Live Streaming lets you deliver live and on-demand multimedia content using a standard HTTP server. Gain a practical understanding of recent enhancements and how they affect best practices for delivering video into your application or on the web.

Speaker: Roger Pantos

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WWDC11 • Session 409

Working with Game Center

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 56:21

Players, Scores, and Achievements are at the core of the Game Center experience. See how these ideas are expressed in the Game Kit framework and understand how your users will interact with your Game Center enabled app. Understand the process of authenticating a player, updating leaderboards, and managing achievements. Learn from a variety of usage scenarios that can help you enrich your game and keep bringing your players back for more.

Speakers: Jordan Ceccarelli, Alex Finlayson

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WWDC11 • Session 410

Multi-Player Gaming with Game Center

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 41:36

The ultimate challenge is to compete against a skilled opponent, and Game Center makes it easy for your players to discover each other and play together over a network. Understand the process to add players to a multi-player match. Go into the details of peer-to-peer and server-hosted multiplayer games. Learn about sending data or game state to remote players, and discuss how you can take advantage of in-game voice chat.

Speakers: Jordan Ceccarelli, Christy Warren

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WWDC11 • Session 411

Music in iOS and Lion

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 54:13

iOS and Mac OS X feature a state-of-the-art audio engine, enabling a variety of groundbreaking music applications. Learn about the latest advances in audio capabilities on iOS and Mac. Gain a thorough understanding of MIDI and other sequencing APIs, and check out a new collection of audio units on iOS.

Speakers: Michael Hopkins, Doug Scott

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WWDC11 • Session 412

Turn-Based Gaming with Game Center

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 48:56

Turn-based competition is an exciting capability added in Game Center for iOS 5. Learn about the new API and user interface for turn-based play and see how it applies in a variety of popular game genres. Gain insight into managing turn-based game state and get details about how the turn is passed from player to player.

Speakers: Gabriel Belinsky, Jordan Ceccarelli

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 413

Audio Session Management for iOS

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 50:39

iOS provides a powerful engine for playing, recording, and processing audio in your applications for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. Gain a thorough understanding of audio session management, and learn the recommended practices for handling background audio, dealing with interruptions, and playing multiple sounds simultaneously.

Speaker: Eric Johnson

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WWDC11 • Session 414

Advances in OpenGL ES for iOS 5

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 54:12

OpenGL ES provides access to the stunning graphics power of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. See how you can tap into the latest advances in OpenGL ES for iOS 5 and harness the programmable pipeline enabled by OpenGL ES 2.0. Get introduced to the new GL Kit framework and learn how your apps can take advantage of its built-in features and effects.

Speakers: Gokhan Avkarogullari, Eric Sunalp

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WWDC11 • Session 415

Working with Media in AV Foundation

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 56:12

The AV Foundation framework provides a rich Objective-C interface for playback and editing of audio and video in your iOS or Mac OS X application. Discover the tremendous control and flexibility provided by AV Foundation and get instruction about working with media in your apps. Understand the mechanisms for reading and writing media and learn how to compose independent clips into new assets.

Speakers: Sam Bushell, Adam Sonnanstine

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WWDC11 • Session 416

Tools for Tuning OpenGL ES Apps on iOS

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 50:24

The iOS SDK includes powerful graphics tools for analyzing and optimizing the performance of your OpenGL ES apps. Discover expert techniques you can apply to your apps to maximize their efficiency and attain high frame rates. Learn practical ways to identify bottlenecks, tune performance hot-spots, and overcome any hurdles that could take you off the fast path.

Speakers: Scott Bassett, Filip Iliescu, Benj Lipchak, Seth Sowerby

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WWDC11 • Session 417

Introducing AV Foundation Capture For Lion

Graphics, Media, and Games • OS X • 56:09

iOS developers have enjoyed full camera access using AV Foundation since iOS 4.0. Now AV Foundation is coming to Lion with an even richer feature set. Learn how to capture screen input to movie files, query and configure real-time capture devices, and harness the power of AV Foundation capture classes in your app.

Speaker: Brad Ford

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 418

Best Practices for OpenGL ES Apps in iOS

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 47:01

OpenGL ES enables your app to push the performance envelope of iOS devices and create an experience perfectly tailored for the platform. Dive straight into specific recommendations to fine-tune the interaction between your usage of OpenGL ES and iOS built-in behaviors for multitasking, display orientation, and more. Learn critical design principles that will make your OpenGL ES apps feel snappier, look better, and have the flexibility to take full advantage of iPhone 4 and iPad 2.

Speaker: Richard Schreyer

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WWDC11 • Session 419

Capturing from the Camera using AV Foundation on iOS 5

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 56:34

AV Foundation provides your application with full programmatic access to video and still images from the built-in cameras. Learn what's new in iOS 5 including exciting API enhancements and performance improvements that allow you to leverage the GPU and CPU to create immersive, performant augmented reality apps using the camera.

Speakers: Brandon Corey, Brad Ford

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WWDC11 • Session 420

Advances in OpenGL for Mac OS X Lion

Graphics, Media, and Games • OS X • 52:32

OpenGL is the foundation for accelerated graphics in Mac OS X, enabling your apps to tap into the incredible rendering power of the GPU. Explore the streamlined power of OpenGL in Lion and get all the details to take advantage of the OpenGL 3.2 Core Profile. See how your graphics code can deliver incredible visuals using OpenGL and gain specific insights to ensure maximum frame rates.

Speaker: Matt Collins

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WWDC11 • Session 421

Core Animation Essentials

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 59:09

Core Animation is the layer-based animation system at the heart of the dynamic user experience seen in iOS and Mac OS X. See Core Animation in action and explore its intuitive programming model for creating compelling animations. Understand how to maintain high frame rates and learn recommended practices to deliver smooth transitions and effects in your apps.

Speakers: Michael Levy, Tim Oriol

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WWDC11 • Session 422

Using Core Image on iOS and Mac OS X

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 53:38

Core Image lets you perform sophisticated image processing operations and create stunning visual effects. Get introduced to the powerful capabilities of Core Image in iOS 5 for adjusting still images and enhancing live video. See how to harness new APIs for facial feature detection on iOS and Mac OS X, and get details about the latest filters.

Speakers: David Hayward, Piotr Maj, Chendi Zhang

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WWDC11 • Session 423

What's New in Core Motion

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 51:20

Core Motion fuses data from the built-in hardware to let you determine precisely how your iOS device is oriented and moving in 3D space. Gain a detailed understanding of the features and capabilities of the Core Motion framework, and understand how you can use device motion to create an amazingly immersive experience for games, augmented reality, and much more.

Speakers: Chris Moore, Xiaoyuan Tu

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WWDC11 • Session 500

What's New in Core Location

Internet & Web • iOS • 52:28

The Core Location framework enables geographical context in your app, letting you sort search results by proximity, provide turn-by-turn navigation, connect nearby users in social networks, and more. Master the Core Location APIs, and see how to leverage improvements to GPS positioning, WiFi locations, and region monitoring. See how new additions to Core Location like geocoding can extend and improve your app, and learn best practices to conserve power and increase performance.

Speakers: Pierre-Luc Beaudoin, Morgan Grainger, Richard Heard

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WWDC11 • Session 501

iCloud Storage Overview

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 38:10

iCloud Storage enables apps to store documents and settings across iOS, Mac OS X, and Windows. Discover how iCloud Storage works, and get an overview of the components that make up this technology. Understand which APIs are needed to add support for iCloud Storage to your app, and learn the best practices for storing documents and settings in iCloud.

Speakers: Dallas De Atley, Eric Krugler

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WWDC11 • Session 502

Advanced HTML5 Media Controllers in Safari

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 42:36

With HTML5, embedding audio or video in a web page can be as simple as adding a single line of code. Go beyond the basics and learn the best practices for implementing custom media controls that match the look and feel of your website. Discover how to use JavaScript to add custom play and pause buttons, volume controls, a timeline, a fullscreen button, and see how to display custom controls when video plays fullscreen. Find out tips for optimizing the look and feel of custom media controls for Safari on the desktop, and for the touch-enabled, zoomable interface of Safari on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Speakers: Eric Carlson, Jer Noble

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WWDC11 • Session 503

Hidden Gems for Web Apps

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 48:24

Did you know that you can use JavaScript to recognize touches and gestures, fetch or monitor a user's location, and detect motion through the accelerometer and gyroscope? Learn how to add features like these to your web page or app to enable a enhanced user experience. See how to add and optimize home screen icons and splash screens for web apps, and learn the best practices for displaying your web app in fullscreen mode.

Speakers: Anton D'Auria, Matt Lilek

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WWDC11 • Session 504

Building Newsstand Apps

Internet & Web • iOS • 42:18

Newsstand lets you simply and easily deliver magazine and newspaper content to iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad users. Master the APIs needed to create Newsstand apps, and see how to configure Newsstand apps in iTunes Connect. Learn how to customize the home screen icon of your Newsstand app, and discover the best practices for downloading and storing new issues, managing old issues, and more.

Speakers: Jon Drummond, Ben Nielsen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 505

iAd Implementation Best Practices

Internet & Web • iOS • 43:28

While adding iAd to your app is as easy as dropping a banner view in your UI, additional optimizations and a solid understanding of the iAd Network will ensure you're getting the most out of your implementation. See how standard advertising terms such as fill rate, impressions, and eCPM are defined from the iAd Network perspective, learn why these common metrics may vary for you, and discover best practices that can increase your advertising efficiency.

Speaker: David Duncan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 506

Building iAd Rich Media Ads with iAd Producer

Internet & Web • iOS • 1:01:13

iAd Producer's drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to lay out, customize, and test highly interactive iAd rich media ads. Discover how built-in page templates and components make ad creation a snap for designers without sacrificing the code editing and debugging capabilities that sophisticated developers expect. You'll see how you can use iAd Producer to easily create complex ads, test your ad on your own iPhone or iPad, set breakpoints, step through code, and optimize performance.

Speaker: Mark Malone

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 507

iBooks: Create Beautiful Books with HTML5, CSS3 and EPUB

Internet & Web • iOS • 57:07

iBooks is an amazing way for anyone to create, sell and enjoy many types of books on iPhone and iPad. See how to leverage EPUB and the latest HTML and CSS technologies to create any type of book, from novels and technical manuals to cookbooks and children's books. Go beyond text and discover how to add supplementary content such as tables, PDFs, audio and video. Learn how to create precise picture books using your own custom layout and use CSS to enrich books with animation.

Speakers: Alan Cannistraro, Casey Dougherty

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 508

Understanding And Optimizing Web Graphics

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 42:31

There are several different types of graphics on the web today, and several different ways to create them. Understand the pros and cons of graphics technologies such as the HTML5 canvas element, SVG, and CSS, and learn how to choose the right tool for the job whether you're adding infographics, illustrations, or interactivity. Go beyond the basics and see how to integrate graphics with media, discover optimizations for increased speed and decreased memory footprint, and learn tips and tricks to create unforgettable visual effects.

Speaker: Dean Jackson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 509

What's New in CSS Effects and Animations

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 44:14

CSS effects and animations let you add richness to any web page, and can be used inside native apps too. Learn how to combine 2D and 3D CSS transforms with CSS transitions and keyframe animations. Understand how to deliver advanced effects in just a few lines of code, discover the best practices for optimal performance, and see how to leverage new features to make your visual effects in Safari even better.

Speakers: Matthew Delaney, Jing Jin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 510

In-App Purchase for iOS and Mac OS X

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 58:45

In-App Purchase lets you embed a store directly within your app that can be used to sell a variety of items such as premium content, virtual goods or subscriptions. Discover the Store Kit APIs needed to add In App Purchase to your iOS or Mac OS X application. Understand how to perform receipt verification, and learn to manage and test items for sale through iTunes Connect. See how new features of iTunes Connect make it easier to manage large sets of items for sale, test subscriptions that automatically renew, and more.

Speakers: Jean-Pierre Ciudad, Ricardo Cortes, Max Muller, David Neumann

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 511

Rich Text Editing in Safari on iOS

Internet & Web • iOS • 24:29

New in iOS 5, rich text editing is now available for web content. Get up to speed on the technologies behind rich text editing on the Web, and see how to leverage new features such as keyboard customization. Learn how to build a rich text editor that works great in Safari, and in native applications that use UIWebView.

Speaker: Justin Garcia

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 512

What's New in App Publishing With iTunes Connect

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 41:45

The iTunes Connect portal provides a variety of tools for managing all aspects of your app publishing lifecycle. Understand the procedure for publishing your iOS or Mac OS X app, and see how iTunes Connect has evolved to help you manage and test new features such as subscriptions, iCloud Storage, and Newsstand. Learn best practices for pre-submission testing, discover common reasons for app rejection, and see how to follow up with Apple through the App Review resolution center.

Speakers: Aloke Bhatnagar, Ricardo Cortes, Jason Fosback, Max Muller, Paul Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 514

What's New in Safari Extensions

Internet & Web • OS X • 44:35

Safari Extensions can add buttons to the Safari toolbar, display a bar with custom content, or modify the appearance of a web page — all with standard HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. See how easy it is to get started with Safari's built-in Extension Builder, and how to create an extension that can execute scripts, apply CSS styles, and display context menus. Discover new user interface components for extensions such as popovers, and learn to leverage additions to the Extensions API to invoke Safari Reader, detect how users are interacting with Safari, and more.

Speakers: Jessie Berlin, Brian Weinstein

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 515

Using HTML5 Offline Storage

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 49:59

HTML5 Offline Storage refers to a collection of technologies that can be used in a variety of ways to improve your web content. See how to use Offline Storage to reduce web page load time, or how to make a web application that can be used even when users don't have a connection to the Internet. Go beyond the basics and discover best practices for handling cache size limits, responding to a cleared cache, debugging offline storage capabilities, and more.

Speakers: Andy Estes, Alexey Proskuryakov

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 516

Understanding Layout and Gestures in Safari on iOS and Lion

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 50:12

Safari on iOS was the first browser to deliver web content that responded to gestures such as panning, double-tapping, and pinching. Now, many of the basic principles behind gesture-friendly layout and gesture recognition have been carried over to Safari on Mac OS X Lion. See how to make web content that already looks great even better by learning the concepts behind gesture-enabled web layout. Understand how scrollable content and fixed positioning works in zoom-able interfaces, learn best practices for handling overlay scrollbars, discover optimization that speed up back-forward navigation, and more.

Speakers: Beth Dakin, Vicki Murley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 517

Using Local And Push Notifications on iOS and Mac OS X

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 41:46

Local and push notifications let background or inactive apps notify users that an event of interest has occurred, or that an app has new information for them. See how to use notifications to display a message, play a distinctive sound, or update a badge on your app icon. Understand how to register for push notifications, learn how to schedule local notifications, and discover the best practices for handling both.

Speakers: Darryl Bleau, James Callender, Darrin Jewell, Jason Thorpe

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 518

Testing Your Location-Aware App Without Leaving Your Chair

Internet & Web • iOS • 48:13

Testing the location-based features of your app can present unique challenges. Understand how to anticipate and test different scenarios your users will encounter, such as changing availability and accuracy of location information, use of your app in different regions around the world, and location authorization denial. Learn testing techniques that will keep your app at the highest level of quality from initial prototype to final version, and discover new tips, tricks, and tools for ad-hoc and automated testing.

Speaker: Morgan Grainger

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC11 • Session 519

Combining Web Accessibility and Automation on iOS

Internet & Web • iOS, OS X • 48:34

While it's clear that accessibility is important for users with disabilities, it's less widely known that accessibility plays a role in automated testing. Get an overview of the W3C ARIA standard, and learn how to make web pages accessible to users with blindness, low vision, and other disabilities. See how this technology easily translates to content inside UIWebView, and how to combine ARIA's interface to UIAccessibility with the UIAutomation framework to improve and extend your automated test processes.

Speaker: James Craig

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session keynote


Special Events • 1:54:00

WWDC 2012 Keynote

Speakers: Tim Cook, Craig Federighi, Scott Forstall, Phil Schiller

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 101

Platforms Kickoff

Special Events • iOS, OS X • 1:18:02

WWDC 2012 Platforms Kickoff

Speakers: Eric Albert, Max Drukman, Ken Kocienda, Henri Lamiraux, Geoff Stahl, Andreas Wendker

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WWDC12 • Session 400

Developer Tools Kickoff

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 59:01

Xcode is the development environment for creating amazing Mac, iPhone, and iPad applications. Start the week by watching the Xcode and LLVM teams demonstrate the latest features, and enhanced workflows. This session is a great introduction to the many in-depth Developer Tools topics at WWDC 2012 and is a must-attend for all developers.

Speakers: Mike Ferris, Matt Firlik, Jon Hess, Ted Kremenek, Chris Lattner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 402

Working Efficiently with Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 53:24

Xcode delivers a wealth of features to help you be more productive than ever before. Join engineers from the Xcode team as they teach time-saving tips and demonstrate workflows geared toward the power user, to help you work faster and more efficiently.

Speakers: Brooke Callahan, Chris Hanson, Kelly Keenan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 404

Building from the Command Line with Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 50:28

New features in Xcode make it easier than ever for command line developers to manage powerful build configurations in both Terminal and the Xcode IDE. Discover how to adapt your makefile-based projects to use the latest LLVM compilers, switch effortlessly between installed toolsets, and learn best practices for building from the command line.

Speakers: Anders Bertelrud, Daniel Dunbar

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 405

Modern Objective-C

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 42:56

Objective-C is the language of choice for building great iOS and OS X apps. Dive deep into the latest advancements in Objective-C, learn how you can write more concise and less error-prone code, and find out about the advancements in Automatic Reference Counting.

Speaker: Patrick Beard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 406

Adopting Automatic Reference Counting

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 39:59

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) dramatically simplifies memory management in Objective-C. Learn how to move your project to LLVM and ARC so you can write less code and give your application great performance. A must-attend session for developers of all skill levels, on both OS X and iOS.

Speakers: Malcolm Crawford, Dave Zarzycki

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 407

Adopting Storyboards in Your App

Developer Tools • iOS • 48:04

Storyboards in iOS make designing your application much faster and easier. Storyboards allow you to graphically arrange all your application's views within a single Xcode design canvas, where you can then define the logical flow and even assign transition animations. Learn how to use Storyboards to quickly go from concept to a fully functional iOS application.

Speakers: Joshua Pennington, Tony Ricciardi

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 408

Working with Schemes and Projects in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 53:46

Xcode 4 introduced schemes: a powerful way to control how you build, debug, test, analyze, profile, and deploy your application. Discover how to efficiently test your project, get a greater understanding of the Xcode build system, learn to use static libraries with iOS, and see how to configure your project for maximum productivity.

Speakers: Rick Ballard, Mirza Garibovic

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 409

Learning Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 53:49

Instruments is Apple's premiere tool for analyzing the performance of iOS and OS X applications. Watch the experts reveal deep performance issues and explain the collected data. Learn critical skills that will help you find memory leaks, improve network efficiency, and display the smoothest graphics possible. A must-attend session for anyone looking to better use Instruments.

Speakers: Joe Grzywacz, Victor Hernandez, David O'Rourke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 410

What's New in LLVM

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 58:05

The Apple LLVM compiler has evolved at a staggering pace, providing remarkably quick compile times and generating lightning-fast code. Learn about the latest LLVM technologies from improvements in the Static Analyzer, to better performance and optimizations, to the latest advancements in C++ support.

Speakers: Doug Gregor, Ted Kremenek, Bob Wilson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 411

Source Control Management in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 51:46

Xcode provides powerful ways to work directly with Git and Subversion repositories. Learn how Xcode's SCM features can help you work more efficiently with your team, juggle numerous development branches, find and fix bugs, and better understand the history of your code with the Version editor.

Speakers: Eric Dudiak, Kevin Lindeman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 412

Debugging in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 54:06

Xcode provides a powerful debugging interface and the new state-of-the-art LLDB debugger. Discover how you can better track the value of your variables, better debug multithreaded applications, and find and fix issues faster than ever. Join the Xcode engineering team for an in-depth look at the Xcode debugger and LLDB.

Speakers: Troy Koelling, Han-Ming Ong, Ken Orr, Alex Raftis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 413

Migrating to Modern Objective-C

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 35:23

Objective-C has evolved tremendously in recent years. In this tutorial-style session, learn how the latest features in Objective-C work together to dramatically reduce the amount of code you write, while simultaneously creating cleaner, safer, and better structured code.

Speaker: Malcolm Crawford

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 414

Building, Archiving, and Submitting Your App

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 56:25

Xcode has significantly improved workflows to help you build, package, and prepare your application for distribution. Discover the best practices for handing your iOS and OS X application to beta testers, see how to validate your app bundle and submit it to the App Store, and get ready for Gatekeeper by learning how to sign your Mac application with Developer ID.

Speakers: Yevgeny Binder, Rob Marini, Itai Rom

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 415

Debugging with LLDB

Developer Tools • iOS, OS X • 53:12

LLDB is the next-generation debugger for OS X and iOS. Get an introduction to using LLDB via the console interface and within Xcode's graphical debugger. The team that created LLDB will demonstrate the latest features and improvements, helping you track down bugs more efficiently than ever before.

Speaker: Greg Clayton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 700

The OS X App Sandbox

Core OS • OS X • 45:55

Discover how you can use App Sandbox to protect your app's users from unintentional bugs or deliberate attempts to compromise security. Understand sandboxing's security goals, how applications and their data are isolated from each other, and how to express the resources your application needs. Learn about new App Sandbox features in Mountain Lion and how to adopt them for your app to meet the Mac App Store Guidelines.

Speaker: Ivan Krstić

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 701

iOS Accessories

Core OS • iOS • 46:10

iOS provides several services in which apps can interact with accessories and devices. Learn how to design accessories that deliver the best possible experience for iPhone, iPad and iPod. Learn about new wired and wireless technologies on iOS.

Speakers: Edwin Foo, Aarti Kumar, Peter Langenfeld

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 702

Gatekeeper and Developer ID

Core OS • OS X • 54:59

Gatekeeper is a new security feature of Mountain Lion that helps give users greater assurance when they download software from places other than the Mac App Store. As part of the Mac Developer Program, Apple gives you a unique Developer ID for signing your software. Learn how to use this ID for signing your apps and packages, and how Gatekeeper uses these signatures to verify that a downloaded app is not known malware and that it hasn't been tampered with.

Speaker: Perry "the Cynic" Kiehtreiber

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 703

Core Bluetooth 101

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 50:29

The CoreBluetooth framework lets your iOS applications communicate with Bluetooth Low Energy devices over a personal area network (PAN). Learn about the Bluetooth LE technology and the APIs we provide for designing apps that connect to a Bluetooth LE peripheral and read, write, and request notification of changes to the characteristics of the peripheral.

Speakers: Craig Dooley, Brian Tucker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 704

The Security Framework

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 39:00

This session covers the Security framework technologies on both OS X and iOS. Learn about the Keychain, Secure Transport, certificate evaluation, crypto, and how apps can utilize these technologies.

Speaker: Dallas De Atley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 705

Advanced Core Bluetooth

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 43:52

In addition to providing services to iOS devices, Bluetooth LE peripherals can also use services provided by iOS devices. Learn how to advertise Bluetooth LE services in your iOS apps.

Speakers: Khrob Edmonds, Joakim Linde

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 706

Networking Best Practices

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 44:50

iOS and OS X both provide a number of abstractions to simplify and demystify networking and its inherent complexity. This session covers these abstractions in detail—from a TCP connection to NSURLConnection—and explains best design practices to tune for performance and power.

Speaker: Josh Graessley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 707

Simplify Networking with Bonjour

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 46:04

Learn how your network applications and services on iOS, OS X and other platforms can use Bonjour to simplify your user experience. Bonjour, also known as zero-configuration networking, is used by a wide range of products and applications for streamlined and reliable networking to easily publish, discover, and resolve network services.

Speakers: Stuart Cheshire, Bill Hoppin, Rory McGuire

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 708

The Accelerate Framework

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 46:22

The Accelerate framework contains signal and image processing, matrix and linear algebra computation, and now an optimized array-based math library for iOS. Find out how you can use the Accelerate framework to achieve dramatic improvements in performance and energy consumption.

Speakers: Geoff Belter, Luke Chang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 709

What's New In The Filesystem

Core OS • OS X • 58:26

Learn about recent changes to the OS X filesystem and find out what you need to know about FileVault 2, CoreStorage, extended attributes, and ExFAT. Hear about new APIs as well as which APIs are deprecated and understand how to use the filesystem APIs to optimize your code.

Speakers: Deric Horn, Soren Spies

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 710

Privacy Support in iOS and OS X

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 43:39

Learn about new iOS and OS X privacy features and get details on new and updated APIs. Hear best practices for delivering great features and respecting your customers' privacy.

Speaker: Erik Neuenschwander

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 711

Power Management

Core OS • OS X • 49:48

Mountain Lion includes several new power management behaviors that may affect the efficiency of your apps. Learn how to optimize your code for power use, how your code can influence system behavior, how to debug sleep/wake issues, and use existing tools to spot energy leaks.

Speakers: Ethan Bold, Soren Spies

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 712

Asynchronous Design Patterns with Blocks, GCD, and XPC

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 55:57

Blocks, Grand Central Dispatch, and XPC form a powerful foundation for asynchronous processing and communication in your app. Dive into the basics around blocks, GCD, and XPC and learn about their improved integration with ARC. Discover the common design patterns used when writing asynchronous code to offload work from your main thread, perform IO in the background or send messages to other processes, and how to apply these same patterns to your own code.

Speakers: Daniel Steffen, Kevin Van Vechten

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 714

Protecting the User's Data

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 46:16

Learn about "real world" threats to users' data on OS X and iOS. See practical demonstrations of how users' data can be attacked both on the device and over the network, and find out how to defend against these threats in your app.

Speakers: Michael Brouwer, Conrad Sauerwald, Andrew Whalley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 200

What's New in Cocoa Touch

Essentials • iOS • 46:23

iOS 6 introduces many enhancements to the Cocoa Touch frameworks that accelerate your development and improve your application's user experience. Get up to speed with new frameworks on iOS, and all the other new features that will help you write great applications.

Speaker: Chris Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 202

Introduction to Auto Layout for iOS and OS X

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 54:12

If your application has a user interface, then this session is for you. iOS 6 adopts OS X Lion's powerful constraint-based layout engine, making it easy to design a flexible user interface that responds dynamically to layout changes such as rotation and varying status bar heights. This session will cover the basic concepts, IB support, and API you'll need to get started using auto layout.

Speaker: Marian Goldeen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 203

Accessibility for OS X

Essentials • OS X • 50:52

OS X has a long been a leader in accessibility with its wide variety of features and assistive technologies. Developing an accessible application can make it usable to users with varying abilities. Making your app accessible can open new markets, such as Government and Education, which sometimes require accessible software. Learn from the experts on best practices for developing accessible apps and hear about some of the common issues developers run into while supporting accessibility.

Speaker: Greg Hughes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 204

What's New in Cocoa

Essentials • OS X • 53:46

Cocoa frameworks give you high-level access to the underlying power of OS X. This session will give you a developer's eye overview of the Mountain Lion advances in AppKit, Foundation, and related frameworks, and will orient you for the other Cocoa sessions that cover these technologies in further detail. We will also cover the latest in best practices for developing state of the art applications for OS X.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 205

Introducing Collection Views

Essentials • iOS • 53:47

Creating dynamic and incredible interfaces is easy with collection views in iOS 6. Learn how to get started with collection views and see how to easily organize data in grid-like layouts using the built-in UICollectionViewFlowLayout class.

Speakers: Olivier Gutknecht, Luke Hiesterman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 206

Secure Automation Techniques in OS X

Essentials • OS X • 50:13

When it comes to securely automating your OS X system, there's good news, and then there's good news. The popular technologies of Automator, AppleScript, Terminal, and Services coexist well with the new security structures implemented in Mountain Lion. For scripters and developers, the automation tools continue to function brilliantly, with limited changes in their implementation. Be sure to attend this session to get the specifics on how each technology works with the new security sandbox and Gatekeeper.

Speakers: Chris Nebel, Sal Soghoian

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 208

Saving and Restoring Application State on iOS

Essentials • iOS • 1:01:52

Learn about the new application state restoration feature in iOS 6. This new feature makes it easier than ever to save the state of a running application and restore it on subsequent launches, improving the user experience over the course of the application's lifetime.

Speaker: Gordie Freedman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 209

iCloud Storage Overview

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 49:12

iCloud Storage enables apps to store documents and settings across iOS and OS X. Discover how iCloud Storage works, learn about the latest advancements in development and debugging for iCloud and the Key-Value Store, and learn how your app can use iCloud to store documents and settings today.

Speakers: Dallas De Atley, Eric Krugler

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 210

Accessibility for iOS

Essentials • iOS • 46:28

iOS devices are incredibly popular for users with special needs. Learn how to take advantage of the accessibility APIs so that everyone is able to use your apps. Gain insight into the best practices for making your apps work with VoiceOver and how to integrate accessibility features into your apps. Come learn how to make even an interactive game (The NSZombie Apocalypse!) work well with VoiceOver.

Speaker: Chris Fleizach

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 211

Building Concurrent User Interfaces on iOS

Essentials • iOS • 48:08

For a great user experience, it's essential to keep your application responsive while it renders complex UI elements and processes data. Learn how to use concurrency at the UIKit layer to perform drawing and other common operations without blocking user interaction.

Speaker: Andy Matuschak

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 212

Basics+Habits: Building Your Software Projects To Last

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 53:26

All software projects start somewhere and evolve through the accumulation of your effort, changes in technology, bug fixing, and the addition of features you could not have foreseen when the project began. This session discusses this process and provides you with ideas which can help you build your software projects to last.

Speaker: Ken Kocienda

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 213

Introduction to High Resolution on OS X

Essentials • OS X • 48:51

Give your users the best experience by taking advantage of High Resolution on OS X. Learn how to move your applications to High Resolution, create crisp application assets, and find out how to avoid common pitfalls.

Speakers: Patrick Heynen, Dan Schimpf

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 214

Core Data Best Practices

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 57:47

Core Data is a powerful framework on OS X and iOS for automatic persistence and object graph management. Master the techniques you need to get the most out of Core Data. Learn the best practices for working with nested managed object contexts, passing data between threads, and how to use Instruments to identify and fix performance bottlenecks in your app.

Speakers: Ben Trumbull, Melissa Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 215

Text and Linguistic Analysis

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 51:23

Many applications need to analyze or process the text that they are working with. With so many languages in the world this can be a daunting task. Learn how to process and analyze text in world-ready ways. See how to use the linguistic APIs offered on both iOS and OS X to iterate through text, evaluate regular expressions, and do linguistic analysis of the text you operate on.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, Jennifer Moore

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 216

Advanced Appearance Customization on iOS

Essentials • iOS • 55:38

Examine tips and tricks on how to customize UIKit controls. Learn best practices on how to create assets for customizing the appearance of your app and how other apps use the appearance proxy on iOS to create an immersive user experience.

Speakers: Scott Lopatin, Jacob Xiao

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 217

Layer-Backed Views: AppKit + Core Animation

Essentials • OS X • 48:36

Learn how to effectively use layer-backed views in AppKit to get smooth animations and fast performance. See how to take advantage of new Mountain Lion enhancements added to NSView, especially for updating Core Animation layers.

Speaker: Corbin Dunn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 218

Using iCloud with UIDocument

Essentials • iOS • 54:06

UIDocument provides a powerful way to adopt iCloud Storage on iOS. Learn how UIDocument can help your document-based app more easily adopt iCloud Storage and understand the key concepts for working with documents and storage in iCloud.

Speaker: Luke Hiesterman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 219

Advanced Collection Views and Building Custom Layouts

Essentials • iOS • 54:43

Collection views in iOS 6 allow you to move beyond table views to create rich displays for ordered data. Dive deeper into the capabilities of collection views and learn how to write customized layouts that push the boundaries of interfaces in your applications.

Speakers: Olivier Gutknecht, Luke Hiesterman, Mathieu Martin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 220

Keyboard Input in iOS

Essentials • iOS • 29:23

Learn how to leverage what's new in iOS to improve the onscreen keyboard and text editing experience for your users. Make your app shine for users around the world with support for Asian languages, split and undocked keyboard interaction, rich text editing, and more.

Speakers: Justin Garcia, Morgan Winer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 221

iOS User Interface Design

Essentials • iOS • 57:51

Designing a great user interface is essential to the success of any iPhone or iPad app. Learn techniques to avoid common UI pitfalls and gain key insights into what it takes to create an app that is intuitive and beautiful.

Speaker: Mark Kawano

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 222

Introduction to Attributed Strings for iOS

Essentials • iOS • 50:41

Text is an essential part of your application's interface. Get an introduction to the concepts behind manipulating and drawing attributed strings on iOS. Learn how UIKit has adopted attributed strings to make creating text effects even easier.

Speakers: Ian Baird, Johannes Fortmann, Aki Inoue

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 223

Enhancing User Experience with Scroll Views

Essentials • iOS • 53:50

Scroll views can be used in many different ways to create familiar and immersive user experiences. Come see what's new with scroll views, learn how to present scrolling content in a page view controller, and even how to enhance your OpenGL games with scroll views.

Speakers: Eliza Block, Josh Shaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 224

Using iCloud with NSDocument

Essentials • OS X • 45:45

NSDocument provides a powerful way to adopt iCloud Storage on OS X. Learn how NSDocument can help your document-based app more easily adopt iCloud. Dive into Auto Save, learn to work with versions, and understand the app-centric open panel and user workflows.

Speaker: Kevin Perry

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 225

Up and Running: Making a Great Impression with Every Launch

Essentials • iOS • 45:32

Your application's launch is the first chance for your app to impress users. Learn how to use this time effectively to create the best possible user experience, while launching and configuring your application efficiently and consistently.

Speakers: Brandon Newendorp, Jim Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 226

Core Text and Fonts

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 53:38

Learn practical techniques on font and layout handling with Core Text in iOS and OS X. See how to address commonly encountered issues, increase your app's performance, and learn about font embedding and support.

Speaker: Ned Holbrook

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 227

Using iCloud with Core Data

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 53:07

Core Data is a powerful way for your app to store data in iCloud. Dive into a step by step, real-world primer for adopting iCloud in your Core Data app, from configuring your persistent store for iCloud, to migrating existing content, and how to have your app behave throughout its lifecycle. A must attend session for any developer interested in Core Data and iCloud.

Speaker: Adam Swift

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 228

Best Practices for Mastering Auto Layout

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 52:32

Learn advanced techniques for creating sophisticated and dynamic layouts in OS X and iOS apps using the auto layout system. You'll receive tons of useful examples, see "how we did that," and learn valuable best practices and debugging techniques. If you are new to auto layout, you might want to attend the Introduction to Auto Layout session first.

Speaker: Peter Ammon

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 230

Advanced Attributed Strings for iOS

Essentials • iOS • 48:47

Dive deeper into advanced techniques when using attributed strings on iOS 6. Learn about kerning, ligatures, and other advanced typographical features of string drawing to create compelling text effects.

Speakers: Ian Baird, Johannes Fortmann

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 231

What's New with Gestures

Essentials • OS X • 52:35

See what's new with gestures in AppKit. This includes new gestures for Quick Look and smart magnification, as well as new facilities for zooming and swiping. In addition, learn best practices to future proof your gesture implementation as AppKit continues to evolve.

Speaker: Raleigh Ledet

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 232

Auto Layout by Example

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 56:22

Auto layout is a powerful constraint-based layout engine that can handle an amazing variety of user interfaces. This session pulls together API and technique to demonstrate how to build a wide range of interfaces. Learn how to construct common layout scenarios. From simple "button and text field" layouts all the way up to dynamic splitviews with interface elements that are dependent on each other, you will learn crucial skills to implement any type of user interface.

Speaker: Kevin Cathey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 233

Building Advanced Gesture Recognizers

Essentials • iOS • 50:29

Gestures are an integral part of the user experience on iOS. Learn key practices for controlling gesture interactions in your applications and avoiding common pitfalls. Tap into advanced techniques like curve smoothing and low-pass filters to create fun and intuitive interfaces in your apps.

Speakers: Andy Matuschak, Josh Shaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 234


Essentials • iOS • 45:24

AirPrint is the iOS printing system, a revolutionary printing architecture that makes printing easy for users and app developers. Learn all about AirPrint and best practices for adding printing to iOS apps.

Speakers: Paul Danbold, Howard Miller, Todd Ritland

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 235

iOS App Performance: Responsiveness

Essentials • iOS • 56:43

Creating an app that performs well is essential to making your users happy. Learn the techniques that will make your app launch faster, display graphics smoothly, and respond to the user immediately. A must attend session for all iOS developers.

Speakers: Tim Lee, Ben Nham

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 236

The Evolution of View Controllers on iOS

Essentials • iOS • 54:23

View controllers are a key part of an iOS app's infrastructure. Learn how best to take advantage of these versatile objects by examining what problems they were invented to address, how they've matured over the past releases, and how to be best prepared for where they're going next.

Speakers: Matt Gamble, Bruce Nilo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 237

Advanced iCloud Document Storage

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 43:34

This is a practical session about writing applications that store files in iCloud but don't use AppKit and UIKit's convenient built-in document classes. Learn how apps that need to manage their own files and directories independently can take advantage of NSFileCoordinator and NSFilePresenter. See how your app can use the tips and techniques in this session to better integrate with iCloud.

Speaker: Mark Piccirelli

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 238

iOS App Performance: Graphics and Animations

Essentials • iOS • 50:40

Users love apps with beautiful user interfaces that are fast and responsive. Discover how to make your animations smooth, learn how to draw more efficiently, and gain insight into the process of graphics optimization.

Speaker: Dan Crosby

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 240

Polishing Your Interface Rotations

Essentials • iOS • 56:31

Go beyond the basics of rotations and learn best practices for getting maximum performance and smooth transitions between interface orientations. See when and how to use rasterization and snapshotting to create gliding animations, gain insight as to how the render server model works, and understand how some of the built-in apps on iOS get their visual effects.

Speakers: Andy Matuschak, Josh Shaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 241

Cocoa Interprocess Communication with XPC

Essentials • OS X • 51:10

New in Mountain Lion, NSXPCConnection and related API provide an Objective-C interface to the XPC system for interprocess communication. Discover how your objects and protocols work together with the API to provide an infrastructure that's easy to use in a Cocoa application or Foundation-based utility. Learn how you can factor your program into separate processes to make it more robust and more secure.

Speaker: Tony Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 242

iOS App Performance: Memory

Essentials • iOS • 51:09

Using memory responsibly can be the key to a great user experience for your iOS app. Get a detailed look at how virtual and real memory work on iOS, discover key ways in which the system handles memory pressure, and learn what you can do to use memory even more effectively. A must-attend session for all iOS developers.

Speakers: Daniel Delwood, Morgan Grainger

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 243

iPhoto for iOS: UI Progression and Animation Design

Essentials • iOS • 56:27

iPhoto for iOS incorporates a number of innovative UI design ideas and interesting animations. See how some of these came into being, as well as some of the tricks used to bring the interface to life through animation.

Speakers: Sam Roberts, Randy Ubillos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 244

Internationalization Tips and Tricks

Essentials • iOS, OS X • 53:26

With users spread all around the globe, it's more important than ever to pay attention to how they expect to see information in your apps. Formatting currency and dates in the user's preferred way can make the difference between a frustrating experience and a great app. Handling different locales properly doesn't take a lot of work and can broaden the reach of your application. Come see how you can add an international flair to your app today.

Speaker: Dave DeLong

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 245

Advanced Tips and Tricks for High Resolution on OS X

Essentials • OS X • 1:01:55

Dive deeper into making your apps stunning for high resolution on OS X. Learn how to work with OpenGL surfaces and bitmaps, handle custom layer trees, set up notifications for resolution changes, and examine how to get great performance when laying out different types of content onscreen in a high resolution environment.

Speakers: Chris Dreessen, Patrick Heynen, Aki Inoue, Dan Schimpf

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WWDC12 • Session 500

Game Technologies Kickoff

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 51:03

iOS and OS X deliver an incredible lineup of technologies for developing cutting-edge games. Join your fellow game developers in kicking off the games sessions of WWDC 2012 and explore the powerful frameworks that enable you to create the most imaginative games possible. Dive into the multiplayer capabilities of Game Center, check out the shared experience of AirPlay, discover the incredible effects of Core Image, and much more.

Speakers: Jacques Gasselin de Richebourg, Joe Gatling, Geoff Stahl, Adam Wood

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 501

Publishing with the iBookstore

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 56:27

With stores in more than 32 countries and support for several different types of book content, the iBookstore provides a unique opportunity for anyone who has a story to tell. See how to sign up as a bookseller on the iBookstore, and get an overview of the tools and technologies available to create books. Gain a deep understanding of the book delivery process and master the tools needed to submit and manage your book, such as iTunes Connect for booksellers and iTunes Producer. Discover best practices for delivering a high-quality book, learn to avoid common pitfalls of book delivery, get tips for growing your business in the iBookstore, and learn about Apple resources that are available to help.

Speakers: Alan Cannistraro, Kristi Gillis, Ryan Lynch

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 502

Effective HTTP Live Streaming

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 41:03

Designed for mobility, HTTP live streaming dynamically adjusts playback quality to match the available speed of wired or wireless networks. Gain a practical understanding of how HTTP live streams are made. Learn best practices for constructing and testing your HTTP live streams.

Speakers: Roger Pantos, Eryk Vershen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 503

Building Books with iBooks Author

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 1:00:43

iBooks Author lets you use a drag-and-drop interface to create rich and immersive books for the iBookstore. Discover best practices for book design and asset preparation, and learn how to use the iBooks Author interface efficiently to develop your book. See how to enhance your book with rich media such as audio, video, and animations. Find out how to incorporate advanced interactive components such as web widgets and 3D models, and get tips for testing your book before submitting it to the iBookstore.

Speaker: Charles Migos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 504

Introducing Scene Kit

Graphics, Media, and Games • OS X • 45:57

OS X Mountain Lion introduces Scene Kit, a high-level graphics framework enabling your apps to efficiently load, manipulate, and render 3D scenes. Gain an understanding of the Scene Kit architecture and see how easily its capabilities can be applied to a variety of application genres. Learn the objects that define the 3D scene, see how to apply animation, and discover how to use Scene Kit with related OS X technologies such as AppKit, Core Animation, and OpenGL.

Speakers: Amaury Balliet, Aymeric Bard, Thomas Goossens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 505

Audio Session and Multiroute Audio in iOS

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 55:37

iOS provides a powerful engine for playing, recording, and processing audio in your applications for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Learn how to deliver multiple streams of audio from your application. Gain a thorough understanding of the new capabilities in audio session management.

Speakers: Bill Stewart, Harry Tormey, Torrey Walker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 506

Optimizing 2D Graphics and Animation Performance

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 49:10

Quartz 2D and Core Animation provide professional-strength graphics features and the layer-based animation system that powers the user experience of iOS and OS X. Walk through the process of optimizing a drawing app to take advantage of the Retina display while maintaining peak performance. Learn about enhancements that accelerate Quartz 2D and enable efficient screen capture.

Speakers: Mike Funk, Tim Oriol

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 508

What's New in Game Center

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 44:43

iOS and OS X games can take advantage of Game Center, Apple's social gaming network. Get an overview of Game Center support for OS X Mountain Lion and learn all about new features in iOS 6. Learn how game groups enable related games to play together and share scores and achievements. See enhancements to the Game Center user interface, discover new capabilities for adding more friends, and tap into the competitive back-and-forth of challenges.

Speaker: Jeff Watkins

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 509

Building Interactive Books with EPUB 3 and JavaScript

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 53:30

See how to combine EPUB with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to deliver novels, picture books, and interactive books on the iBookstore. Get a quick review of the new EPUB 3 format, then dive deep into the latest features that let you add interactivity to your book by using JavaScript. See how to create fun and engaging books that support drag, toggle, and stamp, and learn to play sounds and activate animations at key times. Understand best practices for developing your scripts, get tips for improving performance, and discover tools that will streamline your interactive EPUB book development.

Speakers: Casey Dougherty, Jonathan Ng, Alejandro Rodriguez

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 510

Getting Started with Core Image

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 53:02

Core Image lets you create incredible visual effects in your photo and video apps on iOS and OS X. Get introduced to the capabilities of Core Image and the sophisticated effects you can build using built-in filters. Learn recommended practices for using Core Image efficiently and see how to harness its powerful features.

Speakers: David Hayward, Alexandre Naaman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 511

Core Image Techniques

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 1:00:58

Dive deep into the integration of Core Image with related graphics, media, and game technologies in iOS. See how to take advantage of the optimized pipeline from AV Foundation to Core Image and discover how Core Image can provide stunning visual effects in OpenGL ES games.

Speakers: Jacques Gasselin de Richebourg, David Hayward, Chendi Zhang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 512

What's New in HTTP Live Streaming

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 57:48

HTTP live streaming lets you send live or pre-recorded audio and video to iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and Mac using an ordinary web server. Learn how to add subtitles to your HTTP live streams. Get details about other new features and learn more best practices around HTTP live streams.

Speaker: Roger Pantos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 513

Advances in OpenGL and OpenGL ES

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 58:28

OpenGL and OpenGL ES are the foundation for hardware-accelerated graphics in OS X and iOS. Find out how to harness innovations in iOS 6 for fast geometry updates, streaming textures, and advanced blending. Learn about the GLKit framework and see how your apps can leverage its built-in features and effects. Understand how to update your apps for high-resolution displays on both iOS and OS X, and hear specific tips and best practices to follow in your apps.

Speakers: Chris Niederauer, Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 514

OpenGL ES Tools and Techniques

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 42:08

The iOS SDK includes powerful tools for analyzing the behavior and optimizing the performance of OpenGL ES apps. Learn key practices to identify bottlenecks, find rendering errors, tune performance hot-spots, and maintain high frame rates. See how the tools can pinpoint problems for you and even provide specific advice for the best way to correct them.

Speakers: Michael Mayers, Seth Sowerby

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 515

HTML, CSS, and DOM for Book Authors

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 38:35

If you want to bring your creativity, passion, and technical expertise to the iBookstore, it may seem like there's a vast array of web technologies to master. Gain a solid understanding of the HTML, CSS, and DOM technologies that are most relevant to book development, whether you're creating a book with EPUB or building a custom widget for iBooks Author. See how to create beautiful text that is always laid out perfectly, gain a deep understanding of CSS positioning to create exceptional fixed-layout books, find out how to enrich your content with CSS animations, and learn which DOM operations are critical to adding enhancements with ease.

Speakers: Edward O'Connor, Adele Peterson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 516

Integrating Your Games with Game Center

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 56:46

Competition and reward is central to the social gaming experience. See how to adopt Game Center in your games and learn how easily you can integrate leaderboards and achievements. Dive deeper into challenges to enhance competition among friends in any game. Explore the details of game groups and see exactly how to share Game Center data between related games — free and paid, standard and HD, iOS and OS X.

Speakers: Megan Gardner, Dan Kurtz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 517

Real-Time Media Effects and Processing during Playback

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 50:37

Learn new ways to customize media playback using AV Foundation in both OS X and iOS. Explore how to synchronize video media with audio synthesis, achieve realtime audio processing from audiovisual media, and integrate AV Foundation's hardware accelerated media decode and display with your own custom media transport. Learn how to perform realtime video effects processing and how to use video media to texture 3D OpenGL environments.

Speaker: Simon Goldrei

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 518

Improving Accessibility in Books

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 54:30

Books are for everyone. Get an overview of the accessibility concerns facing readers on iOS and learn which components of your book can automatically leverage built-in accessibility features such as VoiceOver. Learn how to enhance rich media such as images or video for readers with visual impairments and explore how to improve the accessibility of custom HTML widgets with WAI-ARIA roles and attributes.

Speakers: Jason Barry, James Craig

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 519

Multiplayer Gaming with Game Center

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 48:20

Multiplayer games provide the ultimate challenge and have created one of the most compelling genres in the App Store. See how Game Center is taking gaming on iOS a step further with the addition of local multiplayer support. Learn about improvements to the turn-based and online multiplayer APIs and new capabilities for sending invites and having a re-match.

Speaker: Christy Warren

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 520

What's New in Camera Capture

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 1:01:01

AV Foundation provides your application with full programmatic access to video and still images from the built-in cameras. Hear about improvements that simplify and speed up your applications. Learn key practices for debugging performance issues, correlating frames with camera motion, and the proper use of AVCaptureSession.

Speakers: Brad Ford, Ethan Tira-Thompson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 521

Building Game Center Games for OS X

Graphics, Media, and Games • OS X • 55:10

Game Center on OS X enables Mac users to compete with friends and fellow game players around the world, sharing the same social gaming network with iOS. Get a course of action for bringing Game Center games to OS X Mountain Lion and learn the best strategies for developing games that target both iOS and OS X.

Speakers: Gabriel Belinsky, Norman Wang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 522

Adopting OpenCL in Your Application

Graphics, Media, and Games • OS X • 54:11

OpenCL dramatically accelerates computationally intensive tasks by letting your application tap into the vast computing power of modern GPUs and multicore CPUs. Understand the OpenCL architecture and get all the details about OpenCL features in OS X Mountain Lion. See how auto-vectorization makes it easy for more apps to adopt OpenCL and gain specific insight into tuning your code for optimum performance.

Speakers: Eric Bainville, Sion Berkowits, Anna Tikhonova, Russell Williams

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 523

Best Practices for Color Management

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS, OS X • 58:57

OS X uses advanced standards-based color management techniques to ensure that images, graphics, and video always look great on screen and on paper. See how ColorSync, Quartz, and AV Foundation can automatically color match digital media in your application. Learn color management best practices.

Speakers: Ken Greenebaum, Luke Wallis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 524

Understanding Core Motion

Graphics, Media, and Games • iOS • 42:15

Core Motion fuses data from built-in sensors to determine precisely how your iOS device is oriented and moving in 3D space. Walk through the features and capabilities of Core Motion to understand common use cases and recommended best practices. See how you can create incredibly immersive experiences for games, augmented reality, and much more.

Speaker: Andy Pham

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 300

Getting Around Using Map Kit

App Services • iOS • 46:44

Map Kit allows you to embed standard or customized maps directly in your application. Now Map Kit lets you leverage Apple's beautiful new vector based Maps. Come learn how to integrate your app with the built in Maps application.

Speaker: Brady Law

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 301

Introducing Passbook, Part 1

App Services • iOS • 56:20

Passbook is an exciting new way for users to quickly access scannable barcodes and other information useful for real-world actions, such as boarding a flight, entering a show, or redeeming a coupon. Learn how you can easily create passes and push them to the Passbook app.

Speakers: Ken Ferry, Glen Steele

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 302

Selling Products with Store Kit

App Services • iOS, OS X • 47:05

In-App Purchase has proven to be a tremendous way to sell products, services, and subscriptions directly inside your app. With new support for selling products that are hosted securely by Apple, you have even more options for how to deliver your content to users in a highly scalable fashion. See how you can even sell other products like music, movies, books, and apps without the user even leaving your application.

Speaker: Daniel Feldman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 303

Staying on Track with Location Services

App Services • iOS, OS X • 50:55

Location Services provides a variety of services to know where you are, where you're headed, and when you've arrived. Come hear details about improvements to the CoreLocation framework in iOS and exciting new additions in OS X. Learn tips to let you get the most out of the framework in a power-efficient and user friendly way.

Speakers: Jay Bruins, Mike Dal Santo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 304

Events and Reminders in Event Kit

App Services • iOS, OS X • 50:04

Event Kit provides access to users' Calendar Events and now allows access to Reminders as well, on both iOS and OS X. Be sure to pencil this session in to hear from the experts on how to fetch and write Calendar Events and Reminders, and how to make the best use of the Event Kit framework.

Speakers: Scott Adler, Jeffrey Harris, Matt Lanter, Aaron Thompson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 305

What's New in iTunes Connect for App Developers

App Services • iOS, OS X • 51:21

The App Store has over 600,000 applications and they all got there by going through iTunes Connect. Come see what's new in iTunes Connect and Application Loader for app developers. Get detailed information about new Game Center and In-App Purchase support. Hear tips and tricks to avoid app review issues, learn about updates to iTunes Connect Mobile, and much more.

Speakers: Aloke Bhatnagar, Ricardo Cortes, Jason Fosback, Dave Makower, Dave Van Tassell

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 306

Integrating With Facebook, Twitter and Sina Weibo

App Services • iOS, OS X • 49:45

The new Social framework and sharing features in both iOS and OS X provides integration with Facebook, Twitter, and Sina Weibo. Single Sign On support built into the OS makes it easier than ever to take advantage of APIs provided by these social networks. Learn how to share diverse types of information using the built-in share sheet that supplies an easy to use and consistent interface for the integrated social networking services.

Speakers: Lestat Ali, Kalle Haglunds, Julien Robert

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 307

Building Great Newsstand Apps

App Services • iOS • 41:45

Newsstand is the best way to provide periodical content to iOS users. With automatic background downloading, integration with auto-renewable subscriptions and simple content management users love the apps on their Newsstand shelves. Gain insights into best practices for building a great Newsstand application and learn how to avoid some of the common pitfalls.

Speakers: Karl Good, Aubrey Ness, Ben Nielsen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 308

Managing Subscriptions with In-App Purchase

App Services • iOS • 48:57

Selling subscriptions to content and services has never been easier than with In-App Purchase. Understand what each subscription type is, what you can use them for and gain insight into how to best manage your subscriptions in iTunes Connect. Learn from the experts on how making changes to your subscriptions are seen by users and how they affect things like renewals and restoring transactions to devices.

Speakers: Aubrey Ness, David Neumann

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 309

Introducing Passbook, Part 2

App Services • iOS • 58:24

Passbook passes can be updated dynamically, ensuring your users always have the most recent information. Building on the basics covered in Introducing Passbook, come to this session to see how you can add new passes and access your application's passes using the PassKit framework. Learn what you need to do on your server to support updating your passes automatically using push notifications.

Speakers: Eliza Block, Ken Ferry

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 311

Building and Distributing Custom B2B Apps for iOS

App Services • iOS • 42:43

Custom B2B apps can be built to address a unique business need, integrate with a unique back-office environment, or deliver a custom interface for your business customer. Custom B2B apps can be published privately through iTunes Connect to business customers who are enrolled in the App Store Volume Purchase Program for Business. Learn how Custom B2B apps can be developed for businesses of all sizes and easily distributed to users.

Speakers: Todd Fernandez, Dave Rahardja

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 600

Debugging UIWebViews and Websites on iOS

Safari and Web • iOS, OS X • 41:19

The Web Inspector from Safari on OS X is now available for websites and UIWebViews on iOS, and it has a sleek new interface. See how to connect the Web Inspector to your iPhone or iPad to develop, debug, profile, and optimize the web content on your site or in your native app. Get an overview of what the Web Inspector can do, discover new features, and learn best practices to utilize this set of tools efficiently.

Speaker: Tim Hatcher

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 601

Optimizing Web Content in UIWebViews and Websites on iOS

Safari and Web • iOS • 52:26

Learn the best practices for enhancing the functionality and performance of your web content on iOS, whether it is in a website or native app. Gain proficiency with the remote Web Inspector, see how to reduce the overall memory footprint of your web content, and dive deep into the details of WebKit drawing and compositing to ensure that scrolling and animations are always smooth. Discover new features in iOS 6 that allow for tighter integration between apps and websites, enabling deep linking to content within an already-installed app or letting users purchase an app with just a few taps.

Speakers: Paul Knight, Joseph Pecoraro

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 602

Delivering Web Content on High Resolution Displays

Safari and Web • iOS, OS X • 58:14

Your web content should always look sharp, regardless of the display it is viewed on. Come and see how to deliver pixel-perfect web interfaces on high resolution displays for books, websites, and apps on iOS and OS X. Learn different ways to fetch and display high-resolution image assets only when they're needed and see how to use technologies like CSS and SVG to create scalable graphics that can replace traditional images. Discover advantages of different optimization techniques and gain a deeper understanding of the right approach for your web content.

Speakers: Beth Dakin, Dean Jackson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 603

Tools, Services, and APIs for iTunes Affiliate Program Marketing

Safari and Web • iOS, OS X • 44:34

The iTunes affiliate program offers a number of powerful tools which you can use to add rich media and promotional links within your app or on the web. Start with an overview of the iTunes affiliate program and see how simple it is to get started linking to iTunes content. Dive deeper and learn how to use the advanced APIs and Services like Search, EPF, LinkMaker, and Web iMix to quickly and easily link to relevant content from the iTunes store.

Speakers: Ted Hosmann, Mark Miller

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 604

Advanced Effects with HTML5 Media Technologies

Safari and Web • iOS, OS X • 46:56

Go beyond play, pause, and seek. Come and see how the latest HTML5 audio and video technologies can enrich the web content in your website, app, or book. Discover the Web Audio API to process and synthesize audio, find out how to synchronize the playback of several pieces of media, get tips for combining your media with CSS effects, and more.

Speakers: Beth Dakin, Vicki Murley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC12 • Session 605

Producing Rich Media Advertisements for iAd

Safari and Web • iOS • 48:06

Learn to create immersive, interactive, rich media ads for iAd that deliver a unique customer experience on iOS. Get an overview of iAd Producer, a drag-and-drop authoring tool that makes it easy to create visually stunning ads without writing a single line of code. Dive deep into the iAd JS JavaScript framework and learn how it can be used within iAd Producer to add custom functionality or to independently create a stunning ad from the ground up. Gain insight into the entire ad production process including debugging, testing, and best practices for optimized performance.

Speakers: Chi Wai Lau, Scott Stevenson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 100


Special Events • iOS, OS X • 1:58:37

WWDC 2013 Keynote

Speakers: Tim Cook, Eddy Cue, Craig Federighi, Brad Neuman, Roger Rosner, Phil Schiller, Boris Sofman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 101

Platforms State of the Union

Special Events • iOS, OS X • 1:38:09

WWDC 2013 Platforms State of the Union

Speakers: Max Drukman, Matt Firlik, Toby Paterson, Tamas Schlägl, Geoff Stahl, Andreas Wendker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 102

Apple Design Awards

Special Events • iOS, OS X • 30:04

Join us for an unforgettable award ceremony celebrating developers and their outstanding work. The 2013 Apple Design Awards recognize state of the art apps that reflect excellence in design and innovation.

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WWDC13 • Session 109

Painting the Future

Special Events • iOS, OS X • 51:00

Be among the first to see the unveiling of MARI on OS X, the supercharged 3D painting package coming to the Mac later this year, running on the next generation Mac Pro. Jack Greasley, The Foundry’s MARI Product Manager, will chart MARI's rapid rise from in-house studio tool to the film industry’s painting tool of choice. He will detail MARI's evolution, from its original conception during Weta Digital's visual effects work on Avatar to becoming a critical element in making countless blockbusters a reality. Then watch as Pixar character shading artist, Jonathan Hoffman, makes full use of the power of the next generation Mac Pro to demonstrate how MARI was used to help bring Monsters University to life.

Speakers: Jack Greasley, Jonathan Hoffman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 200

Accessibility in OS X

Frameworks • OS X • 39:56

Leveraging the industry-leading support for accessibility in OS X can let you reach new markets. Hear about exciting new products, new API additions and improved security for both accessibility hosts and clients; all designed to help applications reach wider audiences and provide unparalleled access for users with disabilities. Learn techniques to make even the most custom UI accessible.

Speakers: Patti Hoa, Greg Hughes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 201

Building User Interfaces for iOS 7

Frameworks • iOS • 52:49

Learn how UIKit has changed to create iOS 7’s new UI, both conceptually and practically. Join us in considering new approaches to your app’s design based on these principles and explore your newly expanded toolbox so you can bring those designs to life.

Speakers: Jason Beaver, Andy Matuschak

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 202

Accessibility in iOS

Frameworks • iOS • 48:49

iOS offers unmatched accessibility support that you can use to reach a wider audience. Hear about the latest changes in GuidedAccess and VoiceOver and how you can take advantage of these technologies to help people with disabilities stay on task and get more value out of your app.

Speaker: Sam White

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 203

What's New in Cocoa Touch

Frameworks • iOS • 49:56

iOS 7 introduces many enhancements made to the Cocoa Touch frameworks that will accelerate your development time and improve your app’s user experience. Get an overview of the changes to UIKit and other system frameworks, and find out which sessions you won’t want to miss.

Speaker: Chris Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 204

What's New with Multitasking

Frameworks • iOS • 52:35

It’s critical to keep people’s content as up to date as possible. Learn how new APIs in iOS 7 will let your applications fetch new data in the background to keep people up to date. See techniques you can use to perform operations in the background without draining the user’s battery. Understand how you can keep your app’s snapshot up to date so users see the latest content in the new multitasking interface in iOS 7. All these techniques will let you build an app that feels alive and always up to date.

Speakers: David Chan, Brittany Hughes

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 205

What's New in Cocoa

Frameworks • OS X • 55:23

Cocoa is a powerful set of frameworks on which OS X is built. Gain an overview of the advances in AppKit, Foundation, and related frameworks. Find out what technologies you need to focus on and what techniques you should adopt to develop state of the art apps for OS X.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 206

Getting Started with UIKit Dynamics

Frameworks • iOS • 47:53

UIKit Dynamics makes it easy to create animated view interactions and transitions to delight your users. Discover how animators and behaviors work by learning how to add subtle and meaningful dynamics to your app, making it stand out on the App Store.

Speaker: Olivier Gutknecht

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 207

What's New in Core Data and iCloud

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 50:58

Core Data is a powerful way for your app to store data locally or in iCloud. Learn about the latest advancements in Core Data for iOS, OS X, and iCloud. We’ll examine changes to Core Data’s use of SQLite and discuss improvements for iCloud at length.

Speakers: Nick Gillett, Ben Trumbull, Melissa Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 208

What's New in iOS User Interface Design

Frameworks • iOS • 59:22

Join us for an in-depth tour of the stunning and completely re-imagined iOS 7. See how the principles that guided the new design made our apps more useful, simple and beautiful. Learn how you can take advantage of iOS 7 to create a deeper and more engaging user experience.

Speakers: Greg Christie, Mike Stern

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 209

Improving Power Efficiency with App Nap

Frameworks • OS X • 45:21

Improved battery life and system responsiveness are important features in OS X 10.9. Learn how App Nap helps your application become a good power citizen. This session will dive into the details of how App Nap works, explore the API to tell the system when your application has important work to be done, and learn techniques using Xcode and other tools to pinpoint high power usage.

Speaker: Tony Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 210

Introducing Text Kit

Frameworks • iOS • 54:40

Text Kit is the powerful new text engine and API in iOS 7, providing sophisticated text handling and typesetting capabilities. Learn about Text Kit and how easy it can be to manipulate text on the fly, adjust text attributes, and apply the power of Core Text with fewer lines of code.

Speakers: Ian Baird, Jordan Breeding, Johannes Fortmann

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 211

Core Data Performance Optimization and Debugging

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 39:03

Learn strategies to squeeze the best performance from Core Data, including concurrency, advanced fetch request options, text searching, and object model design considerations. Master Instruments to find out how to see what is really going on behind the scenes.

Speaker: Tim Isted

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 213

Best Practices for Cocoa Animation

Frameworks • OS X • 47:38

Smooth animations and great performance are key to developing a state of the art app. Learn best practices when using animations with Auto Layout, see unique animations in OS X and understand how to create similar effects in your apps, and gain insight into common pitfalls.

Speakers: Peter Ammon, Chris Dreessen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 214

Customizing Your App’s Appearance for iOS 7

Frameworks • iOS • 55:38

UIKit provides powerful customization capabilities for iOS views and controls. Learn how to customize the look and feel of your app to embrace the new UI of iOS 7 and see how to effectively use tinting and images to create an immersive, high quality user experience.

Speaker: Jacob Xiao

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 215

Optimizing Drawing and Scrolling on OS X

Frameworks • OS X • 48:29

Creating a responsive app requires fast drawing and smooth scrolling. Discover techniques to optimize drawing, find out best practices for handling layers, and learn how to combine those techniques with new features to achieve smooth scrolling.

Speakers: Corbin Dunn, Raleigh Ledet

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 216

Bringing Your iOS Apps to OS X

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 48:13

Learn how to leverage your existing iOS codebase to bring applications to the Mac. UIKit on iOS and AppKit on the Mac share a common heritage and many similarities. Below both of them, sit many frameworks that are shared. Learn design patterns that will make the conversion easier, discover tips and tricks of the conversion process, and explore Mac-only technologies that are important to include.

Speakers: Cortis Clark, Dan Schimpf

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 217

Exploring Scroll Views on iOS 7

Frameworks • iOS • 59:51

UIScrollView is an important building block for constructing iOS interfaces. Join us for a tour of how scroll views are used in new and interesting ways across iOS 7 to create stunning interactions. Learn tips and tricks for using scroll views to create immersive effects in your apps.

Speakers: Eliza Block, Josh Shaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 218

Custom Transitions Using View Controllers

Frameworks • iOS • 53:31

View controllers now allow you to create custom transitions, giving you expanded control over your user interface. Learn how to take advantage of custom transitions by using powerful new animation APIs, explore changes with full screen layouts, and see how to use navigation controllers with collection views to create a truly immersive experience.

Speakers: Olivier Gutknecht, Bruce Nilo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 219

Making Your App World-Ready

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 58:29

Making your app support users in multiple countries and languages is easy with the built-in power of iOS and OS X. Walk through the basics of internationalization and localization, gain insight into common pitfalls, and learn best practices when targeting an international audience.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, Nat Hillard, Albert Wan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 220

Advanced Text Layouts and Effects with Text Kit

Frameworks • iOS • 49:59

Move beyond the basics and unlock the full power of Text Kit for advanced text handling in your apps. Understand how to use hit detection and pixel-perfect layout information for responding to user touches. Discover new text effects, including a sophisticated letterpress look, and dive deeper into the mechanics of Text Kit for displaying multi-page documents and custom layouts.

Speakers: Jordan Breeding, Peter Hajas, Aki Inoue

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 221

Advanced Techniques with UIKit Dynamics

Frameworks • iOS • 56:46

Go beyond the basics to learn how to combine dynamic behaviors to create rich interactions. Discover how to apply dynamics to view controllers, collection views, and your own view subclasses to create engaging layouts and transitions. Learn best practices to keep your app responsive and performing well.

Speakers: Olivier Gutknecht, Bruce Nilo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 222

What's New in State Restoration

Frameworks • iOS • 1:01:44

State Restoration makes for a seamless experience when people returns to your app. Find out what’s new in State Restoration and learn about new capabilities in iOS 7 to restore model objects, system view controllers, and discover techniques to transition smoothly when views may have changed while people have been using other apps.

Speaker: Gordie Freedman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 223

Using Fonts with Text Kit

Frameworks • iOS • 50:13

Choosing the right fonts and using them effectively are key to engaging your users. Gain a practical understanding of how fonts work in Text Kit, learn best practices for using system-provided and bundled fonts, and discover how to give users more control over their content with text styles.

Speaker: Ned Holbrook

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 224

Designing Code for Performance

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 48:26

Effective use of the right data structures can make a big difference in the responsiveness of an app. Come learn about the performance characteristics of the Foundation collections, how to select one that best fits your needs, and how to design software to use them efficiently.

Speaker: Quinn Taylor

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 225

Best Practices for Great iOS UI Design

Frameworks • iOS • 53:06

Designing a great user interface for your iOS app requires tremendous care, creativity, continual iteration, and a solid understanding of platform conventions and UI design best practices. Learn techniques to avoid common UI pitfalls and gain key insights into what it takes to create an app that is intuitive and beautiful.

Speaker: Mike Stern

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 226

Implementing Engaging UI on iOS

Frameworks • iOS • 44:59

Users expect interesting animations and responsive interactions. Learn how to achieve this by making view controller transitions smooth, optimizing performance when using images, and harnessing customization APIs alongside new iOS 7 features.

Speakers: Brandon Newendorp, Jim Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 227

Solutions to Common Date and Time Challenges

Frameworks • OS X • 55:55

Working with dates and times can be tricky and yet it’s vital that they’re handled correctly. Simple date calculations can be surprisingly challenging and getting the calculations right in every case isn’t easy. Hear about new APIs that simplify common operations and best practices for handling common tasks correctly.

Speaker: Chris Kane

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 228

Hidden Gems in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 53:57

Learn from the experts about the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch classes you may not even know exist, as well as some very obscure but extremely valuable classes that are favorites of the presenters.

Speakers: Scott Stevenson, Mattt Thompson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 500

What's New in Scene Kit

Graphics and Games • OS X • 48:01

Scene Kit is a high-level Objective-C framework that enables your app to efficiently load, manipulate, and render 3D scenes. Check out what’s new in Scene Kit and understand how your apps can take advantage of the latest additions. Learn how to extend Scene Kit rendering with custom OpenGL shaders, see how to integrate morphing and skinning, and dive into advanced image effects.

Speakers: Amaury Balliet, Thomas Goossens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 501

Integrating with Game Controllers

Graphics and Games • iOS, OS X • 42:58

The Game Controller framework in iOS 7 and OS X 10.9 enables games to integrate with physical game controllers and take advantage of exciting new modes of input. Learn how to add support for MFi game controllers with physical d-pads, buttons, triggers, joysticks, and more. Understand the approach for discovering and connecting to controllers and how to support both wireless and form-fitting controller types. See how to map physical controls to game inputs, and get expert advice about the best practices to follow in your titles.

Speakers: JJ Cwik, Edwin Foo, Jacques Gasselin de Richebourg, Tamas Schlägl

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 502

Introduction to Sprite Kit

Graphics and Games • iOS, OS X • 43:05

Sprite Kit is a powerful graphics framework ready-made for developing 2D action games, platformers, puzzle games, and much more. Get introduced to the Sprite Kit API and learn key details about controlling and rendering sprites. Discover how to leverage built-in physics support to make animations look real, and learn about using particle systems to create essential game effects such as fire, snow, explosions, and smoke. This is the first of two must-attend sessions for all developers creating games for iOS or OS X.

Speakers: Jacques Gasselin de Richebourg, Tim Oriol

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 503

Designing Games with Sprite Kit

Graphics and Games • iOS, OS X • 1:01:37

Dive into the practical workflow of developing a 2D adventure game using Sprite Kit. See how to get started, and learn about tools for optimizing image assets, creating particle systems, and building game levels. Understand how Sprite Kit integrates with your art pipeline and get expert guidance to share with your artists. Come away from the session with a fully functioning game in-hand and its code explained.

Speakers: Graeme Devine, Spencer Lindsay, Norman Wang

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WWDC13 • Session 504

What's New in Game Center

Graphics and Games • iOS, OS X • 53:02

Make your games even better by taking advantage of Game Center, Apple’s social gaming network. Learn about the latest additions to Game Center and enhancements to the Game Center user interface. Discover new techniques for tracking scores and expanding your leaderboards. Encourage interaction between your players by integrating challenges into your game.

Speaker: Dan Kurtz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 505

Advances in OpenGL ES

Graphics and Games • iOS • 58:26

OpenGL ES provides access to the exceptional graphics power of iOS devices. See how the innovations in iOS 7 deliver incredible graphics in games and other mobile 3D applications. Learn about advanced effects enabled by the latest extensions, and get specific tips and best practices to follow in your apps.

Speaker: Dan Omachi

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 506

Turn-Based Gaming with Game Center

Graphics and Games • iOS, OS X • 59:26

Turn-based gaming has taken off with the addition of asynchronous multiplayer gaming in Game Center. Dive into the latest developments in turn-based play. See how to add in-game trading, player chat, negotiations, and much more by using exchanges. Learn about the API and gain insight into managing game states and multiple game sessions.

Speaker: Nathan Taylor

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 507

What's New in OpenGL for OS X

Graphics and Games • OS X • 57:32

OpenGL is the foundation for GPU-accelerated graphics on OS X, enabling a broad range of applications including games, animation software, and imaging solutions. See how your apps can deliver incredible visuals and high performance using the OpenGL 4.1 Core Profile. Learn how to take advantage of multiple GPUs and access the computational capabilities of OpenCL.

Speaker: Chris Niederauer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 508

Working with OpenCL

Graphics and Games • OS X • 53:02

OpenCL lets your application unleash the parallel computing power of modern GPUs and multicore CPUs. Learn how use OpenCL to accelerate a wide range of compute-intensive tasks found in applications today. Explore the tight integration between OpenCL and OpenGL and see how to tap into the full processing capabilities of the Mac.

Speakers: David McGavran, James Shearer, Abe Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 509

Core Image Effects and Techniques

Graphics and Games • iOS, OS X • 54:43

Core Image lets you create incredible visual effects in your photo and video apps. Learn how to harness the new filters added in iOS 7 and OS X 10.9. Check out the seamless integration with OpenGL and OpenCL on the Mac. Understand recommended practices for using Core Image efficiently and see how to maximize its powerful features.

Speakers: David Hayward, Alexandre Naaman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 600

What's New in Safari and WebKit for Web Developers

Media • iOS, OS X • 53:30

Whether you publish a web site or embed web views in your Mac or iOS application, this is where you can learn about new and upcoming web technologies in Safari and WebKit. Find out how to take advantage of new HTML, CSS, and JavaScript capabilities to interact better with Apple devices and deliver a richer browsing experience for users.

Speakers: Enrica Casucci, Beth Dakin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 601

Getting to Know Web Inspector

Media • iOS, OS X • 52:43

Web Inspector is a powerful tool for understanding the behavior of your web site. Gain an overview of everything Web Inspector can do. Explore the user interface and learn about features that will make your life easier. Learn how to connect the Safari Web Inspector to your iPhone or iPad for on-device testing. Find out how to inspect, tweak, optimize, and debug the web content in your web, Mac, or iOS app.

Speaker: Antoine Quint

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 602

What's New in Core Audio for iOS

Media • iOS • 59:30

Core Audio is the professional-grade technology for playing, processing and recording audio on iOS. Learn how your apps can take advantage of the latest advances in Core Audio. Discover how to send and receive audio between multiple apps, allowing for advanced mixing, effects, and sound generation.

Speakers: Tony Guetta, Alec Little, Harry Tormey, Doug Wyatt

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 603

Getting the Most Out of Web Inspector

Media • iOS, OS X • 57:07

Dig deeper into the many enhancements and new features that Safari has added to Web Inspector. Learn how to use them for more advanced inspection, tweaking, profiling, and debugging of your web content on iOS and the Mac. If web technologies are at the core of your web, Mac, or iOS app, this session will show you how Web Inspector can help you get the results you want.

Speakers: Andres Garza, Brian Kadar, Antoine Quint

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 604

Introducing iAd Workbench, The Best Way to Market Your App

Media • iOS, OS X • 37:18

Powered by iAd, iAd Workbench makes it easy to create and manage mobile campaigns optimized to drive downloads of your app. Learn the entire workflow for promoting app downloads from selection of an Apple designed or custom banner to reviewing an active campaign and optimizing for performance.

Speakers: Mike Amirault, Vineet Gossain, Madhu Vudali

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 605

What's New in iBooks Author

Media • iOS, OS X • 1:01:13

iBooks Author lets you use a drag-and-drop interface to create rich and immersive books for the iBookstore. Discover best practices for book design and asset preparation, and learn how to use the iBooks Author interface efficiently to develop your book. See how to enhance your book with rich media such as audio, video, and animations, plus get tips for testing your book before submitting it to the iBookstore.

Speaker: Charles Migos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 606

Moving to AV Kit and AV Foundation

Media • OS X • 59:00

AV Foundation is the recommended framework for working with time-based audiovisual media. Learn how to transition your QuickTime or QTKit based media app to AV Foundation and understand the key concepts underlying the modern media architecture of OS X. Explore how AV Kit makes it easy to play modern media in your OS X apps by providing view-level services for playback, standard navigation controls, chapter selection, and support for subtitles.

Speakers: Sam Bushell, Stefan Hafeneger

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 607

Power and Performance: Optimizing Your Website for Great Battery Life and Responsive Scrolling

Media • iOS, OS X • 47:59

People want a great web experience that doesn’t drain their battery and provides the ultimate in scrolling responsiveness. Find out how you can tune your content for optimum performance and efficiency. Learn how to work with Safari techniques and web features that help you save power. Discover how to get the smoothest possible scrolling for your content.

Speakers: Simon Fraser, Tim Horton

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 608

Preparing and Presenting Media for Accessibility

Media • iOS, OS X • 58:47

AV Foundation automatically selects appropriate audio and subtitle tracks in your media. Learn how media selection works and find out how to author media with accessibility features like subtitles and closed captions. Go beyond the basics to use AV Foundation for customizing subtitle appearance and presentation.

Speakers: Kevin Calhoun, Courtney Kennedy, Adam Sonnanstine

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 609

Introduction to iBooks Author Widget and iAd Rich Media Ad Development with iAd Producer 4

Media • iOS, OS X • 44:24

iAd Producer’s drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to deliver highly interactive iAd rich media ads, iBooks Author HTML5 widgets, and more. Discover how the refined environment for actions and objects, an expanded library of customizable interactive objects, integration of iAd Blueprints, and widget templates increase your efficiencies and creative possibilities.

Speakers: Chris Shull, Justin Voss

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 610

What's New in Camera Capture

Media • iOS • 58:39

AV Foundation provides your application with access to the powerful camera imaging sensors built-in to all iOS devices. iOS 7 enables finer grained control over the capture format, support for zoom, built-in barcode recognition, and enhancements to autofocus. If your application uses the camera on iOS you want to attend.

Speakers: Brad Ford, Rob Simutis, Ethan Tira-Thompson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 611

Building Advanced iBooks HTML 5 Widgets and iAd Rich Media Ads

Media • iOS, OS X • 49:52

iAd Producer’s visual design approach belies its advanced customization and development capabilities. We’ll go beyond drag-and-drop to discover powerful iAd JS classes, show you how to create dynamic data-driven objects, and demonstrate debugging and performance optimization techniques you can use right away.

Speakers: Chi Wai Lau, Mark Malone

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 612

Advanced Editing with AV Foundation

Media • iOS, OS X • 31:47

AV Foundation provides powerful services for editing video and audio in your iOS or OS X apps. See the tremendous control and flexibility AV Foundation offers. Learn how custom compositors create new possibilities for advanced transitions and effects. Gain expert insight into best practices for integrating compositions into your app and working with audio mixes.

Speaker: Scott Johnston

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 613

iAd Integration and Best Practices

Media • iOS • 49:55

iAd technologies built-in to iOS let you easily incorporate advertising into your app. Come to discover what’s new in the iAd Framework, multi-view banner strategies, effective integration with Storyboards, and more. You’ll walk away with actionable implementation best practices and the tactics necessary to ensure maximum ad performance.

Speakers: David Wilson, Nathan de Vries

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 614

Implementing OS X Push Notifications for Websites

Media • iOS, OS X • 46:04

Learn how to prepare your website for push notifications. See how to sign up your users to receive notifications even when your site is not running in Safari. Find out about best practices for managing notifications across both the web and your applications.

Speakers: Jon Lee, Brian Weinstein

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 615

Integrating JavaScript into Native Apps

Media • iOS, OS X • 40:27

Introducing a new Objective-C API to JavaScriptCore. iOS developers can now integrate scripting into their apps without having to bundle custom language interpreters. This API builds on top of the existing C API to JavaScriptCore available on Mac, and makes programming with JavaScript much easier and less error-prone.

Speaker: Mark Hahnenberg

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 300

Managing Apple Devices

Services • iOS, OS X • 58:15

Learn about an exciting new approach to managing Apple devices in an enterprise environment. Learn how MDM can be used to wirelessly configure settings, monitor compliance with policies, install apps, and remotely wipe devices, and how these capabilities can be integrated with in-house or third-party server solutions.

Speakers: Todd Fernandez, Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Chris Skogen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 301

Extending Your Apps for Enterprise and Education Use

Services • iOS • 44:41

Business and education markets are a growing audience for iOS apps. With new capabilities in iOS 7 and a few key concepts you can fine tune your app to meet the needs of large organizations. Learn about data security, authentication, integration with enterprise systems, app configuration and customization, and the distribution options available to you. This session is not just for enterprise developers, but for all developers looking to extend their reach and get their apps in the hands of business professionals, educators, and students worldwide.

Speakers: Victor Alexander, Dave Rahardja

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 302

What's New in Passbook

Services • iOS • 48:51

Passbook is the easiest way for users to keep track of their boarding passes, event tickets, coupons and more. See how to streamline the process of adding multiple passes to Passbook in a single operation. Find out how to optimize location relevance using iBeacons. Learn about all of the improvements in Passbook that give you more control and flexibility in your passes.

Speakers: Nicholas Circosta, Noah Witherspoon

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 303

Integrating Passbook into your Ecosystem

Services • iOS • 49:05

Implementing a rich Passbook experience requires coordination between your application, back end server and point of redemption. Hear how the Apple Store engineering team rolled out gift card passes used in the Apple Retail stores. Get best practice advice and pointers from the Passbook engineering team about how to avoid pitfalls during development to ensure your users get the most out of Passbook.

Speaker: Joelle Lam

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 304

What's New in Map Kit

Services • iOS, OS X • 45:29

Learn about the latest improvements to Map Kit, including end-to-end directions and customized map view callouts. Find out how you can snapshot maps in various ways to optimize your content or use maps in new ways. And now, Map Kit is also available for OS X, so you explore how to enhance your Mac apps with maps.

Speakers: Alexandre Carlhian, James Howard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 305

Using Store Kit for In-App Purchases

Services • iOS, OS X • 46:46

In-App Purchase continues to be a terrific mechanism for selling products, services and subscriptions directly from your app. Get all the details you need to implement a digital storefront in your OS X or iOS app. Hear how you can now take advantage of subscriptions in OS X and hear best practices for how to capitalize on selling digital products in your app.

Speaker: Thomas Alsina

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 306

What's New in iTunes Connect

Services • iOS, OS X • 55:54

iTunes Connect is critical element of deploying your app on the App Store. Hear about all the latest improvements including configuring Game Center options and new options for managing apps across teams. Take a deep dive into how you can dramatically improve your workflow for managing metadata, localization, app assets, and more.

Speakers: Daniel Miao, Nik Uglov, Dave Van Tassell, Aravind Vijayakirthi

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 307

What's New in Core Location

Services • iOS, OS X • 48:30

Core Location offers a variety of ways you can find out where your users are and when they are on the move. Hear an update on changes to Core Location and dive deep into the new world of beacon regions. Leveraging Bluetooth Low Energy, iBeacons open up a whole new dimension in region monitoring. Gain a practical understanding of how you can efficiently create beacon regions for important locations so your app can be alerted when users enter them, and techniques for detecting proximity to physical objects.

Speaker: Jay Bruins

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 308

Using Receipts to Protect Your Digital Sales

Services • iOS, OS X • 46:46

The App Store, Mac App Store and In-App Purchases support a wide range of business models to generate revenue from your digital products. Whether you offer a paid app or a free app with In-App Purchases, you need to protect yourself by verifying receipts for those purchases. Get all the details on how receipt validation is changing in iOS and hear best practices for combating fraud.

Speaker: James Wilson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 309

Putting Map Kit in Perspective

Services • iOS, OS X • 51:21

iOS 6 introduced a 3D view in Maps and now your app can take advantage of this view as well using Map Kit. Dive deep into how to use 3D mode for Map Views and how you can use it to build dramatic cinematic views to engage your users. Understand how to control the viewport in order to look at specific points on a map from particular angles and how to work with annotations in 3D. See how you can create snapshot of map views for flexibility and performance.

Speaker: Aroon Pahwa

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 310

Harnessing iOS to Create Magic in Your Apps

Services • iOS • 50:24

Enrich the user experience in your apps by leveraging key iOS technologies in innovative ways. The Apple Store app engineering team will show you how they used Push Notifications, Core Location, Region Monitoring, and Bluetooth to create compelling product pickup and in-store experiences for their customers. Learn tips, tricks, and best practices, and see how you can also offer great experiences in your apps around event notifications, welcoming users to locations of interest, and enabling rich user interactions with their surroundings.

Speakers: Filip Krsmanovic, Mathieu Roig, Yingfeng Su

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 400

What's New in Xcode 5

Tools • iOS, OS X • 1:00:33

Xcode is the development environment for creating amazing apps for OS X and iOS. Start the week by watching the Xcode team demonstrate the latest features and enhanced workflows in Xcode 5. This session is a great overview of the many in-depth Developer Tools topics covered at WWDC 2013.

Speakers: Mike Ferris, Jon Hess, Chris Lattner, Ken Orr

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 401

Xcode Core Concepts

Tools • iOS, OS X • 56:28

Xcode has a wealth of features to help you be more productive than ever before. Join engineers from the Xcode team as they teach the basics of using Xcode, demonstrate power-user workflows, and help you get the most out of your development environment.

Speakers: Rick Ballard, Anders Bertelrud

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 402

What's New in the LLVM Compiler

Tools • iOS, OS X • 52:09

Apple continues to invest in the LLVM compiler technology, and that investment has been paying off in spades. Get details on the latest improvements to the compiler and static analyzer. See how to get the most out of these tools with settings in Xcode.

Speakers: Evan Cheng, Bob Wilson, Anna Zaks

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 403

From Zero to App Store in Xcode 5

Tools • iOS, OS X • 44:35

New account management features in Xcode 5 make it easier than ever to sign and package your app. Join Xcode engineers as they take a brand new project through to App Store submission. See how the new capabilities editor makes it simple to add iCloud, Passbook, and other features and entitlements entirely within the Xcode environment.

Speakers: Clark Cox, Joshua Pennington, Itai Rom

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WWDC13 • Session 404

Advances in Objective-C

Tools • iOS, OS X • 54:22

Objective-C is continuing to evolve as a powerful object-oriented programming language. Technologies like Automatic Reference Counting let you build more robust and easier to maintain code. Modules make it easier than ever to reference framework classes. See how this new technology will help keep your project organized and how you can take advantage of it. Find out about all the newest features and improvements to Objective-C.

Speakers: Doug Gregor, Dave Zarzycki

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 405

Interface Builder Core Concepts

Tools • iOS, OS X • 51:41

The Interface Builder feature built into Xcode makes it easy to create world-class interfaces using a design canvas. Learn how to use storyboards to arrange the views of your app, and employ Auto Layout to ensure your design adapts to changes in screen size, orientation, and localization. See how to easily wire up connections between your beautiful UI and your implementation code using the Assistant editor.

Speakers: Kelly Keenan, Alex Raftis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 406

Taking Control of Auto Layout in Xcode 5

Tools • iOS, OS X • 54:36

Auto Layout’s powerful constraint-based engine enables a single user interface to work beautifully on both iOS 6 and iOS 7, and respond dynamically to changes in the size of controls, rotation, or localization. See how the improvements to Auto Layout in Xcode 5 make it even easier to quickly build flexible, modern interfaces.

Speakers: Kevin Cathey, Tony Ricciardi

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 407

Debugging with Xcode

Tools • iOS, OS X • 44:36

Xcode includes a powerful graphical debugger backed by the new, state-of-the-art LLDB debugging engine. Discover how you can detect and fix your performance problems earlier, configure advanced breakpoints, easily explore your variables within the editor, and take advantage of the new XPC debugging support built right into Xcode.

Speakers: Chris Friesen, Troy Koelling, Han-Ming Ong

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 408

Optimize Your Code Using LLVM

Tools • iOS, OS X • 52:12

The Apple LLVM compiler has evolved at a staggering pace, providing remarkably quick compile times and generating lightning-fast code. Hear from the experts on how LLVM technologies can help you write better code. Dive deep into specific techniques to see how you can produce the most efficient code possible.

Speakers: Jim Grosbach, Nadav Rotem

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 409

Testing in Xcode 5

Tools • iOS, OS X • 49:34

Unit testing is an essential tool to consistently verify that your code works correctly. Learn how Xcode 5 makes it dramatically easier to create, edit, execute, and understand your tests.

Speakers: Bino George, Mike Swingler

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 410

Fixing Memory Issues

Tools • iOS, OS X • 58:43

Using memory responsibly can be the key to stability and ensuring a great user experience. Get a look at new memory tools and learn helpful patterns for dealing with common memory issues specific to reference counting in Objective-C.

Speakers: Daniel Delwood, Kate Stone

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 412

Continuous Integration with Xcode 5

Tools • iOS, OS X • 45:23

Unit tests are great, but to get the most value from them you need to test continuously. Xcode bots make testing easy, as they automatically build, analyze, test, and archive your project in a repeatable manner. See the Xcode team give a start-to-finish demonstration of setting up the new continuous integration support in Xcode.

Speakers: Andrew Nesbitt, Brent Shank

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 413

Advanced Debugging with LLDB

Tools • iOS, OS X • 58:35

Dive deep into using LLDB via the terminal interface and within Xcode’s graphical debugger. See the latest features, improvements, and advanced techniques to help you track down bugs more efficiently than ever before.

Speakers: Sean Callanan, Enrico Granata, Kate Stone

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 414

Understanding Source Control in Xcode

Tools • iOS, OS X • 43:37

Learn how Xcode’s source control features can help you work more efficiently with your team, juggle numerous development branches, find and fix bugs, and better understand the history of your code with the Version editor.

Speakers: Eric Dudiak, Kevin Lindeman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 415

Maximizing Apple Development Resources

Tools • iOS, OS X • 50:43

When you have a problem, there are numerous avenues to get help, from communicating with Apple to reaching out to your fellow developers for their advice. Gain insight from Apple engineers into how your bug reports make a difference in the software we ship. Understand the different ways you can help us help you with your questions about shipping your apps on the App Store, getting Technical Support, or how to make the most out of seed releases.

Speakers: Tanya Gupta, Ted Jucevic, Nahir Khan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 416

Introducing AppleScript Libraries

Tools • OS X • 53:00

In a major update and enhancement to its native scripting language, OS X delivers a new plugin architecture for AppleScript, enabling easy development and access to custom sets of functions and methods. Each individual AppleScript Library, saved as an AppleScript script file, can publish its own scripting terminology, and contain dozens of routines written in native AppleScript or the incredibly powerful AppleScriptObjective-C. Scripting just got a whole lot better!

Speakers: Chris Page, Sal Soghoian

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WWDC13 • Session 417

OS X Automation Update

Tools • OS X • 54:02

The Automation technologies in OS X continue to improve with each release, and the new automation features of OS X provide great examples. Highlights include new notification actions and commands, built-in developer code-signing for AppleScript applets and droplets, and new innovative and versatile AppleScript Libraries that easily extend application and OS scripting functionality.

Speakers: Chris Nebel, Sal Soghoian

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WWDC13 • Session 700

Designing Accessories for iOS and OS X

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 49:52

Learn about services that allow apps to interact with accessories. Understand your options for designing hardware solutions, including the latest on Wi-Fi, AirPlay, Bluetooth, and the Lightning connector.

Speakers: Edwin Foo, Peter Langenfeld, Brian Tucker

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WWDC13 • Session 701

Maximizing Battery Life on OS X

Core OS • OS X • 45:40

Helping users get the most out of their battery is a cornerstone of modern application development. Join Vice President of Software Technology, Bud Tribble, and get a rare tour through the latest energy-efficient Apple hardware, learn about new features and API in OS X that help prolong battery life, and discover how your app can become even more energy efficient by adopting the latest best practices and API.

Speaker: Bud Tribble

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 702

Efficient Design with XPC

Core OS • OS X • 41:16

XPC has been enhanced to make it even easier to design for robustness and efficiency. Learn how to save power by opportunistically scheduling long-running tasks, transferring large amounts of data with minimal overhead, and how to best compartmentalize your app.

Speaker: Damien Sorresso

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 703

Core Bluetooth

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 54:22

Core Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy enable a new category of Bluetooth accessories which have an incredibly long battery life. With CoreBluetooth, iOS apps can talk with shoes to find out how far they’ve run and jumped, make toys come to life, fly a paper airplane, find car keys and remote controls, open a door lock, and find out why a check engine light is on. Learn what’s new in CoreBluetooth and the new ways that iOS apps can interact with Bluetooth Low Energy accessories.

Speakers: Jason Conn, Renaud Lienhart, Brian Tucker

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WWDC13 • Session 704

Building Efficient OS X Apps

Core OS • OS X • 56:49

Apps on OS X must share a common pool of system resources. Learn the tips and tools for making the best use of these shared resources to improve both your performance and the performance of your user’s systems. See how to investigate your app’s impact on system memory use and disk I/O, and learn techniques for doing work in the background without impacting performance.

Speaker: Anthony Chivetta

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 705

What's New in Foundation Networking

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 49:41

The Foundation networking APIs provide powerful networking solutions for your app. Learn about the new NSURLSession API that lets you do out-of-process networking and configuration options. Learn how to create a NSNetService based server. Learn the best practices for HTTP authentication, proxies, and scheduling.

Speakers: Steve Algernon, Dan Vinegrad

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 707

What's New in Kext Development

Core OS • OS X • 52:22

OS X Kernel Extensions are used to deliver device drivers and other kernel-level support software. Learn what is new with Kext development, including how to sign your kext, how to use lldb for kernel debugging, and how to build and deploy kexts for multiple releases of OS X.

Speakers: Brian Bechtel, Jerry Cottingham, Dean Reece

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WWDC13 • Session 708

Nearby Networking with Multipeer Connectivity

Core OS • iOS • 46:44

Multipeer Connectivity is a new networking framework that enables discovery of, and communication with, nearby devices. Learn the basics, hear about the best practices, and see how writing networking code can be easy, fun, and powerful.

Speaker: Demijan Klinc

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 709

Protecting Secrets with the Keychain

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 54:38

The iOS and OS X keychains are designed to protect sensitive data such as passwords, keys, and credentials. Learn why the keychain provides more security than other methods of storing data, when it’s appropriate to use the keychain, and how to use the keychain for common tasks such as saving passwords and importing and exporting certificates in various formats.

Speaker: Perry "the Cynic" Kiehtreiber

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 710

A Practical Guide to the App Sandbox

Core OS • OS X • 44:26

Discover how you can use App Sandbox to protect your app’s users from unintentional bugs or deliberate attempts to compromise security. Understand sandboxing’s security goals, how applications and their data are isolated from each other, and how to express the resources your application needs. Learn about App Sandbox-related APIs and entitlements, and how to adopt them for your app to meet the Mac App Store Guidelines.

Speaker: Ivan Krstić

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 711

Advances in AirPrint

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 41:16

AirPrint is the iOS and OS X printing system, a revolutionary printing architecture that makes printing easy for users and app developers. Learn all about AirPrint, how it has grown, and best practices for adding printing to iOS apps.

Speakers: Howard Miller, Todd Ritland

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 712

Energy Best Practices

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 44:24

Your apps play a vital role in maximizing battery life. Learn how to use Power Tools and new APIs to write energy-efficient code. Find out if your app is using excessive CPU or timers, and how to adopt design patterns that will avoid these problems.

Speaker: Matt Jacobson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 713

The Accelerate Framework

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 53:18

The Accelerate framework contains signal and image processing, matrix, and linear algebra computation. Learn about new signal and image processing functionality. Find out how you can use the Accelerate framework to achieve dramatic improvements in performance and energy consumption.

Speakers: Geoff Belter, Luke Chang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC13 • Session 714

Protecting your Users’ Privacy

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 48:25

Learn about new iOS and OS X privacy features and get details on new and updated APIs. Hear best practices for delivering great features and respecting your customers’ privacy.

Speakers: Katie Skinner, David Stites

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 101


Special Events • iOS, OS X • 1:39:32

WWDC 2014 Keynote

Speakers: Tim Cook, Brian Croll, Craig Federighi, Greg Joswiak, Chris Lattner, Tim Sweeney

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 102

Platforms State of the Union

Special Events • iOS, OS X • 1:42:45

WWDC 2014 Platforms State of the Union

Speakers: Johan Andersson, Max Drukman, Matt Firlik, Jacques Gasselin de Richebourg, Nicholas Hanlon, Ted Kremenek, Toby Paterson, Geoff Stahl, Andreas Wendker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 103

Apple Design Awards

Special Events • iOS, OS X • 1:08:31

Join us for an unforgettable award ceremony celebrating developers and their outstanding work. The 2014 Apple Design Awards recognize state of the art iOS apps and OS X apps that reflect excellence in design and innovation.

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WWDC14 • Session 201

Advanced Topics in Internationalization

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 50:46

Making your app appealing to customers around the world requires more than basic localization. See how to tackle the complex aspects of making your app truly world-ready. Learn about the latest developments with internationalization on iOS and OS X, and learn from case studies illustrating common pitfalls to avoid and simple and effective techniques. Find out how to give your users a great experience no matter what language they speak or where they live.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, Deborah Goldsmith, करन मिश्र · Karan Miśra

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 202

What's New in Cocoa Touch

Frameworks • iOS • 47:31

iOS 8 brings enhancements to the Cocoa Touch frameworks for making next generation apps on iOS. Learn about updates to view controllers, the introduction of size classes, and get an overview of all new APIs to help you create adaptive apps. Hear about new capabilities, such as extensions and handoff, which will enable you to create great experiences for users to keep them up to date at all times or allow them to continue their workflow when they move from one device to another. Find out which sessions you won't want to miss throughout the week.

Speaker: Luke Hiesterman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 203

Introducing HealthKit

Frameworks • iOS • 51:55

HealthKit is a brand new framework that centralizes the data storage of personal health information. Learn from the framework authors how to save, query, and interpret health data to make your apps more engaging and personal for your users.

Speakers: Siji Rachel Tom, Justin Rushing

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 204

What's New in Cocoa

Frameworks • OS X • 55:04

OS X Yosemite brings a clean new look, view controller enhancements, Mac storyboards, app extensions, Continuity, and many additional features you can leverage through the Cocoa frameworks. This is your first stop to discover great Cocoa sessions throughout the week.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 205

Creating Extensions for iOS and OS X, Part 1

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 51:36

Extensions enable you to keep people engaged with your content across iOS and OS X. Learn how to create extensions that share content with social websites, engage users in Notification Center, and enable a variety of other exciting features. Tap into the potential of extensions and prepare to dive into advanced topics in Part 2.

Speakers: Ian Baird, Guy Fullerton, Matt Gamble

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 206

Introducing the Modern WebKit API

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 48:32

The modern WebKit framework enables developers to integrate web content into their native app experience with more features and fewer lines of code. Dive into the latest WebKit enhancements including modern Objective-C features such as blocks and explicit object types, advanced bridging between JavaScript and Objective-C, increased JavaScript performance via WebKit's super-fast JIT, and more—all delivered in an API unified for both iOS and OS X.

Speakers: Anders Carlsson, Beth Dakin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 207

Accessibility on OS X

Frameworks • OS X • 52:25

OS X is known for its unsurpassed level of accessibility. Find out about an all-new OS X accessibility API to make adding accessibility support to your apps even easier. Discover how to add support for VoiceOver, Switch Control, automation and other assistive-technology clients to work with your OS X applications. Learn advanced techniques to make complex controls accessible with only a few lines of code.

Speakers: Chris Dolan, Patti Hoa

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 208

Introducing CloudKit

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 54:45

CloudKit is the framework that powers iCloud on iOS and OS X, now available directly in your app. Learn how you can take advantage of its feature-rich API to store and query your own custom data and assets in iCloud.

Speakers: Olivier Bonnet, Paul Seligman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 209

Adapting Your App to the New UI of OS X Yosemite

Frameworks • OS X • 53:03

Take a tour of the new appearances and behaviors that Cocoa supports and learn how easy it is to adopt them when you use standard Cocoa classes. Get an overview of the changes to Cocoa and find out how to make your app fit in and feel familiar to people using OS X Yosemite.

Speakers: Rachel Goldeen, Patrick Heynen, Mike Stern

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 210

Accessibility on iOS

Frameworks • iOS • 50:41

iOS offers unmatched accessibility support that can help you reach a wider audience. Join us for an exploration of the features that iOS offers for users with specific needs, in areas such as vision, hearing, movement, and learning. Learn how to leverage existing and new UIAccessibility APIs in iOS 8, including expanded support for low vision users, to ensure that your app's features are available to all users.

Speaker: Clare Kasemset

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 211

Designing Intuitive User Experiences

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 1:01:20

Learn about the key concepts and principles that will enable you to make your app intuitive and approachable. Gain insights into how you can harness UI animations to help people stay oriented, get clear and meaningful feedback, and navigate with ease.

Speaker: Mike Stern

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 212

Storyboards and Controllers on OS X

Frameworks • OS X • 54:33

Learn how to build your OS X application using storyboards, view controllers, and gesture recognizers. See how these OS X enhancements can simplify complex user interaction controller code. Gain a practical understanding with a high level introduction to Xcode's Interface Builder integration and dive deep into a detailed discussion of the new APIs with tips to create great apps for OS X.

Speakers: Raleigh Ledet, Mike Swingler

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 213

Introducing HomeKit

Frameworks • iOS • 43:20

iOS 8 introduces HomeKit, a high-level device connectivity framework enabling apps to interact with physical accessories in the world around us. Learn the objects that define these devices, see how to control them, and discover how to create a full device control experience for the home.

Speaker: Kevin McLaughlin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 214

View Controller Advancements in iOS 8

Frameworks • iOS • 55:40

View controllers are fundamental to creating apps on iOS. Learn about the enhancements made to view controllers in iOS 8 to improve the user experience in your apps. Dive into using and creating transition coordinators and find out about all-new additions to split view controllers and navigation controllers.

Speaker: Bruce Nilo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 216

Building Adaptive Apps with UIKit

Frameworks • iOS • 56:42

Building your apps to be flexible enough to be used in different orientations and on different devices is crucial. Learn about the enhancements that have been made to UIKit view controllers to make it even easier for you to adapt your user interface to any size or orientation. See how to effectively use size classes to ensure a great user experience for any context and find out how Xcode can help you create and test your apps for different sized devices.

Speakers: Tony Ricciardi, Jacob Xiao

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 217

Creating Extensions for iOS and OS X, Part 2

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 49:25

Take the plunge into advanced extension concepts such as creating custom action extensions. Dive deep into extension architecture to learn how to provide a consistent experience between extensions and your app. See how to utilize extensions with Safari to bridge the gap between your websites and native apps, and discover how to make great extensions that users will love.

Speakers: Ian Baird, Aki Inoue, Damien Sorresso

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 218

Designing a Great In-App Purchase Experience

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 50:49

Being successful with In-App Purchases requires much more than just having a store within your app. A well-designed experience motivates customers to purchase, offers them the items that they want based on what's happening, communicates item details and pricing clearly, and provides vital feedback about the purchasing process. Learn key design techniques, how best to communicate when new content and subscriptions become available, how to handle large sets of In-App content, and important StoreKit tips.

Speaker: Rachel Roth

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 219

Adopting Handoff on iOS and OS X

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 51:03

Handoff allows people to seamlessly move activities between devices and pick up right where they left off. Learn how to save, transfer, and restore user activities in apps of all architectures. See how easy it is to add Handoff support to your iOS and OS X apps to make your user experience even better.

Speakers: Mike Jurewitz, Vince Spader, Keith Stattenfield

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 220

Adopting Advanced Features of the New UI of OS X Yosemite

Frameworks • OS X • 51:11

OS X Yosemite introduces a refined new look, and Cocoa provides you with a rich set of APIs and facilities to embrace this new look in your application. Discover how to properly use these APIs to bring the refinement, translucency, and vibrancy of OS X Yosemite to your apps. Dive deep into a number of case studies demonstrating applications with different designs and needs.

Speakers: Chris Dreessen, Corbin Dunn

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 221

Creating Custom iOS User Interfaces

Frameworks • iOS • 47:12

Make your app stand out from the competition with a compelling, yet familiar, user interface, and custom controls that match your app's personality and effectively reveal it's key features. Learn advanced Core Animation techniques such as spring view animations, and see new visual effects such as blur and vibrancy and how they can give your apps a visual edge.

Speaker: Brandon Newendorp

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 222

Optimize Your Earning Power With iAd

Frameworks • iOS • 54:25

iAd technologies built into iOS let you easily include advertising in your app. Discover what's new in the iAd Framework, including multi-view banner strategies, full screen and video interstitials, and best practices to ensure optimal ad performance. You'll also learn how to implement iAd App Attribution to help you accurately measure the lifetime value of newly acquired customers.

Speaker: David Wilson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 223

Prototyping: Fake It Till You Make It

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 57:49

Make better apps by trying things out first, before you write any code. Get a glimpse of Apple's prototyping process and the range of tools and techniques we use, some of which might surprise you.

Speakers: Linda Dong, Mark Hauenstein, Julian Missig, Jeffrey Traer Bernstein

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 224

Core iOS Application Architectural Patterns

Frameworks • iOS • 41:38

Get the most out of iOS's frameworks by understanding their core idioms and expectations. Learn about pervasive design patterns like "Model, View, Controller", Target/Action, Delegation and others used throughout Cocoa Touch. Gain practical knowledge of architectural idioms to organize your code for flexibility, clarity and reliability. See how to structure your app to take full advantage of Apple's frameworks.

Speaker: Bill Dudney

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 225

What's New in Core Data

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 44:08

Learn about the latest enhancements to the Core Data framework. Hear how to efficiently update your objects, execute simultaneous operations, and extend the framework to support your custom requirements.

Speakers: Ben Trumbull, Melissa Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 226

What's New in Table and Collection Views

Frameworks • iOS • 52:54

iOS 8 brings dynamic type front and foremost throughout UIKit classes. Learn about extensive enhancements made to table views and collection views, empowering you to create dynamically sized cells and exercise greater control over layouts. Find out how to align user expectations from their settings to your UI.

Speakers: Olivier Gutknecht, Luke Hiesterman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 227

Creating Modern Cocoa Apps

Frameworks • OS X • 48:37

Developing apps for OS X Yosemite is easier than ever with new enhancements to Cocoa. Learn how to use these new tools and APIs to develop a modern OS X app. Explore what's now available in Cocoa and learn to harness and implement these key technologies to make your app at once totally modern and familiar to people using it on OS X Yosemite.

Speakers: Alex Migicovsky, Tony Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 228

A Look Inside Presentation Controllers

Frameworks • iOS • 45:52

iOS 8 brings you powerful new means of presenting content within your apps. Hear how presentation controllers were leveraged by UIKit to give you fine grain control using new alert and searching APIs. Dive deep into how presentation controllers work and how you can use them to present content within your app in exciting new ways.

Speakers: Peter Hajas, Jim Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 229

Advanced iOS Application Architecture and Patterns

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 48:00

Explore a selection of high-level software engineering techniques presented in the context of Cocoa Touch. Learn how to manage complexity in large codebases by clearly defining where truth resides, by controlling state with Swift's powerful value types and immutability, and by thinking in terms of composition.

Speakers: Colin Barrett, Andy Matuschak

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 230

Making a Great First Impression With Strong Onboarding Design

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 57:20

Learn how to effectively introduce new users to the capabilities and features of your app or game in a way that will draw them in the very first time and then keep them coming back.

Speakers: John Cavanaugh, Rachel Roth

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 231

Advanced CloudKit

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 51:48

Dive deep into CloudKit! Learn how to perform advanced operations on records and store private data and gain a deeper understanding about custom record zones, ensuring data integrity, and effectively modeling your data.

Speaker: Jacob Farkas

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 232

Advanced User Interfaces with Collection Views

Frameworks • iOS • 54:53

Building an advanced user interface with collection view requires a great design, careful code architecture, and often times a custom layout. Learn how the iTunes team used UICollectionView to deliver a new version of the iTunes Connect app with an updated user interface incorporating pinning headers, swipe to edit and reorder, and a manageable code-base.

Speaker: Jeff Watkins

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 233

Sharing code between iOS and OS X

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 44:58

Learn what the iWork engineers did to ship iWork for iOS and Mac from a single codebase. Explore the patterns for sharing code between desktop and mobile, and see how you can optimize your code and write great apps.

Speakers: Chris Cowdery-Corvan, Elizabeth Reid

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WWDC14 • Session 234

Building a Document-based App

Frameworks • iOS • 50:40

Come hear the advancements in document handling in iOS 8. See how easy it is to use the new Document Picker UI. Learn how to share documents between apps, and even provide documents to other apps from your custom data store.

Speakers: Johannes Fortmann, Mike Hess

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 235

Advanced Scrollviews and Touch Handling Techniques

Frameworks • iOS • 56:57

Scrollviews build on gesture recognizers and underlying multi-touch mechanics to provide a fundamental piece of the iOS user experience. Gain a broader understanding of the iOS touch handling architecture through practical real-world examples. Discover advanced tips and tricks for combining scrolling with other touch handling techniques to create delightful user interfaces.

Speakers: Eliza Block, Josh Shaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 236

Building Interruptible and Responsive Interactions

Frameworks • iOS • 52:58

Learn how to fluidly transition interactive UI elements from gesture-driven control to animated transitions. Take advantage of new iOS 8 behavior to smoothly transition between several animations on the same view. Discover architectural approaches to interfaces which remain interactive while they animate.

Speakers: Andy Matuschak, Josh Shaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 237

A Strategy for Great Work

Frameworks • iOS, OS X • 55:07

Experience with past projects can help you do better work in the future if you can draw out the right lessons from what's happened. Hear stories and gain valuable insights from a senior engineer, with a lot of Apple software development experience, who's learned a few lessons along the way and figured out some useful approaches to take.

Speaker: Ken Kocienda

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WWDC14 • Session 601

Harnessing the Power of the Mac Pro with OpenGL and OpenCL

Graphics and Games • OS X • 55:30

The new Mac Pro enables you to unleash the power of dual workstation-class GPUs and multiple CPU cores in ways that just weren't possible until now. Gain a deeper understanding of the integration between OpenCL and OpenGL and see how to tap into the parallel compute and rendering power of the Mac.

Speaker: Abe Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 602

Ingredients of Great Games

Graphics and Games • iOS • 56:32

Kick off the game development sessions of WWDC 2014 by gaining insight into the key ingredients needed to create a great game for iOS. Understand the importance of harnessing the full capabilities of the platform to create a richer gameplay experience. Get practical guidance about game production and distribution, and learn the design and platform conventions that will make your game even more engaging.

Speakers: Allan Schaffer, Geoff Stahl

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 603

Working with Metal: Overview

Graphics and Games • iOS • 46:22

Metal provides extremely efficient access to the graphics and compute power of the A7 chip. Get introduced to the essential concepts behind Metal, its low-overhead architecture, streamlined API, and unified shading language. See how Metal lets you take your iOS game or app to the next level of performance and capability.

Speakers: Jeremy Sandmel, Sean Tracey

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 604

Working with Metal: Fundamentals

Graphics and Games • iOS • 53:42

Start learning how to code with Metal in this step-by-step walkthrough of basic scene rendering. See the code you need to get your first Metal-based application up and running. Explore how to create graphics and compute shaders and efficiently animate scenes.

Speakers: Aaftab Munshi, Richard Schreyer

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 605

Working with Metal: Advanced

Graphics and Games • iOS • 53:18

Building on the fundamentals, learn how to create advanced games and graphics applications with Metal. See how to construct your rendering pipeline, understand how to use compute and graphics together, and discover how to optimize your Metal-based app.

Speakers: Gokhan Avkarogullari, Aaftab Munshi, Serhat Tekin

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 606

What's New in SpriteKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, OS X • 55:27

SpriteKit provides everything you need for high-performance 2D games to animate sprites, simulate physics, and create stunning graphics effects. Check out new APIs for enhanced shading and lighting, advances in physics and collisions, constraints and inverse kinematics, integration with SceneKit, and powerful editing tools built right into Xcode 6.

Speaker: Norman Wang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 608

Best Practices for Building SpriteKit Games

Graphics and Games • iOS, OS X • 51:38

Gain a deeper understanding of the best practices to follow when building a SpriteKit based game. Get tips about game construction and see how to map the logical elements of your game into SpriteKit. Learn how data driven techniques can speed your development cycle, and discover how to achieve maximum performance for rendering, physics, and animation.

Speakers: Jacques Gasselin de Richebourg, Nick Porcino

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 609

What's New in SceneKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, OS X • 44:49

Now available for iOS and OS X, SceneKit is an inventive high-level graphics framework enabling your apps to efficiently load, manipulate, and render 3D scenes. Get reintroduced to SceneKit and check out how your apps can take advantage of its latest capabilities. Learn about advanced capabilities for physics and animation, support for subdivision surfaces, new rendering effects, integration with SpriteKit, and much more.

Speakers: Aymeric Bard, Thomas Goossens

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WWDC14 • Session 610

Building a Game with SceneKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, OS X • 43:26

Dive into the practical workflow of developing a 3D side-scrolling game using SceneKit. See how to get started, and learn about tools for managing game assets, creating particle systems, and editing nodes. Understand how SceneKit integrates with your art pipeline and learn how to implement lighting, shadows, and other visual effects. Come away from the session with a demo game in-hand and ready to play.

Speakers: Amaury Balliet, Thomas Goossens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 611

Designing for Game Controllers

Graphics and Games • iOS, OS X • 42:04

The Game Controller framework enables games to integrate with MFi game controllers and take advantage of exciting new modes of input. Check out the latest additions and get expert advice about best practices to follow when adding game controller support to your titles. Understand how to avoid common pitfalls and gain key insights into what it takes to create an experience that's intuitive and fun.

Speaker: JJ Cwik

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 612

Motion Tracking with the Core Motion Framework

Graphics and Games • iOS • 53:32

Core Motion leverages the M7 motion coprocessor and other built-in sensors to provide support for step counting and motion tracking. See examples of Core Motion based apps in action. Learn how health and fitness apps use pedometer information to give users performance and workout results, and how journaling apps use motion classification to tag the day's activities.

Speakers: Sunny Chow, Andy Pham

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 501

What's New in Core Audio

Media • iOS, OS X • 57:39

See what's new in Core Audio for iOS and OS X. Be introduced to the powerful new APIs for managing audio buffers, files, and data formats. Learn how to incorporate views to facilitate switching between inter-app audio apps on iOS. Take an in depth look at how to tag Audio Units and utilize MIDI over Bluetooth LE.

Speakers: Michael Hopkins, Eric Johnson, Torrey Walker, Doug Wyatt

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 502

AVAudioEngine in Practice

Media • iOS, OS X • 47:55

Dive deeper into the new Objective-C based audio graph system in AV Foundation. Learn how apps can utilize rich audio services from simple audio playback tasks to complex audio rendering chains, including effects and 3D spatial rendering for games.

Speaker: Kapil Krishnamurthy

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 503

Mastering Modern Media Playback

Media • iOS, OS X • 45:43

Media playback just got easier and more powerful with the introduction of AVKit on iOS. Hear how AVKit provides view-level services that give you access to the modern media capabilities of AV Foundation. Learn the best practices for playing audiovisual media on iOS and OS X.

Speakers: Stefan Hafeneger, Shalini Sahoo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 504

Advanced Media for the Web

Media • iOS, OS X • 50:10

With the increasing popularity of media on the web, content providers find themselves confronted by an over-abundance of formats, codecs and technologies competing for their attention. See how to use the latest HTML5 technologies in WebKit and Safari to make it easier to deliver media to your users and explore the performance and user experience tradeoffs you'll need to keep in mind when deciding between building for simplicity and fine-grained control.

Speakers: Brent Fulgham, Jer Noble

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 505

Harnessing Metadata in Audiovisual Media

Media • iOS, OS X • 48:14

Rich metadata, such as time, date, location, and user defined tags, are particularly useful for time-based media. Discover how to harness static and timed metadata in your AV Foundation apps. See how to write metadata into media and read it during playback. Gain knowledge of best practices for privacy and protecting user data.

Speakers: Shalini Sahoo, Adam Sonnanstine

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WWDC14 • Session 506

Ensuring Continuity Between Your App, Your Website, and Safari

Media • iOS, OS X • 54:02

While a modern digital presence combines both apps and traditional web sites, people expect a coherent, seamless, and device-optimized experience in each case. Learn techniques and best practices for successfully making transitions between iOS and OS X apps and the web. Gain insights into the appropriate web standards you can use to make your web content look and work optimally in Safari.

Speakers: Ricky Mondello, Andrew Whalley

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WWDC14 • Session 508

Camera Capture: Manual Controls

Media • iOS • 59:33

Learn about using manual controls to manipulate focus, exposure, and white balance. Take control of the camera's focus position, ISO, shutter speed, temperature, tint, and more. Learn how to use the new iOS 8 exposure bracketing API to enable powerful creative and computational photography applications. Discover view-level services for capturing audio and video on OS X.

Speakers: Aparna Bhatnagar, Matthew Calhoun, Brad Ford, John Papandriopoulos

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WWDC14 • Session 509

Creating 3D Interactive Content with WebGL

Media • iOS, OS X • 54:50

WebGL allows you to create amazing content that lifts off the page. Learn how to use WebGL to create immersive online experiences, display three-dimensional models with real-time interactivity and use image processing techniques typically thought of as unavailable on the web.

Speakers: Brady Eidson, Dean Jackson

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WWDC14 • Session 510

What's New in iAd Workbench

Media • iOS, OS X • 50:50

iAd Workbench makes it simple to create and manage mobile ad campaigns that reach the right audience for your apps, products or brands. Discover how features such as new creative executions, enhanced targeting and pricing capabilities and access via API's make iAd Workbench more effective and easy to work with. Learn how app download attribution and custom audience segments can provide insights into your audience, deliver customized messages and realize long term value.

Speakers: Ravi Chittari, Paresh Rajwat

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WWDC14 • Session 511

Introducing the Photos Frameworks

Media • iOS • 53:07

iOS 8 introduces two frameworks for managing the photo library and enhancing editing in photo, video, and camera apps. Get introduced to the Photos Framework and see how it enables you to build first-class photo browsing and editing apps. Learn about photo editing extensions with the PhotosUI framework and see how to include your own editing features into the built-in Photos app.

Speakers: Simon Bovet, Karl Hsu, Adam Swift

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WWDC14 • Session 512

Web Inspector and Modern JavaScript

Media • iOS, OS X • 50:56

Web Inspector, the powerful debugging tool in WebKit, is now available to JavaScriptCore-based apps. Find out how to leverage Web Inspector in your WebKit- and JavaScriptCore-based apps on iOS and OS X. Gain an overview of what's new in the JavaScript language and how to use modern JavaScript in your apps.

Speaker: Timothy Hatcher

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 513

Direct Access to Video Encoding and Decoding

Media • iOS, OS X • 52:42

Discover how to use AV Foundation and Video Toolbox to access hardware accelerated encoding and decoding services. Gain best practices for when it is appropriate to use a high-level or low-level API for encoding or decoding. Learn about multi-pass export for improved H.264 encoding and see how to use it in your app.

Speakers: David Eldred, Erik Turnquist

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 514

Advances in Core Image

Media • iOS, OS X • 50:54

Core Image lets you create amazing effects in your camera and image editing apps. Learn about the advances in Core Image for iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite. Get introduced to writing custom image processing filters for iOS and see how they can be used in Photos extensions. Walk through the enhancements for working with large images, and get details about the newest filters and detectors.

Speakers: David Hayward, Serhan Uslubas

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WWDC14 • Session 515

Developing Core Image Filters for iOS

Media • iOS, OS X • 51:38

Dive deeper into creating your own custom Core Image filters for iOS. Learn about writing filter kernels and get details about the Core Image kernel language. See how to use custom filters in your apps or make them available to other apps via extensions.

Speakers: Tony Chu, Alexandre Naaman

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WWDC14 • Session 516

Improving the Accessibility and Usability of Complex Web Applications

Media • iOS, OS X • 41:08

The increasing complexity of modern web applications brings increased challenges to ensuring your web app is usable by everyone. Discover how accessibility benefits everyone, and why it's worth the effort. Learn advanced tips and techniques, and discover new developer tools for increasing productivity and avoiding common pitfalls.

Speaker: Jesse Bunch

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 517

Designing Responsive Web Experiences

Media • iOS, OS X • 43:09

As your user base grows, so will the variety of devices you'll need to support. People expect modern web sites to be fast, visually appealing, and rich functionally, regardless of a device's performance characteristics, resolution or size. Learn how to use the latest web technologies in WebKit and Safari to create engaging, attractive, and adaptive layouts across all devices.

Speakers: Casey Dougherty, Edward O'Connor

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 301

Affiliate Tools for App Developers

Services • iOS, OS X • 58:21

Earn commission while linking to iTunes music, apps, books, and more. Get an overview of the new global iTunes Affiliate Program and see how simple it is to get started linking to iTunes content using iOS APIs and SmartApp Banners, creating iTunes Radio stations, and much more.

Speakers: Mark Miller, Rick Rubenstein

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 302

The New iTunes Connect

Services • iOS, OS X • 50:07

Get acquainted with the new iTunes Connect—your hub for publishing on the App Store. Learn about new ways to market with App Bundles and App Previews and how to make even better apps with App Analytics and TestFlight Beta Testing.

Speakers: Trystan Kosmynka, Daniel Miao, Dave Van Tassell

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WWDC14 • Session 303

Optimizing In-App Purchases

Services • iOS, OS X • 52:08

Using the StoreKit framework properly and optimizing the user experience of your In-App store is vital in order to never miss out on a sale or confuse people. Learn valuable techniques for a trouble free browsing and purchasing experience, and to ensure your app gets through the app submission process smoothly.

Speaker: James Wilson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 304

Creating Great App Previews

Services • iOS • 51:01

Spark interest in your app by showing a compelling video preview highlighting the magic moments that make your app unique. Learn how to plan, create and publish your App Preview using Apple's tools, guidelines and best practices.

Speakers: John Danty, Karen Poznansky, Paul Turner

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WWDC14 • Session 305

Preventing Unauthorized Purchases with Receipts

Services • iOS, OS X • 57:35

Receipts provide a valuable record of the sale for an app or for any In-App Purchases made from within an app. You can add receipt validation code to your app to prevent unauthorized purchases and protect your content. Learn how to verify exactly what people have paid for and how to validate these transactions.

Speaker: James Wilson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 306

JavaScript for Automation

Services • OS X • 52:33

Automation in OS X has always been about power and choice. Scriptable applications, including Pages, Keynote, Numbers, and the Finder, can already be automated using a variety of languages, including AppleScript, Objective-C, Perl, Python, and Ruby. With OS X Yosemite, application scripting support has been added to another popular language, JavaScript. JavaScript for Automation (JXA) extends the standard JavaScript environment provided by the JavaScriptCore framework with support for querying and controlling all of the scriptable applications running in OS X. JXA scripts are supported at all layers of the system and can be invoked from the command-line, from the system-wide Script Menu, and can even be distributed as code-signed applications.

Speakers: Sal Soghoian, David Steinberg

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WWDC14 • Session 401

What's New in Xcode 6

Tools • iOS, OS X • 53:54

Xcode is the development environment for creating amazing apps for iOS and OS X. Start the week by watching the Xcode team demonstrate the latest features and workflows in Xcode 6. This session also provides a complete overview of the in-depth developer tools topics covered at WWDC 2014.

Speakers: Daniel Dunbar, Mike Ferris, Jon Hess, Ken Orr, Kate Stone

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WWDC14 • Session 402

Introduction to Swift

Tools • iOS, OS X • 52:12

Swift is Apple's brand-new programming language for writing great iOS and OS X apps. Learn the basics of the language. See how to declare variables, use the fundamental data types, declare functions, and implement classes. Explore some of the great features that make Swift a safe, modern, and extremely powerful language.

Speakers: Dave Addey, Tim Isted

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WWDC14 • Session 403

Intermediate Swift

Tools • iOS, OS X • 53:20

Explore the modern features of the Swift programming language. Learn about object initialization, closures, and optionals. See how you can perform pattern matching using Swift's powerful switch statements.

Speakers: Joe Groff, Brian Lanier

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 404

Advanced Swift

Tools • iOS, OS X • 1:00:19

Dive deep into Swift! Explore some of its more powerful features, like operator overloading, string interpolation, and advanced pattern matching. Learn how to take advantage of generics to write terse and expressive code.

Speakers: Dave Abrahams, John McCall

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 406

Integrating Swift with Objective-C

Tools • iOS, OS X • 57:51

Swift makes it faster, easier, and more fun than ever to write Cocoa apps. See how you can integrate Swift alongside your existing Objective-C code. Learn how design patterns translate between languages and how you can start integrating Swift into your apps today.

Speakers: Anders Bertelrud, Jordan Rose, Dave Schaefgen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 407

Swift Interoperability In Depth

Tools • iOS, OS X • 57:56

Swift and Objective-C work together at multiple levels to ensure that you can create great apps for iOS and OS X. Dive deep with us to see how to use fundamental Core Foundation and C types in your Swift code. Learn how bridging values work and gain a practical understanding of how Swift and Objective-C can accelerate your app development.

Speaker: Doug Gregor

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 408

Swift Playgrounds

Tools • iOS, OS X • 55:39

Playgrounds are a new and innovative way to explore the Swift programming language. Explore how Playgrounds provide new workflows, enable rapid development, help you conveniently step through your code to diagnose bugs, and make it easier than ever to learn new concepts.

Speakers: Rick Ballard, Connor Wakamo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 409

Introduction to LLDB and the Swift REPL

Tools • iOS, OS X • 48:46

Learn how to use LLDB, Apple's state-of-the-art debugger. Learn how to analyze stack traces and diagnose bugs. See how you can test your hypotheses and explore your app's state with the Swift REPL.

Speaker: Sean Callanan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 410

Advanced Swift Debugging in LLDB

Tools • iOS, OS X • 47:35

Explore LLDB's powerful features that help you more quickly debug your Swift code. Learn about LLDB's support for protocols, generics, optionals, and mixed-language source code.

Speaker: Enrico Granata

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 411

What's New in Interface Builder

Tools • iOS, OS X • 56:16

Interface Builder makes it easy to create world-class interfaces using the design canvas. Learn how to use storyboards to arrange the views of your app, use Auto Layout to adapt to changes, and see how to easily make connections between your UI and your implementation on both iOS and OS X.

Speakers: Kevin Cathey, Quinn Taylor

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 412

Localizing with Xcode 6

Tools • iOS, OS X • 49:50

Your app deserves a global audience, and iOS, OS X, and Xcode 6 make it easy to design and test applications in multiple languages. Discover how you can easily add and manage localized content, preview and test with different languages, and export and import content for localizers to translate.

Speakers: Zoltan Foley-Fisher, Chris Hanson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 413

Debugging in Xcode 6

Tools • iOS, OS X • 37:07

Xcode provides a powerful debugging user interface backed by the new state-of-the-art LLDB debugger. Discover how you can more easily explore and fix your user interfaces, add custom Quick Look support for your own classes and get deeper insight into how and from where your app is enqueuing work.

Speakers: Kerry Hazelgren, Troy Koelling, Han-Ming Ong

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WWDC14 • Session 414

Testing in Xcode 6

Tools • iOS, OS X • 47:47

Unit testing is an essential tool to consistently verify your code works correctly. Learn how Xcode 6 takes this to the next level with support for performance testing, baselining, and integration with Xcode bots to continually monitor your performance over time and devices.

Speakers: Brooke Callahan, Wil Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 415

Continuous Integration with Xcode 6

Tools • iOS, OS X • 39:56

Xcode bots provide a seamless way to continually build, analyze, and test your applications across many devices. See the Xcode team show how to set up and configure bots, review unit and performance testing data, and set up custom triggers and integration points.

Speakers: Matt Moriarity, Matt Patenaude, Brent Shank

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WWDC14 • Session 416

Building Modern Frameworks

Tools • iOS, OS X • 45:55

Frameworks are a great way to share code between your apps and their extensions. Learn how you can convert your static libraries into frameworks. Go in-depth on how to best organize and share your code between your projects so you can increase code reuse.

Speaker: Chris Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 417

What's New in LLVM

Tools • iOS, OS X • 47:44

The Apple LLVM compiler continues to evolve, with support for 64-bit iOS products, powerful new optimizations, and other new features. Learn about some of the advanced technology that the compiler uses to increase the performance of your code, and get details on how to take advantage of the latest features in the compiler.

Speakers: Jim Grosbach, Nadav Rotem, Bob Wilson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 418

Improving Your App with Instruments

Tools • iOS, OS X • 55:25

Whether you're new to optimizing your app's performance or a seasoned veteran, learn about the new version of Instruments. See the new workflows, tools, and tips that will help you analyze and refine your app as it adopts the latest Apple technologies, including Swift and app extensions.

Speakers: Daniel Delwood, Joe Grzywacz, Kris Markel

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WWDC14 • Session 419

Advanced Graphics and Animations for iOS Apps

Tools • iOS • 45:43

Creating a responsive UI requires an understanding of Core Animation and how mobile GPUs work. Learn about the iOS rendering pipeline in Core Animation, the new UIVisualEffectView and how it utilizes the GPU. Find out about the available tools for profiling UI performance. See how to identify and fix performance issues on a variety of devices.

Speakers: Michael Ingrassia, Axel Wefers

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WWDC14 • Session 701

Designing Accessories for iOS and OS X

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 51:34

Learn how to create app-enabled accessories. Understand your options for designing accessories that connect via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or the Lightning connector. Learn how to develop accessories that work with HealthKit and HomeKit.

Speakers: Kevin McLaughlin, Jorge Moriñigo, Robert Walsh, Terry Worley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 702

Managing Apple Devices

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 50:20

Learn about the latest developments in managing Apple devices in an enterprise environment. Learn how MDM can be used to wirelessly configure settings, monitor compliance with policies, install apps, and remotely wipe devices, and how these capabilities can be integrated with in-house or third-party server solutions.

Speakers: Todd Fernandez, Jussi-Pekka Mantere, Mark Whittemore

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WWDC14 • Session 703

What's New in the Accelerate Framework

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 52:12

The Accelerate framework has always provided fast, energy efficient signal and image processing and linear algebra libraries. Learn about new interfaces that are easier to adopt and give you the same speed, and about new primitives that make it easier to write your own vector code for iOS and OS X.

Speakers: Geoff Belter, Steve Canon

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WWDC14 • Session 704

Building Apps for Enterprise and Education

Core OS • iOS • 54:56

Learn about data security, enterprise authentication, integration with back-end systems, app configuration methods, and the latest technologies for interacting with documents, accessories, and more. Get helpful tips for constructing your apps to meet the needs of schools and educators, as well as key requirement from IT. Perfect for everyone looking to get their apps in the hands of business professionals, educators, and students worldwide.

Speakers: Alexander Botkin, Dave Rahardja

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 705

Distributing Enterprise Apps

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 36:41

Learn how to provision and deploy apps across your enterprise. Leverage key Apple programs such as the Volume Purchase Program and the iOS Developer Enterprise Program to get the right apps in the hands of your employees, contractors, and partners. Learn how to manage certificates and provisioning profiles to deploy your apps, and take advantage of mobile device management (MDM) tools to provide a seamless experience for your users. Gain insight into the complete app management lifecycle; from signing your in-house apps in Xcode, to distributing, managing, and revoking apps across your workforce.

Speaker: Dave Rahardja

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 706

What's New in Core Location

Core OS • iOS • 47:06

Find out how your app can use new functionality in Core Location to do automatic check-in or journal the user's location. Learn how location authorization is changing to give the user more precise control of what location services an App is authorized is use, and what this means for developers and users.

Speakers: Brad Jensen, Stephen Rhee

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 707

What's New in Foundation Networking

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 55:14

The NSURLSession class provides powerful HTTP networking features in iOS and OS X. Learn about new NSURLSession capabilities and hear expert advice on practical, efficient and high performance networking for your apps.

Speakers: Steve Algernon, Scott Marshall, Dan Vinegrad

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 708

Taking Core Location Indoors

Core OS • iOS • 32:02

iOS 8 makes it possible for an iOS app to determine its precise indoor position in supported venues. Learn best practices on how your app can take advantage of indoor positioning. Discover how indoor positioning and iBeacon complement each other, and understand the best use cases for both technologies. As a venue, find out how you can get involved and signup to enable indoor positioning.

Speakers: Vitali Lovich, Nav Patel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 709

Cross Platform Nearby Networking

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 43:24

Multipeer Connectivity comes to OS X. You can now discover and communicate with nearby devices on OS X and iOS. See what is new. Learn about best practices and advanced topics, such as writing cross platform code, customizing discovery and handling certificates.

Speakers: Eric Chien, Demijan Klinc

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WWDC14 • Session 710

Writing Energy Efficient Code, Part 1

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 49:24

People expect long battery life on both their iOS devices and Mac laptops and your apps play a vital role in ensuring long battery life. Get an overview of energy efficiency best practices and learn about new APIs in iOS and OS X that help you to minimize the energy impact of your code.

Speaker: Anthony Chivetta

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 711

Keychain and Authentication with Touch ID

Core OS • iOS • 45:30

The Keychain has always been the most secure place to store passwords and other sensitive data. iOS 8 introduces significant new security features. Discover how to integrate Touch ID into your apps using the Keychain and the new LocalAuthentication framework. Learn about other Keychain enhancements, including how to tie data to the user's passcode.

Speakers: Wade Benson, Libor Sykora

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WWDC14 • Session 712

Writing Energy Efficient Code, Part 2

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 56:38

Go in-depth into specific API and design patterns you can use to avoid consuming excessive energy as well as tools that can help you diagnose issues.

Speaker: Albert Liu

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 713

What's New in iOS Notifications

Core OS • iOS • 34:13

Local and push notifications let background or inactive apps notify users that an event of interest has occurred, or that an app has new information for them. See how to configure interactive notifications to let users act on notifications from banners, alerts, in notification center and on the lock screen. Learn how to trigger notifications using geofences and iBeacons, and discover the new API's for registering for user notifications and remote pushes.

Speakers: Rhett Dickson, Dan Kurtz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 714

Fix Bugs Faster using Activity Tracing

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 38:11

Finding and diagnosing application bugs can be very difficult. Activity Tracing is a new technology that can dramatically improve your speed and efficiency finding bugs in your code. Log trace messages to an auto-generated ring buffer while associating them with the originating user action. Reduce the time sifting through unrelated log messages trying to understand what was going on when the failure happened.

Speaker: Eric Clements

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 715

User Privacy in iOS and OS X

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 45:58

Learn about new iOS and OS X privacy features and get details on new and updated APIs. Hear best practices for delivering great features and respecting your customers' privacy.

Speakers: Katie Skinner, David Stites

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 716

Power, Performance and Diagnostics: What's new in GCD and XPC

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 39:59

Learn about new features in GCD and XPC that help you write responsive energy-efficient apps and diagnose their interactions with the system.

Speaker: Daniel Steffen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 717

Kids and Apps

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 34:53

With Student Accounts and Family Sharing, kids under age 13 can now have fully-featured accounts for buying apps and In-App Purchases. However, regulations in the US and other countries limit what information you can collect from kids without parental permission. Learn about the new account programs, whether and how to check the age of your app's user, what you can and can't do without parental permission, and how to request parental consent if you need to.

Speaker: Chris Espinosa

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC14 • Session 718

Adopting AirPrint

Core OS • iOS, OS X • 49:19

AirPrint is widely supported by all the well-known printer companies. Learn how quick and easy it is to support AirPrint in your app. Discover what's new and improved in the iOS printing system.

Speakers: Charles Duyk, Howard Miller, Todd Ritland, Claudia Roberts

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 101


Featured • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 2:20:09

WWDC 2015 Keynote

Speakers: Tim Cook, Craig Federighi, Josh Adams, Jennifer Bailey, Susan Prescott, Kevin Lynch, Jimmy Iovine, Eddy Cue, Drake

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WWDC15 • Session 102

Platforms State of the Union

Featured • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 1:48:13

WWDC 2015 Platforms State of the Union

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, Eliza Block, Josh Shaffer, Sebastien Marineau-Mes, Toby Paterson, Sara Radi, Chris Lattner, Max Drukman, Matthew Firlik, Geoff Stahl, David McGavran, Jacques Gasselin de Richebourg

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 103

Apple Design Awards

Featured • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 57:16

Join us for an unforgettable award ceremony celebrating developers and their outstanding work. The 2015 Apple Design Awards recognize state of the art iOS, OS X, and Apple Watch apps that reflect excellence in design and innovation.

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WWDC15 • Session 217

Adopting New Trackpad Features

App Frameworks • macOS • 42:34

The new Force Touch trackpad adds a whole new dimension to user interactions. OS X 10.11 introduces system controls that support pressure behaviors. Understand how to integrate with these behaviors and support them in custom controls. See how to use the Taptic Engine to provide subtle physical feedback based on trackpad input. Hear best practices for adopting new swiping gestures.

Speaker: Raleigh Ledet

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 226

Advanced NSOperations

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 44:14

Operations are a flexible way to model your app's business logic, but they can do so much more. See how NSOperation forms the heart of the WWDC app, and how using features like dependencies, readiness, and composition allow you to quickly and easily build dynamic and complex apps.

Speakers: Philippe Hausler, Dave DeLong

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 233

Advanced Touch Input on iOS

App Frameworks • iOS • 38:21

Learn about the touch input and drawing pipelines. Gain specific insights in how best to design your app to minimize latency in receiving touches and maximizing the performance of drawing content on the screen. Explore new API in UIKit and learn best practices for faster and smoother input.

Speakers: Peter Tsoi, Jacob Xiao

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 224

App Extension Best Practices

App Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 45:23

App extensions allow powerful ways to expose your application's abilities throughout iOS and other apps. Discover best practices for various extension types and see how to effectively communicate between your extension and its parent application or the network. Learn techniques for using the shared keychain and see how to improve discovery of your share and action extensions.

Speakers: Sophia Teutschler, Ian Baird

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 204

Apple Watch Accessibility

App Frameworks • watchOS • 30:41

Building on the strong accessibility support in iOS, Apple Watch offers assistive features like VoiceOver and Zoom. Gain insights into how these accessibility features work on Apple Watch, and how to make sure your app can be accessible to all users.

Speaker: Qasid Sadiq

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 232

Best Practices for Progress Reporting

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 37:36

NSProgress lets you easily and accurately report the progress of work in your app. Understand the concepts behind progress reporting and how to design code that accurately and efficiently reports its progress. Gain specific insights on how to receive progress updates from framework APIs, fold that into your own progress reporting, and show that progress in your app. Hear from the experts about best practices and how to master the NSProgress APIs.

Speaker: Vince Spader

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 213

Building Apps with ResearchKit

App Frameworks • iOS • 58:19

ResearchKit is an open source framework introduced by Apple that allows researchers and developers to create powerful apps for medical research. Learn how to easily create visual consent flows, real-time dynamic active tasks, and surveys using a variety of customizable modules that you can build upon and share with the community.

Speaker: John Earl

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 234

Building Document Based Apps

App Frameworks • iOS • 39:17

UIDocument is a robust way to model user-generated content in your app. See how to easily integrate your app's documents with iCloud, file extensions, and document browsers. Learn how to build a document-based app from the ground up.

Speakers: Mike Hess, Johannes Fortmann

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 231

Cocoa Touch Best Practices

App Frameworks • iOS • 36:38

Small improvements can make a big impact on your iOS app's performance and launch time. Learn best practices to optimize your UIKit-based applications. See how to future-proof your app for what may be next, and walk through numerous real world examples for more responsive and dynamic collection and table views.

Speaker: Luke Hiesterman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 209

Creating Complications with ClockKit

App Frameworks • watchOS • 56:02

Making your app's information available to users on Apple Watch is even easier in watchOS 2. Learn how to create custom complications for Watch faces using the new ClockKit framework and see how to provide data through numerous templates using text and images.

Speakers: Eliza Block, Paul Salzman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 205

Getting Started with Multitasking on iPad in iOS 9

App Frameworks • iOS • 55:49

iOS 9 on iPad introduces the ability to view and interact with more than one app at a time. Discover how to update your code to take advantage of enhancements to multitasking and how to participate in Slide Over and Split View. Learn specifics about how to architect your app and understand best practices for adapting to a dynamically sized interface.

Speakers: Peter Hajas, Jacob Xiao, Kurt Revis

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 221

Improving the Full Screen Window Experience

App Frameworks • macOS • 36:32

Full screen windows enable people to focus on the task at hand by removing extra system UI and deferring to more of the content they care about. OS X 10.11 adds new flexibility to how these full screen windows can be configured and controlled. Hear from the experts how to get your Mac app ready to take advantage of this new functionality. Learn key strategies to making your window content be adaptive depending on the space available.

Speakers: Corbin Dunn, Taylor Kelly

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 214

Introducing On Demand Resources

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 44:10

iOS 9 introduces On Demand Resources, enabling the efficient delivery of rich games and full featured applications using dynamically loaded content. Significantly reduce the time between purchasing and running an app from the App Store, while also decreasing the required storage space by downloading and retaining only content that is necessary. Dive into the latest enhancements in app packaging and learn the APIs to allow your app to acquire only its essential resources.

Speakers: Steve Lewallen, Tony Parker

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 504

Introducing Safari View Controller

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 31:24

The new SFSafariViewController class enables you to deliver interactive web content in your app just like Safari, including the key Safari UI elements already familiar to your users. See how to easily bring Safari features like Reader and AutoFill into your app, and provide a great web viewing experience with fewer lines of code.

Speakers: Ricky Mondello, Yongjun Zhang

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 223

Introducing the Contacts Framework for iOS and OS X

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 37:41

Whether it's getting contact information, managing a social graph, or adding a new friend, Contacts are a critical piece of many apps. OS X El Capitan and iOS 9 now share a new Contacts API. Understand the design, goals, and benefits of this new framework. Gain critical insights into how to make a smooth transition for your app to this new framework.

Speakers: Bruce Stadnyk, Dave Dribin, Julien Robert

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 216

Layout and Animation Techniques for WatchKit

App Frameworks • watchOS • 36:29

Advanced layouts and animations are essential to your app's interface. Gain insights into group layout mechanics and the new element animation APIs introduced in WatchKit for watchOS 2. Understand how to create layouts that work well with animations and learn other techniques to add liveliness to your apps.

Speakers: Miguel Sanchez, Tom Witkin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 211

Multitasking Essentials for Media-Based Apps on iPad in iOS 9

App Frameworks • iOS • 35:17

iOS 9 on iPad introduces the ability to view and interact with more than one app at a time. Learn advanced techniques for efficiently sharing resources and presenting media while other apps are in the foreground. Tap into the potential of Picture in Picture to allow your video content to play above other apps, and explore multitasking best practices for creating great experiences in this environment.

Speakers: Stefan Hafeneger, Jonathan Bennett

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 218

Mysteries of Auto Layout, Part 1

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 40:04

Auto Layout is a powerful constraint-based layout engine that can drive complex and dynamic interfaces on both iOS and OS X. Learn about the new UIStackView, now your first stop for interfaces built with Auto Layout. See how to build self-sizing views using Auto Layout, and gain critical insights into the inner workings of Auto Layout.

Speakers: Jason Yao, Kasia Wawer

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WWDC15 • Session 219

Mysteries of Auto Layout, Part 2

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 37:14

Continue your pursuit of Auto Layout mastery. Gain high level insight into how Auto Layout works, and strategies for debugging layout issues. Learn how to use new APIs for constraint creation and layout guides to build more complex layouts.

Speakers: Jesse Donaldson, Kasia Wawer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 222

New UIKit Support for International User Interfaces

App Frameworks • iOS • 39:10

iOS 9 brings complete right-to-left support for Arabic, Hebrew, and other languages. Going beyond basic text, your app's entire interface can now flip to provide a native right-to-left experience. Learn what behavior you get for free from UIKit, and hear details about adding right-to-left support in custom interfaces. Hear from experts about how to evaluate the readiness of your app for these languages. Understand best practices to avoid common pitfalls and to create a seamless bi-directional app.

Speakers: Sara Radi, Aaltan Ahmad, Paul Borokhov

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 212

Optimizing Your App for Multitasking on iPad in iOS 9

App Frameworks • iOS • 39:18

Multitasking in iOS 9 allows two side-by-side apps and the Picture-in-Picture window to simultaneously run onscreen at the same time. Discover essential techniques for designing efficient, responsive apps to give your users a fluid, immersive experience with Slide Over, Split View, and Picture-in-Picture.

Speakers: Brittany Paine, Jon Drummond

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 230

Performance on iOS and watchOS

App Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 37:04

Great performance is a prerequisite for delivering a compelling and immersive app experience that keeps users engaged. Learn best practices and strategies for characterizing and improving the performance of your code for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch.

Speaker: Ben Englert

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 509

Seamless Linking to Your App

App Frameworks • iOS • 38:02

Learn how to increase app engagement by using universal links to lead users directly to your App when they tap links to your website. Discover how Smart App Banners and Shared Web Credentials give your users the most integrated mobile experience possible.

Speakers: Conrad Shultz, Jonathan Grynspan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 207

WatchKit In-Depth, Part 1

App Frameworks • watchOS • 30:20

watchOS 2 provides a new architecture that runs your WatchKit extension directly on Apple Watch. Take an in-depth look at how this new architecture works. Learn how to migrate existing WatchKit apps to watchOS 2, how to support both versions of watchOS, and hear about updates to Glances and Notifications.

Speakers: Andrew Platzer, Forest Hill

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WWDC15 • Session 208

WatchKit In-Depth, Part 2

App Frameworks • watchOS • 37:23

Move beyond architecture changes for Watch apps and explore the different ways you can use the Digital Crown to enhance your apps. Find out how to create persistent app experiences to keep your Watch app at the ready for users and learn how to use the playback and recording APIs to add audio and video to your Watch apps.

Speakers: Nathan de Vries, Chloe Chang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 228

WatchKit Tips and Tricks

App Frameworks • watchOS • 39:51

Apple Watch apps should load quickly and be responsive to users. Learn tips and tricks for optimizing your existing apps and gain insights specific to communicating between Apple Watch and iPhone, creating responsive layouts, decreasing loading times, and more.

Speaker: Jake Behrens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 202

What's New in Cocoa

App Frameworks • macOS • 39:40

Cocoa is a powerful set of frameworks on which OS X is built. Gain an overview of the advances in AppKit, Foundation, and related frameworks. Find out what technologies you need to focus on and what techniques you should adopt to develop state of the art apps for OS X. Start here for a high level view of what's changed, and get pointers to relevant sessions for more depth.

Speaker: Ali Ozer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 220

What's New in Core Data

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 29:45

Learn about the latest enhancements to the Core Data framework. Hear how to efficiently delete objects, ensure uniqueness, and easily migrate your persistent stores to new locations.

Speakers: Rishi Verma, Scott Perry

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WWDC15 • Session 203

What's New in HealthKit

App Frameworks • iOS • 37:19

HealthKit is Apple's framework to centralize the data storage of personal health information. Hear about the latest enhancements to the framework, supporting new types of data, efficiently deleting objects, and integrating HealthKit into your Apple Watch app.

Speakers: Shannon Tan, Allan Shortlidge

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 210

What's New in HomeKit

App Frameworks • iOS • 41:22

HomeKit is Apple's framework that enables apps to easily and securely interact with HomeKit enabled accessories such as lights, locks, thermostats and more. Learn about the improvements to HomeKit, including support for new accessory types, easy ways to setup and remotely manage accessories.

Speakers: Anush Nadathur, Naveen Kommareddi

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WWDC15 • Session 227

What's New in Internationalization

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 37:01

With the majority of Apple's market outside of the US, it's critical to learn about the latest advancements in Internationalization support to make your app truly localized. Gain insight into best practices for using formatters to display information correctly, how to easily handle pluralization in any language, how to avoid the most common localization pitfalls, and much more. Whether you are looking to significantly expand your market or want to take advantage of powerful new features for all languages, you don't want to miss this session.

Speaker: Nat Hillard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 206

What's New in MapKit

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 34:33

See what's new in MapKit. Learn about improvements to existing APIs and new ways of incorporating transit ETAs and Flyover map views in your app.

Speakers: Sumit Lonkar, Elisabeth Lindkvist

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 225

What's New in NSCollectionView

App Frameworks • macOS • 59:49

NSCollectionView has been displaying grids of views for many years. OS X 10.11 brings a major update to the capabilities of NSCollectionView. Much of the design of UICollectionView in iOS is now available for OS X apps. Understand the details of the enhancements and how you can harness them in your apps.

Speaker: Troy Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 215

What's New in Storyboards

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 43:17

Storyboards are a great way to build the user interface and flow of your application on iOS and OS X. Gain an understanding of how to effectively organize your storyboards, define segues for your interface, and easily unwind transitions. Dive into a detailed discussion of the new APIs, and hear tips on how to create great user interfaces.

Speakers: Kyle Sluder, Tony Ricciardi

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 229

What's New in UIKit Dynamics and Visual Effects

App Frameworks • iOS • 37:10

Dynamic interfaces create fluid and rich interactions. Hear about new dynamic behaviors that have been added in UIKit and how to take advantage of them in your applications. Gain a practical understanding of how to integrate dynamics with AutoLayout. Learn about enhancements to UI Kit Visual Effects.

Speakers: Michael Turner, David Duncan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 201

iOS Accessibility

App Frameworks • iOS • 32:21

iOS has transformed the lives of many users with a range of physical and learning disabilities. Learn how to create apps that leverage the power and simplicity of Apple's assistive technologies to make them accessible to the broadest audience possible. Hear about the latest advancements in iOS accessibility and how you can take advantage of them today.

Speaker: Ian Fisch

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 805

Apple Watch Design Tips and Tricks

Design • watchOS • 51:54

Get essential design guidance for creating Apple Watch apps that support quick and efficient interaction, make accessing features and information more convenient, and compliment their companion iOS apps. Learn key tips about information architecture, layout, typography, color and app icon design that will make your app easy to use, beautiful and delightful.

Speakers: Mike Stern, Rachel Roth

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 802

Designing for Apple Watch

Design • watchOS • 54:48

Apple Watch represents a new chapter in the way people relate to technology. It's the most personal device Apple has ever designed, and it enables new ways to receive information and to interact with apps. Learn about the foundations on which Apple Watch was designed and how they lead to Apple Watch apps that complement the iPhone, support lightweight interaction and deliver timely and relevant information to the wrist. Discover how to create usable and beautiful apps, notifications and glances through effective use of typography, information design, layout, animation, and color.

Speaker: Mike Stern

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 801

Designing for Future Hardware

Design • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 38:54

Design for tomorrow's products today. See examples of how Apple and partners designed software for Apple Watch and other products before they even existed. Learn techniques for designing and prototyping so you can create great apps for hardware accessories and new products before they are available.

Speakers: Jeffrey Traer Bernstein, Matthaeus Krenn, Bill Lindmeier

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 803

Designing with Animation

Design • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 40:01

Animation is a powerful tool for creating a delightful and intuitive app experience. We will show you how to get started with animations, how to make them effective for your user interface, and how to save time coding by building animations into interactive prototypes.

Speakers: Julian Missig, Joe Malia, Marek Bereza

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WWDC15 • Session 804

Introducing the New System Fonts

Design • iOS, macOS • 32:25

Fonts lay at the intersection of design and engineering. Get introduced to typographic principles and how they apply to the San Francisco fonts. Hear what makes this family of fonts unique and how to effectively take advantage of their advanced features. Learn best practices when designing and implementing interfaces with text.

Speaker: Antonio Cavedoni

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 413

Advanced Debugging and the Address Sanitizer

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 33:52

Discover UI debugging and how to use advanced breakpoint actions to quickly explore and fix your app. Learn how the new Address Sanitizer feature finds buffer overflows, use-after-free errors, and other memory corruption bugs at run time.

Speakers: Mike Swingler, Anna Zaks

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 404

App Thinning in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 40:26

The app distribution pipeline is becoming more powerful and flexible. Learn to create full featured apps that are delivered to users devices with new App Thinning features such as slicing and ODR. See how to integrate these new features into your continuous integration and testing processes, and discover workflows for creating on-demand, tailored content.

Speakers: Anders Bertelrud, Patrick Heynen

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 405

Authoring Rich Playgrounds

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 34:20

Learn about the new features in Xcode playgrounds such as inline results, auxiliary sources and resources, multiple pages, and markup for formatted text. Find out how to explore programming problems in a playground, and create engaging experiences for teaching and learning.

Speakers: Sam Page, Connor Wakamo, Matt Patenaude

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 414

Building Better Apps with Value Types in Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 39:43

Swift supports rich first-class value types in the form of powerful structs, which provide new ways to architect your apps. Learn about the differences between reference and value types, how value types help you elegantly solve common problems around mutability and thread safety, and discover how Swift's unique capabilities might change the way you think about abstraction.

Speakers: Doug Gregor, Bill Dudney

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 410

Continuous Integration and Code Coverage in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 40:25

Xcode 7 includes new code coverage features to help you design a powerful test harness for your app. Learn all about coverage along with integration and improvements with Xcode Server.

Speaker: Matt Moriarity

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 407

Implementing UI Designs in Interface Builder

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 37:42

Apps that stand out must be attractive, intuitive, and easy to use. Interface Builder experts will give you the skills to turn your idea into a world class app. Learn to use the new stacks feature, create adaptable interfaces, employ asset catalogs, and design custom UI to build an outstanding app for Mac, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch.

Speakers: Kevin Cathey, Tony Ricciardi

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 403

Improving Your Existing Apps with Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 38:45

See how you can incrementally add Swift into your existing Objective-C codebase and app development workflow. Learn how to leverage Swift's powerful language features to develop robust applications that are faster to write and easier to maintain.

Speaker: Woody L.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 409

Optimizing Swift Performance

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 42:00

Hear from the experts about how you can write faster Swift code and use Instruments to identify performance bottlenecks. Dive deep into specific techniques that will help you produce the most efficient code possible.

Speakers: Nadav Rotem, Michael Gottesman, Joe Grzywacz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 412

Profiling in Depth

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 39:30

Learn about time profiling down to the disassembly level to help you investigate the minute details of your application that affect its performance and responsiveness.

Speakers: Kris Markel, Chad Woolf

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 408

Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 45:51

At the heart of Swift's design are two incredibly powerful ideas: protocol-oriented programming and first class value semantics. Each of these concepts benefit predictability, performance, and productivity, but together they can change the way we think about programming. Find out how you can apply these ideas to improve the code you write.

Speaker: Dave Abrahams

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 401

Swift and Objective-C Interoperability

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 35:39

Discover new features that make it easier than ever to craft Objective-C APIs that work beautifully in Swift, as well as new Swift language features that provide even better interoperability. Apple engineers will also discuss enhancements to Apple's SDKs that improve the Swift experience.

Speakers: Jordan Rose, Doug Gregor

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 411

Swift in Practice

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 38:17

Learn how Swift can help you define away some common pitfalls in app development, allowing your apps to benefit from safer runtime behavior while enjoying strong guarantees provided by Swift at compile-time. Hear about how API availability checking in Swift allows you to easily take advantage of new APIs while guaranteeing safe deployment to earlier OS releases. See how enumerations and protocols can help not only maintain compile-time invariants between your app's code and assets but also reduce boilerplate.

Speakers: Ted Kremenek, Alex Migicovsky

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 406

UI Testing in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 49:25

Xcode 7 introduces new UI testing features fully integrated into the IDE. Learn about the new APIs and how UI testing fits in with existing testing features in Xcode. See how to get started by recording your app, and how to efficiently craft and maintain UI tests.

Speakers: Wil Turner, Brooke Callahan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 402

What's New in LLDB

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 38:36

Enhancements to LLDB simplify life for Swift and Objective-C developers alike. Experienced developers will find new powers within the debugging console, and learn more about the connection between the debugger and Swift REPL. Newcomers will get insight into the range of possibilities hidden behind the LLDB prompt.

Speakers: Kate Stone, Sean Callanan, Enrico Granata

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 303

Getting the Most out of App Analytics

Distribution • iOS • 35:31

App Analytics is the powerful new tool inside iTunes Connect. Get a walk through of the metrics related to user engagement, marketing campaigns, monetization and more. Gain valuable insights from data that only Apple provides, so you can build better iOS apps and a more informed app business.

Speakers: Trystan Kosmynka, David Hopkins

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 306

Supporting the Enterprise with OS X Automation

Distribution • iOS, macOS • 48:56

Automation is the life blood of any organization, providing speed, accuracy, and the ability to efficiently scale in-house processes. See how the automation technologies in OS X can easily and quickly configure shared-use iOS devices, generate, update, and distribute company documents and provide reliable desktop solutions for the back-office. With tools like Automator, AppleScript, and the new JavaScript for Automation (JXA), creating problem-solving solutions has become even easier and even more interesting.

Speaker: Sal Soghoian

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 301

What's New in Managing Apple Devices

Distribution • iOS, macOS • 52:22

Learn about the latest developments in managing Apple devices in large organizations. Learn the latest techniques to wirelessly configure settings, monitor compliance with policies, install apps and bulk configure devices with ease.

Speaker: Todd Fernandez

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 302

What's New in iTunes Connect

Distribution • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 36:29

iTunes Connect is the gateway to sharing your creativity on the App Store. Learn about new opportunities to get your products out on Apple Watch. See how the latest improvements to TestFlight as well as other new upcoming features on the iTunes Connect, will help you make the most of Apple's digital storefront.

Speaker: Dave Van Tassell

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 304

iTunes Connect: Development to Distribution

Distribution • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 36:31

Get more acquainted with iTunes Connect, your gateway to the App Store. Dive into unique services like TestFlight for beta testing and Transporter to help automate metadata setup for your apps. Discover the power of adding rich media to your app store page, the benefits of broadening your distribution path globally, and the abundance of help resources.

Speaker: Paul Turner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 108

Building Watch Apps

Featured • watchOS • 39:16

Building Watch apps with Xcode 7 is easy and straight-forward. Learn how to build and debug a Watch app for watchOS 2 from the ground up. Walk through adding a Watch app to an existing application, building the user interface, debugging and profiling with Instruments, and discover how to efficiently communicate between iPhone and Apple Watch.

Speaker: Neil Desai

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 105

Introducing WatchKit for watchOS 2

Featured • watchOS • 31:53

WatchKit for watchOS 2 introduces many new capabilities for creating responsive Watch experiences. Beyond a faster architecture, learn about all new support for the Digital Crown, fluid animations, and media playback and recording. Find out how to make use of accelerometer and heart rate data, as well as providing physical feedback via the Taptic Engine.

Speaker: Josh Shaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 112

Think Audacious

Featured • 50:04

When Debbie Sterling heard from Steve Jobs at her Stanford graduation that she should "never settle" until she found her true passion, she took this to heart. After graduating from Stanford with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and Product Design, she had firsthand knowledge of how significantly men outnumber women in science, technology, engineering and math. Debbie then became obsessed with the notion of "disrupting the pink aisle" with a toy that would introduce girls to the joy of engineering at a young age. Industry leaders told her the idea would fail, but less than three years after launching GoldieBlox on Kickstarter, she has made significant strides in her quest to bridge the gender gap in STEM: she has launched massively successful viral videos, a Superbowl ad that brought mainstream awareness to her mission, an award-winning iOS app and GoldieBlox presence in more than 6,000 retail stores worldwide. Debbie has also recently been selected to join the Presidential Ambassadors for Global Entrepreneurship, a select group 'committed to helping develop the next generation of entrepreneurs around the world.' Hear Debbie's story of challenging the status quo, achieving audacious goals, and igniting a national conversation about breaking gender stereotypes.

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WWDC15 • Session 107

What's New in Cocoa Touch

Featured • iOS • 31:46

iOS 9 expands on adaptivity with Multitasking. Learn about additions to UIKit to support truly universal layout sizes and types. Get introduced to all-new frameworks and APIs for Cocoa Touch such as a new Contacts framework, text-editing gestures, enhancements to dynamics and visual effects, and much more. Come find out which sessions you won't want to miss throughout the week.

Speaker: Jason Beaver

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 106

What's New in Swift

Featured • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 50:18

Swift continues its rapid advancement with version 2. New optimizations make your app run even faster, and new syntax makes your code more expressive. Learn about powerful new features like error handling, testability, and availability checking. This session will help you write even better apps by moving to Swift 2.

Speakers: Chris Lattner, John McCall

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 104

What's New in Xcode

Featured • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 37:24

Xcode is the development environment for creating great apps for Apple's platforms. Start the week by watching the Xcode team demonstrate the latest features and improved workflows in Xcode 7. This session also provides a complete overview of the in-depth developer tools topics covered at WWDC 2015.

Speaker: Ken Orr

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 609

Deeper into GameplayKit with DemoBots

Graphics and Games • iOS • 40:01

Dive into the tools and technologies used to construct the DemoBots developer sample. Gain a practical understanding of how DemoBots implements its gameplay logic with GameplayKit and visuals using SpriteKit. See how the sample integrates On Demand Resources and other system services.

Speakers: Dave Addey, Dave Schaefgen, Michael DeWitt

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WWDC15 • Session 606

Enhancements to SceneKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 33:20

SceneKit is a high-level graphics framework that helps you create 3D animated scenes and effects in your apps. See how to take advantage of the new capabilities and performance gains enabled by SceneKit's new Metal-based renderer. Check out the innovative Scene Editor, enabling you to build game levels and other scenes directly within Xcode. Learn about new features for realistic shading, enhancements for physics, and dynamic spatial audio.

Speakers: Thomas Goossens, Amaury Balliet, Sébastien Métrot

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 605

Going Social with ReplayKit and Game Center

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 34:56

ReplayKit provides an easy-to-use framework that lets players record their gameplay — amazing plays, great victories, or solutions to tough challenges — and share video with other players and viewers online. Get introduced to the ReplayKit framework and see how to enable its capability for sharing game video and audio in your games and other apps. Then get the latest news about Game Center, Apple's social gaming network. Learn about the new model for pre-release testing with Game Center and enhancements for multiplayer games.

Speakers: Edwin Iskandar, Megan Gardner

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 608

Introducing GameplayKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 52:31

GameplayKit provides a collection of essential tools and techniques used to implement gameplay logic. Get introduced to the GameplayKit framework and see how to put its capabilities to work in your own titles. Learn about managing state machines, controlling game entities, and implementing rule systems. Dive into its built-in tools for randomization, pathfinding, and advanced simulation.

Speakers: Bruno Sommer, Ross Dexter, Joshua Boggs

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WWDC15 • Session 602

Managing 3D Assets with Model I/O

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 42:46

Model I/O provides a seamless infrastructure for accessing and managing 3D models. Its high-performance architecture supports reading and writing popular mesh and model formats, textures, and materials. Get introduced to the Model I/O framework and learn key details about its integration with SceneKit, MetalKit, and GLKit.

Speakers: Nick Porcino, Remi Palandri, Claudia Roberts

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 610

Metal Performance Optimization Techniques

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 57:53

Learn best practices to maximize the efficiency of your Metal based apps and attain high frame rates. Gain insight into powerful tools for analyzing and optimizing performance for both the CPU and GPU. Discover how to identify bottlenecks, tune performance hot-spots, and overcome any hurdles that could keep your app from reaching its potential.

Speakers: Philip Bennett, Serhat Tekin

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WWDC15 • Session 603

What's New in Metal, Part 1

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 36:39

Metal provides extremely efficient access to the GPU through its streamlined API and high-performance architecture. Check out what's new in Metal and dive into support for Metal on OS X. Understand enhancements to the Metal memory model and learn how to prepare assets for delivery in Metal-based apps and games.

Speaker: Rav Dhiraj

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WWDC15 • Session 607

What's New in Metal, Part 2

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 43:58

Your app can be ready to harness the power of Metal starting with just a few lines of code. Get introduced to the new MetalKit framework and learn its simple API for model and texture loading, animation control, and other common tasks. Plug into Metal Performance Shaders and access a powerful library of image-processing operations tuned for Apple hardware.

Speakers: Dan Omachi, Anna Tikhonova

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 604

What's New in SpriteKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 41:46

SpriteKit provides everything you'll need to build 2D games with high-performance graphics and engaging gameplay. Check out new APIs for managing a virtual camera and delivering spatial audio. See the all-new timeline-based Actions editor built right into Xcode, and learn about deep integration with Metal, SceneKit, GameplayKit, and more.

Speakers: Tim Oriol, Norman Wang, Tyler Casella

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WWDC15 • Session 508

Audio Unit Extensions

Media • iOS, macOS • 58:49

Learn about using Audio Unit Extensions to provide your App with sophisticated audio manipulation and processing capabilities. Explore the architecture and fundamentals of an App that uses Audio Unit Extensions, and how your app can benefit from their power.

Speaker: Doug Wyatt

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 502

Content Protection for HTTP Live Streaming

Media • iOS, macOS • 28:21

FairPlay streaming provides industrial-grade protection for audio and video content. Learn how to implement and deploy FairPlay streaming to protect content when using HTTP Live Streaming.

Speaker: Roger Pantos

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WWDC15 • Session 506

Editing Movies in AV Foundation

Media • macOS • 35:50

Learn how to use the new AVMutableMovie class to modify media files and simplify your editing workflows. See how to support segment-based editing and discover the power of sample reference movies.

Speaker: Tim Monroe

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 503

Monetize and Promote Your App with iAd

Media • iOS • 33:25

iAd is Apple's advertising platform, designed to enable developers to monetize and promote their apps in over 100 countries. See how iAd technologies built into iOS make it easy to enable advertising to generate revenue, identify user segments for re-engagement and understand the impact of your marketing campaigns. Learn how to promote your app to new users and create targeted campaigns designed to re-engage those you already have.

Speakers: Carol Teng, Shashank Phadke

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WWDC15 • Session 511

Safari Extensibility: Content Blocking and Shared Links

Media • macOS • 37:40

Safari in iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan delivers new ways for your app to extend Safari's behavior. Learn how to create Shared Links and Content Blocking extensions for iOS and OS X, and about changes to the Safari Extension development process.

Speakers: Brian Weinstein, Alex Christensen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 505

Using Safari to Deliver and Debug a Responsive Web Design

Media • iOS, macOS • 38:04

Safari has a powerful new interface for designing responsive web experiences. Explore this great new feature and other new capabilities and improvements to the Web Inspector-WebKit's built-in development tool. Discover how you can use Safari and Web Inspector to powerfully and efficiently design, debug, and optimize for the web.

Speaker: Jono Wells

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 507

What's New in Core Audio

Media • iOS, macOS • 53:32

Learn about enhancements to AVAudioEngine such as Compressed audio format support, more flexible node connections and new Sequencer functionality. Learn how to take advantage of digital audio between your OS X and iOS devices via Lightning. Learn best practices and what's new in AVAudioSession.

Speakers: Akshatha Nagesh, Torrey Holbrook Walker

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WWDC15 • Session 510

What's New in Core Image

Media • iOS, macOS • 38:58

The newly-unified architecture of Core Image gives iOS and OS X apps access to even more image processing power. Learn about new CIFilters and enhancements to the CIKernel language. See how to use Core Image with AV Foundation and Metal to expand the capabilities of your app.

Speakers: David Hayward, Tony Chu, Alexandre Naaman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC15 • Session 501

What's New in Web Development in WebKit and Safari

Media • iOS, macOS • 42:49

Learn about exciting new features in WebKit and Safari that will help you make your content feel alive. See compelling new interactions made possible by the Force Touch trackpad and enhanced scrolling support. Expand your design toolkit with high performance filters for stunning image and backdrop effects, and embrace the connected living room with updated AirPlay support.

Speakers: Brent Fulgham, Chris Young-Zawada

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WWDC15 • Session 707

Achieving All-day Battery Life

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 42:29

Learn why efficient software is the key to long battery life for both OS X and iOS devices. We'll explore where the energy in our batteries goes, how Apple hardware and software efficiently manage energy, and how you can make your code most efficient to ensure long battery life.

Speakers: Jon Andrews, Soren Spies

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WWDC15 • Session 702

Apple Pay Within Apps

System Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 53:34

Apple Pay is the easy, secure, and private way to pay for physical goods and services within apps on iPhone 6, iPad Air 2, and iPad mini 3. Find out how you can increase conversion rates in your checkout experience by integrating with Apple Pay APIs. And learn more about what's new with Apple Pay within apps in iOS 9.

Speakers: Nick Shearer, Rachel Roth

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WWDC15 • Session 718

Building Responsive and Efficient Apps with GCD

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 43:59

watchOS and iOS Multitasking place increased demands on your application's efficiency and responsiveness. With expert guidance from the GCD team, learn about threads, queues, runloops and best practices for their use in a modern app. Take a deep dive into QoS, its propagation and advanced techniques for debugging your GCD-enabled app.

Speakers: Anthony J. Chivetta, Daniel A. Steffen

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WWDC15 • Session 710

CloudKit JS and Web Services

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 32:20

CloudKit.js is the new library that provides web access to your app data stored in iCloud. Explore the new web service APIs and learn how to extend your iOS or OS X apps to the web using CloudKit.

Speakers: Chris Edstrom, Onar Vikingstad

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WWDC15 • Session 715

CloudKit Tips and Tricks

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 54:10

CloudKit makes it easy to store and retrieve any kind of data from iCloud. Dive into the API with the CloudKit framework team as they explore some of its lesser-known features, explore best practices around subscriptions and queries, and reveal its hidden gems.

Speaker: Nihar Sharma

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WWDC15 • Session 708

Debugging Energy Issues

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 42:15

Learn how to debug energy issues in your app. See the energy debugging tools on iOS and walk through debugging common energy issues in a sample app.

Speakers: Abhinav Pathak, Pai-Han Huang

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WWDC15 • Session 709

Introducing Search APIs

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 55:19

Making your app more discoverable leads to more downloads and generates revenue. iOS 9 adds a variety of ways to surface the rich content in your app making search results more relevant. Understand how you can enhance search results with App History and CoreSpotlight. See how small changes on your website can produce better Safari suggestions. Gain insights into how deep app links can bring people directly where they want to go in your app, making your app's content even more discoverable and searchable than content on the traditional web.

Speakers: Vipul Ved Prakash, Dave Salim, Jason Douglas

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WWDC15 • Session 713

Introducing Watch Connectivity

System Frameworks • watchOS • 57:24

Getting information to your Watch app is crucial. Learn how to leverage NSURLSession to get your data from the Internet. Tap into the new WatchConnectivity framework for device to device communication and transferring of data. See real-world examples and learn best practices to understand when to use your WatchKit extension and when to leverage your iPhone app.

Speakers: Chris Jensen, Alex Ledwith

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WWDC15 • Session 712

Low Energy, High Performance: Compression and Accelerate

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 35:33

The Accelerate framework gives you fast, energy efficient signal and image processing and linear algebra libraries. Learn about a new library, dedicated to high performance compression. simd.h, introduced in iOS 8 and OS X 10.10, is the unified 2d and 3d math library for graphics and games. Find out how you can use simd.h and what's new in iOS 9 and OS X 10.11.

Speakers: Eric Bainville, Steve Canon, Luke Chang

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WWDC15 • Session 711

Networking with NSURLSession

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 40:47

Learn about App Transport Security, HTTP/2 protocol support, new NSURLSession API, and best practices for networking in apps, extensions, and WatchKit apps.

Speakers: Luke Case, Andreas Garkuscha, Dan Vinegrad

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WWDC15 • Session 703

Privacy and Your App

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 41:19

Learn about new developments in Privacy in iOS, OS X, and watchOS that impact your apps. Hear about best practices for delivering great features and respecting your customers' privacy.

Speakers: Katie Skinner, Jason Novak

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WWDC15 • Session 706

Security and Your Apps

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 51:21

Your reputation depends on protecting your users' data. Do this by taking advantage of the Security frameworks built into iOS, OS X and watchOS. Find out about new developments in Security and learn the best practices to develop secure apps and protect your users' data.

Speakers: Ivan Krstić, Pierre-Olivier Martel, Andrew Whalley

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WWDC15 • Session 701

Wallet - The home for Apple Pay and more

System Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 31:02

Passbook is now Wallet. Wallet stores your coupons, boarding passes, event tickets, and even the credit and debit cards you use with Apple Pay. In iOS 9, Wallet makes the Apple Pay experience even better and integrates more with Apple Watch. Learn about the Wallet app, new kinds of passes, and how your app can integrate and interact with Wallet.

Speaker: Danvin Ruangchan

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WWDC15 • Session 704

What's New in CloudKit

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 26:10

CloudKit is the framework that powers iCloud on iOS, OS X, and now iCloud on the web. Hear how we've been working to make CloudKit more accessible to all your users with the web services API and Javascript library. Learn about reporting available in the updated Dashboard and the new, more flexible public database storage pricing.

Speakers: Olivier Bonnet, Eric Krugler

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WWDC15 • Session 714

What's New in Core Location

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 39:50

Discover how to use Core Location with Apple Watch, and how to make the best use of location services to develop powerful and compelling apps.

Speaker: Adam Driscoll

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WWDC15 • Session 705

What's New in Core Motion

System Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 39:47

Learn how your application can take advantage of the motion sensors on iOS devices. Walk through new features of the pedometer and learn how to use the altimeter to take your app to the next level. Get personal with motion APIs and sensor data on the Apple Watch. Run through a demo that uses motion-context awareness to make an application feel smarter!

Speakers: Anil Kandangath, Gabrielle Badie

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WWDC15 • Session 717

What's New in Network Extension and VPN

System Frameworks • macOS, iOS • 40:21

The Network Extension framework allows apps to customize and extend the core networking features of iOS and OS X. Learn how to use new VPN features and NetworkExtension API to create network security solutions for education and enterprise.

Speakers: Jamie Wood, Tommy Pauly

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WWDC15 • Session 720

What's New in Notifications

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 34:43

Remote notifications are sent by your server to the Apple Push Notification service, which pushes the notifications to each device. Your app may take different actions, such as displaying a message to the user or downloading new data. Find out about important changes to the provider protocol. Learn about enhancements to the way your app can respond to notifications.

Speakers: Michele Campeotto, Gokul Thirumalai

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WWDC15 • Session 719

Your App and Next Generation Networks

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 52:40

IPv6 is growing exponentially and carriers worldwide are moving to pure IPv6 APNs. Learn about new tools to test your apps for compatibility and get expert advice on making sure your apps work in all network environments. iOS 9 and OS X 10.11 now support the latest TCP standards. Hear from the experts on TCP Fast Open and Explicit Congestion Notification, and find out how it benefits your apps.

Speakers: Prabhakar Lakhera, Stuart Cheshire

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC16 • Session 101


Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 2:02:50

WWDC 2016 Keynote

Speakers: Tim Cook, Kevin Lynch, Stacey Lysik, Jay Blahnik, Eddy Cue, Craig Federighi, Bozoma Saint John, Bethany Bongiorno, Imran Chaudhri, Cheryl Thomas

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WWDC16 • Session 102

Platforms State of the Union

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:45:46

WWDC 2016 Platforms State of the Union

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, Darin Adler, Adele Peterson, Robby Walker, Chris Lattner, Ken Orr, Matthew Furlich, Sebastien Marineau-Mes, Toby Paterson, Josh Shaffer, Eliza Block, Jim Young, Geoff Stahl, Norman Wang

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WWDC16 • Session 103

Apple Design Awards

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:07:50

Join us for an unforgettable award ceremony celebrating developers and their outstanding work. The 2016 Apple Design Awards recognize state of the art iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps that reflect excellence in design and innovation.

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WWDC16 • Session 228

A Peek at 3D Touch

App Frameworks • iOS • 41:56

3D Touch adds a completely new dimension to the iOS user interface and introduces an entirely new way to interact with your iPhone. Explore the existing API and get introduced to additions in iOS 10 that allow you to push the boundaries of 3D Touch. Learn about best practices for incorporating 3D Touch into your apps, how to add support for Quick Actions, Peek, and Pop.

Speakers: Tyler Fox, Peter Hajas

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WWDC16 • Session 216

Advances in UIKit Animations and Transitions

App Frameworks • iOS, tvOS • 46:16

Direct onscreen manipulation is the cornerstone of the user experience on iOS. iOS 10 includes new support for making onscreen interactions even more immersive and interactive. Dive straight into the philosophy and techniques of building completely interactive, interruptible animations in your apps.

Speakers: Bruce Nilo, Michael Turner

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WWDC16 • Session 227

Architecting for Performance on watchOS 3

App Frameworks • watchOS • 41:01

A well performing Watch app begins with great app architecture. Join us to discover strategies you can apply to keep your app responsive, lower your app's resume time, and stay memory efficient. Learn how we used these same principles in the Stocks app to enhance the user experience for watchOS 3.

Speakers: Tyler McAtee, Todd Grooms

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WWDC16 • Session 235

Building Great Workout Apps

App Frameworks • watchOS • 52:56

HealthKit provides robust tools for building great workout apps for Apple Watch. Learn how your workout app can collect data from Watch sensors, run and analyze data in real-time in the background, and contribute to Activity rings. Gain insights into creating a great standalone Watch experience and see how to display your workouts within the Health app and the Activity app on iOS.

Speakers: Dash Brittain, Jorge Moriñigo

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WWDC16 • Session 231

CloudKit Best Practices

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 42:47

CloudKit keeps app data updated across iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, and the web so you can focus on building your app. Hear best practices from the CloudKit engineering team about how to take advantage of the APIs and push notifications in order to provide your users with the best experience. Learn about the ways Apple apps use CloudKit and how you can apply the same approaches in your app.

Speakers: Dave Browning, Nihar Sharma

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WWDC16 • Session 239

Crafting Modern Cocoa Apps

App Frameworks • macOS • 44:11

Examine the technologies that make a modern macOS app. Come learn from the experts how to harness the power of Cocoa to build powerful, immersive apps. Whether you're a seasoned Cocoa developer or new to the platform, this session is for you.

Speakers: Corbin Dunn, Jeff Nadeau

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WWDC16 • Session 212

Developing tvOS Apps Using TVMLKit: Part 1

App Frameworks • tvOS • 56:44

Join us for an introduction to TVMLKit, a template-based UI layout technology that is part of tvOS. Learn about new features coming in tvOS 10, as well as best practices in architecting your application, styling and customization of templates, and media playback.

Speaker: Nurinder Manj

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WWDC16 • Session 229

Developing tvOS Apps Using TVMLKit: Part 2

App Frameworks • tvOS • 41:45

Learn about advanced techniques in TVML based apps, such as bridging between native and javascript code, creating your own custom views for use inside of templates, creating your own custom templates, how to introduce UIKit view controllers alongside TVMLKit based templates, and additional best practices you can apply to your apps.

Speaker: Jeremy Foo

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WWDC16 • Session 230

Enhancing VoIP Apps with CallKit

App Frameworks • iOS • 35:53

CallKit is a new framework that lets your VoIP app integrate tightly with the native Phone UI. Learn how you can have your incoming calls displayed fully on the lock screen. Get details on how people can choose to use your app when making calls from the native Phone app's contacts, favorites, and recents. See how adopting CallKit lets your app coexist seamlessly with other active calls, and allow your calls to interact with CarPlay and Bluetooth accessories.

Speakers: Sirisha Pillalamarri, Stuart Montgomery, Nick Fraioli

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC16 • Session 225

Extending Your Apps with SiriKit

App Frameworks • iOS • 53:45

Learn by example how to integrate SiriKit into your app. See how easily you can create your first Intents extension to expose your app's core functionality in Siri. Find out how to bring your app's user interface into Siri, creating a unique and recognizable experience for your customers.

Speakers: Vineet Khosla, Diana Huang, Scott Andrus

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WWDC16 • Session 214

Extending your App with Safari App Extensions

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 35:48

Learn how to bring your Content Blocker App Extensions to macOS and how to expose your application's abilities through Safari with Safari App Extensions. Safari App Extensions let you take full advantage of web technologies, Cocoa, and other system frameworks that you already use in your app on macOS.

Speakers: Brian Weinstein, Damian Kaleta, Zach Li

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WWDC16 • Session 215

Focus Interaction on tvOS

App Frameworks • tvOS • 36:53

The focus interaction model is a critical component of an engaging and intuitive experience on tvOS. Learn more about how it works, some additions and changes to the API, as well as tips and tricks for making your tvOS app even better.

Speaker: Matthew Ricketson

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WWDC16 • Session 237

Getting Started with CareKit

App Frameworks • iOS • 31:14

CareKit is a new open source framework designed to help you create personal care apps that can monitor, present and share personal health information. Learn how to create and extend Care Cards and an Insight Dashboard, and to package information for sharing with families or professional caregivers.

Speaker: Umer Khan

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WWDC16 • Session 209

Getting the Most Out of HealthKit

App Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 38:17

HealthKit offers more than ever to developers joining in Apple's vibrant health and fitness ecosystem. Discover new ways to integrate the popular activity-tracking features of Apple Watch with your own app. Learn how to contribute to an even more complete picture of users' health data by reading and writing Health Documents from your organization. Review core concepts for working with HealthKit and explore best practices for managing data to ensure your users enjoy a seamless experience.

Speakers: Matthew Salesi, Joefrey Kibuule

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WWDC16 • Session 213

Improving Existing Apps with Modern Best Practices

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:38

The best way to avoid technical debt is to incrementally build-up technical credit. This session builds on last year's Modernizing Existing Apps with Swift presentation to show you how you can continue modernizing your codebase while adopting best practices and adding new feature work.

Speaker: Woody L.

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WWDC16 • Session 240

Increase Usage of Your App With Proactive Suggestions

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 51:36

iOS and macOS can proactively promote your app and data, thereby increasing user engagement. See how adopting a few simple APIs to inform the OS about your app's capabilities can lead to your app being suggested in various places like the app switcher, on the lock screen, Contacts, and more.

Speakers: Daniel Gross, Sofiane Toudji

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WWDC16 • Session 201

Internationalization Best Practices

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 32:13

Following some simple practices when writing your app can help make it world-ready. Learn about what's new, how to take greater advantage of existing frameworks, and review some common pitfalls and how to avoid them. Hear some ideas for going one step further and optimizing your app for different countries.

Speaker: करन मिश्र · Karan Miśra

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WWDC16 • Session 217

Introducing SiriKit

App Frameworks • iOS • 56:19

iOS 10 introduces SiriKit, a new framework enabling apps to integrate with Siri. Simply by speaking, your apps can send messages, place calls, send payments, and more. Learn how SiriKit helps you create new experiences on iOS and explore design principles for creating a great Siri experience.

Speakers: Robby Walker, Brandon Newendorp, Corey Peterson

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WWDC16 • Session 218

Keeping Your Watch App Up to Date

App Frameworks • watchOS • 39:07

Keeping your Apple Watch app up to date is key to creating a great experience on watchOS 3. Learn how to use the new background tasks to keep your complications and the new watchOS 3 Dock snapshots consistent with your app's underlying model. Discover how to get the most from NSURLSessions and Watch Connectivity to keep data fresh and glanceable.

Speakers: Eric Lanz, Austen Green

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WWDC16 • Session 220

Leveraging Touch Input on iOS

App Frameworks • iOS • 34:57

Learn essential best practices for using event input from Apple Pencil in your drawing apps. Gain a practical understanding of the concepts behind efficient and accurate touch event processing. Get details about the touch input pipeline on iOS and how to take advantage of it in all your apps.

Speaker: Dominik Wagner

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WWDC16 • Session 222

Making Apps Adaptive, Part 1

App Frameworks • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:45

In this first part of a two part series, explore the motivation and concepts necessary to take advantage of trait collections. Walk through building an interface in Xcode and learn from the experts how to take advantage of new features to more easily create your app for different device sizes and configurations.

Speakers: Kevin Cathey, Brent Shank

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WWDC16 • Session 233

Making Apps Adaptive, Part 2

App Frameworks • iOS, tvOS • 37:40

In this second part of a two part series, go beyond the basics in understanding how to make your apps adaptive. Learn through practical examples how to extend your application interfaces using UIKit. Get introduced to best practices for structuring your app for flexible interface designs. Learn from the experts what to keep in mind as you build apps for the future, today.

Speakers: David Duncan, Kurt Revis

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WWDC16 • Session 223

Making the Most of Search APIs

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 54:30

Search APIs make it easy for users to discover information in your app and the app itself. New features expand the search capabilities allowing users to search directly in your app and enable you to search your own app index. Learn about the latest API updates and the new privacy-friendly method for improving the ranking of your app content.

Speakers: Vipul Ved Prakash, John Hörnkvist

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WWDC16 • Session 210

Mastering UIKit on tvOS

App Frameworks • tvOS • 37:59

Learn how to make your tvOS interface more dynamic, intuitive, and high-performing with tips and tricks learned in this session.

Speaker: Justin Voss

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WWDC16 • Session 238

Measurements and Units

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 31:56

The Foundation framework, which includes the root object class, classes representing basic data types such as strings and byte arrays, and collection classes for storing other objects, has added new support for specifying Units and Measurements. Understand how to model your measurements and convert within dimensions. Learn from the experts how to use and surface Units and Measurements in your interfaces.

Speaker: Daphne Larose

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC16 • Session 221

Optimizing On-Demand Resources

App Frameworks • iOS, tvOS • 27:32

Using On-Demand Resources allows you to create smaller app bundles, enable faster downloads, and add more content than ever before on iOS and tvOS. Learn the recommended approach for delivering apps packaged with On-Demand Resources. Explore strategies for pre-fetching content and understand how to optimize the first-launch experience.

Speaker: Bill Bumgarner

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WWDC16 • Session 241

Public Transit in Apple Maps

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 11:19

Launched last year with iOS 9 and macOS El Capitan, the new Transit feature in Apple Maps is customized for each city where it's available. Hear about how the Apple Maps team ensures a great customer experience through a combination of transit agency data, field survey, and close attention to the unique transit culture of each city. If you're a transit agency, learn about how you can help to ensure your customers have the most reliable information in Apple Maps.

Speaker: Ellis Verosub

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC16 • Session 211

Quick Interaction Techniques for watchOS

App Frameworks • watchOS • 34:21

Quick interactions are essential for creating a compelling Apple Watch app. Gain insights into new gesture, Digital Crown, navigation, and notification APIs, and see how to use these API alongside SceneKit and SpriteKit to create rich, glanceable interfaces. Explore how this expanded toolbox can help make your watch apps quick and responsive.

Speakers: Tom Witkin, Miguel Sanchez

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WWDC16 • Session 202

What's New in Accessibility

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 34:59

Explore the new accessibility features for iOS, tvOS, and macOS. Gain specific knowledge of how best to adapt your app to make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their physical or learning abilities. Learn from the experts about advanced accessibility topics and how best to structure your app interface for accessibility.

Speaker: Conor Hughes

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WWDC16 • Session 236

What's New in Auto Layout

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 40:19

Get details about new features of Auto Layout in Xcode, Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. Explore the new NSGridView, allowing your Cocoa app to easily build grid interfaces. Dive deeper into new tools that enable you to quickly diagnose layout issues in your interface. Learn about the new features in Xcode to quickly build adaptive interfaces.

Speakers: Jason Yao, Jesse Donaldson, Marian Goldeen

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WWDC16 • Session 203

What's New in Cocoa

App Frameworks • macOS • 57:40

macOS brings many new enhancements such as automatic window tabbing, enhanced color reproduction, and improved presentation of right-to-left languages. Get introduced to new APIs for these features and more, such as NSGridView and NSMeasurement. Learn about new conventions for APIs in Swift and Objective-C. This is your first stop to discover exciting new features in Cocoa sessions throughout the week.

Speakers: Ali Ozer, Raleigh Ledet, Taylor Kelly

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WWDC16 • Session 205

What's New in Cocoa Touch

App Frameworks • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 56:38

The UIKit framework provides the crucial infrastructure needed to construct and manage iOS apps, and UIKit continues to advance the state of the art for app design with many new features. Dive straight into new features across the iOS frameworks that allow your apps to take advantage of many new system services, as well as to offer services to other apps. This is your first stop to discover the many sessions to see about harnessing the power of iOS 10.

Speaker: Olivier Gutknecht

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WWDC16 • Session 242

What's New in Core Data

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 38:14

Core Data is a framework that you can use to manage the model layer objects in your application, providing generalized and automated solutions to common tasks associated with object life cycle, object graph management, and persistence. Learn about the latest advancements in and explore best practices for taking full advantage of this powerful framework.

Speakers: Melissa Turner, Scott Perry

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WWDC16 • Session 207

What's New in Foundation for Swift

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:46

Underlying nearly every iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS application sits the Foundation framework. See how improvements to the fundamental set of API in Foundation will improve the experience of using Swift for the entire Cocoa and Cocoa Touch SDK. Learn how Foundation framework's new value types, adoption of standard library protocols, additional type safety, better generics, and custom operators will also make your own Swift code safer, faster, and more expressive.

Speakers: Tony Parker, Michael LeHew

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WWDC16 • Session 232

What's New in International User Interfaces

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 39:17

Building a great international user interface goes beyond just translating your app. Explore new and improved APIs in iOS, macOS, and watchOS, and learn how Xcode 8 makes it easy to provide directional images to build first class apps for RTL languages. Hear from experts on how to fine-tune your international UI to create a seamless bidirectional experience and take your app in a new direction.

Speakers: Joaquim Lobo Silva, Sara Radi

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WWDC16 • Session 234

What's New in ResearchKit

App Frameworks • iOS • 31:59

ResearchKit is an open source framework you can use to build compelling apps that gather and present meaningful data used in medical research. Learn about new capabilities, how to create and extend surveys, how to create active tasks that use touch or other built-in and third-party accessory features, and how to effectively participate in the community.

Speakers: Bunny Laden, Yuan Zhu

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WWDC16 • Session 219

What's New in UICollectionView in iOS 10

App Frameworks • iOS, tvOS • 35:42

UICollectionView is a powerful class allowing your app to manage and customize the layout of views. iOS 10 brings enhancements for better performance, easier layout and brings features you've been looking for. Learn how to make your apps richer and faster by using new features in UICollectionView and its sibling, UITableView.

Speakers: Steve Breen, Peter Hajas

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC16 • Session 206

What's New in tvOS

App Frameworks • tvOS • 38:37

Apps are quickly changing how we experience TV today, and tvOS is the foundation upon which new apps and ideas are being built. Take your app to the next level with great new features in tvOS 10. Learn all about the new interface appearance APIs, support for badging and notifications, and more.

Speaker: Hans Kim

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WWDC16 • Session 208

What's New in watchOS 3

App Frameworks • watchOS • 44:55

watchOS 3 brings together notifications, complications, and the new Dock to keep your apps glanceable and responsive. Find out about the new additions to watchOS to create stunning visuals and learn about new snapshotting APIs to ensure your app is up to date when people glance at their wrist. Take a tour of watchOS 3 enhancements with us and find out which sessions you won't want to miss throughout the week.

Speaker: Josh Shaffer

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WWDC16 • Session 226

What's New with CloudKit

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 44:04

CloudKit is the framework that powers iCloud services on all of Apple's platforms. Learn about the new features that have been added over the past year, and dive deep into the new sharing APIs that lets you share private data between iCloud users.

Speakers: Paul Seligman, Jacob Farkas, Vanessa Hong

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WWDC16 • Session 204

iMessage Apps and Stickers, Part 1

App Frameworks • iOS • 36:05

Messages allows your apps to create an expressive experience within a conversation. Get an overview of the iMessage App architecture. See how Xcode can easily create a simple sticker pack with your art. Learn how to make an iMessage app that has a custom sticker grid and can make any image you create into a sticker. Go beyond the basic sticker and create animated stickers. Learn how to perfect your iMessage app presentation and layout.

Speakers: Bhaskar Sarma, Lily Hashemi

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WWDC16 • Session 224

iMessage Apps and Stickers, Part 2

App Frameworks • iOS • 45:27

Messages apps allow people to collaborate by using your app. Learn how people can work together to accomplish a task within the conversation. Customize the appearance of the messages your app can send. Learn about how to manage your app state in one-to-one and group conversations to provide an engaging and collaborative experience.

Speakers: Alex Carter, Stephen Lottermoser

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WWDC16 • Session 804

Designing Great Apple Watch Experiences

Design • watchOS • 56:05

watchOS 3 represents a big leap forward for Apple Watch and the apps that run on it. Performance improvements, powerful graphics and animation capabilities, deeper access to device capabilities, and a refined navigation model lay the foundation for designing useful and stunning Apple Watch apps. Learn best practices and techniques for making complications, notifications and apps that are highly actionable, glanceable and responsive.

Speaker: Mike Stern

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WWDC16 • Session 802

Designing for tvOS

Design • tvOS • 32:05

Change the way the world experiences television through apps that are designed to be immersive, intuitive and easy to use. Learn best practices and techniques to take advantage of the big screen and the Siri Remote.

Speaker: Lauren Strehlow

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WWDC16 • Session 801

Inclusive App Design

Design • iOS, macOS • 35:24

Inclusive design means making your app intuitive, appropriate, and delightful for a global audience and people who have accessibility challenges. Learn easy-to-follow techniques for making your app culturally relevant and accessible through use of type, layout, color and iconography.

Speaker: Caroline Cranfill

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WWDC16 • Session 805

Iterative UI Design

Design • 41:35

You're familiar with Keynote for making presentations, but it's also a powerful tool for exploring, iterating and refining user interface layouts and workflows. Learn techniques and best practices for using Keynote to quickly and persuasively express your product ideas by building realistic and tangible design comps and user flows.

Speakers: Ryan Olshavsky, Jonathan Cho

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WWDC16 • Session 803

Typography and Fonts

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 27:27

Typography is essential to an app's form and function. Learn principles of good typography and techniques to apply them to your work. Make the most of the advanced features in our system fonts, and learn best practices for using custom fonts.

Speaker: Antonio Cavedoni

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WWDC16 • Session 409

Advanced Testing and Continuous Integration

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:49

Take an advanced class in Testing and Xcode Server. You'll gain an in-depth knowledge on the lifecycle of a test, how they're are hosted, and how using modern observation can help you make bulletproof tests for your app. Then, learn about changes in Xcode Server that make continuous integration easier than ever, including configuring your own user for testing, enhancements to issue tracking, email notifications and support for crash logs.

Speakers: Zoltan Foley-Fisher, Eric Dudiak

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WWDC16 • Session 407

Auditing Your Apps for Accessibility

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:01

Making your app accessible helps you reach all of your potential users. Get introduced to the new Accessibility Inspector and learn how it streamlines finding and fixing accessibility issues across all Apple platforms. Go beyond the basics with our experts as they guide you through the process of optimizing accessibility for your app

Speakers: Susumu Harada, Patti Hoa

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WWDC16 • Session 417

Debugging Tips and Tricks

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 59:51

Spend an hour with the team responsible for the technology behind Xcode's debugger: LLDB. Find out what's new, what's been there all along that you didn't know about, and how best to take advantage of it all. This session will cover a range of topics with tips for both newcomers and experienced developers.

Speakers: Kate Stone, Enrico Granata, Sean Callanan, Jim Ingham

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WWDC16 • Session 404

Getting Started with Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 51:46

Updated to include the latest features, syntax and best practices for Swift 3, this session introduces the basics of the Swift programming language. Learn the recommended manner in which to declare variables, define functions, work with fundamental value types, protocols, generics, and more. Explore some of the great features that make Swift a safe, fast, and expressive language.

Speakers: Dave Addey, Brian Lanier, Alex Martini

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WWDC16 • Session 415

Going Server-side with Swift Open Source

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:53

While the Swift language makes it easy to write software that is incredibly fast and safe by design, Swift being open source means you can use it on an even broader range of platforms, from mobile devices to the desktop and in the cloud. Come for an overview of available projects at and examples of the community in action.

Speakers: Philippe Hausler, John Ponzo, Patrick Bohrer

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WWDC16 • Session 408

Introducing Swift Playgrounds

Developer Tools • iOS • 49:44

Learn more about Swift Playgrounds, the new iPad app that teaches coding using the powerful Swift programming language. Explore the featured content, complete with puzzles that help you master each coding concept. Learn more about the coding features of Swift Playgrounds and see how the editing experience was re-imagined for touch. Learn to use the included templates to build playgrounds and look at the available features in the new playground book format.

Speakers: Matt Patenaude, Maxwell Swadling, Jonathan Penn, Izzy Fraimow

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WWDC16 • Session 413

Introduction to Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 52:42

Xcode enables you to create great apps for Apple platforms. This session will introduce you to the basics of creating a project with Xcode, and more. You'll learn how to comfortably navigate your project and gain insights into working with workspaces, targets, and schemes. We'll introduce you to version control workflows, and walk through using Xcode's source editors and design tools. Join us if you're new to Apple platforms or want to learn more about using Xcode.

Speakers: Najla Bulous, Rick Ballard

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WWDC16 • Session 406

Optimizing App Startup Time

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:22

Launching an App is a complicated and subtle process and the ramifications on launch times of different App design patterns are often non-obvious. Come learn what happens in the time between when an App begins launching and when the main() function gets control and how that time relates to the code and structure of your App. Learn about the inner details of the dynamic loader, dyld, and best practices for structuring your code to perform at its best from the very start.

Speakers: Nick Kledzik, Louis Gerbarg

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WWDC16 • Session 420

Optimizing Web Content in Your App

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 41:25

The Web Inspector provides some sleek new tools to help you understand your app's web content performance and memory usage. Explore how you can use Web Inspector's new memory and JavaScript profiling tools to debug web content on iOS and macOS. Discover new features and learn best practices to maximize your effectiveness with the Web Inspector tools.

Speakers: Jon Davis, Brian Burg

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WWDC16 • Session 419

Protocol and Value Oriented Programming in UIKit Apps

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:51

Building on last year's Protocol-Oriented Programming and Building Better Apps with Value Types sessions, this year's session will highlight tips and tricks for building better Swift apps. See how you can incorporate these design approaches into a real MVC-based Cocoa Touch app, especially in the view and controller layers, where you might not have thought of using these techniques before.

Speakers: Jacob Xiao, Alex Migicovsky

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WWDC16 • Session 403

Swift API Design Guidelines

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 41:15

Swift 3 introduces new API Design Guidelines specifically crafted to the unique character of Swift for clear, concise code. This talk will explore the philosophy behind the Swift API Design Guidelines and their application throughout the Swift Standard Library and the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch APIs. See how this API transformation will affect your Swift code and learn how to ensure a smooth transition to Swift 3. Learn how Swift 3 imports Objective-C APIs and how to expose rich Swift interfaces for existing Objective-C libraries.

Speakers: Doug Gregor, Michael Ilseman

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WWDC16 • Session 411

System Trace in Depth

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:17

Join engineers from the Instruments team for another focused look at the System Trace Instruments profiling template and how to get the most out of it. Discover how threads, virtual memory, and locking interact to affect performance. Dive deep for a practical look at how you can improve your app's responsiveness and keep your users engaged.

Speakers: Chad Woolf, Joe Grzywacz

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WWDC16 • Session 412

Thread Sanitizer and Static Analysis

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:20

Xcode 8 makes it easier to find several new categories of bugs with improvements in Runtime Sanitization and the Clang Static Analyzer. The Thread Sanitizer will help you find data races and other concurrency bugs. The static analyzer has been extended to search for localizability issues, check nullability, and find memory leaks in MRR code.

Speakers: Anna Zaks, Devin Coughlin

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WWDC16 • Session 416

Understanding Swift Performance

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 58:22

In this advanced session, find out how structs, classes, protocols, and generics are implemented in Swift. Learn about their relative costs in different dimensions of performance. See how to apply this information to speed up your code.

Speakers: Kyle Macomber, Arnold Schwaighofer

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WWDC16 • Session 418

Using Time Profiler in Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 32:53

Learn how to make your apps faster and more efficient in this introduction to Time Profiler in Instruments. Walk through how to use Time Profiler to measure your app's performance. Learn how Time Profiler works and can be used to identify problems and verify your fixes. Discover how easy it is to improve your app's power usage and performance by using Instruments throughout your development process.

Speaker: Kris Markel

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WWDC16 • Session 414

Using and Extending the Xcode Source Editor

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:03

Learn about all of the new, and a few existing, features of Xcode source editor. See how you can make the most of new code completion features, Swift image and color literals, and snippets. We'll also show how to add commands to the source editor with new Xcode Extensions that you can distribute on the Mac App Store.

Speakers: Mike Swingler, Chris Hanson

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WWDC16 • Session 410

Visual Debugging with Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 38:21

Discover Xcode's enhancements for debugging autolayout issues at runtime. Learn how issues inside complex GKStateMachine objects can be easily debugged at runtime. Gain insight into finding performance bottlenecks inside SpriteKit and SceneKit apps more easily with the enhanced FPS gauge. Understand how to fix leaked and abandoned memory in your app by inspecting the heap from within your typical Xcode debugging workflow.

Speakers: Chris Miles, Tyler Casella, Daniel Delwood

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WWDC16 • Session 405

What's New in LLVM

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:18

The Apple LLVM compiler in Xcode 8 adds new language features, improved diagnostics, and more powerful optimizations. Get an overview of some new Objective-C and C++ features and learn how to use advanced optimizations to speed up your apps.

Speakers: Alex Rosenberg, Duncan Exon Smith, Gerolf Hoflehner

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WWDC16 • Session 402

What's New in Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 41:13

Hear about the newest features in Swift 3, the third major release of the safe, fast, and expressive language, and the first major release built with the open source community. Gain insight into the latest changes in Xcode including enhanced migration support to help move your code to Swift 3. Learn how you can get involved in the open source community at

Speakers: Ted Kremenek, Chris Lattner, Ewa Matejska

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WWDC16 • Session 401

What's New in Xcode App Signing

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 32:15

Xcode provides powerful options for managing projects for small and large development teams. Learn how new features in Xcode simplify the process of certificate management, app signing and configuration of your project's build settings.

Speakers: Joshua Pennington, Itai Rom

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WWDC16 • Session 304

Best Practices for Building Apps Used in Business and Education

Distribution • iOS, macOS • 46:49

Even consumer-focused apps are used by people in business and education. See how minor changes can fine tune your app to meet the needs of these large organizations. Learn best practices for synching user-specific content on Shared iPad and how to add deep-link support for Classroom app, authentication integration via Touch ID, AppConfig driven customization, and much more.

Speaker: David M. O’Rourke

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WWDC16 • Session 301

Introducing Expanded Subscriptions in iTunes Connect

Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 34:34

See what's new in subscriptions. Learn how our improvements give you more flexibility and control over pricing, and provide powerful incentives to engage and retain your customers.

Speaker: Daniel Miao

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WWDC16 • Session 302

Introducing Search Ads

Distribution • iOS • 25:36

Search Ads provides a new way to increase awareness of your apps in App Store search results. Learn how sponsored ads in App Store search work, see a preview of the powerful targeting options, reporting and attribution features and how quick and easy it is to get started.

Speakers: Lindsay Verity, Casey Fictum, Eric Hall

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WWDC16 • Session 303

What's New in Apple Device Management

Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 51:57

Learn about the latest developments in managing Apple devices in large organizations including Classroom and Shared iPad for Education. Learn the latest techniques to wirelessly configure settings, monitor compliance with policies, install apps and bulk configure devices with ease.

Speaker: Todd Fernandez

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WWDC16 • Session 305

What's New in iTunes Connect

Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 41:42

iTunes Connect has been updated to make your experience with delivering apps to the App Store even better. Learn about time-saving improvements to managing screenshots, new ways to stay up to date with the iTunes Connect for iOS app, and upcoming features to help you gain insights into your data in App Analytics.

Speakers: Dave Van Tassell, Mike Amirault, David Hopkins

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WWDC16 • Session 104

Disability and Innovation: The Universal Benefits of Accessible Design

Featured • 26:06

White House Champion of Change, Forbes 30 under 30 leader, and BBC Women of Africa Hero, Haben Girma is an acclaimed accessibility and inclusion advocate. The first deaf blind person to graduate from Harvard Law School, Haben champions equal access to information for people with disabilities, earning her recognition from both President Obama and President Clinton. Through this presentation, Haben will share how designing with accessibility in mind benefits not just users with disabilities, but developers, too. Throughout history, disability has sparked innovation, leading to breakthroughs in wide-ranging inventions from keyboards to telephones. Hear Haben's remarkable story and learn how incorporating universal access principles into product development can increase access for people with disabilities while simultaneously improving the overall usability of your app.

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WWDC16 • Session 108

Marvel: Making a Difference in the Real World

Featured • 49:27

The heroes and villains of Marvel have captivated a worldwide audience for over 75 years. Marvel Games Creative Director Bill Rosemann lifts up the masks of Spider-Man, Black Panther, the Guardians of the Galaxy and more to reveal the true power behind the world's most heroic brand.

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WWDC16 • Session 106

Talking In Pictures: Reconstructing the Building Blocks of Language

Featured • 51:37

When Ajit Narayanan began working on technologies for children with disabilities in India in 2008, it was the beginning of an incredible journey down a rabbit hole — one that took him and his team on a wild ride across the worlds of electrical engineering, autism, cross-cultural communication and the mathematics of language. His journey led him to build Avaz, a wheelchair-mounted tablet to help people with disabilities communicate, then even more ambitiously, to invent FreeSpeech, an entirely new visual language that could break down language barriers altogether. Ajit will talk about the series of events that led to the creation of the Avaz and FreeSpeech apps, their impact in India and around the world (earning him the National Award for Empowerment of People with Disabilities from the President of India) and his ideas on the transformative role that apps can play in education.

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WWDC16 • Session 105

Tapping into Innovative Solutions to Save the World's Wildlife

Featured • 45:38

Wildlife populations across the globe face innumerable threats that have resulted in dwindling numbers of many species. Ginette Hemley, SVP of Wildlife Conservation at World Wildlife Fund, will take us through many of the bold new approaches to conservation that organizations like WWF are taking to tackle these challenges. One of the most promising and potentially game-changing ideas for solving conservation problems around the world is by applying technology in creative new ways. From examining polar bear DNA to utilizing devices such as thermal imaging cameras and gunshot detectors to drawing upon the power of social networks and apps, learn about the surprising ways that WWF and its partners are harnessing the power of technology to keep up with the planet's most urgent wildlife conservation challenges.

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WWDC16 • Session 602

Adopting Metal, Part 1

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 58:09

Metal provides the best access to the GPU on iOS, tvOS, and macOS, enabling you to maximize the graphics and compute potential of your apps and games. Get introduced to the essential concepts behind Metal, its low-overhead architecture, streamlined API, and support for efficient multi-threading. Start learning how to code with Metal in a walkthrough of rendering a basic scene.

Speakers: Warren Moore, Matt Collins

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WWDC16 • Session 603

Adopting Metal, Part 2

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 36:59

Building on the fundamentals, dive into the specifics of constructing games and graphics apps with Metal. Learn about scene management and understand how to manage and update Metal resources. Understand the rendering loop, command encoding, and multi-thread synchronization.

Speakers: Matt Collins, Jared Marsau

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WWDC16 • Session 606

Advanced Metal Shader Optimization

Graphics and Games • iOS, tvOS • 41:14

The Metal shading language is an easy-to-use programming language for writing graphics and compute functions which execute on the GPU. Dive deeper into understanding the design patterns, memory access models, and detailed shader coding best practices which reduce bottlenecks and hide latency. Intended for experienced shader authors with a solid understanding of GPU architecture and hoping to extract every possible cycle.

Speakers: Fiona, Alex Kan

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WWDC16 • Session 609

Advances in SceneKit Rendering

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 52:33

SceneKit is a fully featured high-level graphics framework enabling your apps and games to create 3D animated scenes and effects. Witness the biggest leap forward in SceneKit yet with the introduction of its new Physically-Based Renderer (PBR). Dive into new APIs for accurate materials, physically-based lights, HDR effects, and enhancements in Model I/O. Walk through an example game using PBR and see how to integrate its workflow into your development.

Speakers: Amaury Balliet, Jean-Baptiste Bégué, Sébastien Métrot, Nick Porcino

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WWDC16 • Session 607

Controlling Game Input for Apple TV

Graphics and Games • iOS, tvOS • 37:32

Apple TV presents an incredible opportunity for developers to create new games made for the living room. See how the Game Controller framework can tap into the Siri Remote to harness touch and the built-in accelerometer and gyroscope to deliver engaging gameplay. Learn how to fully integrate MFi controllers, and understand best practices for developing titles that require a game controller.

Speaker: JJ Cwik

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WWDC16 • Session 612

Game Technologies for Apple Watch

Graphics and Games • watchOS • 37:09

watchOS 3 adds a lineup of technologies for developing games that are responsive, lightweight, and fun. Gain insights into techniques for creating great games for Apple Watch. Discover how to take advantage of gesture recognizers and the Digital Crown for gameplay, SpriteKit and SceneKit for 2D and 3D graphics, and Game Center for turn-based multiplayer games.

Speakers: Christy Warren, Fatima Broom, Tyler Casella

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WWDC16 • Session 601

Go Live with ReplayKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, tvOS • 26:12

ReplayKit is an easy-to-use framework that enables players to share gameplay recordings or broadcast live games to players and viewers online. Watch how live broadcasting can help build community and create new fans for your apps and games. Understand the APIs to include player commentary via the microphone and front-facing camera on iPhone and iPad, and check out new support for ReplayKit on Apple TV.

Speakers: Ben Harry, Edwin Iskandar

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WWDC16 • Session 611

What's New in Game Center

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 35:48

Dive into the latest additions to Game Center, Apple's social gaming network. Check out new capabilities for persistent game sessions and how they provide added flexibility for single-player, real-time multiplayer, and turn-based games. Learn about changes that streamline Game Center and a new way to send game invites and join multiplayer matches.

Speaker: Megan Gardner

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WWDC16 • Session 608

What's New in GameplayKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 41:12

GameplayKit provides developers a collection of essential tools and techniques used to implement modern gameplay algorithms. Learn what's new in GameplayKit and check out advances in pathfinding, autonomous agents, and game AI, as well as many enhancements supporting GameplayKit in Xcode. Tap into new capabilities for 2D and 3D spatial partitioning, and explore noise-based procedural data generation useful for height maps, natural textures, and more.

Speakers: Bruno Sommer, Sri Nair, Michael Brennan

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WWDC16 • Session 604

What's New in Metal, Part 1

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 55:36

Metal is the powerful low-overhead graphics and compute technology designed to unlock the power of the GPU. Check out the latest additions to the Metal frameworks and get details about supporting tessellation in your apps and games. Discover how to take control over synchronization and learn how to use resource heaps for even more efficient memory usage. See what's new in Metal debugging and profiling tools and gain insight into analyzing and optimizing performance.

Speakers: Aaftab Munshi, James Ding, Jose Enrique D’Arnaude del Castillo, Alp Yucebilgin

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WWDC16 • Session 605

What's New in Metal, Part 2

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 1:01:41

Discover enhancements to the Metal shading language and how to use function specialization to improve performance while reducing the number of shader configurations in your app. Take advantage of resource read-writes to enable amazing new rendering techniques, understand how to support wide color, and accelerate your deep learning algorithms using the Metal Performance Shaders framework.

Speakers: Charles Brissart, Dan Omachi, Anna Tikhonova

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WWDC16 • Session 610

What's New in SpriteKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 50:01

SpriteKit adds new features to make it even easier to create high-performance, power-efficient 2D games. See how tile maps enable you to lay out large scenes quickly and check out new APIs for warp transformations and custom shader attributes. Learn about focus-based interactions on Apple TV, rendering on Apple Watch, and new tools built right into Xcode for measuring performance and integrating with GameplayKit.

Speakers: Ross Dexter, Clément Boissière

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WWDC16 • Session 511

AVCapturePhotoOutput - Beyond the Basics

Media • iOS • 20:44

Continue your learning from Session 501: Advances in iOS Photography, with some additional details on scene monitoring and resource management in AVFoundation's powerful new AVCapturePhotoOutput API.

Speaker: Brad Ford

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WWDC16 • Session 506

AVKit on tvOS

Media • tvOS • 39:06

AVKit on tvOS offers an intuitive user interface for interaction with your media on this powerful new platform. AVKit is built on AVFoundation, which gives you access to the full potential of platform services for operating on time-based audiovisual media. Learn how to leverage the new content proposal APIs, and how to create a seamless interstitial playback experience. Management of media metadata and chapter navigation will also be covered.

Speaker: Dan Wright

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WWDC16 • Session 503

Advances in AVFoundation Playback

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:33

AVFoundation is a powerful framework for media operations, providing capture, editing, playback, and export. Learn about new APIs and methods for media playback. Create seamless loops, simplify your playback logic with "autowait", and see how to deliver an even faster playback startup experience.

Speaker: Sam Bushell

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WWDC16 • Session 501

Advances in iOS Photography

Media • iOS • 59:42

People love to take pictures with iPhone. In fact, it's the most popular camera in the world, and photography apps empower this experience. Explore new AVFoundation Capture APIs which allow for the capture of Live Photos, RAW image data from the camera, and wide color photos.

Speaker: Brad Ford

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WWDC16 • Session 507

Delivering an Exceptional Audio Experience

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 54:17

iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS offer a rich set of tools and APIs for recording, processing, and playing back audio in your apps. Learn how to choose the right API for your app, and the details on implementing each of them in order to deliver an outstanding audio experience.

Speakers: Saleem Mohammed, Doug Wyatt

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WWDC16 • Session 502

Getting Published in Apple News

Media • iOS • 39:23

Become a News Publisher. Apple News allows you to monetize your stories and find new readers. Learn how to sign up and discover how easy it is to integrate with your existing CMS or author stories using the News Publisher authoring tool.

Speaker: Ryan Griggs

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WWDC16 • Session 505

Live Photo Editing and RAW Processing with Core Image

Media • iOS • 58:31

iOS 10 and macOS 10.12 brings a powerful set of new APIs to work with many types of photos. Explore using Core Image to process RAW image files from many popular cameras and recent iOS devices. See how to edit and enhance Live Photos directly within your app.

Speaker: David Hayward

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WWDC16 • Session 509

Speech Recognition API

Media • iOS • 11:36

iOS 10 brings a brand new Speech Recognition API that allows you to perform rapid and contextually informed speech recognition in both file-based and realtime scenarios. In this video, you will learn all about the new API and how to bring advanced speech recognition services into your apps.

Speaker: Henry Mason

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WWDC16 • Session 508

Using Apple News Format to Create Rich and Responsive Stories

Media • iOS • 37:09

Apple News beautifully introduces new readers to your stories. Learn about Apple News Format and how it can be used to author rich, responsive stories that intelligently adapt to all screen sizes. Discover the many features of Apple News including interactive galleries, video, audio, and animations which help to make your content more engaging than ever.

Speakers: Casey Dougherty, Dan Scannell

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WWDC16 • Session 510

Validating HTTP Live Streams

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 22:20

HTTP Live Streaming enables the reliable delivery of media content over a wide variety of network conditions. Learn best practices in HLS authoring, see how to verify your streams using the HTTP Live Streaming tools, and apply the results to improve the performance of your streams.

Speaker: Eryk Vershen

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WWDC16 • Session 504

What's New in HTTP Live Streaming

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 34:03

HTTP Live Streaming offers a reliable media playback experiences over a wide variety of network conditions. Join us to learn how to deliver offline playback using the same media assets you already host for online playback. See new additions to the HLS protocol, such as support for fragmented MP4 and in-playlist metadata.

Speakers: Roger Pantos, Jordan Schneider

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WWDC16 • Session 708

Advanced Notifications

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 27:29

3D Touch on Notifications provides users with access to media attachments and live content. See how your app can take advantage of this new functionality to provide a rich interactive experience within the notification itself.

Speaker: Michele Campeotto

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WWDC16 • Session 703

Apple Pay on the Web

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 52:29

This year, Apple Pay is coming to the web with Safari on both macOS and iOS. Now you can experience the convenience and security of Apple Pay in your store, in your app, and on your website. Discover how easy it is to set up Apple Pay on the web, and learn how designing for Apple Pay can increase conversions, user engagement, and customer satisfaction.

Speakers: Nick Shearer, Anders Carlsson

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WWDC16 • Session 720

Concurrent Programming With GCD in Swift 3

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 35:41

Swift 3 provides new interfaces that make it easier than ever to write applications with Grand Central Dispatch. Learn the basics of GCD and best practices on how to use it to architect your Swift application. You'll also hear about new APIs and other GCD improvements.

Speakers: Matt Wright, Pierre Habouzit

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WWDC16 • Session 716

Core Location Best Practices

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:40

Discover how to give users a great location-aware experience while conserving power across all Apple platforms. Learn best practices for using Core Location, how an App can use and manage Circular and Beacon Regions, defer or pause location updates, and how to use Visit Monitoring to determine the interesting places the user has been. Get an overview of how a user authorizes an App's use of location services.

Speaker: Brad Jensen

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WWDC16 • Session 725

Deploying AirPrint in Enterprise

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 16:02

AirPrint works everywhere, including Enterprise environments. Learn how to deploy AirPrint in the Enterprise, how to set up an AirPrint Bluetooth Beacon which is new in iOS 10, and how to make sure your users take full advantage of AirPrint features.

Speaker: Todd Ritland

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WWDC16 • Session 722

Developing CarPlay Systems, Part 1

System Frameworks • iOS • 30:02

CarPlay is a smarter, safer way to use your iPhone in the car. Learn how CarPlay works and how to design your car's infotainment system to work seamlessly with iPhone. Understand best practices for a great user experience that integrates CarPlay with the car's native system.

Speaker: Emily Schubert

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WWDC16 • Session 723

Developing CarPlay Systems, Part 2

System Frameworks • iOS • 26:12

Learn how CarPlay integrates with your car's infotainment system. Understand how CarPlay is designed to work with your car's resources including the display, speakers, microphone, user inputs, steering wheel controls, instrument cluster and sensors.

Speaker: Tanya Kancheva

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WWDC16 • Session 709

Engineering Privacy for Your Users

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 38:51

Learn about new developments in Privacy on iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS that impact you and your apps. Explore techniques to respect your users' privacy while building great features into your apps.

Speakers: Jessie Pease, Julien Freudiger

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WWDC16 • Session 713

Health and Fitness with Core Motion

System Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 36:15

Core Motion enables your applications to access a wide array of sensors on iOS and watchOS devices. Discover how steps and activity detection can be used with user elevation changes to develop fitness apps. Explore ways to observe wrist rotation and effort and translate them to immersive health and fitness experiences.

Speakers: Bharath Rao, Paul Thompson

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WWDC16 • Session 705

How iOS Security Really Works

System Frameworks • iOS • 24:24

Have you saved our 63-page iOS security white paper to your Reading List but find yourself too busy making great apps to get through it? You can keep your good intentions to devour every last detail, but meanwhile come join us for an illuminating talk on why we care so deeply about security as a design philosophy central to all our iOS products.

Speaker: Ivan Krstić

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WWDC16 • Session 701

Introducing Apple File System

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:20

The Apple File System (APFS) is the next-generation file system designed to scale from an Apple Watch to a Mac Pro. APFS is optimized for Flash/SSD storage, and engineered with encryption as a primary feature. Learn about APFS benefits versus HFS+ and how to make sure your file system code is compatible.

Speakers: Eric Tamura, Dominic Giampaolo

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WWDC16 • Session 707

Introduction to Notifications

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:59

Push and locally scheduled notifications can provide people with timely information and provide them with the ability to take appropriate actions in response. Hear about the new APIs to schedule, respond to, and manage delivery of notifications. Learn how to write an extension to decrypt and augment push notifications before they are displayed.

Speakers: Kritarth Jain, Julien Barlerin

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WWDC16 • Session 711

NSURLSession: New Features and Best Practices

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 42:03

NSURLSession provides a rich set of methods to support uploading and downloading content via HTTP and newer HTTP-based protocols, authentication with web servers, local caching of resources, and transfers that occur in the background while your app isn't running — simplifying the complexities of modern day networking. Learn about new enhancements in HTTP/2, introspection capabilities with networking metrics, and security and privacy enhancements for you and your customers.

Speaker: Jeff Jenkins

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WWDC16 • Session 714

Networking for the Modern Internet

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:26

The next wave of the Internet's evolution is happening now. You'll learn best practices for supporting IPv6, restricting cellular usage, and using Quality of Service to create a fast lane for your iOS apps. Discover how to support a multilingual Internet by using UTF-8, and how new internationalized domain names and email addresses affect you.

Speaker: Stuart Cheshire

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WWDC16 • Session 715

Neural Networks and Accelerate

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 31:58

The Accelerate framework gives you fast, energy efficient signal and image processing and linear algebra libraries. Learn about new libraries dedicated to high performance neural networks and numerical integration.

Speakers: Eric Bainville, Steve Canon

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WWDC16 • Session 719

Optimizing I/O for Performance and Battery Life

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 47:33

Gain specific insights into tuning your application for better I/O performance. Learn best practices to reduce local storage operations and trim your memory usage. Get details on how to update your app to increase responsiveness and extend battery life.

Speakers: Kushal Dalmia, Terry Long

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WWDC16 • Session 721

Unified Logging and Activity Tracing

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 43:41

The new Unified Logging and Tracing System for iOS and macOS uses Activity Tracing for performance, consolidates kernel and user-space logging, and has many other improvements. Learn how Logging and Tracing can help you debug and troubleshoot issues with your apps.

Speakers: Steven Szymanski, Matthieu Lucas

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WWDC16 • Session 702

Using Store Kit for In-App Purchases with Swift 3

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 54:06

The StoreKit API allows apps to request payment for additional functionality or content. Hear about the latest changes to StoreKit including Swift 3.0 APIs, updates to Subscriptions and using StoreKit with iMessage apps. Learn best practices for receipt management and Sandbox testing.

Speaker: Dana DuBois

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC16 • Session 710

What's New in HomeKit

System Frameworks • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:56

Learn what's new with HomeKit in iOS 10 including support for new types of accessories such as cameras and doorbells, enhancements in remotely connecting with accessories, how set up of Wi-Fi HomeKit accessories has been greatly improved, and how to write HomeKit enabled tvOS Apps.

Speaker: Dennis Mathews

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC16 • Session 706

What's New in Security

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:10

Designing security into your app requires that you follow secure coding practices and use the security features that are built into the operating system. Learn about new developments in Security on iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS that impact your apps. Hear about best practices for developing and distributing secure apps and protecting people's data.

Speakers: Lucia Ballard, Simon Cooper

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC16 • Session 724

What's New in the Apple Push Notification Service

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 14:45

Starting with a review of the HTTP/2 based provider API, you will learn about an important new feature: Token Based Authentication. Learn to connect to APNs using authentication tokens for sending pushes via the HTTP/2 API, relieving you of the overhead associated with maintaining valid certificates.

Speaker: Mayur Mahajan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC16 • Session 704

What's New with Wallet and Apple Pay

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 33:47

Get the latest news and updates from the Wallet and Apple Pay teams. Learn how to integrate Apple Pay into more places than ever before including watchOS, iOS Messages and Intents extensions. Learn about new tools to make testing and developing your Apple Pay-enabled apps even easier. We'll also cover new features in Wallet for retailers, banks, and card issuers.

Speakers: Nick Shearer, Leo Cantelmo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC16 • Session 712

Working with Wide Color

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 52:56

Discover the fascinating details behind the display of color on Apple platforms. Go beyond the basics and learn how your apps can take advantage of a wider and deeper representation of color on iOS and macOS. Gain specific insights from the experts on optimizing your artwork asset pipeline and explore new API to develop more vivd, true to life experiences.

Speakers: Justin Stoyles, Patrick Heynen, Steve Holt

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 101


Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 2:19:04

WWDC 2017 Keynote

Speakers: Tim Cook, Kevin Lynch, Vera Carr, Craig Federighi, John Ternus, John Knoll, Phil Schiller, Ann Thai, Alasdair Coull, Greg Joswiak, Ash Hewson, Toby Paterson

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WWDC17 • Session 102

Platforms State of the Union

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:43:11

WWDC 2017 Platforms State of the Union

Speakers: Andreas Wendker, Matthew Furlich, Ken Orr, Ted Kremenek, Mike Ferris, Josh Shaffer, Eliza Block, Brooke Francesi, Sebastien Marineau-Mes, Emily Kim, Jeremy Sandmel, Eric Sunalp, Mike Rockwell, Martin Sanders

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WWDC17 • Session 230

Advanced Animations with UIKit

App Frameworks • iOS • 32:19

So much power has been added to animations on iOS since their inception that it's time to think about animations in a whole new way! Learn to combine and coordinate between multiple animations, resulting in interactive transitions and learn some tips and tricks along the way.

Speaker: Joe Cerra

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 222

Advanced Touch Bar

App Frameworks • macOS • 54:56

Look behind the scenes into how system applications enhance their Touch Bar content with more than the basic controls. Learn about NSScrubber, customizing the text bar, candidate list item, event handling, layout, animations, and more. Leverage the full power of the Touch Bar to take your Mac app to the next level.

Speakers: Donna Tom, Jeff Nadeau, Taylor Kelly

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 202

Advances in TVMLKit

App Frameworks • tvOS • 35:33

TVMLKit allows you to quickly build native tvOS apps that are backed by XML templates and JavaScript logic. Take your TVMLKit apps even further with new tvOS 11 technologies and features. Learn about Right-to-Left support, performance optimizations, significant enhancements to Web Inspector, and much more.

Speakers: Trevor Cortez, Parry Panesar, Jeremy Foo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 226

Build Better Apps with CloudKit Dashboard

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:35

The CloudKit Dashboard has been completely overhauled to aid you throughout your development lifecycle of building, testing, operating, and supporting your CloudKit-backed applications. See the new functionality, including fetching changes and modifying sharing relationships right from the Dashboard. Gain insights from real-time server logs into events across all of your users—including CloudKit push notifications—to facilitate debugging and customer support.

Speaker: Dave Browning

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 245

Building Apps with Dynamic Type

App Frameworks • iOS • 38:47

With Dynamic Type, people choose their preferred text size and iOS switches fonts automatically as needed. Understand why Dynamic Type is important and how to support it when displaying text. Learn what's new in iOS 11, and master the frameworks and tools that make it easy to support Dynamic Type in your app.

Speakers: Clare Kasemset, Nandini Sundar

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 229

Building Great Document-based Apps in iOS 11

App Frameworks • iOS • 58:48

Document based apps have never been better with the new consistent system-provided user interface for opening and creating documents. This session will go into detail of how your document based app can leverage this functionality to provide a great user experience. See how to customize the UI so it fits perfectly inside your app. Get details about making your documents look their best with the new QuickLook APIs for generating thumbnails and for showing custom previews of your own files formats.

Speakers: Pau Sastre Miguel, Raffael Hannemann, Maxime Uzan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 235

Building Visually Rich User Experiences

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 45:25

iOS and macOS have a wide range of graphics and animation technologies for bringing your app designs to life. Get to know the full graphics stack, from the high-level tools in UIKit and AppKit all the way down to low-level frameworks like Metal. Dive deep into Core Animation and learn the techniques used by Apple engineers to build responsive, engaging UI across the ecosystem.

Speakers: Noah Witherspoon, Warren Moore

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 218

Choosing the Right Cocoa Container View

App Frameworks • macOS • 37:36

AppKit offers numerous ways to easily present your data. Join our framework engineers for a guided tour of versatile standard view classes you can put to work in your own macOS apps. Hear about NSStackView, NSTableView, NSCollectionView, and other container views in AppKit. Explore the interesting features and benefits of each, and examine real-world use cases to help you choose the most suitable building blocks for your apps' user interfaces.

Speakers: Raleigh Ledet, Troy Stephens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 236

Cocoa Development Tips

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 35:54

Gain tips from seasoned framework engineers about how to get the most out of your Cocoa development efforts. For example, find out how you can get perfect hashing behavior from NSDictionary with a simple API. From best practices to lesser known APIs, there is something for everyone to learn.

Speakers: Rachel Goldeen, Vincent Hittson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 239

Connecting CareKit to the Cloud

App Frameworks • iOS • 32:49

The CareKit open source project provides customizable modules for delivering an app that puts a patient’s care plan and adherence tracking in the palm of their hands. Connecting patient care apps to the care team is critical for monitoring adherence and providing updates is crucial. Until now, every implementation required custom integration. Learn how the new CareKit Bridge API abstracts the communication to the back end and provides a simple mechanism for plugging in your custom or third-party provided cloud connectors.

Speaker: Kelsey Dedoshka

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 220

Customized Loading in WKWebView

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 36:35

WKWebView allows you to seamlessly integrate web content into your app. Learn how new features in WKWebView allow you to manage cookies, filter unwanted content, and give you more control over loading web content.

Speakers: Brady Eidson, Alex Christensen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 227

Data Delivery with Drag and Drop

App Frameworks • iOS • 35:11

Drag and Drop is the front end of a simple concept: transferring data. Whether it is in app or between apps, this data transfer is backed by item providers. Learn how item providers work and how to implement your own providers to facilitate efficient data transfers from your App.

Speakers: Dave Rahardja, Tanu Singhal

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 246

Deep Linking on tvOS

App Frameworks • tvOS • 7:18

Design features such as the tvOS Top Shelf and Universal Links help customers immerse themselves in your content more quickly and easily. Learn how to create seamless app launch experiences when deep linking into content of UIKit or TVMLKit apps.

Speaker: Paul Schneider

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 223

Drag and Drop with Collection and Table View

App Frameworks • iOS • 39:20

Discover new APIs for UICollectionView and UITableView designed to make drag and drop easy to implement in your apps. Learn how to quickly adopt drag and drop in collection and table views, create polished animations, and adopt new features to keep your app fluid and responsive during asynchronous data transfers.

Speakers: Tyler Fox, Mohammed Jisrawi, Steve Breen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 244

Efficient Interactions with Frameworks

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 37:32

Border crossings can be smooth and efficient or slow and tedious. The boundary between an app and a framework is analogous, but inefficiencies may not always be obvious. Whether it’s passing data to an API or understanding how to stay on the fast path while rendering text, we'll explore various aspects of how an app can work efficiently with underlying frameworks. If you build your own frameworks, gain valuable insights into how your clients can be as efficient as possible.

Speakers: Philippe Hausler, Donna Tom

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 247

Extend Your App's Presence With Sharing

App Frameworks • iOS • 4:39

Help your users share the great content in your app by using the built-in iOS sharing functionality. Learn how timing, placement and context of sharing can drive engagement and acquire new users.

Speaker: Gavin Condon

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 250

Extend Your App’s Presence with Deep Linking

App Frameworks • iOS • 3:46

Learn about deep linking and how universal links can be used to make your app’s content and functionality accessible throughout iOS.

Speaker: Gavin Condon

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 243

File Provider Enhancements

App Frameworks • iOS • 55:39

File providers are front and center in the new Files app and system-provided document browser, empowering users to work on their documents in the cloud without the confusion of multiple copies or different versions. Hear details about how your cloud services can integrate with this new functionality. See how to provide an efficient and seamless user experience. If you are an app developer, learn the details about how file providers work and hear about exciting opportunities to take advantage of service-specific APIs from cloud storage providers.

Speakers: Pierre d’Herbemont, Johannes Fortmann, Jean-Gabriel Morard

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 249

Filtering Unwanted Messages with Identity Lookup

App Frameworks • iOS • 17:34

Unwanted SMS and MMS messages are a persistent, frustrating nuisance. Identity Lookup is a new framework that allows you to participate in the process of filtering incoming messages. Get the details of how to identify and prevent these unsolicited messages. Understand the options for on-device detection as well as more dynamic server-based integration in order to ensure a better user experience.

Speaker: Stuart Montgomery

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 224

Focus Interaction in tvOS 11

App Frameworks • tvOS • 37:17

Focus interaction is the primary interaction model for UIKit-based apps on tvOS. Learn about new focus animation APIs, custom sounds, support for SceneKit and SpriteKit games, and new debugging tools for your development workflows. Gain insight into how to get the most from these new technologies in your apps.

Speakers: Matt Ricketson, Jon Staff

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 240

Introducing Business Chat

App Frameworks • iOS • 42:50

Business Chat is a powerful new way for your customers to get answers to their questions, learn about and purchase your products, and engage with your existing support channels. Integrated into Messages and discoverable through Maps, Siri, Search, as well as your own app and website, Business Chat helps you build persistent, long-lasting relationships with your customers. See how to leverage built-in features like Apple Pay or calendar integration, as well as your own iMessage app in the conversation. Understand how to get started with Business Chat Developer Preview today.

Speakers: Grant Ritchie, Scottie Lopatin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 203

Introducing Drag and Drop

App Frameworks • iOS • 38:42

Drag and Drop has arrived in iOS 11! Learn the fundamentals behind the new iOS Drag and Drop — architecture and APIs. This session will go over the design goals, architecture and key components of the API to allow you to quickly adopt Drag and Drop in your App.

Speakers: Bruce Nilo, Kurt Revis, Emanuele Rudel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 241

Introducing PDFKit on iOS

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 40:08

The enhanced PDFKit framework lets your app perform essential operations, such as authoring, modifying, and displaying Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Previously available only on macOS, this powerful framework is now available on iOS 11. Gain insights and best practices on how to use this technology within your own apps.

Speakers: Jeremy Bridon, Nicki Brower

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 206

Introducing Password AutoFill for Apps

App Frameworks • iOS • 34:28

Logging in to an app is a source of friction that can lead to user abandonment. Password AutoFill is a new feature in iOS 11 that makes logging in easy by putting users' passwords directly on the keyboard in your login UI. Learn how to guarantee that Password AutoFill works in your app to make logging in a frictionless experience for your users.

Speaker: Ricky Mondello

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 248

Localization Best Practices on tvOS

App Frameworks • tvOS • 13:56

Expand the reach of your apps by building them for a worldwide audience. Learn how to create localized tvOS apps that perform seamlessly regardless of country and language. Gain insights into such topics as handling server-side content, matching preferred languages, and localizing images and text direction.

Speaker: Joaquim Lobo Silva

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 228

Making Great SiriKit Experiences

App Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 50:02

People love Siri so it's essential to use SiriKit optimally for your app to provide a great Siri experience. Learn how to solve common pitfalls related to contact resolution, using Touch ID, and more. Find out how UI tests can benefit your SiriKit extension and how they can speed up the development process by automatically giving Siri text to process.

Speakers: José Angel Castillo Sanchez, Rohit Dasari

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 213

Mastering Drag and Drop

App Frameworks • iOS • 55:52

Dive deep into the new Drag and Drop APIs in iOS 11. Learn what users will come to expect of your draggable views and how to best deal with the asynchronous nature by which data gets dropped into your app. We’ll also show you how to make your Drag and Drop look great using the advanced visual appearance tweaks that we offer.

Speakers: Tom Adriaenssen, Wenson Hsieh, Robb Böhnke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 217

Media and Gaming Accessibility

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 38:15

As a game developer, you may know your game like the back of your hand, but could you play it with your eyes closed? Apple devices come standard with award-winning accessibility features that let people with disabilities experience everything Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Apple TV have to offer. Media apps and games require specific considerations and approaches to allow for all people to engage fully with your content. Gain deep insights into the key approaches and technologies to make your apps seamlessly functional for a broad range of users.

Speakers: Greg Hughes, Charlotte Hill

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 219

Modern User Interaction on iOS

App Frameworks • iOS • 36:17

Touch user interactions are fundamental to the user experience on iOS. Learn how to master the power of UIKit's gesture recognizer system in your application. Find out how to integrate with the new Drag and Drop features and the system gestures. Get some great tips for debugging your custom built interactions.

Speakers: Dominik Wagner, Michael Turner, Glen Low

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 208

Natural Language Processing and your Apps

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:33

Discover how to enhance app intelligence by using machine learning and natural language processing (NLP). Learn how to use our performant on-device NLP APIs to break text into sentences and tokens, identify people and places mentioned in the text (typed, transcribed speech/handwriting). The NLP APIs can be used standalone or as a preprocessing framework for machine-learning based text modeling tasks. The APIs are available in many languages across all Apple platforms, thereby providing homogeneous text processing for consistent user experience. Open up your imagination as we walk you through hypothetical apps that harness the power of NLP to enhance the overall app experience.

Speakers: Vivek Kumar Rangarajan Sridhar, Doug Davidson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 251

Now Playing and Remote Commands on tvOS

App Frameworks • tvOS • 14:41

Consistent and intuitive control of media playback is key to many apps on tvOS, and proper use and configuration of MPNowPlayingInfoCenter and MPRemoteCommandCenter are critical to delivering a great user experience. Dive deeper into these frameworks and learn how to ensure a seamless experience whether your app is being controlled using Siri, the Siri Remote, or the iOS Remote app.

Speaker: Justin Voss

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 242

The Keys to a Better Text Input Experience

App Frameworks • iOS, tvOS • 46:16

Go beyond the basics and provide a first class text input experience in your app. Learn best practices and how to expand your app by supporting text input traits and QuickType. Get tips on how to optimize your UI when incorporating the system keyboard into your layout. Discover how to create a custom keyboard and upgrade it to a system-wide keyboard extension.

Speakers: Kasia Wawer, Shuchen Li, James Magahern

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 216

The Life of a watchOS App

App Frameworks • watchOS • 38:30

watchOS 4 introduces numerous enhancements to the application lifecycle of an app on Apple Watch. This session will outline when your app has runtime, how much time it has, and how to maximize your opportunities to create a great experience on Apple Watch. Learn about background modes new to watchOS 4 and find out how taking snapshots with background app refresh have been simplified.

Speaker: Neil Desai

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WWDC17 • Session 211

Touch Bar Fundamentals

App Frameworks • macOS • 37:50

Touch Bar replaces the function keys that have long occupied the top of your keyboard with a versatile MultiTouch input device that features a Retina display. AppKit provides powerful APIs to let you easily leverage the power of Touch Bar in your applications. Learn how to use Touch Bar in your application to add context sensitive commands and flexible content to your user experience. This session will cover the basic concepts, design considerations, standard controls, IB support, and API that you will need to get started using Touch Bar.

Speakers: Chris Dreessen, John Tegtmeyer

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WWDC17 • Session 204

Updating Your App for iOS 11

App Frameworks • iOS • 30:55

iOS 11 brings a bold, dynamic new style to UI elements systemwide. Learn how to adopt new features in your app, including large title bars with integrated search, landscape tab bars, and more powerful swipe actions. Find out about new patterns and enhancements that make it easier than ever to craft the perfect experience for your users.

Speakers: David Duncan, Raj Ramamurthy, Kyle Sluder

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WWDC17 • Session 215

What's New in Accessibility

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 49:21

Discover what's new in accessibility in iOS, watchOS, macOS, and tvOS. Learn how to audit an App for accessibility, and take advantage of new assistive features. Topics include how to best customize how Voice Over describes an App UI to the user, how to enhance the accessibility user experience with new features like Drag and Drop, and how to take advantage of sophisticated accessibility APIs to solve common issues.

Speaker: Skylar Peterson

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WWDC17 • Session 232

What's New in CareKit and ResearchKit

App Frameworks • iOS • 38:07

Whether you’re a medical researcher or a care provider, the CareKit and ResearchKit open source projects are designed to be the quickest path to delivering a customized iOS app to your candidates or patients. These frameworks are constantly gaining features and functionality from both Apple and the community. Discover the latest active-tasks, care modules, and tools designed to allow medical professionals the ability prototype their own care app.

Speaker: Samantha Mravca

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WWDC17 • Session 207

What's New in Cocoa

App Frameworks • macOS • 38:45

Join us for this annual session to learn about enhancements in Cocoa. Catch up on the latest APIs for Touch Bar, performance improvements like copy-on-write collections, new features such as document sharing, Swift improvements for key paths and archiving, and many other refinements to AppKit and Foundation APIs. Get an overview of many topics and a guide to important related sessions throughout the week.

Speakers: Ali Ozer, Daphne Larose

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WWDC17 • Session 201

What's New in Cocoa Touch

App Frameworks • iOS • 40:25

iOS 11 enhances the Cocoa Touch frameworks for making next generation apps on iOS. Learn about drag and drop, file management, document browser, updates to the navigation and tab bars, app safe areas, swipe actions and API refinements. Find out which sessions you won't want to miss throughout the week.

Speakers: Eliza Block, Josh Shaffer

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WWDC17 • Session 210

What's New in Core Data

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 35:57

Join the Core Data engineering team and learn about the new features in Core Data. See how you can easily and automatically include your data in Spotlight to allow users to find content even if it's stored in Core Data. Learn about new options for indexing your data, and hear the details on a new feature for tracking changes over time.

Speakers: Melissa Turner, Rishi Verma

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 231

What's New in Core Spotlight for iOS and macOS

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 38:34

Fundamental to the iOS Search Experience, Core Spotlight is now available on macOS. Using the same APIs that are available for iOS, Core Spotlight lets you index your app’s contents without requiring on-disk files. Learn how to provide rich custom Quick Look previews on both macOS and iOS so your users can see the content right in their search results. Get details about how your Core Spotlight items on iOS can participate in the new Drag and Drop feature.

Speakers: John Hörnkvist, Lyn Fong

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 212

What's New in Foundation

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 53:10

Whether you're building apps for iOS, macOS, watchOS, or tvOS, a lot of the functionality you get from Apple's SDKs comes from the Foundation framework. Join the Foundation engineering team to hear about the improvements they’ve been working on. Learn how significant changes to key paths can help make your code safer with strong type checking in Swift. Hear all about how the new archiving API can help you safely convert your native Swift types to and from external formats like JSON. Gain insights into performance enhancements that will help make your app even more efficient.

Speakers: Tony Parker, Michael LeHew, Itai Ferber

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WWDC17 • Session 221

What's New in Health

App Frameworks • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 50:47

HealthKit has become the standard for apps that help you manage and track your health on iOS and watchOS. Learn about new HealthKit data types in iOS 11, how to create and access workout route data, how to avoid duplication of health data, and enhancements made in HealthKit to support people managing diabetes.

Speakers: Alexa VanHattum, Michael Ozeryansky

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WWDC17 • Session 237

What's New in MapKit

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 39:47

MapKit makes it easy to embed a fully interactive and configurable map directly into your app. Lean about new capabilities to tailor the look of the map view and annotations, more manageable controls and new features that make dealing with a large number of annotations a snap.

Speaker: Fredrik Olsson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 225

What's New in Safari View Controller

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 33:58

Safari View Controller brings Safari’s features into your app for browsing the web and logging in with 3rd party services. Learn how to use new APIs to customize Safari View Controller’s UI to fit your app’s style.

Speakers: Chelsea Pugh, Louie Livon-Bemel

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WWDC17 • Session 214

What's New in SiriKit

App Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 42:25

SiriKit provides a powerful and intuitive way to expose your app's functionality through Siri. Learn how to use the all-new lists and notes domain to jot down notes or complete tasks quickly. See how easy it is to display your app's visual codes for others to scan. And, using SiriKit's new intent parameters, it's easy to customize even more of the UI for your app within Siri. Explore these and numerous other new features that SiriKit brings to iOS 11.

Speakers: Sirisha Yerroju, Tin Tran

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WWDC17 • Session 234

What's New in iMessage Apps

App Frameworks • iOS • 45:05

With a completely redesigned App Store for iMessage and new App Drawer, discovering, installing, and using iMessage apps has never been easier. And now with live message views people can benefit and interact with your iMessage app directly in the transcript. Get the details on how your app can streamline the message sending experience with the new direct send functionality. Hear about important best practices like making the best use of summary text, optimizing snapshots of your iMessage app, and more in order to provide an outstanding user experience.

Speakers: Eugene Bistolas, Jay Chae, Stephen Lottermoser

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 209

What's New in tvOS

App Frameworks • tvOS • 37:27

tvOS allows you to deliver incredible apps and games for the big screen with the tvOS SDK. Gain insights into new tvOS 11 capabilities and enhancements such as Right-to-Left support, image overlays, background app updates, and user interface style improvements. And with the new AVKit capabilities you can take your media playback experience even further.

Speakers: Hans Kim, Marshall Huss

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 205

What's New in watchOS

App Frameworks • watchOS • 33:54

watchOS 4 adds a new runtime architecture to make your apps run even faster on Apple Watch. Alongside performance gains, watchOS 4 brings numerous enhancements to make robust WatchKit UI layouts, new background modes for navigation and audio apps, Core Bluetooth connectivity to allow devices a direct connection to your wrist, and much more. See what's new and how you'll be able to make your Watch apps even better on watchOS 4.

Speaker: Ian Parks

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 238

Writing Energy Efficient Apps

App Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 40:04

People expect long battery life on their mobile devices, and apps play a vital role in achieving that experience. Learn strategies to conserve energy while providing the best experience for your app. Find out about the key areas that affect energy consumption of an app as well as how to best use the available APIs to optimize battery life. Master energy debugging tools to make your app more energy efficient.

Speakers: Daniel Schucker, Prajakta Karandikar

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 818

60-Second Prototyping

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 10:40

Learn how to quickly build interactive prototypes! See how you can test new ideas and improve upon existing ones with minimal time investment and using tools you are already familiar with.

Speaker: Guillaume Ardaud

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 822

App Icon Design

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 10:31

An app icon is the face of your app on the home screen. Learn key design principles for creating simple, unique, meaningful and beautiful app icons. Gain simple but effective techniques for testing your app icon for clarity and immediate recognizability.

Speaker: Alexander MacLean

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 809

Communication Between Designers and Engineers

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 9:52

Good communication between designers and engineers is the key to building great products. Discover how production and specification techniques can improve communication, build trust, and help design and development teams work together to build better apps.

Speaker: Eugene Siew

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 806

Design For Everyone

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 46:08

By understanding the range of abilities and capabilities of the people who use our apps, you can design robust apps that work for everyone. Learn how designing for accessibility and inclusiveness can do social good, widen participation, and enable everyone to benefit.

Speakers: Caroline Cranfill, Alexander James O’Connell

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 811

Design Tips for Great Games

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 13:53

Great games transport us into another world where we can reign over a kingdom, fight epic battles, or become a pinball wizard. Learn on-boarding and UI design best practices that will enable everyone to lose themselves in your game and have fun.

Speaker: Lauren Strehlow

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 804

Designing Across Platforms

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:19

Learn techniques for determining which Apple platforms are right for your app and how to create a great user experience by designing for the unique capabilities and strengths of each platform.

Speaker: Cas Lemmens

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WWDC17 • Session 823

Designing Glyphs

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 11:21

Glyphs are a powerful communication tool and a fundamental element of your app’s design language. Learn about important considerations when conceptualizing glyphs and key design principles of crafting effective glyph sets for spaces inside and outside of your app.

Speaker: Mani Amini

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WWDC17 • Session 803

Designing Sound

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:48

Design is not just about what people see, it’s also about what they hear. Learn about how sound design can help you create a more immersive, usable and meaningful user experience in your app or game, and get a glimpse of how the sounds in Apple products are created.

Speaker: Hugo Verweij

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WWDC17 • Session 819

Designing for a Global Audience

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 9:30

The worldwide reach of the App Store means that your app can be enjoyed by people from around the globe. Explore ways to make your app useful and appealing to as many people as possible. And pick up simple techniques for avoiding common issues when reaching a global audience.

Speaker: Sarah Harling

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WWDC17 • Session 802

Essential Design Principles

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 59:55

Design principles are the key to understanding how design serves human needs for safety, meaning, achievement and beauty. Learn what these principles are and how they can help you design more welcoming, understandable, empowering and gratifying user experiences.

Speaker: Mike Stern

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WWDC17 • Session 820

Express Yourself!

Design • iOS • 8:36

iMessage Apps help people easily create and share content, play games, and collaborate with friends without needing to leave the conversation. Explore how you can design iMessage apps and sticker packs that are perfectly suited for a deeply social context.

Speaker: Hoan Pham

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WWDC17 • Session 821

Get Started with Display P3

Design • iOS, macOS • 10:06

Wide color displays allow your app to display richer, more vibrant and lifelike colors than ever before. Get a primer on color management, the Display P3 color space, and practical workflow techniques for producing more colorful images and icons.

Speaker: Oscar Waldén

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WWDC17 • Session 815

How to Pick a Custom Font

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 14:50

Choosing a custom font for your app can be a daunting task involving both functional and stylistic decisions. Gain a solid understanding of fundamental font design characteristics such as proportion and contrast. Learn how to apply this knowledge when deciding which font is right for your app.

Speaker: Loïc Sander

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WWDC17 • Session 816

Love at First Launch

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 10:54

Engage people from the first moment they open your app, and keep them coming back for more. Learn tips on how to make a compelling first impression, methods for teaching new users about your app, and best practices when asking users for more information.

Speaker: Vince Lane

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WWDC17 • Session 808

Planning a Great Apple Watch Experience

Design • watchOS • 52:48

Creating a great Watch experience involves planning and attention to detail. Learn how to focus your development for Apple Watch to ensure that the experience is timely and contextually relevant for your users. Walk through a case study of the WWDC Watch app and gain insights from the development team’s experience across three versions of the app. Finally, learn design and technical tips for making your watchOS app the best it can be.

Speaker: Doug LeMoine

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WWDC17 • Session 817

Rich Notifications

Design • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 10:09

Discover the keys to creating informative, useful and beautiful rich notifications in iOS. Get practical and detailed guidance about how to design short looks, long looks, and quick actions that will make your app's notifications something people look forward to receiving.

Speaker: Jon Dascola

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 812

Size Classes and Core Components

Design • iOS • 8:40

Designing for multiple screen sizes can seem complicated, difficult, and time-consuming. Learn how size classes, dynamic type, and UIKit elements help your app to scale elegantly, save you time, and make your app look amazing on whatever device people are using.

Speaker: Nicole Ryan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 810

What’s New in iOS 11

Design • iOS • 8:46

See how the updates to UIKit controls and text styles in iOS 11 can help you design an app with a stronger visual hierarchy, clearer navigation, and a simpler interface that’s easier to use.

Speaker: Nicole Ryan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 813

Writing Great Alerts

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 11:09

Learn how to create clear, informative, and helpful alerts that will make your app easy and enjoyable to use. Get valuable insights about the proper role for alerts, actionable guidance about writing effective alerts, and techniques for avoiding common pitfalls.

Speaker: Natalie Calvert

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 814

Designing for Subscription Success

Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 9:27

Providing a great user experience can make it easier to acquire new subscribers. Get insights into effectively communicating the value of your subscriptions, streamlining the sign up flow, and providing a positive and effortless subscription experience.

Speaker: Lauren Strehlow

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WWDC17 • Session 413

App Startup Time: Past, Present, and Future

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 32:56

Learn about the dyld dynamic linker used on Apple platforms, how it's changed over the years, and where it's headed next. Find out how improved tooling makes it easier to optimize your app's launch time, and see how new changes coming in dyld will bring even further launch time improvements.

Speaker: Louis Gerbarg

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WWDC17 • Session 412

Auto Layout Techniques in Interface Builder

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 38:08

Auto Layout enables you to easily create robust layouts for your apps. Hear details about new and existing techniques for building layouts in Interface Builder. Learn how to build more dynamic layouts and handle state changes using priorities and size classes. Find out how iOS 11 support for dynamic type and safe areas can ensure your content can be viewed by anyone.

Speakers: Jonathon Mah, Jason Yao

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WWDC17 • Session 404

Debugging with Xcode 9

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:27

Xcode 9 introduces wireless development for iOS and tvOS. Discover how to configure and use wireless development with your devices. Learn about Xcode's latest debugging features — including debugging workflow enhancements, and new view debugging support for view controllers, SpriteKit and SceneKit — now with no strings attached.

Speakers: Chris Miles, Breckin Loggins, Sebastian Fischer

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WWDC17 • Session 414

Engineering for Testability

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 38:54

Unit testing is an essential tool to consistently verify your code works correctly. Discover techniques for designing the code of your app so that it can be easily tested. Find out the best practices for developing a test suite that evolves with your app and scales as your app grows.

Speakers: Brian Croom, Greg Tracy

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WWDC17 • Session 406

Finding Bugs Using Xcode Runtime Tools

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 54:21

Learn how to use Xcode 9 runtime tools to help find issues and bugs, ranging from missing and unintended UI updates to integer overflows and data races on collection APIs. Hear about the new Undefined Behavior Sanitizer and Main Thread Checker runtime tools in Xcode 9, and the improvements to Address and Thread Sanitizers.

Speakers: Kuba Mracek, Vedant Kumar

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WWDC17 • Session 405

GitHub and the New Source Control Workflows in Xcode 9

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 31:12

Learn about the new tools in Xcode 9 for exploring the source control history of your projects. See how Xcode integrates with GitHub, and discover how the new source control navigator makes it easy to browse branches, tags, and detailed history and commit information.

Speakers: Kieran Senior, Eric Dudiak

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WWDC17 • Session 410

Localizing Content for Swift Playgrounds

Developer Tools • iOS • 35:29

Localizing a playground book is more than just translation. Explore best practices, potential problem areas, and the unique challenges of localizing educational content. Understand how a localized playground book is structured and hear about the lessons learned by the people who made it happen.

Speakers: Alex Kuhn, Aaltan Ahmad

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WWDC17 • Session 401

Localizing with Xcode 9

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 42:19

Build world-ready apps using Xcode by following some simple steps to manage strings and assets, and display your user interface. Take your localized apps even further with new technologies and features in Xcode 9. Learn how Xcode 9 helps you design, localize, and test your app in multiple languages.

Speakers: Sara Radi, Aya Siblini, Chris Hanson

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WWDC17 • Session 416

Teaching with Swift Playgrounds

Developer Tools • iOS • 39:56

Teaching can be difficult and teaching programming can be even harder — it's abstract and concrete at the same time, and you must help the learner build a mental model of what code really does. Find out how the Swift Playgrounds content team works through the teaching process, from idea to finished playground. We'll cover lessons learned building the Learn to Code series, and tips and methods we've developed to streamline our current workflow. Come away with valuable teaching insights and a great head start on building your own instructional content.

Speakers: Bill Dudney, Elizabeth Salazar

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WWDC17 • Session 407

Understanding Undefined Behavior

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:13

Undefined behavior in programming languages can introduce difficult to diagnose bugs and even lead to security vulnerabilities in your App. Learn more about undefined behavior, the tools available in Xcode 9 that address it, and why Swift is safer by design.

Speakers: Fred Riss, Ryan Govostes, Anna Zaks

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WWDC17 • Session 411

What's New in LLVM

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:29

The Apple LLVM compiler in Xcode 9 has new language features, improved diagnostics, and more powerful optimizations. Keep up with the newest additions to Objective-C and C++, get an overview of new and improved warnings and static analyzer checks, and learn about how the LLVM compiler technology is delivering faster build times and better runtime performance for your apps.

Speakers: Devin Coughlin, Duncan Exon Smith

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WWDC17 • Session 403

What's New in Signing for Xcode and Xcode Server

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 35:44

Learn about new advances in Xcode's support for code signing, including more powerful distribution signing, better integration with Xcode Server, and more control for working with manual signing assets.

Speakers: Chris D’Angelo, Itai Rom, Brent Shank

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WWDC17 • Session 402

What's New in Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 59:29

Swift 4 continues the evolution of the safe, fast, and expressive language, with better performance and new features. Learn about the new String and improved generics, see how Swift 4 maintains support for your existing Swift 3 code, and get insight into where Swift is headed in the future.

Speakers: Doug Gregor, Bob Wilson, Ben Cohen, John McCall

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WWDC17 • Session 409

What's New in Testing

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 40:00

Xcode 9 has new APIs for structuring your test logging and including your own attachments and screenshots, as well as new support for parallel device and simulator testing. Learn how to write UI tests that target multiple applications, and find out ways to improve the performance of your UI tests.

Speaker: Wil Addario-Turner

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WWDC17 • Session 408

What’s New in Swift Playgrounds

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 35:44

Learn more about the new features in Swift Playgrounds, such as support for localized content and user-added pages. Learn how to leverage these new features to build engaging content in the latest playground book format. Harness external accessories using the new PlaygroundBluetooth framework, and take advantage of new frameworks added in iOS 11.

Speakers: Connor Wakamo, Najla Bulous, Grace Kendall

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WWDC17 • Session 305

Advanced StoreKit

Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 48:54

Gain an understanding of the pros and cons of server- versus app-based receipt validation, and how to implement this critical functionality for your In-App Purchases. Get the latest news, and valuable tips for keeping subscribers and managing subscriptions. Learn about a major improvement to In-App Purchases: Server-to-Server Notifications. And finally, get detailed instructions for testing with the In-App Purchase sandbox.

Speaker: Pete Hare

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WWDC17 • Session 301

Introducing the New App Store

Distribution • iOS • 50:32

Redesigned from the ground up, the new App Store provides a fresh approach to marketing your app. Learn how the new functionality, enhanced editorial features, and the thinking that drove the visual changes are all designed to make your apps and in-app purchase more discoverable and appealing to your customers.

Speaker: Pedraum Pardehpoosh

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WWDC17 • Session 304

What's New in Device Configuration, Deployment, and Management

Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 59:48

Platform features and tools make it easy to configure, deploy and manage Apple devices in organizations of all sizes. Discover new and updated configuration capabilities for each platform, updated app deployment techniques and tool changes that make low-bandwidth updates more accessible. Learn how educational institutions can use the advancements in Apple School Manager and Classroom to make configuring student devices even easier.

Speaker: Todd Fernandez

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WWDC17 • Session 303

What's New in StoreKit

Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 40:09

Starting with an expert guide to implementing the In-App Purchase workflow, learn about Promoted In-App Purchases and how to use the new StoreKit APIs. Find out what’s involved for your server and apps. And finally, get the details and guidance on asking for Ratings and Reviews, and responding to Reviews.

Speakers: Pete Hare, Ross LeBeau

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WWDC17 • Session 302

What's New in iTunes Connect

Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 41:35

iTunes Connect has been updated to make the experience of delivering your app to the new App Store even better. Learn about new and updated meta-data requirements, capabilities to support promotion of in-app purchases and techniques for handling customer reviews. Discover how new TestFlight features and deployment options can help you test and deploy your next masterpiece.

Speaker: Daniel Miao

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WWDC17 • Session 110

Convenience for You is Independence for Me

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 41:47

Why design apps with accessibility? Meet Todd Stabelfeldt, founder of C4 Consulting, who has lived with quadriplegia since the age of 8. Over his decades-long struggle for increased independence in both his personal and professional lives, Todd has become a noted expert in technologies for persons with disabilities, which he has found can offer not only a level of autonomy but also empowerment and dignity to the mobility impaired. Leading by example, Todd runs a successful business but his real passion lies elsewhere. Hear how apps designed well with accessibility in mind have changed his life as a husband, father and as owner of the “Quadthedral“, his family’s HomeKit-enabled smart home.

Speaker: Todd Stabelfeldt

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WWDC17 • Session 610

From Art to Engine with Model I/O

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 38:50

Model I/O makes it easy to bridge the divide between artists' tools and your custom engine. See how to build a Model I/O-powered art pipeline to bring assets from content creation tools into a Metal 2-based renderer. Learn strategies for baking 3D content into structures optimal for real-time rendering, and best practices for working with animation data, common mesh and model formats, textures, and materials.

Speakers: Nick Porcino, Nicholas Blasingame

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WWDC17 • Session 609

Going Beyond 2D with SpriteKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 32:17

SpriteKit makes it easy to create high-performance, power-efficient 2D games and more. See how to take SpriteKit objects into Augmented Reality through seamless integration with ARKit. Learn about mixing 2D and 3D content and applying realistic transformations. Take direct control over SpriteKit rendering and walk through offline rendering into a Metal texture.

Speaker: Ross Dexter

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WWDC17 • Session 602

Introducing ARKit: Augmented Reality for iOS

Graphics and Games • iOS • 54:00

ARKit provides a cutting-edge platform for developing augmented reality (AR) apps for iPhone and iPad. Get introduced to the ARKit framework and learn about harnessing its powerful capabilities for positional tracking and scene understanding. Tap into its seamless integration with SceneKit and SpriteKit, and understand how to take direct control over rendering with Metal 2.

Speakers: Mike Buerli, Stefan Misslinger

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WWDC17 • Session 601

Introducing Metal 2

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 55:03

Metal 2 provides near-direct access to the graphics processor (GPU), enabling your apps and games to realize their full graphics and compute potential. Dive into the breakthrough features of Metal 2 that empower the GPU to take control over key aspects of the rendering pipeline. Check out how Metal 2 enables essential tasks to be specified on-the-fly by the GPU, opening up new efficiencies for advanced rendering.

Speakers: Michal Valient, Richard Schreyer

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WWDC17 • Session 607

Metal 2 Optimization and Debugging

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 33:07

Developing Metal 2-based apps is even easier with the redesigned tools for debugging and profiling in Xcode. Dive into the enhanced Metal Frame Debugger and explore techniques for fine-tuning graphics and compute workloads. Learn about accessing detailed GPU performance counters, and check out new support in Metal System Trace for optimizing VR apps.

Speaker: Seth Sowerby

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WWDC17 • Session 605

SceneKit in Swift Playgrounds

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 40:08

Discover tips and tricks gleaned by the Swift Playgrounds Content team for working more effectively with SceneKit on a visually rich app. Learn how to integrate animation, optimize rendering performance, design for accessibility, add visual polish, and understand strategies for creating an effective workflow with 3D assets.

Speakers: Michael DeWitt, Lemont Washington

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WWDC17 • Session 604

SceneKit: What's New

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 53:51

SceneKit is a fast and fully featured high-level 3D graphics framework that enables your apps and games to create immersive scenes and effects. See the latest advances in camera control and effects for simulating real camera optics including bokeh and motion blur. Learn about surface subdivision and tessellation to create smooth-looking surfaces right on the GPU starting from a coarser mesh. Check out new integration with ARKit and workflow improvements enabled by the Xcode Scene Editor.

Speakers: Thomas Goossens, Amaury Balliet, Anatole Duprat, Sébastien Métrot

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WWDC17 • Session 608

Using Metal 2 for Compute

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 39:24

Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) provides a highly tuned library of functions that extend the power of the GPU for more than just graphics. With Metal 2, MPS comes to the Mac along with an expanded set of capabilities. Learn how to tap into the latest image processing operations, perform linear algebra operations, and accelerate machine learning algorithms via new primitives and a graph API to build and execute neural networks on the GPU.

Speaker: Anna Tikhonova

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WWDC17 • Session 603

VR with Metal 2

Graphics and Games • macOS • 38:56

Metal 2 provides powerful and specialized support for Virtual Reality (VR) rendering and external GPUs. Get details about adopting these emerging technologies within your Metal 2-based apps and games on macOS High Sierra. Walk through integrating Metal 2 with the SteamVR SDK and learn about efficiently rendering to a VR headset. Understand how external GPUs take macOS graphics to a whole new level and see how to prepare your apps to take advantage of their full potential.

Speaker: Rav Dhiraj

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WWDC17 • Session 606

What's New with Screen Recording and Live Broadcast

Graphics and Games • iOS, tvOS • 38:41

Check out the new capabilities of ReplayKit 2 and see how to access its rich functionality right from Control Center. Learn about in-app capture, giving apps direct sample-level access to their audio and screen output. Get details about developing a live broadcast extension, and discover how apps can be coupled to a preferred broadcast provider.

Speakers: Johnny Trenh, Alexander Subbotin

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WWDC17 • Session 510

Advances in Core Image: Filters, Metal, Vision, and More

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 49:16

Get all the details on how to access the latest capabilities of Core Image. Learn about new ways to efficiently render images and create custom CIKernels in the Metal Shading Language. Find out about all of the new CIFilters that include support for applying image processing to depth data and handling barcodes. See how the Vision framework can be leveraged within Core Image to do amazing things.

Speaker: David Hayward

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WWDC17 • Session 504

Advances in HTTP Live Streaming

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 54:50

HTTP Live Streaming allows you to stream live and on-demand content to global audiences. Learn about great new features and enhancements to HTTP Live Streaming. Highlights include support for HEVC, playlist metavariables, IMSC1 subtitles, and synchronized playback of multiple streams. Discover how to simplify your FairPlay key handling with the new AVContentKeySession API, and take advantage of enhancements to offline HLS playback.

Speakers: Roger Pantos, Anil Katti

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WWDC17 • Session 512

Apple Podcasts

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 25:22

Podcasts reach millions of listeners around the world every year. iOS 11 upgrades the Apple Podcasts app to support new feed structures for serialized shows. Discover how to publish your own podcast and take advantage of all the features and capabilities in this comprehensive podcasting session.

Speakers: James O. Boggs, DJ Davis, Garth Jantzen

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WWDC17 • Session 507

Capturing Depth in iPhone Photography

Media • iOS • 58:38

Portrait mode on iPhone 7 Plus showcases the power of depth in photography. In iOS 11, the depth data that drives this feature is now available to your apps. Learn how to use depth to open up new possibilities for creative imaging. Gain a broader understanding of high-level depth concepts and learn how to capture both streaming and still image depth data from the camera.

Speaker: Brad Ford

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 514

Error Handling Best Practices for HTTP Live Streaming

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 18:41

HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) reliably delivers media content across a variety of network and bandwidth conditions. However, there are many factors that can impact stream delivery, such as server or encoder failures, caching issues, or network dropouts. Learn the best-practice behaviors that your servers should adopt to maximize reliability, and gain a practical understanding of the errors your app may encounter and how to handle them.

Speaker: Shravya Kunamalla

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 515

HLS Authoring Update

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 9:06

HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) reliably delivers video to audiences around the world. Key to this reliability is a comprehensive set of tools to help you author, deliver, and validate the HLS streams you create. See what's new in these tools, learn the latest authoring recommendations, and how they apply to advances in HLS such as support for HEVC and IMSC1.

Speaker: Eryk Vershen

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WWDC17 • Session 513

High Efficiency Image File Format

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 29:05

Learn the essential details of the new High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) and discover which capabilities are used by Apple platforms. Gain deep insights into the container structure, the types of media and metadata it can handle, and the many other advantages that this new standard affords.

Speaker: Davide Concion

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WWDC17 • Session 508

Image Editing with Depth

Media • iOS, macOS • 49:26

When using Portrait mode, depth data is now embedded in photos captured on iPhone 7 Plus. In this second session on depth, see which key APIs allow you to leverage this data in your app. Learn how to process images that include depth and preserve the data when manipulating the image. Get inspired to add creative new effects to your app and enable your users to do amazing things with their photos.

Speaker: Etienne Guerard

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WWDC17 • Session 509

Introducing AirPlay 2

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 39:22

AirPlay allows you to wirelessly stream content from your iOS device or Mac. Now with AirPlay 2, you can fill the home with multi-room audio. Learn how AirPlay 2 synchronizes playback and provides an even more reliable audio experience, and how to incorporate support for AirPlay 2 into your app.

Speaker: David Saracino

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WWDC17 • Session 503

Introducing HEIF and HEVC

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 35:40

High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) and High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) are powerful new standards-based technologies for storing and delivering images and audiovisual media. Get introduced to these next generation space-saving codecs and their associated container formats. Learn how to work with them across Apple platforms and how you can take advantage of them in your own apps.

Speakers: Gavin Thomson, Athar Shah

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WWDC17 • Session 502

Introducing MusicKit

Media • iOS • 39:57

Get introduced to the new API for the Apple Music subscription service. Learn how to add Apple Music playback in your own app, and discover how to search the catalogue, manage playback queues, and engage with playlists and recommendations.

Speakers: Tim Parthemore, Joel Lopes Da Silva

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WWDC17 • Session 506

Vision Framework: Building on Core ML

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 31:07

Vision is a new, powerful, and easy-to-use framework that provides solutions to computer vision challenges through a consistent interface. Understand how to use the Vision API to detect faces, compute facial landmarks, track objects, and more. Learn how to take things even further by providing custom machine learning models for Vision tasks using CoreML.

Speakers: Brett Keating, Frank Doepke

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WWDC17 • Session 501

What's New in Audio

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 55:56

Apple platforms provide a comprehensive set of audio frameworks that are essential to creating powerful audio solutions and rich app experiences. Come learn about enhancements to AVAudioEngine, support for high-order ambisonics, and new capabilities for background audio recording on watchOS. See how to take advantage of these new audio technologies and APIs in this session.

Speakers: Akshatha Nagesh, Béla Balázs, Torrey Holbrook Walker

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WWDC17 • Session 505

What's New in Photos APIs

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 53:48

Learn all about newest APIs in Photos on iOS and macOS, providing better integration and new possibilities for your app. We'll discuss simplifications to accessing the Photos library through UIImagePickerController, explore additions to PhotoKit to support new media types, and share all the details of the new Photos Project Extensions which enable you to bring photo services to Photos for Mac.

Speakers: Eric Hanson, Hasan Adil, Andreas Karlsson

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WWDC17 • Session 511

Working with HEIF and HEVC

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 58:48

High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF) and High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) are powerful new standards-based technologies for storing and delivering images and video. Gain insights about how to take advantage of these next generation formats and dive deeper into the APIs that allow you to fully harness them in your apps.

Speakers: Erik Turnquist, Brad Ford

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WWDC17 • Session 711

Accelerate and Sparse Solvers

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 38:43

Learn about Sparse Matrix Solvers in the Accelerate framework. In addition, find out how Accelerate's Basic Neural Network Subroutines (BNNS), vDSP, simd and other subframeworks give you fast, energy-efficient signal and image processing and handle large-scale mathematical computations.

Speakers: Eric Bainville, Steve Canon, Jonathan Hogg

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WWDC17 • Session 707

Advances in Networking, Part 1

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 44:29

Find out how Apple’s networking libraries and frameworks are taking advantage of new and improved protocols to deliver better connectivity and performance for your apps. In this first of two sessions, we'll cover ECN, IPv6, Network Extensions, and Multipath protocols.

Speakers: Stuart Cheshire, David Schinazi, Christoph Paasch

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WWDC17 • Session 709

Advances in Networking, Part 2

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 43:56

Learn about important improvements to URLSession. Find out how to use new URLSession APIs to better handle connectivity fluctuations, to schedule background session tasks, and to receive progress reports for session tasks. Plus, gain insights into valuable best practices, tips, and news about ongoing work with emerging network technologies.

Speakers: Jeffrey Twu, Jeff Jenkins, Stuart Cheshire

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WWDC17 • Session 708

Best Practices and What’s New in User Notifications

System Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 43:00

Local and push notifications enable your app to keep users informed with timely and relevant content, by displaying messages and accepting users’ actions, or playing distinctive sounds, or updating the badge on your app icon. Service extensions enable your app to decrypt and augment push notification content before being displayed. Find out what’s new and get expert advice on implementing user notifications in your app.

Speakers: Kritarth Jain, Teja Kondapalli

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WWDC17 • Session 710

Core ML in depth

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 41:23

Dive deeper into the details of the new Core ML framework. Explore how machine learning model development and app development fit together. Take a closer look at how models are represented and how models can be converted from popular machine learning and deep learning libraries, and learn about the performance optimizations Core ML does behind the scenes.

Speakers: Krishna Sridhar, Zach Nation

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WWDC17 • Session 704

Creating Immersive Apps with Core Motion

System Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 34:30

Discover how enhancements in authorization simplify accessing sensitive and historical motion data. Learn how to use DeviceMotion effectively and how to leverage SensorRecorder to capture hours of motion data. Walk through adding immersive motion controls to enhance an existing game.

Speakers: John Blackwell, Ahmad Bleik

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WWDC17 • Session 717

Developing Wireless CarPlay Systems

System Frameworks • iOS • 34:37

Wireless CarPlay is perfect for any trip. Get in your car without taking your iPhone out of your bag or pocket, and start experiencing CarPlay effortlessly. Learn how to design your CarPlay system to connect wirelessly to iPhone. Understand hardware requirements, best practices for a great user experience, and how to optimize the pairing and reconnection process.

Speaker: Tanya Kancheva

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC17 • Session 719

Enabling Your App for CarPlay

System Frameworks • iOS • 27:32

Understand how to enable your audio, messaging, VoIP calling or automaker app for CarPlay. Audio, messaging and VoIP calling apps use a consistent design that's optimized for use in the car. Automaker apps provide vehicle specific controls and displays to keep drivers connected without leaving CarPlay. Explore best practices and learn about the tools and frameworks for CarPlay apps.

Speaker: Albert Wan

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WWDC17 • Session 703

Introducing Core ML

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 31:24

Machine learning opens up opportunities for creating new and engaging experiences. Core ML is a new framework which you can use to easily integrate machine learning models into your app. See how Xcode and Core ML can help you make your app more intelligent with just a few lines of code.

Speakers: Gaurav Kapoor, Michael Siracusa, Lizi Ottens

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WWDC17 • Session 718

Introducing Core NFC

System Frameworks • iOS • 11:15

Core NFC is an exciting new framework that enables you to read NFC tags in your apps on iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. Learn how to integrate Core NFC into your apps, key requirements for using this feature, and start thinking about the new kinds of apps that are enabled with NFC capabilities.

Speaker: Lawrence Chung

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WWDC17 • Session 706

Modernizing Grand Central Dispatch Usage

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 54:37

macOS 10.13 and iOS 11 have reinvented how Grand Central Dispatch and the Darwin kernel collaborate, enabling your applications to run concurrent workloads more efficiently. Learn how to modernize your code to take advantage of these improvements and make optimal use of hardware resources.

Speakers: Daniel Chimene, Daniel A. Steffen, Pierre Habouzit

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WWDC17 • Session 702

Privacy and Your Apps

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 38:51

Protecting user privacy is a core principal in the Apple ecosystem. Learn what that means for the way you design and implement your apps, and learn about privacy-related changes, including new APIs, in the next versions of iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS.

Speakers: Georgios Kontaxis, Katie Skinner

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WWDC17 • Session 714

What's New in Apple Pay & Wallet

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 49:49

Apple Pay is the easy and secure way to accept payments in your app and website on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac. Get the latest news and updates from the Wallet and Apple Pay teams. New for this year, increase your conversions by providing feedback to users right in the Apple Pay sheet. Discover great new Wallet features like pass sharing controls, and increase customer satisfaction and sales with UI best practices.

Speakers: Nick Shearer, Jon Nguy

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WWDC17 • Session 712

What's New in Core Bluetooth

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:15

Discover how watchOS 4 makes it possible for a watchOS app to communicate with Bluetooth Low Energy accessories. Learn about changes to Core Bluetooth that improve reliability and enable high performance streaming connections with Bluetooth Low Energy Accessories. Understand the best practices in Bluetooth Low Energy accessory design.

Speakers: Craig Dooley, Duy Phan

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WWDC17 • Session 705

What's New in HomeKit

System Frameworks • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:32

Learn about the new types of HomeKit accessories supported in iOS 11, new accessory setup options, and how enhancements to triggers make it possible to automatically run scenes based on who is home, only at certain times, and with more types of accessories. Understand how improvements to the HomeKit protocol greatly improve the responsiveness of HomeKit accessories. Discover how HomeKit accessory development is now open for experimentation & exploration.

Speakers: Matt Lucas, Praveen Chegondi

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WWDC17 • Session 713

What's New in Location Technologies

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 30:39

Location technologies are core to delivering context-based services within your app. Discover how advances in the Core Location Framework APIs provide new and more performant features in a manner designed to provide confidence for you privacy-conscious users. See how changes in iOS 11 provide clearer communication to your users of when their location is being queried and allows them to provide more granular access authorization to your app.

Speaker: Brad Jensen

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WWDC17 • Session 715

What's New in Apple File System

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 35:11

The Apple File System (APFS) is a modern file system, optimized for responsiveness on Flash/SSD storage, and designed for extensibility, security, and data integrity. APFS is now the default filesystem on iOS, tvOS, and watchOS. Learn about what’s new for APFS on the Mac and how to take advantage of its new features in your apps.

Speakers: Pavel Sokolov, Eric Tamura

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WWDC17 • Session 701

Your Apps and Evolving Network Security Standards

System Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:42

Security standards are continuing to evolve to counter emerging threats, and so too must your apps if you want to best protect your users and their data. Learn about new developments in certificate handling, TLS, and certificate status checking on iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS that impact your apps.

Speakers: Bailey Basile, Chris Wood

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WWDC17 • Session 716

iOS Configuration and APIs for Kiosk and Assessment Apps

System Frameworks • iOS • 35:48

iOS provides several techniques for keeping your app front and center. Whether you’re building a kiosk, hospitality check-in, or educational assessment app, choosing the right app-lock technique is critical. From Guided Access to Automatic Assessment Configuration you’ll learn which approach works best for your unique experience.

Speaker: Steve Hayman

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WWDC18 • Session 101


Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 2:16:21

WWDC 2018 Keynote

Speakers: Tim Cook, Craig Federighi, Abhay Parasnis, Martin Sanders, Kimberly Beverett, Susan Prescott, Kelsey Peterson, Kevin Lynch, Julz Arney, Jen Folse, Ann Thai

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WWDC18 • Session 102

Platforms State of the Union

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:34:13

WWDC 2018 Platforms State of the Union

Speakers: Sebastien Marineau-Mes, Katie Skinner, Ken Orr, Matthew Furlich, Mike Rockwell, Abhay Parasnis

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WWDC18 • Session 103

Apple Design Awards

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 49:05

Join us for an unforgettable award ceremony celebrating developers and their outstanding work. The 2018 Apple Design Awards recognize state of the art iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps that reflect excellence in design and innovation.

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WWDC18 • Session 236

AVSpeechSynthesizer: Making iOS Talk

App Store and Distribution • iOS • 8:48

Speech can enhance the audio experience of your app, whether you are generating spoken feedback for accessibility, or providing critical information beyond simple alerts or notifications. AVSpeechSynthesizer produces synthesized speech from text and allows you to control and monitor the progress of ongoing speech. Learn the ins and outs of AVSpeechSynthesizer and how to add computer-generated speech output to your app.

Speaker: Chris Fleizach

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WWDC18 • Session 241

Accessible Drag and Drop

App Store and Distribution • iOS • 9:12

Drag and Drop is a powerful API that allows apps to share and communicate data. No matter how you decide to implement Drag and Drop, there's a way to make it work for people with accessibility needs. Learn the details as we dive into accessible Drag and Drop for iOS.

Speaker: Conor Hughes

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WWDC18 • Session 303

Automating App Store Connect

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:47

The new App Store Connect API provides a familiar and highly readable REST API designed to facilitate the automation of many tasks you would typically perform through the Apple Developer website and the App Store Connect browser interfaces. Learn how this API allows you to manage your apps and testers for TestFlight, create code signing resources, download reports, and even manage your organization. See how this API leverages JWT authentication and a JSON payload for all transactions to make this new service easy to integrate with your existing automated workflows.

Speakers: Geoff Coffey, Sehoon Shon, Julie Richards

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WWDC18 • Session 704

Best Practices and What’s New with In-App Purchases

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 41:35

Learn about the latest updates in StoreKit, including offering introductory pricing for subscriptions, requesting ratings and reviews, promoting your in-app purchases within the App Store, and developing in the sandbox environment. Dive deep into best practices for processing transactions and validating receipts.

Speakers: Dana DuBois, Ross LeBeau

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WWDC18 • Session 230

Deliver an Exceptional Accessibility Experience

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:29

Go beyond the basics and create apps with an exceptional accessibility experience. Learn how to design elements that appear in your app for maximum clarity and accessibility. Discover how to enhance the way users interact with your app even when presenting custom views, or drawing complex UI.

Speakers: Skylar Peterson, Bhavya Garg

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WWDC18 • Session 705

Engineering Subscriptions

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 44:35

Learn the best practices for architecting your subscription infrastructure using StoreKit and server-side logic. Find out about simple engineering techniques to keep your subscribers longer, and how to utilize new tools and APIs to give your subscribers the best experience.

Speakers: Pete Hare, Michael Gargas

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WWDC18 • Session 232

Getting Ready for Business Chat

App Store and Distribution • iOS • 43:24

Business Chat is a powerful way for organizations to connect with customers directly from within Messages. Whether you are a Customer Service Platform provider, a brand looking to integrate chat for customer communication, or a brand app developer looking to extend your iOS app to enhance Business Chat conversations, you'll receive concrete guidance and learn the baseline requirements necessary to ensure you are ready to go live.

Speakers: Dan Servos, Scottie Lopatin

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WWDC18 • Session 226

VoiceOver: App Testing Beyond The Visuals

App Store and Distribution • iOS • 31:39

VoiceOver provides spoken descriptions and braille output of onscreen elements. Learn how to go beyond the visuals to identify VoiceOver and functional issues to help improve the experience for all users.

Speaker: James Vest

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WWDC18 • Session 301

What's New in App Store Connect

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:01

App Store Connect is constantly evolving to improve the experience of managing and deploying your app on App Store. Learn about the new App Store Connect API for managing frequently modified data such as users and groups, see the latest updates to Sales Trends and Analytics reporting, and TestFlight features enhanced to help you test and deploy your next masterpiece.

Speakers: Daniel Miao, Tommy McGlynn, Alex Miyamura

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WWDC18 • Session 302

What's New in Managing Apple Devices

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:23

Learn about new management capabilities for iOS, macOS, and tvOS, tool evolution over the past year, and important changes coming this fall. You'll discover how new MDM features help administrators manage devices more effectively, how educators can enhance the classroom learning environment, and how app developers can make their app a better fit for education and enterprise customers.

Speaker: Todd Fernandez

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WWDC18 • Session 304

What's New in Search Ads

App Store and Distribution • iOS • 18:45

Search Ads is a great way to help people discover your app in App Store search results. Learn how new market expansion will give you greater opportunities to reach high quality customers. See how Search Ads Advanced new creative variations will help make your app promotion even more effective.

Speakers: Lindsay Verity, Carol Hsu

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WWDC18 • Session 412

Advanced Debugging with Xcode and LLDB

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 53:40

Discover advanced techniques, and tips and tricks for enhancing your Xcode debugging workflows. Learn how to take advantage of LLDB and custom breakpoints for more powerful debugging. Get the most out of Xcode’s view debugging tools to solve UI issues in your app more efficiently.

Speakers: Chris Miles, Sebastian Fischer

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WWDC18 • Session 415

Behind the Scenes of the Xcode Build Process

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 57:33

Ever wonder what happens when you build your project in Xcode? Learn how Xcode automates the steps required to build an application, and go behind the scenes to learn how clang, swiftc, and the linker work together to turn your source code into a working program.

Speakers: Jake Petroules, Jürgen Ributzka, Devin Coughlin, Louis Gerbarg

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WWDC18 • Session 408

Building Faster in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:48

Build your apps faster in Xcode 10. Learn how to structure your projects and tweak your code to take full advantage of all processor cores. Whether you've made a few small code changes you want to give a try, or you're building your full app for release, these techniques will cut the time it takes to build a running app.

Speakers: David Owens, Jordan Rose

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WWDC18 • Session 224

Core Data Best Practices

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:26

As your app gains more customers and becomes more feature-rich, you may find yourself with new problems to solve. Core Data is a powerful tool that has changed a lot over the years. Learn about the new best practices in Core Data, such as how to use concurrency and persistent history, and discover how to test for, and resolve, common problems using familiar technologies.

Speakers: Scott Perry, Nick Gillett

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WWDC18 • Session 413

Create Your Own Swift Playgrounds Subscription

Developer Tools • iOS • 35:23

Swift Playgrounds is a revolutionary iPad app to teach coding with the powerful Swift programming language. Learn how to create your own content for Swift Playgrounds using the new template, and find out how to use the subscription format to host your own feed online for others to access.

Speakers: Holly Borla, Grace Kendall

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WWDC18 • Session 410

Creating Custom Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 55:40

Understand how custom instruments are useful and when they should be used. Get an in-depth view of the architecture of custom instruments and how to create them. Understand the attributes of a good instrument. Dive into advanced modeling and how to use the CLIPS language.

Speakers: Chad Woolf, Kacper Harasim

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WWDC18 • Session 222

Data You Can Trust

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 38:24

A lot can go wrong when loading data into your app. Whether you work directly with JSON and property lists, or with higher-level APIs such as NSCoding and Codable, learn how to defend your customers and secure your code against invalid or malicious data. Avoid fatal assumptions by validating payload structure, type information and domain correctness, to turn the data you work with into data you can trust.

Speaker: Itai Ferber

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WWDC18 • Session 223

Embracing Algorithms

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:12

When you imagine building a new app, what do you think about? Models, views, and controllers deserve their prominent place in the design process, but we don't often give the same attention to the underlying work our apps need to do. Understand how to identify and optimize the algorithms in your app, and discover how implementing algorithms as generic protocol extensions results in efficient, effective, and maintainable code.

Speaker: Dave Abrahams

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WWDC18 • Session 402

Getting the Most out of Playgrounds in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 38:19

Discover major advancements in Xcode playgrounds. Learn advanced tips and techniques, hear about new and often overlooked workflows, and rediscover the tools provided when coding in playgrounds.

Speakers: Tibet Rooney-Rabdau, Alex Brown, TJ Usiyan

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WWDC18 • Session 411

Getting to Know Swift Package Manager

Developer Tools • macOS • 36:37

The Swift Package Manager makes it possible to easily develop and distribute source code in the Swift ecosystem. Learn about its goals, design, unique features, and the opportunities it has for continued evolution.

Speakers: Rick Ballard, Boris Buegling

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WWDC18 • Session 210

Introducing Dark Mode

Developer Tools • macOS • 59:09

Hear from the Apple design team about the principles and concepts that anchor Dark Mode. Learn the basics of enhancing your app with this new appearance, and add an experience that people are sure to love.

Speakers: Raymond Sepulveda, Rachel Goldeen, Taylor Kelly

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WWDC18 • Session 405

Measuring Performance Using Logging

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 35:24

Learn how to use signposts and logging to measure performance. Understand how the Points of Interest instrument can be used to examine logged data. Get an introduction into creating and using custom instruments.

Speakers: Shane Owara, Chad Woolf

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WWDC18 • Session 609

Metal for Accelerating Machine Learning

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 38:26

Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) includes a highly tuned library of machine learning primitives leveraging the tremendous power of the GPU. With iOS 12 and macOS Mojave, MPS adds capabilities to accelerate the computationally intensive task of training a neural network. Learn performance optimizations for inference, and understand the training process for both convolutional and recurrent neural networks (CNNs and RNNs).

Speaker: Anna Tikhonova

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WWDC18 • Session 404

New Localization Workflows in Xcode 10

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 41:41

The localization process in Xcode 10 has been updated to aid you through the lifecycle of exporting, importing, and testing localized content in your apps. See new functionality added in Xcode 10 and learn how the new localization catalog helps you build world-class, localized apps.

Speakers: Chris Hanson, Sara Radi, Vivian Robison

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WWDC18 • Session 227

Optimizing App Assets

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 46:44

Learn how to use assets to bring visually compelling and data efficient artwork to your apps, leveraging new features in iOS 12. Gain insight into organizing, optimizing, and authoring artwork assets by using asset catalogs to their fullest. Learn techniques to better streamline workflows between designers and developers. Ensure better app delivery and a smaller footprint, maximizing target audiences of your app with full artwork asset fidelity.

Speakers: Will Li, Patrick Heynen

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WWDC18 • Session 407

Practical Approaches to Great App Performance

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 50:20

All apps benefit from a focus on performance and an increase in overall responsiveness. This information packed session gives you strategies for fixing performance problems using Instruments and other tools. Additionally, get practical advice based on experience in tuning Apple's own apps including Xcode and Photos on iOS.

Speakers: Jon Hess, Matthieu Lucas

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WWDC18 • Session 811

Presenting Design Work

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 15:08

Ideas can live or die by their presentation. Learn indispensable and proven techniques for presenting your design work to better communicate your objectives and receive helpful, valuable and constructive feedback.

Speaker: Alexander James O’Connell

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WWDC18 • Session 418

Source Control Workflows in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:30

Xcode integrates with GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab to help you manage your source code, back up your files, and collaborate with others. Find out how to easily see the changes in your project right in the source editor, and learn how to use Xcode for common source control workflows with Git. See how conflicts occur, how to resolve them, and how to avoid them before they even happen.

Speaker: Eric Dudiak

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WWDC18 • Session 406

Swift Generics (Expanded)

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 56:55

Generics are one of the most powerful features of Swift, enabling you to write flexible, reusable components while maintaining static type information. Learn about the design of Swift's generics, including how to generalize protocols, leverage protocol inheritance to express the varying capabilities of related types, build composable generic components with conditional conformances, and reason about the interaction between class inheritance and generics. This expanded version of the WWDC 2018 session includes a brand-new discussion of recursive constraints.

Speakers: Ben Cohen, Doug Gregor

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WWDC18 • Session 417

Testing Tips & Tricks

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 37:26

Testing is an essential tool to consistently verify your code works correctly, but often your code has dependencies that are out of your control. Discover techniques for making hard-to-test code testable on Apple platforms using XCTest. Learn a variety of tips for writing higher-quality tests that run fast and require less maintenance.

Speakers: Brian Croom, Stuart Montgomery

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WWDC18 • Session 414

Understanding Crashes and Crash Logs

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 57:17

Sudden app crashes are a source of bad user experience and app review rejections. Learn how crash logs can be analyzed, what information they contain and how to diagnose the causes of crashes, including hard-to-reproduce memory corruptions and multithreading issues.

Speakers: Chris D’Angelo, Greg Parker, Kuba Mracek

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WWDC18 • Session 229

Using Collections Effectively

Developer Tools • macOS • 37:53

Every app uses collections! Go beyond the basics with specific tips on how best to use indices, slices, bridging, laziness, and reference types. Gain better understanding of when to use each collection for best performance.

Speaker: Michael LeHew

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WWDC18 • Session 209

What's New in Cocoa for macOS

Developer Tools • macOS • 40:38

Gain insights into the latest in Cocoa frameworks for macOS. Hear about Dark Mode, control tinting, contextual workflows for Touch Bar and Finder, and other improvements in AppKit, Foundation, and related areas. Get an overview and guide to the sessions that we have this year covering advancements in Cocoa.

Speakers: Ali Ozer, Chris Dreessen, Jesse Donaldson

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WWDC18 • Session 409

What's New in LLVM

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 42:14

The LLVM suite of compiler tools in Xcode 10 have new language features, improved diagnostics, and more powerful optimizations. Find out about improvements to ARC for Objective-C, keep up with the newest additions to C++, get an overview of new and improved diagnostics and static analyzer checks, and learn about how LLVM compiler technology is delivering faster build times and better runtime performance for your apps.

Speakers: Jim Grosbach, Alex Lorenz, George Karpenkov, Ahmed Bougacha

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WWDC18 • Session 401

What's New in Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:29

Hear about the latest advancements in Swift, the safe, fast, and expressive language. Find out about improvements to build times, code size, and runtime performance. Learn how to take advantage of new features in your code that eliminate boilerplate, increase safety and security, and improve your overall development productivity.

Speakers: Ted Kremenek, Slava Pestov

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WWDC18 • Session 403

What's New in Testing

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 30:54

Hear about exciting improvements to code coverage, including how you can build your own automation on top of Xcode’s coverage reports. Learn how to dramatically speed up the execution of your tests by leveraging distributed parallel testing, new in Xcode 10.

Speakers: Honza Dvorsky, Ethan Vaughan

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WWDC18 • Session 228

What’s New in Energy Debugging

Developer Tools • iOS • 50:51

People expect long battery life on their mobile devices, and apps play a vital role in achieving that experience. Understand how app behavior affects battery consumption, and learn strategies to conserve energy while providing the best experience for your app. Find out how Xcode Energy Reports can help you tune your app to use the least amount of power possible.

Speakers: Phillip Azar, David Choi

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WWDC18 • Session 416

iOS Memory Deep Dive

Developer Tools • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 51:28

Discover how memory graphs can be used to get a close up look at what is contributing to an app’s memory footprint. Understand the true memory cost of an image. Learn some tips and tricks for reducing the memory footprint of an app.

Speakers: Kyle Howarth, James Snee, Kris Markel

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WWDC18 • Session 712

A Guide to Turi Create

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:17

Turi Create is an open source toolset for creating Core ML models, for tasks such as image classification, object detection, style transfers, recommendations, and more. Learn how you can use Turi Create to build models for your apps.

Speakers: Aaron Franklin, Zach Nation

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WWDC18 • Session 225

A Tour of UICollectionView

Frameworks • iOS • 40:21

UICollectionView is a flexible, powerful tool to help you achieve great user experiences in your applications. Hear how you can leverage these rich APIs to rapidly move from initial design ideas to polished shipping applications. Topics range from getting started to advanced update animations and layouts.

Speakers: Steve Breen, Mohammed Jisrawi

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WWDC18 • Session 706

Accessing Health Records with HealthKit

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 38:01

HealthKit provides a consolidated repository for a variety of data including health records containing information such as lab results, immunizations, and medications downloaded directly from institutions. Discover new health records classes and types created to provide easy access to high-level record types without preventing access to the underlying raw data. Learn new authorization techniques that allows your app to access health record data for analysis and presentation in a manner that respects your customer's privacy.

Speakers: Jason Morley, Peyton Randolph

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WWDC18 • Session 233

Adding Delight to your iOS App

Frameworks • iOS • 51:21

iOS contains powerful technologies you can use to make your app truly delightful. Learn how to take your app to the next level with easy-to-implement features such as Handoff and External Display support. Preserve that feeling of magic in your app with pro-tips that combine animations, gestures and layout, while keeping your scrolling smooth, and your code scalable. Dive into the anatomy of a launch to get your app responsive quickly, and learn some great debugging tricks from the pros!

Speakers: Ben Fearnley, Peter Hajas

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WWDC18 • Session 218

Advanced Dark Mode

Frameworks • macOS • 51:20

Step deeper into Dark Mode adoption in your macOS application. Learn about the powerful Cocoa technologies at the core of Dark Mode, and take a detailed look at the APIs and best practices for adapting to this beautiful new look.

Speakers: Matt Jacobson, Jeff Nadeau

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WWDC18 • Session 205

Advances in Research and Care Frameworks

Frameworks • iOS • 37:28

HealthKit, CoreMotion, and other iOS frameworks combined with the ResearchKit and CareKit open-source projects, provide a deep platform for the creation of game-changing apps for care teams, researchers, and the medical community. Discover new active tasks that leverage calibrated device data and how new CoreMotion APIs deliver insightful results capable of assisting diagnosis and improving care. Hear about updates and contributions from the open-source community and gain practical guidance you need to rapidly deliver your next research or care app.

Speakers: Srinath Tupil Muralidharan, Gabriel Blanco, Akshay Yadav

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WWDC18 • Session 809

Apple Pencil Design Essentials

Frameworks • iOS • 10:46

Make your apps even more powerful and expressive with Apple Pencil. Learn Apple Pencil design best practices such as correctly balancing touch and pencil interactions, fully harnessing Apple Pencil sensors, and creating more efficient and natural user flows.

Speaker: Guillaume Ardaud

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WWDC18 • Session 204

Automatic Strong Passwords and Security Code AutoFill

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 36:41

Passwords and security codes are a modern necessity required for security and privacy. iOS 12 eases the tedious aspects of account setup and sign-in by automatically suggesting and using strong, unique passwords — even from within apps — and by bringing one-time codes to the QuickType bar so users can fill them with one tap. Learn how to optimize your app to ensure that password, security code, and other AutoFill features provide a seamless way for your users to be more secure.

Speakers: Chelsea Pugh, Reza Abbasian, Harris Papadopoulos

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WWDC18 • Session 718

Better Apps through Better Privacy

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:25

At Apple, we believe in building products with both great features and great privacy. Learn how to apply privacy engineering techniques to your apps so you can build trust with users to unlock better experiences and engagement. And find out how new privacy features can benefit you and your users.

Speakers: Joey Tyson, Brandon Van Ryswyk

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WWDC18 • Session 214

Building for Voice with Siri Shortcuts

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 36:27

Siri Shortcuts are a great way to help people execute actions or get information from your app, but shortcuts can be made even more powerful by adding them to Siri to be used with a simple phrase. Learn how you can now customize responses from Siri and add custom UI to make a great shortcuts experience across iOS, watchOS and HomePod. See how to allow users to add and manage shortcuts from right within your app and learn best practices to make shortcut suggestions that can be exposed through Settings.

Speakers: Amit Jain, Ayaka Nonaka

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WWDC18 • Session 213

CarPlay Audio and Navigation Apps

Frameworks • iOS • 38:32

Learn how to update your audio or navigation app to support CarPlay. Apps in CarPlay are optimized for use in the car, and automatically adapt to available vehicle screens and input controls. Audio apps can deliver music, news, podcasts, and more. With the new CarPlay framework, Navigation apps can provide detailed maps, destination search, turn-by-turn guidance, and user notifications.

Speakers: Jonathan Hersh, Albert Wan, Mike Knippers

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WWDC18 • Session 201

Creating Apps for a Global Audience

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 38:27

Common assumptions can break when your app is used by a global audience. Learn about the many aspects of creating apps for different regions and languages. Understand how to use fonts and typography, layout techniques, and support text input so your app shines in all languages.

Speakers: Joaquim Lobo Silva, 柳东原 · Dongyuan Liu, करन मिश्र · Karan Miśra

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WWDC18 • Session 803

Designing Fluid Interfaces

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:04:41

Discover the techniques used to create the fluid gestural interface of iPhone X. Learn how to design with gestures and motion that feel intuitive and natural, making your app a delight to use.

Speakers: Chan Karunamuni, Nathan de Vries, Marcos Alonso

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WWDC18 • Session 806

Designing Notifications

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 38:34

Thoughtfully designed notifications are a powerful way to communicate timely information to people that they will find valuable and useful. Learn how you can design notifications people want to receive by making them beautiful, helpful, actionable, and respectful of their valuable time and attention.

Speakers: Jon Dascola, Heena Ko

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WWDC18 • Session 239

Designing Web Content for watchOS

Frameworks • watchOS • 8:00

watchOS 5 brings web content to Apple Watch by rendering rich HTML in Messages and Mail. Gain insights into how watchOS maintains compatibility with existing web content, and find out what you can do to optimize your web content for Apple Watch.

Speaker: Wenson Hsieh

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WWDC18 • Session 508

Getting and Using a MapKit JS Key

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 13:56

MapKit JS uses the JWT standard for ensuring a secure connection between your site and the MapKit JS services. Learn how to create, protect, and use site-specific keys to ensure only your servers are accessing APIs linked to your domain.

Speaker: Eric Gelinas

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 220

High Performance Auto Layout

Frameworks • iOS • 40:55

Get a glimpse inside to find out what happens when you add a constraint! Dive into the internals of Auto Layout to develop intuition for how your code affects what happens under the hood. Learn how to measure and refine your approach to Auto Layout and see how its improved performance in iOS 12 will speed up your app.

Speakers: Ken Ferry, Kasia Wawer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 231

HomeKit Deep Dive

Frameworks • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 42:43

Get a fresh look at the HomeKit APIs. Understand how Siri and the Apple Home App use Action Sets and Accessory Services & Characteristics to provide a great home automation experience.

Speaker: Keith Rauenbuehler

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 203

I Have This Idea For An App...

Frameworks • iOS • 54:32

Do you have an idea for an app that you think would be useful to others, but you don't know how to make it a reality? You're not alone! Lots of people are interested in app development, but they aren't sure how to turn their idea to code and then into a finished app. From first steps to Xcode, we'll explain the building blocks you need to turn your iOS app idea into reality.

Speakers: Jessie Pease, Tanu Singhal

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 721

Implementing AutoFill Credential Provider Extensions

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 25:57

Password AutoFill delivers the ability to fill passwords seamlessly within iOS apps and Safari. Join us to learn how app developers who provide credential management can surface their credentials during sign-in within apps and on the web.

Speaker: David Quesada

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 802

Intentional Design

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:04

Great app experiences leap off the screen. They are dynamic, immersive, personal, and, above all else, the result of a strong and clear intent. Learn key techniques for being intentional with your design by choosing appropriate metaphors, making extreme choices, and making every interaction feel more authentic and natural.

Speaker: Doug LeMoine

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 215

Introducing ClassKit

Frameworks • iOS • 38:24

The new ClassKit framework lets you organize educational content in your app so that teachers can discover and assign specific activities and view students’ progress in the new Schoolwork app. Learn how to adopt ClassKit to your content structure, declare assignable content, and share student progress on activities teachers assign in Schoolwork.

Speakers: Pavel Dudrenov, Marin Eubanks

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 703

Introducing Create ML

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:20

Create ML is a new framework designed to help you easily build machine learning models using Swift and Xcode. Designed for Simplicity and Performance. Learn how you can build customized models from data that will enable new and powerful features in your apps using Create ML.

Speakers: Gaurav Kapoor, Lizi Ottens, Tao Jia

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 212

Introducing MapKit JS

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 57:14

MapKit JS brings Apple Maps to your website. See how MapKit JS provides map rendering that is optimized for various browsers and devices, and supports native gestures such as pinch-to-zoom, two-finger rotate, and more. Learn how to add annotations and overlays, and how to use JavaScript interfaces to Apple Maps services such as Search and Directions to deliver an amazing map experience on your website.

Speakers: Vicki Murley, Julien Quint, Melody Kelly

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 713

Introducing Natural Language Framework

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 38:23

Natural Language is a redesigned framework designed to provide high-performance, on-device APIs for fundamental NLP tasks across all Apple platforms. Through the deep integration of the framework with Core ML and Create ML, you now have the ability to train custom NLP models to perform many different inferences and leverage the power of NLP in your apps. Join us for this exciting session to learn all the details and to see it in action.

Speakers: Doug Davidson, Vivek Kumar Rangarajan Sridhar

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 715

Introducing Network.framework: A modern alternative to Sockets

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 1:01:43

The new Network.framework API gives you direct access to the same high-performance user-space networking stack used by URLSession. If you’re considering using Berkeley Sockets in your app or library, learn what better options are available to you.

Speakers: Josh Graessley, Tommy Pauly, Eric Kinnear

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 211

Introduction to Siri Shortcuts

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 48:45

Siri Shortcuts are a powerful new feature in iOS 12 that allow your app to expose its functionality to Siri. This enables Siri to suggest your shortcut at relevant times based on various context. Shortcuts can also be added to Siri to run with a voice phrase on iOS, HomePod and watchOS. Learn how to expose shortcuts in your app using NSUserActivity and discover the benefits of creating custom intents with SiriKit for a richer user experience.

Speakers: Ari Weinstein, Willem Mattelaer

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 216

Managing Documents In Your iOS Apps

Frameworks • iOS • 50:59

Last year we introduced the Files App and an easy way to view, edit, and share documents within your application. Learn best practices for implementing this technology, how to effectively manage documents in your app, and how to avoid common document manager pitfalls. Hear about the difference between a Document Browser and a Document Picker and when to use them. Gain a better understanding into how this technology works in a sandbox. Learn how to give your customers a great experience, beginning at sign-in and continuing throughout your app!

Speakers: Brandon Tennant, Thomas Deniau, Rony Fadel

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 707

New Ways to Work with Workouts

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 39:59

Tracking workouts with Apple Watch is popular with fitness professionals and novices alike. See how the new workout API streamlines the entire lifecycle of a workout, complete with ability to restart a session after a crash to prevent you from losing data. Learn how the new workout classes, types, and queries provide quick access to baseline sample data you would typical calculate without limiting access to the fine grained samples you may occasionally require.

Speakers: Niharika Bedekar, Karim Benhmida

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 714

Optimizing Your App for Today’s Internet

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 38:10

Learn what Apple has been doing to help your app get the most out of the network with the least effort. Let Apple’s networking APIs do the heavy lifting for you. Learn best practices for getting top networking performance from your app using the URLSession APIs.

Speakers: Stuart Cheshire, Jiten Mehta

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 237

Quick Look Previews from the Ground Up

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 42:22

Quicklook Previews are an easy way preview documents in your app. Hear about the basics as well as some advanced implementations. Learn to present a variety of types of documents from within your app without reinventing the wheel, and make sure your custom file format works great with the built-in support offered by iOS.

Speakers: Raffael Hannemann, Maxime Uzan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 217

Siri Shortcuts on the Siri Watch Face

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 46:31

Learn how to use Siri Shortcuts to bring glanceable information and custom interactions to the Siri watch face. Walk through how to create a compelling user experience by providing relevant shortcuts and by donating interactions from your app. See how these experiences can be created from both watchOS and iOS.

Speakers: Paul Salzman, Josh Ford

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 207

Strategies for Securing Web Content

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 44:29

Whether you use web content in your app via an embedded WebKit view, deliver pure web apps, or create web content to be embedded by others, it's important to ensure that you are using the most current web security standards. Learn techniques like such as special cookie attributes and HTTP response headers designed to secure your web content against the latest threats that include cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgeries, and speculative execution attacks, commonly known as Spectre.

Speaker: John Wilander

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 221

TextKit Best Practices

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 37:54

Leverage the abilities of TextKit to provide the best experience possible displaying and editing text. Get the best performance out of your app by using TextKit effectively. Learn the concepts to do more complex handling, layout and presentation.

Speakers: Donna Tom, Emily Van Haren

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 804

The Life of a Button

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 35:57

An in-depth exploration of essential interaction, visual and sound design principles and techniques through the design of a simple button.

Speakers: Julian Missig, Hugo Verweij

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 801

The Qualities of Great Design

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 53:22

Great Design isn’t magic, it is crafted with care by real people. Explore the characteristics of great design through the voices of designers from Apple and our developer community. Learn how they take inspiration from everyday life, conceive and refine ideas, and push themselves to design apps and games that can stand the test of time.

Speaker: Lauren Strehlow

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 810

Tips for Great Maps

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 16:59

Maps are powerful tools for conveying information. Learn key cartographic principles that will help you create beautiful, useful maps so that your users can get the most out of your apps.

Speaker: Sarah Harling

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 235

UIKit: Apps for Every Size and Shape

Frameworks • iOS • 40:17

Ground-up coverage of how to make an app that can fit on devices of every size and shape. Make your app fit beautifully on Apple's full range of devices with the minimum amount of effort, future-proofing your user experience along the way.

Speakers: David Duncan, Tyler Fox, Russell Ladd

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 701

Using Accelerate and simd

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:48

Learn how to use sophisticated Signal and Image Processing techniques to bring higher performance to your apps while lowering battery consumption. See compelling use cases for the Accelerate framework with interactive demos. Explore using simd—a valuable addition that effortlessly brings vector programming to your apps.

Speakers: Matthew Badin, Luke Chang

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 711

Using Grouped Notifications

Frameworks • iOS • 31:56

Grouping the notifications your app sends helps people get more information at a glance and manage multiple notifications at once. Learn how to implement Grouped Notifications in your app.

Speaker: Michele Campeotto

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 720

Wallet and Apple Pay: Creating Great Customer Experiences

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 38:45

Get the latest news and updates from the Wallet and Apple Pay team. Learn how iPhone and Apple Watch can power innovative commerce experiences. Hear about the latest design best practices for Apple Pay. And discover how to create your own contactless passes for rewards cards, gift cards, tickets and more.

Speakers: Ben Chester, Katie Calabro

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 202

What's New in Cocoa Touch

Frameworks • iOS • 40:31

iOS 12 enhances the Cocoa Touch frameworks to improve app performance and deliver exciting new features. Learn about performance best practices, security improvements, tools for supporting multiple screen sizes and shapes, new APIs for iMessage apps, Siri Shortcuts, and Swift refinements. Find out which sessions you won't want to miss throughout the week.

Speakers: Josh Shaffer, Eliza Block

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 238

What's New in TVMLKit

Frameworks • tvOS • 19:43

With TVMLKit you can quickly and easily develop tvOS apps that deliver intuitive and engaging media experiences. Learn about enhancements to data binding that allow you to separate your application logic and user interface, and new features and functions to customize the media playback experience.

Speaker: Jeremy Foo

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 208

What's New in tvOS 12

Frameworks • tvOS • 39:33

Apps on tvOS entertain, inform, and inspire with their content and interactive experiences. tvOS 12 brings new technologies that help make these experiences even more enjoyable and engaging. Get an introduction to focus engine support for non-UIKit apps, new UI elements, and Password AutoFill. Learn how to bring it all together to create incredible tvOS apps and experiences.

Speaker: Hans Kim

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 708

What’s New in Core ML, Part 1

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:24

Introduced just one year ago, Core ML has already revolutionized the way apps can benefit from machine learning, by enabling fast and private on device machine learning features for your app. Find out how new Core ML features let you reduce the size of models, make them more flexible, and dramatically improve performance.

Speakers: Michael Siracusa, Francesco Rossi, Bill March

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 709

What’s New in Core ML, Part 2

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:37

The Core ML tools ecosystem gives you many options for building and optimizing models to meet your app requirements. Learn how to add flexibility to existing models, quantize them, and take advantage of Core ML's support for customization.

Speakers: Aseem Wadhwa, Sohaib Qureshi

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 234

What’s New in Safari and WebKit

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 45:24

Safari and WebKit are continually evolving with new features, APIs, and cutting edge web standards. Learn about this year’s biggest feature highlights, designed to help you create richer experiences with better performance and security — whether you are developing content for a browser or developing an app with embedded web content.

Speakers: Shloka Kini, Jason Sandmeyer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 710

What’s New in User Notifications

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 39:28

Local and push notifications enable your app to keep users informed with timely and relevant content, by displaying messages and accepting users’ actions, or playing distinctive sounds, or updating the badge on your app icon. Improvements to rich notifications help you create more engaging content and better manage notifications. Find out what’s new and get expert advice on implementing user notifications in your app.

Speakers: Kritarth Jain, Teja Kondapalli

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 702

Your Apps and the Future of macOS Security

Frameworks • macOS • 40:18

Apple is on a mission to advance the state of Mac security, and we want your apps to be there with us. Learn about new protections for user data, new capabilities with Developer ID, and how you can best secure your apps.

Speakers: Pierre-Olivier Martel, Kelly Yancey, Garrett Jacobson

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 719

Core Image: Performance, Prototyping, and Python

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 44:44

Core Image is the essential framework for handling image processing tasks in your photo and video apps. In this session, we'll explore new additions to the framework that allow you to achieve great performance in your filter chains and custom CIKernels. We'll also demo a new approach to prototyping in Core Image through the use of an interactive Python environment. Through these techniques you'll discover new ideas for building new creative effects as well as practical approaches to batch processing images for tasks such as image compositing and data boosting for machine learning.

Speakers: David Hayward, Emmanuel Piuze-Phaneuf

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 805

Creating Great AR Experiences

Graphics and Games • iOS • 1:02:37

Engaging AR experiences are easy to start and navigate, persuasively realistic, and highly immersive. Learn best practices for successfully bringing people into an AR experience, teaching them about how to interact and engage with virtual content, and making your AR content look beautiful and grounded in the real world.

Speakers: Grant Paul, Omar Khan

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 605

Inside SwiftShot: Creating an AR Game

Graphics and Games • iOS • 42:55

Developed by Apple, SwiftShot is an energetic and immersive multiplayer AR game built with key iOS technologies. Glimpse behind the curtain and see how SwiftShot was designed and developed using ARKit, SceneKit, and Swift. Understand the intricacies of designing great gameplay for AR, and learn practical techniques for multiplayer synchronization and physics simulation.

Speaker: Alex Rosenberg

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 603

Integrating Apps and Content with AR Quick Look

Graphics and Games • iOS • 41:54

With iOS 12, ARKit includes a built-in viewer for displaying and sharing high-quality 3D content using Pixar's usdz file format. Get introduced to the capabilities of AR Quick Look and see how to easily integrate AR into your app. Learn best practices for preparing 3D models for AR, and see how to deliver usdz content for viewing across Safari, Mail, Messages, and other built-in apps.

Speakers: David Lui, Dave Addey

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 612

Metal Game Performance Optimization

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 33:35

Realize the full potential of your Metal-based games by tackling common issues that cause frame rate slowdowns, stutters, and stalls. Discover how to clear up jitter and maintain a silky-smooth frame rate with simple changes in frame pacing. Get introduced to new tools for analyzing rendering passes and pinpoint expensive or unexpected work. Learn how to avoid thread stalls and get specific advice about handling thermal notifications.

Speakers: Guillem Viñals Gangolells, Ohad Frenkel

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 608

Metal Shader Debugging and Profiling

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 38:13

Metal provides powerful tools for analyzing shader behavior and optimizing performance. Dive into troubleshooting vertex-stage problems with new geometry viewing capabilities in Xcode. Use the shader debugger to step through vertex, fragment, and compute shader execution line-by-line. Get details about analyzing GPU workload, and check out shader profiler enhancements for A11 Bionic.

Speaker: Alp Yucebilgin

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 607

Metal for Game Developers

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 1:00:04

Metal 2 is Apple-designed graphics software that lets developers build console‑style games. Learn key aspects of the Metal architecture that support the techniques for modern high-performance game rendering. See how Metal now enables the GPU to schedule work for itself, allowing complete scenes and compute workloads to be built and executed with little to no CPU interaction. Understand how the seamless integration of Metal 2 with the A11 Bionic chip lets your apps and games realize entirely new levels of performance and capability.

Speakers: Brian Ross, Michael Imbrogno

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 604

Metal for OpenGL Developers

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 55:51

Metal is the foundation for accelerated graphics and compute on Apple platforms, enabling your apps and games to tap into the incredible power of the GPU. Get introduced to essential Metal capabilities and understand the recommended approach for transitioning OpenGL-based apps onto the Metal API.

Speakers: Dan Omachi, Sukanya Sudugu

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 606

Metal for Ray Tracing Acceleration

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 37:16

Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) harnesses the massive parallelism of the GPU to dramatically accelerate calculations at the heart of modern ray tracing and ray casting techniques. See how ray tracing can provide greater realism in 3D scenes through improved shading, soft shadows, and global illumination. Understand how MPS accelerates ray-triangle intersections while enabling dynamic scene updates, and learn how to extend your app across multiple GPUs for even greater performance.

Speakers: Sean James, Wayne Lister

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 611

Metal for VR

Graphics and Games • macOS • 34:36

On macOS, Metal 2 adds specialized support for virtual reality (VR) rendering and external GPUs. Learn about new features and optimizations to take advantage of these technologies within your Metal 2-based apps and games. Understand best practices for scheduling workloads across multiple GPUs and techniques for frame pacing while multi-threading.

Speaker: Karol Gasiński

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 808

Prototyping for AR

Graphics and Games • iOS • 10:38

Designing for AR can be intimidating and discovering design flaws late in the process can be costly. See how low-tech traditional prototyping techniques can help you validate and refine your AR app and game design ideas.

Speaker: Praveen Sharma

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 610

Understanding ARKit Tracking and Detection

Graphics and Games • iOS • 57:59

With ARKit your app can see the world and place virtual objects on horizontal and vertical surfaces and recognize images and objects. Go beyond the API to gain insights into the innovative methods and techniques underlying these capabilities. See how ARKit combines device motion with the camera to provide accurate tracking and plane detection. Get a deeper understanding of persistence and multi-device AR and learn the recommended approach for image tracking and object detection.

Speakers: Marion Maerz, Michele Stoppa

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 602

What’s New in ARKit 2

Graphics and Games • iOS • 57:20

ARKit 2 makes it easy to develop vivid augmented reality experiences and enable apps to interact with the real world in entirely new ways. Discover how multiple iOS devices can simultaneously view an AR scene or play multiplayer AR games. Learn about new capabilities for tracking 2D images, and see how to detect known 3D objects like sculptures, toys, and furniture.

Speakers: Arsalan Malik, Reinhard Klapfer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 507

AVContentKeySession Best Practices

Media • iOS, tvOS • 15:23

AVContentKeySession allows for the management of FairPlay content decryption keys for HTTP Live Streaming. It offers a simplified key loading process that provides applications with control over the lifecycle of content keys, and features such as dual-expiry keys for offline movie rentals. Learn about best practices and recommended patterns for adopting this API.

Speaker: Anil Katti

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 504

Creating Audio Apps for watchOS

Media • watchOS • 32:08

Apps in watchOS 5 have control over audio playback like never before. With a full-fledged background mode for local audio playback using AVFoundation, people can listen to content on the go right from Apple Watch. Learn how to use the new volume control and how to respond to MediaRemote commands. Dive into best practices for getting audio onto Apple Watch with URLSession and update progress when using WatchConnectivity to transfer files from iPhone. Explore how to control playback on iPhone from your app with the new Now Playing view.

Speaker: Neil Desai

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 503

Creating Photo and Video Effects Using Depth

Media • iOS • 33:52

The TrueDepth camera in the iPhone X streams high-quality depth data in real time allowing you to enhance your photo and video apps in fun and creative ways. Dive deep into the principles and best practices for working with depth data, learn how to use the new Portrait Segmentation API for still images, and see how these techniques can create special effects like background replacement and perspective changes.

Speakers: Emmanuel Piuze-Phaneuf, Ron Sokolovsky

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 219

Image and Graphics Best Practices

Media • iOS • 33:31

Whether it's for UI elements or a fundamental part of your application, at some point, you have to handle images. This session is packed with engaging insight into how images are handled in iOS including discussion of UIImage, UIImageView, custom drawing in UIKit, plus advanced CPU and GPU techniques that can help you maximize performance and minimize memory footprint.

Speaker: Kyle Sluder

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 505

Integrating with Photos on macOS

Media • macOS • 37:09

Make your apps even better through improved integration with Photos on macOS. We'll dive deep into the Photos Project Extension API that was introduced in macOS High Sierra and update you on what's new. You'll also learn best practices for handling file promises and image URLs to better handle drag & drop from Photos to your app.

Speakers: Eric Hanson, Tobias Conradi, Sanaa Squalli, Joachim Fornallaz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 501

Introducing Podcast Analytics

Media • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 35:09

Podcasts are created and enjoyed by millions of people around the world. With the addition of Podcast Analytics, podcasters can gather actionable and insightful intelligence into how their show is consumed, while respecting the privacy of their listeners. Learn how to interpret and use these new analytics to improve your show.

Speakers: James O. Boggs, Anne Wootton, Alec Reitter

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 601

Live Screen Broadcast with ReplayKit

Media • iOS, tvOS • 28:13

ReplayKit 2 provides built-in services for broadcasting your screen from iOS and tvOS to viewers online. See how broadcasts can be started right within Control Center or from standard UI included in your own apps and games. Hear about developing broadcast extensions for ReplayKit 2 and get best practices for handling account sign-in.

Speaker: Alexander Subbotin

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 502

Measuring and Optimizing HLS Performance

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 49:32

HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) is used to stream live and on-demand content to global audiences. Discover how to adjust and tune stream authoring and delivery elements to improve the viewing experience. Learn how to accurately measure your streaming performance, identify optimization opportunities, and implement changes to your HLS streams that can significantly improve the user experience.

Speaker: Emil Andriescu

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 506

MusicKit on the Web

Media • iOS, macOS • 24:56

MusicKit has enabled the creation of new, compelling, and engaging Apple Music powered app experiences. With the introduction of MusicKit on the web, as a developer, you can now bring Apple Music powered experiences to the web. Learn how to use declarative markup or javascript to enable Apple Music on your website.

Speakers: Betim Deva, DJ Davis, Jae Hess

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 716

Object Tracking in Vision

Media • iOS, macOS • 40:45

Vision is a high-level framework that provides an easy to use API for handling many computer vision tasks. We'll dive deep into a particularly powerful feature of Vision—tracking objects in video streams. Learn best practices for using Vision in your app. Gain a greater understanding of how request handlers function in terms of lifecycle, performance, and memory utilization.

Speaker: Sergey Kamensky

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 717

Vision with Core ML

Media • iOS, macOS • 39:32

Using Core ML models in Vision makes the creation of powerful Computer Vision applications easy. Learn how easy it is to use custom trained classifiers and object recognition models in a live camera capture. In addition, you'll learn about the latest additions to the Vision Framework along with a deeper dive into some its fundamentals.

Speaker: Frank Doepke

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC18 • Session 206

What's New in watchOS

Media • watchOS • 29:24

watchOS 5 makes creating great experiences on Apple Watch easier than ever before. Learn about robust capabilities to create rich and interactive notifications, a new background mode and controls for audio playback, shortcuts that bring your apps to the Siri watch face, and more. See what’s new in watchOS and discover how to expand your app’s presence on the wrist.

Speaker: Lori Hylan-Cho

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 101


Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 2:17:32

WWDC 2019 Keynote

Speakers: Tim Cook, Kevin Lynch, Sumbul Desai, Haley Allen, Craig Federighi, Meg Frost, Justin Titi, Stacey Lysik, Toby Paterson, John Ternus, David Earl, Colleen Novielli, Rob Chatfield, Lydia Winters, Saxs Persson, Josh Shaffer

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 103

Platforms State of the Union

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:57:18

WWDC 2019 Platforms State of the Union

Speakers: Sebastien Marineau-Mes, Josh Shaffer, Matthew Furlich, Lori Hylan-Cho, Eric Seymour, Katie Skinner, Ben Harroway

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 104

Apple Design Awards

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 49:15

Join us for an unforgettable award ceremony celebrating developers and their outstanding work. The 2019 Apple Design Awards recognize state of the art iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps that reflect excellence in design and innovation.

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 257

Accessibility Inspector

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS • 10:14

The Accessibility Inspector enables you to identify parts of your app that are not accessible. It provides feedback on how you can make them accessible, as well as simulating voice-over to help you identify what a Voice Over user would experience. Watch a live-demo of an app being fully debugged in the Accessibility Inspector, and learn how to leverage this powerful tool to make your apps better for everyone.

Speaker: Gary Chen

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 238

Accessibility in SwiftUI

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS • 38:06

Making your app accessible is critical, but just as important is designing a fantastic accessibility experience. Learn what makes a great experience and how to make your app understandable, navigable, and interactable. SwiftUI builds accessibility into your app for you! Discover how much you get with no extra adoption, like accessible images and controls. Identify where you can add supplemental accessibility information with the new SwiftUI Accessibility API, which gives you the tools to add information to elements such as labels, values, and hints.

Speakers: John Nefulda, Michael Gorbach

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 703

All About Notarization

App Store and Distribution • macOS • 33:39

Notarization is all about identifying and blocking malicious Mac software prior to distribution, without requiring App Review or the Mac App Store. Introduced last year and already widely adopted by Mac app developers, this is your opportunity to take an in depth tour of Notarization workflows and find out what’s new with the Notarization service.

Speakers: Robert Kendall-Kuppe, Garrett Jacobson

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 304

App Distribution – From Ad-hoc to Enterprise

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:51

Whether you want to share your app with a few colleagues, deliver it to employees within an organization, or release it to the world, there's a distribution mechanism designed to fit your needs. Familiarize yourself with each app deployment model, learn how to choose the one that's best for you, and learn about essential testing and distribution tools.

Speaker: Ashley Carroll

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 248

Creating an Accessible Reading Experience

App Store and Distribution • iOS • 8:47

The styling and layout of text is a hallmark feature of an outstanding reading experience. Technologies such as CoreText and TextKit give you the tools you need to create a great text layout. Learn how to make an equally great accessible experience for VoiceOver by adopting the accessibility reading content protocol, adding automatic page turning, and customizing speech output.

Speaker: Darren Minifie

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 302

In-App Purchases and Using Server-to-Server Notifications

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 50:17

Learn about the latest updates in StoreKit and dive deep into best practices for using server-to-server notifications to manage your subscribers.

Speakers: Dana DuBois, Tori Shurman, Manjeet Chawla

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 261

Large Content Viewer: Ensuring Readability for Everyone

App Store and Distribution • iOS • 13:08

Tab Bars can't grow with dynamic text, but the Large Content Viewer helps them to be seen by people with low vision. iOS 13 brings this feature to custom tab bars. Learn how to enable Large Content Viewer on your custom tab bars and ensure the right vector image is featured in the heads-up display.

Speaker: Sommer Panage

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 250

Making Apps More Accessible With Custom Actions

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS • 9:24

Custom Actions simplify the experience for people using assistive technologies with your app and they can help you reduce the number of swipes and taps that are required to navigate through your interface and perform interactions. Learn how to leverage custom actions for use in VoiceOver and Switch Control. New in iOS 13, bring custom actions to Full Keyboard Access and Voice Control on iOS.

Speaker: Dan Golden

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 305

Subscription Offers Best Practices

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 45:03

Dive into implementation best practices for Subscription Offers using StoreKit and server-side logic. Learn how to generate signatures, determine customer eligibility, and reduce churn, plus gain insights into strategies for distributing offers to your customers and utilizing Subscription Offers to give your subscribers the best experience.

Speakers: Ross LeBeau, Michael Gargas

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 244

Visual Design and Accessibility

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS • 10:13

Learn about the importance of supporting Large Text. Hear about Differentiate Without Color, a new API on iOS which can enable people with vision disorders such as color-blindness to easily use your app. Learn how to use it and how it can bring inclusivity to your app. Find out how to enable new Reduce Motion API to stop auto-play in your app for people who may be sensitive to motion.

Speaker: Sommer Panage

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 301

What's New in App Store Connect

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 30:34

App Store Connect continues to improve its role in each step of your app's lifecycle with new features that make your app submission, management, and distribution experience better than ever. Learn about the latest enhancements and discover new ways to ensure each release of your app is better than the last.

Speaker: Tommy McGlynn

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 254

Writing Great Accessibility Labels

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS • 10:23

Great accessibility labels are the difference between someone using and loving your app or someone deleting your app. Experience VoiceOver as demonstrated by an Apple Accessibility engineer as she navigates complex UI and demonstrates how descriptive labels are an easy way to ensure your app is for everyone.

Speaker: Jordyn Castor

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 408

Adopting Swift Packages in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:24

Swift packages are a great way to organize and share code, and are now supported while building apps for all Apple platforms in Xcode 11. Find out how to use community-developed packages in your project, how Swift packages are structured, and how package versioning and dependencies work.

Speakers: Anders Bertelrud, Balraj Aujla

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 707

Advances in App Background Execution

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:06

Background execution is a powerful tool your app can leverage to provide a great user experience. Learn about best practices to follow when running in the background, especially if you use VoIP or silent pushes, and an all-new scheduling API that enables long running processing and maintenance tasks.

Speakers: Roberto Alvarez, Thomas Zhao

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 416

Binary Frameworks in Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:32

Xcode 11 now fully supports using and creating binary frameworks in Swift. Find out how to simultaneously support devices and Simulator with the new XCFramework bundle type, how Swift module interfaces work, and how to manage changes to your framework over time.

Speakers: Harlan Haskins, Jordan Rose

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 704

Core ML 3 Framework

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:38

Core ML 3 now enables support for advanced model types that were never before available in on-device machine learning. Learn how model personalization brings amazing personalization opportunities to your app. Gain a deeper understanding of strategies for linking models and improvements to Core ML tools used for conversion of existing models.

Speakers: Michael Brennan, Anil Katti, Aseem Wadhwa, Allen Lin

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 410

Creating Swift Packages

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 31:05

Whether you want to publish code to share with the community, or you just want a convenient way to organize the code in your apps, Swift packages are here to help. Learn how to create local packages for your own development, how to customize your package via the manifest file, and how to go about publishing a package for others to use.

Speakers: Boris Buegling, Ankit Aggarwal

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 412

Debugging in Xcode 11

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:09

Xcode 11 introduces new features for finding and fixing bugs fast. Discover how to simulate network conditions and thermal states, and how to override your app's runtime environment while debugging. See how the debugging features work with Xcode previews to identify issues before Build & Run. Learn how to work with the View Debugger to troubleshoot your SwiftUI views.

Speakers: Chris Miles, Han-Ming Ong, Sebastian Fischer

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 422

Designing for Adverse Network and Temperature Conditions

Developer Tools • iOS • 36:08

World-class apps deliver a great user experience, even in the most strenuous environments. Learn how to use Xcode to simulate adverse network and temperature conditions. Put your app through its paces and get a firsthand view of how it performs. Hear about best practices that you can adopt to respond to challenging conditions.

Speakers: Alexander Karapetian, Ilya Veygman

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 414

Developing a Great Profiling Experience

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:04

Learn how to add useful tracing to your reusable classes, subsystems, or frameworks. By making it easy to trace your code, you provide adopters with valuable insight and confidence. We'll show you best practices for tracing your Swift and Objective-C code, building custom instruments, and visualizing data in Instruments 11. Share your expertise in a tools experience so others can understand the contracts of your APIs and avoid anti-patterns that impact performance.

Speakers: Daniel Delwood, Kacper Harasim

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 411

Getting Started with Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:54

The Instruments app in Xcode provides a rich set of tools and templates for profiling your app performance. Learn all about Instruments and gain strategies for identifying bottlenecks in your code. See just how to leverage the power of time profiling and points of interest tracking to make meaningful changes to your code that can dramatically improve app responsiveness.

Speakers: Tibet Rooney-Rabdau, Ben Mitchell, Anand Subramanian

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 404

Getting Started with Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 54:25

Xcode is the development environment for creating great apps for Apple platforms. Find out how to take advantage of Xcode features to go all the way from a new project to App Store distribution. Along the way, you'll learn how to navigate the Xcode user interface, how to take advantage of the source editor and live user interface previews, how to incorporate community-developed Swift packages into your app, and how to refactor and test your code, all while developing a working SwiftUI app.

Speakers: Prachi Pai Asnodkar, Holly Borla, Honza Dvorsky

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 417

Improving Battery Life and Performance

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:32

Learn about new ways to find and fix performance issues during daily development, beta testing, and public release on the App Store. Learn how to catch performance issues during daily development by measuring CPU, memory, and more in your XCTests. Discover how to find issues in the field during beta testing and public release using MetricKit. See how the Xcode Organizer now displays the most important metrics from your app aggregated from each version on the App Store.

Speakers: Phillip Azar, Sastry Vadlamani, Ashish Patro, Anshul Dawra

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 718

Introducing Accelerate for Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 20:59

Accelerate framework provides hundreds of computational functions that are highly optimized to the system architecture your device is running on. Learn how to access all of these powerful functions directly in Swift. Understand how the power of vector programming can deliver incredible performance to your iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps.

Speaker: Simon Gladman

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 206

Introducing SF Symbols

Developer Tools • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:32

SF Symbols introduces a comprehensive library of vector-based symbols that you can incorporate into your app to simplify the layout of user interface elements through automatic alignment with surrounding text, and support for multiple weights and sizes. Learn how easy it is to adapt to different screen sizes and layouts, and improve the accessibility and localizability of your app. Get details on how to create new symbols for your specific needs that perfectly match the visual style of SF Symbols.

Speakers: Paolo Mazzetti, Tom Adriaenssen

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 430

Introducing the Create ML App

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 14:34

Bringing the power of Core ML to your app begins with one challenge. How do you create your model? The new Create ML app provides an intuitive workflow for model creation. See how to train, evaluate, test, and preview your models quickly in this easy-to-use tool. Get started with one of the many available templates handling a number of powerful machine learning tasks. Learn more about the many features for continuous model improvement and experimentation.

Speaker: Lizi Ottens

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 429

LLDB: Beyond "po"

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 20:44

LLDB is a powerful tool for exploring and debugging your app at runtime. Discover the various ways to display values in your app, how to format custom data types, and how to extend LLDB using your own Python 3 scripts.

Speakers: Davide Italiano, Jonas Devlieghere

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 233

Mastering Xcode Previews

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 44:08

Xcode 11 displays previews of your user interface right in the editor, streamlining the edit-debug-run cycle into a seamless workflow. Learn how previews work, how to optimize the structure of your SwiftUI app for previews, and how to add preview support to your existing views and view controllers.

Speakers: Anton Vladimirov, Nate Chandler

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 421

Modeling in Custom Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:41

Custom instruments make it possible to profile your app your way, telling the story of what your app is doing at runtime. At the center of each custom instrument is a modeler. Find out how to build your own modelers that translate from signpost output to the data you want to show in your instrument. Learn how the Instruments rules engine works and how to optimize your instrument for maximum efficiency. This session builds on Creating Custom Instruments from WWDC 2018.

Speakers: Chad Woolf, Alejandro Lucena

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 415

Modern Swift API Design

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 41:06

Every programming language has a set of conventions that people come to expect. Learn about the patterns that are common to Swift API design, with examples from new APIs like SwiftUI, Combine, and RealityKit. Whether you're developing an app as part of a team, or you're publishing a library for others to use, find out how to use new features of Swift to ensure clarity and correct use of your APIs.

Speakers: Ben Cohen, Doug Gregor

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 423

Optimizing App Launch

Developer Tools • iOS, tvOS • 43:18

Slow app launches are frustrating. Learn about the new app launch instrument and discover how to make your app launch fast. Gain insights into what happens during app launch and how to minimize, prioritize, and optimize work at this critical time. Hear tips and tricks from the engineers making iOS apps launch fast.

Speakers: Spencer Lewson, Dan Sawada

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 419

Optimizing Storage in Your App

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:49

How you store data in your app affects not only disk footprint, but also the performance of your app and the battery life of the device. Learn techniques for optimizing data serialization, working with images, and syncing to disk. Find out how to take advantage of features in SQLite to improve performance and safety.

Speakers: Kai Kaahaaina, Alejandro Lucena

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 405

Swift Playgrounds 3

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 41:18

Introducing Swift Playgrounds 3: the latest iteration of the revolutionary app for iPad that makes coding in Swift interactive and fun. Discover how you can use your own playgrounds to rapidly iterate on code that uses device features. Find out how the new modules feature both helps organize your own code and provides new opportunities for playground book authors.

Speakers: Jonathan Penn, Grace Kendall, Joy Forbes

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 413

Testing in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 53:30

Unit testing is an essential tool to consistently verify your code works correctly. Learn about the built-in testing features in Xcode, using XCTest. Find out how to organize your tests and run them under different configurations using test plans, new in Xcode 11. Discover how to automate testing and efficiently work with the results.

Speakers: Ana Calinov, Stuart Montgomery, Ethan Vaughan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 409

What's New in Clang and LLVM

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 41:03

Keep up with the latest enhancements to C, Objective-C, and C++ made possible by advancements in the Clang compiler and LLVM. Find out about new static analyzer features and how to use them to improve your code. Learn how to take advantage of new optimizations for code size.

Speakers: Jessica Paquette, JF Bastien, Devin Coughlin

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 209

What's New in Machine Learning

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 14:48

Core ML 3 has been greatly expanded to enable even more amazing, on-device machine learning capabilities in your app. Learn about the new Create ML app which makes it easy to build Core ML models for many tasks. Get an overview of model personalization; exciting updates in Vision, Natural Language, Sound, and Speech; and added support for cutting-edge model types.

Speakers: Gaurav Kapoor, Lizi Ottens

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 402

What's New in Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:43

Swift is now the language of choice for a number of major frameworks across all of Apple's platforms, including SwiftUI, RealityKit and Create ML. Join us for a review of Swift 5.0 and an exploration of Swift 5.1, new in Xcode 11. Find out about the latest advancements in performance and safety. Discover new features in the language, and how they have enabled the development of these new frameworks.

Speakers: Ted Kremenek, Anna Zaks

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 401

What's New in Xcode 11

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:01

Start the week with a tour of new features in Xcode 11, designed to help you get from idea to product faster than ever. Discover new ways to edit and organize your source code, new capabilities for designing and previewing user interfaces, and great improvements for debugging and testing. Get an overview for sessions covering developer tools this year.

Speaker: Ken Orr

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 241

Adding Indoor Maps to your App and Website

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 52:45

The Indoor Maps Program enables organizations with large public or private spaces to deliver user experiences that provide precise indoor location information and present stunning indoor maps. Discover the overall process in the indoor map enablement workflow then take deep dive into the technical details on how MapKit and MapKit JS use powerful APIs and geo-standards to rapidly integrate indoor maps into your app and website.

Speakers: Stephane Godbillon, Mithilesh Kumar

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 252

Advances in CarPlay Systems

Frameworks • iOS • 15:59

CarPlay is a smarter, safer way to use your iPhone in the car. Learn how to update your vehicle system to take advantage of new features in iOS 13. Add support for dynamically changing screen sizes, second screens such as instrument clusters, and even irregularly shaped displays. Learn how to support "Hey Siri" for hands-free voice activation.

Speakers: Tom Powell, Tanya Kancheva

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 215

Advances in Collection View Layout

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 50:12

Collection View Layouts make it easy to build rich interactive collections. Learn how to make dynamic and responsive layouts that range in complexity from basic lists to an advanced, multi-dimensional browsing experience.

Speakers: Steve Breen, Troy Stephens, Dersu Abolfathi

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 723

Advances in Foundation

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:53

The Foundation framework provides a base layer of functionality for apps and frameworks that's used throughout the macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS SDKs. Hear about valuable enhancements to Foundation collections, performance, internationalization features, and Swift integration.

Speaker: I-Ting Tina Liu

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 232

Advances in Natural Language Framework

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:18

Natural Language is a framework designed to provide high-performance, on-device APIs for natural language processing tasks across all Apple platforms. Learn about the addition of Sentiment Analysis and Text Catalog support in the framework. Gain a deeper understanding of transfer learning for text-based models and the new support for Word Embeddings which can power great search experiences in your app.

Speakers: Vivek Kumar Rangarajan Sridhar, Doug Davidson

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 712

Advances in Networking, Part 1

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 56:58

Keep up with new and evolving networking protocols and standards by leveraging the modern networking frameworks on all Apple platforms and following best practices for efficiency and performance. In this session, learn about Low Data Mode, Combine in URLSession, WebSocket, and improvements to network mobility.

Speakers: Josh Graessley, Guoye Zhang, Jiten Mehta, Christoph Paasch

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 713

Advances in Networking, Part 2

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:01:24

Take your networking apps to the next level with advances in Bonjour, custom message framing handlers, and the latest in security. You’ll also learn how to understand your networking performance by collecting metrics, and how best to use the modern networking frameworks on Apple platforms.

Speakers: Eric Kinnear, Tommy Pauly, Stuart Cheshire

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 256

Advances in Speech Recognition

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 6:09

Speech Recognizer can now be used locally on iOS or macOS devices with no network connection. Learn how you can bring text-to-speech support to your app while maintaining privacy and eliminating the limitations of server-based processing. Speech recognition API has also been enhanced to provide richer analytics including speaking rate, pause duration, and voice quality.

Speaker: Neha Agrawal

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 220

Advances in UI Data Sources

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 36:14

Use UI Data Sources to simplify updating your table view and collection view items using automatic diffing. High fidelity, quality animations of set changes are automatic and require no extra code! This improved data source mechanism completely avoids synchronization bugs, exceptions, and crashes! Learn about this simplified data model that uses on identifiers and snapshots so that you can focus on your app’s dynamic data and content instead of the minutia of UI data synchronization.

Speakers: Steve Breen, Troy Stephens, Jacob Klapper

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 701

Advances in macOS Security

Frameworks • macOS • 40:45

We are on a journey to continuously improve macOS security, with a particular focus on preventing malware and protecting user data. Join us on the next step and learn more about what’s new in Gatekeeper—for keeping malware out of macOS—as well as new protections that help keep users’ data and activity under their control.

Speakers: Garrett Jacobson, Kelly Yancey

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 258

Architecting Your App for Multiple Windows

Frameworks • iOS • 15:28

Dive into the details about what it means to support multitasking in iOS 13. Understand how previous best practices fit together with new ideas. Learn the nuances of structuring your application to support multiple windows, and how to instantiate your UI, handle windows coming and going, and manage your app’s underlying window resources.

Speaker: Janum Trivedi

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 514

Auditing Web Content with Web Inspector

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 8:14

Discover a new way to ensure your web content meets team coding standards and that you can deliver better code even without reliance on automated test systems. Find out how to use the Audit tool in Web Inspector to quickly and easily audit your web content during development so important compliance details don't slip by.

Speaker: Jonathan Davis

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 426

Building Activity Classification Models in Create ML

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 15:01

Your iPhone and Apple Watch are loaded with a number of powerful sensors including an accelerometer and gyroscope. Activity Classifiers can be trained on data from these sensors to bring some magic to your app, such as knowing when someone is running or swinging a bat. Learn how the Create ML app makes it easy to train and evaluate one of these Core ML models. Gain a deeper understanding of how to collect the raw data needed for training. See the use of these models in action.

Speaker: Yuxin Bai

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 237

Building Custom Views with SwiftUI

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:11

Learn how to build custom views and controls in SwiftUI with advanced composition, layout, graphics, and animation. See a demo of a high performance, animatable control and watch it made step by step in code. Gain a deeper understanding of the layout system of SwiftUI.

Speakers: Dave Abrahams, John Harper

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 805

Building Great Shortcuts

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 11:51

Shortcuts enable people to quickly and easily accomplish actions or get things done hands-free using Siri and the Shortcuts app. Join us for a tour of where shortcuts can appear, how you can customize the experience, and how your app’s shortcuts can be used with variables and actions from other apps.

Speaker: Ian McDowell

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 721

Combine in Practice

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 34:40

Expand your knowledge of Combine, Apple's new unified, declarative framework for processing values over time. Learn about how to correctly handle errors, schedule work and integrate Combine into your app today.

Speakers: Michael LeHew, Ben D. Jones

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 715

Core NFC Enhancements

Frameworks • iOS • 30:43

Learn how easy it is to add support for NFC in your app and take advantage of the newest capabilities such as NDEF writing and support for widely adopted native tag protocols.

Speakers: Gordon Scott, Lawrence Chung

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 403

Creating Great Localized Experiences with Xcode 11

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:57

Learn how your app can support per-app language settings in iOS 13. Get the details on localizing assets with asset catalogs and simplifying your localization workflow with Xcode 11. Understand how to generate screenshots in multiple languages for localization and testing.

Speakers: Kulpreet Chilana, Vivian Robison, Arthur Rayer

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 208

Creating Independent Watch Apps

Frameworks • watchOS • 28:02

watchOS 6 enables a whole new level of watchOS experiences by allowing fully independent apps and apps built just for Apple Watch, and by bringing the App Store to Apple Watch. Discover how to leverage the power of many iOS frameworks and technologies, now on watchOS, to create fully independent experiences on Apple Watch.

Speaker: Neil Desai

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 709

Cryptography and Your Apps

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 38:51

System frameworks encrypt both data at rest and data in transit in a transparent way for you. This functionality is available by simply setting an attribute. However you may want to do more to protect your users’ data. CryptoKit is a new Swift framework that makes it easier and safer than ever to perform cryptographic operations, whether you simply need to compute a hash or are implementing a more advanced authentication protocol.

Speakers: Yannick Sierra, Frederic Jacobs

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 226

Data Flow Through SwiftUI

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:19

SwiftUI was built from the ground up to let you write beautiful and correct user interfaces free of inconsistencies. Learn how to connect your data as dependencies while keeping the UI fully predictable and error free. Familiarize yourself with SwiftUI’s powerful data flow tools and understand what the best tool is for each situation.

Speakers: Luca Bernardi, Raj Ramamurthy

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 810

Designing Audio-Haptic Experiences

Frameworks • iOS • 26:02

Learn essential sound and haptic design principles and concepts for creating meaningful and delightful experiences that engage a wider range of human senses. Discover how to combine audio and haptics, using the Taptic Engine, to add a new level of realism and improve feedback in your app or game.

Speakers: Hugo Verweij, Camille Moussette

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 802

Designing Award Winning Apps and Games

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 46:42

Through stories, interviews, and artifacts we will uncover valuable design processes, techniques, and best practices of Apple Design Award winning apps and games.

Speakers: Lauren Strehlow, Doug LeMoine

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 803

Designing Great ML Experiences

Frameworks • iOS • 57:45

Machine learning enables new experiences that understand what we say, suggest things that we may love, and allow us to express ourselves in new, rich ways. Machine learning can make existing experiences better by automating mundane tasks and improving the accuracy and speed of interactions. Learn how to incorporate ML experiences into your apps, and gain practical approaches to designing user interfaces that feel effortlessly helpful.

Speakers: Kayur Patel, Rubii Pham, Cas Lemmens

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 806

Designing Great Shortcuts

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 20:41

Shortcuts allow people to access information and actions on the go or in the Shortcuts app. The best shortcuts take careful design planning to hone in on what can help expedite a person’s workflow with your app. Gain insights as to what makes a great shortcut and how to design the experience to be useful, beautiful, and responsive. See examples of how to map out the Siri dialog flow when using parameters to make your shortcuts flexible and helpful.

Speaker: Jay Moon

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 708

Designing for Privacy

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 38:18

Privacy is a more important issue than ever for your users. Learn about new features and privacy engineering techniques that can help you earn customer trust, create more personal experiences, and improve user engagement.

Speakers: Mark Xue, Julien Freudiger

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 809

Designing iPad Apps for Mac

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 30:18

Discover how you can create a great Mac experience with your iPad app. Learn about essential techniques for adapting your iPad app's layout and architecture for Mac, considerations for type and color, and how you can take advantage of macOS interfaces such as the menu bar, sidebar and window toolbar.

Speaker: Mike Stern

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 420

Drawing Classification and One-Shot Object Detection in Turi Create

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 42:17

Apple’s open source toolset, Turi Create, recently added tasks for Core ML model creation including Drawing Classification and One-Shot Object Detection. Learn how to quickly use these capabilities in your apps as well as new techniques for visualizing and evaluating the performance of your custom models.

Speakers: Sam Youtsey, Shantanu Chhabra, Abhishek Pratapa

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 262

Embedding and Sharing Visually Rich Links

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 6:42

The new Link Presentation framework enables app developers to easily present URLs in a rich, beautiful, and consistent way. Learn how to use Link Presentation to retrieve metadata from a URL, present the rich link content inside your app, and provide link metadata to the new share sheet experience in iOS.

Speaker: Tim Horton

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 218

Exploring New Data Representations in HealthKit

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 34:07

Discover how HealthKit is enriching and expanding the health data types available to the users of your app. Learn about modern storage for high-frequency health data types, accessing beat-to-beat heart rate data, and how to bring an entire new dimension of health to your users with new support for hearing health.

Speakers: Luke Spicer, Divya Koyyalagunta

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 253

Exploring Tinted Graphic Complications

Frameworks • watchOS • 7:07

Many Watch faces in watchOS 6 allow for customizing the tint color of content, allowing for even more personalization of Apple’s most personal device. Discover how you can use ClockKit data providers to offer full color and tint-ready options for each complication family type. This gives customers the ability to get up to date, important information at a glance, no matter which Watch face they choose.

Speaker: Jared McGann

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 251

Extended Runtime for watchOS Apps

Frameworks • watchOS • 8:50

watchOS 6 introduces new background modes for apps that need extended runtime beyond workout, audio, and navigation sessions. Find out how to preserve battery life and provide a great app experience by using the new background modes for mindfulness, alarms, physical therapy and more.

Speaker: Forest Hill

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 227

Font Management and Text Scaling

Frameworks • iOS • 39:44

Starting with iOS 13, your iOS app can contribute fonts for systemwide use. Understand how fonts are managed on iOS, and learn how to install and access fonts. Get details on the font picker interface that allows users to choose fonts, and the System UI fonts that are now available for use in your app. Review best practices for text scaling that works regardless of device.

Speakers: Julio González, Eric Dudiak, Donna Tom

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 239

Great Developer Habits

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:33

Successful app development requires mastering a lot of different things. Discover practices you can incorporate into your development workflow to enhance your productivity, and improve your app’s performance and stability. Learn how to improve the quality of code you write with Xcode. Gain a practical understanding of some valuable development techniques.

Speaker: Josh Tidsbury

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 214

Implementing Dark Mode on iOS

Frameworks • iOS • 38:58

Hear from the UIKit engineering team about the principles and concepts that anchor Dark Mode on iOS. Get introduced to the principles of enhancing your app with this new appearance using dynamic colors and images, and add an experience that people are sure to love.

Speakers: Kurt Revis, Tyler Fox

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 231

Integrating SwiftUI

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 38:21

SwiftUI is designed to integrate with your existing code base on any of Apple’s platforms. Learn how to adopt SwiftUI on any Apple platform by adding SwiftUI views into your app’s hierarchy, leveraging your existing data model and more.

Speakers: Tanu Singhal, Raleigh Ledet

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 243

Integrating with Siri Event Suggestions

Frameworks • iOS • 28:39

Siri is the intelligence behind displaying what someone needs to know about at just the right moment. In iOS 13, we’re extending this capability to allow your apps to let Siri know when a reservation has been made and Siri can elevate checking in at the right time. Siri can also provide directions to the reservation in Maps, add the event to Calendar, and more. Discover how you can add the power of Siri Event Suggestions to your apps.

Speakers: Sofiane Toudji, Magnus Romnes

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WWDC19 • Session 722

Introducing Combine

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:52

Combine is a unified declarative framework for processing values over time. Learn how it can simplify asynchronous code like networking, key value observing, notifications and callbacks.

Speaker: Tony Parker

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WWDC19 • Session 203

Introducing Desktop-class Browsing on iPad

Frameworks • iOS • 49:43

iOS 13 brings desktop-class browsing to iPad. With blazing-fast performance, industry-leading security, and modern desktop features, Safari on iPad supports the latest web standards designed and automatically adapts desktop sites and web apps to touch in order to deliver a rich browsing experience. Learn how your site or embedded WebView can take advantage of powerful new features and coding best practices to deliver a best-in class user experience for iPad.

Speakers: Charles Ying, Wenson Hsieh, Beth Dakin

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WWDC19 • Session 212

Introducing Multiple Windows on iPad

Frameworks • iOS • 42:12

Multitasking is an exciting way to add power to your iPad app. It is easy to enable your app to run two instances of your interface side-by-side, and your customers will love it. Learn how to take your existing features like drag and drop and use them to easily create a second window. Find out how supporting multiple windows changes the app lifecycle and what that means for all applications. Hear about some common mistakes and how to solve them, setting you and your customers up for a fantastic experience.

Speakers: Ken Ferry, Steve Holt, James Savage

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WWDC19 • Session 213

Introducing Parameters for Shortcuts

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 31:59

Parameters take Siri Shortcuts to the next level, enabling an interactive voice experience in Siri with follow-up questions, and allowing people to customize shortcuts in the Shortcuts app, now built into iOS. Walk through setting up your shortcuts to take advantage of parameters and learn how your shortcuts can pass output to other actions when creating multi-step shortcuts in the Shortcuts app.

Speakers: Ari Weinstein, Roman Efimov

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 221

Introducing PencilKit

Frameworks • iOS • 34:51

Meet PencilKit, Apple's feature-rich drawing and annotation framework. With just a few lines of code, you can add a full drawing experience to your app — with access to a canvas, responsive inks, rich tool palette and drawing model. Hear the technical details that make a great Apple Pencil experience. Learn about the new screenshot editor and how you can adopt just a few small APIs to enable your full content to be captured beyond the size of the screen, with or without your app's user interface.

Speakers: Will Thimbleby, Jenny Chen

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 706

Introducing Sign In with Apple

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 35:18

Sign In with Apple is the fast, easy way for people to sign in to apps using the Apple IDs they already have. Learn how easy it is to add a Sign In with Apple button to your app or website to acquire new customers and benefit from the built-in security, antifraud, and privacy that Sign In with Apple provides.

Speakers: Gokul Thirumalai, Dima Belov, Jonathan Birdsall

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 204

Introducing SwiftUI: Building Your First App

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 54:16

See SwiftUI in action! Watch as engineers from the SwiftUI team build a fully-functioning app from scratch. Understand the philosophy driving this new framework and learn about the benefits of declarative-style programming. Take a look under the hood to understand how SwiftUI operates and learn how SwiftUI and Xcode 11 work together to help you to build great apps, faster.

Speakers: Jacob Xiao, Kyle Macomber

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WWDC19 • Session 205

Introducing iPad Apps for Mac

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 41:26

iPad Apps for Mac is an easy way to bring your iPad app to the Mac while maintaining your single code-base. Learn about common Mac features that are automatically implemented for you. Find out how to work with iOS-only frameworks and what using them could mean for your app. Hear about some common usage patterns including how to use third-party frameworks and some setup tips and tricks. Get a taste for how you can make your new Mac app feel like a Mac app by incorporating platform-specific features.

Speakers: Ali Ozer, Jake Petroules, Jason Beaver

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WWDC19 • Session 245

Introducing the Indoor Maps Program

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 26:16

The Indoor Maps Program enables organizations with large public or private spaces to deliver user experiences that leverage precise location information and present stunning indoor maps. Learn the entire enablement workflow including, creation of a standards-based map definition, map validation, testing and calibration, and details on how to use MapKit and MapKit JS to integrate it all into your app or website.

Speaker: Yuval Kossovsky

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 230

Making Apps with Core Data

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:10

Core Data helps manage the flow of data throughout your app. Hear about new features in Core Data that make your code simpler and more powerful, including derived attributes, history tracking, change notifications and batch operations. Learn more about using these facilities and the new diffing APIs in UIKit and Foundation to make your apps run more efficiently.

Speaker: Scott Perry

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WWDC19 • Session 211

Mastering the Living Room With tvOS

Frameworks • tvOS • 48:34

tvOS apps can deliver amazing experiences with stunning picture quality through 4K resolution, Dolby Vision and HDR10, and immersive sound through Dolby Atmos. Discover how to design beautiful, engaging, content-first experiences for your media applications. Learn about the new Top Shelf extension and styles to engage customers in your content before they even open your app. Take advantage of user profile support to offer an even more intuitive shared device experience.

Speakers: Tommy Payne, Caleb Davenport, Felipe Cypriano, Dale Taylor

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 224

Modernizing Your UI for iOS 13

Frameworks • iOS • 50:21

iOS 13 combines powerful new multitasking and productivity technologies with a refreshed look and feel for all applications. Familiarize yourself with new requirements to keep your app ready for upcoming versions of iOS. Discover improvements to search fields and a totally new way to present UI. Learn how to adopt new gestures around selection, access peek and pop on all hardware, and how to renew your app's look for iOS 13.

Speaker: David Duncan

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WWDC19 • Session 714

Network Extensions for the Modern Mac

Frameworks • macOS • 39:19

Learn about powerful new APIs in macOS that you can use to create apps that extend and customize the networking capabilities of macOS without using kernel extensions.

Speaker: Jamie Wood

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WWDC19 • Session 217

ResearchKit and CareKit Reimagined

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 50:39

The ResearchKit and CareKit frameworks are the fastest route to delivering powerful native iOS apps for the research and patient care field. Learn about the newest audio and speech active-tasks, a completely redesigned user experience, and modular architecture designed to make it a breeze to create care plan apps for any use case.

Speaker: Srinath Tupil Muralidharan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 511

Supporting Dark Mode in Your Web Content

Frameworks • iOS • 10:39

With system-wide Dark Mode support in iOS and macOS, you'll want to make sure your web content is appropriately styled to reflect your users' preference. Learn techniques to ensure your content looks its best when presented in Safari, embedded in other apps such as Mail, or when used in your apps. Discover the details and best practices for this new pillar in responsive web design.

Speaker: Timothy Hatcher

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 616

Supporting New Game Controllers

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 17:00

With iOS 13, macOS Catalina, and tvOS 13, the Game Controller framework adds support for several well-known console game controllers. Get briefed about the newly-added controllers and understand how their inputs are delivered. Learn recommended best practices for handling optional buttons, and understand the right approach for support on macOS.

Speaker: James Kelly

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 216

SwiftUI Essentials

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 58:28

Take your first deep-dive into building an app with SwiftUI. Learn about Views and how they work. From basic controls to sophisticated containers like lists and navigation stacks, SwiftUI enables the creation of great user interfaces, faster and more easily. See how basic controls like Button are both simple yet versatile. Discover how to compose these pieces into larger, full-featured user interfaces that facilitate building great apps with SwiftUI. Build your SwiftUI skills as you learn the essentials of Apple’s new declarative framework.

Speakers: Matt Ricketson, Taylor Kelly

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 240

SwiftUI On All Devices

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 45:04

Once you’ve learned the basics of SwiftUI, you’ve learned what you need to know to use SwiftUI anywhere. You can use the same SwiftUI skills for making an iOS app as you would for making an app on watchOS, tvOS or macOS. We'll cover the basics, and then dig into more detail about how SwiftUI can help you make changes to your app on every Apple device. Hear about design principles for each platform and learn about how much code you can share across platforms. See how to incorporate device-specific features and how to make changes in SwiftUI by following along with a starter project, available for download.

Speakers: Jeff Nadeau, Ada Turner, Meghna Sapre

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 219

SwiftUI on watchOS

Frameworks • watchOS • 30:52

SwiftUI allows a whole new world of possibilities when developing watchOS apps and notifications. From custom animations to providing an intuitive feel with Digital Crown haptics, SwiftUI helps you build exciting and immersive experiences for Apple Watch. See how easy it is to create custom elements with animations, embed gesture-driven animations within notifications, and learn about the enhanced debugging support to make watchOS app development faster than ever.

Speakers: Matthew Koonce, Josh Weinberg

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 702

System Extensions and DriverKit

Frameworks • macOS • 37:01

One of the next steps in modernizing and improving the security and reliability of macOS is to provide a better architecture for kernel extensions and drivers. Learn how to make this transition with System Extensions and DriverKit.

Speakers: Joe Auricchio, Simon Douglas, Scott Deandrea

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 235

Taking iPad Apps for Mac to the Next Level

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 54:07

macOS Catalina provides an easy way to bring your iPad app to the Mac while maintaining your single code-base. Hear about ways in which you can take your app beyond the default behaviors to optimize its interface for the Mac. Get an overview of APIs you can use and macOS design guidelines that need to be considered. Learn how the iPad app lifecycle comes across on the Mac, and get distribution details for your application.

Speakers: Jamie Montgomerie, Glen Low, Nils Beck, Chris D’Angelo

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 259

Targeting Content with Multiple Windows

Frameworks • iOS • 11:11

Learn how to target content for a specific window in your app. Find out how to identify which scene the system should open from a notification, a shortcut item, and other user activities.

Speaker: Alex Schaefer

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 234

Text Recognition in Vision Framework

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 38:15

Document Camera and Text Recognition features in Vision Framework enable you to extract text data from images. Learn how to leverage this built-in machine learning technology in your app. Gain a deeper understanding of the differences between fast versus accurate processing as well as character-based versus language-based recognition.

Speakers: Frank Doepke, Cédric Bray

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 424

Training Object Detection Models in Create ML

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 15:40

Custom Core ML models for Object Detection offer you an opportunity to add some real magic to your app. Learn how the Create ML app in Xcode makes it easy to train and evaluate these models. See how you can test the model performance directly within the app by taking advantage of Continuity Camera. It's never been easier to build and deploy great Object Detection models for Core ML.

Speaker: Alex Brown

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 427

Training Recommendation Models in Create ML

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 10:30

Recommendation models for Core ML can enable a very personal experience for the customers using your app. They power suggestions for what music to play or what movie to see in the apps you use every day. Learn how you can easily create a custom Recommendation model from all sorts of data sources using the Create ML app. Gain a deeper understanding of how this kind of personalization is possible while maintaining user privacy. See an example of one of these recommenders in action.

Speaker: Hoyt Koepke

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 425

Training Sound Classification Models in Create ML

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 20:11

Learn how to quickly and easily create Core ML models capable of classifying the sounds heard in audio files and live audio streams. In addition to providing you the ability to train and evaluate these models, the Create ML app allows you to test the model performance in real-time using the microphone on your Mac. Leverage these on-device models in your app using the new Sound Analysis framework.

Speaker: Dan Klingler

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 428

Training Text Classifiers in Create ML

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 12:04

Create ML now enables you to create models for Natural Language that are built on state-of-the-art techniques. Learn how these models can be easily trained and tested with the Create ML app. Gain insight into the powerful new options for transfer learning, word embeddings, and text catalogs.

Speaker: Tao Jia

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 513

Understanding CPU Usage with Web Inspector

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 13:23

As a developer of web content, you play an important role in fulfilling customer expectations for a high performance web experience while minimizing power use across all their devices. Discover new insights on how you can improve the power efficiency of your webpages in Safari, or embedded web content in your apps, by using this powerful new tool in Web Inspector. Learn new strategies to help you deliver dynamic experiences that use less CPU and save battery life.

Speaker: Jonathan Davis

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 202

Using Core Data With CloudKit

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 31:49

CloudKit offers powerful, cloud-syncing technology while Core Data provides extensive data modeling and persistence APIs. Learn about combining these complementary technologies to easily build cloud-backed applications. See how new Core Data APIs make it easy to manage the flow of data through your application, as well as in and out of CloudKit. Join us to learn more about combining these frameworks to provide a great experience across all your customers’ devices.

Speaker: Nick Gillett

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 518

What's New for Web Developers

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 12:27

WebKit provides a rich set of classes designed to load, display, and manage web content in your app. Discover how to integrate your web content into powerful platform features including Dark Mode, new presentation features in Share Sheet, JavaScript payment APIs for Apple Pay, and more.

Speaker: Devin Rousso

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 710

What's New in Apple File Systems

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:06

Learn about what's new in file system technology, including changes to file system layout and imaging technologies. If you are affected by the new Read Only System Volume, this is a session you will not want to miss.

Speakers: Max Matveev, Jon Becker, Bill Stouder-Studenmund

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 516

What's New in Authentication

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 19:12

Secure sign-in and authentication is a key feature of a secure account-based app design. Learn how you can improve your app's login experiences through an overview of the available authentications services and details on specific technologies such as Sign In with Apple ID, Password AutoFill for iPad Apps for Mac, advances in OAuth and WebAuthentication, and a new API for streamlined password sign-in.

Speaker: Ricky Mondello

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 901

What's New in Core Bluetooth

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 31:15

Learn how to adopt privacy-enhancing changes in Core Bluetooth. Discover new possibilities with LE 2Mbps, advertising extensions, BR/EDR, and dual-mode devices. Understand how to debug your Core Bluetooth communication with the improvements to PacketLogger.

Speakers: Duy Phan, Yilok Wong, Meghna Lav

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 705

What's New in Core Location

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 35:44

Location technologies are core to delivering context-based services within your app. Discover how the latest features in the Core Location Framework lay the groundwork for advanced ranging capabilities and delivers more options for you to clearly communicate your location needs to your users, and allow them to provide more granular access authorization to your app.

Speakers: Adam Driscoll, Andrea Guzzo

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 515

What's New in Safari

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 8:33

The latest version of Safari on macOS and iOS is packed with new capabilities that both web developers and their customers will love. Discover how to take advantage of new features including powerful new Safari Extensions APIs for window, tab, and popover management, content blocking notifications, and enhancements to make link following in your Mac apps and iPad Apps for Mac a great experience.

Speaker: Jessie Berlin

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 720

What's New in Safari Extensions

Frameworks • macOS • 19:53

Safari Extensions surface your app's unique capabilities within Safari. Discover how the latest features such as content blocking notifications and user interface management and control innovations for pages, tabs, and popovers make your Safari App Extensions and Content Blockers even more powerful. Learn about the latest APIs and best practices for communicating between your extension and your app.

Speaker: Brian Weinstein

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 717

What's New in Universal Links

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 17:09

Universal Links allow your users to intelligently follow links to content inside your app or to your website. Learn how the latest enhancements in Universal Links give your users the most integrated mobile and desktop experience, even when your app isn’t installed on their device.

Speaker: Jonathan Grynspan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 808

What's New in iOS Design

Frameworks • iOS • 27:28

Discover how to update your app’s interface for Dark Mode to create beautiful and accessible apps. And learn how refinements to modal sheets and the new contextual menu UI can help improve usability and lead to more powerful and efficient workflows.

Speaker: Mike Stern

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 210

What’s New in AppKit for macOS

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 37:02

Learn about the latest APIs in AppKit and associated frameworks. Get an overview of the enhancements coming in macOS Catalina to help you save time, take advantage of the latest hardware, and add polish to your application.

Speaker: Chris Dreessen

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 247

What’s New in ClassKit

Frameworks • iOS • 28:02

The ClassKit framework helps you surface your app's valuable educational content for inclusion in a teacher's classroom curriculum. Get an overview of the ClassKit integration workflow, debugging instructor and student roles with the Schoolwork app, and new features designed to make publishing to ClassKit easier than ever.

Speaker: John Calhoun

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 719

What’s New in File Management and Quick Look

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 23:54

Your iOS app can now access files stored on external devices via USB and SMB. Understand best practices for creating a document-based app that reads, writes, and manages files on physical media or networked storage. Learn about enhancements to Quick Look on iOS and macOS that help you access and display file thumbnails.

Speakers: Brandon Tennant, Lyn Fong

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 303

What’s New in Managing Apple Devices

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 58:48

Learn about the latest management enhancements for iOS, macOS, and tvOS and the evolution of management tools over the past year. You'll discover how new MDM features help administrators manage devices more effectively, how new technologies deliver support for centrally managed authorization, and how Apple Business Manager and Apple School Manager have been enhanced to streamline management of your organizations apps, content, and devices.

Speaker: Todd Fernandez

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 236

What’s New in MapKit and MapKit JS

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 51:08

MapKit and MapKit JS bring fully featured Apple Maps to your app and website. See how the latest features give you more control over the base map presentation, finer-grained search and result filtering of points of interest and address information, and integration with standard data formats for custom overlays and annotations.

Speakers: Alexander Jakobsen, Nalini Shah

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 246

Window Management in Your Multitasking App

Frameworks • iOS • 13:38

Dive into the details of window management in your Multitasking app, including how to properly handle creating, refreshing, and closing windows. Hear about best practices for when to refresh the content in your window and learn how to ensure your app’s visual state is up-to-date in the switcher.

Speaker: Giovanni Tarducci

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 612

Advances in AR Quick Look

Graphics and Games • iOS • 43:56

AR Quick Look is a built-in viewer for experiencing high-quality content in 3D and AR. See how integration with Reality Composer enables rich, interactive experiences to be displayed and shared more easily than ever before. Explore rendering improvements and multiple object viewing, then dive into the practical application of AR Quick Look in retail, education, and more.

Speakers: David Lui, Jerry Yu

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 611

Bringing OpenGL Apps to Metal

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 57:12

Metal is the modern foundation for GPU-accelerated graphics and compute on Apple platforms, superseding OpenGL, OpenGL ES, and OpenCL. Get introduced to the architecture and feature set of Metal and learn a step-by-step approach for transitioning OpenGL-based apps to the Metal API.

Speakers: Lionel Lemarié, Max Christ, Sarah Clawson

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 607

Bringing People into AR

Graphics and Games • iOS • 39:26

ARKit 3 enables a revolutionary capability for robust integration of real people into AR scenes. Learn how apps can use live motion capture to animate virtual characters or be applied to 2D and 3D simulation. See how People Occlusion enables even more immersive AR experiences by enabling virtual content to pass behind people in the real world.

Speakers: Adrian Lindberg, Tanmay Batra

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 609

Building AR Experiences with Reality Composer

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 59:05

Reality Composer is a tool that lets anyone quickly prototype and build AR scenes ready to integrate into apps or experience with AR Quick Look. Walk through the powerful and intuitive capabilities of Reality Composer and discover hundreds of ready-to-use virtual objects in its built-in AR library. See how easy it is to build animations and interactions to enrich your 3D content, and get details about integrating Reality files right into your apps.

Speakers: Michelle C., Pau Sastre Miguel, Abhi Ashutosh

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 605

Building Apps with RealityKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 39:47

Gain a practical understanding of RealityKit capabilities by developing a game using its easy-to-learn API. Learn the recommended approach for loading assets, building a scene, applying animations, and handling game input. See how entities and components express the powerful elements of RealityKit while providing flexibility for customization. Find out how to take advantage of built-in networking and get details about extending the game into an immersive muliti-player experience.

Speakers: Ross Dexter, Courtland Idstrom

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 610

Building Collaborative AR Experiences

Graphics and Games • iOS • 35:16

With iOS 13, ARKit and RealityKit enable apps to establish shared AR experiences faster and easier than ever. Understand how collaborative sessions allow multiple devices to build a combined world map and share AR anchors and updates in real-time. Learn how to incorporate collaborative sessions into ARKit-based apps, then roll into SwiftStrike, an engaging and immersive multiplayer AR game built using RealityKit and Swift.

Speakers: Kuen-han Lin, David Paschich

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 228

Creating Great Apps Using Core ML and ARKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 29:42

Take a journey through the creation of an educational game that brings together Core ML, ARKit, and other app frameworks. Discover opportunities for magical interactions in your app through the power of machine learning. Gain a deeper understanding of approaches to solving challenging computer vision problems. See it all come to life in an interactive coding session.

Speakers: Brent Dimick, Scott Gauthreaux

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 606

Delivering Optimized Metal Apps and Games

Graphics and Games • iOS, tvOS • 49:24

Optimizing performance, memory, and bandwidth are important considerations for resource-intensive Metal apps and games. Learn key best practices to streamline your rendering and attain high frame rates. Understand powerful tools that can help you pinpoint expensive or unexpected GPU work. Dive into GPU capabilities that can yield performance gains and get expert guidance about using memory efficiently.

Speakers: Guillem Viñals Gangolells, Samuel Colbran, Ubaka Onyechi

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 615

Game Center Player Identifiers

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 10:18

Game Center now supports persistent player identifiers scoped to individual games or to a developer team ID. Understand how scoped identifiers enhance player privacy and see how to transition your apps and games onto the recommended API.

Speaker: Ben Harry

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 418

Getting the Most Out of Simulator

Graphics and Games • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 43:05

Join us for a deep dive into the world of Simulator. Find out how Simulator works, discover features you might not know exist, and get a tour of the command-line interface to Simulator for automation. Learn about native GPU acceleration in Simulator via Metal, and how to optimize your Metal code to take advantage of it.

Speakers: Russ Bishop, Tracy Popenhagen, Katelyn Hicks

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 604

Introducing ARKit 3

Graphics and Games • iOS • 51:27

ARKit is the groundbreaking augmented reality (AR) platform for iOS that can transform how people connect with the world around them. Explore the state-of-the-art capabilities of ARKit 3 and discover the innovative foundation it provides for RealityKit. Learn how ARKit makes AR even more immersive through understanding of body position and movement for motion capture and people occlusion. Check out additions for multiple face tracking, collaborative session building, a coaching UI for on-boarding, and much more.

Speakers: Andreas Moeller, Thomas Berton

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WWDC19 • Session 603

Introducing RealityKit and Reality Composer

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 37:13

Architected for AR, RealityKit provides developers access to world-class capabilities for rendering, animation, physics, and spatial audio. See how RealityKit reimagines the traditional 3D engine to make AR development faster and easier for developers than ever before. Understand the building blocks of developing RealityKit based apps and games, and learn about prototyping and producing content for AR experiences with Reality Composer.

Speakers: Cody White, Tyler Casella

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 614

Metal for Machine Learning

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 41:25

Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) includes a highly tuned library of data parallel primitives vital to machine learning and leveraging the tremendous power of the GPU. With iOS 13 and macOS Catalina, MPS improves performance, enables more neural networks, and is now even easier to use. Learn more about these advances in MPS and gain a practical understanding of how to implement innovative techniques such as Style Transfer.

Speaker: Justin Voo

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 608

Metal for Pro Apps

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 58:55

Metal is the platform-optimized graphics and compute framework at the heart of GPU acceleration on Apple platforms. Learn key aspects of the Metal architecture that support the techniques for modern high-performance pro applications and workflows. Learn how to leverage Metal capabilities to optimize performance and maintain a steady frame rate in video editing pipelines. Understand how to leverage CPU and GPU parallelism, and dive into best practices for efficient data throughput.

Speakers: Eugene Zhidkov, Dileep Madhava, Brian Ross

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 601

Modern Rendering with Metal

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 55:28

Metal is the GPU-accelerated graphics and compute framework that helps developers build everything from pro apps to console-style games. Learn how to apply Metal features to implement modern graphics techniques including deferred and tiled-forward rendering. See how GPU-driven capabilities enable Metal to schedule work for itself, allowing complete scenes and compute workloads to be built and executed with little to no CPU interaction. Understand how GPU Families make it easier for you to build apps that scale across Apple platforms, and explore how Metal lets your apps and games realize entirely new levels of performance and capability.

Speakers: Jaap van Muijden, Srinivas Dasari

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 613

Ray Tracing with Metal

Graphics and Games • macOS • 58:38

Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) harness the massive parallelism of the GPU to dramatically accelerate calculations at the heart of modern ray tracing and ray casting techniques. Understand how MPS accelerates calculations for dynamic scenes, and dive into practical examples for implementing soft shadows, ambient occlusion, and global illumination. Learn how to enable hybrid rendering applications, and explore new techniques to extend your app across multiple GPUs.

Speakers: Sean James, Wayne Lister, Matt Kaplan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 602

Working with USD

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 31:55

Universal Scene Description (USD) enables the robust description of 3D scenes and empowers engineers and artists to seamlessly collaborate across the creative workflow. Get introduced to the powerful capabilities of USD and explore its incredible scalability. Gain a deeper understanding of how USD assets are created and learn about delivering usdz content for use with ARKit and RealityKit.

Speakers: Denis Kovacs, Chloe Moore

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 509

AUv3 Extensions User Presets

Media • iOS, macOS • 5:31

Audio Unit app extensions gives users a convenient way to create or modify audio in any iOS or macOS app that uses sound, including music production apps such as GarageBand or Logic Pro X. And now, with iOS 13, you can store user presets for your extensions that are accessible across applications.

Speaker: Béla Balázs

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 225

Advances in Camera Capture & Photo Segmentation

Media • iOS • 1:00:34

Powerful new features in the AVCapture API let you capture photos and video from multiple cameras simultaneously. Photos now benefit from semantic segmentation that allows you to isolate hair, skin, and teeth in a photo. Learn how these advances enable you to create great camera apps and easily achieve stunning photo effects.

Speakers: Brad Ford, Jacob Schack Vestergaard, David Hayward

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC19 • Session 503

Delivering Intuitive Media Playback with AVKit

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 40:04

AVKit is a high-level framework for building media user interfaces, complete with playback controls, chapter navigation, Picture-in-Picture, audio routing, support for subtitles and closed captioning, Siri and Now Playing integration, and support for keyboard, Touch Bar, and remote control. Learn best practices in how to integrate these technologies into your own apps on iOS, tvOS, and iPad apps on Mac.

Speakers: Jed Lewison, Dan Wright

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WWDC19 • Session 223

Expanding the Sensory Experience with Core Haptics

Media • iOS • 56:03

Core Haptics lets you design your own haptics with synchronized audio on iPhone. In this two part session, learn essential sound and haptic design principles and concepts for creating meaningful and delightful experiences that engage a wider range of human senses. Discover how to combine visuals, audio and haptics, using the Taptic Engine, to add a new level of realism and improve feedback in your app or game. Understand how to create and play back content, and where Core Haptics fits in with other audio and haptic APIs.

Speakers: Hugo Verweij, Camille Moussette

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WWDC19 • Session 506

HEVC Video with Alpha

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 14:50

With the addition of alpha channel support for HEVC video, you can now composite video over custom backgrounds in both your apps and on the web. Learn how to author compatible media, and the best practices for playback.

Speaker: Shiva Sundar

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WWDC19 • Session 507

HLS Authoring for AirPlay 2 Video

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 6:56

AirPlay 2 Video lets you share video from Apple devices to popular smart TVs. Learn about the special considerations for seamless delivery of high quality video to these TVs, and how to utilize the validation tools to ensure your content is ready for primetime.

Speaker: Eryk Vershen

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WWDC19 • Session 520

Introducing Core Haptics

Media • iOS • 29:02

Core Haptics lets you design fully customized haptic patterns with synchronized audio. See examples of how haptics and audio enables you to create a greater sense of immersion in your app or game. Learn how to create, play back, and share content, and where Core Haptics fits in with other audio and vibration APIs.

Speakers: Michael Diu, Doug Scott

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WWDC19 • Session 502

Introducing Low-Latency HLS

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 42:05

Since its introduction in 2009, HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) has enabled the delivery of countless live and on‐demand audio and video streams globally. With the introduction of a new Low-Latency mode, latencies of less than two seconds are now achievable over public networks at scale, while still offering backwards compatibility to existing clients. Learn about how to develop and configure your content delivery systems to take advantage of this new technology.

Speaker: Roger Pantos

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WWDC19 • Session 249

Introducing Multi-Camera Capture for iOS

Media • iOS • 44:39

In AVCapture on iOS 13 it is now possible to simultaneously capture photos and video from multiple cameras on iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR, and the latest iPad Pro. It is also possible to configure the multiple microphones on the device to shape the sound that is captured. Learn how to leverage these powerful capabilities to bring creative new features like picture-in-picture and spatial audio to your camera apps. Gain a deeper understanding of the performance considerations that may influence your app design.

Speakers: Brad Ford, Jacob Schack Vestergaard, David Hayward

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WWDC19 • Session 260

Introducing Photo Segmentation Mattes

Media • iOS • 15:32

Photos captured in Portrait Mode on iOS 12 contain an embedded person segmentation matte that made it easy to create creative visual effects like background replacement. iOS 13 leverages on-device machine learning to provide new segmentation mattes for any captured photo. Learn about the new semantic segmentation mattes available to you from both AVCapture and Core Image to isolate a person's hair, skin, and teeth. Using any of these individual mattes or combining all of them, your app can now offer a tremendous amount of photo editing control.

Speakers: Brad Ford, Jacob Schack Vestergaard, David Hayward

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WWDC19 • Session 207

Introducing SiriKit Media Intents

Media • iOS, watchOS • 28:17

iOS 13 enhances SiriKit by bringing all new support for audio content playback. See how to provide an excellent, hands-free experience for playing your music, audiobooks, podcasts, radio, and more. Dive into best practices for handling search terms, discover how to provide a complete experience with playback speeds, adding to playlists, and allowing customers to tell you if they like or dislike content.

Speaker: Danny Mandel

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WWDC19 • Session 508

Modernizing Your Audio App

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:45

Apple platforms provide a comprehensive set of audio frameworks and technologies that are essential to creating a rich app experience. Learn about which frameworks and APIs are recommended to ensure that your app is well positioned for the future.

Speaker: Peter Vasil

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WWDC19 • Session 501

Reaching the Big Screen with AirPlay 2

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 35:48

AirPlay lets you share videos, photos, music, and more from Apple devices to your Apple TV, favorite speakers, and popular smart TVs. Learn how to deliver the best possible experience for AirPlay video, including automatic route selection for long form content, remote control, now playing metadata, and video quality considerations.

Speakers: Jonathan Bennett, Marty Pye

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WWDC19 • Session 716

Streaming Audio on watchOS 6

Media • watchOS • 8:54

Streaming audio on Apple Watch allows customers to enjoy your content wherever they go without their iPhone. Learn about the streaming APIs brought over from iOS to allow watchOS apps to create independent audio consumption experiences. Find out how to set up your audio session for streaming and explore best practices to provide the best experience for people moving between different network conditions.

Speaker: Hernán Eguiluz

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WWDC19 • Session 222

Understanding Images in Vision Framework

Media • iOS, macOS • 39:49

Learn all about the many advances in the Vision Framework including effortless image classification, image saliency, determining image similarity, and improvements in facial feature detection, and face capture quality scoring. This packed session will show you how easy it is to bring powerful computer vision techniques to your apps.

Speakers: Brittany Weinert, Rohan Chandra, Sergey Kamensky

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WWDC19 • Session 510

What's New in AVAudioEngine

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 8:53

AVAudioEngine enables the realtime capture, processing, and playback of audio. Learn how to take advantage of enhancements to this powerful API, such as support for voice processing and spatial rendering mode selection, in your own audio app.

Speaker: Peter Vasil

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WWDC20 • Session 101


Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:48:51

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting reveals, inspiration, and new opportunities to continue creating the most innovative apps in the world. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park.

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 102

Platforms State of the Union

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:28:15

Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park.

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WWDC20 • Session 10690

Apple Design Awards

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:20

The Apple Design Awards recognize excellence in design and innovation for apps and games across all of Apple’s platforms. Meet the 2020 winners.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10104

Adopt the new look of macOS

Frameworks • macOS • 28:43

Make over your Mac apps: Discover how you can embrace the new design of macOS Big Sur and adopt its visual hierarchy, design patterns, and behaviors. We’ll explore the latest updates to AppKit around structural items and common controls, and show you how you can adapt more customized interfaces with just a bit of adoption work. And find out how you can incorporate custom accent colors and symbols to further personalize your app. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with AppKit and SF Symbols. For additional information on symbols, watch "SF Symbols 2.0”.

Speakers: John Tegtmeyer, Jeff Nadeau

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WWDC20 • Session 10097

Advances in UICollectionView

Frameworks • iOS • 9:54

Learn about new features of UICollectionView that make it easier to use and unlock powerful new functionality. We'll show you how to use section snapshots with your diffable data source to create outlines that can expand and collapse, and introduce you to building lists with compositional layout to create UITableView-like interfaces with a collection view. And discover modern techniques for dequeuing cells and configuring their content and styling. To get the most out of this session, you should have a basic understanding of compositional layouts. Watch “Advances in Collection View Layout” from WWDC19 for more information.

Speaker: Steve Breen

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WWDC20 • Session 10045

Advances in diffable data sources

Frameworks • iOS • 11:55

Diffable data sources dramatically simplify the work involved in managing and updating collection and table views to create dynamic and responsive experiences in your apps. Discover how you can use section snapshots to efficiently build lists and outline collection views for iOS and iPadOS and provide support for implementing the sidebar in an iPad app. We’ll also show you how to simplify cell reordering using UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource to help you streamline your code and build app interfaces more quickly. This session builds on 2019’s “Advances in UI Data Sources,” which you may want to check out first.

Speaker: Steve Breen

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WWDC20 • Session 10021

Build Metal-based Core Image kernels with Xcode

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 6:11

Learn how to integrate and load Core Image kernels written in the Metal Shading Language into your application, and discover how you can apply these image filters to create unique effects. Explore how to use Xcode rules and naming conventions for Core Image kernels written in Metal Shading Language. We’ll explain how to best use Core Image APIs effectively and optimally with Metal and the Metal Shading Language.

Speaker: David Hayward

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WWDC20 • Session 10042

Build SwiftUI apps for tvOS

Media • tvOS • 14:29

Add a new dimension to your tvOS app with SwiftUI. We’ll show you how to build layouts powered by SwiftUI and customize your interface with custom buttons, provide more functionality in your app with a context menu, check if views are focused, and manage default focus. To get the most out of this session, you should be comfortable with SwiftUI. For a primer, watch “Introducing SwiftUI: Building Your First App” and “SwiftUI On All Devices.”

Speaker: Tanu Singhal

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WWDC20 • Session 10043

Build an Action Classifier with Create ML

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 26:05

Discover how to build Action Classification models in Create ML. With a custom action classifier, your app can recognize and understand body movements in real-time from videos or through a camera. We’ll show you how to use samples to easily train a Core ML model to identify human actions like jumping jacks, squats, and dance moves. Learn how this is powered by the Body Pose estimation features of the Vision Framework. Get inspired to create apps that can provide coaching for fitness routines, deliver feedback on athletic form, and more. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with Create ML. For an overview, watch “Introducing the Create ML app.” You can also brush up on differences between Action Classification and sensor-based Activity Classification by watching “Building Activity Classification Models in Create ML.” To learn more about the powerful technology that enables Action Classification features, be sure to check out “Detect Body and Hand Pose with Vision.” And you can see how we combined this classification capability together with other technologies to create our own sample application in “Explore the Action & Vision App.”

Speakers: Yuxin Bai, Alex Brown

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WWDC20 • Session 10048

Build complications in SwiftUI

Frameworks • watchOS • 22:52

Spice up your graphic complications on Apple Watch using SwiftUI. We’ll teach you how to use custom SwiftUI views in complications on watch faces like Meridian and Infograph, look at some best practices when creating your complications, and show you how to preview your work in Xcode 12. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with the basics of SwiftUI and building complications on Apple Watch. For an overview, watch “Create Complications for Apple Watch” and read “Building watchOS App Interfaces with SwiftUI.” Once you’ve discovered how to build graphic complications in SwiftUI, you can combine this with other watchOS 7 features like multiple complications and Face Sharing to create a watch face packed with personality and customized for people who love your app.

Speakers: Matthew Koonce, August Joki

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WWDC20 • Session 10676

Build trust through better privacy

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 36:04

Privacy is a more important issue than ever. Learn about Apple’s privacy pillars, our approach to privacy, and how to adopt the latest features on our platforms that can help you earn customer trust, create more personal experiences, and improve engagement. Explore the transparency iOS provides when your app is recording using the microphone or camera, control over location with approximate location, tracking transparency and permissions, and much more.

Speakers: Rohith Prakash, Brandon Van Ryswyk

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WWDC20 • Session 10146

Configure and link your App Clips

Frameworks • iOS • 22:56

App Clips are small parts of an app that offer a streamlined, direct experience and help people get what they need at the right time. Learn how you can invoke an App Clip through real-world experiences like App Clip Codes, NFC, and QR codes, or have them appear digitally through apps like Maps or Safari. We’ll show you how to handle links in your App Clip and demonstrate how to set up your associated domains. And discover how you can configure App Clip experiences in App Store Connect, add App Clip banners to your website, and thoroughly test your App Clips through TestFlight. To get the most out of this session, you should have experience using Universal Links and associated domains. For a primer, watch “What’s New in Universal Links” from WWDC19.

Speakers: Ada Chan, Luming Yin

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WWDC20 • Session 10204

Create great enterprise apps: A chat with Box's Aaron Levie

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 21:27

Discover how organizations like Box are adapting to changing conditions in the business world and remote work. Listen to Apple’s Vice President of Cloud Services Mike Abbott and Box CEO and co-founder Aaron Levie chat about the modern working environment, how cloud-based apps are helping people transition to collaborating remotely, and techniques that enterprise developers can use to help their organization innovate in challenging situations.

Speakers: Mike Abbott, Aaron Levie

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WWDC20 • Session 10206

Designed for iPad

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 29:05

Discover the building blocks for designing a great iPad app: Learn how to minimize use of modal interfaces and leverage the new sidebar to increase efficiency by streamlining navigation and facilitating powerful drag and drop interactions. See how to take advantage of iPad’s versatile interaction opportunities by supporting multitouch, pencil, keyboard, and trackpad. And create adaptive layouts that respond to all size classes and orientation to support a great multitasking experience. These techniques will not only improve your iPad app — they’ll make it easier to create a Mac Catalyst app that truly feels right at home on macOS.

Speakers: Grant Paul, Vince Lane

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WWDC20 • Session 10653

Detect Body and Hand Pose with Vision

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 24:21

Explore how the Vision framework can help your app detect body and hand poses in photos and video. With pose detection, your app can analyze the poses, movements, and gestures of people to offer new video editing possibilities, or to perform action classification when paired with an action classifier built in Create ML. And we’ll show you how you can bring gesture recognition into your app through hand pose, delivering a whole new form of interaction. To understand more about how you might apply body pose for Action Classification, be sure to also watch the "Build an Action Classifier with Create ML" and "Explore the Action & Vision app" sessions. And to learn more about other great features in Vision, check out the "Explore Computer Vision APIs" session.

Speaker: Brett Keating

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WWDC20 • Session 10147

Distribute binary frameworks as Swift packages

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 7:46

Discover how you can add third-party frameworks to your app and keep them up to date using Swift packages in Xcode. We’ll show you how to author packages that reference frameworks, explain binary targets and how to specify them in your package manifest file, and demonstrate how to compute checksums so that your clients always get the exact binary you expect. Frameworks are distributed in the XCFramework format. For further details on creating and versioning an XCFramework, be sure to watch "Binary Frameworks in Swift" from WWDC19.

Speaker: Boris Buegling

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WWDC20 • Session 10611

Explore ARKit 4

Graphics and Games • iOS • 27:37

ARKit 4 enables you to build the next generation of augmented reality apps to transform how people connect with the world around them. We’ll walk you through the latest improvements to Apple’s augmented reality platform, including how to use Location Anchors to connect virtual objects with a real-world longitude, latitude, and altitude. Discover how to harness the LiDAR Scanner on iPad Pro and obtain a depth map of your environment. And learn how to track faces in AR on more devices, including the iPad Air (3rd generation), iPad mini (5th generation), and all devices with the A12 Bionic chip or later that have a front-facing camera. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with how your apps can take advantage of LiDAR Scanner on iPad Pro. Watch “Advanced Scene Understanding in AR” for more information. Once you’ve learned how to leverage ARKit 4 in your iOS and iPadOS apps, explore realistic rendering improvements in “What’s New in RealityKit” and other ARKit features like People Occlusion and Motion Capture with “Introducing ARKit 3”.

Speakers: Quinton Petty, Praveen Gowda

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WWDC20 • Session 10174

Explore App Clips

Frameworks • iOS • 19:46

Help people experience the right parts of your app at the exact moment they need them. We’ll explain how to design and build an App Clip — a small part of your app that focuses on a specific task — and make it easily discoverable. Learn how to focus your App Clip on short and fast interactions and identify contextually-relevant situations where you can surface it, like a search in Maps or at a real-world location through QR codes, NFC, or App Clip codes. Find out a few key differences between apps and App Clips, and explore how App Clips interact with their corresponding apps. We’ve designed this session to introduce you to App Clips. For more detailed information on designing, building, and implementing App Clips, check out “Create App Clips for other businesses,” “Streamline your App Clip,” and “Configure and link your App Clips.”

Speakers: James Savage, Luming Yin

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WWDC20 • Session 10148

Inspect, modify, and construct PencilKit drawings

Frameworks • iOS • 16:03

Make Apple Pencil an even more useful tool for drawing and writing within your app. With PencilKit, you can delve into the strokes, inks, paths, and points that comprise a drawing, use these to build features that use recognition, and modify drawings in response to input. Discover how you can dynamically generate shapes and drawings and learn more about APIs like PKDrawings and PKStrokes. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first checking out “Introducing PencilKit,” which provides an overview of the PencilKit framework in its WWDC19 debut, and WWDC20’s “What's new in PencilKit.”

Speaker: Will Thimbleby

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WWDC20 • Session 10659

Introducing StoreKit Testing in Xcode

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 24:51

Discover StoreKit Testing in Xcode — a local environment for testing your in-app purchases without needing to connect to App Store servers. We’ll show you how to set up a test environment, create a StoreKit configuration file, and prepare to validate receipts locally. We’ll also explain how to test a variety of in-app purchase scenarios and automate those tests with the StoreKitTest framework, and cover the latest improvements to testing in the sandbox environment.

Speakers: Dana DuBois, Chris Markiewicz

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WWDC20 • Session 10119

Introduction to SwiftUI

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 54:38

Explore the world of declarative-style programming: Discover how to build a fully-functioning SwiftUI app from scratch as we explain the benefits of writing declarative code and how SwiftUI and Xcode can combine forces to help you build great apps, faster.

Speakers: Jacob Xiao, Kyle Macomber

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WWDC20 • Session 10026

Lists in UICollectionView

Frameworks • iOS • 16:54

Learn how to build lists and sidebars in your app with UICollectionView. Replace table view appearance while taking advantage of the full flexibility of compositional layout. Explore modular layout options and find out how they can unlock more design options for your apps than ever before. Find out how to combine table view-like lists with custom compositional layouts inside of a single UICollectionView. Discover how to work with lists, create richer cells, and customize your layout to create a well-designed presentation of information within your app. To get the most out of this session, you should have a basic understanding of compositional layouts. Watch “Advances in Collection View Layout” from WWDC19 for more information.

Speaker: Michael Ochs

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WWDC20 • Session 10020

Make your app visually accessible

Developer Tools • iOS • 16:04

When you design with accessibility in mind, you empower everyone to use your app. Discover how to create an adaptive interface for your app that takes a thoughtful approach to color, provides readable text, and accommodates other visual settings to maintain a great experience throughout. We’ve designed this session like our user interfaces — to be accessible to all. If you’d like to learn even more about accessibility and design, you may also enjoy “Visual Design and Accessibility,” “Accessibility Inspector,” “Building Apps with Dynamic Type,” and “Introducing SF Symbols.”

Speaker: Drew Haas

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WWDC20 • Session 10668

Meet Nearby Interaction

Frameworks • iOS • 15:32

The Nearby Interaction framework streams distance and direction between opted-in Apple devices containing the U1 chip. Discover how this powerful combination of hardware and software allow you to create intuitive spatial interactions based on the relative position of two or more devices. We'll walk you through this session-based API and show you how to deliver entirely new interactive experiences — all with privacy in mind.

Speaker: Yagil Burowski

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WWDC20 • Session 10665

Meet Safari Web Extensions

Frameworks • macOS • 27:47

When you create a Safari Web Extension, you can help people get common online tasks done more quickly and efficiently. We’ll show you how to build a new Safari Web Extension and host it on the App Store, as well as how to use the safari-web-extension-converter tool to migrate existing extensions from other web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge with very little effort.

Speaker: Ellie Epskamp-Hunt

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WWDC20 • Session 10106

Meet Scribble for iPad

Frameworks • iOS • 14:13

Scribble offers a lightweight, ergonomic, and enjoyable way of entering text on iPad with Apple Pencil. Discover how people can take advantage of Scribble and handwritten text in apps that use standard text input controls or that implement a custom text editing experience. You’ll learn how it integrates into TextKit, and when you’ll need to adopt the new UIScribbleInteraction and UIIndirectScribbleInteraction APIs to provide a delightful and consistent experience with Scribble in your app. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with UIKit text input controls, as well as keyboard input technologies. To get started, watch “Keyboard Input in iOS”. If you’re building a custom text editor, you should be familiar with the UITextInput protocol, TextKit, and related text input APIs. For more information, we recommend checking out “TextKit Best Practices” and “The Keys to a Better Text Input Experience.” And for design guidelines on pencil-based interaction, check out “Apple Pencil Design Essentials.”

Speakers: Daniel Gobera, Evan Long

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WWDC20 • Session 10028

Meet WidgetKit

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 23:12

Meet WidgetKit: the best way to bring your app’s most useful information directly to the home screen. We'll show you what makes a great widget and take a look at WidgetKit's features and functionality. Learn how to get started creating a widget, and find out how WidgetKit leverages the power of SwiftUI to provide a stateless experience. Discover how to harness your existing proactive technologies to make sure your widget surfaces relevant material. And create a Timeline that ensures your content is always fresh. For more on creating widgets, check out "Build SwiftUI views for widgets" and "The widgets code-along."

Speakers: Nahir Khan, Neil Desai

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WWDC20 • Session 10027

Modern cell configuration

Frameworks • iOS • 29:40

Discover new techniques for configuring collection view and table view cells to quickly build dynamic interfaces in your app. Explore configuration types you can use to easily populate cells with content and apply common styles. Take advantage of powerful APIs to customize the appearance of cells for different states. Find out about patterns and best practices that simplify your code, eliminate bugs, and improve performance.

Speaker: Tyler Fox

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WWDC20 • Session 10666

One-tap account security upgrades

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 24:06

When you adopt the Account Authentication Modification Extension, you can provide people with fast, easy account security upgrades to use Sign in with Apple and strong passwords in the iCloud Keychain Password Manager. We’ll show you how to add these upgrade flows to your app with the Account Authentication Modification Extension, the AuthenticationServices Framework API, and best practices required for a smooth password transition.

Speaker: Jay S. Mulani

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WWDC20 • Session 10008

Optimize the Core Image pipeline for your video app

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 8:37

Explore how you can harness the processing power of Core Image and optimize video performance within your app. We’ll show you how to build your Core Image pipeline for applying effects to your video in your apps: Discover how to reduce your app’s memory footprint when using CIContext, and learn best practices for using AVPlayView or MTKView view classes for video playback with Core Image filters. Additionally, find out why you should write your own custom kernels in the Metal Shading Language, and learn performance tips for optimal usage of Metal command queues in your Core Image pipeline.

Speaker: David Hayward

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WWDC20 • Session 10214

Port your Mac app to Apple silicon

Developer Tools • macOS • 40:43

Your porting questions, answered: Learn how to recompile your macOS app for Apple silicon Macs and build universal apps that launch faster, have better performance, and support the future of the platform. We’ll show you how Xcode makes it simple to build a universal macOS binary and go through running, debugging, and testing your app. Learn what changes to low-level code you might need to make, find out how to handle in-process and out-of-process plug-ins, and discover some useful tips for working with universal apps. We’ve designed this session for experienced macOS developers who want to get their existing apps running natively on Apple silicon Macs. You can learn more about doing so in the Apple silicon documentation. For more information on the transition to Apple silicon, watch "Explore the new system architecture of Apple silicon Macs", "Bring your Metal app to Apple silicon Macs", and "Optimize Metal Performance for Apple silicon Macs". And to learn how to run your iPhone and iPad apps on Mac, check out "iPad and iPhone apps on Apple silicon Macs".

Speaker: Kuba Mracek

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WWDC20 • Session 10226

Record stereo audio with AVAudioSession

Media • iOS • 9:37

Stereo recording is a powerful way to deliver immersive sound to listeners, fans, and family — and your app can use the built-in microphones on iPhone or iPad to record it. Discover how AVAudioSession can help you capture stereo audio from a mobile device, address the new special consideration called “input orientation,” and learn how to adopt this API in your app to provide a better recording experience.

Speaker: Peter Raffensperger

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WWDC20 • Session 10645

Support multiple users in your tvOS app

Media • tvOS • 8:45

Share your living room — not your Apple TV apps. When you support profiles within your app, you can customize your experience for each person who uses Apple TV within the same house. Discover how the “Runs as Current User” feature lets someone interact with your app, download local content, and log into iCloud or Game Center, all without affecting their family or housemates. We’ll show you how to implement this capability in your app, save recent data before switching profiles, handle notifications, and safeguard privacy. To get the most out of this session, you should have a basic understanding of modern tvOS frameworks and controls. Watching “Mastering the Living Room with tvOS” will give you a great overview.

Speaker: Caleb Davenport

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WWDC20 • Session 10681

Swan's Quest, Chapter 1: Voices in the dark

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 14:43

Swift Playgrounds presents "Swan’s Quest,” an interactive adventure in four chapters for all ages. In this chapter, our Hero must navigate a dark cave — and the only way to light the torches is to make them accessible. Learn about VoiceOver and write interesting audio descriptions. You just might help our Hero find their way out… and get a clue for the next challenge. Swan’s Quest was created for Swift Playgrounds on iPad and Mac, combining frameworks and resources which power the educational experiences in many of our playgrounds, including Sonic Workshop, Sensor Arcade, and Augmented Reality. To learn more about building your own playgrounds, be sure to watch "Create Swift Playgrounds content for iPad and Mac". And don’t forget to stop by the Developer Forums and let us know what you thought of Swan’s Quest.

Speakers: Rob Rhyne, Stephen Wakulchik, Jordyn Castor

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WWDC20 • Session 10169

Swift packages: Resources and localization

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:42

Bring your resources along for the ride when you organize and share code using Swift packages. Discover how to include assets like images and storyboards in a package and how to access them from code. And learn how to add localized strings to make your code accessible to people around the world. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with Swift and packaging code. For an overview, watch “Creating Swift Packages” from WWDC19.

Speaker: Anders Bertelrud

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WWDC20 • Session 10152

Use model deployment and security with Core ML

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 24:41

Discover how to deploy Core ML models outside of your app binary, giving you greater flexibility and control when bringing machine learning features to your app. And learn how Core ML Model Deployment enables you to deliver revised models to your app without requiring an app update. We’ll also walk you through how you can protect custom machine learning models through encryption, and preview your model performance in Xcode. For more information on working with Core ML, including bringing over models trained in environments like TensorFlow and PyTorch, we also recommend watching "Get your models on device using Core ML Converters.”

Speakers: Anil Katti, John Durant

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WWDC20 • Session 10651

What's new in App Store Connect

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:11

Discover the latest improvements to App Store Connect, your suite of tools to upload, submit, and manage apps on the App Store. Learn about enhancements to the App Store Connect API, in-app purchase and subscriptions, Game Center, and more.

Speaker: Daniel Miao

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WWDC20 • Session 10182

What's new in HealthKit

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 6:09

HealthKit is an essential framework that integrates first- and third-party health and fitness data to help people manage their personal health information. Learn about HealthKit’s latest updates, which provide read access to electrocardiograms on Apple Watch and log and track over a dozen new symptoms and their severity. We’ll also go through the latest mobility data types like walking speed and step length to help people monitor and understand their mobility over time.

Speaker: Netra Kenkarey

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WWDC20 • Session 10228

What's new in Low-Latency HLS

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 5:54

Apple has added Low-Latency extensions to the HTTP Live Streaming protocol that combine the quality and scalability of HLS with a stream delay of two seconds or less. Learn about the most recent developments in LL-HLS and how it allows you to make your video delivery competitive with broadcast and improve social media integration. For an overview of Low-Latency HLS, watch “Introducing Low-Latency HLS” from WWDC19.

Speaker: Roger Pantos

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WWDC20 • Session 10143

What's new in Mac Catalyst

Frameworks • macOS • 15:27

Discover the latest updates to Mac Catalyst and find out how you can bring your iPadOS app to the Mac. Explore enhancements to the application lifecycle, integrate new extensions into your apps, and learn how the new look and feel of macOS impacts Mac Catalyst apps. Get a taste of the new Optimized for Mac mode. And learn more about all the improvements — including framework availability and beautiful new designs — that make bringing your iPad app to the Mac easier than ever. To get the most out of this session, you should have a basic familiarity with Mac Catalyst. We recommend you watch “Introducing iPad Apps for Mac” to acquaint yourself. For more on refining your Mac Catalyst app, consider watching “Optimize the interface of your Mac Catalyst app”.

Speakers: Jason Beaver, Brycen Wershing

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WWDC20 • Session 10107

What's new in PencilKit

Frameworks • iOS • 10:25

PencilKit helps power creativity, writing, drawing, and animation in your iPad apps. Explore the latest improvements to our drawing and annotation framework, and discover how you can take advantage of APIs like PKToolPicker, PKCanvasView, and PKStroke to support new features in illustration and writing apps. To get the most out of this session, you should have a basic understanding of PencilKit. If you want to a refresher, “Introduction to PencilKit” from WWDC19 is a great place to start.

Speaker: Jenny Chen

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WWDC20 • Session 10612

What's new in RealityKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 25:14

RealityKit is Apple’s rendering, animation, physics, and audio engine built from the ground up for augmented reality: It reimagines the traditional 3D renderer to make it easy for developers to prototype and produce high-quality AR experiences. Learn how to effectively implement each of the latest improvements to RealityKit in your app. Discover features like video textures, scene understanding using the LiDAR scanner on iPad Pro, Location Anchors, face tracking, and improved debugging tools. To get the most out of this session, you should understand the building blocks of developing RealityKit-based apps and games. Watch “Introducing RealityKit and Reality Composer” for a primer. For more on how you can integrate Reality Composer into your augmented reality workflow, watch "The artist’s AR toolkit".

Speaker: Saad Ahmad

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WWDC20 • Session 10068

What's new in SiriKit and Shortcuts

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 12:15

Get a quick overview of everything new in Siri and Shortcuts to help people get more out of your app: We’ll demonstrate how you can design visually rich conversations, feel at home with the operating system by designing for the new compact Siri UI, and provide an overview of all the ways we’ve made it even easier for people to organize and set up actions from your apps.

Speakers: Daniel Hsu, Natalia Harateh

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WWDC20 • Session 10170

What's new in Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 32:18

Join us for an update on Swift. Discover the latest advancements in runtime performance, along with improvements to the developer experience that make your code faster to read, edit, and debug. Find out how to take advantage of new language features like multiple trailing closures. Learn about new libraries available in the SDK, and explore the growing number of APIs available as Swift Packages.

Speakers: Ted Kremenek, Kyle Macomber

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WWDC20 • Session 10041

What's new in SwiftUI

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 27:43

SwiftUI can help you build better and more powerful apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. Learn more about the latest refinements to SwiftUI, including interface improvements like outlines, grids, and toolbars. Take advantage of SwiftUI’s enhanced support across Apple frameworks to enable features like Sign In with Apple. Discover new visual effects, as well as new controls and styles. And find out how the new app and scene APIs enable you to create apps entirely in SwiftUI, as well as custom complications and all new widgets. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with SwiftUI. Watch "Introduction to SwiftUI" for a primer.

Speakers: Matt Ricketson, Taylor Kelly

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WWDC20 • Session 10658

What's new in education

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 11:00

For over 40 years, Apple has been working with educators to create technologies for students, teachers, and school administrators and help them share in a rich and meaningful learning experience. Explore the breadth of Apple's education technologies, including classroom management apps and tools and developer frameworks for assessment and curriculum integration — and discover how your app can have a critical role in them all.

Speaker: Brian Williams

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WWDC20 • Session 10660

What's new in location

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 26:34

Location technologies are core to delivering context-based services within your app. Discover how the latest privacy controls in Core Location add a whole new dimension to determining position and what that means for your app. We’ll walk you through best practices for implementing these latest location updates and show you how they’re designed to ensure more people get an experience they’re going to love.

Speaker: Ilya Veygman

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WWDC20 • Session 10639

What's new in managing Apple devices

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 23:38

We've made significant strides in bringing crucial device management features to macOS. Discover how these features can help you manage your all your devices using the same tools and technologies. Get details on changes coming this year and how they will impact your deployment workflows, as well as some new management capabilities you can use to secure iOS and iPadOS devices in your organization.

Speaker: Kevin Milden

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WWDC20 • Session 10114

iPad and iPhone apps on Apple silicon Macs

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 17:28

Apple silicon Macs can run many iPad and iPhone apps as-is, and these apps will be made available to users on the Mac through the Mac App Store. Discover how iPad and iPhone apps run on Apple silicon Macs, and the factors that make your apps come across better. Learn how to test your app for the Mac, and hear about your options for distribution of your apps.

Speakers: Jason Beaver, James Snee, Patrick Heynen

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WWDC20 • Session 10635

Accelerate your app with CarPlay

Frameworks • iOS • 26:19

CarPlay is the smarter, safer way for people to use iPhone in the car. We’ll show you how to build great apps for the car screen, and introduce you to developing CarPlay apps in categories like EV charging, parking, and quick food ordering. We'll also share how existing audio and communication apps can take advantage of improvements to the CarPlay framework to create a more flexible UI.

Speakers: Jonathan Hersh, Allen Langmaier

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WWDC20 • Session 10649

Add custom views and modifiers to the Xcode Library

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:10

The Xcode Library is an easy way for you to discover available SwiftUI views and drag and drop them to the Xcode Previews canvas, enabling rich visual editing of your app. We’ll show you how to extend the content of the Xcode Library with your own views and modifiers, optimizing for reusability and discoverability within your app or Swift packages. For more on Xcode Previews, check out "Structure your app for SwiftUI previews", and "Visually edit SwiftUI views".

Speaker: Anton Vladimirov

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WWDC20 • Session 10614

Advancements in Game Controllers

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 24:59

Let’s rumble! Discover how you can bring third-party game controllers and custom haptics into your games on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV. We’ll show you how to add support for the latest controllers — including Xbox’s Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 and Adaptive Controller — and map your game’s controls accordingly. Learn how you can use the Game Controller framework in tandem with Core Haptics to enable rumble feedback. And find out how you can take your gaming experience to the next level with custom button mapping, nonstandard inputs, and control over specialty features like motion sensors, lights, and battery level. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with the Game Controller framework. Check the documentation link for a primer. And if you build games for iPad, be sure to check out "Bring keyboard and mouse gaming to iPad” for a guide on integrating keyboard, mouse, and trackpad inputs into your experience.

Speaker: James Kelly

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WWDC20 • Session 10037

App essentials in SwiftUI

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:28

Thanks to the new App protocol, SwiftUI now supports building entire apps! See how Apps, Scenes, and Views fit together. Learn how easy it is to implement the features people expect from a best-in-class product while saving time and reducing complexity. Easily add expected functionality to your interface using the new commands modifier, and explore the ins and outs of the new WindowGroup API. To get the most out of this session, you should have some experience with SwiftUI. Watch “Introduction to SwiftUI” for a primer. Want more SwiftUI? Take your pick: “What’s new in SwiftUI”, “Data essentials in Swift UI ”, "Stacks, grids, and outlines in SwiftUI", and “Build document-based apps in SwiftUI”.

Speakers: Matt Ricketson, Jeff Robertson

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WWDC20 • Session 10631

Bring your Metal app to Apple silicon Macs

Graphics and Games • macOS • 33:51

Meet the Tile Based Deferred Rendering (TBDR) GPU architecture for Apple silicon Macs — the heart of your Metal app or game’s graphics performance. Learn how you can translate or port your graphics-intensive app over to Apple silicon, and how to take advantage of TBDR and Metal when building natively for the platform. We’ll look at how TBDR compares with the Immediate Mode Rendering pipeline of older Macs, go through common issues you may face when bringing an app or game over, and explore how to offer incredible performance when building with the native SDK. We’ve designed this session in tandem with “Optimize Metal Performance for Apple silicon Macs.” After you’ve watched this session be sure to check that out next.

Speakers: Gokhan Avkarogullari, Samuel Mokrani

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WWDC20 • Session 10197

Broaden your reach with Siri Event Suggestions

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 29:30

Whether you’re hosting event information in your app, on the web, or in an email, Siri Event Suggestions can help people keep track of their commitments — without compromising their privacy. We’ll show you how to set up your reservations so that they automatically show up in the Calendar app and how to work with the Siri Event Suggestions APIs for iOS and Markup for web and email.

Speakers: Sofiane Toudji, Romain Butteaud, Magnus Romnes

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10615

Build GPU binaries with Metal

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 36:16

Power up your shader pipeline with enhancements to the Metal shader compilation model — all leading to a dramatic reduction in Pipeline State Object (PSO) loading time, especially upon first launch. Learn about explicit PSO caching and sharing of GPU binaries using Metal binary archives and dynamic libraries. And we’ll detail the toolchain to create libraries and improve your shader compilation workflow.

Speakers: Kyle Piddington, Ravi Ramaseshan

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WWDC20 • Session 10159

Build an Endpoint Security app

Frameworks • macOS • 41:34

System Extensions improve the reliability and security of macOS. Learn about the modern replacement for Kernel Authorization KPIs and discover tips for making a great security product with the Endpoint Security framework.

Speaker: Matthew White

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WWDC20 • Session 10105

Build for iPad

Frameworks • iOS • 23:46

Learn how to improve iPad apps to leverage the increased screen size and additional features of iPadOS, and help people accomplish more with their devices. Discover how you can build detailed multi-column layouts and integrate lists into your app with little adjustment to your existing code. We’ll also explore reducing modality within your views to make it easier to navigate your interface with fewer taps and touches. To get the most out of this session, you should have a general understanding of iPad app layouts and UIKit. For more information, watch “Making Apps Adaptive, Part 1.” And while not necessary, familiarity with UICollectionView may also be helpful. Watch “Advances in Collection View Layout” for an overview. Want to learn more about list creation for your apps? Watch “Lists in UICollectionView”.

Speakers: Kurt Revis, Natalia Harateh

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10093

Build for the iPadOS pointer

Frameworks • iOS • 22:49

Help people who use iPad with a Magic Keyboard, mouse, trackpad or other input device get the most out of your app. We’ll show you how to add customizations to the pointer on iPad using pointer interaction APIs, create pointer effects for your buttons and custom views, and change the pointer shape in specific areas of your app to highlight them. To learn more about pointer interactions on iPad and to get the most out of this session, we recommend also watching “Design for the iPadOS pointer” and “Handle trackpad and mouse input.”

Speakers: Mohammed Jisrawi, Joey Hagedorn

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WWDC20 • Session 10052

Build with iOS pickers, menus and actions

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 20:21

Build iPhone and iPad apps with fluid interfaces and easily-accessible contextual information. We’ll show you how to integrate the latest UIKit controls into your app to best take advantage of menus, date pickers, page controls, and segmented controllers. Learn how to adopt Menus throughly your user interface, and explore how UIAction can help unify your event handling. Once you’ve learned about these new controls, watch “Design with iOS pickers, menus and actions” to discover how to design great interfaces with these tools and APIs.

Speakers: Eric Dudiak, David Duncan

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WWDC20 • Session 10118

Create App Clips for other businesses

Frameworks • iOS • 19:01

Create App Clips for table reservations, food ordering, and more on behalf of brands, businesses, or services that appear within your app. We’ll show you how you can deliver customized experiences for each business, offering them a unique look, invocation card, and icon — all within a single App Clips binary. Learn best practices for uploading unique metadata, handling links, routing notifications, and keeping track of session states. And discover different types of icons in the context of App Clips, where they appear, and how to customize them. For more on designing and creating App Clips, make sure to watch “Explore App Clips” and “Configure and link your App Clips.”

Speaker: Luming Yin

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10022

Create a seamless speech experience in your apps

App Store and Distribution • iOS • 8:38

Augment your app’s accessibility experience with speech synthesis: Discover the best times and places to add speech APIs so that everyone who uses your app can benefit. Learn how to use AVSpeechSynthesizer to complement assistive technologies like VoiceOver, and when to implement alternative APIs. And we’ll show you how to route audio to the appropriate source and create apps that integrate speech seamlessly for all who need or want it. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with AVFoundation and the basics of speech synthesis. For an overview, watch “AVSpeechSynthesizer: Making iOS Talk.”

Speaker: Dan Golden

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10046

Create complications for Apple Watch

Frameworks • watchOS • 20:07

When you add complications to a Watch app, people can access glanceable and up to date information directly from their watch face. We’ll show you how to create and build complications from the ground up and introduce you to Multiple Complications. Learn how to construct timelines, use families and templates, and discover best practices on crafting a thorough complication experience.

Speaker: Michael Kent

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10667

Custom app distribution with Apple Business Manager

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 21:00

Apple Business Manager is the best way to manage and deploy business apps to your employees and customers. Whether you're a developer, business owner, or IT administrator, we'll showcase the benefits of Custom apps for each role and provide guidance on each step in the process — from app creation to distribution.

Speaker: Jacob Clingerman

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10145

Design for Game Center

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 18:07

Get your game's interface ready for Game Center. We’ll show you how to deliver personalized touches to the GameKit interface that provide a rich experience for players, with features like achievements, leaderboards, and multiplayer gaming. Learn how to customize your game’s access point, design collectible card-style achievements and multiple leaderboards, and adapt your interface for all platforms and orientations. Once you’ve learned about designing for Game Center, learn how to integrate the GameKit framework into your game with “Tap into Game Center” and watch “Bring keyboard and mouse gaming to iPad” and “Advancements in Game Controllers” to discover how to add specialty keyboard controls or game controllers.

Speakers: Joe Phillips, Michael Evashevski

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10086

Design for intelligence: Apps, evolved

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 7:04

Intelligence is a core part of building a great modern app. App extensions, Siri suggestions, voice, widgets, App Clips — we’ve designed all of these features to help make everyday tasks easier for people who use our platforms. Learn about the origins of the intelligent system experience, and find out how integrating intelligently with the system can help make your app more convenient, relevant, and intuitive, making your features the focus. Learn more about designing for intelligence in the next part of our series, "Discover new opportunities."

Speaker: Mark Mikin

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WWDC20 • Session 10088

Design for intelligence: Discover new opportunities

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 5:10

Learn how extensibility is key to surfacing the most important features of your app into new entry points of the operating system. And discover how — by breaking out of the constraints of a monolithic container — your app can see increased engagement through suggestions on the lock screen, in Calendar, and by enabling voice interactions.

Speaker: JP Lacerda

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10087

Design for intelligence: Make friends with "The System"

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 19:36

The building blocks of the intelligent system are simple: Define, learn, execute. Discover how you can use intents to define your app's key features, create donations to help the system learn and make predictions about the future, and implement extensibility to ensure your app is ready to execute at just the right moment. Learn from teams at Apple about how their technologies use intents and donations in different ways, all for the same goal: to make the everyday easier.

Speakers: Sofiane Toudji, Mert Dumenci, Chad Etzel, Mark Mikin

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10200

Design for intelligence: Meet people where they are

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 5:52

Understand what motivates people to use your app — and how you can use system intelligence to help them and achieve your own goals as a developer. We'll take a look at a typical person's journey to better understand how an app can become a key part of their routine — and why some apps just don't stick. Learn how you can provide the right kind of value at the right time to help them in their everyday tasks, and how your app and the system can evolve alongside them.

Speaker: Radhika Bhargava

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10172

Design Great App Clips

Frameworks • iOS • 21:42

App Clips offer fast, convenient ways for people to perform everyday tasks without needing to download or navigate your full app. We'll show you how to identify key elements from your iOS app that make up a great App Clip, design a smooth flow, work with notifications, and provide messaging guidance when encouraging people to download your full app.

Speakers: Grant Paul, Heena Ko

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10205

Design with iOS pickers, menus and actions

Frameworks • iOS • 14:54

Create iPhone and iPad apps that look great and help people move quickly and directly to the information they need. Discover how you can integrate menus into your app for quick access to actions and settings, and learn where and when you should use them in your app. We’ll also walk you through the new Date Picker and Color Picker controls, and show you how to integrate them into your app.

Speaker: Cas Lemmens

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WWDC20 • Session 10089

Discover Core Image debugging techniques

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 7:15

Find and fix rendering and optimization issues in your Core Image pipeline with Xcode environment variable. Discover how you can set the environment variable for visualizing your Core Image graphs. You'll learn how to generate Core Image graphs and how to interpret them to discover memory, color, and performance issues and better improve and optimize your Core Image pipeline.

Speaker: David Hayward

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10229

Discover HLS Blocking Preload Hints

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 9:26

Learn how to implement Blocking Preload Hints for Low-Latency HLS to reduce delivery latency and improve the reliability of your video and audio streams. Discover how to integrate LL-HLS with CMAF Chunk delivery and unify your delivery across streaming formats.

Speaker: Roger Pantos

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WWDC20 • Session 10009

Edit and play back HDR video with AVFoundation

Media • iOS, macOS • 24:01

Find out how you can support HDR editing and playback in your macOS app, and how you can determine if a specific hardware configuration is eligible for HDR playback. We'll show you how to use AVMutableVideoComposition with the built-in compositor and easily edit HDR content, explain how you can use Core Image's built-in image filters to create your own AVMutableVideoComposition, and demonstrate how to create and use a custom compositor to enable HDR editing.

Speaker: Shu Gao

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10047

Enable encrypted DNS

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 13:15

When people access the web within your app, their privacy is paramount. Safeguard that information by leveraging encrypted DNS across our platforms to deliver private and secure connectivity within your app. Discover how you can use system DNS settings to connect to encrypted servers or enable encrypted DNS within an app using standard networking APIs. Enabling encrypted DNS is yet another way your app can help preserve privacy for your customers and provide them with a better and more secure experience.

Speaker: Tommy Pauly

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WWDC20 • Session 10071

Evaluate and optimize voice interaction for your app

Frameworks • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 10:06

Optimize your app for Siri and give people a more natural way to interact with the features of your app. We’ll compare the different Siri technologies and help you identify the right one for you and your needs, show you how to get started with building for conversational interactions, and explore best practices for making your integration truly excel.

Speaker: Jessica Peck

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WWDC20 • Session 10673

Explore Computer Vision APIs

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 24:35

Learn how to bring Computer Vision intelligence to your app when you combine the power of Core Image, Vision, and Core ML. Go beyond machine learning alone and gain a deeper understanding of images and video. Discover new APIs in Core Image and Vision to bring Computer Vision to your application like new thresholding filters as well as Contour Detection and Optical Flow. And consider ways to use Core Image for preprocessing and visualization of these results. To learn more about the underlying frameworks see "Vision Framework: Building on Core ML" and "Core Image: Performance, Prototyping, and Python." And to further explore Computer Vision APIs, be sure to check out the "Detect Body and Hand Pose with Vision" and "Explore the Action & Vision app" sessions.

Speakers: Frank Doepke, David Hayward

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WWDC20 • Session 10096

Explore Packages and Projects with Xcode Playgrounds

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 14:50

Xcode Playgrounds helps developers explore Swift and framework APIs and provides a scratchpad for rapid experimentation. Learn how Xcode Playgrounds utilizes Xcode's modern build system, provides improved support for resources, and integrates into your projects, frameworks, and Swift packages to improve your documentation and development workflow.

Speaker: Chris Miles

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WWDC20 • Session 10168

Explore logging in Swift

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:23

Meet the latest generation of Swift unified logging APIs. Learn how to log events and errors in your app while preserving privacy. Take advantage of powerful yet readable options for formatting data — all without sacrificing performance. And we’ll show you how you can gather and process log messages to help you understand and debug unexpected behavior in your apps.

Speaker: Ravi Kandhadai Madhavan

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WWDC20 • Session 10686

Explore the new system architecture of Apple silicon Macs

Frameworks • macOS • 23:16

Discover how Macs with Apple silicon will deliver modern advantages using Apple's System-on-Chip (SoC) architecture. Leveraging a unified memory architecture for CPU and GPU tasks, Mac apps will see amazing performance benefits from Apple silicon tuned frameworks such as Metal and Accelerate. Learn about new features and changes coming to boot and security, and how these may affect your applications.

Speakers: Gavin Barraclough, Anand Dalal

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WWDC20 • Session 10010

Export HDR media in your app with AVFoundation

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 23:15

Discover how to author and export high dynamic range (HDR) content in your app using AVFoundation. Learn about high dynamic range and how you can take advantage of it in your app. We’ll show you how to implement feature sets that allow people to export HDR content, go over supported HDR formats, review current restrictions, and explore the Apple platforms that support HDR export.

Speaker: Kevin Matsumura

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WWDC20 • Session 10221

Get your test results faster

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 16:23

Improve your testing suite to speed up your feedback loop and get fixes in faster. Learn more about the latest improvements to testing in Xcode, including how to leverage test plans, Xcodebuild updates, and APIs to eliminate never-ending and badly-behaved tests. We’ll explore Test Timeouts and Execution Time Allowances in XCTest, examine device parallelization, and detail recommended practices for balancing performance with clear fault localization. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with authoring basic tests using XCTest and managing tests through test plans. For background, watch “Testing in Xcode” from WWDC19.

Speaker: Sean Olszewski

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10220

Handle interruptions and alerts in UI tests

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 11:42

Learn how to anticipate potential interruptions to your app’s interface and build smart tests to identify them. UI interruptions often appear indeterminately, typically during onboarding or first launch, which can make them hard to track down. Learn how to understand interruptions, write stronger tests with UI interruption handlers, and manage expected alerts. To learn more about the latest improvements for testing your app in Xcode, check out “XCTSkip your tests”, “Get your test results faster”, and “Triage test failures with XCTIssue”.

Speaker: Dennis Weissmann

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WWDC20 • Session 10641

Handle the Limited Photos Library in your app

Frameworks • iOS • 14:17

Access the photos and videos you need for your app while preserving privacy. With the new Limited Photos Library feature, people can directly control which photos and videos an app can access to protect their private content. We’ll explore how this feature may affect your app, and take you through alternatives like PHPicker. Check out “Meet the New Photos Picker” to learn more about PHPicker and how this this fully private picker can help you avoid requiring full Photos Library access in your app.

Speakers: Matt Dickoff, Adam Swift

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10094

Handle trackpad and mouse input

Frameworks • iOS • 24:05

Provide a more versatile experience when you optimize your iPad or Mac Catalyst app for indirect input from trackpads and mice. Discover how to make your app responsive to new events from these devices. Learn how to work with pointer movement, enable pointer locking, handle scroll input and trackpad gestures, and accept or reject events on your gesture recognizers. We’ll also show you how to implement advanced features like changing gesture behaviors with keyboard modifiers or pointing device buttons to delight pro users and bring a richer experience to your app. To learn more about pointer-based interactions and to get the most out of this session, we recommend watching “Build for the iPadOS pointer,” “Bring keyboard and mouse gaming to iPad,” and “Support hardware keyboards in your app.”

Speaker: Steve Moseley

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10602

Harness Apple GPUs with Metal

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 24:23

Create visually stunning, high-performance apps and games when you combine the power of Apple GPUs with Metal, the modern foundation for GPU-accelerated graphics on Apple platforms. Discover the architecture and capabilities of the Apple GPU and how Metal harnesses its tile-based deferred rendering (TBDR) architecture to achieve measurable performance gains in apps and games. In this session, we’ll discuss the efficiency of Apple GPUs and show how TBDR applies to an array of modern rendering techniques. You should come to the session with a basic knowledge of Metal and graphics rendering. For a great introduction, check out “Modern Rendering with Metal” to orient yourself.

Speaker: Guillem Viñals Gangolells

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WWDC20 • Session 10006

Introducing Car Keys

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 21:31

You can now store car keys on iPhone or Apple Watch. You no longer have to bring your key fob to unlock and start your car. And with digital keys, it's easy to share them with family or friends, and manage keys remotely. This session is intended for automakers who want to adopt digital car keys in their vehicles. We'll talk about the core feature set including owner pairing, transactions (when you unlock or start your car), key sharing, and key management. Learn about the car key architecture and how it ensures security and privacy. Get information on where to go next for information on hardware and specifications.

Speaker: Matthias Lerch

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10139

Leverage enterprise identity and authentication

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 35:06

Empower your organization with the right tools while protecting privacy and security. Discover Apple’s identity management tools for enterprise, and how they can help you create a smoother experience for users when signing in to devices, apps and websites. We’ll show you how to take advantage of Federated Authentication and Single Sign-on extensions, including changes to Apple’s built-in Kerberos extension. And explore our other platform tools for enterprise users, including macOS account types and Shared iPad for Business.

Speakers: Mike Boylan, Sudhakar Mambakkam

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10176

Master Picture in Picture on tvOS

Frameworks • tvOS • 18:33

Picture in Picture is coming to Apple TV: With simultaneous video playback and the ability to swap between full screen content and Picture in Picture, you’ve never had more multitasking flexibility within your tvOS app. Discover how you can add AVPictureInPictureController to your project, leverage familiar APIs to create custom playback interfaces, and implement the best playback experience possible for people using your app. We'll also show you how to migrate away from the "swipe up" gesture to activate customOverlayViewController, as AVPlayerViewController now uses that gesture in tvOS 14. To get the most out of this session, you should have a basic understanding of AVKit. For more information, watch "Delivering Intuitive Media Playback with AVKit." We can't wait to see how you take advantage of tvOS’s unique Picture in Picture features with AVPlayerViewController.

Speakers: Jad Osseiran, Dan Wright

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10670

Meet Face ID and Touch ID for the web

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 15:41

Face ID and Touch ID provide a frictionless experience when logging in — and now you can use them on your websites in Safari with the Web Authentication API. Discover how to add this convenient and secure login alternative to your website.

Speaker: Jiewen Tan

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WWDC20 • Session 10652

Meet the new Photos picker

Frameworks • iOS • 14:33

Let people select photos and videos to use in your app without requiring full Photo Library access. Discover how the PHPicker API for iOS and Mac Catalyst ensures privacy while providing your app the features you need. PHPicker is the modern replacement for UIImagePickerController. In addition to its privacy-focused approach, the API also provides additional features for your app like search, multi-image selection, and the ability to zoom in or out on on the photo grid. We’ll show you how PHPicker can help most apps avoid asking for direct library access and how you can implement it to improve the overall experience for people interacting with your app.

Speakers: Tobias Conradi, Justin Jia

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WWDC20 • Session 10210

Modernize PCI and SCSI drivers with DriverKit

Frameworks • macOS • 36:53

Keep code out of the kernel and give your customers a more secure and reliable experience with accessories using DriverKit. Discover how to create low-level drivers that support PCI devices or SCSI controllers. And find out how you can achieve great performance with DriverKit on macOS Big Sur.

Speakers: Kevin Strasberg, Madhu Palmur

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WWDC20 • Session 10632

Optimize Metal Performance for Apple silicon Macs

Graphics and Games • macOS • 45:22

Apple silicon Macs are a transformative new platform for graphics-intensive apps — and we’re going to show you how to fire up the GPU to create blazingly fast apps and games. Discover how to take advantage of Apple’s unique Tile-Based Deferred Rendering (TBDR) GPU architecture within Apple silicon Macs and learn how to schedule workloads to provide maximum throughput, structure your rendering pipeline, and increase overall efficiency. And dive deep with our graphics team as we explore shader optimizations for the Apple GPU shader core. We’ve designed this session in tandem with “Bring your Metal app to Apple silicon Macs,” and recommend you watch that first. For more, watch “Harness Apple GPUs with Metal” to learn how TBDR applies to a variety of modern rendering techniques.

Speakers: Michael Imbrogno, Domenico Troiano

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WWDC20 • Session 10230

Optimize live streams with HLS Playlist Delta Updates

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 7:33

Discover Playlist Delta Updates, an HLS feature that optimizes the delivery of live streams with large playback windows and lots of metadata. We'll show you how Playlist Delta Updates can reduce overheard when producing live streams, provide higher-quality variants for people with slower connections, and integrate advertising.

Speaker: Roger Pantos

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WWDC20 • Session 10189

Secure your app: threat modeling and anti-patterns

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 38:08

It's more important than ever to consider vulnerabilities and potential threats and recognize where you should apply safeguards in your app. Understand how to identify potential risks through threat modeling and how to avoid common anti-patterns. Learn coding techniques and how to take advantage of platform-supplied protections to help you mitigate risk and protect people while they're using your app.

Speakers: Richard (Coops) Cooper, Ryan Williams

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WWDC20 • Session 10120

Streamline your App Clip

Frameworks • iOS • 20:14

App Clips are best when they provide an “in the moment” experience for people using them, like ordering your favorite refreshing beverage or paying for parking. We’ll share guidelines and best practices for building focused and consistent App Clips, show you how to streamline transaction experiences by taking advantage of technologies like App Clip notifications and location confirmation, and explore how you can help people move from your App Clip over to your full app. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Explore App Clips” and “Configure and link your App Clips.”

Speakers: Yongjun Zhang, Luming Yin

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WWDC20 • Session 10109

Support hardware keyboards in your app

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 11:34

When people use hardware keyboards with your app, they’re not only getting a more tactile and familiar typing experience — they can quickly navigate or use keyboard shortcuts, too. Discover how you can best support hardware keyboards for your iPadOS and Mac Catalyst apps: We’ll demystify the responder chain and show you best practices for implementing custom keyboard shortcuts. Learn how easy it is to get up and running with common system keyboard shortcuts, use modifier flags with gesture recognizers, and leverage the raw keyboard event API to respond to key down and key up events.

Speaker: James Magahern

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WWDC20 • Session 10110

Support local network privacy in your app

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 12:16

Local network privacy provides added transparency when apps connect to devices on a person's home network. If your app interacts with devices using Bonjour or other local networking protocols, you must add support for local network privacy permissions in iOS 14. Learn more about the new permission flow and follow along as we guide you through the necessary steps to update your app. We’ll also provide you with some best practices to help you create a frictionless privacy experience.

Speaker: Tommy Pauly

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WWDC20 • Session 10682

Swan's Quest, Chapter 2: A time for tones

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 5:17

Swift Playgrounds presents "Swan’s Quest,” an interactive adventure in four chapters for all ages. In this chapter, our Hero needs your help decoding the Swan’s scroll. Call forth the best of your audio abilities on this one — you’re going to need them. Discover how to convert Swift Playgrounds into a tone generator, and you just might help our Hero find the missing message… and move onto the next part of their quest. Swan’s Quest was created for Swift Playgrounds on iPad and Mac, combining frameworks and resources which power the educational experiences in many of our playgrounds, including Sonic Workshop, Sensor Arcade, and Augmented Reality. To learn more about building your own playgrounds, be sure to watch "Create Swift Playgrounds content for iPad and Mac". And don’t forget to stop by the Developer Forums and share your solution for our side quest.

Speakers: Rob Rhyne, Stephen Wakulchik

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WWDC20 • Session 10618

Tap into Game Center: Dashboard, Access Point, and Profile

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:32

Apple’s social gaming network is ready to play. We’ll walk you through the latest updates to Game Center, starting with its in-game interface and all-new player experience. Learn how to integrate GameKit into your app and authenticate players effectively, and discover the Access Point, which brings players into the in-game dashboard. From there, we’ll explore player profiles and their options for privacy. After exploring Game Center’s interface, Dashboard, and player profiles, continue to the next video to learn about Leaderboards, Achievements, and Multiplayer gaming. And for more about preparing your game’s interface for these new capabilities, see “Design for Game Center.”

Speakers: Ally Kazmucha, Udayan Kale, Christy Warren, Jonathan Ellenbogen

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WWDC20 • Session 10619

Tap into Game Center: Leaderboards, Achievements, and Multiplayer

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 24:53

Level up your Game Center integration and enable players to compare scores on leaderboards, earn valuable achievements, and engage with other players. Organize special events like weekly championships, daily showdowns, or 1-hour competitions using recurring leaderboards. Create up to 100 unique achievements for your game. And we'll show you how to set up real-time or turn-based multiplayer matches for your Game Center players. If you want to learn more about Game Center’s interface, Dashboard, and player profiles, check out “Tap into Game Center: Dashboard, Access Point, and Profile.” And for more about preparing your game’s interface for these new capabilities, see “Design for Game Center.”

Speakers: Udayan Kale, Christy Warren, Dersu Abolfathi

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WWDC20 • Session 10185

Visually edit SwiftUI views

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 5:06

Help your apps be the best versions of themselves: Discover how you can leverage Xcode Previews and SwiftUI to quickly iterate upon and improve your app. Find out how you can use the Previews canvas to build your app from the ground up, and view your interface in different environments like Light or Dark mode or with accessibility features like Dynamic Type enabled. To learn more about SwiftUI Previews, check out “Structure your app for SwiftUI previews” and “Add custom views and modifiers to the Xcode Library”.

Speaker: Daisy Hernández

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WWDC20 • Session 10663

What's new for web developers

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 36:04

Explore the latest features and improvements for Safari and WebKit. We’ll walk you through updated web APIs, CSS and media features, JavaScript syntax, and more to help you build great experiences for people when they use your website, home screen web apps, or embedded WebKit views.

Speaker: Jon Davis

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WWDC20 • Session 10151

What's new in CareKit

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 35:36

Build feature-rich research and care apps with CareKit: Learn about the latest advancements to our health framework, including new views for its modular architecture, improvements to the data store, and tighter integration with other frameworks on iOS. And discover how the open-source community continues to leverage CareKit to allow developers to push the boundaries of digital health — all while preserving privacy.

Speakers: Gavi Rawson, Erik Hornberger

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WWDC20 • Session 10662

What's new in Wallet and Apple Pay

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 14:56

Apple Pay makes it simple to pay for goods and services in your app and on your website. Discover how you can integrate API updates like context-specific button types, contact data formatting, and cross-platform support to make the service more effective for you and people using it. And, if you’re building app clips, adopting Apple Pay can help you unlock new commerce experiences.

Speaker: Stacey Abrams

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WWDC20 • Session 10005

What's new in assessment

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 12:46

It’s now easier than ever to deliver academic tests on the Mac. Learn how education developers can leverage the Automatic Assessment Configuration framework for iPhone, iPad, and Mac to deliver tests and assess students across all devices. And discover how developers can enable restricted features within tests and exams on iOS to accommodate student needs or suit the test content.

Speaker: Josh Carter

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WWDC20 • Session 10171

What's new in watchOS design

Developer Tools • watchOS • 16:37

Great watchOS apps are simple and direct. Actions should be discoverable, predictable and relevant. This session covers effective strategies for displaying actions in your watchOS app, whether they are primary buttons that begin core tasks, or contextual actions that might be less commonly used but are still important to offer. For more on implementing actions with the latest UI frameworks, check out "SwiftUI on watchOS."

Speaker: Jennifer Patton

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WWDC20 • Session 10661

What’s new with in-app purchase

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 45:53

Create a great in-app purchase experience for your iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch apps. Discover how to handle refunds, integrate new App Store server notifications, and find out how to use receipts and server notifications to manage subscriber status. We’ll also walk you through the latest updates in StoreKit, including in-app purchases on Apple Watch, Family Sharing, SKOverlay, SKAdNetwork, and more.

Speakers: Tori Shurman, Ross LeBeau

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WWDC20 • Session 10034

Widgets Code-along, part 1: The adventure begins

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 9:04

Take your app on a most wondrous adventure to the home and Today screens of iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Grab the starter project and code along with us! We will guide you through the process of creating a widget for your app from start to finish so that you can provide people with beautiful views and glanceable information in an easily-accessible place. Discover how to create a widget project, learn fundamental concepts for widgets and their structure, configure the widget and its provider, and start exploring timeline concepts. Once you’re finished, travel onward with us to part two of the Widgets Code-along where we’ll learn more about timelines, system intelligence, and configuration.

Speaker: Izzy Fraimow

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WWDC20 • Session 10035

Widgets Code-along, part 2: Alternate timelines

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 15:17

Our code-along continues as we help our widget rewrite the future and travel into an alternate timeline. Continue where you left off from Part 1, or traverse time and space and begin with the Part 2 starter project to jump right into the action. Find out how you can integrate system intelligence into your widgets to help them dynamically change at different points during the day and surface the most relevant information. Explore core timeline concepts, support multiple widget families, and learn how to make your widget configurable. Once you’ve helped your widget find its place in time, move on to the third and final part of the Widgets Code-along to discover advanced widget concepts and timelines.

Speaker: Izzy Fraimow

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10036

Widgets Code-along, part 3: Advancing timelines

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 9:05

Take your widget to the next level as we embark upon the third and final stage of the widgets code-along. Pick up where you left off in Part 2 or start with the Part 3 starter project to go warp speed ahead. We’ll explore advanced concepts for widgets, timelines, and configuration. Learn how to load in-process and background URLs and link directly to content within your app. And discover how to create multiple widgets that explore different features within your app, as well as making your widget dynamically configurable. For more on creating great widgets, watch "Build SwiftUI views for widgets”.

Speaker: Izzy Fraimow

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WWDC20 • Session 10970

A conversation with Lisa Jackson and former Attorney General Eric Holder

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:48

Eric Holder was the 82nd Attorney General of the United States, having served from 2009 to 2015. The first Black American to hold the position, Holder’s six-year tenure also makes him one of the longest-serving occupants of the office. Currently a partner in Covington & Burling, he’s served in government for more than 30 years, including appointments by Presidents Obama, Clinton, and Reagan. Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives, will interview the former Attorney General on the topic of race in America. This wide-ranging discussion will touch on the fight for equal justice, how technology can empower people to change the world for the better, and ways to help in this moment.

Speakers: Lisa Jackson, Eric Holder

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WWDC20 • Session 10232

Adapt ad insertion to Low-Latency HLS

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 9:39

Find out how to integrate advertising into your Low-Latency HLS streams through server-side ad insertion. We'll show you how to segment your ad content, and examine how ad insertion works with LL-HLS features such as Blocking Playlist Reload and Blocking Preload Hints. For more information about Blocking Playlist Reload and Preload Hinting, watch "Reduce Latency with HLS Blocking Playlist Reload" and "Discover HLS Blocking Preload Hints."

Speaker: Roger Pantos

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10019

App accessibility for Switch Control

Frameworks • iOS • 14:43

Switch Control is a powerful accessibility technology for anyone with very limited mobility. The feature is available natively on iOS, and you can create an even better Switch Control experience in your app with tips, tricks, and a few APIs. We’ll walk you through how people use Switch Control, as well as provide best practices for supporting it in your app effectively. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with general accessibility principles and VoiceOver accessibility APIs. Check out "Making Apps More Accessible With Custom Actions," "Writing Great Accessibility Labels, and "VoiceOver: App Testing Beyond The Visuals" for more information.

Speaker: Sommer Panage

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WWDC20 • Session 10671

Architecting for subscriptions

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:20

Learn how you can build simple entitlement logic to enhance the customer experience. We’ll dive deep into key concepts and provide guidance for architecting your systems to accurately entitle service. You’ll learn best practices for subscription features and how to craft the best customer experience throughout the subscription lifecycle.

Speakers: Michael Gargas, Garrett Cox

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WWDC20 • Session 10011

Author fragmented MPEG-4 content with AVAssetWriter

Media • iOS, macOS • 22:10

Transform your audio and video content into fragmented MPEG-4 files for a faster and smoother HLS streaming experience. Learn how to work with the fragmented MPEG-4 format, generate fragmented content from a movie, and set up AVAssetWriter to create fragments for HLS output.

Speaker: Takayuki Mizuno

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WWDC20 • Session 10617

Bring keyboard and mouse gaming to iPad

Frameworks • iOS • 14:03

Level up your iPad games and add in keyboard, mouse, and trackpad controls. Discover how to use the Game Controller framework to augment your existing titles, bring over games from other platforms, or dream up entirely new interaction experiences. Learn how to integrate keyboard and “delta” mouse coordinate events for player motion, and disable pointer system gestures like the Dock or Control Center to take full advantage of full screen gameplay. For further information on adding support for console game controllers like the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 and Xbox Adaptive Controller, watch “Advancements in Game Controllers.” And learn more about using UIKit to manage indirect input by checking out “Handle trackpad and mouse input”.

Speaker: Nat Brown

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WWDC20 • Session 10642

Build Image and Video Style Transfer models in Create ML

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 11:47

Bring stylized effects to your photos and videos with Style Transfer in Create ML. Discover how you can train models in minutes that make it easy to bring creative visual features to your app. Learn about the training process and the options you have for controlling the results. And we’ll explore the real-time performance of these models by demonstrating three of them simultaneously in ARKit. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with Create ML. For an overview, watch “Introducing the Create ML App.”

Speakers: David Findlay, Geppy Parziale

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WWDC20 • Session 10643

Build a SwiftUI view in Swift Playgrounds

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 14:13

Easily prototype and play around with SwiftUI views when you use them with Swift Playgrounds. We’ll show you how to build a SwiftUI view in a Xcode-compatible playground, and explore tools to help you easily edit and preview your code. For more on Swift Playgrounds, check out our interactive challenge, “Swan's Quest”, and learn to build your own by watching “Create Swift Playgrounds Content for iPad and Mac”.

Speaker: Matt Patenaude

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10039

Build document-based apps in SwiftUI

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 12:02

Learn how to build a document-based app entirely in SwiftUI! We’ll walk you through the DocumentGroup API and how it composes with your App and Scenes, allowing you to add out-of-the-box support for document management — such as document browsing and standard commands — no heavy lifting required. You’ll learn to set up Universal Type Identifiers as well as gain understanding into what makes a top-notch document-based app. To get the most out of this session, you should first familiarize yourself with building apps in SwiftUI. Check out "App essentials in SwiftUI" to learn more.

Speaker: I-Ting Tina Liu

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WWDC20 • Session 10113

Build local push connectivity for restricted networks

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 13:45

Leverage local push connectivity and deliver notifications from your application server to devices on networks without an internet connection. Learn how to construct notifications for apps running in restricted network environments, helping people communicate with the same reliability and experience they would expect when connected to the internet. We’ll explore the technical details for this technology, when you might want to use it, and how to implement it in your app.

Speaker: Paresh Sawant

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WWDC20 • Session 10140

Build location-aware enterprise apps

Frameworks • iOS • 14:15

Develop location-aware enterprise apps for your business and personalize your employee’s everyday experience. Learn how Apple built the Caffe Macs app for its on-campus cafeterias using iBeacons and Location Services and how you can apply these tools and frameworks to your own apps, while preserving employee privacy. From there, discover how you can use localization to deliver a great experience for your international employees.

Speaker: Lucas Dilts

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WWDC20 • Session 10654

Create Swift Playgrounds content for iPad and Mac

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 8:28

Learn how to create Swift Playgrounds books that work fluidly across both Mac and iPad and help people of all ages explore the fun of coding in Swift. We’ll walk you through how to customize content for each platform while considering platform settings, and help you take advantage of them in your playgrounds while still providing a smooth cross-platform experience. For more on Swift Playgrounds, check out "Build a SwiftUI view in Swift Playgrounds", and try your hand with "Swan’s Quest".

Speakers: Lizzy Board, Grace Kendall

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WWDC20 • Session 10616

Debug GPU-side errors in Metal

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 20:56

Track down even the trickiest GPU-side programming errors with enhanced reporting in Xcode 12. While Metal’s API validation layer can catch most problems in a project, GPU errors can cause a host of difficult-to-debug issues. Get an introduction to GPU-side errors and learn how to find and eliminate problems like visual corruption, infinite loop timeouts, out of bounds memory accesses, nil resource access, or invalid resource residency with Xcode 12. Discover how to enable enhanced command buffer error reporting and shader validation, use them effectively as part of your debugging strategy, and automate them in your production pipeline.

Speaker: Michael Harris

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WWDC20 • Session 10090

Decode ProRes with AVFoundation and VideoToolbox

Graphics and Games • macOS • 23:39

Make decoding and displaying ProRes content easier in your Mac app: Learn how to implement an optimal graphics pipeline by leveraging AVFoundation and VideoToolbox’s decoding capabilities. We’ll share best practices and performance considerations for your app, show you how to integrate Afterburner cards into your pipeline, and walk through how you can display decoded frames using Metal.

Speaker: David Eldred

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WWDC20 • Session 10223

Deploy Apple devices using zero-touch

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 17:07

Discover how Apple's system administrators remotely deploy Apple devices to their teams, ensuring a zero-touch deployment. Learn how to configure the setup experience, control and manage devices effectively, and discover practices around security and management.

Speaker: Jason C. Cary

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WWDC20 • Session 10640

Design for the iPadOS pointer

Frameworks • iOS • 41:34

Bring the power of the pointer to your iPad app: We’ll show you how Apple's design team approached designing the iPadOS pointer to complement touch input, and how you can customize and refine pointer interactions in your app to make workflows more efficient and gratifying. Discover how the pointer’s adaptive precision enables people to quickly and confidently target interface elements regardless of their size. We’ll also share some best practices on adapting the pointer to complement your app's unique needs including how to select pointer effects and design pointer shapes, integrate trackpad gestures, and keyboard modifiers.

Speakers: Brandon Walkin, Marcos Alonso, CC Wan, Dylan Edwards

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WWDC20 • Session 10060

Design high quality Siri media interactions

Media • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:44

Demystify the art of designing Siri experiences for your music and audio apps: We’ll show you how to think about crafting great interactions and how you can provide custom vocabulary so that Siri can respond with more accuracy and personality. We’ll also explain how you can debug common errors and test your intents using the same methods Apple’s own Siri team employs.

Speaker: Danny Mandel

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WWDC20 • Session 10188

Discover WKWebView enhancements

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 30:08

WKWebView is the best way to present rich, interactive web content right within your app. Explore new APIs that help you convert apps using WebViews or UIWebViews while adding entirely new capabilities. Learn about better ways to handle JavaScript, fine tune the rendering process, export web content, and more.

Speaker: Brady Eidson

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WWDC20 • Session 10165

Embrace Swift type inference

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 20:52

Swift uses type inference to help you write clean, concise code without compromising type safety. We’ll show you how the compiler seeks out clues in your code to solve the type inference puzzle. Discover what happens when the compiler can't come to a solution, and find out how Xcode 12 integrates error tracking to help you understand and fix mistakes at compile time.

Speaker: Holly Borla

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WWDC20 • Session 10061

Expand your SiriKit Media Intents to more platforms

Media • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 11:25

Discover how you can enable Siri summoning for your music or audio app using SiriKit Media Intents. We’ll walk you through how to add Siri support to your music, podcast, or other audio service on more of our platforms, including HomePod and Apple TV, so people can start listening by just asking Siri. And learn about new APIs that let you support alternative results, helping people listen more quickly without leaving the Siri interface.

Speaker: Danny Mandel

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WWDC20 • Session 10004

Expanding automation with the App Store Connect API

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 25:40

Make routine tasks in App Store Connect a thing of the past when you automate your workflow with the App Store Connect API. Learn how you can manage more about your presence on the App Store with the App Metadata API, or use the new Power and Performance Metrics and Diagnostics API to access the same aggregate data that drives the Power and Performance analysis tools in Xcode. Whether you’re managing team members and provisioning profiles, adding or removing beta testers, or downloading your sales and financial reports, this comprehensive API makes automation of these processes a snap.

Speaker: Geoff Coffey

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WWDC20 • Session 10217

Explore numerical computing in Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:23

Meet Swift Numerics: a new Swift package for computational mathematics. Take a tour of the protocols and types available in the package and find out how you can use them to write generic code. We'll also show you how and when to use the new Float16 type to improve performance and reduce memory usage. To get the most out of this session, you should have some familiarity with mathematics like logarithmic functions and real and imaginary numbers. You should also be familiar with generic programming in Swift. For more background, watch “Swift Generics (Expanded)” from WWDC18.

Speaker: Tim Kientzle

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WWDC20 • Session 10099

Explore the Action & Vision app

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 36:26

It's now easy to create an app for fitness or sports coaching that takes advantage of machine learning — and to prove it, we built our own. Learn how we designed the Action & Vision app using Object Detection and Action Classification in Create ML along with the new Body Pose Estimation, Trajectory Detection, and Contour Detection features in the Vision framework. Explore how you can create an immersive application for gameplay or training from setup to analysis and feedback. And follow along in Xcode with a full sample project. To get the most out of this session, you should have familiarity with the Vision framework and Create ML’s Action Classifier tools. To learn more, we recommend watching “Build an Action Classifier with Create ML,” “Explore Computer Vision APIs,” and “Detect Body and Hand Pose with Vision.” We also recommend exploring the Action & Vision sample project to learn more about adopting these technologies. Whether you are building a fitness coaching app, or exploring new ways of interacting, consider the incredible features that you can build by combining machine learning with the rich set of computer vision features. By bringing Create ML, Core ML, and Vision API together, there's almost no end to the magic you can bring to your app.

Speakers: Frank Doepke, Brent Dimick

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WWDC20 • Session 10605

Gain insights into your Metal app with Xcode 12

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 14:16

Learn how to locate graphics issues in minutes with Metal’s debugging and performance optimization tools in Xcode 12. We’ll show you how to diagnose problems quickly using Metal Debugger. Discover the new summary view, which suggests ways to improve memory usage, bandwidth, performance, and implementation of the Metal API. You should have a basic understanding of Metal to get the most out of this session. For background, watch “Harness Apple GPUs with Metal.”

Speaker: Sam Colbran

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10173

Get the most out of Sign in with Apple

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 30:47

Sign in with Apple makes it easy for people to sign in to your apps and websites with the Apple ID they already have. Fully integrate Sign in with Apple into your app using secure requests, and by handling state changes and server notifications. We’ll also introduce new APIs that allow you to let existing users switch to Sign in with Apple quickly and easily.

Speakers: Alfonso Tapia Galindo, Jonathan Birdsall

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WWDC20 • Session 10664

Getting started with HealthKit

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 32:11

HealthKit helps you build world-class health and fitness apps by centralizing health data from third-party apps, iPhone, Apple Watch, and external health devices. Discover how you can manage authorization and privacy around Health data, read and write data to the shared Health Store, and use HealthKit’s built-in queries to fetch data and calculate statistics for that data.

Speaker: Dina Benayad-Cherif

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WWDC20 • Session 10225

Improve stream authoring with HLS Tools

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 10:41

Deliver live and on-demand audio and video to iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, PC, and Apple TV with HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). Learn about tools and features to help improve the authoring of your HLS streams and provide low-latency delivery and better audio performance to people watching or listening to your content. We’ll also walk you through creating Low-Latency HLS test streams, integrating audio codecs, and creating master playlists.

Speaker: Eryk Vershen

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WWDC20 • Session 10049

Keep your complications up to date

Frameworks • watchOS • 21:50

Time is of the essence: Discover how your Apple Watch complications can provide relevant information throughout the day and help people get the information they need, when they need it. Learn best practices for capitalizing on your app’s runtime opportunities, incorporating APIs like background app refresh and URLSession, and implementing well-timed push notifications.

Speaker: Mike Lamb

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WWDC20 • Session 10657

Make apps smarter with Natural Language

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 41:03

Explore how you can leverage the Natural Language framework to better analyze and understand text. Learn how to draw meaning from text using the framework's built-in word and sentence embeddings, and how to create your own custom embeddings for specific needs. We’ll show you how to use samples to train a custom text classifier or word tagger to extract important pieces of information out of text— all powered by the transfer learning algorithms in Natural Language. Find out how you can create apps that can answer user questions, recognize similarities in text, and find relevant documents, images, and more. To get the most out of this session, you should have a basic understanding of the Natural Language framework. For an overview, watch “Introducing Natural Language Framework” and “Advances in Natural Language Framework.” You can also brush up on model training using Create ML through “Introducing the Create ML App.”

Speakers: Vivek Kumar Rangarajan Sridhar, Doug Davidson

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WWDC20 • Session 10224

Meet Audio Workgroups

Media • iOS, macOS • 10:52

Fine-tune your audio app or plug-in for Apple silicon Macs: We’ll show you how to register your realtime threads using Audio Workgroups and make your app sing. Learn more about the power efficiency of System on a Chip (SoC) and how you can take advantage of new APIs to improve the speed and sound of your apps and plug-ins.

Speaker: Doug Wyatt

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WWDC20 • Session 10603

Optimize Metal apps and games with GPU counters

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 32:50

GPU counters can help you precisely measure GPU utilization to pinpoint bottlenecks and optimize workloads for your Metal apps and games. We’ll walk you through the tools available in the Metal System Trace instrument and Metal Debugger in Xcode 12 to profile your graphics workload, and show you how to use collected data to discover underused and overworked stages of your GPU pipeline. Discover how you can act on that data to improve your app's capabilities. To get the most out of the session, you should understand the tile-based deferred rendering architecture of Apple GPUs and familiarize yourself with our recommended best practices for performance optimization. For a primer, check out “Delivering optimized Metal apps and games” and “Harness Apple GPUs with Metal.” Once you’ve learned how to act on GPU counter data to optimize your Metal apps, see how you can use those skills to "Bring your Metal app to Apple silicon Macs" and "Optimize Metal Performance for Apple silicon Macs".

Speakers: Guillem Vinals Gangolells, Sam Colbran

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10056

Optimize the interface of your Mac Catalyst app

Frameworks • macOS • 37:32

Discover how to tailor your Mac Catalyst app so that it looks and feels even more at home on the Mac by using the new “Optimize Interface for Mac” option in Xcode. Explore new layout and appearance options for Catalyst apps, and learn how they can provide you with graphical performance gains, sharper text, and an interface designed specifically for Apple’s desktops and laptops. We’ll show you how to take advantage of these options and provide best practices for organizing your code when developing for multiple platforms. Developers actively working on a Mac Catalyst project will get the most out of watching this session. If you’re new to Catalyst, we recommend watching “Designing iPad Apps for Mac” and "Introducing iPad Apps for Mac" for an introduction. For more on working with Mac Catalyst, check out "What's new in Mac Catalyst”

Speakers: Nick Teissler, Jake Carter

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10231

Reduce latency with HLS Blocking Playlist Reload

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 8:40

Blocking Playlist Reload is a required component of Low-Latency HLS that improves segment discovery time in live streams and addresses the common problem of stale playlists when delivering through an HTTP cache. Learn how to use Blocking Playlist Reload to reduce streaming latency and improve CDN performance for both low-latency and regular live HLS streams.

Speaker: Roger Pantos

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WWDC20 • Session 10604

Shop online with AR Quick Look

Frameworks • iOS • 18:37

AR Quick Look adds a new dimension to online shopping: We'll show you how to easily showcase your products in augmented reality for a "try before you buy" experience. Discover how to display a product banner in AR Quick Look, integrate Apple Pay, or display custom actions like "add to cart". To get the most out of this session, we recommend you familiarize yourself with “Advances in AR Quick Look” from WWDC 2019. Once you’ve discovered the potential of AR Quick Look and Apple Pay to create interactive online shopping experiences, learn more about creating 3D objects and attaching interactions to them by watching “What's new in USD.”

Speaker: David Lui

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10031

Stacks, Grids, and Outlines in SwiftUI

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 19:08

Display detailed data in your SwiftUI apps more quickly and efficiently with improved stacks and new list and outline views. Now available on iOS and iPadOS for the first time, outlines are a new multi-platform tool for expressing hierarchical data that work alongside stacks and lists. Learn how to use new and improved tools in SwiftUI to display more content on screen when using table views, create smooth-scrolling and responsive stacks, and build out list views for content that needs more than a vStack can provide. Take your layout options even further with the new grid view, as well as disclosure groups. To get the most out of this video, we recommend first checking out “SwiftUI App Essentials,” which provides an overview of everything new in SwiftUI for 2020. If you’re brand-new to coding with SwiftUI, we also suggest watching 2019’s “SwiftUI Essentials” talk.

Speakers: Cody Brimhall, Curt Clifton

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10621

Support performance-intensive apps and games

Graphics and Games • iOS • 5:42

iOS and iPadOS provide powerful capabilities to help developers deliver breakthrough apps and games across all device generations. In certain instances, however, demanding apps with exceptional performance requirements may only be able to provide the best experience on devices with an A12 Bionic chip or higher. With Xcode 12, developers can now enable a setting for performance-intensive apps and games to indicate this requirement. We’ll walk you through the narrow circumstances for when to apply this setting and the app distribution trade-offs that must be carefully considered. Before selecting this approach, you should have deep experience in optimizing your apps. Watch “Delivering Optimized Metal Apps and Games” for specific insights into the tools and best practices you can use to make your product work well on all supported devices. For more on creating graphics-intensive experiences for your app or game using Metal, check out “Harness Apple GPUs with Metal”.

Speaker: Hannah Gillis

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10683

Swan's Quest, Chapter 3: The notable scroll

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 5:58

Swift Playgrounds presents "Swan’s Quest,” an interactive adventure in four chapters for all ages. Calling all musicians! In this chapter, our Hero has found a mysterious scroll of music, and only you can help decode it. (Don’t worry if you can’t read music, our clever Lizard is standing by to assist. It’s sure to be a note-worthy experience.) By learning a little theory, and mastering time to create tones of different lengths, you just might help our Hero face the music… and move onto the next part of their quest. Swan’s Quest was created for Swift Playgrounds on iPad and Mac, combining frameworks and resources which power the educational experiences in many of our playgrounds, including Sonic Workshop, Sensor Arcade, and Augmented Reality. To learn more about building your own playgrounds, be sure to watch "Create Swift Playgrounds content for iPad and Mac". And don’t forget to stop by the Developer Forums and share your solution for our side quest.

Speakers: Rob Rhyne, Stephen Wakulchik

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10650

Sync a Core Data store with the CloudKit public database

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 18:18

Discover how Core Data can help you adopt the CloudKit public database in your app with as little as one line of code. Learn how to easily manage the flow of data through your app and in and out of CloudKit. We’ll show you how to combine the complementary power of Core Data and the CloudKit public database to allow people to access — and contribute to — data, such as high scores or application templates. To familiarize yourself with the CloudKit Database, check out our “CKDatabase” documentation, and to learn more about CloudKit integration, read “Mirroring a Core Data Store with CloudKit.”

Speaker: Nick Gillett

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10095

The Push Notifications primer

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 11:46

Help people get the most out of your app with push notifications for important events and updates — and by delivering up-to-date data in the background, so that it is ready when they open your app. Discover how you can use notifications and alert people to timely and relevant information. Learn the differences between alert and background notifications, how to adopt them in your apps, and avoid mistakes by using the right APIs for the job.

Speaker: Elliot Garner

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10687

Triage test failures with XCTIssue

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 12:37

Put your test failures to work: Learn how to triage and diagnose uncaught issues in your app using the latest testing APIs in Xcode. We’ll show you how to help ease your testing workflow and put failures into context to help you deliver the best quality product. For more information on designing your tests to improve triaging, see “Write tests to fail.” And check out the latest improvements to Xcode’s testing workflow by watching “Get your test results faster”, “Handle interruptions and alerts in UI tests”, and “XCTSkip your tests.”

Speaker: Wil Addario-Turner

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10648

Unsafe Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:49

What exactly makes code “unsafe”? Join the Swift team as we take a look at the programming language’s safety precautions — and when you might need to reach for unsafe operations. We’ll take a look at APIs that can cause unexpected states if not used correctly, and how you can write code more specifically to avoid undefined behavior. Learn how to work with C APIs that use pointers and the steps to take when you want to use Swift’s unsafe pointer APIs. To get the most out of this session, you should have some familiarity with Swift and the C programming language. And for more information on working with pointers, check out "Safely Manage Pointers in Swift".

Speaker: Karoy Lorentey

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10672

What's new in ClassKit

Frameworks • iOS • 24:47

The ClassKit framework helps you surface educational activities within your app to teachers through the Schoolwork app. Discover how to provide a richer assignment experience for students and teachers through enhanced metadata properties and progress reporting. We’ll also show you how the new ClassKit Catalog APIs decouple management of your content from that of your app and improve overall discoverability.

Speakers: Baskaran Subramaniam, Daniel Mak

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10209

What's new in Core NFC

Frameworks • iOS • 5:51

Core NFC helps you scan and write to NFC tags in your apps, helping people get more from objects like parking meters, scooter rentals, car charging stations, and more. Learn about Core NFC’s support for the ISO15693 protocol and new tag capabilities, and find out more about syntax improvements for Swift.

Speaker: Lawrence Chung

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10216

What's new in ResearchKit

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 30:48

ResearchKit continues to simplify how developers build research and care apps. Explore how the latest ResearchKit updates expand the boundaries of data researchers can collect. Learn about features like enhanced onboarding, extended options for surveys, and new active tasks. Discover how Apple has partnered with the research community to leverage this framework, helping developers build game-changing apps that empower care teams and the research community.

Speakers: Pariece McKinney, Joey LaBarck

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10613

What's new in USD

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 24:41

Discover proposed schema and structure updates to the Universal Scene Description (USD) standard. Learn how you can use Reality Composer to build AR content with interactive properties like anchoring, physics, behaviors, 3D text, and spatial audio that exports to USDZ. And, discover streamlined workflows that help you bring newly-created objects into your app. If you're interested to learn more about USDZ as a distribution format, check out "Working with USD.” And for more on creating AR content with Reality Composer, watch “The Artist's AR Toolkit." We’d love to hear feedback about the preliminary schemas. After you watch this session, come join us on the Developer Forums and share your thoughts.

Speaker: Abhi Ashutosh

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10636

What's new in streaming audio for Apple Watch

Media • watchOS • 7:11

Deliver a smooth streaming audio experience straight to the wrist. We’ll talk about some of the new things for building great streaming apps unique to Apple Watch. Learn how to integrate more audio formats, deliver streams more efficiently through new codecs, and add encrypted content to expand your app’s media library. This session builds on techniques introduced in “Streaming Audio on watchOS 6” from WWDC19. If you’re new to audio on Apple Watch, we recommend you watch that video for a primer.

Speaker: Suresh Koppisetty

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10091

Write tests to fail

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:55

Plan for failure: Design great tests to help you find and diagnose even the toughest bugs. Learn how to improve your automated tests with XCTest to find hidden issues in even the best code. We’ll explain how to prepare your tests for failure to make triaging issues easier, letting you solve interface issues and deliver fixes quickly. To get the most out of this session, you should already be familiar with writing UI tests within the XCTest framework. For more on testing tools, head over to “The suite life of testing”.

Speaker: Kelly Keenan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10164

XCTSkip your tests

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 6:35

Get the test results that matter — and skip the ones that don’t. Discover how you can implement XCTSkip to conditionally avoid tests at runtime. We'll take you through how to return this new test result and better document tests beyond pass and fail within your test bundle. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with XCTest and unit/UI testing. Watch “Testing in Xcode” for a primer. Once you’ve learned about XCTSkip, learn more about improvements in testing: Watch "Triage test failures with XCTIssue", "Handle interruptions and alerts in UI tests", "Get your test results faster", and "Eliminate animation hitches with XCTest". To learn how to improve your testing suites, check out "Write tests to fail".

Speaker: Wil Addario-Turner

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10969

A conversation with the cast and creators of Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 26:00

Ever wondered which is more fun — filming in a hot tub or filming in a VR suit? The cast and creators of the Apple TV+ hit show Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet answer questions from the Apple developer community. Join Rob McElhenney (executive producer/co-creator and Ian Grimm), Charlotte Nicdao (Poppy), Imani Hakim (Dana), Danny Pudi (Brad), and Megan Ganz (executive producer/co-creator) as they review one of their favorite scenes and answer submitted questions. Note: Contains adult language. Mythic Quest: Raven’s Banquet is rated TV-MA.

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10117

Accessibility design for Mac Catalyst

App Store and Distribution • iOS, macOS • 21:29

Make your Mac Catalyst app accessible to all — and bring those improvements back to your iPad app. Discover how a great accessible iPad app automatically becomes a great accessible Mac app when adding support for Mac Catalyst. Learn how to further augment your experience with support for mouse and keyboard actions and accessibility element grouping and navigation. And explore how to use new Accessibility Inspector features to test your app and iterate to create a truly great experience for everyone. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with Mac Catalyst, UIKit, and basic accessibility APIs for iOS. To get started, check out “Introducing iPad apps for Mac” and "Auditing your apps for accessibility."

Speakers: Eric Liang, Nathan Tannar

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10194

Add configuration and intelligence to your widgets

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 27:31

Widgets are at their best when they show up on someone’s Home screen or in the Today View at the right time and provide actionable, relevant information. We’ll show you how to build configurable widgets to let people create a personalized Home screen experience, and that take advantage of system intelligence to help people get what they want, when they want it. Learn how to customize your widget’s configuration interface, and how to appear within Siri Suggestions or at the top of a widget Smart Stack based on user behavior or by letting the system know when there's new, timely information. For more on widgets, watch "Meet WidgetKit". And for more on system intelligence, watch the collection "Design for Intelligence."

Speakers: lan McDowell, Kelvin So

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10163

Advancements in the Objective-C runtime

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:05

Dive into the microscopic world of low-level bits and bytes that underlie every Objective-C and Swift class. Find out how recent changes to internal data structures, method lists, and tagged pointers provide better performance and lower memory usage. We’ll demonstrate how to recognize and fix crashes in code that depend on internal details, and show you how to keep your code unaffected by changes to the runtime.

Speaker: Ben Cohen

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10115

AutoFill everywhere

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 10:13

Discover how to implement AutoFill in your app and help people enter their information into fields easily, privately, and securely. Learn how to help the system to give better suggestions that tailor to your app's functionality: offer smart location suggestions within a navigation app, for example, or provide a private way to input contact information into fields from the QuickType bar. In macOS Big Sur, AutoFill has been extended beyond Safari, to apps. Learn about the small changes that you can make to take advantage of this feature and bring convenience, added security, and a frictionless experience to people using your macOS apps. For more on the latest privacy improvements to our platforms, watch “Build trust through better privacy.”

Speaker: Zeheng Chen

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10063

Background execution demystified

Frameworks • iOS • 17:05

Are you mystified about why and when your app gets background processing time? No need for a crystal ball! We’ll show you how to tackle the seven major factors that impact background runtime, and how you can integrate background modes that help your app come back to the foreground faster, run more smoothly, and reduce battery drain. Learn about the major factors affecting runtime for your app, the nuances of each opportunistic background mode, and how you can help your apps run more often and stay fresher by minimizing energy and data consumption. For more information on background processing and execution, watch “Advances in App Background Execution” from WWDC19.

Speakers: Roberto Alvarez, Andy Aude

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10647

Become a Simulator expert

Developer Tools • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 20:13

Simulator runs your iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, or watchOS apps directly on your Mac — no separate device required. We’ll give you a tour of the app's latest tools and features and show you how to sharpen your Simulator skills. Discover how to test pointer and trackpad support, adjust Simulator preferences, and use command line tools like simctl to help you simulate push notifications in a development environment. While you can get a quick overview of Simulator in this session, for more detailed information about the tool you may want to refresh yourself on “Getting the Most Out of Simulator” from WWDC19.

Speaker: Ryan Bowring

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10656

Beyond counting steps

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 21:05

Move beyond step counting in your app and give people a much richer understanding of their mobility. We’ll detail how you can take advantage of mobility metrics in iOS and watchOS to measure movement in more distinct and actionable ways. Learn about the latest HealthKit APIs for accessing mobility data, strategies for meaningful data aggregation, and how to interpret results for people using your app.

Speakers: Edith Arnold, Dan Trietsch

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10111

Boost performance and security with modern networking

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 13:41

Speed up your app and make it more nimble, private and secure with modern networking APIs. Learn about networking protocols like IPv6, HTTP/2, TLS 1.3 and Encrypted DNS, and how incorporating these within your app and server can provide faster performance and reduce both your power consumption and thermal impact. In addition, discover how adopting the latest security protocols can help you better protect privacy within your app. For more information on creating a great networking experience for people using your app, watch “Advances in Networking” and “Optimizing your App for Today’s Internet.” And to learn more about the latest networking APIs on Apple platforms, check out “Enable Encrypted DNS” and “Adopt Local Network Privacy.”

Speakers: Jiten Mehta, Eric Kinnear

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10033

Build SwiftUI views for widgets

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 20:21

Widgets are bite-sized pieces of information from your app that someone can choose to place on their home screen or Today view. Discover the process of building the views for a widget from scratch using SwiftUI. Brush up on the syntax that you’ll need for widget-specific construction and learn how to incorporate those commands and customize your widget’s interface for a great glanceable experience. To learn more about widgets, be sure to check out "Meet WidgetKit" and "Widgets Code-along".

Speaker: Nils Hayat

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10677

Build customized ML models with the Metal Performance Shaders Graph

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 39:35

Discover the Metal Performance Shaders (MPS) Graph, which extends Metal's Compute capabilities to multi-dimensional Tensors. MPS Graph builds on the highly tuned library of data parallel primitives that are vital to machine learning and leverages the tremendous power of the GPU. Explore how MPS Graph can help express sophisticated and dynamic neural network training architectures and optimize across them to get acceleration on the GPU. For a deeper understanding of the concepts covered in this session, check out "Metal for Machine Learning” from WWDC19.

Speaker: Dhruv Saksena

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10219

Build localization-friendly layouts using Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 14:59

Localizing your app is a wonderful way to share your work with a worldwide audience and make it relevant to more cultures and languages. We’ll show you how you can prepare for localization before ever translating a word by building thoughtful layouts for your app. Learn how to structure your UI in Xcode, identify common issues prevalent with more verbose and right-to-left languages, and easily adapt your interfaces to provide a great experience for everyone.

Speaker: Paul Borokhov

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10142

Build scalable enterprise app suites

Frameworks • iOS • 15:16

Learn how to build focused enterprise apps that work well together. In this session, we’ll introduce you to Apple Retail’s suite of enterprise apps, which help employees interact with customers, track operations, manage stores, and stay connected. Discover how Apple Retail created a unified set of apps by adopting Swift Packages and testing for app scalability. And explore how managing apps in production with configurations can help tailor app suites to different regions and locations.

Speakers: Eric Vitiello, Pinar Stanfield

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10633

Capture and stream apps on the Mac with ReplayKit

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 23:57

Learn how you can integrate ReplayKit into your Mac apps and games to easily share screen recordings or broadcast live audio and visuals online. We’ll show you how to capture screen content, audio, and microphone input inside your Mac apps, and even broadcast your video to a live audience. For more on getting started with this framework in your app, be sure to see “Live Screen Broadcast with ReplayKit” and "What's New with Screen Recording and Live Broadcast" from previous years.

Speaker: Johnny Trenh

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10156

Control training in Create ML with Swift

Frameworks • macOS • 18:38

With the Create ML framework you have more power than ever to easily develop models and automate workflows. We'll show you how to explore and interact with your machine learning models while you train them, helping you get a better model quickly. Discover how training control in Create ML can customize your training workflow with checkpointing APIs to pause, save, resume, and extend your training process. And find out how you can monitor your progress programmatically using Combine APIs. If you're not already familiar with Create ML and curious about training machine learning models, be sure to watch “Introducing the Create ML App.”

Speaker: Lizi Ottens

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10017

Core Data: Sundries and maxims

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 17:27

Core Data is the central way to durably and persistently store information from your app — and we’re going to show you how to refine that implementation for even faster data ingest and fetching. Discover how you can improve data capture with batch insert, tailor fetch requests to your data needs, and react to notifications about changes in the persistent store. To get the most out of this session, you should know and have interacted with Core Data in the past. For more information on the framework, watch “Making Apps with Core Data.”

Speaker: Rishi Verma

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10222

Create custom apps for employees

Frameworks • iOS • 14:50

Build enterprise apps for your employees to help them solve problems and streamline everyday tasks. See how to build custom apps designed for your workforce. Learn how to identify great mobile use cases, have your employees drive the design process, use key Apple frameworks, and rapidly iterate with Xcode.

Speaker: Adam Humphrey

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10190

Create quick interactions with Shortcuts on watchOS

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 11:35

Shortcuts are a natural fit on Apple Watch, allowing people to get things done with just a tap — even from a complication. Bring your app’s intents to the wrist: We’ll help you optimize your shortcuts performance, understand how intents can be routed from watchOS to iOS, explore the latest interaction and presentation interfaces, and examine how the Shortcuts app manages shortcuts and intents for Apple Watch.

Speakers: Conrad Kramer, Alex Gusev

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10040

Data Essentials in SwiftUI

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:15

Data is a complex part of any app, but SwiftUI makes it easy to ensure a smooth, data-driven experience from prototyping to production. Discover @State and @Binding, two powerful tools that can preserve and seamlessly update your Source of Truth. We'll also show you how ObservableObject lets you connect your views to your data model. Learn about some tricky challenges and cool new ways to solve them — directly from the experts! To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with SwiftUI. Watch “App essentials in SwiftUI” and "Introduction to SwiftUI"

Speakers: Curt Clifton, Luca Bernardi, Raj Ramamurthy

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10074

Decipher and deal with common Siri errors

Frameworks • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 2:09

“Sorry, there was a problem with the app..." Don’t let Siri errors get you down: Learn how to debug your Siri intents and create great integrations people can use through voice or the Shortcuts app. We’ll look at common intent errors, how to test for them, and the path to a seamless Siri experience for your app.

Speaker: Roman Efimov

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10158

Deliver a better HLS audio experience

Media • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 19:56

Discover techniques for streaming high-quality audio to bandwidth-limited networks and new audio codec support. We’ll share some best practices for supporting the xHE-AAC, FLAC, and Apple Lossless Audio audio codecs, including limited support for multichannel AAC.

Speaker: Simon Goldrei

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10162

Design for location privacy

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 7:30

When someone uses iPhone or iPad, they have control over how their location is shared with the apps they use — including sharing an approximate location rather than precise coordinates. This creates a more private experience across their device, and it impacts all apps that rely on location data or use it to supplement certain elements of their experience. Discover how the designers of the Maps app redesigned elements within the Maps interface to provide people with more privacy. Learn tips, techniques, and strategies for creating an interface where people can share location data comfortably and confidently.

Speaker: Rachel Needle

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10103

Design Great Widgets

Frameworks • iOS • 16:04

Widgets elevate timely information from your app to primary locations on iPhone, iPad and Mac. Discover the keys to designing glanceable widgets, developing a strong widget idea, and clearly communicating with content, color, sizing, layout, and typography. If you'd like to learn more about the technical implementation for adding widgets into your app, check out "Get Started with WidgetKit" and our three-part code-along series.

Speakers: Mac Tyler, Christian Dalonzo

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10076

Diagnose performance issues with the Xcode Organizer

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 11:06

Analyze aggregated power and performance data from multiple versions of your app with just a few clicks. We’ll introduce you to the latest version of the Xcode Organizer and its interactive interface, where you can easily compare and contrast app metrics across releases. Explore disk write diagnostics and scroll hitch metrics, and learn how you can use these to offer better performance, reduce battery consumption, and improve device health for people using your app. If you’d like additional information on the Xcode Organizer and improving power and performance in your app, watch "Improving Battery Life and Performance" from WWDC19. For more on hitches, check out “Eliminate animation hitches with XCTest.”

Speaker: Shefali Saboo

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10138

Discover AppleSeed for IT and Managed Software Updates

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 23:13

With AppleSeed for IT, you can help your school or business test pre-release versions of Apple software and provide valuable feedback directly to Apple. We'll guide you through getting started in AppleSeed for IT and provide insight on how to file great feedback collaboratively within your organization using the new Teams feature in Feedback Assistant. You'll also learn more about Managed Software Updates in macOS Big Sur, including how to delay major updates or security and system files for employees’ machines while you certify the release on their systems.

Speakers: Danny Rust, Pete Gulezian, Jared Jones

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10655

Discover how to download and play HLS offline

Media • iOS • 17:08

Discover how to play HLS audio or video without an internet connection in your app by downloading HLS content for offline consumption using AVFoundation. Explore best practices for working with your HLS content while offline, learn how to use FairPlay Streaming to protect your offline audio and video, and hear updates on our media download policies.

Speaker: Nishant Nelogal

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10012

Discover ray tracing with Metal

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 21:04

Achieve photorealistic 3D scenes in your apps and games through ray tracing — a core part of the Metal graphics framework and Shading Language. Discover the fundamentals of the Metal ray tracing API and Shading Language extensions for ray tracing, find out how to use them in your graphics apps and games, and learn how to take control of your kernels and combine them into a single compute kernel for optimal performance.

Speaker: Sean James

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10634

Discover search suggestions for Apple TV

Frameworks • tvOS • 11:17

Searching your tvOS app just got even better. Get ready to explore the new simplified search interface and learn how to integrate it into your app with UISearchController. Support your global audience with the addition of new international keyboards and languages. Discover how to add search suggestions to your interface and update results with suggestions on the fly. And we’ll share some of our favorite tips for adding a great search experience to Apple TV.

Speaker: Dale Taylor

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10077

Eliminate animation hitches with XCTest

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:45

Animations can dramatically enhance the user experience of your app, provide a sense of direct manipulation, and help people to better understand the results of their actions. Animation hitches can break that experience. Discover how to use XCTest to detect interruptions to smooth scrolling and animations, and learn how to catch regressions before they affect the people relying on your app.

Speaker: Tanuja Mohan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10073

Empower your intents

Frameworks • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 20:18

When you create an intent for your app, you can help people accomplish tasks quickly by using it as part of a shortcut or when asking Siri. Learn how to adopt Siri more easily than ever when you use SiriKit’s in-app intent handling, and how to improve Siri performance with existing Intents app extensions. We'll also show you how to leverage features in SiriKit to improve the experience of using your actions — like including images and subtitles for a rich conversational experience. And find out how to fine tune support for intents in your codebase to make your life as a developer easier.

Speaker: Roman Efimov

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10084

Feature your actions in the Shortcuts app

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 10:09

Learn foolproof ways to surface your app’s actions in the Shortcuts app — and help people quickly set up powerful, personalized shortcuts using system intelligence. We’ll detail how to configure your intents to appear in the new Automation Suggestions, explore how the system surfaces your app's actions for people based on their everyday app usage, and show you how you can make sure your app appears in all the right places within the Shortcuts app.

Speaker: Ayaka Nonaka

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC20 • Session 10160

Formatters: Make data human-friendly

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:17

Save yourself time and frustration: When you display data in your app — including dates, times, measurements, names, lists, numbers, or strings — learn how to format it correctly and provide a great experience. We'll walk you through the Formatter APIs as well as how SwiftUI works with stringsdict, and show you how they can help do the heavy lifting of formatting data. Learn about best practices and how to avoid common mistakes.

Speaker: करन मिश्र · Karan Miśra

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WWDC20 • Session 10153

Get models on device using Core ML Converters

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 31:15

With Core ML you can bring incredible machine learning models to your app and run them entirely on-device. And when you use Core ML Converters, you can incorporate almost any trained model from TensorFlow or PyTorch and take full advantage of the GPU, CPU, and Neural Engine. Discover everything you need to begin converting existing models from other ML platforms and explore how to create custom operations that extend the capabilities of your models. Once you’ve converted a model to Core ML, learn more about deployment strategy for those models by watching “Use model deployment and security with Core ML.”

Speakers: Aseem Wadhwa, Gitesh Dawer

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WWDC20 • Session 10013

Get to know Metal function pointers

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 20:31

Metal is a low-level, low-overhead hardware-accelerated graphics framework and shader application programming interface for producing stunning visual effects in applications. Discover how to make your shaders written in Metal Shading Language more programmable and extensible by using function pointers. Learn how to take advantage of this new feature for dynamic flow control in Metal shaders. Discover how to use function pointers to specify custom intersection functions in your ray tracing application. We’ll explain how function pointers allow several compilations models so you can balance GPU pipeline size against runtime performance.

Speaker: Rich Forster

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WWDC20 • Session 10669

Handling FHIR without getting burned

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 8:07

Learn how FHIRModels creates native data models for all FHIR resources, provides data validation to enforce resource integrity, and prevents the creation of structurally invalid resources — across multiple versions of the FHIR specification. Whether you're working with clinical data obtained from HealthKit or direct from a clinical system, FHIRModels makes FHIR easy to handle.

Speaker: Pascal Pfiffner

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WWDC20 • Session 10057

Identify trends with the Power and Performance API

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:12

Track your app’s performance metrics in custom team dashboards, bug reporting systems, and other custom workflows with the Power and Performance Metrics and Diagnostics API. Explore how you can access the same data that drives the Power and Performance analysis tools in Xcode to quickly identify trends and regressions. Learn how to leverage diagnostic signatures and logs — including call stack trees — to prioritize and debug issues. And discover how you can integrate this API with your development team’s existing tools to troubleshoot issues quickly, offering better overall performance for people who use your app.

Speakers: Ashish Patro, Yeounoh Chung

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WWDC20 • Session 10083

Integrate your app with Wind Down

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 10:59

Discover how you can help people get ready for a good night's sleep by surfacing your app's actions for Wind Down Shortcuts, part of the new Sleep experience. Learn more about how Wind Down works. Find out how you can build intents that expose features in your app like guided meditations, soothing audio stories, or many other categories. And explore how you can surface those features on someone's device before bedtime.

Speaker: Michael Rojas

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WWDC20 • Session 10100

Meet Watch Face Sharing

Frameworks • watchOS • 14:25

Show off your watchOS app’s complications and create a watch face worth sharing. Learn how to share watch faces inside your watchOS and iOS apps or host them on the web for anyone to find and download. We’ll also explore best practices for using watch face preview images, and show you how to create a smooth installation experience.

Speakers: Jared McGann, Joe Dion

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WWDC20 • Session 10680

Refine Objective-C frameworks for Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 42:42

Fine-tune your Objective-C headers to work beautifully in Swift. We’ll show you how to take an unwieldy Objective-C framework and transform it into an API that feels right at home. Learn about the suite of annotations you can use to provide richer type information, more idiomatic names, and better errors to Swift. And discover Objective-C conventions you might not have known about that are key to a well-behaved Swift API. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with Swift and Objective-C. For more on working with Swift and Objective-C, check out our Developer Documentation and take a look at “Behind the Scenes of the Xcode Build Process” from WWDC18.

Speaker: Brent Royal-Gordon

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WWDC20 • Session 10207

SF Symbols 2

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:53

SF Symbols make it easy to adopt high-quality, Apple-designed symbols created to look great with San Francisco, the system font for all Apple platforms. Discover how you can use SF Symbols in AppKit, UIKit, and SwiftUI. Learn how to work with SF Symbols in common design tools and how to use them in code. And we’ll walk you through the latest updates, including additions to the repertoire, alignment improvements, changes with right-to-left localization, and multicolor symbols. This session focuses on the latest features in SF Symbols 2. While not required, we recommend watching "Introducing SF Symbols" from WWDC19. If you’re planning to incorporate symbol assets into SwiftUI, you may also benefit from watching “Building Custom Views with SwiftUI."

Speakers: Thalia Echevarría Fiol, Paolo Mazzetti

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WWDC20 • Session 10167

Safely manage pointers in Swift

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 27:31

Come with us as we delve into unsafe pointer types in Swift. Discover the requirements for each type and how to use it correctly. We’ll discuss typed pointers, drop down to raw pointers, and finally circumvent pointer type safety entirely by binding memory. This session is a follow-up to "Unsafe Swift" from WWDC20. To get the most out of it, you should be familiar with Swift and the C programming language.

Speaker: Andrew Trick

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WWDC20 • Session 10149

Structure your app for SwiftUI previews

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:41

When you use SwiftUI previews during development, you can quickly create apps that are more flexible and maintainable. Discover ways to improve the preview experience by making small tweaks to your project. Find out how to preview multiple files at once, how to manage data flow for previews, and how to use sample data while previewing. We'll also give you strategies for defining view inputs to make them more previewable and testable. To get the most out of this session, you should have some familiarity with SwiftUI. For an introduction to interacting with SwiftUI previews in Xcode, check out "Visually Edit SwiftUI Views" from WWDC20.

Speaker: Kevin Cathey

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WWDC20 • Session 10684

Swan's Quest, Chapter 4: The sequence completes

Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 8:07

Swift Playgrounds presents "Swan’s Quest,” an interactive adventure in four chapters for all ages. It’s time for the grand finale: You’ve honed your skills with tones, but in this chapter our Hero needs to sequence multi-part harmony. Discover how to play pitched instruments with MIDI codes, and you just might help our Hero find the rhythm… and complete their quest. Swan’s Quest was created for Swift Playgrounds on iPad and Mac, combining frameworks and resources which power the educational experiences in many of our playgrounds, including Sonic Workshop, Sensor Arcade, and Augmented Reality. To learn more about building your own playgrounds, be sure to watch "Create Swift Playgrounds content for iPad and Mac". And don’t forget to stop by the Developer Forums and share your solution for our side quests.

Speakers: Rob Rhyne, Stephen Wakulchik

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WWDC20 • Session 10184

Synchronize health data with HealthKit

Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 22:22

HealthKit provides you the tools to smartly manage health data anywhere, whether across multiple HealthKit-enabled devices such as iPhone and Apple Watch or with an external server to share data across a care team. In this session, we’ll dive into managing data versions via HealthKit's built-in sync identifier metadata, how to detect changes in health data using an HKAnchoredObjectQuery, and cover best practices for ensuring you're always working with the right data everywhere.

Speaker: Netra Kenkarey

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WWDC20 • Session 10601

The artist’s AR toolkit

Graphics and Games • iOS, macOS • 28:17

Reality Converter and Reality Composer make preparing augmented reality assets for your iOS or iPadOS app easier than ever. Discover how you can convert existing 3D assets into USDZ, bring them into Reality Composer to create AR experiences, and integrate with an existing Xcode project or export to AR Quick Look. We’ll detail how to work with assets in a variety of popular 3D formats, build and test your AR scenes, and integrate with your artist’s workflow. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with USDZ and Reality Composer. Watch “Working with USD” and “Building AR Experiences with Reality Composer” for more. And to get more details about the latest additions to USD for AR, check out “What's new in USD”.

Speaker: Philip Simmons

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WWDC20 • Session 10175

The details of UI typography

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 30:33

Learn how to achieve exceptional typography in your app’s user interface that enhances legibility, accessibility, and consistency across Apple platforms. Get up to speed on the latest advancements to the San Francisco font family including the move to variable fonts for accommodating optical sizes and weights. We’ll also share tips about how to get the most out of systems fonts, support dynamic type with custom fonts. For a refresher on the principles behind the San Francisco font family, catch up on “Introducing the New System Fonts” from WWDC15.

Speakers: Loïc Sander, Jiang Jiang

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WWDC20 • Session 10644

Use Swift on AWS Lambda with Xcode

Developer Tools • macOS • 12:22

Serverless functions are increasingly becoming popular for running event-driven or otherwise ad-hoc compute tasks in the cloud, allowing developers to more easily scale and control compute costs. Discover how to use the new Swift AWS Lambda Runtime package to build serverless functions in Swift, debug locally using Xcode, and deploy these functions to the AWS Lambda platform. We’ll show you how Swift shines on AWS Lambda thanks to its low memory footprint, deterministic performance, and quick start time.

Speaker: Tom Doron

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WWDC20 • Session 10116

VoiceOver efficiency with custom rotors

App Store and Distribution • iOS • 10:51

Discover how you can integrate custom rotors and help people who use VoiceOver navigate complex situations within your app. Learn how custom rotors can help people explore even the most intricate interfaces, explore how to implement a custom rotor, and find out how rotors can improve navigation for someone who relies on VoiceOver. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with general accessibility principles and VoiceOver accessibility APIs on iOS and iPadOS. For an overview, watch “Making Apps More Accessible with Custom Actions.”

Speaker: Alex Walczak

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WWDC20 • Session 10081

What's new in MetricKit

Developer Tools • iOS • 13:44

Quickly detect power and performance regressions and troubleshoot app issues when you adopt MetricKit. Discover the latest trackable metrics for your app, including CPU instructions, animation hitches, and exit reasons. And learn about diagnostics in MetricKit that can help you troubleshoot hangs, crashes, and disk writes.

Speaker: Phillip Azar

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WWDC20 • Session 10098

What's new in Universal Links

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 23:04

Universal Links help people access your content, whether or not they have your app installed. Get the details on the latest updates for the Universal Links API, including support for Apple Watch and SwiftUI. Learn how you can reduce the size and complexity of your app-site-association file with enhanced pattern matching features like wildcards, substitution variables, and Unicode support. And discover how cached associated domains data will improve the initial launch experience for people using your app.

Speaker: Christopher Linn

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WWDC20 • Session 10646

What's new in Web Inspector

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 28:08

The Web Inspector makes introspection and debugging simpler than ever. Discover how you can use debugger stepping, editing cookies, and overriding network loaded resources to provide you with powerful development capabilities and help you create faster, more efficient websites.

Speaker: Devin Rousso

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WWDC20 • Session 10078

Why is my app getting killed?

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 13:33

Put on your detective’s hat: It’s time to track down those unruly app terminations. We’ll outline the six major reasons apps terminate in the background, and show you how you can use MetricKit to to help you identify key statistics to drive down the rate of terminations. Learn how to prevent problems and recover gracefully from inevitable jetsams, identify any underlying issues, and take actionable measures to fix them. And discover the importance of implementing state restoration to make terminations less jarring — especially where text entry or playback is concerned. MetricKit is a key partner in tracking down these issues. You can learn more about the API in WWDC19’s “Improving Battery Life and Performance,” as well as explore the latest updates in “What’s new in MetricKit.”

Speaker: Andy Aude

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WWDC20 • Session 20022

The winners of the 2020 Apple Design Awards

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 2:46

Join us as we surprise the 2020 winners of the Apple Design Awards. The Apple Design Awards recognize excellence in design and innovation for apps and games across all of Apple’s platforms.

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WWDC21 • Session 101


Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:46:48

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting reveals, inspiration, and new opportunities. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park.

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WWDC21 • Session 102

Platforms State of the Union

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:13:25

Take a deeper dive into the new tools, technologies, and advances across Apple platforms that will help you create even better apps.

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WWDC21 • Session 10049

Add intelligence to your widgets

App Services • iOS, macOS • 19:23

Discover how to you can add intelligence to your widgets in Smart Stacks. We'll show you how to use the new Widget Suggestions API in tandem with Smart Rotate to create more valuable widget experiences for people throughout the day. Whether you inform the system of new, timely information or teach the system to learn common patterns, adopting these APIs can help people discover your widget and allows you to influence how the system surfaces content from your app around system spaces.

Speaker: Daniel Li

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WWDC21 • Session 10021

Add rich graphics to your SwiftUI app

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:55

Learn how you can bring your graphics to life with SwiftUI. We’ll begin by working with safe areas, including the keyboard safe area, and learn how to design beautiful, edge-to-edge graphics that won’t underlap the on-screen keyboard. We’ll also explore the materials and vibrancy you can use in SwiftUI to create easily customizable backgrounds and controls, and go over graphics APIs like drawingGroup and the all new canvas. With these tools, it’s simpler than ever to design fully interactive and interruptible animations and graphics in SwiftUI.

Speaker: Jacob Xiao

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WWDC21 • Session 10085

Apple’s privacy pillars in focus

Essentials • iOS • 33:50

At Apple, we believe that privacy is a fundamental human right. Learn about our four pillars of privacy, how we brought these principles together to design iCloud Private Relay, and how you can approach building privacy in your app in line with those fundamentals. Explore how you can build data minimization, on-device processing, transparency and control, and security protections right into your app.

Speakers: Lauren Henske, Garrett Reid, Elliot Briggs

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WWDC21 • Session 10122

Bring accessibility to charts in your app

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 19:42

Charts are an essential tool for understanding data, and critical to understanding ourselves, our health, our finances, and our world. Find out how you can make charts accessible in your apps to people with vision impairments through audio graphs and sonified data. And we'll show you how to improve your charts for accessibility through universal design principles and system accessibility settings.

Speaker: Preston Lewis

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WWDC21 • Session 10005

Connect Bluetooth devices to Apple Watch

Health & Fitness • watchOS • 10:31

Discover how you can integrate data from Bluetooth accessories into Apple Watch apps and complications. Bluetooth devices can provide medical data, sports stats, and more to Apple Watch, and help people get more out of your software in the process. We’ll show you how to connect to these devices during Background App Refresh to display the most up-to-date information in your Apple Watch complications, provide an overview of Core Bluetooth on watchOS, and explore best practices for Bluetooth accessory design.

Speaker: Yann Ly-Gagnon

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WWDC21 • Session 10176

Craft search experiences in SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 11:42

Discover how you can help people quickly find specific content within your apps. Learn how to use SwiftUI’s .searchable modifier in conjunction with other views to best incorporate search for your app. And we’ll show you how to elevate your implementation by providing search suggestions to help people understand the types of searches they can perform.

Speaker: Harry Lane

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WWDC21 • Session 10076

Create 3D models with Object Capture

Augmented Reality • iOS, macOS • 27:55

Object Capture provides a quick and easy way to create lifelike 3D models of real-world objects using just a few images. Learn how you can get started and bring your assets to life with Photogrammetry for macOS. And discover best practices with object selection and image capture to help you achieve the highest-quality results.

Speakers: Michael Patrick Johnson, Dave McKinnon

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WWDC21 • Session 10045

Create custom audio experiences with ShazamKit

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:52

Bring custom audio matching to your app with ShazamKit. Discover how you can use Shazam's exact audio matching to recognize audio against any source when you use custom catalogs on device. Download our starter project and code along with the presenter as we guide you through the process of matching audio against a custom catalog. We’ll also explore how easy it is to connect content across devices by building an interactive iOS app that can synchronize perfectly with video being streamed from a TV. To learn more about ShazamKit, check out "Explore ShazamKit" from WWDC21.

Speaker: Alex Telek

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WWDC21 • Session 10036

Discover built-in sound classification in SoundAnalysis

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 19:16

Explore how you can use the Sound Analysis framework in your app to detect and classify discrete sounds from any audio source — including live sounds from a microphone or from a video or audio file — and identify precisely in a moment where that sound occurs. Learn how the built-in sound classifier makes it easy for you to identify over 300 different types of sounds without the need for a custom trained model. This includes a variety of noises, ranging from human sounds, musical instruments, animals, and various items. For custom models, see how you can leverage the Audio Feature Print feature extractor to create smaller models with variable sound window control to better serve your app’s purposes. For more about Sound Classification and the Sound Analysis framework, watch “Training Sound Classification Models in Create ML” from WWDC19.

Speakers: Jon Huang, Kevin Durand

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WWDC21 • Session 10074

Dive into RealityKit 2

Augmented Reality • iOS, macOS • 25:07

Creating engaging AR experiences has never been easier with RealityKit 2. Explore the latest enhancements to the RealityKit framework and take a deep dive into this underwater sample project. We’ll take you through the improved Entity Component System, streamlined animation pipeline, and the plug-and-play character controller with enhancements to face mesh and audio.

Speakers: Amanda Wixted, Olivier Pinon

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WWDC21 • Session 10149

Enhance your app with Metal ray tracing

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS • 29:49

Achieve photorealistic 3D scenes in your apps and games through ray tracing, a core part of the Metal graphics framework and Shading Language. We’ll explore the latest improvements in implementing ray tracing and take you through upgrades to the production rendering process. Discover Metal APIs to help you create more detailed scenes, integrate natively-supported content with motion, and more.

Speaker: Juan Rodriguez Cuellar

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WWDC21 • Session 10143

Explore HLS variants in AVFoundation

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 9:28

Discover how you can use AVFoundation APIs to highlight different variants of your content within your app. We’ll show you how you can inspect HLS content using these APIs for different video characteristics, including attributes like SDR/HDR, FPS, and the like. And we’ll explore the AVAssetVariant, which represents streaming and offline content.

Speaker: Nishant Nelogal

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WWDC21 • Session 10165

Explore Nearby Interaction with third-party accessories

Maps & Location • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:01

Discover how your app can interact with Ultra Wideband (UWB) third-party accessories when running on a U1-equipped device. We’ll show you how to use the Nearby Interaction framework’s standards-based technology to implement precise and directionally-aware experiences with accessories. Learn about resources for getting started with accessory and app development such as development kits, sample code, and specification documents, along with supported technology providers. To find out more about Nearby Interaction, check out the framework documentation linked as part of this session. And if you’re an accessory manufacturer or considering becoming one, be sure to check out the Nearby Interaction accessory specification documents and Getting Started resources.

Speaker: Yagil Burowski

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WWDC21 • Session 10044

Explore ShazamKit

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:06

Take advantage of Shazam’s exact audio matching capabilities within your app when you use ShazamKit. Learn how you can harness the immense Shazam catalog to create all sorts of experiences, including quickly recognizing the exact song playing in the background of a video captured by your app, offering dynamic visual effects based on the music playing in a room, or even syncing with external audio to provide companion app experiences. We’ll also show you how you can build custom catalogs within ShazamKit to match with any audio source — all on device. For a deeper dive, check out “Create custom audio experiences with ShazamKit,” where you’ll code along with us and learn how to build an education app that synchronizes perfectly with streamed video content.

Speakers: Marl Bullock, James Hewitt

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WWDC21 • Session 10089

Explore Verifiable Health Records

Health & Fitness • iOS • 18:24

Find out how you can securely request access to someone’s verifiable health records and incorporate that data safely into your app. The Health app helps people download, view, and share their health records, including their COVID-19 immunization and test results — and iOS 15 brings support for the SMART Health Card, a verifiable health record that incorporates the FHIR health data standard. We’ll show you how your app can go about requesting access to this record and how you can verify the signature of the file using CryptoKit and the issuer’s public key.

Speakers: Annie Yin, Cary Anderson

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WWDC21 • Session 10268

Explore Xcode Cloud workflows

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:49

Learn how Xcode Cloud workflows can help you and your team automate building, analyzing, testing, archiving, and distributing your apps and frameworks. They are flexible, extensible, and can be configured around your team’s development and distribution process. Find out the basics of Xcode Cloud Workflows, discover how to configure them from end to end, and check out recommended workflows to get you started with Apple’s continuous integration system. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Meet Xcode Cloud” from WWDC21.

Speakers: Justin Kuo, Wesley Cho, Kevin Zimmerman

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WWDC21 • Session 10286

Explore bindless rendering in Metal

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 21:12

Unleash the full potential of your shaders and implement modern rendering techniques by adding Argument Buffers to adopt bindless rendering. Learn how to make your entire scene and resources available to the GPU to make the most out of raytracing and rasterization pipelines.

Speaker: Alejandro Segovia Azapian

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WWDC21 • Session 10150

Explore hybrid rendering with Metal ray tracing

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS • 29:48

Discover how you can combine ray tracing with your rasterization engine to implement simplified graphics techniques and elevate visuals in your app or game. We’ll explore how you can use natural algorithms to accurately simulate the interplays of light, and learn how to take advantage of the latest tools in Xcode to capture, inspect, and debug your ray-traced scenes.

Speakers: Ali de Jong, David Núñez Rubio

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WWDC21 • Session 10134

Explore structured concurrency in Swift

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 27:54

When you have code that needs to run at the same time as other code, it’s important to choose the right tool for the job. We'll take you through the different kinds of concurrent tasks you can create in Swift, show you how to create groups of tasks, and find out how to cancel tasks in progress. We'll also provide guidance on when you may want to use unstructured tasks. To get the most out of this session, we first recommend watching “Meet async/await in Swift.”

Speakers: Kavon Farvardin, Joe Groff

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WWDC21 • Session 10261

Faster and simpler notarization for Mac apps

App Store Distribution & Marketing • macOS • 6:24

Notarization works in tandem with macOS to help people safely download software for their Mac outside of the App Store. Discover how notarytool can help you quickly and easily notarize your Mac app for distribution. We’ll show you how you can now notarize your apps with just a single command, and how to bring notarization into your continuous integration workflows. To learn about the notarization workflow, watch the 2019 video "All About Notarization."

Speaker: Olivia Hillman

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WWDC21 • Session 10260

Focus on iPad keyboard navigation

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS • 20:23

Improve the keyboard experience in your iPad and Mac Catalyst app. Discover how you can accelerate access to key features with the hardware keyboard, and navigate through your views and view controllers. Learn how to customize which elements are keyboard navigable, as well as how to customize the tab loop.

Speaker: Michael Ochs

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WWDC21 • Session 10096

Get ready for iCloud Private Relay

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:07

iCloud Private Relay is an iCloud+ service that prevents networks and servers from monitoring a person's activity across the internet. Discover how your app can participate in this transition to a more secure and private internet: We'll show you how to prepare your apps, servers, and networks to work with iCloud Private Relay.

Speakers: Tommy Pauly, Delziel Fernandes

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WWDC21 • Session 10236

Host and automate your DocC documentation

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:50

Find out how you can easily host your Swift package and framework DocC documentation online. We’ll take you through configuring your web server to host your generated DocC archives, and help you learn to use the xcodebuild tool to automate documentation generation and keep your web content synchronized and up to date.

Speaker: David Rönnqvist

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WWDC21 • Session 10265

Immerse your app in Spatial Audio

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 18:17

Discover how spatial audio can help you provide a theater-like experience for media in your apps and on the web. We’ll show you how you can easily bring immersive audio to those listening with compatible hardware, and how to automatically deliver different listening experiences depending on someone’s bandwidth or connection — all with little to no change to your code. And gain recommendations on how you can tailor the experience in your app and use spatial audio to tell stories in new, exciting ways.

Speaker: Simon Goldrei

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WWDC21 • Session 10166

Meet DocC documentation in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:51

Discover how you can use DocC to build and share documentation for Swift packages and frameworks. We’ll show you how to begin generating documentation from your own code — or from third-party code you depend upon — and write and format it using Markdown. And we’ll also take you through the export process, helping you generate DocC archives to share with the public.

Speakers: Victoria Mitchell, Ethan Kusters

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WWDC21 • Session 10183

Meet Group Activities

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 17:07

Learn more about the framework powering SharePlay, and discover the different types of shared experiences you can implement for people who use your app. Explore a high-level overview of the framework’s architecture and concepts, including how Group Activities and AVFoundation work in tandem, and learn how to implement it into your app. This is a great starting point to know more about SharePlay and how to integrate Group Activities in your apps.

Speakers: Pierre de Filippis, Bhaskar Sarma

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WWDC21 • Session 10294

Meet MusicKit for Swift

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:45

MusicKit makes it easy to integrate Apple Music into your app. Explore the Swift-based framework: We’ll take you through the basic process of using MusicKit — including how to find, request, and play content — and show you how you can incorporate music subscription workflows into your app if someone hasn’t yet signed up to Apple Music.

Speaker: Joel Lopes Da Silva

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WWDC21 • Session 10104

Meet Safari Web Extensions on iOS

Essentials • iOS, macOS • 38:10

Safari Web Extensions use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to offer people powerful browser customizations — and you can now create them for every device that supports Safari. Learn how to build a Safari Web Extension that works for all devices, and discover how you can convert an existing extension to Safari through Xcode and the Safari Web Extension Converter.

Speaker: David Quesada

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WWDC21 • Session 10232

Meet Shortcuts for macOS

App Services • iOS, macOS • 26:50

Shortcuts is coming to macOS, and your apps are a key part of that process. Discover how you can elevate the capabilities of your app by exposing those features as Shortcuts actions. We’ll show you how to build actions for your macOS apps built with Catalyst or AppKit, deploy actions across platforms, publish and share shortcuts, and enable your app to run shortcuts from other apps. We’ll also take you through how Shortcuts fits in with existing Mac automation technologies like Automator and AppleScript.

Speakers: Ayaka Nonaka, Ian McDowell

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WWDC21 • Session 10114

Meet StoreKit 2

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:30

StoreKit 2 delivers powerful, Swift-native APIs for in-app purchases and auto-renewable subscriptions. Learn how you can easily implement in-app purchases and subscriptions, and discover APIs for retrieving product information, handling transactions, determining product entitlements and customer status, as well as comprehensive testing support in Xcode.

Speakers: Ross LeBeau, Jakob Swank

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WWDC21 • Session 10170

Meet TestFlight on Mac

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 10:29

TestFlight has come to Mac. Learn how you can manage builds and testers, collect feedback, and deploy your macOS app. Discover enhancements for internal testing and new features that integrate with Xcode Cloud to make testing even easier on all platforms.

Speaker: Shobi Vijayakumar

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WWDC21 • Session 10267

Meet Xcode Cloud

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 16:32

Get to know Xcode Cloud, Apple's continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service for building apps and frameworks for all Apple platforms. Find out how Xcode Cloud can improve both the productivity of your team and the quality of your products. We’ll show you how to start your first build, use a build report to fix issues, and collaborate with your team.

Speakers: Holly Lowe, Geoff McGinnis

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WWDC21 • Session 10132

Meet async/await in Swift

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:38

Swift now supports asynchronous functions — a pattern commonly known as async/await. Discover how the new syntax can make your code easier to read and understand. Learn what happens when a function suspends, and find out how to adapt existing completion handlers to asynchronous functions.

Speakers: Nate Chandler, Robert Widmann

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WWDC21 • Session 10131

Meet declarative device management

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS • 22:17

The future of device management is here: Learn how you can support mobile device management while allowing individual devices to be autonomous and proactive, bringing both increased performance and scalability. We'll show you how you can incorporate this declarative model in your MDM solution.

Speaker: Melissa Nierle

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WWDC21 • Session 10171

Meet in-app events on the App Store

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 14:13

Discover how you can promote timely events happening in your apps and games — like a game competition, a movie premiere, and more — directly on the App Store. We’ll show you how in-app events now appear on the App Store and how to create, schedule, and manage them in App Store Connect.

Speaker: Will Averill

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WWDC21 • Session 10123

Meet the Screen Time API

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS • 19:09

Explore the Screen Time API and learn how you can build apps that support customized parental controls — all while putting privacy first. Learn how you can use key features like core restrictions and device activity monitoring to create safe, secure experiences in your app while providing measurable control for parents and guardians.

Speakers: Christopher Skogen, Nolan Astrein

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WWDC21 • Session 10064

Meet the UIKit button system

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 20:07

Every app uses Buttons. With iOS 15, you can adopt updated styles to create gorgeous buttons that fit effortlessly into your interface. We'll explore features that make it easier to create different types of buttons, learn how to provide richer interactions, and discover how you can get great buttons when using Mac Catalyst.

Speakers: David Duncan, Eric Dudiak

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WWDC21 • Session 10133

Protect mutable state with Swift actors

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 28:32

Data races occur when two separate threads concurrently access the same mutable state. They are trivial to construct, but are notoriously hard to debug. Discover how you can stop these data races in their tracks with Swift actors, which help synchronize access to data in your code. Discover how actors work and how to share values between them. Learn about how actor isolation affects protocol conformances. And finally, meet the main actor, a new way of ensuring that your code always runs on the main thread when needed. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Meet async/await in Swift.”

Speakers: Dario Rexin, Doug Gregor

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WWDC21 • Session 10279

Simplify sign in for your tvOS apps

Privacy & Security • tvOS • 7:55

Find out how people can use Face ID or Touch ID on their iOS or iPadOS device to authorize purchases and sign into your tvOS app. Discover how you can simplify sign in for people using your app and help them get to the content they want to enjoy, faster. We’ll show you how to set up a simplified sign in process and share some best practices about creating great sign in experiences for Apple TV. To get the most out of this session, we recommend a basic understanding of associated domains and the Authentication Services framework.

Speaker: Caleb Davenport

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WWDC21 • Session 10057

Take your iPad apps to the next level

Essentials • iOS • 36:16

Make even better iPad apps: Learn how you can adopt prominent scenes for uninterrupted, focused interactions. Help people stay engaged and fast with keyboard shortcuts and the keyboard shortcut interface. Explore how the latest in pointer enhancements can help your app boost productivity.

Speakers: Chris Donegan, Anant Jain, Mohammed Jisrawi

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WWDC21 • Session 10081

Tap into virtual and physical game controllers

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 15:00

It’s time to up your input game: Learn about the latest improvements to virtual and physical game controllers for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV. Meet the virtual on-screen controller, which turns touch input into game controller input, and find out how to add controller sharing features to your app. We’ll also show you how to support adaptive trigger technology found in DualSense controllers, provide best practices for controller support, and take you through some common pre-flight checks around accessible and customizable input before submitting to the App Store. For more information on saving highlight clips from a game controller, check out “Discover rolling clips in ReplayKit” from WWDC21.

Speaker: Nat Brown

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WWDC21 • Session 10275

The practice of inclusive design

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:05

An inclusive app or game is not only usable by different people, but also welcomes people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. Discover how you can design inclusive content for your interface, language, imagery, and marketing materials and support the broadest possible range of people with your app or game.

Speakers: Linda Dong, Sam Iglesias

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WWDC21 • Session 10304

The process of inclusive design

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:33

Discover how you can deliver inclusive apps that can foster amazing experiences for everyone who uses your software. We’ll take you through best practices for creating and empowering diverse teams and explore how inclusivity influences every stage of the design and development process.

Speakers: Caroline Cranfill, Cynthia Bennett, Sabrine Rekik

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WWDC21 • Session 10142

Transition media gaplessly with HLS

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 10:33

Discover how you can create streaming media content that seamlessly transitions between episodes, songs, scenes, and individual resources. With gapless HLS playback, you can stitch together multiple pieces of content on the fly to create customized workouts, design interactive content, tell compelling stories, and more. We’ll show you how you can provide faithful continuity for streaming music, event recordings, and pre-recorded video and provide a captivating viewing experience within your app.

Speaker: Simon Goldrei

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WWDC21 • Session 10181

Ultimate application performance survival guide

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 24:00

Performance optimization can seem like a daunting task — with many metrics to track and tools to use. Fear not: Our survival guide to app performance is here to help you understand tooling, metrics, and paradigms that can help smooth your development process and contribute to a great experience for people using your app.

Speaker: Shefali Saboo

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WWDC21 • Session 10276

Use the camera for keyboard input in your app

Photos & Camera • iOS • 11:34

Learn how you can support Live Text and intelligently pull information from the camera to fill out forms and text fields in your app. We’ll show you how to apply content filtering to capture the correct information when someone uses the camera as keyboard input and apply it to a relevant UITextField, helping your app input data like phone numbers, addresses, and flight information. And we’ll explore how you can create a custom interface, extend other controls like UIImageViews to support this capability, and more. For more on supporting Autofill in your app, we recommend watching “Autofill everywhere” from WWDC20 and “The Keys to a Better Text Input Experience” from WWDC17.

Speaker: Ron Santos

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WWDC21 • Session 10290

What's new in AVKit

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS • 8:04

Learn about enhancements to Picture in Picture and full screen improvements on macOS. Explore the new content source API, and learn how AVPictureInPictureController supports AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer, as well as recommended steps for an app to provide a seamless full screen experience on macOS or in a Mac Catalyst app.

Speaker: Marty Pye

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WWDC21 • Session 10012

What's new in App Clips

App Services • iOS • 15:47

Discover how App Clips can elevate quick and focused experiences for specific tasks, the moment your customer needs them. We’ll take you through some of the latest improvements to App Clips, including launching an experience directly from an app, testing your App Clip locally, and creating App Clip Codes to make it easy to access your experience in the real world. We’ll also share some great examples of App Clips from our developer community that provide innovative ways to interact with people and beautiful designs. To get the most of this session, we recommend first watching “Explore App Clips” and “Configure and link your App Clips” from WWDC20.

Speakers: Yongjun Zhang, Luming Yin

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WWDC21 • Session 10054

What's new in AppKit

Essentials • macOS • 21:32

Explore the latest advancements in Mac app development with AppKit. We’ll show how you can enhance your app’s design with new control features and SF Symbols 3, build powerful text experiences using TextKit 2, and harness the latest Swift features in your app.

Speaker: Jeff Nadeau

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WWDC21 • Session 10086

What's new in CloudKit

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 26:48

CloudKit provides a secure, convenient, and reliable cloud database for your apps — and it’s only getting better. Discover how you can unravel your threads with support for async/await and convenience API additions. We’ll also show you how to encourage collaboration between people using your app through sharing entire record zones of data, and explore how to adopt CloudKit features like encrypted values and help protect sensitive data within your app. To get the most out of this session, we recommend being familiar with CloudKit and its operations on containers, as well as a basic understanding of record and data types.

Speakers: Nihar Sharma, Qian Wu

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WWDC21 • Session 10109

What's new in Foundation

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:35

Discover how the latest updates to Foundation can help you improve your app's localization and internationalization support. Find out about the new AttributedString, designed specifically for Swift, and learn how you can use Markdown to apply style to your localized strings. Explore the grammar agreement engine, which automatically fixes up localized strings so they match grammatical gender and pluralization. And we’ll take you through improvements to date and number formatting that simplify complex requirements while also improving performance.

Speaker: Tony Parker

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WWDC21 • Session 10018

What's new in SwiftUI

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:13

There’s never been a better time to develop your apps with SwiftUI. Discover the latest updates to the UI framework — including lists, buttons, and text fields — and learn how these features can help you more fully adopt SwiftUI in your app. Find out how to create beautiful, visually-rich graphics using the canvas view, materials, and enhancements to symbols. Explore multi-column tables on macOS, refinements to focus and keyboard interaction, and the multi-platform search API. And we’ll show you how to take advantage of features like Swift concurrency, a brand new AttributedString, format styles, localization, and so much more.

Speakers: Matt Ricketson, Taylor Kelly

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WWDC21 • Session 10059

What's new in UIKit

Essentials • iOS • 26:52

Discover the latest updates and improvements to UIKit and learn how to build better iPadOS, iOS, and Mac Catalyst apps. We’ll take you through UI refinements, productivity updates, and API enhancements, and help you explore performance improvements and security & privacy features.

Speakers: Michael Turner, Jamie Montgomerie

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WWDC21 • Session 10002

What's new in watchOS 8

Essentials • watchOS • 19:46

watchOS 8 brings all-new opportunities to keep people up to date on their watch face. With new APIs for the Always-On Retina display and updating complications from Bluetooth devices and background delivery of HealthKit data, it's never been easier to keep your app up to date. Learn about region-based user notifications to leverage location in your app. Explore all the new enhancements to SwiftUI and watchOS that will get you excited to build your next Watch app.

Speaker: Jake Behrens

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WWDC21 • Session 10192

What’s new in Swift

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 32:44

Join us for an update on Swift. Discover the latest language advancements that make your code easier to read and write. Explore the growing number of APIs available as Swift packages. And we’ll introduce you to Swift’s async/await syntax, structured concurrency, and actors.

Speakers: Nicole Jacque, Tim Kientzle

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WWDC21 • Session 10066

What’s new in Game Center: Widgets, friends, and multiplayer improvements

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 22:09

Power up your online gaming experience with GameKit and adopt features like multiplayer, leaderboards, and achievements in your game. We’ll take you through the latest improvements to Game Center, including player matching and multiplayer APIs, and explore how you can boost discovery of your game.

Speakers: Ally Kazmucha, Chee Han Lim, Zhehong An

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WWDC21 • Session 10130

What’s new in managing Apple devices

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS • 14:25

Discover the latest advancements in key device management capabilities for your organization or MDM solution. Explore the refreshed device management Settings on iOS and iPadOS, an all-new return to service functionality for macOS, and other updates to device management across Apple platforms.

Speakers: Graham McLuhan, Nadia Hussein

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WWDC21 • Session 10259

Your guide to keyboard layout

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS • 14:40

Discover how you can use the Keyboard Layout Guide to manage how keyboards work within your iOS or iPadOS app. Learn how you can avoid writing lengthy code blocks when you use UIKeyboardLayoutGuide and UITrackingLayoutGuide to integrate the keyboard into your interface, helping people have a smoother, more enjoyable experience whenever they use the on-screen keyboard within your app. To get the most out of this session, we recommend familiarity with both Auto Layout and UILayoutGuide.

Speaker: Kasia Wawer

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WWDC21 • Session 10317

Out of this world... on to Mars

Design • 16:32

Fascinated by aerospace engineering and fighter jets from the age of 11, MIT graduate Tiera Fletcher followed her passion. At 22, she landed her dream job working on NASA’s Space Launch System, the most powerful rocket created in history. Learn what it’s like to design components of a 322-foot-tall, 8.8-million-pounds-of-thrust-producing rocket intended to journey humans into deep space — including the moon, Mars, and beyond.

Speaker: Tiera Fletcher

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WWDC21 • Session 10078

AR Quick Look, meet Object Capture

Augmented Reality • iOS, macOS • 14:25

Discover simple ways to bring your Object Capture assets to AR Quick Look while optimizing for visual quality and file size. Explore ways you can integrate AR Quick Look and Object Capture to help create entirely new experiences. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Advances in AR Quick Look” from WWDC19. You can also learn how to integrate Apple Pay and custom actions with AR on the web through “Shop online with AR Quick Look” from WWDC20.

Speaker: Jerry Yu

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WWDC21 • Session 10264

Adopt Quick Note

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS • 14:45

Learn how you can link your app to Quick Note and help people quickly connect your content to their notes — and their notes to your content. Discover how Quick Note recognizes and links to app content through NSUserActivity, and find out how you can adopt this API in your app. We’ll take you through the requirements, benefits, and features of supporting Quick Note. We'll also provide guidance and best practices for NSUserActivity to help your app get all of its benefits.

Speaker: Nicki Brower

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WWDC21 • Session 10212

Analyze HTTP traffic in Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:56

Learn to use the Instruments Network template to record and analyze your app's HTTP traffic. We'll show you how to explore and visualize the behavior of sessions, tasks, and individual HTTP requests to ensure data is transmitted efficiently and respects people's privacy.

Speakers: Kacper Harasim, Sergio Lopez

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WWDC21 • Session 10009

Build a workout app for Apple Watch

Health & Fitness • watchOS • 54:09

Build a workout app from scratch using SwiftUI and HealthKit during this code along. Learn how to support the Always On state using timelines to update workout metrics. Follow best design practices for workout apps.

Speaker: Brady White

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WWDC21 • Session 10037

Build dynamic iOS apps with the Create ML framework

ML & Vision • iOS • 16:48

Discover how your app can train Core ML models fully on device with the Create ML framework, enabling adaptive and customized app experiences, all while preserving data privacy. We'll explore the types of models that can be created on-the-fly for image-based tasks like Style Transfer and Image Classification, audio tasks like custom Sound Classification, or tasks that build on a rich set of Text Classification, Tabular Data Classification, and Tabular Regressors. And we'll take you through the many opportunities these models offer to make your app more personal and dynamic. For even more inspiration, check out “Classify hand poses and actions with Create ML” and “Discover built-in sound classification in SoundAnalysis” from WWDC21.

Speakers: Tao Jia, Jack Cackler

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WWDC21 • Session 10196

Build interfaces with style

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 19:15

Discover how you can iterate upon your interfaces even more quickly when building your apps. Learn how you can modernize your UI with the latest button styles and table view cell content configurations, both of which give you greater control directly inside of Interface Builder. We’ll show you how you can preview common customizations with accessibility overrides — such as dynamic type size and increased contrast — all without leaving the canvas. We’ll also take you through hierarchical symbols to easily add a splash of color to reinvigorate your app. Whether you’re just starting out or have been developing apps for years, learn best practices for creating great interfaces with tips and tricks sprinkled along the way.

Speakers: Luke Larson, Youssef Elabd

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WWDC21 • Session 10013

Build light and fast App Clips

App Services • iOS • 29:35

App Clips give people the power to discover and download a small part of your app at a moment’s notice to complete tasks and transactions. Explore tips and best practices to help you create compact App Clips that emphasize modern features and elegant design. Learn how you can build reliable and secure App Clips to ensure that people can always access your experience when scanning a physical App Clip Code or viewing it through your website. And we’ll take you through specific strategies for testing an App Clip before releasing it to the world.

Speaker: Brian Goldberg

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WWDC21 • Session 10160

Capture and process ProRAW images

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS • 26:30

When you support ProRAW in your app, you can help photographers easily capture and edit images by combining standard RAW information with Apple’s advanced computational photography techniques. We’ll take you through an overview of the format, including the look and feel of ProRAW images, quality metrics, and compatibility with your app. From there, we’ll explore how you can incorporate ProRAW into your app at every stage of the production pipeline, including capturing imagery with AVFoundation, storage using PhotoKit, and editing with Core Image.

Speakers: David Hayward, Tuomas Viitanen, Matt Dickoff

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WWDC21 • Session 10039

Classify hand poses and actions with Create ML

Augmented Reality • iOS, macOS • 26:49

With Create ML, your app’s ability to understand the expressiveness of the human hand has never been easier. Discover how you can build off the support for Hand Pose Detection in Vision and train custom Hand Pose and Hand Action classifiers using the Create ML app and framework. Learn how simple it is to collect data, train a model, and integrate it with Vision, Camera, and ARKit to create a fun, entertaining app experience. To learn more about Create ML and related concepts around model training, check out “Build an Action Classifier with Create ML” from WWDC20. And don’t miss “Build dynamic iOS apps with the Create ML framework” to learn how your models can be trained on-the-fly and on device from within your app.

Speakers: Nathan Wertman, Brittany Weinert, Geppy Parziale

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WWDC21 • Session 10225

Coordinate media experiences with Group Activities

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 37:58

Discover how you can help people watch or listen to content all in sync with SharePlay and the Group Activities framework. We’ll show you how to adapt a media app into a synchronized, SharePlay-enabled experience for multiple people. Learn how to add Group Activities to your app, explore the Picture in Picture layout, and find out how the playback coordinator object can help you fine-tune playback across multiple devices.

Speakers: Hayden Lee, Moritz Wittenhagen

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WWDC21 • Session 10223

Create accessible experiences for watchOS

Accessibility & Inclusion • watchOS • 23:26

Discover how you can build a top-notch accessibility experience for watchOS when you support features like larger text sizes, VoiceOver, and AssistiveTouch. We’ll take you through adding visual and motor accessibility support to a SwiftUI app built for watchOS, including best practices around API integration, experience, and more.

Speakers: Daniel Sykes-Turner, Virata Yindeeyoungyeon

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WWDC21 • Session 10190

Create audio drivers with DriverKit

Audio & Video • macOS • 18:38

Discover how to use the AudioDriverKit API to consolidate your Audio Server plug-in and DriverKit extension into a single package. Learn how you can simplify audio driver installation with an app instead of an installer package and distribute your driver through the Mac App Store. And we’ll take you through how the Core Audio HAL interacts with AudioDriverKit and discover best practices for audio device drivers.

Speaker: Baek San Chang

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WWDC21 • Session 10250

Create custom symbols

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 25:47

Discover how you can create custom iconography with the latest rendering modes in SF Symbols 3. We’ll help you learn how to draw, edit, and annotate symbols, as well as explore more advanced techniques to improve the design process. For a primer on working with custom symbol templates, we recommend first watching “Introducing SF Symbols” from WWDC19.

Speaker: Mike LaGattuta

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WWDC21 • Session 10063

Customize and resize sheets in UIKit

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • macOS • 12:12

Discover how you can create a layered and customized sheet experience in UIKit. We’ll explore how you can build a non-modal experience in your app to allow interaction with content both in a sheet and behind the sheet at the same time. We’ll also take you through sheet size customization, revealing or hiding grabber controls, and adapting between popovers and customized sheets in your app. To get the most out of this session, we recommend watching the Presentations portion of “Modernizing Your UI for iOS 13” from WWDC19 beginning at 9:45.

Speaker: Russell Ladd

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WWDC21 • Session 10269

Customize your advanced Xcode Cloud workflows

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:47

Xcode Cloud integrates with Apple Developer tools and services, all major source control management services, and even social collaboration tools like Slack. If your development process relies on additional tools and external services, however, you can fine-tune your workflows and the behavior of your build. Learn how you can pass information to your build using environment variables and run additional commands inside your actions using custom build scripts. Find out how to add additional repositories where you and your team might share work. And discover how you can integrate Xcode Cloud with external services using webhooks. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Meet Xcode Cloud” and “Explore Xcode Cloud workflows” from WWDC21.

Speakers: Itai Rom, Yan Huang

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WWDC21 • Session 10022

Demystify SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:17

Peek behind the curtain into the core tenets of SwiftUI philosophy: Identity, Lifetime, and Dependencies. Find out about common patterns, learn the principles that drive the framework, and discover how you can use them to guarantee correctness and performance for your app.

Speakers: Matt Ricketson, Luca Bernardi, Raj Ramamurthy

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WWDC21 • Session 10283

Design great actions for Shortcuts, Siri, and Suggestions

App Services • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 22:12

Actions are the building blocks of shortcuts. They allow people to take advantage of your app’s functionality even when they're not looking at your app’s interface. We'll show you how to design actions that are useful, easy-to-use, and can be incorporated into powerful multi-step shortcuts. You'll also explore enhancements around publishing and sharing shortcuts, ensuring that people can access your app in the way they want across all of Apple's platforms.

Speakers: Ari Weinstein, Cameron Burgess

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WWDC21 • Session 10040

Detect people, faces, and poses using Vision

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS • 17:58

Discover the latest updates to the Vision framework to help your apps detect people, faces, and poses. Meet the Person Segmentation API, which helps your app separate people in images from their surroundings, and explore the latest contiguous metrics for tracking pitch, yaw, and the roll of the human head. And learn how these capabilities can be combined with other APIs like Core Image to deliver anything from simple virtual backgrounds to rich offline compositing in an image-editing app. To get the most out of this session, we recommend watching “Detect Body and Hand Pose with Vision” from WWDC20 and “Understanding Images in Vision Framework” from WWDC19. To learn even more about people analysis, see “Detect Body and Hand Pose with Vision” from WWDC20 and “Understanding Images in Vision Framework” from WWDC19.

Speaker: Sergey Kamensky

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WWDC21 • Session 10087

Diagnose Power and Performance regressions in your app

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS • 15:29

Quickly discover how to identify priorities when viewing power and performance regressions. Learn how to track metrics that have regressed with device-and percentile-specific information, so you can focus your efforts on optimization and save valuable development time. We’ll also show you how to track down common anti-patterns in your app that wear out device storage, help you customize your workflows, and add App Store Connect APIs to help you stay up to date on your app’s real-world performance.

Speakers: Sonia Mannan, Shreyas Binnamangala Prabhu

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WWDC21 • Session 10157

Discover Metal debugging, profiling, and asset creation tools

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 39:52

Explore how Xcode can help you take your Metal debugging, profiling and asset creation workflows to the next level. Discover the latest tools for ray tracing and GPU profiling, and learn about Metal Debugger workflows. We’ll also show you how to use the Texture Converter tool, which supports all modern GPU texture formats and can easily integrate into your multi-platform asset creation pipelines.

Speakers: Egor Shkorov, Amanda Marano

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WWDC21 • Session 10136

Discover account-driven User Enrollment

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS • 21:06

Learn how User Enrollment helps you support “bring your own device” deployments in your business or enterprise environment. We’ll explore data separation, enhancements to Managed Apple IDs and how you can use the new account-based onboarding in your organization.

Speakers: Timm Hannon, Melissa Nierle

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WWDC21 • Session 10019

Discover concurrency in SwiftUI

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:53

Discover how you can use Swift’s concurrency features to build even better SwiftUI apps. We’ll show you how concurrent workflows interact with your ObservableObjects, and explore how you can use them directly in your SwiftUI views and models. Find out how to use await to make your app run smoothly on the SwiftUI runloop, and learn how to fetch remote images quickly with the AsyncImage API. And we'll take you through the process of enabling additional asynchronous flows in your custom views.

Speakers: Curt Clifton, Jessica Zivotsky

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WWDC21 • Session 10079

Discover geometry-aware audio with the Physical Audio Spatialization Engine (PHASE)

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS • 37:27

Explore how geometry-aware audio can help you build complex, interactive, and immersive audio scenes for your apps and games. Meet PHASE, Apple’s spatial audio API, and learn how the Physical Audio Spatialization Engine (PHASE) keeps the sound aligned with your experience at all times — helping you create spatial soundscapes and scenes during the development process, rather than waiting until post production. We’ll take you through an overview of the API and its classes, including Sources, Listeners, Acoustic Geometry, and Materials, and introduce the concept of Spatial Modeling. We’ll also show you how to quickly combine PHASE’s basic building blocks to start building an integrated audio experience for your app or game.

Speakers: Bharath Venkatesan, David Thall

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WWDC21 • Session 10126

Discoverable design

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 32:43

Discover how you can create interactive, memorable experiences to onboard people into your app. We’ll take you through discoverable design practices and learn how you can craft explorable, fun interfaces that help people grasp the possibilities of your app at a glance. We’ll also show you how to apply this methodology to personalize your content and make your app easy to customize.

Speakers: Jiabao Li, Mylène Dreyer

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WWDC21 • Session 10167

Elevate your DocC documentation in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:45

Great documentation can help people effectively and easily adopt your Swift framework. Discover how you can create rich, conceptual articles to accompany your API. You’ll learn best practices for writing articles, including how to structure your documentation, and find out how to create automatically managed links that connect your docs together.

Speakers: Beatriz Magalhães, Jack Lawrence

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WWDC21 • Session 10145

Evaluate videos with the Advanced Video Quality Tool

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 16:34

Learn how the Advanced Video Quality Tool (AVQT) can help you accurately assess the perceptual quality of your compressed video files. Utilizing the AVFoundation framework, AVQT supports a wide range of video formats, codecs, resolutions and frame-rates in both the SDR and HDR domains, which results in easy and efficient workflows — for example, no requirement to decode to a raw pixel format. AVQT uses Metal to achieve high processing speeds by offloading heavy pixel-level computation to the GPU, typically analyzing videos in excess of real-time video frame rates. With incredible ease of use and computational efficiency, AVQT can help you eliminate low-quality videos from your video catalog before they might otherwise reach people in your app.

Speaker: Pranav Sodhani

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WWDC21 • Session 10159

Explore Core Image kernel improvements

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS • 9:02

Discover how you can add Core Image kernels written in the Metal Shading Language into your app. We’ll explore how you can use Xcode rules and naming conventions for Core Image kernels written in the Metal Shading Language, and help you make sense of Metal’s Stitchable functions and dynamic library features to benefit Core Image kernels.

Speaker: David Hayward

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WWDC21 • Session 10027

Explore Safari Web Extension improvements

App Services • iOS, macOS • 16:54

Learn how you can extend Safari’s functionality with Safari Web Extensions. We’ll introduce you to the latest WebExtension APIs, explore non-persistent background page support — a particularly relevant topic if you’re developing for iOS — and discover how you can use the Declarative Net Request WebExtensions API to block content on the web. Finally, we’ll show you how to customize tabs in Safari 15.

Speaker: Ellie Epskamp-Hunt

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WWDC21 • Session 10084

Explore UWB-based car keys

App Services • iOS, watchOS • 16:13

Discover how to create digital car keys that support Ultra Wideband (UWB), allowing people to unlock and start their car while leaving iPhone in their bag or pocket or Apple Watch on their wrist. We’ll show you how to integrate UWB, add proximity actions and distance unlock features, and help people personalize their vehicle settings by identifying which key someone uses on the driver-side door. To get the most out of this session, we recommend watching the session “Introducing Car Keys” from WWDC20, which details the basics of pairing, key management, and server actions.

Speaker: Arun Yadav

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WWDC21 • Session 10032

Explore WKWebView additions

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS • 21:44

Explore the latest updates to WKWebView. We’ll show you how to use APIs to manipulate web content without JavaScript, explore delegates that can help with WebRTC and Downloads, and share how you can easily create a richer web experience within your app.

Speaker: Megan Gardner

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WWDC21 • Session 10075

Explore advanced rendering with RealityKit 2

Augmented Reality • iOS, macOS • 29:52

Create stunning visuals for your augmented reality experiences with cutting-edge rendering advancements in RealityKit. Learn the art of writing custom shaders, draw real-time dynamic meshes, and explore creative post-processing effects to help you stylize your AR scene.

Speaker: Courtland Idstrom

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WWDC21 • Session 10140

Explore dynamic pre-rolls and mid-rolls in HLS

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 15:19

Learn how you can create seamless transitions between advertisements and your HLS streams. We’ll show you how to incorporate HLS tags and AVFoundation APIs to create media experiences that move easily between your primary content and mid-rolls, and provide best practices for playing these streams in your app.

Speaker: Prashant Nandakumar

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WWDC21 • Session 10158

Explore low-latency video encoding with VideoToolbox

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS • 19:56

Supporting low latency encoders has become an important aspect of video application development process. Discover how VideoToolbox supports low-delay H.264 hardware encoding to minimize end-to-end latency and achieve new levels of performance for optimal real-time communication and high-quality video playback.

Speaker: Peikang Song

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WWDC21 • Session 10288

Explore the SF Symbols 3 app

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 12:46

Tour the latest updates to the SF Symbols app — our interactive library for iconography. Learn how you can use the library to design accessible and inclusive apps that look incredible: We’ll take you through changes to the app and symbols search, explore previewing and custom symbol management, and help you integrate symbols into your interface designs. It's recommended you watch "What's new in SF Symbols" from WWDC21 before watching this video.

Speaker: Paul Sim

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WWDC21 • Session 10291

Explore the catalog with the Apple Music API

Audio & Video • iOS • 7:50

Discover how you can use the Apple Music API to fetch music catalog metadata for your app. Explore the latest updates to the API as well as some advanced techniques for shaping your requests and highlighting the right metadata for a project. To get the most out of this session, we recommend some familiarity with the Apple Music API.

Speaker: Graham Seyffert

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WWDC21 • Session 10295

Get ready to optimize your App Store product page

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS • 8:20

Discover new ways to make your product page more relevant. Learn how you can use custom product pages to highlight different features and content in your app for different users. Explore how you can optimize your product page by comparing the effectiveness of different visual assets to see what users like most. We'll cover what you need to know, the assets to prepare, and how to get ready to create the most effective product page for your app.

Speaker: Prabha Bashyam

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WWDC21 • Session 10141

Improve global streaming availability with HLS Content Steering

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 13:01

Discover how you can use HLS playlist tags and the Steering Manifest format with your content to help dynamically update CDN redundancy policies tuned for each viewer. Learn how to load balance, set failover, and more.

Speaker: Naiwei Zheng

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WWDC21 • Session 10252

Make blazing fast lists and collection views

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • macOS • 22:29

Build consistently smooth scrolling list and collection views: Explore the lifecycle of a cell and learn how to apply that knowledge to eliminate rough scrolling and missed frames. We’ll also show you how to improve your overall scrolling experience and avoid costly hitches, with optimized image loading and automatic cell prefetching. To get the most out of this video, we recommend a basic familiarity with diffable data sources and compositional layout.

Speakers: Aditya Krishnadevan, Patrick Metcalfe

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WWDC21 • Session 10297

Manage devices with Apple Configurator

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS • 9:51

Apple Configurator is now more capable than ever. Whether you’re provisioning iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS devices in your organization or servicing existing macOS devices, learn how Apple Configurator can help with key workflows. And, coming to iPhone in iOS 15, discover how you can bring Automated Device Enrollment to even more macOS devices.

Speaker: Pradhap Natarajan

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WWDC21 • Session 10174

Manage in-app purchases on your server

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:42

Discover the latest updates to managing in-app purchases on your server. Explore how you can use servers to track status changes, handle refunds, and manage subscriber status. Learn about App Store server APIs around status and in-app purchase transactions, and find out how App Store server notifications can help you track more customer lifecycle events. We’ll also take you through managing Family Sharing for in-app purchases, and the latest improvements to testing in-app purchases in the sandbox environment.

Speaker: Tori Shurman

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WWDC21 • Session 10287

Measure health with motion

Health & Fitness • iOS, watchOS • 20:48

Discover how you can take your app’s health monitoring to the next level with motion data. Meet Walking Steadiness for iPhone and the six-minute-walk metric for Apple Watch: Walking Steadiness can help your app interpret someone’s quality of walking and risk of falling, while the six-minute-walk metric — along with the HealthKit estimate recalibration API — can track changes to walking endurance following acute events like surgery. We’ll show you how you can support these metrics and help provide actionable health data to people who use your app, helping improve patient care and clinical trials, especially as more services must be delivered remotely.

Speakers: Irida Mance, Sohum Thakkar

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WWDC21 • Session 10058

Meet AsyncSequence

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 14:20

Iterating over a sequence of values over time is now as easy as writing a “for” loop. Find out how the new AsyncSequence protocol enables a natural, simple syntax for iterating over anything from notifications to bytes being streamed from a server. We'll also show you how to adapt existing code to provide asynchronous sequences of your own. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Meet async/await in Swift.”

Speaker: Philippe Hausler

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WWDC21 • Session 10061

Meet TextKit 2

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 41:03

Meet TextKit 2: Apple’s next-generation text engine, redesigned for improved correctness, safety, and performance. Discover how TextKit 2 can help you provide a better text experience for international audiences, create more diverse layouts by mixing text content with visual content, and ensure smooth scrolling performance. We’ll introduce the latest APIs, dive into some practical examples, and provide guidance for modernizing your apps.

Speakers: Donna Tom, Chris Willmore

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WWDC21 • Session 10102

Meet the Location Button

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:21

Meet CLLocationButton: a secure interface element that provides an easy, low-friction way to grant your app location access only when and where it is needed. Learn how you can add CLLocationButton to new or existing code, how to customize it within interface legibility guidelines, how to recognize and address customization failures, and how it interacts with iOS’s traditional prompt-based Location Services authorization. To get the most out of this session, we recommend basic familiarity with the Core Location API.

Speaker: Cindy Clarissa

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WWDC21 • Session 10256

Meet the Swift Algorithms and Collections packages

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 30:29

Discover two of the latest additions to the list of open-source Swift packages from Apple: Swift Algorithms and Swift Collections. Not only can you use these packages immediately, they also incubate new algorithms and data structures for eventual inclusion in the Swift Standard Library. We’ll show you how you can integrate these packages into your projects and select the right algorithms and data structures to make your code clearer and faster.

Speakers: Kyle Macomber, Karoy Lorentey

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WWDC21 • Session 10106

Move beyond passwords

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS • 25:20

Despite their prevalence, passwords inherently come with challenges that make them poorly suited to securing someone’s online accounts. Learn more about the challenges passwords pose to modern security and how to move beyond them. Explore the next frontier in account security with secure-by-design, public-key-based credentials that use the Web Authentication standard. Discover in this technology preview how Apple is approaching this standard in iOS 15 and macOS Monterey.

Speaker: Garrett Davidson

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WWDC21 • Session 10053

Qualities of a great Mac Catalyst app

Essentials • macOS • 24:20

Discover best practices, tools, and techniques to help craft the best possible Mac Catalyst app. We’ll take you through key considerations when you bring your iPad app to macOS, explore detailed code examples for refining your interface and experience, and show you how to distribute your Mac app to everyone. To get the most out of this session, we recommend a basic familiarity with Mac Catalyst. Watch “What’s new in Mac Catalyst” from WWDC21 to get an overview of the latest features for bringing your iPad app to Mac. And for more on improving your macOS experience, watch “Optimize the interface of your Mac Catalyst app” from WWDC20.

Speakers: Owen Monsma, Dave Rahardja

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WWDC21 • Session 10056

Qualities of great iPad and iPhone apps on Macs with M1

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS • 22:37

It’s easier than ever to offer your existing iPad and iPhone apps on Macs with M1. We’ll show you how to bring your app to macOS, and explore how the system automatically bridges various features of your app to work on the Mac. We'll also provide guidance on best practices in your iPad app, combined with improvements in macOS Monterey — like Apple Pay support, improved AV handling, and shortcuts — to provide the fullest experience on Macs with M1.

Speaker: Nils Beck

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WWDC21 • Session 10205

Review code and collaborate in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 11:16

Explore the latest enhancements to code review and pull requests in Xcode. Learn more about diff display preferences, commit selectors, changes navigator, and pull request workflows. We’ll show you how you can collaborate with your team and find regressions by connecting your code review and PR workflows directly to your source code.

Speaker: Kieran Senior

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WWDC21 • Session 10349

SF Symbols in SwiftUI

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 10:57

Discover how you can incorporate SF Symbols into your SwiftUI app. We’ll explore basic techniques for presenting symbols, customizing their size, and showing different variants. We’ll also take you through the latest updates to symbol colorization and help you pick the right tool for your app’s needs.

Speaker: Jacob Xiao

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WWDC21 • Session 10251

SF Symbols in UIKit and AppKit

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 15:05

Learn how you can create colorized symbols with SF Symbols 3 and customize them to match the visual design of your app’s interface. We’ll take you through the latest UIKit and AppKit APIs for integrating colorized symbols, as well as best practices for implementation. To get the most out of this session, we recommend watching “Introducing SF Symbols” from WWDC19.

Speaker: Tom Adriaenssen

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WWDC21 • Session 10105

Secure login with iCloud Keychain verification codes

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS • 14:32

Learn how you can support on-device verification codes in your app or website for a more secure sign-in experience. We’ll explore the latest updates to the iCloud Keychain password manager and discover how verification codes, AutoFill, iCloud Keychain sync, and two-tap setup simplify the multi-step sign-in process. We’ll show you how to support this process in your apps and websites.

Speaker: Eryn Wells

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WWDC21 • Session 10091

Send communication and Time Sensitive notifications

App Services • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 20:59

Learn more about the evolution of notifications on Apple platforms. We’ll explore how you can help people manage notifications within your app, including how you can craft meaningful moments with interruption levels and Time Sensitive notifications. And we’ll introduce you to communication notifications, providing a richer experience for calls and messages in your app through SiriKit. To get the most out of this session, we recommend having experience creating local and remote notifications, as well as some familiarity with SiriKit intents.

Speakers: Kritarth Jain, Kevin Harrington

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WWDC21 • Session 10098

Showcase app data in Spotlight

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 16:32

Discover how Core Data can surface data from your app in Spotlight with as little as two lines of code. Learn how to make that data discoverable in Spotlight search and to customize how it is presented to people on device. Lastly, we’ll show you how to implement full-text search within your app, driven completely with the data indexed by Spotlight.

Speaker: David Stites

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WWDC21 • Session 10194

Swift concurrency: Update a sample app

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 54:25

Discover Swift concurrency in action: Follow along as we update an existing sample app. Get real-world experience with async/await, actors, and continuations. We’ll also explore techniques for migrating existing code to Swift concurrency over time. To get the most out of this code-along, we recommend first watching “Meet async/await in Swift” and “Protect mutable state with Swift actors” from WWDC21. Note: To create an async task in Xcode 13 beta 3 and later, use the Task initializer instead.

Speaker: Ben Cohen

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WWDC21 • Session 10119

SwiftUI Accessibility: Beyond the basics

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 28:10

Go beyond the basics to deliver an exceptional accessibility experience. Learn how to use the new SwiftUI Previews in Xcode to explore the latest accessibility APIs and create fantastic, accessible apps for everyone. Find out how you can customize the automatic accessibility built into SwiftUI to make your own custom controls accessible. Explore best practices and identify where to improve your app's navigation experience using grouping and focus. And help supercharge navigation for VoiceOver users with the addition of rotors.

Speaker: Nathan Tannar

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WWDC21 • Session 10211

Symbolication: Beyond the basics

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 37:19

Discover how you can achieve maximum performance and insightful debugging with your app. Symbolication is at the center of tools such as Instruments and LLDB to help bridge the layers between your application’s runtime and your source code. Learn how this process works and the steps you can take to gain the most insight into your app.

Speaker: Alejandro Lucena

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WWDC21 • Session 10203

Triage TestFlight crashes in Xcode Organizer

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:27

Learn how Xcode Organizer makes it easier and faster to triage and fix crashes. We'll explore how you can get access to crash information and feedback from your TestFlight testers just moments after they occur. And we'll show you how to analyze crashes, view metrics, and even share crash information among your team. For a primer on crash logs, we recommend watching “Understanding Crashes and Crash Logs” from WWDC18.

Speaker: Matt Sanford

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WWDC21 • Session 10095

Use async/await with URLSession

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:40

Discover how you can adopt Swift concurrency in URLSession using async/await and AsyncSequence, and how you can apply Swift concurrency concepts to improve your networking code.

Speakers: Guoye Zhang, Zhenchao Li

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WWDC21 • Session 10052

What's new in Mac Catalyst

Essentials • macOS • 26:32

Discover the latest updates to Mac Catalyst and find out how you can make your app feel even more at home on macOS. Learn about a variety of new and enhanced UIKit APIs that let you customize your Mac Catalyst app to take advantage of behaviors unique to macOS. To get the most out of this session, we recommend a basic familiarity with Mac Catalyst. Check out “Introducing iPad Apps for Mac” from WWDC19 to acquaint yourself. For more on refining your Mac Catalyst app, watch “Optimize the interface of your Mac Catalyst app” from WWDC20.

Speakers: Jason Beaver, Nick Teissler

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WWDC21 • Session 10092

What's new in Wallet and Apple Pay

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:41

Discover the redesigned Apple Pay for in-app and web payments and learn how you can incorporate the latest APIs into your app or website. Learn how to add features to your app like coupon codes, improved shipping information, and improvements to the payment detail display screen. And explore changes to Wallet passes, including auto-expiry and multi-pass support for the web.

Speakers: Edward Valentini, Russ Fenenga

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WWDC21 • Session 10097

What’s new in SF Symbols

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 20:31

Explore the latest updates to SF Symbols, Apple’s iconography library. Designed to integrate seamlessly with San Francisco — the system font for Apple platforms — SF Symbols can help you create beautiful and consistent iconography for your app while supporting accessibility features like Dynamic Type and Bold Text. Discover the latest additions to the SF Symbols library, localization enhancements, and how you can more easily customize the color of a symbol to integrate it within your app’s own color palette. We’ll also show you how you can design and annotate custom symbols to support Monochrome, Hierarchical, Palette, and Multicolor rendering modes. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “SF Symbols 2” from WWDC20.

Speaker: Thalia Echevarría Fiol

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WWDC21 • Session 10047

What’s new in camera capture

Photos & Camera • iOS, macOS • 36:01

Learn how you can interact with Video Effects in Control Center including Center Stage, Portrait mode, and Mic modes. We’ll show you how to detect when these features have been enabled for your app and explore ways to adopt custom interfaces to make them controllable from within your app. Discover how to enable 10-bit HDR video capture and take advantage of minimum-focus-distance reporting for improved camera capture experiences. Explore support for IOSurface compression and delivering optimal performance in camera capture. To learn more about camera capture, we also recommend watching "Capture high-quality photos using video formats" from WWDC21.

Speaker: Brad Ford

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WWDC21 • Session 10308

Accessibility by design: An Apple Watch for everyone

Accessibility & Inclusion • watchOS • 10:11

Discover how Apple creates products that work well for everyone. Learn from a few of the engineers and designers who helped build Apple Watch as they share stories that highlight our approach to accessible design, constant iteration, and community engagement.

Speakers: Dean Hudson, Chris Fleizach, Jennifer Patton, Ryan Dour

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WWDC21 • Session 110142

Accessibility by design: An Apple Watch for everyone (ASL)

Accessibility & Inclusion • watchOS • 10:11

Discover how Apple creates products that work well for everyone. Learn from a few of the engineers and designers who helped build Apple Watch as they share stories that highlight our approach to accessible design, constant iteration, and community engagement. This version includes American Sign Language (ASL).

Speakers: Dean Hudson, Chris Fleizach, Jennifer Patton, Ryan Dour

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WWDC21 • Session 10298

Add support for Matter in your smart home app

System Services • iOS • 17:42

The enhanced and new APIs in HomeKit enable smart home developers to integrate with the new Matter protocol in the most convenient way. Tour the Matter protocol, and discover how to set up and manage Matter accessories on our platforms and within your smart home apps.

Speakers: Selina Zhang, Chris Chares, Sagar Dhawan

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WWDC21 • Session 10118

Automate CloudKit tests with cktool and declarative schema

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 9:34

It’s never been easier to test your CloudKit containers. We’ll introduce you to cktool, a command-line utility that makes quick work of CloudKit configuration, and learn about the new schema language that allows you to rapidly prototype and evolve containers. We’ll also show you how to combine these tools and configure your containers before running tests in Xcode. To get the most out of this session, we recommend being familiar with CloudKit and its development and production environments, as well as a basic understanding of record and data types.

Speaker: Rusty Ross

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WWDC21 • Session 10017

Bring Core Data concurrency to Swift and SwiftUI

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 27:03

Discover how Core Data is adopting the new concurrency capabilities of Swift 5.5, leading to more concise, efficient, and safe asynchronous code. We'll show you how to update Core Data in your apps to work with concurrency, and detail the many other improvements throughout the framework that make working with Swift and SwiftUI more expressive and powerful.

Speakers: Michael LeHew, Scott Perry

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WWDC21 • Session 10168

Build Mail app extensions

App Services • macOS • 18:20

Meet MailKit: the best way to build amazing experiences on top of Mail. MailKit enables apps to easily and securely interact with the Mail app for macOS. We'll deep dive into the MailKit API, and show you how to create extensions for composing messages, message actions, secure email, and content blocking.

Speakers: Abhilash Maniam, Seth White

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WWDC21 • Session 10187

Build custom experiences with Group Activities

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 25:08

Go beyond basic streaming and interaction and discover how you can build advanced SharePlay experiences using the full power of the Group Activities framework. We’ll show you how to adapt a simple drawing app into a real-time shared canvas, explore APIs like GroupSessionMessenger — which helps send and receive custom messages between participants in the group — and learn how to put the finishing touches on a custom SharePlay experience.

Speakers: Willem Mattelaer, Angus Burton, Adam Syed

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WWDC21 • Session 10235

Build interactive tutorials using DocC

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:13

Discover how you can author immersive tutorials from scratch with DocC. We’ll demonstrate how you can bring together rich instructions, example code, and images through the DocC syntax to showcase your Swift framework in action. And we’ll go over how to create progressive training that can provide interactive learning opportunities and help people better understand use cases for your framework.

Speakers: Will Imholte, Hannah Jiang

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WWDC21 • Session 10247

Capture high-quality photos using video formats

Photos & Camera • iOS, macOS • 14:38

Your app can take full advantage of the powerful camera systems on iPhone by using the AVCapture APIs. Learn how to choose the most appropriate photo or video formats for your use cases while balancing the trade-offs between photo quality and delivery speed. Discover some powerful new algorithms which can help you deliver greatly improved photo quality when you use video formats in your app. To learn more about improvements in AVCapture, be sure to also see the "What's new in camera capture" video.

Speaker: Roy Li

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WWDC21 • Session 10153

Create image processing apps powered by Apple silicon

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS • 29:34

Discover how to optimize your image processing app for Apple silicon. Explore how to take advantage of Metal render command encoders, tile shading, unified memory architecture, and memoryless attachments. We’ll show you how to use Apple's unique tile based deferred renderer architecture to create power efficient apps with low memory footprint, and take you through best practices when migrating your compute-based apps from discrete GPUs to Apple silicon.

Speakers: Eugene Zhidkov, Harsh Patil

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WWDC21 • Session 10191

Deliver a great playback experience on tvOS

Audio & Video • tvOS • 10:34

Find out how you can use Apple TV’s redesigned playback interface to build great media experiences in your apps. Learn how the latest interface helps people access relevant controls and information while maintaining focus on content. We’ll show you how you can adopt AVPlayerViewController and other APIs for your tvOS app to help people find, play, and enjoy content. To get the most out of this session, we recommend having a basic understanding of AVKit.

Speaker: Max Stepanov

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WWDC21 • Session 10184

Design for Group Activities

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 8:53

Learn how you can design your app to support SharePlay experiences. We’ll show you how you can bring people together in your app using the Group Activities framework, and adapt your design to focus on group-first content sharing. And we’ll explore ideas and iteration around apps and functions you can create for people using SharePlay on a FaceTime call.

Speaker: Ian Baird

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WWDC21 • Session 10245

Design for spatial interaction

Augmented Reality • iOS, watchOS • 18:25

Discover the principles for creating intuitive physical interactions between two or more devices, as demonstrated by Apple designers who worked on features for iPhone, HomePod mini, and AirTag. Explore how you can apply these patterns to your own app when designing features for Apple platforms, and help people using your app interact more directly with their surroundings.

Speakers: Peter Tsoi, Arian Behzadi, Taylor Carrigan, Linus Persson, Pedro Mari

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WWDC21 • Session 10180

Detect and diagnose memory issues

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 29:25

Discover how you can understand and diagnose memory performance problems with Xcode. We’ll take you through the latest updates to Xcode’s tools, explore Metrics, check out the memgraph collection feature in XCTest, and learn how to catch regressions using a Performance XCTest.

Speakers: Tanuja Mohan, Stefan Swaans

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WWDC21 • Session 10030

Develop advanced web content

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS • 36:31

Develop in JavaScript, WebGL, or WebAssembly? Learn how the latest updates to Safari and WebKit — including language changes to class syntax — can help simplify your development process, enhance performance, and improve security. We’ll explore several web APIs that can help provide better interoperability and bring new capabilities to your web content.

Speaker: Sihui Liu

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WWDC21 • Session 10296

Diagnose unreliable code with test repetitions

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 9:00

Test repetitions can help you debug even the most unreliable code. Discover how you can use the maximum repetitions, until failure, and retry on failure testing modes within test plans, Xcode, and xcodebuild to track down bugs and crashers and make your app more stable for everyone. To get the most out of this session, we recommend being familiar with XCTest and managing tests through test plans. For more information, check out “Testing in Xcode” from WWDC19.

Speaker: Suzy Ratcliff

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC21 • Session 10023

Direct and reflect focus in SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 11:09

With device input — as with all things in life — where you put focus matters. Discover how you can move focus in your app with SwiftUI, programmatically dismiss the keyboard, and build large navigation targets from small views. Together, these APIs can help you simplify your app’s interface and make it more powerful for people to find what they need.

Speaker: Tanu Singhal

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WWDC21 • Session 10031

Discover Web Inspector improvements

Essentials • iOS, macOS • 28:39

Web Inspector provides the tools for you to understand and debug your web pages on macOS, iOS, and iPadOS. We’ll take you through the latest features and improvements to Web Inspector, including a new overlay for inspecting CSS Grid containers on your pages, even more configurable breakpoints to make debugging simpler, and the ability to create and edit Audits.

Speaker: Patrick Angle

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WWDC21 • Session 10197

Discover and curate Swift Packages using Collections

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 14:26

Whether you're curating packages for your team, for education purposes, or to share with other developers, Swift Package Collections can help you discover, explore and import new packages into your project. Discover improvements in the Swift Package workflow using Collections, and learn how you can curate, create, sign, and share your own Swift Package Collections.

Speakers: Boris Buegling, Francesco Mikulis-Borsoi

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WWDC21 • Session 10229

Discover compilation workflows in Metal

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 24:52

The Metal shading language is a powerful C++ based language that allows apps to render stunning effects while maintaining a flexible shader development pipeline. Discover how to more easily build and extend your render pipelines using Dynamic Libraries and Function Pointers. We’ll also show you how to accelerate your shader compilation at runtime with Binary Function Archives, Function Linking, and Function Stitching.

Speaker: Rini Patel

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC21 • Session 10101

Discover rolling clips with ReplayKit

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 8:39

Never again miss anyone's great moment in your game or app. Learn about ReplayKit's latest update — clips screen recording — which provides your app with a rolling buffer of past video and audio samples. When memorable moments happen, discover how you can record and save it for people, and find out how you can surface those clips when they’re most relevant. Lastly, we’ll take you through integrating ReplayKit into your iOS and macOS apps.

Speaker: Ernest Yim

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WWDC21 • Session 10204

Distribute apps in Xcode with cloud signing

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:50

Discover how to distribute your apps directly to App Store Connect and all the distribution methods supported in Xcode. Explore how to automate distribution for your apps, and learn about improvements to the distribution workflow like cloud signing, app record creation, and build number management.

Speaker: Balraj Aujla

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WWDC21 • Session 10231

Donate intents and expand your app’s presence

App Services • iOS, watchOS • 20:08

Discover how you can make key parts of your app available for someone at exactly the right moment — without them ever needing to open it. Learn how to craft and donate intents to the system, helping you surface relevant and contextual information about your app in Siri, Focus, Shortcuts, the Smart Stack, and more. We’ll explore how the system intelligently identifies information and show you techniques for structuring intents to help increase engagement and visibility for your app.

Speaker: Ryan Chapman

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WWDC21 • Session 10207

Embrace Expected Failures in XCTest

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 11:49

Testing is a crucial part of building a great app: Great tests can help you track down important issues before release, improve your workflow, and provide a quality experience upon release. For issues that can’t be immediately resolved, however, XCTest can help provide better context around those problems with XCTExpectFailure. Learn how this API works, its strict behavior, and how to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in your tests to identify new issues more efficiently.

Speaker: Wil Addario-Turner

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WWDC21 • Session 10073

Explore ARKit 5

Augmented Reality • iOS • 20:27

Build the next generation of augmented reality apps with ARKit 5. Explore how you can use Location Anchors in additional regions and more easily onboard people into your location-based AR experience. Learn more about Face Tracking and Motion Capture. And discover best practices for placing your AR content in the real world. We’ll also show you how you can integrate App Clip Codes into your AR app for easy discovery and precise positioning of your virtual content.

Speakers: David McLaren, Christopher Figueroa

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WWDC21 • Session 10208

Explore Digital Crown, Trackpad, and iPad pointer automation

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 9:16

Learn how you can interact with devices in UI Tests in Xcode 13. Discover newly-automatable input methods including iPadOS pointer, watchOS Digital Crown, and enhanced macOS trackpad scrolling APIs.

Speaker: Jeremy Goldman

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WWDC21 • Session 10161

Explore HDR rendering with EDR

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS • 34:15

EDR is Apple’s High Dynamic Range representation and rendering pipeline. Explore how you can render HDR content using EDR in your app and unleash the dynamic range capabilities of your HDR display including Apple’s internal displays and Pro Display XDR. We’ll show you how game and pro app developers can take advantage of the native EDR APIs on macOS for even more control, and provide best practices for deciding when HDR is appropriate, applying tone-mapping, and delivering HDR content.

Speaker: Ken Greenebaum

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WWDC21 • Session 10041

Extract document data using Vision

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS • 19:11

Discover how Vision can provide expert image recognition and analysis in your app to extract information from documents, recognize text in multiple languages, and identify barcodes. We’ll explore the latest updates to Text Recognition and Barcode Detection, show you how to bring all these tools together with Core ML, and help your app make greater sense of the world through images or the live camera. To learn more about Vision, watch “Detect people, faces, and poses using Vision” from WWDC21 as well as “Explore Computer Vision APIs” from WWDC20. For further understanding of all that Vision has to offer, watch “Detect people, faces, and poses using Vision” from WWDC21 as well as “Explore Computer Vision APIs” from WWDC20.

Speaker: Frank Doepke

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WWDC21 • Session 10137

Improve MDM assignment of Apps and Books

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 15:30

Discover the Apps and Books Management API and explore how you can assign an organization’s owned apps and books to managed users and devices. Learn about the latest API improvements and find out how you can subscribe to and receive notifications around asset counts, assignments, and registered users in your organization. And discover how you can take advantage of asynchronous processing to significantly reduce the number of requests you need to make for large assignments.

Speaker: Austin Rocha

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WWDC21 • Session 10046

Improve access to Photos in your app

Photos & Camera • iOS, macOS • 17:57

PHPicker is the simplest and most secure way to integrate the Photos library into your app — and it’s getting even better. Learn how to handle ordered selection of images in your app, as well as pre-selecting assets any time the picker is shown. And for apps that need to integrate more deeply with PhotoKit, discover how you can use PHCloudIdentifier to sync photo project content across devices, helping people easily transition their image work between iPhone, iPad, and Mac. We’ll also take you through the latest updates to the Limited Photos Library. Find out how your app can help people easily extend the initial set of images they’ve authorized — including bringing up the selection UI at any time and recognizing when someone makes new or updated selections. Lastly, explore how you can create or access existing photo albums.

Speakers: Justin Jia, Adam Swift

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WWDC21 • Session 10220

Localize your SwiftUI app

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:36

Learn how to localize your SwiftUI app and make it available to a global audience. Explore how you can localize strings in SwiftUI, including those with styles and formatting. We'll demonstrate how you can save time by having SwiftUI automatically handle tasks such as layout and keyboard shortcuts, and take you through the localization workflow in Xcode 13. To get the most out of this session and learn more about the Markdown language and AttributedString, check out "What's new in Foundation" from WWDC21.

Speakers: Paul Borokhov, Kate Kononenko

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WWDC21 • Session 10129

Manage software updates in your organization

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS • 18:20

In a managed device environment, you often need to control the pace of software updates while you test the latest operating systems within your company or education institution. Discover the tools you have at your disposal to defer, deploy, and enforce software updates.

Speaker: Lucy Zhang

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WWDC21 • Session 10257

Meet ClassKit for file-based apps

Business & Education • iOS • 14:10

The ClassKit framework can help surface educational activities within your app to teachers using the Schoolwork app. Discover how you can provide teachers with greater insights into student learning by adopting the latest file-based API to report student progress data within your app. We’ll also show you how to use ClassKit to report out different data types, and how to test your implementation in developer mode.

Speaker: Marin Eubanks

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WWDC21 • Session 10033

Meet privacy-preserving ad attribution

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS • 22:30

Discover how you can measure your ad campaigns in apps and on the web without compromising privacy. We'll introduce you to Private Click Measurement and explore SKAdNetwork, which provides you with a more secure, private, and useful way to measure your app installs.

Speaker: Kate Cheney

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WWDC21 • Session 10148

Optimize high-end games for Apple GPUs

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 32:26

Optimize your high-end games for Apple GPUs: We’ll show you how you can use our rendering and debugging tools to eliminate performance issues and make your games great on Apple platforms. Learn from our experiences working with developers at Larian Studios and 4A Games as we help them optimize their games for Apple GPUs. We’ll explore various techniques for improving your game’s performance, including optimizing shaders, reducing memory bandwidth utilization, and increasing the overlap of your GPU workloads. We’ll also dive into the new GPU Timeline profiling tool in Xcode 13 to identify possible performance bottlenecks in “Divinity: Original Sin 2” when running on iPad. For this session, you should be familiar with the tile-based deferred rendering architecture in Apple GPUs, and have a working knowledge of Xcode and the Metal API. Check out “Discover Metal debugging, profiling, and asset creation tools” or the WWDC20 session “Optimize Metal apps and games with GPU counters” to learn more about using our tools to profile graphics workloads.

Speakers: Jonathan Metzgar, Dustin Greene

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WWDC21 • Session 10048

Principles of great widgets

App Services • iOS, macOS • 26:52

Explore the foundations of great widgets by keeping them relevant and customizable. Learn how to keep widgets up to date with timeline entries and TimelineReloadPolicies. Discover how to adapt your widget to different presentation environments and physical location. And lastly, find out how to create customizable widgets that someone can personalize to their liking.

Speaker: Brett Cato

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WWDC21 • Session 10120

Support Full Keyboard Access in your iOS app

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS • 16:49

iPhone and iPad support numerous input modes for those with motor impairments, including touch interaction modification, Switch Control, and Full Keyboard Access. We’ll explore how people can interact with their devices solely through keyboard input, working through a real-life example to discover key APIs. We’ll also take you through some best practices for supporting motor accessibility when you integrate Full Keyboard Access in your apps.

Speaker: Sommer Panage

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WWDC21 • Session 10175

Support customers and handle refunds

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 24:55

Great customer support is critical to running a successful business on the App Store. Discover how you can provide a frictionless support experience to customers who make in-app purchases, including APIs that make it easy for customers to manage or cancel their auto-renewable subscription, or request refunds from directly within your app. We’ll cover best practices for handling refunds, as well as additional APIs that can help you better support your customers.

Speakers: Manjeet Chawla, Joe Mani

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WWDC21 • Session 10254

Swift concurrency: Behind the scenes

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:18

Dive into the details of Swift concurrency and discover how Swift provides greater safety from data races and thread explosion while simultaneously improving performance. We’ll explore how Swift tasks differ from Grand Central Dispatch, how the new cooperative threading model works, and how to ensure the best performance for your apps. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Meet async/await in Swift,” “Explore structured concurrency in Swift,” and “Protect mutable state with Swift actors.”

Speakers: Rokhini Prabhu, Varun Gandhi

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WWDC21 • Session 10182

Sync files to the cloud with FileProvider on macOS

App Services • macOS • 17:49

Find out how you can use the FileProvider framework to build a comprehensive cloud sync solution. We’ll show you how to approach building a file provider extension, and explore how you can effortlessly integrate your extension with file system features such as safe save, disk space management, Finder integration and more.

Speaker: Johannes Fortmann

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WWDC21 • Session 10003

There and back again: Data transfer on Apple Watch

System Services • watchOS • 31:48

Advances in Apple Watch give you more ways to communicate to and from your app, and new audiences to consider. Learn what strategies are available for data communication and how to choose the right tool for the job. Compare and contrast the benefits of using technologies such as iCloud Keychain, Watch Connectivity, Core Data, and more.

Speaker: Anne Hitchcock

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WWDC21 • Session 10258

Understand and eliminate hangs from your app

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 24:23

Discover how you can track down hangs and delays in your app. We’ll show you tools and methods to discover hangs and their causes, learn about anti-patterns that can lead to hangs, explore best practices for eliminating hangs like GCD, and provide guidance on when you should consider asynchronous code to improve your app performance.

Speaker: Anubhav Jaiswal

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WWDC21 • Session 10115

What's new in App Analytics

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:24

App Analytics helps you maximize your opportunity on the App Store by providing privacy-friendly insights about your app. Learn about four new ways to grow your business, including information about custom product pages, in-app events, product page optimization, and new metrics about transactions on the store.

Speaker: Mahesh Molakalapalli

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WWDC21 • Session 10146

What’s new in AVFoundation

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 16:50

Discover the latest updates to AVFoundation, Apple’s framework for inspecting, playing, and authoring audiovisual presentations. We’ll explore how you can use AVFoundation to query attributes of audiovisual assets, further customize your custom video compositions with timed metadata, and author caption files.

Speaker: Adam Sonnanstine

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WWDC21 • Session 10316

Meditation for fidgety skeptics

Health & Fitness • 29:25

Dan Harris is an Emmy Award-winning journalist and the co-anchor of ABC's weekend editions of Good Morning America. After having a nationally-televised panic attack in 2004, he found himself on a long and often bizarre journey that ended with him discovering mindfulness meditation. Dan will share his story, which has led to his authoring two books and creating a popular podcast and app that have helped many (including previous non-believers like himself) improve their lives. He will be joined by Jeff Warren, renowned meditation teacher and Dan's co-author of the bestselling book Meditation For Fidgety Skeptics, to offer practical steps that anyone can take to manage the wide-ranging stresses and anxieties of today's world to become 10% happier.

Speakers: Dan Harris, Jeff Warren

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WWDC21 • Session 103

Apple Design Awards

Featured • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 19:41

The Apple Design Awards honors excellence in innovation, ingenuity, and technical achievement in app and game design. Watch along as we reveal and celebrate the 2021 winners.

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WWDC21 • Session 10216

ARC in Swift: Basics and beyond

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 20:41

Learn about the basics of object lifetimes and ARC in Swift. Dive deep into what language features make object lifetimes observable, consequences of relying on observed object lifetimes and some safe techniques to fix them.

Speaker: Meghana Gupta

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WWDC21 • Session 10152

Accelerate machine learning with Metal Performance Shaders Graph

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS • 29:12

Metal Performance Shaders Graph is a compute engine that helps you build, compile, and execute customized multidimensional graphs for linear algebra, machine learning, computer vision, and image processing. Discover how MPSGraph can accelerate the popular TensorFlow platform through a Metal backend for Apple products. Learn how to add control flow to your graphs, manage the graph compilation for optimal performance, and use the MPSGraph operations to accelerate the hardest compute applications with only a few lines of code.

Speakers: Saharsh Oza, Yuliya Pylypiv

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WWDC21 • Session 10094

Accelerate networking with HTTP/3 and QUIC

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 19:50

The web is changing, and the next major version of HTTP is here. Learn how HTTP/3 reduces latency and improves reliability for your app and discover how its underlying transport, QUIC, unlocks new innovations in your own custom protocols using new transport functionality and multi-streaming connection groups.

Speakers: Rui Paulo, Eric Kinnear

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WWDC21 • Session 10067

Bring Recurring Leaderboards to your game

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 25:54

Recurring leaderboards are a great way to encourage players to keep coming back to your game. Code along with us as we take you through how to set up a recurring leaderboard, both within App Store Connect and in your game itself. For a refresher on the differences between recurring and classic leaderboards before beginning this code-along, we recommend watching the recurring leaderboards section of "Tap into Game Center: Leaderboards, Achievements, and Multiplayer" from WWDC20.

Speaker: Harrison Chandler

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WWDC21 • Session 10068

Build a research and care app, part 1: Setup onboarding

Essentials • iOS • 15:18

Learn how ResearchKit and CareKit can work together to take the tedium out of paper surveys. Code along with us and build a working care pilot app. Explore best practices for onboarding and consent with ResearchKit, and find out how your app can require participants to sign consent documents by leveraging CareKit’s store and UI components. This is the first session in a three-part Code-Along series. To get the most out of this series, we recommend that you have some basic familiarity with both ResearchKit and CareKit. For more background, watch "ResearchKit and CareKit Reimagined” from WWDC19.

Speaker: Erik Hornberger

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WWDC21 • Session 10069

Build a research and care app, part 2: Schedule tasks

Essentials • iOS • 15:55

Learn how ResearchKit and CareKit can work together to take the tedium out of paper surveys. Continue coding along with us and explore how you can make it easier than ever to schedule surveys for your study participants. You’ll also learn advanced techniques for crafting evolving regiments in CareKit and see how ResearchKit’s active tasks can help capture important measurements out of clinic. This is the second session in a three-part Code-Along series. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Build a research and care app, part 1.” And for more background on these frameworks, watch "ResearchKit and CareKit Reimagined” from WWDC19.

Speaker: Erik Hornberger

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WWDC21 • Session 10282

Build a research and care app, part 3: Visualize progress

Essentials • iOS • 14:16

Learn how ResearchKit and CareKit can work together to take the tedium out of paper surveys. Join us for the last part of our code along as we put the finishing touches on our care pilot app. Explore how you can use advanced CareKit APIs to customize the appearance and behavior of task cards, find out how to plot answers to ResearchKit surveys in CareKit charts, and discover how you can use ResearchKit to present engaging educational content. This is the final session in a three-part Code-Along series. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching parts one and two of “Build a research and care app.” And for more background on these frameworks, watch "ResearchKit and CareKit Reimagined” from WWDC19.

Speaker: Erik Hornberger

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WWDC21 • Session 10015

Build apps that share data through CloudKit and Core Data

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 24:34

Learn how to easily build apps that share data between multiple iCloud users with NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. Discover how to create informative experiences around shared data and learn about the CloudKit technologies that support these features in Core Data. To get the most out of this session, check out our previous videos on NSPersistentCloudKitContainer: "Using Core Data With CloudKit" from WWDC19 and "Sync a Core Data store with the CloudKit public database" from WWDC20.

Speaker: Nick Gillett

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WWDC21 • Session 10189

Coordinate media playback in Safari with Group Activities

Audio & Video • macOS • 12:02

Create SharePlay experiences that people can enjoy on the web and in your companion app. Learn how you can use the Group Activities framework in combination with a companion website to bring SharePlay to Safari, letting people connect with each other for enjoyable group interactions — even if they haven’t yet downloaded your app from the App Store.

Speaker: Jer Noble

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WWDC21 • Session 10077

Create 3D workflows with USD

Augmented Reality • iOS, macOS • 14:50

Discover the flexibility, versatility and power of Pixar’s Universal Scene Description (USD) for your 3D workflows. Learn how you can use the USD file format in your professional workflows for macOS: Scan 3D models of your real-world objects using Object Capture, utilize the potential of third-party digital content creation tools, and build high-quality rendered sequences.

Speakers: Doug Epps, Nate Reid

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WWDC21 • Session 10293

Cross reference content with the Apple Music API

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS • 9:09

Discover how you can cross-reference Apple Music content within your app using the Apple Music API. We’ll show you how to reference content across different geographical regions, map explicit to clean-equivalent content, fetch catalog and library relationships, and how to match content using the UPC code.

Speaker: Shachi Khare

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC21 • Session 10029

Design for Safari 15

Design • iOS, macOS • 33:32

Meet Safari 15: redesigned and ready to help people explore the web. Discover how you can approach designing websites and apps for Safari, and learn how to incorporate the tab bar in your designs. We’ll also take you through features like Live Text and accessibility best practices, explore the latest updates to CSS and Form Controls, and learn how to use the aspect-ratio property in CSS to create incredible websites.

Speakers: Jen Simmons, Myles Maxfield

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WWDC21 • Session 10202

Detect bugs early with the static analyzer

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 9:12

Discover how Xcode can automatically track down infinite loops, unused code, and other issues before you even run your app. Learn how, with a single click, Xcode can analyze your project to discover security issues, logical bugs, and other hard-to-spot errors in Objective-C, C, and C++. We’ll show you how to use the static analyzer to save you time investigating bug reports and improve your app's overall quality.

Speaker: Ravi Kandhadai Madhavan

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WWDC21 • Session 10209

Discover breakpoint improvements

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 12:33

Breakpoints can help you debug issues by allowing you to pause and inspect problems in the middle of a process. Discover the latest improvements to breakpoints in Xcode including column and unresolved breakpoints. We’ll also go over best practices for general breakpoints and LLDB tips and tricks.

Speaker: Han Ming Ong

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WWDC21 • Session 10210

Explore advanced project configuration in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 25:36

Working with more complex Xcode projects? You’ve come to the right place. Discover how you can configure your project to build for multiple Apple platforms, filter content per-platform, create custom build rules and file dependencies, and more. We’ll take you through multi-platform framework targets, detail how to optimize your project and scheme configuration, and show you how to make effective use of configuration settings files. We’ll explore configuring schemes for parallel builds and implicit dependencies, script phases, custom build rules, setting up input and output file dependencies, build phase file lists, and deduplicating work via aggregate targets. Lastly, find out more about the build settings editor, how levels work, and configuration settings file syntax.

Speakers: Jake Petroules, Prachi Pai Asnodkar

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WWDC21 • Session 10117

Meet CloudKit Console

System Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 7:21

Discover how CloudKit Console can help you better interact with your containers. We’ll show you how to put the database app to work and define, modify, and deploy schema changes with confidence. You’ll learn how to craft queries in the query builder and filter your records with ease. And we’ll explore how to use telemetry and log data to gain new insights into your app behavior over time. To get the most out of this session, we recommend being familiar with CloudKit and its development and production environments, as well as a basic understanding of record and data types.

Speaker: Nikhil Palekar

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WWDC21 • Session 10244

Mitigate fraud with App Attest and DeviceCheck

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 19:14

Discover how to use App Attest and DeviceCheck, Apple’s powerful anti-fraud tools, created to safeguard your apps and content. Unlock the secrets of deploying App Attest by incorporating it into your app to block unauthorized modifications of your app and content. We'll also show you how to use DeviceCheck to ensure you can distinguish between customers who have received premium content in your app, and those who have attained it through illegitimate means.

Speaker: Xuerui Yan

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WWDC21 • Session 10103

Optimize for 5G networks

System Services • iOS • 13:39

5G enables new opportunities for your app or game through better performance for data transfer, higher bandwidth, lower latency, and much more. Discover how you can take advantage of the latest networking technology and Apple hardware to create adaptive experiences for your content that best suit someone’s data connection and optimize network traffic.

Speaker: Rajesh Ambati

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WWDC21 • Session 10147

Optimize for variable refresh rate displays

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS • 23:20

Discover how to achieve smooth screen updates on all Apple platforms that support dynamic display timing. Learn techniques for pacing full-screen game updates on Adaptive Sync displays in macOS, and find out how Low Power Mode and other system states affect frame rate availability on ProMotion displays. We’ll also share best practices for driving custom drawing using display link APIs.

Speakers: Kyle Sanner, Alex Li

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WWDC21 • Session 10278

Practice audio haptic design

Audio & Video • iOS • 15:59

Discover how you can deliver rich app experiences that include animation, sound, and haptics on iPhone. Learn key concepts for designing multimodal experiences within the Core Haptics framework. We’ll take you through our sample HapticRicochet app — where haptic and sound feedback is designed in harmony with key interactive moments — and show you how to create magical and delightful experiences. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Expanding the Sensory Experience with Core Haptics” from WWDC19, and checking out the HapticBounce sample project (which requires Xcode, iPhone 8 or newer, and a basic knowledge of Swift). Familiarity with Core Haptics is helpful, but not required.

Speaker: Camille Moussette

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WWDC21 • Session 10239

Reduce network delays for your app

System Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:51

CPU performance and network throughput rates keep improving, but the speed of light is one limit that isn’t going any higher. Learn the APIs and best practices to maximize your app’s responsiveness and efficiency by keeping network round-trip times low and minimizing the number of round trips when performing network operations.

Speakers: Stuart Cheshire, Vidhi Goel

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WWDC21 • Session 10110

Safeguard your accounts, promotions, and content

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 11:55

Discover how to keep your accounts, apps, and content protected. We’ll explore the tools Apple has built to help developers keep their apps and systems safe and secure, and show you how to safeguard against attackers, bad actors and nefarious activity to help protect your ecosystem.

Speakers: Katherine Nepo, Jeremy Stober

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WWDC21 • Session 10221

Streamline your localized strings

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 27:04

When you localize the text within your app, you can help make your app more accessible to a worldwide audience. Discover best practices for building your localization workflow, including how to write and format strings accurately, and learn how to prepare strings for localization in different languages using Xcode.

Speaker: Thomas Naudet

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WWDC21 • Session 10062

SwiftUI on the Mac: Build the fundamentals

Essentials • macOS • 17:28

Code along with us as we use SwiftUI to build a Mac app from start to finish. Discover four principles all great Mac apps have in common, and learn how to apply those principles in practice using SwiftUI. We’ll show you how to create a powerful, flexible sidebar experience and transform lists to tables within a detail view, then discuss best best practices for data organization. Next, we’ll explore the simple .searchable modifier and find out how to add support for the toolbar and search. And to close out part one, we’ll learn how to build a great multiple-window experience and provide menu bar support. This is the first session in a two-part Code-Along series. To get the most out of this series, we recommend that you have some basic familiarity with SwiftUI. For more background, watch "Introduction to SwiftUI" from WWDC20.

Speaker: Mathieu Tozer

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC21 • Session 10289

SwiftUI on the Mac: The finishing touches

Essentials • macOS • 17:27

Join us for part two of our Code-Along series as we use SwiftUI to build a Mac app from start to finish. The journey continues as we explore how our sample gardening app can adapt to a person’s preferences and specific workflows. Learn how SwiftUI apps can automatically react to system settings, and discover how you can use that information to add more personality to an app. We’ll show you how you can give people the flexibility to customize an app through Settings, and explore how to use different workflows for manipulating someone’s data (like drag and drop). To finish, we’ll show you how you can move data to and from an app, incorporating features like Continuity Camera to provide a simple workflow for importing images. This is the second session in a two-part Code-Along series. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “SwiftUI on the Mac: Build the fundamentals.” And for more background on working with these frameworks, watch Introduction to SwiftUI from WWDC20.

Speaker: Jeff Robertson

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC21 • Session 10121

Tailor the VoiceOver experience in your data-rich apps

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS • 10:26

Learn how to present complex data through VoiceOver with the Accessibility Custom Content API. Discover how you can deliver accessibility information in a concise form, and only when someone wants it. We’ll show you how you can integrate AXCustomContent and help people who want VoiceOver enabled to navigate your data-rich apps in an efficient manner. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with general accessibility principles and VoiceOver accessibility APIs available in Swift and SwiftUI.

Speaker: Nandini Sundara Raman

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC21 • Session 10038

Tune your Core ML models

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 24:29

Bring the power of machine learning directly to your apps with Core ML. Discover how you can take advantage of the CPU, GPU, and Neural Engine to provide maximum performance while remaining on device and protecting privacy. Explore MLShapedArray, which makes it easy to work with multi-dimensional data in Swift, and learn more about ML Package support in Core ML, which includes support for ML Programs. This modern, programmatic approach to machine learning provides typed execution and tremendous flexibility. We’ll also show you how to analyze performance of your models and tune the execution of each operation in a model using ML Programs.

Speakers: John Durant, Brian Keene

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC21 • Session 10233

Use Accelerate to improve performance and incorporate encrypted archives

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 14:22

The Accelerate framework helps you make large-scale mathematical computations and image calculations that are optimized for high-performance, low-energy consumption. Explore the latest updates to Accelerate and its Basic Neural Network Subroutines library, including additional layers, activation functions, and improved optimizer support. Check out improvements to simd.h that include better support for C++ templates. Discover support for Apple Encrypted Archive, an extension to Apple Archive that combines compression with powerful encryption and a digital signature. And learn how you can keep data your safe and secure without compromising on performance.

Speaker: Jonathan Hogg

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC21 • Session 10253

Write a DSL in Swift using result builders

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 46:55

Some problems are easier to solve by creating a customized programming language, or “domain-specific language.” While creating a DSL traditionally requires writing your own compiler, you can instead use result builders with Swift 5.4 to make your code both easier to read and maintain. We’ll take you through best practices for designing a custom language for Swift: Learn about result builders and trailing closure arguments, explore modifier-style methods and why they work well, and discover how you can extend Swift’s normal language rules to turn Swift into a DSL. To get the most out of this session, it’s helpful (though not necessary) to have some experience writing SwiftUI views. You won’t need to know anything about parser or compiler implementation.

Speaker: Becca Royal-Gordon

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC21 • Session 10318

Developer spotlight: Accessibility

Accessibility & Inclusion • 6:20

How do you approach creating apps for everyone? Learn from developers who are blind or deaf themselves as they discuss the process of making technology accessible. Discover how their unique perspectives have sparked innovation at their companies and helped make their apps even more inclusive.

Speakers: Ed Gray, Tim Kettering, Saqib Shaikh

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 101


Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:48:52

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting reveals, inspiration, and new opportunities. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park.

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 103

Apple Design Awards

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:37

The Apple Design Awards honors excellence in innovation, ingenuity, and technical achievement in app and game design. Watch along as we reveal and celebrate the 2022 winners.

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 102

Platforms State of the Union

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:10:09

Take a deeper dive into the latest tools, technologies, and advances across Apple platforms to help you create even better apps.

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10151

Add accessibility to your Unity games

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 16:07

Learn how you can make your Unity games accessible on Apple platforms using our open source Accessibility plug-in. Follow along as we add support for assistive technologies like VoiceOver and Switch Control to a sample Unity game project. We'll show you how you can automatically scale text with Dynamic Type, support interface accommodations like reduced transparency or increased contrast, and more.

Speaker: Eric Liang

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10158

Adopt Variable Color in SF Symbols

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:13

Explore how you can use Variable Color to make SF Symbols even more expressive. We’ll show you how system-provided symbols use variable color and provide best practices and guidance for using it effectively. We’ll also help you learn how to incorporate variable color into custom symbols using the SF Symbols app and its annotation tools.

Speaker: Paul Sim

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WWDC22 • Session 10071

Adopt desktop-class editing interactions

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 20:59

Discover advanced desktop-class editing features that can help people accelerate their productivity in your app. Learn how you can provide more interactions inline with your UI to help people quickly access editing features and make your iPadOS app feel right at home on macOS with Mac Catalyst. We’ll also explore the highly-customizable find interaction and learn how the system UI can help people consistently find content in your app.

Speakers: Andy Liang, James Magahern

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WWDC22 • Session 10018

Bring Continuity Camera to your macOS app

Business & Education • iOS, macOS • 19:41

Discover how you can use iPhone as an external camera in any Mac app with Continuity Camera. Whether you’re building video conferencing software or an experience that makes creative use of cameras, we’ll show you how you can enhance your app with automatic camera switching. We’ll also explore how to recognize user-preferred and system-preferred cameras, take you through APIs for high-resolution and high-quality photo capture from iPhone’s video stream, and more. To learn more about camera capture, watch "Discover advancements in iOS camera capture" from WWDC22.

Speaker: Karen Xing

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WWDC22 • Session 110373

Bring your driver to iPad with DriverKit

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS • 18:02

Discover how you can easily connect Thunderbolt and USB accessories to iPad with DriverKit. We’ll show you how to convert your existing Mac drivers without any code changes, learn how to add real-time audio support with AudioDriverKit, and provide best practices and tips for developing drivers for iPad.

Speaker: Souvik Banerjee

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WWDC22 • Session 10128

Bring your world into augmented reality

Augmented Reality • iOS, macOS • 26:00

Follow along as we demonstrate how you can use Object Capture and RealityKit to bring real-world objects into an augmented reality game. We'll show you how to capture detailed items using the Object Capture framework, add them to a RealityKit project in Xcode, apply stylized shaders and animations, and use them as part of an AR experience. We'll also share best practices when working with ARKit, RealityKit, and Object Capture. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching "Dive into RealityKit 2" and "Create 3D models with Object Capture" from WWDC21.

Speakers: Hao Tang, Risa Yoneyama

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WWDC22 • Session 110348

Build your first app in Swift Playgrounds

Business & Education • iOS, macOS • 15:48

Learn how you can easily prototype and build apps with Swift Playgrounds. We’ll show you how to create an app from a blank project, build its interface with SwiftUI, and use Swift Package Manager to add extra functionality from an open source package. We'll also explore how you can debug issues using Previews and the console and take you through submitting an app to App Store Connect for distribution via TestFlight.

Speakers: Collett Charlton, Connor Wakamo

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WWDC22 • Session 10025

Capture machine-readable codes and text with VisionKit

ML & Vision • iOS • 12:11

Meet the Data Scanner in VisionKit: This framework combines AVCapture and Vision to enable live capture of machine-readable codes and text through a simple Swift API. We’ll show you how to control the types of content your app can capture by specifying barcode symbologies and language selection. We’ll also explore how you can enable guidance in your app, customize item highlighting or regions of interest, and handle interactions after your app detects an item. For more on interacting with Live Text through still images or paused video frames, watch "Add Live Text interaction to your app" from WWDC22.

Speaker: Ron Santos

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WWDC22 • Session 10050

Complications and widgets: Reloaded

App Services • iOS, watchOS • 17:35

Our widgets code-along returns as we adventure onto the watchOS and iOS Lock Screen. Learn about the latest improvements to WidgetKit that help power complex complications on watchOS and can help you create Lock Screen widgets for iPhone. We’ll show you how to incorporate the latest SwiftUI views to provide great glanceable data, explore how each platform renders content, and learn how you can customize the design and feel of your content within a widget or complication.

Speakers: Devon Endicott, Graham Perks

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WWDC22 • Session 110379

Create a more responsive media app

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 10:27

Discover how you can use AVFoundation to keep people focused on your media app’s content — not your loading spinner. We’ll show you how to support a responsive and fluid interface in your app, all while you create rich audiovisual compositions, load audiovisual assets, and prepare media thumbnails. Find out how you can perform these tasks on your app’s main thread while I/O processes in parallel, learn how to get top-notch playback performance when loading data from custom storage, and more. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching "What's new in AVFoundation” from WWDC21.

Speaker: Jeremy Kemery

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WWDC22 • Session 10002

Create macOS or Linux virtual machines

Business & Education • macOS • 22:59

Learn how you can use the Virtualization framework to quickly create virtual machines on your Mac. We'll show you how to create a virtual Mac and quickly test changes to your app in an isolated environment. We'll also explore how you can install and run full Linux distributions on Apple silicon, and share how you can take advantage of Rosetta 2 to run x86-64 Linux binaries.

Speaker: Benjamin Poulain

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10127

Create parametric 3D room scans with RoomPlan

Augmented Reality • iOS • 16:28

RoomPlan can help your app quickly create simplified parametric 3D scans of a room. Learn how you can use this API to easily add a room scanning experience. We'll show you how to adopt this API, explore the 3D parametric output, and share best practices to help your app get great results with every scan.

Speakers: Praveen Sharma, Kai Kang

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WWDC22 • Session 10144

Deliver reliable streams with HLS Content Steering

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 22:23

HLS Content Steering dynamically steers clients to different servers based on load and redundancy. We'll take you through the latest updates to this framework and explore how you can introduce dynamically spawned CDNs to existing HLS clients with Pathway Cloning. We'll also share how you can achieve global traffic steering with bucket-based Steering Server rules and more.

Speaker: Naiwei Zheng

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WWDC22 • Session 10066

Discover Metal 3

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 15:43

Harness the full potential of Apple silicon in your app with Metal 3. We'll introduce you to the latest features, improvements, and tooling. We'll also explore how you can use advanced features and compiler tools to load resources faster, compile shader binaries at build time, process complex geometry with mesh shaders, render high-resolution graphics in less time, train machine learning networks faster, and more.

Speaker: Tarun Belagodu

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WWDC22 • Session 10032

Dive into App Intents

App Services • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 30:40

Learn how you can make your app more discoverable and increase app engagement when you use the App Intents framework. We'll take you through the powerful capabilities of this Swift framework, explore the differences between App Intents and SiriKit Intents, and show you how you can expose your app's functionality to the system. We'll also share how you can build entities and queries to create rich App Shortcuts experiences. To learn more about App Intents, watch "Implement App Shortcuts with App Intents" and "Design App Shortcuts" from WWDC22.

Speaker: Michael Gorbach

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WWDC22 • Session 10095

Enhance collaboration experiences with Messages

App Services • iOS, macOS • 24:06

Discover how you can help improve communication and collaboration in your app with Collaboration in Messages. Learn how to tie a document to Messages conversations for simple sharing and discussion. Explore how you can keep everyone in the conversation up to date on the latest activity in the document. And find out how you can add customizable UI in your app to manage collaboration details and connect documents to Messages conversations and FaceTime calls. To learn more about the SharedWithYou framework, we recommend watching "Add Shared with You to your app.” For more information on adding collaboration APIs to apps that have custom collaboration infrastructure, check out "Integrate your custom collaboration app with Messages.” (Note: API will be available in an upcoming beta.)

Speakers: Miranda Zhou, Elana Stettin

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WWDC22 • Session 10117

Enhance voice communication with Push to Talk

System Services • iOS, macOS • 21:24

We’re coming in loud and clear to help you bring walkie-talkie communication to your app — over! Discover how you can add prominent system UI to your Push to Talk app, enabling rapid communication with the tap of a button. We’ll introduce you to the PushToTalk framework and show you how to configure your apps to transmit and receive audio — even from the background. To get the most out of this session, we recommend familiarity with handling audio transmission on your app backend. We also recommend a basic understanding of APNs.

Speakers: Kevin Ferrell, Trevor Sheridan

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WWDC22 • Session 110347

Explore more content with MusicKit

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 25:53

Discover how you can enhance and personalize your app using MusicKit. We’ll take you through the latest additions to the MusicKit framework and explore how you can bring music content to your app through requests, metadata, and more.

Speaker: David Ho

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WWDC22 • Session 10016

Get more mileage out of your app with CarPlay

App Services • iOS • 20:53

CarPlay is a smarter, safer way to use your iPhone while you drive. Learn about the latest app types for CarPlay and discover how the CarPlay Simulator can help you develop and test apps without leaving your desk. We’ll also explore how navigation apps can connect with digital instrument clusters in supported vehicles.

Speaker: André Boulé

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WWDC22 • Session 110374

Get the most out of Xcode Cloud

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:32

Discover how you can get the most out of Xcode Cloud, Apple’s continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service. We'll take you through an overview of Xcode Cloud and how it connects with Xcode and App Store Connect. We'll also explore the Xcode Cloud Usage Dashboard in App Store Connect, and learn how you can use this tool to help optimize your build and release process across multiple team projects.

Speakers: Adam Smythe, Sasan Naderi

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WWDC22 • Session 10135

Get timely alerts from Bluetooth devices on watchOS

Health & Fitness • iOS, watchOS • 13:53

Find out how Bluetooth devices can send timely and relevant alerts to Apple Watch. We'll show you how to take advantage of periodic data in complications, explore background peripheral discovery, and help you learn how to use characteristic monitoring in watchOS. We'll also share best practices and design guidance for creating a great Bluetooth accessory.

Speaker: Yann Ly-Gagnon

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WWDC22 • Session 10019

Get to know Create ML Components

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS • 25:31

Create ML makes it easy to build custom machine learning models for image classification, object detection, sound classification, hand pose classification, action classification, tabular data regression, and more. And with the Create ML Components framework, you can further customize underlying tasks and improve your model. We’ll explore the feature extractors, transformers, and estimators that make up these tasks, and show you how you can combine them with other components and pre-processing steps to build custom tasks for concepts like image regression. For more information on creating complex customizable tasks, we recommend watching "Compose advanced models with Create ML Components" from WWDC22.

Speaker: Alejandro Isaza

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110344

Get to know Developer Mode

Privacy & Security • iOS, watchOS • 5:42

Meet Developer Mode — required on iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and watchOS 9 to install, run, and debug your apps during development. We'll show you how you to opt in to Developer Mode on your devices, and how to enable Developer Mode in your automation workflows.

Speaker: Pavlo Malynin

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WWDC22 • Session 10136

Hello Swift Charts

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:21

Say hello to Swift Charts — a flexible framework that helps you create charts entirely in SwiftUI that look and feel right at home on all Apple platforms. Discover how you can use compositional syntax to make informative, delightful, and accessible charts with less code. We’ll share the building blocks for making visualizations with Swift Charts, and explore how you can change your charts’ design with a simple modifier. We’ll also take you through the latest updates to Xcode Previews to help you chart a path toward an engaging experience.

Speaker: Dominik Moritz

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WWDC22 • Session 10170

Implement App Shortcuts with App Intents

App Services • iOS, macOS • 23:22

Discover how you can create Shortcuts in your app with zero user setup. We'll show you how App Intents can help you present custom Shortcuts views, and explore how you can add support for parameterized phrases to allow people to quickly express their intent. We'll also share how you can make your App Shortcuts discoverable with a Siri Tip, and Shortcuts links. To get the most out of this session, we recommend a basic familiarity with SwiftUI.

Speaker: Michael Sumner

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WWDC22 • Session 10104

Load resources faster with Metal 3

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 22:24

Discover how you can use fast resource streaming in Metal 3 to quickly load assets. We'll show you how to use an asynchronous set-it-and-forget-it workflow in your app to take advantage of the speed of SSD storage and the throughput of Apple silicon’s unified memory architecture. We'll also explore how you can create separate queues that run parallel to — and synchronize with — your GPU render and compute work. Finally, we'll share how to designate assets like audio with high-priority queues to help you load data with lower latency.

Speaker: Jaideep Joshi

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WWDC22 • Session 10006

Meet Apple Maps Server APIs

Maps & Location • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 13:18

Simplify your app’s mapping architecture by implementing the Apple Maps stack across MapKit, MapKit JS, and Apple Maps Server APIs. Learn how these APIs can reduce network calls and increase power efficiency, which can help improve the overall performance of your app. We'll show you how to use geocoding and estimated time of arrival APIs to build functionality for a simple store locator, and explore the API authentication flow.

Speaker: Ankur Soni

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10121

Meet Focus filters

App Services • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 15:47

Discover how you can customize app behaviors based on someone's currently enabled Focus. We'll show you how to use App Intents to define your app's Focus filters, act on changes from the system, and present your app's views in different ways. We'll also explore how you can filter notifications and update badge counts. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching "Dive into App Intents" from WWDC22.

Speaker: Teja Kondapalli

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110355

Meet Swift Async Algorithms

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:00

Discover the latest open source Swift package from Apple: Swift Async Algorithms. We'll explore algorithms from this package that you can use with AsyncSequence, including zip, merge, and throttle. Follow along with us as we use these algorithms to build a great messaging app. We'll also share best practices for combining multiple AsyncSequences and using the Swift Clock type to work with values over time. To get the most out of this session, we recommend watching "Meet AsyncSequence."

Speaker: Philippe Hausler

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110357

Meet Swift Regex

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:58

Learn how you can process strings more effectively when you take advantage of Swift Regex. Come for concise literals but stay for Regex builders — a new, declarative approach to string processing. We'll also explore the Unicode models in String and share how Swift Regex can make Unicode-correct processing easy.

Speaker: Michael Ilseman

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WWDC22 • Session 10003

Meet WeatherKit

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 12:08

WeatherKit offers valuable weather data for your apps and services to help people stay up to date on the latest conditions. Learn how to use Swift and REST APIs to access information about the current weather, 10-day hourly forecasts for temperature, expected precipitation, wind reports, the UV Index, and more. We’ll also share how WeatherKit can provide timely, hyperlocal weather information without compromising someone’s personal data or their privacy.

Speaker: Novall Khan

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WWDC22 • Session 10098

Meet Web Push for Safari

Safari & Web • macOS • 15:00

Bring better notifications to your websites and web apps in Safari on macOS with Web Push. We’ll show you how you can remotely send notifications to people through the web standards-based combination of Push API, Notifications API, and Service Workers.

Speaker: Brady Eidson

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WWDC22 • Session 10069

Meet desktop-class iPad

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 16:10

Learn how you can bring desktop-class features to your iPad app. Explore updates to UINavigationBar that bring more discoverability and customizability to your app’s features. Find out how the latest updates to UIKit can help make it easier and faster for people to explore content in your app. Lastly, we’ll share a few updates on how it’s easier than ever to bring your iPad app to the desktop with Mac Catalyst.

Speaker: David Duncan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10092

Meet passkeys

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS • 33:26

It’s time for a security upgrade: Learn how to add support for passkeys to create a quick and easy sign in experience for people, all while offering a radical increase to account security. Passkeys are simple and strong credentials built to eliminate phishing attacks. We’ll share how passkeys are designed with security in mind, show you how people will use them, go over how to integrate passkeys in your log in flow, and explore the platform and web APIs you need to adopt this feature.

Speaker: Garrett Davidson

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10065

Plug-in and play: Add Apple frameworks to your Unity game projects

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 26:40

Help make your Unity app or game an even better experience on Apple platforms. Learn how you can add Apple technologies directly to your projects with six plug-ins: Apple.Core, Game Center, Game Controller, Accessibility, Core Haptics, and PHASE. We'll show you how you can add new gameplay mechanics, make your games more accessible, and tap into the latest Apple features and services.

Speaker: Jared Marsau

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10160

Program Metal in C++ with metal-cpp

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 26:58

Your C++ games and apps can now tap into the power of Metal. We'll show you how metal-cpp helps you bridge your C++ code to Metal, explore how each manages object lifecycles, and demonstrate utilities that can help these language cooperate in your app. We'll also share best practices for designing app architecture to elegantly integrate Objective-C and C++ together.

Speaker: Keyi Yu

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WWDC22 • Session 10131

Qualities of great AR experiences

Augmented Reality • iOS • 13:19

Discover best practices and techniques to help craft magical AR experiences for iPhone and iPad. We’ll provide guidance to help you determine if AR is a good fit for your experience, explore examples of great AR apps, and take you through key considerations when designing for augmented reality.

Speaker: Alli Dryer

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10054

The SwiftUI cookbook for navigation

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 26:06

The recipe for a great app begins with a clear and robust navigation structure. Join the SwiftUI team in our proverbial coding kitchen and learn how you can cook up a great experience for your app. We’ll introduce you to SwiftUI’s navigation stack and split view features, show you how you can link to specific areas of your app, and explore how you can quickly and easily restore navigational state.

Speaker: Curt Clifton

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WWDC22 • Session 110350

Visualize and optimize Swift concurrency

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 24:38

Learn how you can optimize your app with the Swift Concurrency template in Instruments. We'll discuss common performance issues and show you how to use Instruments to find and resolve these problems. Learn how you can keep your UI responsive, maximize parallel performance, and analyze Swift concurrency activity within your app. To get the most out of this session, we recommend familiarity with Swift concurrency (including tasks and actors).

Speakers: Harjas Monga, Mike Ash

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WWDC22 • Session 10097

What's new in App Clips

App Services • iOS • 9:44

Explore the latest updates to App Clips! Discover how we’ve made your App Clip even easier to build with improvements to the size limit as well as CloudKit and keychain usage. We’ll also show you how to use our validation tool to verify your App Clip and automate workflows for your advanced App Clip experiences using App Store Connect.

Speaker: Charles Ying

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WWDC22 • Session 10074

What's new in AppKit

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 22:55

Discover the latest advances in Mac app development using AppKit. We’ll take you through the latest updates to SF Symbols, show you how you can elevate your interface with enhanced controls, and help you learn to coordinate your windows with Stage Manager. We’ll also explore the latest sharing and collaboration features for macOS.

Speaker: Jeff Nadeau

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110332

What's new in Create ML

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 16:46

Discover the latest updates to Create ML. We’ll share improvements to Create ML’s evaluation tools that can help you understand how your custom models will perform on real-world data. Learn how you can check model performance on each type of image in your test data and identify problems within individual images to help you troubleshoot mistaken classifications, poorly labeled data, and other errors. We’ll also show you how to test your model with iPhone and iPad in live preview using Continuity Camera, and share how you can take Action Classification even further with the new Repetition Counting capabilities of the Create ML Components framework. To learn more about all that Create ML can bring to your app, watch "Classify hand poses and actions with Create ML" and "Build dynamic iOS apps with the Create ML framework" from WWDC21.

Speaker: Vrushali Mundhe

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WWDC22 • Session 10008

What's new in Nearby Interaction

App Services • iOS, watchOS • 28:51

Discover how the Nearby Interaction framework can help you easily integrate Ultra Wideband (UWB) into your apps and hardware accessories. Learn how you can combine the visual-spatial power of ARKit with the radio sensitivity of the U1 chip to locate nearby stationary objects with precision. We’ll also show you how you can create background interactions using UWB accessories paired via Bluetooth.

Speaker: Jon Schoenberg

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WWDC22 • Session 10157

What's new in SF Symbols 4

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:49

Explore the latest updates to SF Symbols, Apple’s extensive library of iconography designed to integrate seamlessly with San Francisco, the system font for all Apple platforms. Discover the latest additions to the SF Symbols library and new categories in the app. Learn about the new Automatic behavior, which chooses the rendering mode that best highlights what’s unique about the symbol’s characteristics. See how to use the new Variable Color feature to make a symbol more dynamic. We’ll also learn about a more efficient way of annotating symbols with the new unified approach. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “What’s new in SF Symbols” from WWDC21.

Speaker: Thalia Echevarría Fiol

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WWDC22 • Session 10048

What's new in Safari and WebKit

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS • 31:39

Explore the latest features in Safari and WebKit and learn how you can make better and more powerful websites. We’ll take you on a tour through the latest updates to HTML, CSS enhancements, Web Inspector tooling, Web APIs, and more.

Speaker: Kendall Bagley

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10140

What's new in SharePlay

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 14:54

Join us as we share the latest updates to SharePlay. We’ll show you how you can start SharePlay sessions right from your app, take you through improvements to APIs to create richer experiences, and check out enhancements to GroupSessionMessenger. We’ll also explore best practices for adding SharePlay to your app.

Speaker: Adam Syed

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110354

What's new in Swift

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 38:16

Join us for an update on Swift. We'll take you through performance improvements, explore more secure and extensible Swift packages, and share advancements in Swift concurrency. We'll also introduce you to Swift Regex, better generics, and other tools built into the language to help you write more flexible & expressive code.

Speakers: Angela Laar, Becca Royal-Gordon

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10052

What's new in SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:44

It's a SwiftUI party — and you're invited! Join us as we share the latest updates and a glimpse into the future of UI framework design. Discover deep levels of customization, advanced techniques for layout, elegant strategies for sharing, and rock-solid structural approaches for designing an app top-to-bottom in SwiftUI. We’ll also have some celebratory fun as we play with the latest graphical effects and explore APIs.

Speakers: Nick Teissler, Franck Ndame Mpouli

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10068

What's new in UIKit

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 24:14

Discover the latest updates and improvements to UIKit and learn how to build better iPadOS, iOS, and Mac Catalyst apps. We’ll take you through UI refinements, productivity updates, API enhancements, and more. We’ll also help you explore improvements to performance, security, and privacy.

Speaker: Dima Gorbik

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WWDC22 • Session 110427

What's new in Xcode

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:00

Discover the latest productivity and performance advancements in Xcode 14. We’ll introduce you to the fully redesigned SwiftUI canvas experience, explore enhancements to code completion and navigation, and take you through performance improvements we’ve made throughout the entire development process. We’ll also show you how you can now read and respond to feedback on your TestFlight builds without ever leaving Xcode.

Speakers: Lisa Xiao, Jonathon Mah

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10045

What's new in managing Apple devices

Business & Education • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 38:22

Explore enhancements to device management across Apple platforms. Improve device deployment workflows using the latest version of Apple Configurator for iPhone. Learn about identity technologies and MDM protocol updates for macOS, iOS and iPadOS. We'll also share an exciting change in how we provide device management documentation.

Speakers: Nadia Hussein, Graham McLuhan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10007

What's new with in-app purchase

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 47:35

Learn how you can make your in-app purchase experience even better on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch. We’ll take you through enhancements to StoreKit 2 and App Store Server API, and explore improvements to App Store Server Notifications. Discover how you can verify app purchases with App Transaction API, add properties to your StoreKit models, incorporate SwiftUI-friendly APIs and StoreKit Messages, and preserve applicationUsername in transactions. For those working server-side, we’ll show you how to make the most of App Store Server Notifications, additional ways to retrieve user transaction history, and recovery steps when your server experiences an outage.

Speakers: Dani Chootong, Ian Zanger

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10109

What’s new in notarization for Mac apps

Privacy & Security • macOS • 8:33

Notarization works in tandem with macOS to help people safely download software for their Mac outside of the App Store. Learn about the required transition from altool to notarytool and how the Xcode GUI can help you achieve better overall performance when notarizing your app. We'll also share information about APIs for interacting with the Notary service from any internet-connected machine.

Speaker: Johnathan Nicholson

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10026

Add Live Text interaction to your app

App Services • iOS, macOS • 14:25

Learn how you can bring Live Text support for still photos or paused video frames to your app. We'll share how you can easily enable text interactions, translation, data detection, and QR code scanning within any image view on iOS, iPadOS, or macOS. We'll also go over how to control interaction types, manage the supplementary interface, and resolve potential gesture conflicts. To learn more about capturing and interacting with detected data in live camera feeds, watch "Capture machine-readable codes and text with VisionKit" from WWDC22.

Speaker: Adam Bradford

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10094

Add Shared with You to your app

App Services • iOS, macOS • 18:28

Shared with You helps people easily find content in your app that someone has shared with them in Messages. Learn how you can support Shared with You in your app and continue the messaging experience right with the content. We'll show you how pinning can give implicit Shared with You permission and can elevate content to be automatically shared. We'll also go over how to present Shared with You content in a Shared with You shelf and visually represent shared items with a Shared with You attribution view.

Speaker: Karthik Sudhir

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10046

Adopt declarative device management

Business & Education • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 31:47

Discover how you can simplify development of your device management solution with the declarative approach. We’ll take you through the latest updates to platform support and explore protocol enhancements for status and predicates.

Speaker: Cyrus Daboo

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10103

Boost performance with MetalFX Upscaling

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 22:10

Discover MetalFX, a new API that provides platform optimized graphics effects for Metal applications. With MetalFX Upscaling, your application can now render frames at a lower resolution, reducing rendering time, without compromising rendering quality. We'll also show you how and when to use its two effects: spatial upscaling, which delivers substantial performance gains, and temporal AA and upscaling, which delivers the highest quality rendering.

Speaker: Kelvin Chiu

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WWDC22 • Session 10076

Bring your iOS app to the Mac

Essentials • iOS, macOS • 22:37

Discover all the different ways you can transform your iOS app into a great macOS experience. We’ll explore best practices for bringing your app to the Mac, whether you ship an iPad app for M1 Macs or build something for all Macs using Mac Catalyst. Learn about the latest tools, options, and APIs to help you deliver enhanced experiences. We’ll also show you how you can optimize your app for the Mac, and find out how desktop class iPad features automatically transform into Mac-native options when built using Mac Catalyst.

Speaker: Owen Monsma

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10070

Build a desktop-class iPad app

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 20:18

Discover how you can create iPad apps that take advantage of desktop class features. Join Mohammed from the UIKit team as we explore the latest navigation, collection view, menu, and editing APIs and learn best practices for building powerful iPad apps. Code along with this session in real time or download our sample app to use as a reference for updating your own code.

Speaker: Mohammed Jisrawi

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WWDC22 • Session 10133

Build a productivity app for Apple Watch

Essentials • watchOS • 24:05

Your wrist has never been more productive. Discover how you can use SwiftUI and system features to build a great productivity app for Apple Watch. We’ll show you how you can design great work experiences for the wrist, and explore how you can get text input, display a basic chart, and share content with friends.

Speaker: Anne Hitchcock

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10110

Build global apps: Localization by example

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:17

Learn how you can run your apps on devices around the world and help everyone have a great experience — regardless of the language they speak. We'll explore how Apple APIs can provide a solid foundation when creating apps for diverse audiences, and we'll share examples, challenges, and best practices from our own experiences.

Speaker: Andreas Neusüß

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10020

Compose advanced models with Create ML Components

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS • 13:24

Take your custom machine learning models to the next level with Create ML Components. We'll show you how to work with temporal data like video or audio and compose models that can count repetitive human actions or provide advanced sound classification. We'll also share best practices on using incremental fitting to speed up model training with new data. For an introduction to custom machine learning models, watch "Get to know Create ML Components" from WWDC22.

Speaker: David Findlay

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10056

Compose custom layouts with SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 27:00

SwiftUI now offers powerful tools to level up your layouts and arrange views for your app’s interface. We’ll introduce you to the Grid container, which helps you create highly customizable, two-dimensional layouts, and show you how you can use the Layout protocol to build your own containers with completely custom behavior. We’ll also explore how you can create seamless animated transitions between your layout types, and share tips and best practices for creating great interfaces.

Speaker: Paul Lettieri

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110349

Create engaging content for Swift Playgrounds

Business & Education • iOS, macOS • 20:25

Learn how you can build guided instructional content designed for Swift Playgrounds. Follow along with us as we explore how you can add a guide to a completed sample code project. We'll demonstrate how to add tasks to your learning center to show off relevant code and optional experiment tasks that encourage learners to extend the project with code of their own.

Speakers: Stephanie Angulo, Marcus Jackson

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10167

Create your Privacy Nutrition Label

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS • 12:14

Privacy Nutrition Labels help people understand your app's privacy practices. Discover how you can take inventory of your current data habits and learn best practices for creating your app’s Privacy Nutrition Label on your App Store product page.

Speaker: Ben Weinshel

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10169

Design App Shortcuts

App Services • iOS, macOS • 20:12

Learn how you can surface great features from your app directly in Siri, Spotlight, and the Shortcuts app. We'll introduce you to App Shortcuts, provide best practices to help you evaluate features in your app that would work well as App Shortcuts, and take you through the process of creating one of your own. Learn how to create clear and memorable names, design custom visuals, collect required information, and create discoverable shortcuts

Speaker: Lynn Streja

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110340

Design an effective chart

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 25:00

Learn how to design focused, approachable, and accessible charts. We'll show you how to design great charts with clear marks, axes, descriptions, interaction, and color and help you create useful experiences for everyone.

Speakers: Halden Lin, Lilian de Greef

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110342

Design app experiences with charts

Design • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 15:43

Learn how you can enhance your app with charts to communicate data with more clarity and appeal. We'll show you when to use charts, how to use them and how they work together in a chart design system.

Speaker: Nicholas Felton

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110429

Discover advancements in iOS camera capture: Depth, focus, and multitasking

Photos & Camera • iOS, macOS • 18:21

Discover how you can take advantage of advanced camera capture features in your app. We'll show you how to use the LiDAR scanner to create photo and video effects and perform accurate depth measurement. Learn how your app can use the camera for picture-in-picture or multitasking, control face-driven autofocus and autoexposure during camera capture, and more. We'll also share strategies for using multiple video outputs so that you can optimize live preview while capturing high-quality video output. For an overview on camera capture capabilities, watch "What’s new in camera capture" from WWDC21.

Speaker: Nikolas Gelo

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110380

Display ads and interstitials in SharePlay

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 11:10

Find out how you can deliver a coordinated playback experience in SharePlay when your app delivers different ad schedules to each participant. We'll explore how to build playback experiences with stitched-in ads and scheduled HLS interstitials, and share tips and best practices.

Speaker: Prashant Nandakumar

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110351

Eliminate data races using Swift Concurrency

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 28:54

Join us as we explore one of the core concepts in Swift concurrency: isolation of tasks and actors. We'll take you through Swift’s approach to eliminating data races and its effect on app architecture. We'll also discuss the importance of atomicity in your code, share the nuances of Sendable checking to maintain isolation, and revisit assumptions about ordering work in a concurrent system.

Speaker: Doug Gregor

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110352

Embrace Swift generics

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 27:29

Generics are a fundamental tool for writing abstract code in Swift. Learn how you can identify opportunities for abstraction as your code evolves, evaluate strategies for writing one piece of code with many behaviors, and discover language features in Swift 5.7 that can help you make generic code easier to write and understand.

Speaker: Holly Borla

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10113

Explore EDR on iOS

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 20:35

EDR is Apple's High Dynamic Range representation and rendering pipeline. Explore how you can render HDR content using EDR in your app and unleash the dynamic range capabilities of HDR displays on iPhone and iPad. We'll show how you can take advantage of the native EDR APIs on iOS, provide best practices to help you decide when HDR is appropriate, and share tips for tone-mapping and HDR content rendering. We'll also introduce you to Reference Mode and highlight how it provides a reference response to enable color-critical workflows such as color grading, editing, and content review.

Speaker: Denis Karch

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10141

Explore USD tools and rendering

Augmented Reality • iOS, macOS • 22:21

Discover the latest advancements in tooling to help you generate, inspect, and convert Universal Scene Description (USD) assets. We'll learn about updates to these tools and help you integrate them into your content creation pipeline. We'll also explore the power of USD Hydra rendering, and show how you can integrate it into your own apps. For an introduction to USD, watch "Understand USD fundamentals" from WWDC22.

Speakers: Stella Cheng, Alexander Schwank

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10040

Explore in-app purchase integration and migration

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 40:01

Learn how you can migrate to the latest App Store Server APIs and incorporate App Store Server Notifications. We’ll help you get started with these tools and provide best practices to make the most of managing in-app purchases on your server. Discover how you can sign JSON Web Tokens, verify signed transactions, and migrate from verifyReceipt.

Speakers: Gabriel Ting, Alex Baker

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110369

Improve the discoverability of your Swift-DocC content

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 11:09

Explore the navigation experience for Swift-DocC on the web. We'll show you how you can organize and optimize your content to help guide developers through documentation about your frameworks and applications. We'll also share enhanced techniques to help readers browse your documentation with ease.

Speaker: Beatriz Magalhães

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10093

Integrate your custom collaboration app with Messages

App Services • iOS, macOS • 28:29

Discover how the SharedWithYou framework can augment your app's collaboration infrastructure. We'll show you how to send secure invitations to collaborative content and synchronize participant changes. We'll also cover displaying content updates within the relevant conversation. For an introduction to SharedWithYou, watch "Add Shared with You to your app" from WWDC22. For an overview of the collaboration UI APIs, watch "Enhance collaboration experiences with Messages" from WWDC22. (Note: API will be available in an upcoming beta.)

Speakers: Devin Clary, Lance Parker

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110362

Link fast: Improve build and launch times

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 31:09

Discover how to improve your app's build and runtime linking performance. We'll take you behind the scenes to learn more about linking, your options, and the latest updates that improve the link performance of your app.

Speaker: Nick Kledzik

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10148

Meet Apple Music API and MusicKit

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS • 18:25

Explore the Apple Music API and MusicKit client frameworks. Learn how you can integrate Apple Music features into your web service or Android app, make requests to the Apple Music API to discover and fetch content, and personalize the experience for subscribers.

Speaker: Justin Rennell

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110403

Meet Background Assets

App Services • iOS, macOS • 24:02

Discover how you can use the Background Assets framework to download large files directly from your CDN and improve the initial launch experience of your apps and games. We’ll show you how to schedule background downloads during initial app install, app updates, and periodically as someone uses the app. We’ll also explore how you can manage scheduled downloads to make sure people have the content they want, when they want it.

Speaker: Jared Jones

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10116

Meet CKTool JS

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS • 15:43

Discover how you can manage and automate your iCloud containers using CKTool JS. We’ll show you how to configure CKTool JS to manage your containers’ schemas, modify records with ease, and manipulate data on the fly. We’ll also explore how you can integrate CKTool JS into your automation and tooling workflows. To get the most out of this session, we recommend familiarity with CloudKit schemas, JavaScript, and npm.

Speaker: Kent Wong

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10156

Meet ScreenCaptureKit

Audio & Video • macOS • 15:27

Learn how ScreenCaptureKit can deliver high-performance screen capture for your macOS screen sharing applications, video conferencing apps, game streaming services, and more. We'll explore the building blocks of this API, learn how to configure streams to capture on-screen video and audio content, and share tips for integrating it into your existing apps.

Speaker: Ernest Yim

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10062

Meet Transferable

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 14:01

Meet Transferable: a model-layer protocol that allows for effortless support for sharing, drag and drop, copy/paste, and other features in your app. We'll explore how you can use the API for common use cases, and take advantage of advanced features to customize the behavior. We'll also share how you can optimize for memory efficiency when dealing with large amounts of data. Whether you're extending your models to share with other applications as strings or images or creating custom declared data types, Transferable can help you facilitate a great experience in your app.

Speaker: Julia Vashchenko

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110356

Meet distributed actors in Swift

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 25:16

Discover distributed actors — an extension of Swift’s actor model that simplifies development of distributed systems. We'll explore how distributed actor isolation and location transparency can help you avoid the accidental complexity of networking, serialization, and other transport concerns when working with distributed apps and systems. To get the most out of this session, watch “Protect mutable state with Swift actors” from WWDC21.

Speaker: Konrad `ktoso` Malawski

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110381

Meet the expanded San Francisco font family

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:28

Discover the latest additions to San Francisco – the system font for Apple platforms – and find out how they can provide more control and versatility when designing interfaces. In addition to weights and optical sizes, San Francisco now supports three new width styles: Condensed, Compressed, and Expanded. We’ll also take you through the linguistic expansion of San Francisco and learn more about the feature-rich Arabic system font families: SF Arabic and SF Arabic Rounded.

Speaker: Vincenzo Vuono

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10027

Optimize your Core ML usage

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:29

Learn how Core ML works with the CPU, GPU, and Neural Engine to power on-device, privacy-preserving machine learning experiences for your apps. We’ll explore the latest tools for understanding and maximizing the performance of your models. We’ll also show you how to generate reports to easily understand your model performance characteristics, help you gain insight into your models with the Core ML Instrument, and take you through API enhancements to further optimize Core ML integration in your apps. To get the most out of this session, be sure to watch “Tune your Core ML models” from WWDC21.

Speaker: Ben Levine

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10119

Optimize your use of Core Data and CloudKit

System Services • iOS, macOS • 26:21

Join us as we explore the three parts of the development cycle that can help you optimize your Core Data and CloudKit implementation. We'll show you how you can analyze your app's architecture and feature set to verify assumptions, explore changes in behavior after ingesting large data sets, and get actionable feedback to make improvements to your workflow. To get the most out of this session, we recommend familiarity with syncing your data model to CloudKit.

Speaker: Nick Gillett

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10077

Replace CAPTCHAs with Private Access Tokens

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS • 12:38

Don’t be captured by CAPTCHAs! Private Access Tokens are a powerful alternative that help you identify HTTP requests from legitimate devices and people without compromising their identity or personal information. We’ll show you how your app and server can take advantage of this tool to add confidence to your online transactions and preserve privacy.

Speaker: Tommy Pauly

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10108

Streamline local authorization flows

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS • 15:55

Discover how you can use the latest authorization-focused APIs in LocalAuthentication to protect the privacy and security of people’s data. We’ll show you how LocalAuthentication can authorize access to secrets, keys, and other sensitive resources in your app, all while reducing complexity and relying on the security and usability of common local authentication methods such as Touch ID and Face ID.

Speaker: Felix J. Acero Salazar

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110384

Support multiple users in tvOS apps

App Services • tvOS • 14:36

Discover how you can create personalized, individual experiences in your tvOS app. We’ll show you how you can offer a single checkbox to store profile data, game save states, and more, providing each person with the same level of data separation they'd have on a personal device like iPhone. We’ll also explore how the new user-independent keychain can help you maintain your existing sign on experience for multiple people in the same household.

Speaker: Felipe Cypriano

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10137

Swift Charts: Raise the bar

Health & Fitness • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:46

Dive deep into data visualizations: Learn how Swift Charts and SwiftUI can help your apps represent complex datasets through a wide variety of chart options. We’ll show you how to plot different kinds of data and compose marks to create more elaborate charts. We’ll also take you through Swift Charts’ extensive chart customization API to help you match the style of your charts to your app. To get the most out of this session, we recommend you begin with “Hello Swift Charts” from WWDC22.

Speaker: Donghao Ren

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110358

Swift Regex: Beyond the basics

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:32

Go beyond the basics of string processing with Swift Regex. We'll share an overview of Regex and how it works, explore Foundation’s rich data parsers and discover how to integrate your own, and delve into captures. We’ll also provide best practices for matching strings and wielding Regex-powered algorithms with ease.

Speaker: Richard Wei

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10155

Take ScreenCaptureKit to the next level

Audio & Video • macOS • 37:18

Discover how you can support complex screen capture experiences for people using your app with ScreenCaptureKit. We’ll explore many of the advanced options you can incorporate including fine tuning content filters, frame metadata interpretation, window pickers, and more. We’ll also show you how you can configure your stream for optimal performance.

Speakers: Meng Yang, Drew Mills

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10102

Target and optimize GPU binaries with Metal 3

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 13:48

Discover how you can reduce in-app stutters, first launch times, and new level load times when you generate your GPU binaries entirely at project build time with offline compilation. We'll also show you how to improve total compile time and binary size for larger GPU programs using the "Optimize for size" compiler option.

Speakers: Galo Avila, Eylon Caspi

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10129

Understand USD fundamentals

Augmented Reality • iOS, macOS • 18:14

Discover the fundamentals of Pixar's Universal Scene Description (USD) and learn how it can help you build great 3D assets and workflows. We'll introduce you to the core concepts behind USD and explore how you can integrate the format into your content creation pipeline. We'll also show you how to harness the power of USD by using composition to create flexible and versatile assets.

Speaker: Kacey Coley

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110371

Use Xcode to develop a multiplatform app

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 16:02

Learn how you can build apps for multiple Apple platforms using Xcode 14. We'll show you how to streamline app targets, maintain a common codebase, and share settings by default. We'll also explore how you can customize your app for each platform through conditionalizing your settings and code.

Speaker: Jake Sawyer

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10005

What's new in HealthKit

Health & Fitness • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 24:24

Bring the latest HealthKit features to your health & fitness app. We'll show you how to capture more detailed sleep data through sleep stages, track swim-bike-run and interval workouts with the enhanced Workout API, and save vision prescriptions — including an image of the physical prescription — directly to HealthKit while preserving privacy.

Speaker: Karim Benhmida

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110368

What's new in Swift-DocC

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:53

Join us for an exciting update on Swift-DocC and learn how you can write and share documentation for your own projects. We'll explore improvements to Swift-DocC navigation and share how you can compile documentation for application targets and Objective-C code. We'll also show you how to publish your content straight to hosting services like GitHub Pages.

Speakers: Franklin Schrans, Ethan Kusters

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10038

What's new with SKAdNetwork

App Services • iOS, macOS • 20:13

SKAdNetwork helps advertisers measure the success of ad campaigns while maintaining user privacy. We'll explore the latest updates to ad attributions including hierarchical source IDs, hierarchical conversion values, multiple conversions, and SKAdNetwork attributions for web ads. We'll also take you through the importance of crowd anonymity and how you can validate SKAdNetwork impressions through testing in Xcode 13.

Speaker: Nikhil Varma

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10149

What’s new in AVQT

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS • 9:38

Discover the latest updates and improvements to the Advanced Video Quality Tool (AVQT). We'll take you through the interactive reports feature and help you learn how to identify video quality-related issues. We'll also explore extended support for raw formats, show you how to evaluate specific scenes within a video, and explore how you can use AVQT for Linux to analyze videos on Linux servers and online in the cloud.

Speaker: Ahmed Badr

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10115

What’s new in CloudKit Console

System Services • iOS, macOS • 7:10

We’ll take you through the latest updates to CloudKit Console and discover how you can explore and debug your containers on the web like never before. Learn more about Act as iCloud, which helps you query records and view data from the perspective of another account. Discover how to share zones of records, and provide better collaboration between participants. And find out how to hide inactive containers. We’ll also share a few tips on getting the most out of CloudKit Console. To get the most out of this session, we recommend having basic knowledge of CloudKit containers.

Speaker: Alex Young

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110345

What’s new in Endpoint Security

Business & Education • macOS • 10:14

Learn how you can build reliable endpoint security products like anti-virus software, endpoint detection and response, and data leakage prevention solutions for macOS. We'll take you through the latest enhancements to Endpoint Security APIs: Learn how you can support more security events and use advanced muting capabilities in your app. We'll also explore a standalone tool to help you perform introspection from the command line.

Speaker: Daniel Roethlisberger

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10099

What’s new in Safari Web Extensions

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS • 23:06

Learn how you can use the latest improvements to Safari Web Extensions to create even better experiences for people browsing the web. We'll show you how to upgrade to manifest version 3, adopt the latest APIs for Web Extensions, and sync extensions across devices.

Speaker: Kiara Rose

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10041

What’s new in Wallet and Apple Pay

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:22

Discover the latest updates to Wallet & Apple Pay. We'll show you how to support Orders in Wallet for your apps and websites and securely validate someone's age and identity with the Identity Verification API. We'll also explore PassKit support for SwiftUI, and discuss how you how you can improve your Apple Pay experience with Automatic Payments.

Speakers: Lais Minchillo, David Silver

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10009

What’s new in iPad app design

Design • iOS • 18:08

Discover the latest updates in iPad app design. We’ll take you through improvements to search, navigation bars, edit menus, multi-selection, and more. Learn how you can make your app both more powerful and easier to use when you incorporate customizable toolbars, multi-column tables, and find and replace.

Speakers: Bryant Jow, Grant Paul

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10096

What’s new in privacy

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 20:23

At Apple, we believe that privacy is a fundamental human right, and protecting people’s privacy is at the center of everything we do. Discover how our engineering teams build privacy into all of our products and developer frameworks, and learn about the technologies and patterns you can adopt in your apps to build trust and protect your customers.

Speaker: Justin Sagurton

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10100

Create Safari Web Inspector Extensions

Safari & Web • macOS • 17:37

Learn how to add your own tools directly into Web Inspector using the latest Web Extensions APIs. We'll show you how to create your own tab in Web Inspector, evaluate JavaScript in the inspected page, and use the result to help you troubleshoot and identify potential problems.

Speaker: Devin Rousso

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10147

Create a great video playback experience

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS • 24:07

Find out how you can use the latest iOS and iPadOS system media players to build amazing media apps. We’ll share how we designed the updated player and give you best practices and tips to help you design media experiences of your own. We’ll also explore Live Text for video and show you how to integrate interstitials and playback speed controls into your apps.

Speaker: Jake DesJarlais

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10022

Create camera extensions with Core Media IO

Photos & Camera • iOS, macOS • 32:08

Discover how you can use Core Media IO to easily create macOS system extensions for software cameras, hardware cameras, and creative cameras. We'll introduce you to our modern replacement for legacy DAL plug-ins — these extensions are secure, fast, and fully-compatible with any app that uses a camera input. We'll take you through the Core Media IO APIs and share how they can support camera manufacturers, video conferencing apps with special effects features, creative app ideas, and more.

Speaker: Brad Ford

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110370

Debug Swift debugging with LLDB

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 20:03

Learn how you can set up complex Swift projects for debugging. We'll take you on a deep dive into the internals of LLDB and debug info. We'll also share best practices for complex scenarios such as debugging code built on build servers or code from custom build systems.

Speaker: Adrian Prantl

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110375

Deep dive into Xcode Cloud for teams

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:23

Learn how you can use Apple’s continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service with development teams of any size to help you deliver high-quality apps. We’ll show you how to integrate Xcode Cloud into your team’s existing app development process and efficiently use Xcode Cloud in your CI/CD practice. We’ll also demonstrate how you can use the App Store Connect API to integrate Xcode Cloud with an issue tracker, explore code dependency management, and share best practices. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Customize your advanced Xcode Cloud workflows” from WWDC21.

Speakers: John-Robert Cross, Jo Lynn

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110364

Demystify parallelization in Xcode builds

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 25:14

Learn how the Xcode build system extracts maximum parallelism from your builds. We'll explore how you can structure your project to improve build efficiency, take you through the process for resolving relationships between targets’ build phases in Xcode, and share how you can take full advantage of available hardware resources when compiling in Swift. We'll also introduce you to Build Timeline — a powerful tool to help you monitor your build efficiency and performance.

Speakers: Ben Herzog, Artem Chikin

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10034

Design for Arabic

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 20:12

Find out how to design or optimize your app or game for Arabic. Whether you’re planning a first release or improving an existing app or game, we’ll help you learn best practices and tips for UI design for Arabic speakers. Learn how to create beautiful Right to Left layouts with UI components and iconography, discover the nuances of Arabic script and typography in product design, and explore Arabic numerals.

Speaker: Mohamed Samir

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110441

Design for Arabic · صمّم بالعربي

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 19:29

تعرّف على المبادئ الأساسية لتصميم الواجهات الرقمية باللغة العربية. سواء كنت تود تصميم تطبيق أو لعبة خصيصًا للاستخدام العربي، أو تود ترجمة تطبيق من لغة أخرى إلى العربية، سنقدم لك أفضل الطرق للوصول إلى تصميم مثالي يخدم المحتوى العربي. تعلم أيضا تأثير اتجاه اللغة على اتجاه القوالب والأيقونات، وسمات الخط العربي الجيد للاستخدام الرقمي، وصيغ الأرقام العربية وتأثيرها على واجهة المستخدم. This is the Arabic language edition of "Design for Arabic." Find out how to design or optimize your app or game for Arabic. Whether you’re planning a first release or improving an existing app or game, we’ll help you learn best practices and tips for UI design for Arabic speakers. Learn how to create beautiful Right to Left layouts with UI components and iconography, discover the nuances of Arabic script and typography in product design, and explore Arabic numerals.

Speaker: Mohamed Samir

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10015

Design for Collaboration with Messages

Design • iOS, macOS • 11:28

Discover how you can design great collaboration experiences using Apple platforms. We’ll show you how to combine the Share Sheet, live editing notifications, Messages, FaceTime, and your app’s existing collaboration features to help people connect and collaborate effortlessly. (Note: API will be available in an upcoming beta.)

Speaker: Jaewoo Chang

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 110353

Design protocol interfaces in Swift

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 25:30

Learn how you can use Swift 5.7 to design advanced abstractions using protocols. We'll show you how to use existential types, explore how you can separate implementation from interface with opaque result types, and share the same-type requirements that can help you identify and guarantee relationships between concrete types. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Embrace Swift generics" from WWDC22.

Speaker: Slava Pestov

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10126

Discover ARKit 6

Augmented Reality • iOS • 19:27

Discover how you can build more refined and powerful augmented reality apps with ARKit 6. We'll explore how you can create AR experiences rendered in 4K HDR and take you through camera settings customizations for your app. We'll also share how you can export high-resolution still images from an ARKit session, take advantage of Plane Estimation and Motion Capture, and add AR Location Anchors in new regions.

Speaker: Christian Lipski

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10132

Discover PhotoKit change history

Photos & Camera • iOS, macOS • 9:59

PhotoKit can help you build rich, photo-centric features. Learn how you can easily track changes to image assets with the latest APIs in PhotoKit. We’ll introduce you to the PHPhotoLibrary change history API and demonstrate how you can persist change tokens across launches to help your app recognize additions, deletions, and updates to someone’s photo library. To learn more about Photos library integration, be sure to watch "What's new in the Photos picker" from WWDC22 and "Improve access to Photos in your app" from WWDC21.

Speaker: Mindy Lou

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10053

Discover Sign in with Apple at Work & School

Business & Education • iOS • 19:24

Learn how you can support Sign In with Apple for Managed Apple IDs in organizational settings. We'll introduce you to Sign In with Apple at Work & School and explore how education apps can harness the power of this REST API to streamline the import process for student and class information. We’ll also share how to configure Access Management controls for these features within Apple Business Manager and Apple School Manager. To get the most out of this session, we recommend having familiarity with Sign In with Apple and REST APIs.

Speaker: Ashwath Sriram

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WWDC22 • Session 10114

Display EDR content with Core Image, Metal, and SwiftUI

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS • 17:40

Discover how you can add support for rendering in Extended Dynamic Range (EDR) from a Core Image based multi-platform SwiftUI application. We'll outline best practices for displaying CIImages to a MTKView using ViewRepresentable. We'll also share the simple steps to enable EDR rendering and explore some of the over 150 built-in CIFilters that support EDR.

Speaker: David Hayward

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WWDC22 • Session 110565

Display HDR video in EDR with AVFoundation and Metal

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 22:04

Learn how you can take advantage of AVFoundation and Metal to build an efficient EDR pipeline. Follow along as we demonstrate how you can use AVPlayer to display HDR video as EDR, add playback into an app view, render it with Metal, and use Core Image or custom Metal shaders to add video effects such as keying or color management. Whether you develop games or pro apps, we'll help you decide which frameworks to use and share best practices for selecting transports, colorspaces, and pixelbuffer formats.

Speaker: Ken Greenebaum

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WWDC22 • Session 10122

Enhance your Sign in with Apple experience

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS • 23:22

Learn how you can provide safe and fast authentication in your app using Sign in with Apple. We’ll show you how you can upgrade password-based accounts into secure, single-tap login credentials, and explore how you can seamlessly handle changes to user sessions in your app. We’ll also help you take advantage of Sign In with Apple across the web and on other platforms. To get the most out of this session, we recommend having familiarity with Sign In with Apple and REST API. We’d also recommend having a basic understanding of JavaScript.

Speakers: Ram Shandilya, Patrick Hickey

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WWDC22 • Session 10120

Evolve your Core Data schema

System Services • iOS, macOS • 19:50

Learn how you can cleanly migrate Core Data schemas after updating your app, and breeze through data model changes. We’ll show you how you can take advantage of built-in migration tools to keep your data storage up to date, and let Core Data analyze your schema to infer data model migrations. We’ll also provide best practices, help you tackle tough migration challenges, and discover how Core Data schemas can interact with CloudKit to support easy migrations in the cloud. To get the most out of this session, we recommend being familiar with Core Data schemas and data types, and have a basic understanding around syncing Core Data databases with CloudKit.

Speaker: David Stites

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WWDC22 • Session 10166

Explore App Tracking Transparency

Essentials • iOS, macOS • 13:42

Learn more about App Tracking Transparency and how it helps people using your app have choice and control over tracking. App Store Policy now requires that all apps receive permission through the AppTrackingTransparency framework in order to track people's data. We’ll explain how this policy defines tracking, whether your app needs to adopt this framework, and how to implement it effectively.

Speaker: Julia Hanson

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WWDC22 • Session 110335

Explore Apple Business Essentials

Business & Education • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 13:11

Learn more about Apple Business Essentials — a complete solution that brings together device management, 24/7 support, and cloud storage for your small business. We'll explore how you can use features like Collections to manage apps and settings for every iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV in your organization. Find out how you can get started and review how Apple Business Essentials works for you and your employees.

Speaker: Josh Homann

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WWDC22 • Session 10001

Explore navigation design for iOS

Design • iOS • 25:33

Familiar navigation patterns can help people easily explore the information within your app — and save them from unnecessary confusion. We’ll show you how to take advantage of existing navigation structures to simplify complex interactions in your app without compromising its personality. Learn best practices and common pitfalls when working with tab bars, modality, and more.

Speaker: Sarah McClanahan

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WWDC22 • Session 10107

Get it right (to left)

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:45

Discover how to develop your app so that it can be localized into "right-to-left" languages such as Arabic and Hebrew. We'll take you through important considerations for these languages, share solutions to challenges, and provide best practices for delivering a great right-to-left experience in your app.

Speaker: Rich Gillam

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WWDC22 • Session 10101

Go bindless with Metal 3

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 34:13

Learn how you can unleash powerful rendering techniques like ray tracing when you go bindless with Metal 3. We'll show you how to make your app’s bindless journey a joy by simplifying argument buffers, allocating acceleration structures from heaps, and benefitting from the improvements to the Metal’s validation layer and Debugger Tools. We'll also explore how you can command more CPU and GPU performance with long-term resource structures.

Speakers: Alè Segovia Azapian, Mayur

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WWDC22 • Session 10051

Go further with Complications in WidgetKit

App Services • watchOS • 10:37

Discover how you can use WidgetKit to create beautiful complications on watch faces. We'll introduce you to the watchOS-specific features found in WidgetKit, and help you migrate from existing ClockKit complications. For more on WidgetKit, watch “Complications and Widgets: Reloaded” from WWDC22.

Speaker: August Joki

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WWDC22 • Session 110363

Improve app size and runtime performance

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 14:28

Learn how we've optimized the Swift and Objective-C runtimes to help you make your app smaller, quicker, and launch faster. Discover how you can get access to efficient protocol checks, smaller message send calls, and optimized ARC simply when you build your app with Xcode 14 and update your deployment target.

Speaker: Ahmed Bougacha

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WWDC22 • Session 10139

Make a great SharePlay experience

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 18:37

Discover how you can design and build a great SharePlay experience. We'll show you how to identify activities in your app that can help bring everyone together — even while they're apart. Learn best practices to help you design for group activities, create intuitive interactions, and build support for different types of experiences.

Speakers: Ryan Williams, Priya Shah

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WWDC22 • Session 10105

Maximize your Metal ray tracing performance

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 31:22

Learn how to simplify your ray tracing code and increase performance with the power of Metal 3. We’ll explore the GPU debugging and profiling tools that can help you tune your ray tracing applications. We'll also show you how you can speed up intersection tests and reduce shader code memory accesses and indirections with per-primitive data in an acceleration structure. And we'll help you implement faster acceleration structure builds and refits to reduce load times and per-frame overhead.

Speakers: Yi Liu, Dominik Kowalczyk

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WWDC22 • Session 110359

Meet Swift Package plugins

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:26

Discover how you can perform actions on Swift packages and Xcode projects with Swift package plugins. We'll go over how these plugins work and explore how you can use them to generate source code and automate your development workflow.

Speaker: Anders Bertelrud

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WWDC22 • Session 10064

Reach new players with Game Center dashboard

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 10:06

Meet the Game Center activity dashboard and discover how it can help your game reach new players. We'll introduce you to the dashboard and profiles and explore how they can track player achievements, high scores, and leaderboard changes for your game. We'll also show you how to add Game Center to your Unity game project using the Game Center plug-in.

Speaker: Knott Kanchanachat

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WWDC22 • Session 10078

Reduce networking delays for a more responsive app

System Services • iOS, macOS • 18:41

Find out how network latency can affect your apps when trying to get full benefit out of modern network throughput rates. Learn about changes you can make in your app and on your server to boost responsiveness, and prepare your app for improvements coming to the Internet that will offer even lower end-to-end delays.

Speaker: Vidhi Goel

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WWDC22 • Session 110367

Simplify C++ templates with concepts

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 27:05

Discover how C++20 features can take your C++ code to the next level. We’ll introduce concepts and explore how you can use it to find errors faster in your generic C++ code. We’ll also discuss the latest enhancements to the constexpr feature and show how you can leverage it to improve your app's performance by evaluating code at compile time.

Speaker: Alex Lorenz

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WWDC22 • Session 110343

SwiftUI on iPad: Add toolbars, titles, and more

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:22

Get ready to tune up your iPad app’s toolbars with SwiftUI. We’ll show you how you can structure toolbars to take advantage of the space available on iPad and help people maximize their productivity. We’ll also take you through customization, explore the latest ways you can represent documents, and more. This is the second session in a two-part series. To get the most out of this video, we recommend starting with “SwiftUI on iPad: Organize your interface.”

Speaker: Harry Lane

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WWDC22 • Session 10058

SwiftUI on iPad: Organize your interface

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:20

It’s time to supercharge the interface of your iPad app with SwiftUI lists and tables. We’ll show how you can add selection interactions and context menus and help people who use your app be more productive. We'll also give you best practices on structuring your navigation and explore how you can avoid modality using split views to ensure a top-notch desktop-class iPad experience. This is the first session in a two-part series. To get the most out of this video, we recommend you have some basic familiarity with SwiftUI. After watching this session, check out "SwiftUI on iPad: Add toolbars, titles, and more" to learn how SwiftUI can help you make even better toolbars for your iPad app.

Speaker: Raj Ramamurthy

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WWDC22 • Session 10059

The craft of SwiftUI API design: Progressive disclosure

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:06

Explore progressive disclosure — one of SwiftUI’s core principles — and learn how it influences the design of our APIs. We’ll show you how we use progressive disclosure, discuss how it can support quick iteration and exploration, and help you take advantage of it in your own code.

Speaker: Sam Lazarus

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WWDC22 • Session 10082

Track down hangs with Xcode and on-device detection

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 17:12

Learn how you can increase responsiveness and eliminate hangs in your app and make even better experiences. Hang out with the Performance Tools team as we explore how you can track down these issues — and even stop them from occurring in the first place. We’ll take you through the latest detection mechanisms for iOS to help track hangs during pre-release testing, show you how to identify issues in release builds using the Xcode Organizer, and more.

Speaker: John Crowson

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WWDC22 • Session 10162

Transform your geometry with Metal mesh shaders

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 17:43

Meet Metal mesh shaders — a modern and flexible pipeline in Metal for GPU-driven geometry creation and processing. We'll explore how this API can improve and add flexibility to your render pipeline, and share some of the opportunities that GPU-driven work can create. Discover how you can create procedural geometry — like hair rendering — on the GPU using mesh shaders, and build single render passes without additional compute passes or intermediate buffers. We'll also show you how to improve scene processing and rendering through GPU-driven meshlet culling.

Speaker: Andrei Tatarinov

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WWDC22 • Session 10075

Use SwiftUI with AppKit

Essentials • iOS, macOS • 19:12

Discover how the Shortcuts app uses both SwiftUI and AppKit to create a top-tier experience on macOS. Follow along with the Shortcuts team as we explore how you can host SwiftUI views in AppKit code, handle layout and sizing, participate in the responder chain, enable navigational focus, and more. We’ll also show you how to host AppKit views, helping you migrate existing code into a SwiftUI layout within your app.

Speaker: Ian McDowell

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WWDC22 • Session 10072

Use SwiftUI with UIKit

Essentials • iOS, macOS • 26:08

Learn how to take advantage of the power of SwiftUI in your UIKit app. Build custom UICollectionView and UITableView cells seamlessly with SwiftUI using UIHostingConfiguration. We’ll also show you how to manage data flow between UIKit and SwiftUI components within your app. To get the most out of this session, we encourage basic familiarity with SwiftUI.

Speaker: Sara Frederixon

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WWDC22 • Session 10043

What's new in App Store Connect

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 9:15

Discover the latest updates to App Store Connect, your suite of tools to create, manage, and submit apps on the App Store. Learn about enhancements to the submission experience — including the ability to manage submissions in App Store Connect on iOS and iPadOS — as well as the newest updates to the App Store Connect API and much more.

Speaker: Will Averill

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WWDC22 • Session 10035

What's new in MapKit

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 41:30

Come along with us as MapKit enters a new dimension. We'll show you how you can upgrade your app to use the latest map and support the highly-detailed 3D City Experience. Learn how you can visualize data using overlays while ensuring they integrate smoothly into the 3D map. We’ll also cover how to create interactive and immersive experiences with Selectable Map Features and Look Around APIs.

Speakers: Eric Trepanier, Yingxiu Lu

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WWDC22 • Session 10039

What's new in StoreKit testing

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:46

Discover the latest tools to help you test your in-app purchases and subscriptions. We’ll show you how to bring your products from App Store Connect into StoreKit Testing in Xcode, learn about improvements to the transaction manager, and explore your in-app purchase flow in Xcode Previews. We’ll also take you through best practices when setting up an Apple ID for the sandbox environment, and show you how to create tests for refund requests, price increase consent, billing retry, and much more.

Speakers: Greg Young, Peter Kfoury

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WWDC22 • Session 10090

What's new in TextKit and text views

Essentials • iOS, macOS • 24:04

Discover the latest updates to TextKit and text views in UI frameworks. Explore layout refinements and API enhancements, learn how you can maintain compatibility across multiple OS versions, and find out how to modernize your app with TextKit 2. To get the most out of this session, watch “Meet TextKit 2” from WWDC21.

Speaker: Donna Tom

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WWDC22 • Session 10024

What's new in Vision

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 19:47

Learn about the latest updates to Vision APIs that help your apps recognize text, detect faces and face landmarks, and implement optical flow. We’ll take you through the capabilities of optical flow for video-based apps, show you how to update your apps with revisions to the machine learning models that drive these APIs, and explore how you can visualize your Vision tasks with Quick Look Preview support in Xcode. To get the most out of this session, we recommend watching “Detect people, faces, and poses using Vision” from WWDC21.

Speaker: Brett Keating

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WWDC22 • Session 10023

What's new in the Photos picker

Essentials • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 14:30

PHPicker provides simple and secure integration between your app and the system Photos library. Learn how SwiftUI and Transferable can help you offer integration across iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS. We’ll also show you how you can use AppKit and NSOpenPanel to bring the Photos picker on Mac into your macOS apps. For even more on the Photos picker, watch "Improve access to Photos in your app" from WWDC21.

Speaker: Justin Jia

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WWDC22 • Session 10153

What's new in web accessibility

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS • 14:53

Discover techniques for building rich, accessible web apps with custom controls, SSML, and the dialog element. We'll discuss different assistive technologies and help you learn how to use them when testing the accessibility of your web apps.

Speaker: Tyler Wilcock

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WWDC22 • Session 10145

What’s new in HLS Interstitials

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS • 9:26

HLS Interstitials can help you create seamless transitions in video content between advertisements, other interstitials, and your HLS streams. Learn how you can optimize your ad inventory, fine-tune interstitial presentation with SNAP-IN/OUT when using HLS, and more.

Speaker: Prashant Nandakumar

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WWDC22 • Session 10037

Writing for interfaces

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:29

The words and phrases you choose for your app matter. Whether you’re writing an alert, building an onboarding experience, or describing an image for accessibility, learn how you can design through the lens of language and help people get the most from your app. We'll show you how to create clear, conversational, and helpful writing and provide tips for applying these techniques to your work.

Speakers: Kaely Coon, Jennifer Bush

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WWDC22 • Session 10063

Accelerate machine learning with Metal

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS • 29:50

Discover how you can use Metal to accelerate your PyTorch model training on macOS. We'll take you through updates to TensorFlow training support, explore the latest features and operations of MPS Graph, and share best practices to help you achieve great performance for all your machine learning needs. For more on using Metal with machine learning, watch "Accelerate machine learning with Metal Performance Shaders Graph" from WWDC21.

Speakers: Dhruva Kaushal, Matteo Franciolini

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WWDC22 • Session 110361

Author fast and reliable tests for Xcode Cloud

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:39

Discover how you can create effective testing plans for Xcode Cloud, Apple’s continuous integration and continuous delivery service. We'll show you how testing can be an essential tool to consistently verify your code works correctly. Learn how you can author fast, reliable, and efficient tests for Xcode Cloud, avoid irrelevant failures, and verify your code changes quickly.

Speaker: Suzy Ratcliff

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WWDC22 • Session 10061

Bring multiple windows to your SwiftUI app

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 13:53

Discover the latest SwiftUI APIs to help you present windows within your app’s scenes. We’ll explore how scene types like MenuBarExtra can help you easily build more kinds of apps using SwiftUI. We’ll also show you how to use modifiers that customize the presentation and behavior of your app windows to make even better macOS apps.

Speaker: Jeff Robertson

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WWDC22 • Session 110339

Build device-to-device interactions with Network Framework

App Services • iOS, tvOS, watchOS • 12:43

Learn how you can create integrated content experiences across multiple devices. We’ll introduce you to DeviceDiscoveryUI, which makes it easy to set up communication pathways and connect Apple TV with other devices like iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. We'll also explore common scenarios and provide best practices to help you enable frictionless device-to-device connectivity.

Speaker: Elliot Garner

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WWDC22 • Session 110401

Create Swift Package plugins

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 24:01

Tailor your development workflow and learn how to write your own package plugins in Swift. We'll show you how you can extend Xcode’s functionality by using the PackagePlugin API to generate source code or automate release tasks and share best practices for creating great plugins.

Speaker: Boris Buegling

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WWDC22 • Session 10152

Create accessible Single App Mode experiences

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS • 14:08

Learn how you can provide more control and accessibility to people using your apps in Single App Mode. We’ll share how you can use the UIAccessibility and Automatic Assessment Configuration frameworks to apply these restrictions when needed and enable these accessibility features without ever opening the Settings app. We’ll also take you through how you can add custom restrictions within your app to better support the Guided Access feature in iOS, which puts any app into Single App Mode temporarily.

Speaker: Drew Haas

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WWDC22 • Session 10028

Create custom catalogs at scale with ShazamKit

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 19:43

Learn how ShazamKit can help you build custom catalogs and support exact matching of any audio source within your app — all on-device. Find out how you can easily generate audio signatures and build catalogs at scale through the new ShazamKit CLI. We'll also show you how you can quickly update your app to sync with large amounts of audio content like multiple seasons of a TV show or multiple episodes of a podcast, and we'll share updates to the ShazamKit API and SHMediaItems to help your apps respond precisely to key moments in audio sources using time ranges. For more on ShazamKit, we recommend watching "Explore ShazamKit" and "Create custom audio experiences with ShazamKit" from WWDC21.

Speaker: Neil Foley

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WWDC22 • Session 10044

Discover Benchmarks in App Analytics

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 11:56

Learn how App Store App Analytics can provide unique insights and help you measure your app’s performance on the App Store. We'll show you how to use the new App Benchmarks tool to rank your app’s performance beside similar products in a privacy-preserving way. We'll also share how you can use Product Page Optimization and Custom Product Pages to learn insights and make changes that can positively impact your ranking on the App Store.

Speaker: Mahesh Molakalapalli

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WWDC22 • Session 10143

Discover Managed Device Attestation

Business & Education • iOS, tvOS • 23:55

Learn how to use Managed Device Attestation to ensure only legitimate devices can connect to your servers while attackers are thwarted. We'll take you through an overview of how attestations provide strong evidence about managed devices. We'll also explore how to use attestations and private keys generated by the Secure Enclave to secure communications to services such as MDM, VPN, and Wi-Fi.

Speaker: Bob Whiteman

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WWDC22 • Session 10142

Efficiency awaits: Background tasks in SwiftUI

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 12:48

Background Tasks help apps respond to system events and keep time-sensitive data up to date. Learn how you can use the SwiftUI Background Tasks API to handle tasks succinctly. We’ll show you how to use Swift Concurrency to handle network responses, background refresh, and more — all while preserving performance and power.

Speaker: John Gallagher

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WWDC22 • Session 110341

Explore SMS message filters

System Services • iOS • 12:37

SMS message filter extensions can help people manage Messages by filtering SMS messages from unknown senders. Discover how to create apps with message filter extensions that automatically categorize SMS messages into folders and sub-folders based on message contents and other heuristics.

Speaker: Ajay Singh

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WWDC22 • Session 110338

Explore media metadata publishing and playback interactions

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS • 14:11

Learn how you can highlight your app's Now Playing information on every platform. We'll take you through an overview of media metadata, learn how it gets represented in areas like the Lock Screen and Control Center, and show you how to write and publish effective media metadata for your content. We'll also explore how your app can respond to commands from other devices such as HomePod.

Speaker: Nik Harris

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WWDC22 • Session 10017

Explore the machine learning development experience

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS • 17:19

Learn how to bring great machine learning (ML) based experiences to your app. We'll take you through model discovery, conversion, and training and provide tips and best practices for ML. We'll share considerations to take into account as you begin your ML journey, demonstrate techniques for evaluating model performance, and explore how you can tune models to achieve real-time performance on device. To learn more about the techniques covered in this session, watch "Optimize your Core ML usage" and "Accelerate machine learning with Metal" from WWDC22.

Speaker: Geppy Parziale

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WWDC22 • Session 110404

Implement proactive in-app purchase restore

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:25

Learn how you can restore someone’s in-app purchases access proactively when they first open your app. We’ll show you how you can deliver instant access to existing subscriptions using StoreKit or StoreKit 2 and cover best practices for both your client and server implementations. Find out more about how you can determine customer purchase state and create a personalized onboarding experience for your app.

Speaker: David Wendland

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WWDC22 • Session 10079

Improve DNS security for apps and servers

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS • 18:23

Discover the latest ways to ensure that DNS — the foundation of internet addressing — is secure within your app. Learn how to authenticate DNS responses in your app with DNSSEC and enable DNS encryption automatically with Discovery of Designated Resolvers (DDR).

Speaker: Qiaoyu (Joey) Deng

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WWDC22 • Session 10083

Power down: Improve battery consumption

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 18:57

Discover how you can limit your power usage and help people get even more out of your app. We'll show you how you can reduce battery drain from your app by making four key changes to your code. Learn how to add Dark Mode to your app and benefit from OLED displays, audit frame rates from secondary animations, limit background data processing, and defer long running tasks.

Speaker: Vaibhav Gautam

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WWDC22 • Session 10106

Profile and optimize your game's memory

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 38:25

Learn how Apple platforms calculate and allocate memory for your game. We'll show you how to use Instruments and the Game Memory template to profile your game, take a memory graph to monitor current memory use, and analyze it using Xcode Memory Debugger and command line tools. We'll also explore Metal resources in Metal Debugger and provide tips and tricks to further help you optimize memory usage.

Speakers: Jack Xu, Zhuo Lu (Seth)

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WWDC22 • Session 10159

Scale compute workloads across Apple GPUs

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 24:57

Discover how you can create compute workloads that scale efficiently across Apple GPUs. Learn how to saturate the GPU by improving your work distribution, minimize GPU timeline gaps with effective pipelining and concurrent dispatches, and use atomic operations effectively. We'll also take you through the latest counters and tools in Xcode and Instruments that can help you optimize spatial and temporal memory access patterns.

Speaker: Marco Giordano

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WWDC22 • Session 110360

Use Xcode for server-side development

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:35

Discover how you can create, build, and deploy a Swift server app alongside your pre-existing Xcode projects within the same workspace. We'll show you how to create your own local app and test endpoints using Xcode, and explore how you can structure and share code between server and client apps to ease your development process

Speaker: Tom Doron

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10089

What's new in PDFKit

App Services • iOS, macOS • 13:41

Discover PDFKit — a full-featured framework that helps your app view, edit, and save PDF documents. We'll take you through the latest features in PDFKit, including support for live text and forms, creating PDFs from images, building interactive overlays, and saving annotations.

Speaker: Conrad Carlen

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WWDC22 • Session 110336

What's new in Screen Time API

App Services • iOS • 9:33

Find out how you can build apps that help people manage their relationship with their device — all while putting privacy first. We’ll take you through the Screen Time API and share how you can use features like core restrictions and device activity reports to create great experiences while providing measurable control for the device’s owner, parents, and guardians.

Speaker: MaryAshley Etefia

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC22 • Session 10049

What's new in WKWebView

App Services • iOS, macOS • 8:45

Explore the latest updates to WKWebView, our framework for incorporating web content into your app’s interface. We’ll show you how to use the JavaScript fullscreen API, explore CSS viewport units, and learn more about find interactions. We’ll also take you through refinements to content blocking controls, embedding encrypted media, and using the Web Inspector.

Speaker: Alex Christensen

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 101


Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 2:06:10

The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off with exciting news, inspiration, and new opportunities. Join the worldwide developer community for an in-depth look at the future of Apple platforms, directly from Apple Park.

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 102

Platforms State of the Union

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:29:34

Learn about the latest tools, technologies, and advancements to help you create even better apps across Apple platforms, including the all-new visionOS.

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10239

Add SharePlay to your app

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 13:37

Discover how your app can take advantage of SharePlay to turn any activity into a shareable experience with friends! We’ll share the latest updates to SharePlay, explore the benefits of creating shared activities, dive into some exciting use cases, and take you through best practices to create engaging and fun moments of connection in your app.

Speakers: Justin Etzine, Priya Shah

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10027

Bring widgets to new places

App Services • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 7:17

The widget ecosystem is expanding: Discover how you can use the latest WidgetKit APIs to make your widget look great everywhere. We’ll show you how to identify your widget’s background, adjust layout dynamically, and prepare colors for vibrant rendering so that your widget can sit seamlessly in any environment.

Speaker: Kathryn Elrod

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10123

Bring your game to Mac, Part 1: Make a game plan

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 15:05

Bring modern, high-end games to Mac and iPad with the powerful features of Metal and Apple silicon. Discover the game porting toolkit and learn how it can help you evaluate your existing Windows game for graphics feature compatibility and performance. We’ll share best practices and technical resources for handling audio, input, and advanced display features. Once you’ve watched this session, check out “Bring your game to Mac, Part 2: Compile your shaders” to learn more about bringing HLSL shaders to Metal.

Speaker: Aiswariya Sreenivassan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10124

Bring your game to Mac, Part 2: Compile your shaders

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 18:57

Discover how the Metal shader converter streamlines the process of bringing your HLSL shaders to Metal as we continue our three-part series on bringing your game to Mac. Find out how to build a fast, end-to-end shader pipeline from DXIL that supports all shader stages and allows you to leverage the advanced features of Apple GPUs. We’ll also show you how to reduce app launch time and stutters by generating GPU binaries with the offline compiler. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Bring your game to Mac, Part 1: Make a game plan." And once you’re ready to level up, check out “Bring your game to Mac, Part 2: Render with Metal" from WWDC23.

Speaker: Varun Subramanian

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WWDC23 • Session 10125

Bring your game to Mac, Part 3: Render with Metal

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 26:45

Discover how you can support Metal in your rendering code as we close out our three-part series on bringing your game to Mac. Once you’ve evaluated your existing Windows binary with the game porting toolkit and brought your HLSL shaders over to Metal, learn how you can optimally implement the features that high-end, modern games require. We’ll show you how to manage GPU resource bindings, residency, and synchronization. Find out how to optimize GPU commands submission, render rich visuals with MetalFX Upscaling, and more. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Bring your game to Mac, Part 1: Make a game plan” and “Bring your game to Mac, Part 2: Compile your shaders" from WWDC23.

Speaker: Georgi Rakidov

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WWDC23 • Session 10016

Build custom workouts with WorkoutKit

Health & Fitness • iOS, watchOS • 21:21

WorkoutKit makes it easy to create, preview, and schedule planned workouts for the Workout app on Apple Watch. Learn how to build custom intervals, create alerts, and use the built-in preview UI to send your own workout routines to Apple Watch.

Speakers: Tu Nguyen, Abhiraj Pande

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WWDC23 • Session 10096

Build great games for spatial computing

Graphics & Games • visionOS • 18:25

Find out how you can develop great gaming experiences for visionOS. We’ll share some of the key building blocks that help you create games for this platform, explore how your experiences can fluidly move between levels of immersion, and provide a roadmap for exploring ARKit, RealityKit, Reality Composer Pro, Unity, Metal, and Compositor.

Speaker: Tricia Gray

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WWDC23 • Session 10080

Build spatial experiences with RealityKit

Spatial Computing • iOS • 27:31

Discover how RealityKit can bring your apps into a new dimension. Get started with RealityKit entities, components, and systems, and learn how you can add 3D models and effects to your app on visionOS. We’ll also take you through the RealityView API and demonstrate how to add 3D objects to windows, volumes, and spaces to make your apps more immersive. And we’ll explore combining RealityKit with spatial input, animation, and spatial audio.

Speaker: John Calsbeek

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WWDC23 • Session 10051

Create a great ShazamKit experience

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:57

Discover how your app can offer a great audio matching experience with the latest updates to ShazamKit. We’ll take you through matching features, updates to audio recognition, and interactions with the Shazam library. Learn tips and best practices for using ShazamKit in your audio apps. For more on ShazamKit, check out "Create custom catalogs at scale with ShazamKit" from WWDC22 as well as "Explore ShazamKit" and "Create custom audio experiences with ShazamKit" from WWDC21.

Speaker: David Ilenwabor

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WWDC23 • Session 10034

Create accessible spatial experiences

Accessibility & Inclusion • visionOS • 25:50

Learn how you can make spatial computing apps that work well for everyone. Like all Apple platforms, visionOS is designed for accessibility: We’ll share how we’ve reimagined assistive technologies like VoiceOver and Pointer Control and designed features like Dwell Control to help people interact in the way that works best for them. Learn best practices for vision, motor, cognitive, and hearing accessibility and help everyone enjoy immersive experiences for visionOS.

Speakers: Dan Golden, Drew Haas

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WWDC23 • Session 10244

Create rich documentation with Swift-DocC

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:52

Learn how you can take advantage of the latest features in Swift-DocC to create rich and detailed documentation for your app or framework. We’ll show you how to use the Xcode 15 Documentation Preview editor to efficiently iterate on your existing project’s documentation, and explore expanded authoring capabilities like grid-based layouts, video support, and custom themes. To get the most out of this session, you should have a working knowledge of the basics of Swift-DocC documentation.

Speaker: Ethan Kusters

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WWDC23 • Session 10226

Debug with structured logging

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:41

Discover the debug console in Xcode 15 and learn how you can improve your diagnostic experience through logging. Explore how you can navigate your logs easily and efficiently using advanced filtering and improved visualization. We’ll also show you how to use the dwim-print command to evaluate expressions in your code while debugging.

Speaker: Nathan Fusselman

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WWDC23 • Session 10138

Design and build apps for watchOS 10

Design • watchOS • 19:20

Dive into the details of watchOS design principles and learn how to apply them in your app using SwiftUI. We’ll show you how to build an app for the redesigned user interface to surface timely information, communicate focused content at a glance, and make navigation consistent and predictable.

Speakers: Jennifer Patton, Matthew Koonce

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WWDC23 • Session 10073

Design for spatial input

Design • 20:03

Learn how to design great interactions for eyes and hands. We’ll share the design principles for spatial input, explore best practices around input methods, and help you create spatial experiences that are comfortable, intuitive, and satisfying.

Speakers: Israel Pastrana Vicente, Eugene Krivoruchko

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WWDC23 • Session 10076

Design for spatial user interfaces

Design • visionOS • 22:41

Learn how to design great interfaces for spatial computing apps. We’ll share how your existing screen-based knowledge easily translates into creating great experiences for visionOS. Explore guidelines for UI components, materials, and typography and find out how you can design experiences that are familiar, legible, and easy to use.

Speakers: Lorena Pazmino, Miquel Estany Rodriguez

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WWDC23 • Session 10075

Design spatial SharePlay experiences

Design • visionOS • 16:25

Explore the types of shared activities you can create in your visionOS apps and find out how your apps can use Spatial Persona templates to support meaningful interactions between people. Discover how to design your UI around a shared context, handle immersive content in a shared activity, and more.

Speakers: Carnaven Chiu, Jay Moon

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WWDC23 • Session 10045

Detect animal poses in Vision

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 13:47

Go beyond detecting cats and dogs in images. We’ll show you how to use Vision to detect the individual joints and poses of these animals as well — all in real time — and share how you can enable exciting features like animal tracking for a camera app, creative embellishment on an animal photo, and more. We’ll also explore other important enhancements to Vision and share best practices. To learn even more about what’s new in the Vision framework, watch "Explore 3D body pose and person segmentation in Vision” and "Lift subjects from images in your app.” And to learn more about building live camera-tracking experiences, check out "Integrate with motorized iPhone stands using DockKit"

Speaker: Nadia Zouba

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WWDC23 • Session 10203

Develop your first immersive app

Spatial Computing • macOS • 31:07

Find out how you can build immersive apps for visionOS using Xcode and Reality Composer Pro. We’ll show you how to get started with a new visionOS project, use Xcode Previews for your SwiftUI development, and take advantage of RealityKit and RealityView to render 3D content.

Speaker: Peter Zion

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WWDC23 • Session 10149

Discover Observation in SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 12:51

Simplify your SwiftUI data models with Observation. We’ll share how the Observable macro can help you simplify models and improve your app’s performance. Get to know Observation, learn the fundamentals of the macro, and find out how to migrate from ObservableObject to Observable.

Speaker: Philippe Hausler

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WWDC23 • Session 10155

Discover String Catalogs

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 31:33

Discover how Xcode 15 makes it easy to localize your app by managing all of your strings in one place. We’ll show you how to extract, edit, export, and build strings in your project using String Catalogs. We’ll also share how you can adopt String Catalogs in existing projects at your own pace by choosing which files to migrate.

Speakers: Marina Aguilar, Matt Seaman

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WWDC23 • Session 10044

Discover machine learning enhancements in Create ML

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS • 16:50

Find out how Create ML can help you do even more with machine learning models. Learn about the latest updates to image understanding and text-based tasks with multilingual BERT embeddings. Discover how easy it is to train models that can understand the content of images using multi-label classification. We’ll also share information about interactive model evaluation and the latest APIs for custom training data augmentations. To learn more about the latest updates to machine learning, watch “Explore Natural Language multilingual models” and “Improve Core ML integration with async prediction" from WWDC23.

Speaker: David Findlay

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WWDC23 • Session 10233

Enhance your app’s audio experience with AirPods

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 14:58

Discover how you can create transformative audio experiences in your app using AirPods. Learn how to incorporate AirPods Automatic Switching, use AVAudioApplication to support Mute Control, and take advantage of Spatial Audio to create immersive soundscapes in your app or game.

Speaker: Suraj Sumangala

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WWDC23 • Session 10094

Enhance your iPad and iPhone apps for the Shared Space

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS • 12:03

Get ready to enhance your iPad and iPhone apps for the Shared Space! We’ll show you how to optimize your experience to make it feel great on visionOS and explore Designed for iPad app interaction, visual treatments, and media.

Speaker: John Marc Hickey

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WWDC23 • Session 10167

Expand on Swift macros

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 39:42

Discover how Swift macros can help you reduce boilerplate in your codebase and adopt complex features more easily. Learn how macros can analyze code, emit rich compiler errors to guide developers towards correct usage, and generate new code that is automatically incorporated back into your project. We’ll also take you through important concepts like macro roles, compiler plugins, and syntax trees.

Speaker: Becca Royal-Gordon

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WWDC23 • Session 10012

Explore App Store Connect for spatial computing

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS • 12:21

App Store Connect provides the tools you need to test, submit, and manage your visionOS apps on the App Store. Explore basics and best practices for deploying your first spatial computing app, adding support for visionOS to an existing app, and managing compatibility. We’ll also show you how TestFlight for visionOS can help you test your apps and collect valuable feedback as you iterate.

Speakers: Justin Thomas, Maciej Kujalowicz

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WWDC23 • Session 10192

Explore enhancements to RoomPlan

Spatial Computing • iOS • 22:30

Join us for an exciting update to RoomPlan as we explore MultiRoom support and enhancements to room representations. Learn how you can scan areas with more detail, capture multiple rooms, and merge individual scans into one larger structure. We’ll also share workflows and best practices when working with RoomPlan results that you want to combine into your existing 3D model library.

Speakers: Alex Ke, Antoine Tarault

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WWDC23 • Session 10168

Generalize APIs with parameter packs

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:24

Swift parameter packs are a powerful tool to expand what is possible in your generic code while also enabling you to simplify common generic patterns. We’ll show you how to abstract over types as well as the number of arguments in generic code and simplify common generic patterns to avoid overloads. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first checking out “Embrace Swift generics" from WWDC22.

Speaker: Sophia Poirier

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WWDC23 • Session 10260

Get started with building apps for spatial computing

Spatial Computing • macOS • 31:55

Get ready to develop apps and games for visionOS! Discover the fundamental building blocks that make up spatial computing — windows, volumes, and spaces — and find out how you can use these elements to build engaging and immersive experiences.

Speakers: Jim Tilander, Christopher Figueroa

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WWDC23 • Session 10104

Integrate your media app with HomePod

App Services • iOS • 13:16

Learn how people can interact with your media app directly from HomePod. We’ll show you how to add a media intent to your iPhone or iPad app and help people stream your content to a HomePod speaker over AirPlay simply by using their voice. Explore implementation details and get tips and best practices on how to create a great experience for music, audiobooks, podcasts, meditations, or other media types. To learn more about creating a great AirPlay experience, check out "Tune up your AirPlay audio experience” from WWDC23.

Speaker: Alex Abramets

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WWDC23 • Session 10176

Lift subjects from images in your app

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS • 18:37

Discover how you can easily pull the subject of an image from its background in your apps. Learn how to lift the primary subject or to access the subject at a given point with VisionKit. We’ll also share how you can lift subjects using Vision and combine that with lower-level frameworks like Core Image to create fun image effects and more complex compositing pipelines. For more information about the latest updates to VisionKit, check out “What’s new in VisionKit." And for more information about person segmentation in images, watch "Explore 3D body pose and person segmentation in Vision" from WWDC23.

Speakers: Lizzy Board, Saumitro Dasgupta

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WWDC23 • Session 10229

Make features discoverable with TipKit

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 14:45

Teach people how to use your app with TipKit! Learn how you can create effective educational moments through tips. We’ll share how you can build eligibility rules to reach the ideal audience, control tip frequency, and strategies for testing to ensure successful interactions.

Speakers: Ellie Gattozzi, Charlie Parks

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WWDC23 • Session 10082

Meet ARKit for spatial computing

Spatial Computing • visionOS • 24:10

Discover how you can use ARKit’s tracking and scene understanding features to develop a whole new universe of immersive apps and games. Learn how visionOS and ARKit work together to help you create apps that understand a person’s surroundings — all while preserving privacy. Explore the latest updates to the ARKit API and follow along as we demonstrate how to take advantage of hand tracking and scene geometry in your apps.

Speakers: Ryan Taylor, Conner Brooks

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WWDC23 • Session 10184

Meet ActivityKit

App Services • iOS • 17:15

Live Activities are a glanceable way for someone to keep track of the progress of a task within your app. We’ll teach you how you can create helpful experiences for the Lock Screen, the Dynamic Island, and StandBy. Learn how to update your app’s Live Activities, monitor activity state, and take advantage of WidgetKit and SwiftUI to build richer experiences.

Speaker: Can Aran

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WWDC23 • Session 10043

Meet MapKit for SwiftUI

Maps & Location • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 27:21

Discover how expanded SwiftUI support for MapKit has made it easier than ever for you to integrate Maps into your app. We’ll show you how to use SwiftUI to add annotations and overlays to a map, control the camera, and more.

Speaker: Jeff Meininger

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WWDC23 • Session 10083

Meet Reality Composer Pro

Spatial Computing • macOS • 21:12

Discover how to easily compose, edit, and preview 3D content with Reality Composer Pro. Follow along as we explore this developer tool by setting up a new project, composing scenes, adding particle emitters and audio, and even previewing content on device. Once you’re familiar with the basics of Reality Composer Pro, check out "Explore Materials in Reality Composer Pro" and "Work with Reality Composer Pro content in Xcode" to learn more advanced techniques and tips.

Speaker: Eric Chiu

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WWDC23 • Session 10279

Meet Safari for spatial computing

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS • 16:19

Discover the web for visionOS and learn how people can experience your web content in a whole new way. Explore the unique input model powering this platform and learn how you can optimize your website for spatial computing. We’ll also share how emerging standards are helping shape 3D experiences for the web.

Speakers: Etienne Segonzac, Tim Horton

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WWDC23 • Session 10013

Meet StoreKit for SwiftUI

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:59

Discover how you can use App Store product metadata and Xcode Previews to add in-app purchases to your app with just a few lines of code. Explore a new collection of UI components in StoreKit and learn how you can easily merchandise your products, present subscriptions in a way that helps users make informed decisions, and more.

Speaker: Greg Young

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WWDC23 • Session 10187

Meet SwiftData

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 8:52

SwiftData is a powerful and expressive persistence framework built for Swift. We’ll show you how you can model your data directly from Swift code, use SwiftData to work with your models, and integrate with SwiftUI.

Speaker: Ben Trumbull

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WWDC23 • Session 10109

Meet SwiftUI for spatial computing

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • visionOS • 25:59

Take a tour of the solar system with us and explore SwiftUI for visionOS! Discover how you can build an entirely new universe of apps with windows, volumes, and spaces. We’ll show you how to get started with SwiftUI on this platform as we build an astronomy app, add 3D content, and create a fully immersive experience to transport people to the stars.

Speaker: Andrew Richardson

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WWDC23 • Session 111215

Meet UIKit for spatial computing

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS • 25:39

Learn how to bring your UIKit app to visionOS. We’ll show you how to build for a new destination, explore APIs and best practices for spatial computing, and take your content into the third dimension when you use SwiftUI with UIKit in visionOS.

Speakers: Grace Kendall, Andrew Finke

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WWDC23 • Session 10026

Meet watchOS 10

Design • watchOS • 9:54

Discover some of the most significant changes to Apple Watch since its introduction as we tour the redesigned user interface and the new Smart Stack. Learn how Apple designers approached the design of watchOS 10 as we explore layout, navigation, and visual style, and find out how you can apply them to create a great app for Apple Watch.

Speaker: Taylor Carrigan

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WWDC23 • Session 10035

Perform accessibility audits for your app

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:54

Discover how you can test your app for accessibility with every build. Learn how to perform automated audits for accessibility using XCTest and find out how to interpret the results. We’ll also share enhancements to the accessibility API that can help you improve UI test coverage.

Speaker: Bhavya Garg

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WWDC23 • Session 10072

Principles of spatial design

Design • 21:34

Discover the fundamentals of spatial design. Learn how to design with depth, scale, windows, and immersion, and apply best practices for creating comfortable, human-centered experiences that transform reality. Find out how you can use these spatial design principles to extend your existing app or bring a new idea to life.

Speakers: Nathan Gitter, Amy DeDonato

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WWDC23 • Session 10002

Ready, set, relay: Protect app traffic with network relays

System Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 12:19

Learn how relays can make your app’s network traffic more private and secure without the overhead of a VPN. We’ll show you how to integrate relay servers in your own app and explore how enterprise networks can use relays to securely access internal resources.

Speaker: Keith Holleman

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WWDC23 • Session 10090

Run your iPad and iPhone apps in the Shared Space

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS • 14:17

Discover how you can run your existing iPad and iPhone apps on Vision Pro. Learn how iPadOS and iOS apps operate on this platform, find out about the Designed for iPad experience, and explore the paths available for enhancing your app experience on visionOS.

Speaker: Kellie Banzon

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WWDC23 • Session 10102

Spotlight your app with App Shortcuts

App Services • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 25:02

Discover how to use App Shortcuts to surface frequently used features from your app in Spotlight or through Siri. Find out how to configure search results for your app and learn best practices for creating great App Shortcuts. We’ll also show you how to build great visual and voice experiences and extend to other Apple devices like Apple Watch and HomePod. For more information about App Shortcuts and App Intents, check out “Explore enhancements to App Intents” and “Design Shortcuts for Spotlight" from WWDC23.

Speaker: Jerry Wong

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WWDC23 • Session 10137

Support Cinematic mode videos in your app

Photos & Camera • iOS, macOS • 24:52

Discover how the Cinematic Camera API helps your app work with Cinematic mode videos captured in the Camera app. We’ll share the fundamentals — including Decision layers — that make up Cinematic mode video, show you how to access and update Decisions in your app, and help you save and load those changes.

Speaker: Rasmus Ramsbol Jensen

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WWDC23 • Session 10181

Support HDR images in your app

Photos & Camera • iOS, macOS • 28:57

Learn how to identify, load, display, and create High Dynamic Range (HDR) still images in your app. Explore common HDR concepts and find out about the latest updates to the ISO specification. Learn how to identify and display HDR images with SwiftUI and UIKit, create them from ProRAW and RAW captures, and display them in CALayers. We’ll also take you through CoreGraphics support for ISO HDR and share best practices for HDR adoption.

Speakers: Jackson Roland, David Hayward

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WWDC23 • Session 10188

Sync to iCloud with CKSyncEngine

System Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:02

Discover how CKSyncEngine can help you sync people’s CloudKit data to iCloud. Learn how you can reduce the amount of code in your app when you let the system handle scheduling for your sync operations. We’ll share how you can automatically benefit from enhanced performance as CloudKit evolves, explore testing for your sync implementation, and more. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with CloudKit and CKRecord types.

Speakers: Tim Mahoney, Aamer Husain

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WWDC23 • Session 10238

Tune up your AirPlay audio experience

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 10:32

Learn how you can upgrade your app’s AirPlay audio experience to be more robust and responsive. We’ll show you how to adopt enhanced audio buffering with AVQueuePlayer, explore alternatives when building a custom player in your app, and share best practices.

Speaker: Kelly Sio

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WWDC23 • Session 10057

Unleash the UIKit trait system

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 29:50

Discover powerful enhancements to the trait system in UIKit. Learn how you can define custom traits to add your own data to UITraitCollection, modify the data propagated to view controllers and views with trait override APIs, and adopt APIs to improve flexibility and performance. We’ll also show you how to bridge UIKit traits with SwiftUI environment keys to seamlessly access data from both UIKit and SwiftUI components in your app.

Speaker: Tyler Fox

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WWDC23 • Session 10153

Unlock the power of grammatical agreement

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:20

Discover how you can use automatic grammatical agreement in your apps and games to create inclusive and more natural-sounding expressions. We’ll share best practices for working with Foundation, showcase examples in multiple languages, and demonstrate how to use these APIs to enhance the user experience for your apps. For an introduction to automatic grammatical agreement, watch “What’s new in Foundation” from WWDC21.

Speaker: Alla Shashkina

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WWDC23 • Session 10197

What’s new in SF Symbols 5

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:52

Explore the latest updates to SF Symbols, Apple’s library of iconography designed to integrate seamlessly with San Francisco, the system font for Apple platforms. Learn about symbol animations: a collection of expressive, configurable animations that can make your interface feel more lively and improve user feedback. See how to draw for animation when creating your own custom symbols, and discover the latest additions to the SF Symbols library. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “What’s new in SF Symbols 4” from WWDC22.

Speaker: Thalia Echevarría Fiol

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WWDC23 • Session 10140

What’s new in StoreKit 2 and StoreKit Testing in Xcode

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 24:24

Get to know the latest enhancements to StoreKit 2 and StoreKit Testing in Xcode. Discover API updates for promoted in-app purchases, StoreKit messages, the Transaction model, the RenewalInfo model, and the App Store sheet for managing subscriptions. Learn how to upgrade to SHA-256 for on-device receipt validation and use APIs to create SwiftUI views. We’ll also help you get started with StoreKit Testing in Xcode so that you can debug and test your in-app purchases and subscriptions. Meet the Transaction Inspector, explore the latest updates to the StoreKit configuration editor, and find out how you can simulate StoreKit errors to test your app’s error handling.

Speaker: Ricky Dall'Armellina

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WWDC23 • Session 10164

What’s new in Swift

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 43:06

Join us for an update on Swift. We’ll show you how APIs are becoming more extensible and expressive with features like parameter packs and macros. We’ll also take you through improvements to interoperability and share how we’re expanding Swift’s performance and safety benefits everywhere from Foundation to large-scale distributed programs on the server.

Speakers: Ben Cohen, Doug Gregor

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WWDC23 • Session 10148

What’s new in SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:02

Learn how you can use SwiftUI to build great apps for all Apple platforms. Explore the latest updates to SwiftUI and discover new scene types for visionOS. Simplify your data models with the latest data flow options and learn about the Inspector view. We’ll also take you through enhanced animation APIs, powerful ScrollView improvements, and a host of refinements to help you make tidier tables, improve focus and keyboard input, and so much more.

Speakers: Curt Clifton, Jeff Robertson

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WWDC23 • Session 10055

What’s new in UIKit

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 31:18

Explore enhancements and updates to UIKit and learn how to build better iOS, iPadOS, and Mac Catalyst apps. We’ll show you the latest features and improvements in UIKit and share API refinements, performance improvements, and much more.

Speaker: Dima Gorbik

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WWDC23 • Session 10048

What’s new in VisionKit

App Services • iOS, macOS • 19:55

Discover how VisionKit can help people quickly lift subjects from images in your app and learn more about the content of an image with Visual Look Up. We’ll also take a tour of the latest updates to VisionKit for Live Text interaction, data scanning, and expanded support for macOS apps. For more on VisionKit, check out “Lift subjects from images in your app" from WWDC23.

Speaker: Adam Bradford

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WWDC23 • Session 10165

What’s new in Xcode 15

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:32

Discover the latest productivity and performance improvements in Xcode 15. Explore enhancements to code completion and Xcode Previews, learn about the test navigator and test report, and find out more about the streamlined distribution process. We’ll also highlight improved navigation, source control management, and debugging.

Speakers: Shilpa Chirackel, Ryan Golbeck

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WWDC23 • Session 10040

What’s new in managing Apple devices

Business & Education • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 28:46

Learn about the latest management capabilities for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. Discover how you can streamline the setup experience with enhancements to automated device enrollment and a new return-to-service option for iOS and iPadOS devices. We’ll share how to use your identity provider in even more places on macOS and show you how Apple Configurator can help automate tasks.

Speakers: Patrick Gichuiri, Jonathan Broskey

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WWDC23 • Session 10120

What’s new in web apps

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS • 15:55

Discover web apps for Mac — a powerful way to experience your website from the Dock. Learn how you can customize your web app to give people the best experience when they add your site. We’ll also share how to take advantage of push notifications and badging for web apps for Mac and Home Screen web apps for iOS and iPadOS.

Speaker: Rachel Ginsberg

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WWDC23 • Session 10157

Wind your way through advanced animations in SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:11

Discover how you can take animation to the next level with the latest updates to SwiftUI. Join us as we wind our way through animation and build out multiple steps, use keyframes to add coordinated multi-track animated effects, and combine APIs in unique ways to make your app spring to life.

Speaker: Tim Donnelly

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WWDC23 • Session 10166

Write Swift macros

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:58

Discover how you can use Swift macros to make your codebase more expressive and easier to read. Code along as we explore how macros can help you avoid writing repetitive code and find out how to use them in your app. We’ll share the building blocks of a macro, show you how to test it, and take you through how you can emit compilation errors from macros.

Speaker: Alex Hoppen

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WWDC23 • Session 10159

Beyond scroll views

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 14:46

Find out how you can take your scroll views to the next level with the latest APIs in SwiftUI. We’ll show you how to customize scroll views like never before. Explore the relationship between safe areas and a scroll view’s margins, learn how to interact with the content offset of a scroll view, and discover how you can add a bit of flair to your content with scroll transitions.

Speaker: Harry Lane

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WWDC23 • Session 10028

Bring widgets to life

App Services • iOS, macOS • 18:46

Learn how to make animated and interactive widgets for your apps and games. We’ll show you how to tweak animations for entry transitions and add interactivity using SwiftUI Button and Toggle so that you can create powerful moments right from the Home Screen and Lock Screen.

Speaker: Luca Bernardi

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WWDC23 • Session 10093

Bring your Unity VR app to a fully immersive space

Graphics & Games • visionOS • 15:10

Discover how you can bring your existing Unity VR apps and games to visionOS. We’ll explore workflows that can help you get started and show you how to build for eyes and hands in your apps and games with the Unity Input System. Learn about Unity’s XR Interaction Toolkit, tips for foveated rendering, and best practices.

Speakers: Christopher Figueroa, Peter Kuhn

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WWDC23 • Session 10036

Build accessible apps with SwiftUI and UIKit

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:38

Discover how advancements in UI frameworks make it easier to build rich, accessible experiences. Find out how technologies like VoiceOver can better interact with your app’s interface through accessibility traits and actions. We’ll share the latest updates to SwiftUI that help you refine your accessibility experience and show you how to keep accessibility information up-to-date in your UIKit apps.

Speaker: Allison Lettiere

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10154

Build an app with SwiftData

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:53

Discover how SwiftData can help you persist data in your app. Code along with us as we bring SwiftData to a multi-platform SwiftUI app. Learn how to convert existing model classes into SwiftData models, set up the environment, reflect model layer changes in UI, and build document-based applications backed by SwiftData storage. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar SwiftData. For an introduction, check out "Meet SwiftData" from WWDC23.

Speaker: Julia Vashchenko

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10252

Build programmatic UI with Xcode Previews

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 27:02

Learn how you can use the #Preview macro on Xcode 15 to quickly iterate on your UI code written in SwiftUI, UIKit, or AppKit. Explore a collage of unique workflows for interacting with views right in the canvas, find out how to view multiple variations of UI simultaneously, and discover how you can travel through your widget’s timeline in seconds to test the transitions between entries. We’ll also show you how to add previews to libraries, provide sample assets, and preview your views in your physical devices to leverage their capabilities and existing data.

Speaker: Kevin Cathey

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10029

Build widgets for the Smart Stack on Apple Watch

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • watchOS • 24:07

Follow along as we build a widget for the Smart Stack on watchOS 10 using the latest SwiftUI and WidgetKit APIs. Learn tips, techniques, and best practices for creating widgets that show relevant information on Apple Watch.

Speaker: Calvin Gaisford

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10105

Create a more responsive camera experience

Photos & Camera • iOS • 34:56

Discover how AVCapture and PhotoKit can help you create more responsive and delightful apps. Learn about the camera capture process and find out how deferred photo processing can help create the best quality photo. We’ll show you how zero shutter lag uses time travel to capture the perfect action photo, dive into building a responsive capture pipeline, and share how you can adopt the Video Effects API to recognize pre-defined gestures that trigger real-time video effects.

Speakers: Rob Simutis, Sebastian Medina

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10257

Create animated symbols

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:04

Discover animation presets and learn how to use them with SF Symbols and custom symbols. We’ll show you how to experiment with different options and configurations to find the perfect animation for your app. Learn how to update custom symbols for animation using annotation features, find out how to modify your custom symbols with symbol components, and explore the redesigned export process to help keep symbols looking great on all platforms. To get the most out of this session, check out “What’s new in SF Symbols 5” from WWDC23.

Speaker: Paul Sim

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10088

Create immersive Unity apps

Graphics & Games • visionOS • 15:46

Explore how you can use Unity to create engaging and immersive experiences for visionOS. We’ll share how Unity integrates seamlessly with Apple frameworks, take you through the tools you can use to build natively for the platform, and show you how volume cameras can bring your existing scenes into visionOS windows, volumes, and spaces. Discover how to incorporate visionOS features like passthrough and scene understanding, customize your visuals with Shader Graph, and adapt your interactions to work with spatial input.

Speakers: John Calsbeek, Vladimir Vukicevic

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10007

Create seamless experiences with Virtualization

System Services • macOS • 15:57

Discover the latest updates to the Virtualization framework. We’ll show you how to configure a virtual machine (VM) to automatically resize its display, take you through saving and restoring a running VM, and explore storage and performance options for Virtualization apps running on the desktop or in the data center. To learn more about the Virtualization framework, check out “Create macOS or Linux virtual machines” from WWDC22.

Speaker: Scott Mionis

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10071

Deliver video content for spatial experiences

Audio & Video • visionOS • 16:30

Learn how to prepare and deliver video content for visionOS using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS). Discover the current HLS delivery process for media and explore how you can expand your delivery pipeline to support 3D content. Get up to speed with tips and techniques for spatial media streaming and adapting your existing caption production workflows for 3D. And find out how to share audio tracks across video variants and add spatial audio to make your video content more immersive.

Speaker: Chris Flick

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10263

Deploy passkeys at work

Business & Education • iOS, macOS • 16:22

Discover how you can take advantage of passkeys in managed environments at work. We’ll explore how passkeys can work well in enterprise environments through Managed Apple ID support for iCloud Keychain. We’ll also share how administrators can manage passkeys for specific devices using Access Management controls in Apple Business Manager and Apple School Manager.

Speaker: Alex Sokolov

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10309

Design widgets for the Smart Stack on Apple Watch

Design • watchOS • 12:26

Bring your widgets to watchOS with the new Smart Stack. We’ll show you how to use standard design layouts, color and iconography, and signal-based relevancy to ensure your app’s widgets are glanceable, distinctive and smart. When you’re ready to make your own, watch this code-along: "Build widgets for the Smart Stack on watchOS"

Speaker: Ed Chao

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10115

Design with SwiftUI

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:33

Discover how SwiftUI can help you quickly iterate and explore design ideas. Learn from Apple designers as they share how working with SwiftUI influenced the design of the Maps app in watchOS 10 and other elements of their work, and find out how you can incorporate these workflows in your own process.

Speakers: Will Danner, Philip Davis

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10052

Discover Calendar and EventKit

System Services • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 22:16

Discover how you can bring Calendar into your app and help people better manage their time. Find out how to create new events from your app, fetch events, and implement a virtual conference extension. We’ll also take you through some of the changes to calendar access levels that help your app stay connected without compromising the privacy of someone’s calendar data.

Speaker: Adam Kemp

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10256

Discover Continuity Camera for tvOS

Photos & Camera • iOS, tvOS • 29:11

Discover how you can bring AVFoundation, AVFAudio, and AudioToolbox to your apps on tvOS and create camera and microphone experiences for the living room. Find out how to support tvOS in your existing iOS camera experience with the Device Discovery API, build apps that use iPhone as a webcam or FaceTime source, and explore special considerations when developing for tvOS. We’ll also show you how to enable audio recording for tvOS, and how to use echo cancellation to create great voice-driven experiences.

Speakers: Kevin Tulod, Somesh Ganesh

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10081

Enhance your spatial computing app with RealityKit

Spatial Computing • iOS • 20:41

Go beyond the window and learn how you can bring engaging and immersive 3D content to your apps with RealityKit. Discover how SwiftUI scenes work in tandem with RealityView and how you can embed your content into an entity hierarchy. We’ll also explore how you can blend virtual content and the real world using anchors, bring particle effects into your apps, add video content, and create more immersive experiences with portals.

Speaker: Yujin Ariza

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10091

Evolve your ARKit app for spatial experiences

Spatial Computing • iOS • 27:41

Discover how you can bring your app’s AR experience to visionOS. Learn how ARKit and RealityKit have evolved for spatial computing: We’ll highlight conceptual and API changes for those coming from iPadOS and iOS and guide you to sessions with more details to help you bring your AR experience to this platform.

Speakers: Omid Khalili, Oliver Dunkley

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 111241

Explore 3D body pose and person segmentation in Vision

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 14:38

Discover how to build person-centric features with Vision. Learn how to detect human body poses and measure individual joint locations in 3D space. We’ll also show you how to take advantage of person segmentation APIs to distinguish and segment up to four individuals in an image. To learn more about the latest features in Vision, check out “Detect animal poses in Vision” from WWDC23.

Speaker: Andrew Rauh

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10042

Explore Natural Language multilingual models

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS • 14:24

Learn how to create custom Natural Language models for text classification and word tagging using multilingual, transformer-based embeddings. We’ll show you how to train with less data and support up to 27 different languages across three scripts. Find out how to use these embeddings to fine-tune complex models trained in PyTorch and TensorFlow. For more on Natural Language, check out "Make apps smarter with Natural Language” from WWDC20.

Speaker: Doug Davidson

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10156

Explore SwiftUI animation

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 30:01

Explore SwiftUI’s powerful animation capabilities and find out how these features work together to produce impressive visual effects. Learn how SwiftUI refreshes the rendering of a view, determines what to animate, interpolates values over time, and propagates context for the current transaction.

Speaker: Kyle Macomber

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10041

Explore advances in declarative device management

Business & Education • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:35

Learn how you can help IT administrators get the tools they need to manage their organization’s devices. Discover the latest changes to declarative device management, including software update management, additional asset types, status reporting for FileVault, and more.

Speaker: Cyrus Daboo

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10103

Explore enhancements to App Intents

App Services • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 29:43

Bring your widgets to life with App Intents! Explore the latest updates and learn how you can take advantage of dynamic options and user interactivity to build better experiences for your App Shortcuts. We’ll share how you can integrate with Apple Pay, structure your code more efficiently, and take your Shortcuts app integration to the next level. For more on App Intents and App Shortcuts, watch “Spotlight your app with App Shortcuts" from WWDC23.

Speaker: Roman Efimov

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10271

Explore immersive sound design

Design • visionOS • 14:32

Discover how you can use sound to enhance the experience of your visionOS apps and games. Learn how Apple designers select sounds and build soundscapes to create textural, immersive experiences. We’ll share how you can enrich basic interactions in your app with sound when you place audio cues spatially, vary repetitive sounds, and build moments of sonic delight into your app.

Speaker: Danielle Price

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10202

Explore materials in Reality Composer Pro

Spatial Computing • macOS • 20:14

Learn how Reality Composer Pro can help you alter the appearance of your 3D objects using RealityKit materials. We’ll introduce you to MaterialX and physically-based (PBR) shaders, show you how to design dynamic materials using the shader graph editor, and explore adding custom inputs to a material so that you can control it in your visionOS app. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Meet Reality Composer Pro.” Once you’re ready to learn how you can incorporate your models and materials into an Xcode project, check out "Work with Reality Composer Pro content in Xcode."

Speaker: Niels Gabel

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10175

Fix failures faster with Xcode test reports

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:00

Discover how you can find, debug, and fix test failures faster with the test report in Xcode and Xcode Cloud. Learn how Xcode identifies failure patterns to help you find the right place to start investigating. We’ll also show you how to use the UI automation explorer and video recordings to understand the events that led up to your UI test failure.

Speaker: Sonu Chinta

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10060

Get started with privacy manifests

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 12:48

Meet privacy manifests: a new tool that helps you accurately identify the privacy practices of your app’s dependencies. Find out how third-party SDK developers can use these manifests to share privacy practices for their frameworks. We’ll also share how Xcode can produce a full privacy report to help you more easily represent the privacy practices of all the code in your app.

Speaker: Tony Tan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10161

Inspectors in SwiftUI: Discover the details

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:03

Meet Inspectors — a structural API that can help bring a new level of detail to your apps. We’ll take you through the fundamentals of the API and show you how to adopt it. Learn about the latest updates to sheet presentation customizations and find out how you can combine the two to create perfect presentation experiences.

Speaker: Nick Teissler

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10146

Meet Core Location for spatial computing

Maps & Location • 10:41

Discover how Core Location helps your app find its place in the world — literally. We’ll share how you can build a spatial computing app that uses a person’s location while respecting their privacy. You’ll also learn how your app can request location access and how Core Location adapts requests from compatible iPad and iPhone apps.

Speaker: Ilya Veygman

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10191

Meet Object Capture for iOS

Spatial Computing • iOS, macOS • 20:05

Discover how you can offer an end-to-end Object Capture experience directly in your iOS apps to help people turn their objects into ready-to-use 3D models. Learn how you can create a fully automated Object Capture scan flow with our sample app and how you can assist people in automatically capturing the best content for their model. We’ll also discuss LiDAR data and provide best practices for scanning objects.

Speakers: Lei Zhou, Mona Yousofshahi

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10025

Meet Push Notifications Console

System Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 11:31

The Push Notifications Console is the best way to quickly test user notifications in your app. Learn how you can iterate on new ideas quickly by sending notifications directly from the console and analyze delivery logs to learn more about your pushes. We’ll also show you how to generate and validate tokens to successfully authenticate with Apple Push Notification service (APNs). To get the most out of this session, you should have a basic understanding of Apple Push Notification service (APNs) and user notifications.

Speaker: Artem Sokolov

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10099

Meet RealityKit Trace

Developer Tools • 20:56

Discover how you can use RealityKit Trace to improve the performance of your spatial computing apps. Explore performance profiling guidelines for this platform and learn how the RealityKit Trace template can help you optimize rendering for your apps. We’ll also provide guidance on profiling various types of content in your app to help pinpoint performance issues.

Speakers: Sarina Wu, Harjas Monga

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10268

Meet mergeable libraries

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 26:15

Discover how mergeable libraries combine the best parts of static and dynamic libraries to help improve your app’s productivity and runtime performance. Learn how you can enable faster development while shipping the smallest app. We’ll show you how to adopt mergeable libraries in Xcode 15 and share best practices for working with your code.

Speaker: Cyndy Mtenga Ishida

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10172

Mix Swift and C++

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:44

Learn how you can use Swift in your C++ and Objective-C++ projects to make your code safer, faster, and easier to develop. We’ll show you how to use C++ and Swift APIs to incrementally incorporate Swift into your app.

Speaker: Zoe Carver

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10195

Model your schema with SwiftData

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 9:24

Learn how to use schema macros and migration plans with SwiftData to build more complex features for your app. We’ll show you how to fine-tune your persistence with @Attribute and @Relationship options. Learn how to exclude properties from your data model with @Transient and migrate from one version of your schema to the next with ease. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching "Meet SwiftData" and "Build an app with SwiftData" from WWDC23.

Speaker: Rishi Verma

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10150

Optimize CarPlay for vehicle systems

System Services • iOS • 18:24

Discover how you can integrate CarPlay into modern vehicle systems. We’ll show you how to adjust CarPlay for any high-resolution display — regardless of configuration or size. Learn how you can use CarPlay-supplied metadata and video streams to show information on additional displays, and find out how advances in wireless connectivity, audio, and video encoding can help prepare your vehicle system for the next generation of CarPlay.

Speaker: Kartik Vats

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10100

Optimize app power and performance for spatial computing

Developer Tools • visionOS • 29:15

Learn how you can create powerful apps and games for visionOS by optimizing for performance and efficiency. We’ll cover the unique power characteristics of the platform, explore building a performance plan, and share some of the tools and strategies to test and optimize your apps.

Speaker: Rikky Roy Koganti

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10262

Rediscover Safari developer features

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 21:21

Get ready to explore Safari’s rich set of tools for web developers and designers. Learn how you can inspect web content, find out about Responsive Design Mode and WebDriver, and get started with simulators and devices. We’ll also show you how to pair with Vision Pro, make content inspectable in your apps, and use Open with Simulator in Responsive Design Mode to help you test your websites on any device.

Speaker: Patrick Angle

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10224

Simplify distribution in Xcode and Xcode Cloud

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 16:25

Discover how to share your app using Xcode’s streamlined distribution, which allows you to submit your app to TestFlight or the App Store with one click. We’ll also show you how to use Xcode Cloud to simplify your distribution process by automatically including notes for testers in TestFlight, and use post-action to automatically notarize your Mac apps.

Speakers: Chris D'Angelo, Jason Wu

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10113

Take SwiftUI to the next dimension

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • visionOS • 19:29

Get ready to add depth and dimension to your visionOS apps. Find out how to bring three-dimensional objects to your app using volumes, get to know the Model 3D API, and learn how to position and animate content. We’ll also show you how to use UI attachments in RealityView and support gestures in your content.

Speaker: Mark Ebbole

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10031

Update your app for watchOS 10

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • watchOS • 13:35

Join us as we update an Apple Watch app to take advantage of the latest features in watchOS 10. In this code-along, we’ll show you how to use the latest SwiftUI APIs to maximize glanceability and reorient app navigation around the Digital Crown.

Speaker: Nina Paripovic

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10061

Verify app dependencies with digital signatures

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:04

Discover how you can help secure your app’s dependencies. We’ll show you how Xcode can automatically verify any signed XCFrameworks you include within a project. Learn how code signatures work, the benefits they provide to help protect your software supply chain, and how SDK developers can sign their XCFrameworks to help keep your apps secure.

Speaker: Kay Xu

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10178

What’s new in App Clips

App Services • iOS • 6:20

Explore the latest updates to App Clips. We’ll show you how to build App Clips more easily using default App Clip links. Learn how you can take advantage of the increased App Clip size limit to build richer and more engaging experiences, and find out how you can launch App Clips directly from your app.

Speaker: Kevin Turner

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10117

What’s new in App Store Connect

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:01

Discover the latest updates to App Store Connect, the suite of tools used to manage and submit apps to the App Store. Explore how you can use the latest features to test, price, promote, and automate the management of your app more easily. We’ll also share enhancements to tools like TestFlight and the App Store Connect API.

Speaker: Laurel McAndrews

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10014

What’s new in App Store pricing

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 26:41

Discover the latest updates to App Store pricing capabilities and tools. Learn how you can manage pricing for your apps and in-app purchases within App Store Connect and the App Store Connect API, how to set pricing by region, and more.

Speakers: Chong Chung, Claire Liu

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10141

What’s new in App Store server APIs

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:05

Discover the latest updates to the App Store Server API and App Store Server Notifications. Explore the current API offerings and learn how to track subscription status with notifications, work with transactions on your server, and efficiently recover missed notifications. We’ll also show you how your server can support apps using StoreKit or StoreKit 2, and share an important deprecation in the API and suggested migration workflow.

Speaker: Ian Zanger

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10054

What’s new in AppKit

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 27:17

Discover the latest advances in Mac app development. We’ll share improvements to controls and menus and explore the tools that can help you break free from your (view) bounds. Learn how to add motion to your user interface, take advantage of improvements to text input, and integrate your existing code with Swift and SwiftUI.

Speakers: Aasim Kandrikar, Raleigh Ledet

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10121

What’s new in CSS

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS • 35:05

Explore the latest advancements in CSS. Learn techniques and best practices for working with wide-gamut color, creating gorgeous typography, and writing simple and robust code. We’ll also peer into the future and preview upcoming layout and typography features.

Speaker: Jen Simmons

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10053

What’s new in privacy

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 32:48

At Apple, we believe that privacy is a fundamental human right. Learn about new technologies on Apple platforms that make it easier for you to implement essential privacy patterns that build customer trust in your app. Discover privacy improvements for Apple’s platforms, as well as a study of how privacy shaped the software architecture and design for the input model on visionOS.

Speaker: Michael Hesse

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10235

What’s new in voice processing

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 15:53

Learn how to use the Apple voice processing APIs to achieve the best possible audio experience in your VoIP apps. We’ll show you how to detect when someone is talking while muted, adjust ducking behavior of other audio, and more.

Speaker: Julian Yu

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10273

Work with Reality Composer Pro content in Xcode

Spatial Computing • macOS • 34:14

Learn how to bring content from Reality Composer Pro to life in Xcode. We’ll show you how to load 3D scenes into Xcode, integrate your content with your code, and add interactivity to your app. We’ll also share best practices and tips for using these tools together in your development workflow. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “Meet Reality Composer Pro” and “Explore materials in Reality Composer Pro" to learn more about creating 3D scenes.

Speaker: Amanda Wixted

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10128

Your guide to Metal ray tracing

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 31:57

Discover how you can enhance the visual quality of your games and apps with Metal ray tracing. We’ll take you through the fundamentals of the Metal ray tracing API. Explore the latest enhancements and techniques that will enable you to create larger and more complex scenes, reduce memory usage and build times, and efficiently render visual content like hair and fur.

Speaker: Pawel Szczerbuk

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10248

Analyze hangs with Instruments

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 42:52

User interface elements often mimic real-world interactions, including real-time responses. Apps with a noticeable delay in user interaction — a hang — can break that illusion and create frustration. We’ll show you how to use Instruments to analyze, understand, and fix hangs in your apps on all Apple platforms. Discover how you can efficiently navigate an Instruments trace document, interpret trace data, and record additional profiling data to better understand your specific hang. If you aren’t familiar with using Instruments, we recommend first watching "Getting Started with Instruments." And to learn about other tools that can help you discover hangs in your app, check out "Track down hangs with Xcode and on-device detection."

Speaker: Joachim Kurz

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10258

Animate symbols in your app

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:06

Bring delight to your app with animated symbols. Explore the new Symbols framework, which features a unified API to create and configure symbol effects. Learn how SwiftUI, AppKit, and UIKit make it easy to animate symbols in user interfaces. Discover tips and tricks to seamlessly integrate the new animations alongside other app content. To get the most from this session, we recommend first watching “What’s new in SF Symbols 5.”

Speaker: Anant Jain

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10170

Beyond the basics of structured concurrency

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 24:22

It’s all about the task tree: Find out how structured concurrency can help your apps manage automatic task cancellation, task priority propagation, and useful task-local value patterns. Learn how to manage resources in your app with useful patterns and the latest task group APIs. We’ll show you how you can leverage the power of the task tree and task-local values to gain insight into distributed systems. Before watching, review the basics of Swift Concurrency and structured concurrency by checking out “Swift concurrency: Behind the scenes” and “Explore structured concurrency in Swift” from WWDC21.

Speaker: Evan Wilde

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10023

Build a multi-device workout app

Health & Fitness • iOS, watchOS • 12:42

Learn how you can get iPhone involved in your Apple Watch-based workout apps with HealthKit. We’ll show you how to mirror workouts between devices and take a ride with cycling data types. Plus, get to know HealthKit for iPad.

Speaker: Sirisha Paila

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10056

Build better document-based apps

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 13:55

Discover how you can use the latest features in iPadOS to improve your document-based apps. We’ll show you how to take advantage of UIDocument as well as existing desktop-class iPad and document-based APIs to add new features in your app. Find out how to convert data models to UIDocument, present documents with UIDocumentViewController, learn how to migrate your apps to the latest APIs, and explore best practices.

Speaker: Michael Ochs

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10006

Build robust and resumable file transfers

System Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 20:38

Find out how URLSession can help your apps transfer large files and recover from network interruptions. Learn how to pause and resume HTTP file transfers and support resumable uploads, and explore best practices for using URLSession to transfer files even when your app is suspended in the background.

Speaker: Jonathan Flat

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10087

Build spatial SharePlay experiences

Spatial Computing • visionOS • 24:30

Discover how you can use the GroupActivities framework to build unique sharing and collaboration experiences for visionOS. We’ll introduce you to SharePlay on this platform, learn how to create experiences that make people feel present as if they were in the same space, and explore how immersive apps can respect shared context between participants.

Speakers: Willem Mattelaer, Mia Ren

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10274

Create 3D models for Quick Look spatial experiences

Spatial Computing • visionOS • 22:05

Discover best practices when creating 3D content for Quick Look on visionOS. We’ll explore a few different ways to prepare your models for Quick Look, cover important considerations for 3D quality and performance, and show you how to use Reality Composer Pro and Reality Trace to inspect and fine-tune your content.

Speaker: Shuai Song

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10070

Create a great spatial playback experience

Audio & Video • visionOS • 13:57

Get ready to support video in your visionOS app! Take a tour of the frameworks and APIs that power video playback and learn how you can update your app to play 3D content. We’ll also share tips for customizing playback to create a more immersive watching experience.

Speaker: Jeremy Jones

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10278

Create practical workflows in Xcode Cloud

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 28:36

Learn how Xcode Cloud can help teams of all shapes and sizes in their development process. We’ll share different ways to configure actions to help you create simple yet powerful workflows, and show you how to extend Xcode Cloud when you integrate with additional tools.

Speaker: Romain Pouclet

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10160

Demystify SwiftUI performance

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:47

Learn how you can build a mental model for performance in SwiftUI and write faster, more efficient code. We’ll share some of the common causes behind performance issues and help you triage hangs and hitches in SwiftUI to create more responsive views in your app.

Speaker: Raj Ramamurthy

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10193

Design Shortcuts for Spotlight

Design • iOS • 9:39

Learn about the latest updates to the visual language of App Shortcuts and find out how to design your shortcut to appear as a top hit in Spotlight. We’ll share how shortcuts can appear on iOS or iPadOS, and show you how to customize the visual appearance of a shortcut, personalize its order, select its correct behavior, and increase discoverability.

Speaker: Cameron Burgess

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10194

Design dynamic Live Activities

Design • iOS • 14:59

Live Activities allow your app to display live information in key system locations on iOS and iPadOS. Learn the best way to create graphically rich layouts that update seamlessly on the Lock Screen, in StandBy, and in the Dynamic Island. Incorporate interactivity and animation to help people stay in touch with live updating events from your app as they navigate outside of your app.

Speakers: Mac Tyler, Chan Karunamuni

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WWDC23 • Session 10085

Discover Quick Look for spatial computing

Spatial Computing • visionOS • 11:24

Learn how to use Quick Look on visionOS to add powerful previews for 3D content, spatial images and videos, and much more. We’ll show you the different ways that the system presents these experiences, demonstrate how someone can drag and drop Quick Look content from an app or website to create a separate window with that content, and explore how you can present Quick Look directly within an app.

Speaker: Youssef Elabd

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WWDC23 • Session 10254

Do more with Managed Apple IDs

Business & Education • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 19:42

Explore the latest updates to Managed Apple IDs and learn how you can use them in your organization. Take advantage of additional apps and services available to Managed Apple IDs, discover the Account-Driven Device Enrollment flow, and find out how to use access management controls to limit the devices and Apple services that Managed Apple IDs can access. We’ll also show you how to federate with your identity provider to automate creation and sync with your directory.

Speaker: Darsh Shah

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WWDC23 • Session 10122

Explore media formats for the web

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS • 21:57

Learn about the latest image formats and video technologies supported in Safari 17. Discover how you can use JPEG XL, AVIF, and HEIC in your websites and experiences and learn how they differ from previous formats. We’ll also show you how the Managed Media Source API draws less power than Media Source Extensions (MSE) and explore how you can use it to more efficiently manage streaming video over 5G.

Speaker: Jean-Yves Avenard

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WWDC23 • Session 10037

Explore pie charts and interactivity in Swift Charts

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 10:14

Swift Charts has come full circle: Get ready to bake up pie and donut charts in your app with the latest improvements to the framework. Learn how to make your charts scrollable, explore the chart selection API for revealing additional details in your data, and find out how enabling additional interactivity can make your charts even more delightful.

Speaker: Richard Wei

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WWDC23 • Session 10095

Explore rendering for spatial computing

Spatial Computing • iOS • 16:59

Find out how you can take control of RealityKit rendering to improve the look and feel of your apps and games on visionOS. Discover how you can customize lighting, add grounding shadows, and control tone mapping for your content. We’ll also go over best practices for two key treatments on the platform: rasterization rate maps and dynamic content scaling.

Speaker: Ivan Gavrenkov

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WWDC23 • Session 10033

Extend Speech Synthesis with personal and custom voices

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS • 12:48

Bring the latest advancements in Speech Synthesis to your apps. Learn how you can integrate your custom speech synthesizer and voices into iOS and macOS. We’ll show you how SSML is used to generate expressive speech synthesis, and explore how Personal Voice can enable your augmentative and assistive communication app to speak on a person’s behalf in an authentic way.

Speaker: Grant Maloney

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WWDC23 • Session 10111

Go beyond the window with SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • visionOS • 23:53

Get ready to launch into space — a new SwiftUI scene type that can help you make great immersive experiences for visionOS. We’ll show you how to create a new scene with ImmersiveSpace, place 3D content, and integrate RealityView. Explore how you can use the immersionStyle scene modifier to increase the level of immersion in an app and learn best practices for managing spaces, adding virtual hands with ARKit, adding support for SharePlay, and building an "out of this world" experience!

Speakers: Raffael Hannemann, Mark Ma

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WWDC23 • Session 10049

Improve Core ML integration with async prediction

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:21

Learn how to speed up machine learning features in your app with the latest Core ML execution engine improvements and find out how aggressive asset caching can help with inference and faster model loads. We’ll show you some of the latest options for async prediction and discuss considerations for balancing performance with overall memory usage to help you create a highly responsive app. Discover APIs to help you understand and maximize hardware utilization for your models. For more on optimizing Core ML model usage, check out "Use Core ML Tools for machine learning model compression" from WWDC23.

Speaker: Ben Levine

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WWDC23 • Session 10304

Integrate with motorized iPhone stands using DockKit

Photos & Camera • iOS • 17:35

Discover how you can create incredible photo and video experiences in your camera app when integrating with DockKit-compatible motorized stands. We’ll show how your app can automatically track subjects in live video across a 360-degree field of view, take direct control of the stand to customize framing, directly control the motors, and provide your own inference model for tracking other objects. Finally, we’ll demonstrate how to create a sense of emotion through dynamic device animations. To learn more techniques for image tracking, check out “Detect animal poses in Vision” from WWDC23 and "Classify hand poses and actions with Create ML” from WWDC21.

Speaker: Onur Tackin

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WWDC23 • Session 10147

Meet Core Location Monitor

Maps & Location • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 16:03

Discover how Core Location Monitor can help you better understand location and beacon events in your app. Learn how to use Core Location Conditions to describe and track the state of events in your app, and find out how you can better respond to transitions in your apps through Swift semantics and improved reliability.

Speaker: Nivash Karukankaatur Murugasamy

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10143

Meet the App Store Server Library

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:39

Discover the App Store Server Library and learn how you can take advantage of resources and configurations for your apps. We’ll show you how to set up the library, call the App Store Server API, verify App Store Server Notifications, and use app receipts. Explore insights and best practices for using App Store Server API endpoints, verifying App Store signed data, and migrating away from verifyReceipt.

Speakers: Dave Wendland, Alex Baker

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WWDC23 • Session 10189

Migrate to SwiftData

Swift • iOS, macOS • 11:13

Discover how you can start using SwiftData in your apps. We’ll show you how to use Xcode to generate model classes from your existing Core Data object models, use SwiftData alongside your previous implementation, or even completely replace your existing solution. Before watching this session, make sure you check out "Meet SwiftData."

Speaker: Luvena Huo

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WWDC23 • Session 10127

Optimize GPU renderers with Metal

Graphics & Games • macOS • 16:57

Discover how to optimize your GPU renderer using the latest Metal features and best practices. We’ll show you how to use function specialization and parallel shader compilation to maintain responsive authoring workflows and the fastest rendering speeds, and help you tune your compute shaders for optimal performance.

Speaker: Gauri Jog

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WWDC23 • Session 10050

Optimize machine learning for Metal apps

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS • 21:14

Discover the latest enhancements to accelerated ML training in Metal. Find out about updates to PyTorch and TensorFlow, and learn about Metal acceleration for JAX. We’ll show you how MPS Graph can support faster ML inference when you use both the GPU and Apple Neural Engine, and share how the same API can rapidly integrate your Core ML and ONNX models. For more information on using Metal for machine learning, check out “Accelerate machine learning with Metal” from WWDC22.

Speaker: Denis Vieriu

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WWDC23 • Session 10266

Protect your Mac app with environment constraints

Privacy & Security • macOS • 16:39

Learn how to improve the security of your Mac app by adopting environment constraints. We’ll show you how to set limits on how processes are launched, make sure your Launch Agents and Launch Daemons aren’t tampered with, and prevent unwanted code from running in your address space.

Speaker: Robert Kendall-Kuppe

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WWDC23 • Session 10250

Prototype with Xcode Playgrounds

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 24:26

Speed up feature development by prototyping new code with Xcode Playgrounds, eliminating the need to keep rebuilding and relaunching your project to verify your changes. We’ll show you how using a playground in your project or package can help you try out your code in various scenarios and take a close look at the returned values, including complex structures and user interface elements, so you can quickly iterate on a feature before integrating it into your project.

Speaker: Dariusz Bukowski

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WWDC23 • Session 10004

Reduce network delays with L4S

System Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:04

Streaming video, multiplayer games, and other real-time experiences depend on responsive, low latency networking. Learn how Low Latency, Low Loss, Scalable throughput (L4S) can reduce network delays and improve the overall experience in your app. We’ll show you how to set up and test your app, network, and server with L4S.

Speaker: Shawn Zhang

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WWDC23 • Session 10106

Support external cameras in your iPadOS app

Photos & Camera • visionOS • 32:41

Learn how you can discover and connect to external cameras in your iPadOS app using the AVFoundation capture classes. We’ll show you how to rotate video from both external and built-in cameras, support external microphones with USB-C, and perform audio routing. Explore telephony support, tunings for optimal echo cancellation, and best practices for external camera adoption.

Speaker: Nikolas Gelo

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WWDC23 • Session 10185

Update Live Activities with push notifications

App Services • iOS • 18:19

Discover how you can remotely update Live Activities in your app when you push content through Apple Push Notification service (APNs). We’ll show you how to configure your first Live Activity push locally so you can quickly iterate on your implementation. Learn best practices for determining your push priority and configuring alerting updates, and explore how to further improve your Live Activities with relevance score and stale date. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with ActivityKit and Live Activities. Check out “Meet ActivityKit” for an introduction to Live Activities.

Speaker: Jeff Wu

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WWDC23 • Session 10047

Use Core ML Tools for machine learning model compression

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS • 25:18

Discover how to reduce the footprint of machine learning models in your app with Core ML Tools. Learn how to use techniques like palettization, pruning, and quantization to dramatically reduce model size while still achieving great accuracy. Explore comparisons between compression during the training stages and on fully trained models, and learn how compressed models can run even faster when your app takes full advantage of the Apple Neural Engine. For more on optimizing Core ML, check out “Improve Core ML integration with async prediction" from WWDC23.

Speakers: Pulkit Agrawal, Srijan Mishra

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WWDC23 • Session 10015

What’s new in App Store pre-orders

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 7:37

Discover the latest enhancements to App Store pre-orders, including regional publishing. We’ll show you how to use App Store Connect to set up pre-orders to simultaneously soft launch your app and offer it in different regions.

Speaker: Will Lo

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WWDC23 • Session 10108

What’s new in Background Assets

App Services • iOS, macOS • 33:58

Waiting is no fun! Discover how Background Assets can help your app download content before it even launches. We’ll show you how to integrate Background Assets into an existing app, explore when to use essential or non-essential assets, and learn how to make debugging your extension a breeze.

Speaker: Jared Jones

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WWDC23 • Session 10186

What’s new in Core Data

System Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:22

Elevate your app’s data persistence with improvements in Core Data. Learn how you can use composite attributes to create more intuitive data models. We’ll also show you how to migrate your schema through disruptive changes, when to defer intense migrations, and how to avoid overhead on a person’s device. To get the most out of this session, you should be familiar with handling different data types in Core Data as well as the basics of lightweight migration.

Speaker: David Stites

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WWDC23 • Session 10136

What’s new in ScreenCaptureKit

Graphics & Games • macOS • 13:43

Level up your screen sharing experience with the latest features in ScreenCaptureKit. Explore the built-in system picker, Presenter Overlay, and screenshot capabilities, and learn how to incorporate these features into your existing ScreenCaptureKit app or game.

Speakers: Christopher Garrido, Natalie Lindsay

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WWDC23 • Session 10114

What’s new in Wallet and Apple Pay

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:30

Discover the latest updates to Wallet and Apple Pay. Learn how to take advantage of preauthorized payments, funds transfer, and Apple Pay Later merchandising to create great Apple Pay experiences in your app or for the web. Explore improved support for Mail, Messages, Safari, and third-party apps in Wallet Order Tracking, and find out how you can add more information to an order’s transaction or receipt details. And we’ll introduce you to Tap to Present ID on iPhone (or ID Verifier), a new way to accept IDs in Wallet using iPhone — no additional hardware needed.

Speakers: David Stockley, Jonathan Downing

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10058

What’s new with text and text interactions

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 15:44

Text is an absolutely critical component of every app. Discover the latest features and enhancements for creating rich text experiences on Apple platforms. We’ll show you how to take advantage of common text elements and create entirely custom interactions for your app. Learn about updates to dictation, text loupe, and text selection, and explore improvements to text clipping, line wrapping, and hyphenation.

Speaker: James Magahern

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10158

Animate with springs

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:52

Discover how you can bring life to your app with animation! We’ll show you how to create amazing animations when you take advantage of springs and help you learn how to use them in your app.

Speaker: Jacob Xiao

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WWDC23 • Session 10101

Customize on-device speech recognition

ML & Vision • iOS, macOS • 7:51

Find out how you can improve on-device speech recognition in your app by customizing the underlying model with additional vocabulary. We’ll share how speech recognition works on device and show you how to boost specific words and phrases for more predictable transcription. Learn how you can provide specific pronunciations for words and use template support to quickly generate a full set of custom phrases — all at runtime. For more on the Speech framework, check out “Advances in Speech Recognition” from WWDC19.

Speaker: Ethan Peters

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WWDC23 • Session 10078

Design considerations for vision and motion

Design • visionOS • 15:09

Learn how to design engaging immersive experiences for visionOS that respect the limitations of human vision and motion perception. We’ll show you how you can use depth cues, contrast, focus, and motion to keep people comfortable as they enjoy your apps and games.

Speakers: Manda Paul, Herman Damveld

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10089

Discover Metal for immersive apps

Graphics & Games • visionOS • 20:51

Find out how you can use Metal to render fully immersive experiences for visionOS. We’ll show you how to set up a rendering session on the platform and create a basic render loop, and share how you can make your experience interactive by incorporating spatial input.

Speaker: Pau Sastre Miguel

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC23 • Session 10180

Discover streamlined location updates

Maps & Location • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:22

Move into the future with Core Location! Meet the CLLocationUpdate class, designed for modern Swift concurrency, and learn how it simplifies getting location updates. We’ll show you how this class works with your apps when they run in the foreground or background and share some best practices.

Speaker: Siraj Abidi

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WWDC23 • Session 10196

Dive deeper into SwiftData

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:35

Learn how you can harness the power of SwiftData in your app. Find out how ModelContext and ModelContainer work together to persist your app’s data. We’ll show you how to track and make your changes manually and use SwiftData at scale with FetchDescriptor, SortDescriptor, and enumerate. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching "Meet SwiftData" and "Model your schema with SwiftData" from WWDC23.

Speaker: Nick Gillett

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WWDC23 • Session 10110

Elevate your windowed app for spatial computing

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • visionOS • 15:56

Discover how you can bring your multiplatform SwiftUI app to visionOS and the Shared Space. We’ll show you how to add the visionOS destination to an existing app and view your app in the Simulator. Explore how your SwiftUI code automatically adapts to support the unique context and presentation of the visionOS platform. Learn how you can update custom views, improve your app’s UI, and add features and controls specific to this platform.

Speaker: Harlan Haskins

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WWDC23 • Session 10107

Embed the Photos Picker in your app

Photos & Camera • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 14:15

Discover how you can simply, safely, and securely access the Photos Library in your app. Learn how to get started with the embedded picker and explore the options menu and HDR still image support. We’ll also show you how to take advantage of UI customization options to help the picker blend into your existing interface.

Speaker: Justin Jia

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WWDC23 • Session 10275

Explore AirPlay with interstitials

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 19:51

Learn how you can use HLS Interstitials with AirPlay to create seamless transitions for your video content between advertisements. We’ll share best practices and tips for creating a great experience when sharing content from Apple devices to popular smart TVs.

Speaker: Amit Suri

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WWDC23 • Session 10142

Explore testing in-app purchases

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 19:37

Learn how you can test in-app purchases throughout development with StoreKit Testing in Xcode, App Store sandbox, and TestFlight. Explore how each tool functions and how you can combine them to build the right workflow for testing your apps and games. We’ll also share a sneak preview of how you can test Family Sharing for in-app purchases & subscriptions in the App Store sandbox.

Speaker: Hemant Sawle

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WWDC23 • Session 10086

Explore the USD ecosystem

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS • 14:26

Discover the latest updates to Universal Scene Description (USD) on Apple platforms and learn how you can deliver great 3D content for your apps, games, and websites. Get to know USD for visionOS, explore MaterialX shaders and color management, and find out about some of the other improvements to the USD ecosystem.

Speaker: Dhruv Govil

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WWDC23 • Session 10281

Keep up with the keyboard

App Services • iOS • 15:36

Each year, the keyboard evolves to support an increasing range of languages, sizes, and features. Discover how you can design your app to keep up with the keyboard, regardless of how it appears on a device. We’ll show you how to create frictionless text entry and share important architectural changes to help you understand how the keyboard works within the system.

Speaker: Spencer Lewson

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WWDC23 • Session 10032

Meet Assistive Access

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS • 8:08

Learn how Assistive Access can help people with cognitive disabilities more easily use iPhone and iPad. Discover the design principles that guide Assistive Access and find out how the system experience adapts to lighten cognitive load. We’ll show you how Assistive Access works and what you can do to support this experience in your app.

Speaker: Allen Whearry

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WWDC23 • Session 10171

Meet Swift OpenAPI Generator

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:55

Discover how Swift OpenAPI Generator can help you work with HTTP server APIs whether you’re extending an iOS app or writing a server in Swift. We’ll show you how this package plugin can streamline your workflow and simplify your codebase by generating code from an OpenAPI document.

Speaker: Si Beaumont

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WWDC23 • Session 10039

Meet device management for Apple Watch

Business & Education • iOS, watchOS • 17:31

Organizations can now deploy and configure Apple Watch in addition to other Apple devices. Learn how to implement device management for watchOS to help organizations improve productivity, support wellness, and provide additional support for their employees.

Speaker: Melissa Nierle

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WWDC23 • Session 10241

Share files with SharePlay

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 9:39

Discover how to work with files and attachments in a SharePlay activity. We’ll explain how to use the GroupSessionJournal API to sync large amounts of data faster and show you how to adopt it in a demo of the sample app DrawTogether.

Speaker: Adam Syed

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WWDC23 • Session 10162

The SwiftUI cookbook for focus

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:17

The SwiftUI team is back in the coding "kitchen" with powerful tools to shape your app’s focus experience. Join us and learn about the staple ingredients that support focus-driven interactions in your app. Discover focus interactions for custom views, find out about key-press handlers for keyboard input, and learn how to support movement and hierarchy with focus sections. We’ll also go through some tasty recipes for common focus patterns in your app.

Speaker: Cody Brimhall

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WWDC23 • Session 10179

What’s new in Core Motion

App Services • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 23:16

Learn how you can use the latest Core Motion updates to expand how your app uses motion data. Discover how to stream higher-frequency sensor data when recording a HealthKit workout on Apple Watch. We’ll show you how you can get submersion data — including water depth and temperature — during water-based activities like snorkeling. Find out how to stream motion data like attitude, user acceleration, and rotation rate from audio devices like AirPods to connected devices like iPhone and Mac.

Speaker: Erin Paeng

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WWDC23 • Session 10119

What’s new in Safari extensions

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS • 12:11

Learn about the latest improvements to Safari extensions. We’ll take you through new APIs, explore per-site permissions for Safari app extensions, and share how you can make sure your extensions work great in both Private Browsing and Profiles.

Speaker: David Johnson

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WWDC23 • Session 10118

What’s new in Web Inspector

Safari & Web • iOS, macOS • 28:15

Web Inspector provides a powerful set of tools to debug and inspect web pages, web extensions, and WKWebViews on macOS, iOS and iPadOS. We’ll share the latest updates, including improved typography inspection, editing tools for variable fonts, controls to emulate people’s preferences, element badges in the DOM node tree, and Symbolic breakpoints.

Speaker: Răzvan Căliman

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WWDC24 • Session 101


Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:44:04

Don’t miss the exciting reveal of the latest Apple software and technologies.

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WWDC24 • Session 102

Platforms State of the Union

Essentials • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 1:06:31

Discover the newest advancements on Apple platforms.

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10067

Bring context to today’s weather

Maps & Location • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 16:07

Harness the power of WeatherKit to get detailed weather forecast data such as precipitation amounts by type, cloud cover by altitude, or maximum wind speed. Find out how you can summarize weather by different parts of the day and highlight significant upcoming changes to temperature or precipitation. Understand how you can compare current weather to the past through our Historical Comparisons dataset and dive into historical weather statistics for any location in the world. We’ll also explore how you can do all of this faster with our Swift and REST APIs.

Speaker: Sidy Diop

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WWDC24 • Session 10068

Bring your Live Activity to Apple Watch

App Services • iOS, watchOS • 10:27

Bring Live Activities into the Smart Stack on Apple Watch with iOS 18 and watchOS 11. We’ll cover how Live Activities are presented on Apple Watch, as well as how you can enhance their presentation for the Smart Stack. We’ll also explore additional considerations to ensure Live Activities on Apple Watch always present up-to-date information.

Speaker: Anne Hitchcock

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WWDC24 • Session 10133

Bring your app to Siri

Machine Learning & AI • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 21:49

Learn how to use App Intents to expose your app’s functionality to Siri. Understand which intents are already available for your use, and how to create custom intents to integrate actions from your app into the system. We’ll also cover what metadata to provide, making your entities searchable via Spotlight, annotating onscreen references, and much more.

Speaker: Daniel Niemeyer

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WWDC24 • Session 10210

Bring your app’s core features to users with App Intents

Machine Learning & AI • iOS, macOS • 26:02

Learn the principles of the App Intents framework, like intents, entities, and queries, and how you can harness them to expose your app’s most important functionality right where people need it most. Find out how to build deep integration between your app and the many system features built on top of App Intents, including Siri, controls and widgets, Apple Pencil, Shortcuts, the Action button, and more. Get tips on how to build your App Intents integrations efficiently to create the best experiences in every surface while still sharing code and core functionality.

Speaker: Christopher Nebel

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WWDC24 • Session 10159

Bring your machine learning and AI models to Apple silicon

Machine Learning & AI • iOS, macOS • 30:09

Learn how to optimize your machine learning and AI models to leverage the power of Apple silicon. Review model conversion workflows to prepare your models for on-device deployment. Understand model compression techniques that are compatible with Apple silicon, and at what stages in your model deployment workflow you can apply them. We’ll also explore the tradeoffs between storage size, latency, power usage and accuracy.

Speakers: Qiqi Ziao, Junpei Zhou

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WWDC24 • Session 10166

Build compelling spatial photo and video experiences

Spatial Computing • iOS, macOS • 21:52

Learn how to adopt spatial photos and videos in your apps. Explore the different types of stereoscopic media and find out how to capture spatial videos in your iOS app on iPhone 15 Pro. Discover the various ways to detect and present spatial media, including the new QuickLook Preview Application API in visionOS. And take a deep dive into the metadata and stereo concepts that make a photo or video spatial.

Speaker: Vedant Saran

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WWDC24 • Session 10102

Compose interactive 3D content in Reality Composer Pro

Spatial Computing • macOS • 34:36

Discover how the Timeline view in Reality Composer Pro can bring your 3D content to life. Learn how to create an animated story in which characters and objects interact with each other and the world around them using inverse kinematics, blend shapes, and skeletal poses. We’ll also show you how to use built-in and custom actions, sequence your actions, apply triggers, and implement natural movements.

Speaker: Marin Eubanks

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WWDC24 • Session 10100

Create enhanced spatial computing experiences with ARKit

Spatial Computing • 15:09

Learn how to create captivating immersive experiences with ARKit’s latest features. Explore ways to use room tracking and object tracking to further engage with your surroundings. We’ll also share how your app can react to changes in your environment’s lighting on this platform. Discover improvements in hand tracking and plane detection which can make your spatial experiences more intuitive.

Speaker: Divyesh Chotai

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WWDC24 • Session 10085

Design advanced games for Apple platforms

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 23:54

Learn how to adapt your high-end game so it feels at home on Mac, iPad, and iPhone. We’ll go over how to make your game look stunning on different displays, tailor your input and controls to be intuitive on each device, and take advantage of Apple technologies that deliver great player experiences.

Speakers: Linda Dong, Dylan Edwards

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WWDC24 • Session 10086

Design great visionOS apps

Design • 19:03

Find out how to create compelling spatial computing apps by embracing immersion, designing for eyes and hands, and taking advantage of depth, scale, and space. We’ll share several examples of great visionOS apps and explore how their designers approached creating new experiences for the platform.

Speaker: Sarah McClanahan

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WWDC24 • Session 10103

Discover RealityKit APIs for iOS, macOS, and visionOS

Spatial Computing • iOS, macOS • 31:31

Learn how new cross-platform APIs in RealityKit can help you build immersive apps for iOS, macOS, and visionOS. Check out the new hover effects, lights and shadows, and portal crossing features, and view them in action through real examples.

Speaker: Yidi Zhu

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WWDC24 • Session 10147

Elevate your tab and sidebar experience in iPadOS

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS • 15:46

iPadOS 18 introduces a new navigation system that gives people the flexibility to choose between using a tab bar or sidebar. The newly redesigned tab bar provides more space for content and other functionality. Learn how to use SwiftUI and UIKit to enable customization features – like adding, removing and reordering tabs – to enable a more personal touch in your app.

Speaker: Andy Liang

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WWDC24 • Session 10114

Enhance ad experiences with HLS interstitials

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:24

Explore how HLS Interstitials can help you seamlessly insert advertisements into your HLS content. We’ll also show you how to use integrated timeline to tune your UI experience and build SharePlay for interstitials.

Speaker: Julian Tuminaro

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WWDC24 • Session 111801

Enhance your spatial computing app with RealityKit audio

Spatial Computing • iOS, macOS • 23:20

Elevate your spatial computing experience using RealityKit audio. Discover how spatial audio can make your 3D immersive experiences come to life. From ambient audio, reverb, to real-time procedural audio that can add character to your 3D content, learn how RealityKit audio APIs can help make your app more engaging.

Speaker: James Bean

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WWDC24 • Session 10223

Explore machine learning on Apple platforms

Machine Learning & AI • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 17:33

Get started with an overview of machine learning frameworks on Apple platforms. Whether you’re implementing your first ML model, or an ML expert, we’ll offer guidance to help you select the right framework for your app’s needs.

Speaker: Anil Katti

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WWDC24 • Session 10116

Explore multiview video playback in visionOS

Audio & Video • 14:02

Learn how AVExperienceController can enable playback of multiple videos on Apple Vision Pro. Review best practices for adoption and explore great use cases, like viewing a sports broadcast from different angles or watching multiple games simultaneously. And discover how to design a compelling and intuitive multiview experience in your app.

Speaker: Eric Gillum

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10101

Explore object tracking for visionOS

Spatial Computing • 17:01

Find out how you can use object tracking to turn real-world objects into virtual anchors in your visionOS app. Learn how you can build spatial experiences with object tracking from start to finish. Find out how to create a reference object using machine learning in Create ML and attach content relative to your target object in Reality Composer Pro, RealityKit or ARKit APIs.

Speaker: Henning Tjaden

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WWDC24 • Session 10139

Introducing enterprise APIs for visionOS

Business & Education • 21:18

Find out how you can use new enterprise APIs for visionOS to create spatial experiences that enhance employee and customer productivity on Apple Vision Pro.

Speaker: Kyle McEachern

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10179

Meet Swift Testing

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:58

Introducing Swift Testing: a new package for testing your code using Swift. Explore the building blocks of its powerful new API, discover how it can be applied in common testing workflows, and learn how it relates to XCTest and open source Swift.

Speaker: Stuart Montgomery

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10111

Meet the next generation of CarPlay architecture

System Services • iOS • 27:40

Dive into the architecture for the next generation of CarPlay. Learn how your vehicle system works with iPhone to create a single cohesive experience that showcases the best of your car and iPhone. Learn how UI is rendered and composited, and explore ways to configure and customize a special experience for each vehicle model. This session is intended for automakers and system developers interested in the next generation of CarPlay.

Speaker: Tanya Kancheva

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10169

Migrate your app to Swift 6

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 41:48

Experience Swift 6 migration in action as we update an existing sample app. Learn how to migrate incrementally, module by module, and how the compiler helps you identify code that’s at risk of data races. Discover different techniques for ensuring clear isolation boundaries and eliminating concurrent access to shared mutable state.

Speaker: Ben Cohen

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10089

Port advanced games to Apple platforms

Graphics & Games • iOS, macOS • 29:32

Discover how simple it can be to reach players on Apple platforms worldwide. We’ll show you how to evaluate your Windows executable on Apple silicon, start your game port with code samples, convert your shader code to Metal, and bring your game to Mac, iPhone, and iPad. Explore enhanced Metal tools that understand HLSL shaders to validate, debug, and profile your ported shaders on Metal.

Speakers: Jacek Ratajewski, Alè Segovia Azapian

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WWDC24 • Session 10112

Say hello to the next generation of CarPlay design system

Design • iOS • 19:25

Explore the design system at the heart of the next generation of CarPlay that allows each automaker to express your vehicle’s character and brand. Learn how gauges, layouts, dynamic content, and more are deeply customizable and adaptable, allowing you to express your own design philosophy and create an iconic, tailored look. This session is intended for automakers, system developers, and anyone designing a system that supports the next generation of CarPlay.

Speaker: Ben Crick

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10155

Swift Charts: Vectorized and function plots

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:29

The plot thickens! Learn how to render beautiful charts representing math functions and extensive datasets using function and vectorized plots in your app. Whether you’re looking to display functions common in aerodynamics, magnetism, and higher order field theory, or create large interactive heat maps, Swift Charts has you covered.

Speaker: Zhiyu (Apollo) Zhu

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10150

SwiftUI essentials

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 24:16

Join us on a tour of SwiftUI, Apple’s declarative user interface framework. Learn essential concepts for building apps in SwiftUI, like views, state variables, and layout. Discover the breadth of APIs for building fully featured experiences and crafting unique custom components. Whether you’re brand new to SwiftUI or an experienced developer, you’ll learn how to take advantage of what SwiftUI has to offer when building great apps.

Speaker: Taylor Kelly

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10124

What’s new in AppKit

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • macOS • 19:56

Discover the latest advances in Mac app development. Get an overview of the new features in macOS Sequoia, and how to adopt them in your app. Explore new ways to integrate your existing code with SwiftUI. Learn about the improvements made to numerous AppKit controls, like toolbars, menus, text input, and more.

Speaker: Matt Zanchelli

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10061

What’s new in StoreKit and In-App Purchase

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:00

Learn how to build and deliver even better purchase experiences using the App Store In-App Purchase system. We’ll demo new StoreKit views control styles and new APIs to improve your subscription customization, discuss new fields for transaction-level information, and explore new testability in Xcode. We’ll also review an important StoreKit deprecation.

Speaker: Rudy Hernandez

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10136

What’s new in Swift

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 30:24

Join us for an update on Swift. We’ll briefly go through a history of Swift over the past decade, and show you how the community has grown through workgroups, expanded the package ecosystem, and increased platform support. We’ll introduce you to a new language mode that achieves data-race safety by default, and a language subset that lets you run Swift on highly constrained systems. We’ll also explore some language updates including noncopyable types, typed throws, and improved C++ interoperability.

Speakers: Mishal Shah, Meghana Gupta

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10137

What’s new in SwiftData

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 14:01

SwiftData makes it easy to add persistence to your app with its expressive, declarative API. Learn about refinements to SwiftData, including compound uniqueness constraints, faster queries with #Index, queries in Xcode previews, and rich predicate expressions. Join us to explore how you can use all of these features to express richer models and improve performance in your app. To discover how to build a custom data store or use the history API in SwiftData, watch “Create a custom data store with SwiftData” and “Track model changes with SwiftData history”.

Speaker: Rishi Verma

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10144

What’s new in SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:13

Learn how you can use SwiftUI to build great apps for any Apple platform. Explore a fresh new look and feel for tabs and documents on iPadOS. Improve your window management with new windowing APIs, and gain more control over immersive spaces and volumes in your visionOS apps. We’ll also take you through other exciting refinements that help you make expressive charts, customize and layout text, and so much more.

Speakers: Sam Lazarus, Sommer Panage

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10118

What’s new in UIKit

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS • 21:10

Explore everything new in UIKit, including tab and document launch experiences, transitions, and text and input changes. We’ll also discuss better-than-ever interoperability between UIKit and SwiftUI animations and gestures, as well as general improvements throughout UIKit.

Speaker: Dima Gorbik

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10135

What’s new in Xcode 16

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:14

Discover the latest productivity and performance improvements in Xcode 16. Learn about enhancements to code completion, diagnostics, and Xcode Previews. Find out more about updates in builds and explore improvements in debugging and Instruments.

Speakers: Daisy Hernandez, Jake Petroules

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10205

What’s new in watchOS 11

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, watchOS • 14:16

Explore new opportunities on Apple Watch, including bringing Double Tap support to your watchOS app, making your Smart Stack widgets even more relevant and interactive, and displaying your iOS Live Activities in the Smart Stack.

Speaker: Erena Inoue

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10184

A Swift Tour: Explore Swift’s features and design

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 27:36

Learn the essential features and design philosophy of the Swift programming language. We’ll explore how to model data, handle errors, use protocols, write concurrent code, and more while building up a Swift package that has a library, an HTTP server, and a command line client. Whether you’re just beginning your Swift journey or have been with us from the start, this talk will help you get the most out of the language.

Speaker: Allan Shortlidge

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10220

Bring expression to your app with Genmoji

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 11:17

Discover how to bring Genmoji to life in your app. We’ll go over how to render, store, and communicate text that includes Genmoji. If your app features a custom text engine, we’ll also cover techniques for adding support for Genmoji.

Speaker: Aaron Hurley

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10104

Build a spatial drawing app with RealityKit

Spatial Computing • macOS • 32:25

Harness the power of RealityKit through the process of building a spatial drawing app. As you create an eye-catching spatial experience that integrates RealityKit with ARKit and SwiftUI, you’ll explore how resources work in RealityKit and how to use features like low-level mesh and texture APIs to achieve fast updates of the users’ brush strokes.

Speaker: Adrian Biagioli

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10084

Build custom swimming workouts with WorkoutKit

Health & Fitness • iOS, watchOS • 8:49

Check out the latest in creating, customizing, and scheduling workouts using WorkoutKit. Sprint through the latest in pace and power alerts and expanded support for distance goals. And keep the momentum going with the benefits of custom step names.

Speaker: Srinidhi Kaushik

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10073

Catch up on accessibility in SwiftUI

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:19

SwiftUI makes it easy to build amazing experiences that are accessible to everyone. We’ll discover how assistive technologies understand and navigate your app through the rich accessibility elements provided by SwiftUI. We’ll also discuss how you can further customize these experiences by providing more information about your app’s content and interactions by using accessibility modifiers.

Speaker: Tommy McHugh

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10138

Create a custom data store with SwiftData

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 13:52

Combine the power of SwiftData’s expressive, declarative modeling API with your own persistence backend. Learn how to build a custom data store and explore how to progressively add persistence features in your app. To get the most out of this session, watch “Meet SwiftData” and “Model your schema with SwiftData” from WWDC23.

Speaker: Luvena Huo

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10087

Create custom environments for your immersive apps in visionOS

Design • 9:27

Discover how to create visually rich and performant customized app environments for Apple Vision Pro. Learn design guidelines, get expert recommendations, and explore techniques you can use in any digital content creation tool to begin building your immersive environment.

Speaker: Daniel Schmid

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10161

Deploy machine learning and AI models on-device with Core ML

Machine Learning & AI • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 18:15

Learn new ways to optimize speed and memory performance when you convert and run machine learning and AI models through Core ML. We’ll cover new options for model representations, performance insights, execution, and model stitching which can be used together to create compelling and private on-device experiences.

Speaker: Joshua Newnham

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10098

Design Live Activities for Apple Watch

Design • iOS, watchOS • 8:38

Starting in watchOS 11, Live Activities from your iOS app will automatically appear in the Smart Stack on a connected Apple Watch. Learn how to optimize the layout of your Live Activity for the wrist, and provide the right level of information and interactivity at the right time.

Speakers: Ed Chao, Taylor Carrigan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10153

Dive deep into volumes and immersive spaces

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • 32:17

Discover powerful new ways to customize volumes and immersive spaces in visionOS. Learn to fine-tune how volumes resize and respond to people moving around them. Make volumes and immersive spaces interact through the power of coordinate conversions. Find out how to make your app react when people adjust immersion with the Digital Crown, and use a surrounding effect to dynamically customize the passthrough tint in your immersive space experience.

Speakers: Owen Monsma, Troy Chmieleski

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10115

Enhance the immersion of media viewing in custom environments

Audio & Video • 17:26

Extend your media viewing experience using Reality Composer Pro components like Docking Region, Reverb, and Virtual Environment Probe. Find out how to further enhance immersion using Reflections, Tint Surroundings Effect, SharePlay, and the Immersive Environment Picker.

Speaker: Jonathan Krusell

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10145

Enhance your UI animations and transitions

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 14:14

Explore how to adopt the zoom transition in navigation and presentations to increase the sense of continuity in your app, and learn how to animate UIKit views with SwiftUI animations to make it easier to build animations that feel continuous.

Speaker: Russell Ladd

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10132

Evolve your document launch experience

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • 10:08

Make your document-based app stand out, and bring its unique identity into focus with the new document launch experience. Learn how to leverage the new API to customize the first screen people see when they launch your app. Utilize the new system-provided design, and amend it with custom actions, delightful decorative views, and impressive animations.

Speaker: Julia Vashchenko

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10094

Explore game input in visionOS

Graphics & Games • 16:22

Discover how to design and implement great input for your game in visionOS. Learn how system gestures let you provide frictionless ways for players to interact with your games. And explore best practices for supporting custom gestures and game controllers.

Speaker: Charlyn Keating

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10109

Explore wellbeing APIs in HealthKit

Health & Fitness • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 14:20

Learn how to incorporate mental health and wellbeing into your app using HealthKit. There are new APIs for State of Mind, as well as for Depression Risk and Anxiety Risk. We’ll dive into principles of emotion science to cover how reflecting on feelings can be beneficial, and how State of Mind can be used to represent different types of mood and emotion.

Speakers: Leah Womelsdorf, Matt Barker

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10157

Extend your app’s controls across the system

App Services • iOS • 18:09

Bring your app’s controls to Control Center, the Lock Screen, and beyond. Learn how you can use WidgetKit to extend your app’s controls to the system experience. We’ll cover how you can to build a control, tailor its appearance, and make it configurable.

Speaker: Cliff Panos

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10168

Get started with Writing Tools

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 12:24

Learn how Writing Tools help users proofread, rewrite, and transform text in your app. Get the details on how Writing Tools interact with your app so users can refine what they have written in any text view. Understand how text is retrieved and processed, and how to support Writing Tools in custom text views.

Speaker: 柳东原 · Dongyuan Liu

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10195

Go further with Swift Testing

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 27:16

Learn how to write a sweet set of (test) suites using Swift Testing’s baked-in features. Discover how to take the building blocks further and use them to help expand tests to cover more scenarios, organize your tests across different suites, and optimize your tests to run in parallel.

Speakers: Jonathan Grynspan, Dorothy Fu

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10197

Go small with Embedded Swift

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:17

Embedded Swift brings the safety and expressivity of Swift to constrained environments. Explore how Embedded Swift runs on a variety of microcontrollers through a demonstration using an off-the-shelf Matter device. Learn how the Embedded Swift subset packs the benefits of Swift into a tiny footprint with no runtime, and discover plenty of resources to start your own Embedded Swift adventure.

Speaker: Kuba Mracek

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10060

Meet AdAttributionKit

App Services • iOS • 23:41

Introducing AdAttributionKit, a new iOS framework for privacy-preserving ad attribution. Learn how AdAttributionKit supports re-engagement, click-through attribution (including support for custom creative), JWS formatted impressions and postbacks, and more. We’ll provide insight into testing your AdAttributionKit implementation and deep-dive into code snippets and best practices for adopting AdAttributionKit.

Speaker: Nikhil Varma

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 2023

Meet FinanceKit

App Services • iOS • 23:45

Learn how FinanceKit lets your financial management apps seamlessly and securely share on-device data from Apple Cash, Apple Card, and more, with user consent and control. Find out how to request one-time and ongoing access to accounts, transactions, and balances — and how to build great experiences for iOS and iPadOS.

Speaker: Antonio Corrado

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10091

Meet TabletopKit for visionOS

Graphics & Games • 16:39

Build a board game for visionOS from scratch using TabletopKit. We’ll show you how to set up your game, add powerful rendering using RealityKit, and enable multiplayer using spatial Personas in FaceTime with only a few extra lines of code.

Speaker: Julia Schell

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10207

Migrate your TVML app to SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • tvOS • 17:30

SwiftUI helps you build great apps on all Apple platforms and is the preferred toolkit for bringing your content into the living room with tvOS 18. Learn how to use SwiftUI to create familiar layouts and controls from TVMLKit, and get tips and best practices.

Speaker: Jim Dovey

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10065

Optimize for the spatial web

Safari & Web • 20:09

Discover how to make the most of visionOS capabilities on the web. Explore recent updates like improvements to selection highlighting, and the ability to present spatial photos and panorama images in fullscreen. Learn to take advantage of existing web standards for dictation and text-to-speech with WebSpeech, spatial soundscapes with WebAudio, and immersive experiences with WebXR.

Speaker: Brandel Zachernuk

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10092

Render Metal with passthrough in visionOS

Graphics & Games • 19:54

Get ready to extend your Metal experiences for visionOS. Learn best practices for integrating your rendered content with people’s physical environments with passthrough. Find out how to position rendered content to match the physical world, reduce latency with trackable anchor prediction, and more.

Speaker: Pooya Mirhosseini

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10214

Squeeze the most out of Apple Pencil

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS • 14:58

New in iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and visionOS 2, the PencilKit tool picker gains the ability to have completely custom tools, with custom attributes. Learn how to express your custom drawing experience in the tool picker using the same great tool picking experience available across the system. Discover how to access the new features of the Apple Pencil Pro, including roll angle, the squeeze gesture, and haptic feedback.

Speaker: Sam Falconer

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10125

Streamline sign-in with passkey upgrades and credential managers

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS • 14:01

Learn how to automatically upgrade existing, password-based accounts to use passkeys. We’ll share why and how to improve account security and ease of sign-in, information about new features available for credential manager apps, and how to make your app information shine in the new Passwords app.

Speaker: Garrett Davidson

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10211

Support real-time ML inference on the CPU

Machine Learning & AI • iOS, macOS • 20:03

Discover how you can use BNNSGraph to accelerate the execution of your machine learning model on the CPU. We will show you how to use BNNSGraph to compile and execute a machine learning model on the CPU and share how it provides real-time guarantees such as no runtime memory allocation and single-threaded running for audio or signal processing models.

Speaker: Simon Gladman

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10134

What’s new in App Intents

Machine Learning & AI • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 17:56

Learn about improvements and all-new features with App Intents, and discover how this framework can help you expose your app’s functionality to Siri, Spotlight, Shortcuts, and more. We’ll show you how to make your entities more meaningful to the platform with the Transferable API, File Representations, new IntentFile APIs, and Spotlight Indexing, opening up powerful functionality in Siri and the Shortcuts app. Empower your intents to take people deep into your app with URL Representable Entities. Explore new techniques to model your entities and intents with new APIs for error handling and union values.

Speaker: Kenny York

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10183

What’s new in Create ML

Machine Learning & AI • iOS, macOS • 11:32

Explore updates to Create ML, including interactive data source previews and a new template for building object tracking models for visionOS apps. We’ll also cover important framework improvements, including new time-series forecasting and classification APIs.

Speaker: David Findlay

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10149

Work with windows in SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • macOS • 12:55

Learn how to create great single and multi-window apps in visionOS, macOS, and iPadOS. Discover tools that let you programmatically open and close windows, adjust position and size, and even replace one window with another. We’ll also explore design principles for windows that help people use your app within their workflows.

Speaker: Andrew Sawyer

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10181

Xcode essentials

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 36:27

Edit, debug, commit, repeat. Explore the suite of tools in Xcode that help you iterate quickly when developing apps. Discover tips and tricks to help optimize and boost your development workflow.

Speakers: Cheech Minniear, Myke Savage

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10172

Break into the RealityKit debugger

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS • 24:10

Meet the RealityKit debugger and discover how this new tool lets you inspect the entity hierarchy of spatial apps, debug rogue transformations, find missing entities, and detect which parts of your code are causing problems for your systems.

Speaker: Jeremiah Alexander

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10093

Bring your iOS or iPadOS game to visionOS

Graphics & Games • iOS • 18:42

Discover how to transform your iOS or iPadOS game into a uniquely visionOS experience. Increase the immersion (and fun factor!) with a 3D frame or an immersive background. And invite players further into your world by adding depth to the window with stereoscopy or head tracking.

Speaker: Olivier Pinon

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10069

Broadcast updates to your Live Activities

App Services • iOS, watchOS • 12:48

With broadcast push notifications, your app can send updates to thousands of Live Activities with a single request. We’ll discover how broadcast push notifications work between an app, a server, and the Apple Push Notification service, then we’ll walk through best practices for this capability and how to implement it.

Speaker: Parth Shah

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10204

Build a great Lock Screen camera capture experience

Photos & Camera • iOS • 22:49

Find out how the LockedCameraCapture API can help you bring your capture application’s most useful information directly to the Lock Screen. Examine the API’s features and functionality, learn how to get started creating a capture extension, and find out how that extension behaves when the device is locked.

Speaker: Adam Cotugno

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10066

Build immersive web experiences with WebXR

Safari & Web • 26:16

Discover how WebXR empowers you to add fully immersive experiences to your website in visionOS. Find out how to build WebXR experiences that take full advantage of the input capabilities of visionOS, and learn how you can use Simulator to test WebXR experiences on macOS.

Speaker: Ada Rose Cannon

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10185

Build multilingual-ready apps

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 16:41

Ensure your app works properly and effectively for multilingual users. Learn best practices for text input, display, search, and formatting. Get details on typing in multiple languages without switching between keyboards. And find out how the latest advances in the String Catalog can make localization even easier.

Speaker: करन मिश्र · Karan Miśra

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10152

Create custom hover effects in visionOS

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • 16:40

Learn how to develop custom hover effects that update views when people look at them. Find out how to build an expanding button effect that combines opacity, scale, and clip effects. Discover best practices for creating effects that are comfortable and respect people’s accessibility needs.

Speaker: Christian Niles

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10070

Customize feature discovery with TipKit

App Services • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 14:45

Focused on feature discovery, the TipKit framework makes it easy to display tips in your app. Now you can group tips so features are discovered in the ideal order, make tips reusable with custom tip identifiers, match the look and feel to your app, and sync tips using CloudKit. Learn how you can use the latest advances in TipKit to help people discover everything your app has to offer.

Speaker: Jake Kirshner

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10146

Demystify SwiftUI containers

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:12

Learn about the capabilities of SwiftUI container views and build a mental model for how subviews are managed by their containers. Leverage new APIs to build your own custom containers, create modifiers to customize container content, and give your containers that extra polish that helps your apps stand out.

Speaker: Matt Ricketson

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10171

Demystify explicitly built modules

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:28

Explore how builds are changing in Xcode 16 with explicitly built modules. Discover how modules are used to build your code, how explicitly built modules improve transparency in compilation tasks, and how you can optimize your build by sharing modules across targets.

Speaker: Michael Spencer

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10176

Design App Intents for system experiences

Design • iOS, watchOS • 9:19

App Intents power system experiences in controls, Spotlight, Siri, and more. Find out how to identify the functionality that’s best for App Intents, and how to use parameters to make these intents flexible. Learn how to use App Intents to allow people to take action outside your app, and see examples of when to navigate into your app to show contextual information.

Speaker: Ray Pai

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10096

Design interactive experiences for visionOS

Design • 20:48

Learn how you can design a compelling interactive narrative experience for Apple Vision Pro from the designers of Encounter Dinosaurs. Discover how these types of experiences differ from existing apps, media, and games, and explore how to design narratives that bring audiences into new worlds. Find out how you can create stories that adapt to any space and size, provide multiple levels of interaction to make them accessible to all, and use animation, spatial audio, and custom gestures to further immerse people in your experience.

Speakers: Rose Thomas, James Cooper

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10163

Discover Swift enhancements in the Vision framework

Machine Learning & AI • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 16:49

The Vision Framework API has been redesigned to leverage modern Swift features like concurrency, making it easier and faster to integrate a wide array of Vision algorithms into your app. We’ll tour the updated API and share sample code, along with best practices, to help you get the benefits of this framework with less coding effort. We’ll also demonstrate two new features: image aesthetics and holistic body pose.

Speaker: Megan Williams

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10107

Discover area mode for Object Capture

Spatial Computing • iOS, macOS • 11:31

Discover how area mode for Object Capture enables new 3D capture possibilities on iOS by extending the functionality of Object Capture to support capture and reconstruction of an area. Learn how to optimize the quality of iOS captures using the new macOS sample app for reconstruction, and find out how to view the final results with Quick Look on Apple Vision Pro, iPhone, iPad or Mac. Learn about improvements to 3D reconstruction, including a new API that allows you to create your own custom image processing pipelines.

Speaker: Zach Becker

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10113

Discover media performance metrics in AVFoundation

Audio & Video • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 8:40

Discover how you can monitor, analyze, and improve user experience with the new media performance APIs. Explore how to monitor AVPlayer performance for HLS assets using different AVMetricEvents, and learn how to use these metrics to understand and triage player performance issues.

Speaker: Nishant Nelogal

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10209

Enhanced suggestions for your journaling app

App Services • iOS, watchOS • 15:55

Find out how your journaling app can display journaling suggestions with richer content from the system. Explore new types of available content like state of mind data, reflection prompts, and support for third-party media content and motion-based activities.

Speaker: René Aguirre Ramos

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10062

Explore App Store server APIs for In-App Purchase

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 32:09

Learn how to leverage your server to build great In-App Purchase experiences with the latest updates to the App Store Server API, App Store Server Notifications, and the open source App Store Server Library. After a recap of current APIs, we’ll introduce updated endpoint functionality, new transaction fields, and a new notification type. We’ll also discuss best practices for the purchase lifecycle, delivering content, and targeting offers, so you can become a server power user.

Speakers: Alex Baker, Ian Zanger

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10216

Explore the Swift on Server ecosystem

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 16:40

Swift is a great language for writing your server applications, and powers critical services across Apple’s cloud products. We’ll explore tooling, delve into the Swift server package ecosystem, and demonstrate how to interact with databases and add observability to applications.

Speaker: Franz Busch

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10083

Get started with HealthKit in visionOS

Health & Fitness • iOS • 12:29

Discover how to use HealthKit to create experiences that take full advantage of the spatial canvas. Learn the capabilities of HealthKit on the platform, find out how to bring an existing iPadOS app to visionOS, and explore the special considerations governing HealthKit during a Guest User session. You’ll also learn ways to use SwiftUI, Swift Charts, and Swift concurrency to craft innovative experiences with HealthKit.

Speakers: Zach Waterson, Sirinda Wongpanich

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10162

Keep colors consistent across captures

Photos & Camera • iOS • 23:48

Meet the Constant Color API and find out how it can help people use your app to determine precise colors. You’ll learn how to adopt the API, explore its scientific and marketing potential, and discover best practices for making the most of the technology.

Speaker: Yuko Roodt

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10117

Meet the Translation API

Machine Learning & AI • iOS, macOS • 16:31

Discover how you can translate text across different languages in your app using the new Translation framework. We’ll show you how to quickly display translations in the system UI, and how to translate larger batches of text for your app’s UI.

Speaker: Louie Livon-Bemel

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10186

Optimize your 3D assets for spatial computing

Spatial Computing • iOS • 22:13

Dive into an end-to-end workflow for optimized 3D asset creation. Discover best practices for optimizing meshes, materials, and textures in your digital content creation tool. Learn how to harness shader graph, baking, and material instances to enhance your 3D scene while optimizing performance. Take advantage of native tools to work more effectively with your assets and improve your app’s performance.

Speaker: Scott Wade

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10198

Run, Break, Inspect: Explore effective debugging in LLDB

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 28:48

Learn how to use LLDB to explore and debug codebases. We’ll show you how to make the most of crashlogs and backtraces, and how to supercharge breakpoints with actions and complex stop conditions. We’ll also explore how the “p” command and the latest features in Swift 6 can enhance your debugging experience.

Speaker: Felipe Piovezan

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10131

Support semantic search with Core Spotlight

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS • 10:55

Learn how to provide semantic search results in your app using Core Spotlight. Understand how to make your app’s content available in the user’s private, on-device index so people can search for items using natural language. We’ll also share how to optimize your app’s performance by scheduling indexing activities. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first checking out Core Spotlight documentation on the Apple Developer website.

Speaker: Jennifer Moore

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10148

Tailor macOS windows with SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • macOS • 10:56

Make your windows feel tailor-made for macOS. Fine-tune your app’s windows for focused purposes, ease of use, and to express functionality. Use SwiftUI to style window toolbars and backgrounds. Arrange your windows with precision, and make smart decisions about restoration and minimization.

Speaker: Haotian Zheng

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10097

Unlock the power of places with MapKit

Maps & Location • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 16:39

Discover powerful new ways to integrate maps into your apps and websites with MapKit and MapKit JS. Learn how to save and reference unique places using Place ID. Check out improvements to search that make it more efficient to find relevant places. Get introduced to the new Place Card API that lets you display rich information about places so customers can explore destinations right in your app. And, we’ll show you quick ways to embed maps in your website with our simplified token provisioning and Web Embed API.

Speakers: Mike Wilson, Jeff Meininger

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10188

What’s new in SF Symbols 6

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 17:19

Explore the latest updates to SF Symbols, Apple’s library of iconography designed to integrate seamlessly with San Francisco, the system font for all Apple platforms. Learn how the new Wiggle, Rotate, and Breathe animation presets can bring vitality to your interface. To get the most out of this session, we recommend first watching “What’s new in SF Symbols 5” from WWDC23.

Speaker: Thalia Echevarría Fiol

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10212

What’s new in location authorization

Maps & Location • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 18:16

Location authorization is turning 2.0. Learn about new recommendations and techniques to get the authorization you need, and a new system of diagnostics that can let you know when an authorization goal can’t be met.

Speaker: Adam Driscoll

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10123

What’s new in privacy

Privacy & Security • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 23:46

At Apple, we believe privacy is a fundamental human right. Learn about new and improved permission flows and other features that manage data in a privacy-preserving way, so that you can focus on creating great app experiences.

Speakers: Lindsey McAllister, Chris D'Aprix

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10218

Accelerate machine learning with Metal

Machine Learning & AI • iOS, macOS • 25:06

Learn how to accelerate your machine learning transformer models with new features in Metal Performance Shaders Graph. We’ll also cover how to improve your model’s compute bandwidth and quality, and visualize it in the all new MPSGraph viewer.

Speakers: Kamal Ramamoorthy, Sam Colbran

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10140

Add personality to your app through UX writing

Design • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 20:49

Every app has a personality that comes across in what you say — and how you say it. Learn how to define your app’s voice and modulate your tone for every situation, from celebratory notifications to error messages. We’ll help you get specific about your app’s purpose and audience and practice writing in different tones.

Speakers: Alex Dickinson, Liv Huntley

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10173

Analyze heap memory

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:03

Dive into the basis for your app’s dynamic memory: the heap! Explore how to use Instruments and Xcode to measure, analyze, and fix common heap issues. We’ll also cover some techniques and best practices for diagnosing transient growth, persistent growth, and leaks in your app.

Speakers: Ben Troller, Daniel Delwood

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10088

Capture HDR content with ScreenCaptureKit

Audio & Video • macOS • 11:29

Learn how to capture high dynamic colors using ScreenCaptureKit, and explore new features like HDR support, microphone capture, and straight-to-file recording.

Speaker: Ben Harry

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10170

Consume noncopyable types in Swift

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 22:21

Get started with noncopyable types in Swift. Discover what copying means in Swift, when you might want to use a noncopyable type, and how value ownership lets you state your intentions clearly.

Speaker: Kavon Farvardin

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10151

Create custom visual effects with SwiftUI

SwiftUI & UI Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 26:06

Discover how to create stunning visual effects in SwiftUI. Learn to build unique scroll effects, rich color treatments, and custom transitions. We’ll also explore advanced graphic effects using Metal shaders and custom text rendering.

Speakers: Philip Davis, Robb Böhnke

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10201

Customize spatial Persona templates in SharePlay

App Services • 36:26

Learn how to use custom spatial Persona templates in your visionOS SharePlay experience to fine-tune the placement of Personas relative to your app. We’ll show you how to adopt custom spatial Persona templates in a sample app with SharePlay, move participants between seats, and test your changes in Simulator. We’ll also share best practices for designing custom spatial templates that will make your experience shine.

Speakers: Ethan Kusters, Kevin Lee

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10217

Explore Swift performance

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 34:36

Discover how Swift balances abstraction and performance. Learn what elements of performance to consider and how the Swift optimizer affects them. Explore the different features of Swift and how they’re implemented to further understand the tradeoffs available that can impact performance.

Speaker: John McCall

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10200

Extend your Xcode Cloud workflows

Developer Tools • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 21:10

Discover how Xcode Cloud can adapt to your development needs. We’ll show you how to streamline your workflows, automate testing and distribution with start conditions, custom aliases, custom scripts, webhooks, and the App Store Connect API.

Speakers: Daniel Yount, Colin Dignazio

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10074

Get started with Dynamic Type

Accessibility & Inclusion • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 15:30

Dynamic Type lets people choose their preferred text size across the system and all of their apps. To help you get started supporting Dynamic Type, we’ll cover the fundamentals: How it works, how to find issues with scaling text in your app, and how to take practical steps using SwiftUI and UIKit to create a great Dynamic Type experience. We’ll also show how you can best use the Large Content Viewer to make navigation controls accessible to everyone.

Speaker: Gaeth Alalou

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10110

Implement App Store Offers

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 33:02

Learn how to engage customers with App Store Offers using App Store Connect, as well as the latest StoreKit features and APIs. Discover how you can set up win-back offers (a new way to re-engage previous subscribers) and generate offer codes for Mac apps. And find out how to test offers in sandbox and Xcode to make sure they work smoothly.

Speakers: Xiaolan Lin, Ricky Dall'Armellina

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10203

Meet AccessorySetupKit

Privacy & Security • iOS • 15:24

Elevate your accessory setup experience with AccessorySetupKit. Display a beautiful pairing dialog with an image of your Bluetooth or Wi-Fi accessory — no trip to the Settings app required. Discover how to improve privacy by pairing only your app with an accessory. And learn how you can migrate existing accessories so they can be managed by AccessorySetupKit.

Speaker: Yixin Bao

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10121

Meet the Contact Access Button

App Services • iOS, macOS • 15:43

Learn about the new Contacts authorization modes and how to improve Contacts access in your app. Discover how to integrate the Contact Access Button into your app to share additional contacts on demand and provide an easier path to Contacts authorization. We’ll also cover Contacts security features and an alternative API to be used if the button isn’t appropriate for your app.

Speaker: Ada

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10075

Track model changes with SwiftData history

Swift • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 16:52

Reveal the history of your model’s changes with SwiftData! Use the history API to understand when data store changes occurred, and learn how to use this information to build features like remote server sync and out-of-process change handing in your app. We’ll also cover how you can build support for the history API into a custom data store.

Speaker: David Stites

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10160

Train your machine learning and AI models on Apple GPUs

Machine Learning & AI • iOS, macOS • 18:21

Learn how to train your models on Apple Silicon with Metal for PyTorch, JAX and TensorFlow. Take advantage of new attention operations and quantization support for improved transformer model performance on your devices.

Speaker: Joona Havukainen

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10122

Use CloudKit Console to monitor and optimize database activity

System Services • iOS, macOS • 13:26

Discover the new observability features in CloudKit Console. Learn how to use Telemetry and Logging to troubleshoot and optimize your app. Find out how to set up alerts to monitor your application’s behavior and notifications to stay on top of the container events that are most important to you. To get the most out of this session, we recommend being familiar with CloudKit containers.

Speaker: Christopher Ward

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10177

Use HDR for dynamic image experiences in your app

Photos & Camera • iOS, macOS • 34:29

Discover how to read and write HDR images and process HDR content in your app. Explore the new supported HDR image formats and advanced methods for displaying HDR images. Find out how HDR content can coexist with your user interface — and what to watch out for when adding HDR image support to your app.

Speakers: Davide Concion, David Hayward

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10063

What’s new in App Store Connect

App Store Distribution & Marketing • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 19:03

Explore new features for discovery, testing, and marketing. Find out how to nominate your apps for featuring on the App Store, share exciting moments (like a version launch) with marketing assets generated for you, deep link to specific content in your app from custom product pages, use the latest enhancements to TestFlight, and more.

Speakers: Daymon Schroeder, Victor Vijayakirthi

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10164

What’s new in DockKit

Photos & Camera • iOS • 16:06

Discover how intelligent tracking in DockKit allows for smoother transitions between subjects. We will cover what intelligent tracking is, how it uses an ML model to select and track subjects, and how you can use it in your app.

Speaker: Dhruv Samant

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10105

What’s new in Quick Look for visionOS

Spatial Computing • 14:24

Explore how Quick Look in visionOS can elevate file preview and editing experiences in your app. We’ll cover the integration of in-app and windowed Quick Look, as well as a brand-new API that customizes the windowed Quick Look experience in your app. We’ll also share the latest enhancements to viewing 3D models within Quick Look.

Speaker: Naveen Magatala

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10106

What’s new in USD and MaterialX

Spatial Computing • iOS, macOS • 9:24

Explore updates to Universal Scene Description and MaterialX support on Apple platforms. Discover how these technologies provide a foundation for 3D content creation and delivery, and learn how they can help streamline your workflows for creating great spatial experiences. Learn about USD and MaterialX support in RealityKit and Storm, advancements in our system-provided tooling, and more.

Speaker: Lori Smallwood

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10108

What’s new in Wallet and Apple Pay

App Services • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 18:28

Take passes and payments to the next level with new enhancements to Wallet and Apple Pay. Make your event tickets shine with rich pass designs in Wallet, and bring great Apple Pay experiences to even more people with third-party browser support. We’ll also look at how to disburse funds with Apple Pay on the Web and highlight new API changes that help you integrate Apple Pay into even more purchasing flows.

Speakers: Tanya Al-Rehani, Masha Koubenski

Open in Apple Developer site

WWDC24 • Session 10143

What’s new in device management

Business & Education • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 25:12

Learn about the latest management capabilities for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and visionOS, then discover the latest changes to Apple Business Manager and Apple School Manager. We’ll also share updates to Activation Lock, SoftwareUpdate, and Safari management.

Speaker: Mike Santos

Open in Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #1

iPhone Development Overview


Building a successful iPhone application requires an innovative idea, a focus on design, and a solid understanding of the iPhone SDK. Whether you're new to iPhone development or a seasoned professional, you'll learn the right approach to take to ensure your ideas are well defined and innovative. You'll see examples of what other iPhone developers have done to be successful. You'll become familiar with key technologies in iPhone OS and how you can use these to build applications that have phenomenal new, differentiating capabilities.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #2

Introduction to Objective-C and Cocoa Touch


The iPhone SDK puts the power and elegance of iPhone directly in your hands, allowing you to build amazing applications that a user can download directly to their iPhone or iPod touch. In this session, get an introduction to the technologies and methodologies essential to iPhone application development. Learn everything you need to know about Objective-C, the dynamic, object-oriented programming language that powers frameworks and applications on both iPhone OS and Mac OS X. Gain a solid understanding of the rich frameworks behind Cocoa Touch, as well as the design patterns that are critical to effective iPhone development. Start working with Xcode and Interface Builder, the two main tools used to build iPhone apps, as you quickly come up to speed on this exciting new platform. This comprehensive introduction to iPhone programming fundamentals will have you well on your way to creating truly great iPhone applications.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #3

iPhone User Interface Design


iPhone presents a revolutionary user interface and interaction model to developers, and provides an inspiring environment for designing innovative mobile applications. Learn best practices, design techniques and key insights into what it takes to deliver a phenomenal user experience in your iPhone application.

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iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #4

Getting Started with iPhone Web Applications

2008 • 57:32

Safari on iPhone has changed the way people interact with web content on mobile devices, and its underlying technologies have created an opportunity for web developers to leverage their existing skill set in iPhone applications. Begin by learning the fundamentals behind Safari on iPhone's interaction paradigm, and how to tailor your web content to take advantage of this unique interface. After establishing a solid foundation and getting an overview of the available iPhone web technologies, we'll dive into Dashcode, Apple's cutting-edge integrated develop- ment environment for creating iPhone web applications. You'll learn how to use Dashcode's intuitive drag-and-drop interface for creating iPhone web applications, extend the basic templates through customization, and diagnose unexpected behavior using Dashcode's powerful JavaScript debugger. Get up and running quickly building iPhone web applications that look and feel like native, built-in applications.

Speaker: Vicki Murley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #5

iPhone Development Tools Overview


From coding to interface design to performance analysis, the Xcode tools have everything you need to create great iPhone applications. Walk through the complete development process and see how to use the Xcode tools and other development resources. Discover how to prepare your iPhone for testing, develop your application in Xcode, rapidly design your user interface with Interface Builder, and analyze your application with Instruments for the best possible performance. See and understand the development cycle from end to end so you can jump-start your own development.

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iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #6

iPhone Game Development Technologies, part 1: Graphics & Video


The iPhone SDK delivers an amazing lineup of graphics, media, and mobile technologies for developing media-rich applications and cutting-edge handheld games. Learn the insider techniques to harness iPhone graphics & video capabilities in the most efficient and sophisticated way possible. Understand the iPhone OS display architecture and frameworks for 2D & 3D graphics and animation. Dive deep into OpenGL ES capabilities, best practices, and specific performance optimizations. Learn how to integrate your game loop with the technologies of the iPhone SDK. See how to play video clips for an intro sequence or in-game cut-scenes. This two-part session is essential for everyone utilizing interactive graphics and media technology on iPhone.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #7

Using Advanced Web Technologies on iPhone

2008 • 58:23

Safari on iPhone exposes a wealth of functionality to web applications that has - until now - typically only been associated with native applications. In this session you'll learn about the most advanced technologies and sophisticated techniques for taking your iPhone web application to the next level. We'll begin with the basics of making your iPhone web application feel built-in. Learn how to define and customize your web interface for iPhone, create a home screen icon, run your application in full-screen mode, and even detect orientation changes. Next we'll dive into the details of extending and enhancing your user interface by using features such as 3-D hardware accelerated CSS animations and DOM touch events. Afterwards we'll move onto the internal structure, enhancing your iPhone web application to store data locally and even fully function offline. Even with all of this advanced functionality, there may still be a native application feature that your iPhone web application just can't do without. We'll go over the basics of leveraging your existing web content in a native application on iPhone, and we'll cover techniques that will enable you to execute JavaScript from native code.

Speaker: Vicki Murley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #8

Developing iPhone Applications with UIKit


The Cocoa Touch frameworks included in the iPhone SDK allow you to create powerful and compelling applications in no time. Learn about the classes and patterns behind UIKit, the framework you use to create an iPhone application s user interface. Find out how to properly configure and initialize your iPhone app as it launches, runs, and quits. Familiarize yourself with UIKit's rich library of controls and inputs, and learn how to easily display images, lists, and even web content inside your iPhone application. You'll also gain a solid understanding of the design patterns that are essential to managing an intelligent user interface on iPhone's 3.5 inch screen. This session gives you everything you need to start writing fully-functional iPhone applications.

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iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #9

iPhone Game Development Technologies, part 2: Audio, Touch Input, Accelerometer, and Multiplayer


The iPhone SDK leverages powerful capabilities for audio, a revolutionary touch interface, and built-in device capabilities including the accelerometer, networking, location detection, and more. Learn how to make the most of these technologies in your game or other media-rich mobile application. Experience the iPhone audio frameworks and discover how to mix the user's music with in-game audio. Learn how touches and gestures are represented and how to incorpo- rate them for an intuitive user experience. Master the accelerometer and get expert advice about filtering and calibration. See how to incorporate iPhone OS networking and location services for multi-player titles and social networks.

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iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #10

Integrating iPhone with IT


The revolutionary iPhone is quickly becoming a leading choice of mobile professionals. Find out about configuring and deploying iPhone in your organization, learn tools and techniques for configuration and deployment of native and web-based iPhone applications and discover how server-side technologies integrate with iPhone—all from the IT professional's perspective.

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iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #11

Advanced UIKit and Device Features


With the essentials of UIKit under your belt, learn more about the special patterns and features that power iPhone OS and its applications. Understand the details of text input on iPhone, and see how easily you can add animation to your user interface. Add personal touches to your iPhone applications by tapping into the Address Book, camera, and Photo Library. Learn to keep users informed of their whereabouts with Core Location. And see how you can use URL schemes to communicate with other applications on the system. Finally, discover an amazing new way to control applications and games with iPhone's multi-touch interface and built-in accelerometer. These final details will help your iPhone apps stand out from the crowd.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #12

Maximizing Your Application's Performance on iPhone


Great performance is a critical part of the user experience for all iPhone applications. In this session you'll get an introduction to the tools and best practices for fully optimizing your application to get the most out of iPhone. Learn the ins-and-outs of iPhone development to make your application perform its best, from proper memory management of view controllers and images to responsibly using Core Location. Discover how Instruments can help you gain a complete understanding of your application's behavior on iPhone and pinpoint areas that need improvement. Take a real world look at several performance problems and see how to best deal with them. Learn about using memory efficiently, optimizing drawing and scrolling operations, maximizing battery life, and using iPhone Simulator to its fullest.

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iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #13

In-house Application Development for iPhone

2008 • 1:16:44

iPhone 2.0 and the iPhone SDK provide in-house developers a compelling platform for the creation and deployment of mission critical business applications. Come learn the networking, security and web services frameworks most relevant to an in-house developer and tips and techniques useful for creating web and native applications that leverage existing IT resources.

Speaker: Mark Malone

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #14

Submitting to the App Store using iTunes Connect


Understand how to publish your finished application on the App Store to reach every iPhone and iPod touch user. The App Store handles hosting, payment processing and automatic software updates. Learn how to setup your iTunes Connect account, provide details about your application, setup price and availability, and upload your application and localization information.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #1

Effective iPhone App Development, Part 1

2009 • 51:05

Whether your iPhone app is currently in development or already on the App Store, strong code architecture is essential. Learn the most effective techniques for data modeling, communication between view controllers, and when to use delegates and notifications. Find out how to make important decisions about memory usage, performance, and a responsive UI. Developers of all skill levels can benefit from this thorough examination of iPhone SDK best practices.

Speaker: Lawrence Coopet

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #2

Audio Development Tips for iPhone


iPhone features a state-of-the-art audio engine, enabling innovative mobile music and audio applications. Understand how to provide an audio experience that behaves exactly the way your users expect. Learn the recommended practices for Audio Session management, handling interruptions, responding to user actions, and playing multiple sounds simultaneously.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #3

iPhone User Interface Design Essentials


iPhone presents a revolutionary user interface and interaction model to developers and provides an inspiring environment for designing innovative mobile applications. Gain key insights into what it takes to deliver a phenomenal user experience in your iPhone app, and learn the best practices and design techniques that will set your app apart.

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iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #4

Effective iPhone App Development, Part 2

2009 • 1:03:28

Whether your iPhone app is currently in development or already on the App Store, strong code architecture is essential. Learn the most effective techniques for data modeling, communication between view controllers, and when to use delegates and notifications. Find out how to make important decisions about memory usage, performance, and a responsive UI. Developers of all skill levels can benefit from this thorough examination of iPhone SDK best practices.

Speaker: Lawrence Coopet

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #5

Preparing and Delivering Video for iPhone


Displaying video on the iPhone is easy, but there is more to video than just putting images on the screen. Learn the best practices for preprocessing video. Get expert tips about encoding and scaling. Learn how to deliver video in multiple variants so your users get the best viewing experience possible.

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iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #6

Adding In-App Purchase

2009 • 31:57

With iPhone 3.0 SDK you can request payment for subscriptions, additional game levels, or other content from within your applications. This session covers the entire purchase life cycle for in-app payments, including use of the Store Kit APIs, the product submission process, proper product presentation, purchase authentication, and transaction validation.

Speaker: Mark Malone

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #7

Working with Core Data

2009 • 51:07

Core Data is a powerful, efficient framework for data management and persistence on Mac and iPhone. Learn how to structure your data efficiently, use Core Data across multiple threads, and discover best practices for working with Core Data and UIKit. Explore the key components of the Core Data architecture and discover how Core Data can accelerate your iPhone application development.

Speaker: Michael Jurewitz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #8

Mastering OpenGL ES for iPhone, Part 1

2009 • 41:58

OpenGL ES provides access to the stunning graphics power of iPhone and iPod touch. Learn how your application can create incredible visuals while maintaining high frame rates using the programmable pipeline enabled by OpenGL ES 2.0. Get specific recommendations for maximizing OpenGL ES performance and understand the best practices to keep your application on the fast path. This two-part session is essential for developers utilizing interactive graphics for games and other mobile 3D applications.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #9

Integrating Web Content into iPhone Apps

2009 • 53:41

The iPhone SDK makes the WebKit engine that powers Safari available to every iPhone application. See how to use UIWebView to display web content in your iPhone application, and learn how to communicate between JavaScript and Objective-C code. Learn to optimize web content for native iPhone applications and see how to leverage the latest web standards such as CSS 3 and HTML 5 to add hardware-accelerated graphics and local data storage to your application.

Speaker: Vicki Murley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #10

Testing and Debugging Your iPhone Application


Efficient, well-tested code is a hallmark of great iPhone applications. Learn how you can write better applications by writing unit tests, find bugs early using static analysis, effectively run beta tests to find bugs before your customers do, and discover how to find and fix crashes in your applications.

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Tech Talk World Tour #11

Mastering OpenGL ES for iPhone, Part 2

2009 • 47:36

OpenGL ES provides access to the stunning graphics power of iPhone and iPod touch. Learn how your application can create incredible visuals while maintaining high frame rates using the programmable pipeline enabled by OpenGL ES 2.0. Get specific recommendations for maximizing OpenGL ES performance and understand the best practices to keep your application on the fast path. This two-part session is essential for developers utilizing interactive graphics for games and other mobile 3D applications.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #12

Finding Your Way with Location and Maps


Whether they're taking a picture, searching for nearby restaurants, or just looking on a map, there are many ways to leverage your user's location in your iPhone application. Learn to use Core Location to tailor information based on your user's whereabouts, and see how to use MapKit to embed maps with annotated views and reverse-geocoded location information. Get the best practices for accuracy, performance, and battery life, and learn how to report information to your users in an efficient and elegant manner.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Tech Talk World Tour #13

Maximizing iPhone App Performance

2009 • 1:10:11

To create an optimal iPhone experience for your customers, your app needs to respond instantly to user input, start up quickly, and use power efficiently. Learn the techniques that optimize CPU usage to minimize power drain, make efficient use of available memory, and give your table views the smooth scrolling users expect. Discover this and a wealth of other best practices for making your iPhone applications perform at their best.

Speaker: Michael Jurewitz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iPhone Tech Talk World Tour #14

Networking: From Sockets to GameKit


Networking on mobile devices presents interesting challenges. You can never be sure a network connection will succeed or stay live while your app is running. Bandwidth is sometimes limited, latency is high and security is a common concern. Learn how to deal with these issues, from accessing the web to building a multiplayer game.

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Tech Talk World Tour #15

Implementing Push Notification


The Apple Push Notification service provides a way to alert your users to new information, even when your application isn't running. Send text notifications, trigger audible alerts, or add a numbered badge to your application icon. Learn what's required to create notifications and understand the recommended practices for optimal performance, consistency, and user experience.

Speaker: Mark Malone

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #1

iPhone and iPad User Interface Design

2011 • 45:11

Understanding what makes the iPhone and iPad so special is essential to designing a great user experience. Learn best practices for optimizing your app's user interface for the unique characteristics of iOS devices.

Speaker: Mark Kawano

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #2

Adopting iCloud Storage — Part 1

2011 • 37:55

iCloud Storage enables your apps to keep user documents and data in iCloud, so your users can access the same content from all their computers and iOS devices. Gain a practical understanding of how iCloud Storage works and how to take advantage of it in your app. Learn how to use the Key-Value Store and see how UIDocument works with iCloud to store your app’s documents.

Speaker: Michael Jurewitz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #3

Adopting iCloud Storage — Part 2

2011 • 41:18

iCloud Storage enables your apps to keep user documents and data in iCloud, so your users can access the same content from all their computers and iOS devices. Dive deeper into the practical tips and techniques for integrating iCloud Storage into your app. Discover how your Core Data app can store its data in iCloud, and understand how to store and retrieve individual files.

Speaker: Michael Jurewitz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #4

Understanding AV Foundation

2011 • 27:13

AV Foundation harnesses a streamlined media architecture that enables high- performance audio and video playback, editing, recording, and more. Gain a practical introduction to the AV Foundation framework and understand its core concepts. Discover the tremendous control and flexibility provided by AV Foundation and get instruction about working with media in your apps.

Speaker: Eryk Vershen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #5

Newsstand Apps from Start to Finish

2011 • 39:11

Newsstand is the perfect place for magazine and newspaper apps on iOS. Find out how to use the Newsstand Kit APIs to download, store, and manage your publication's issues. Learn the best practices for testing your publication and see how to configure your app in iTunes Connect.

Speaker: Vicki Murley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #6

Modernizing Your App Architecture with UIKit

2011 • 37:57

iOS 5 introduces enhancements in UIKit to transform your design ideas into high quality apps. See how to customize the visual presentation of views and controls using new Appearance APIs. Learn how to architect your app to use View Controller Containers, and get tips about using resizable images effectively.

Speaker: Jake Behrens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #7

Turn-Based Gaming with Game Center

2011 • 27:31

Game Center is taking multiplayer gaming on iOS one step further with the addition of turn-based game support. Learn about the new API and user interface for turn-based play and see how to manage multiple game sessions. Gain insight into handling turn- based game state and get details about how the turn is passed from player to player.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #8

Showcasing Rich Content with iBooks


The iBooks app provides an excellent platform for your rich content on iOS. See how to combine EPUB with the latest HTML and CSS technologies to create different types of books for iBooks, from novels and technical manuals to cookbooks and children's books. Learn how to add support for the latest iBooks features such as Read Aloud, and discover what has changed for books in iOS 5.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #9

Modern Tools and Techniques for iOS App Development

2011 • 38:18

Xcode 4 is the high powered IDE at the heart of Mac and iOS development. Gain a practical understanding of the latest techniques and best practices to get the most out of Xcode 4.2. Learn how to customize Xcode using Behaviors and discover how Storyboarding can help you get from concept to a running app faster than ever.

Speaker: Stefan Lesser

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #10

Harnessing OpenGL ES and GLKit

2011 • 24:30

GLKit is a high-level framework that combines the best practices for high-performance games with the rich capabilities of OpenGL ES 2.0. See how GLKit makes it easy to take advantage of the latest iOS hardware, and learn how you can tap into the advances in OpenGL ES in iOS 5.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #11

Adopting In-App Purchase in Your iOS App

2011 • 46:30

With In-App Purchase, you can add functionality and value to your iOS applications by embedding a store directly within your app that can be used to sell a variety of items such as premium content, virtual goods or auto-renewable subscriptions. Discover the Store Kit APIs and learn the critical steps for feature adoption and best practices for simplifying your implementation experience.

Speaker: Paul Marcos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #12

Taking Advantage of Automatic Reference Counting

2011 • 30:29

Xcode 4.2 introduces a powerful new technology called Automatic Reference Counting. Learn how the new Apple LLVM compiler can take care of memory management for you. Understand how ARC can dramatically simplify your development process by helping you write less code while reducing memory leaks and crashes. Discover how Xcode makes it easy to move your existing projects to ARC.

Speaker: Paul Marcos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #13

All About AirPlay

2011 • 21:03

AirPlay enables your app to wirelessly stream music, video, or even the entire screen to an HDTV via Apple TV. See how to build an app that supports AirPlay and discover entirely new possibilities for games, media apps and more. Learn how your apps can output visuals and audio to a second display wirelessly over AirPlay or through a connected cable, and understand best practices for supporting AirPlay mirroring.

Speaker: Eryk Vershen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #14

Maximizing Location Awareness on iOS

2011 • 38:08

Geofencing enables pinpointed geographical context within your app. See how to leverage the power of the Core Location framework by using region monitoring and geocoding to create a narrowed location-relevant experience for users. Learn best practices and testing techniques that will help you anticipate different scenarios your users will encounter.

Speaker: Jake Behrens

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #15

Your iOS App Performance Hitlist

2011 • 53:54

The best iOS apps are not only beautiful and well designed, they also launch quickly, present a highly responsive interface, and use memory efficiently. Master the techniques to diagnose and fix common performance problems before your customers see them. Learn the performance hit-list you should apply to every one of your apps before it goes out the door.

Speaker: Michael Jurewitz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #16

Video and Photo Effects with Core Image

2011 • 31:20

Core Image enables you to perform sophisticated image processing operations and create stunning visual effects. Learn about the powerful capabilities of Core Image in iOS 5 for adjusting still images and enhancing live video. Get details about the built-in filters, and see how to take advantage of new APIs for facial feature detection.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 5 Tech Talk World Tour #17

Adding Printing to your iOS App


iOS has an advanced printing system that's designed for easy adoption by developers. Find out how adding less than 20 lines of code to your apps will let you join the rapidly growing list of apps that already have printing capabilities. This session will cover the architecture of AirPrint, guidelines for print layout, simple printing of images and text, and advanced techniques for apps with sophisticated printing requirements.

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

China Tech Talks #1

Building and Optimizing Websites for iOS

2011 • 37:30

Get an overview of the technologies available for Safari on iOS, and learn how to leverage newly-added features such as accelerometer and gyroscope support.

Speaker: Vicki Murley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

China Tech Talks #2

Game Center Essentials

2011 • 41:39

iOS games can take advantage of Game Center, Apple's social gaming network. Learn the approach for adding Game Center to your games and understand the process of authenticating a player, updating leaderboards, and earning achievements.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

China Tech Talks #3

In App Purchase and Notification Essentials

2011 • 48:05

With In App Purchase and Notifications, you can add considerable value and functionality to your iOS apps. Learn how to create notifications for optimal performance, consistency, and user experience, and the entire purchase life cycle for in app payments.

Speaker: Nitin Mishra

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

China Tech Talks #4

Ingredients of Great Apps

2011 • 23:28

Building a great iOS app requires an innovative idea and a solid understanding of the key ingredients found in the best apps. See examples of apps that offer excellent differentiation and learn how your app can do the same.

Speaker: John Geleynse

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

China Tech Talks #5

iPhone and iPad User Interface Design

2011 • 36:17

Designing a user experience optimized for the iPhone or iPad is essential to your development process. Learn to focus your iOS app and user interface around core functionality and get the latest tips to make sure your app is intuitive and innovative.

Speaker: Mark Kawano

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

China Tech Talks #6

Optimizing App Performance with Instruments

2011 • 43:47

Great iOS apps delight users by performing flawlessly. From using memory conservatively, working with graphics efficiently, writing fast code, to avoiding blocking networking calls, learn tips and techniques to take your app to the next level.

Speaker: Michael Jurewitz

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

China Tech Talks #7

Providing Context

2011 • 21:31

Learn how to choose the right location service for your app, and how to add overlays to your maps.

Speaker: Vicki Murley

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

China Tech Talks #8

Tuning OpenGL ES Games

2011 • 51:41

OpenGL ES enables iOS games to create incredible visuals while maintaining high frame rates. Gain specific insights into mastering the performance tools, and learn key practices to keep your game on the fast path.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

China Tech Talks #9

Understanding iOS View Compositing

2011 • 19:58

Smooth animation and fast graphics performance are key to creating a great app on iOS. In this video, you will learn tips and tricks for compositing views with UIKit on iOS to help you achieve these smooth animations.

Speaker: Bill Dudney

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

China Tech Talks #10

Working with Video in iOS

2011 • 39:16

The iOS SDK provides several ways of playing and recording video. Get started with video. Learn about functionality you can add to improve your user's experience. Get an overview of the more advanced video APIs.

Speaker: Eryk Vershen

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #11

App Developer Day Kickoff

2013 • 1:01:15

Start the day with valuable recommendations for your iOS 7 development. Get inspired by the powerful new capabilities of iPhone 5s and gain key insights into creating next-generation apps on iOS 7.

Speaker: John Geleynse

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #12

User Interface Design for iOS 7 Apps

2013 • 1:06:00

iOS 7 sets a new standard for user interface design excellence and offers many opportunities for crafting immersive, delightful, and memorable user experiences. Discover how layering, tinting, Text Kit, motion effects, dynamics, and animation can make your apps more usable, unique, and intuitive.

Speaker: Mike Stern

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #13

Architecting Modern Apps, Part 1

2013 • 47:38

See how technologies like Text Kit, Dynamics, and Auto Layout make it easy to build flexible, modern interfaces. Gain expanded control over your user interface with powerful new animation APIs to enable custom transitions.

Speaker: Dave DeLong

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #14

App Store Distribution and Marketing for Apps

2013 • 1:26:15

Dive into the business of marketing your apps on the App Store. Gain a better understanding of how apps get selected and featured on the App Store and key best practices for getting your app to a larger international audience. Learn how to align your marketing efforts and get details about the latest enhancements to iAd and iTunes Connect.

Speaker: Alex Rofman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #15

Architecting Modern Apps, Part 2

2013 • 51:27

Learn the patterns that will help you quickly adopt new technologies and ensure that your app is taking full advantage of the latest devices and iOS capabilities. Dive into the details of moving to 64‑bit and see how your apps can tap into the Apple A7 processor.

Speaker: Dave DeLong

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #16

Integrating iOS 7 Technologies

2013 • 49:55

New technologies in iOS 7 introduce many exciting opportunities for your apps. Learn to implement capabilities such as background downloading, silent push notifications, and iBeacon support. Gain valuable insights into how to use these cutting edge technologies while still supporting users who haven't upgraded yet.

Speaker: Paul Marcos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #17

Security and Privacy in iOS 7

2013 • 41:46

Securing your users’ personal and business information has never been more important and honoring your users’ privacy is paramount. Learn the best and latest techniques for app security and privacy and find out exactly how to use the keychain, data protection, secure transport, and identifier APIs most effectively.

Speaker: Paul Danbold

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #18

Hidden iOS 7 Development Gems

2013 • 50:24

With such a wide variety of frameworks and APIs to choose from in Cocoa Touch, it's easy to miss some of the real gems. From tips for how to get the most out of Xcode 5 to harnessing the power of the Objective-C language to entire classes you might not have thought about using, everybody is sure to take away practical and useful tips and tricks to make developing iOS apps easier and more productive.

Speaker: Paul Marcos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #21

Game Developer Day Kickoff

2013 • 49:59

Start the day with valuable recommendations for your iOS 7 development. Get inspired by the powerful new capabilities of iPhone 5s and gain key insights into creating next-generation games on iOS 7.

Speaker: John Geleynse

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #22

Advances in OpenGL ES 3.0

2013 • 43:46

OpenGL ES provides access to the exceptional graphics power of the Apple A7. See how the innovations in OpenGL ES 3.0 deliver incredible graphics in games and other mobile 3D apps. Learn about advanced effects enabled by the latest API enhancements, and get specific tips and best practices to follow in your apps.

Speaker: Paul Marcos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #23

Architecting Modern iOS Games

2013 • 58:45

Learn the patterns that can help you quickly adopt new technologies and keep your games on the cutting edge. Understand how to use powerful constructs from UIKit to make your game feel at home on iOS. Dive into the details of moving to 64‑bit and see how your games can tap into the Apple A7 processor.

Speaker: Dave DeLong

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #24

App Store Distribution and Marketing for Games

2013 • 1:27:44

Dive into the business of marketing your apps on the App Store. Gain a better understanding of how apps get selected and featured on the App Store and key best practices for getting your app to a larger international audience. Learn to how to align your marketing efforts and get details about the latest enhancements to iAd and iTunes Connect.

Speaker: Alex Rofman

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #25

Developing 2D Games with Sprite Kit

2013 • 48:07

Sprite Kit is a powerful graphics framework ready-made for developing 2D action games, platformers, puzzle games, and much more. Dive into the practical workflow of developing a 2D game and learn key details about the Sprite Kit API. Discover how to leverage built-in physics support to make animations look real, and learn about using particle systems to create essential game effects such as fire, snow, explosions, and smoke.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #26

Integrating iOS 7 System Technologies

2013 • 57:23

Join us for a deep dive into new technologies in iOS 7 that can enable you to reduce your app’s bundle size, keep your apps in communication with your server, and more. Gain valuable insights into best practices for building networked games. And protect your reputation by following best practices for security and privacy. Learn how to use these cutting edge iOS 7 technologies while still supporting users who haven't yet upgraded.

Speaker: Paul Marcos

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #27

Integrating iOS 7 Game Technologies

2013 • 54:16

Tap into essential technologies to enhance the gameplay experience. Discover new techniques for managing players and tracking scores through Game Center, and get expert advice about the best practices to follow in your titles. Learn about the Game Controller framework and see how to take advantage of exciting new modes of input by adding support for physical game controllers.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

iOS 7 Tech Talks #28

User Interface Design for iOS 7 Games

2013 • 51:58

Truly outstanding iOS games go beyond addictive gameplay and beautiful graphics by presenting players with interfaces that are thoughtfully designed and carefully implemented. Receive practical advice about UI design and platform conventions that will make your game even more enjoyable.

Speaker: Mike Stern

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 201

Building Apps for iPhone X

2017 • 13:35

iPhone X has a beautiful new screen that will make your app look great. You may need to make some changes in your app to accommodate the new screen's size and rounded corners. Learn about some common pitfalls and see how you can take advantage of iOS 11's Safe Area and layout guides to make sure your app looks the best it can.

Speaker: Paul Marcos

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 202

Updating Your App for Apple TV 4K

2017 • 2:49

Learn how to update your app for Apple TV 4K, including how to take advantage of new capabilities such as retina image support, HDR video, and the new motion capabilities of the Siri Remote.

Speaker: Josh Tidsbury

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 203

Updating for Apple Watch Series 3

2017 • 12:22

Apple Watch Series 3 makes it easier to stay connected, even when away from your phone. Learn how to keep your app responsive over cellular connections using URLSession. Find out how to optimize your Watch app networking code to ensure that your app is always up to date and ready for use. Discover how to leverage Core Motion data from the new barometric altimeter for displaying relative altitude changes.

Speaker: Jake Behrens

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 204

iOS Storage Best Practices

2017 • 8:52

Learn tips for keeping your app's on-disk storage as organized and optimized as possible. See how to enable direct access to documents in your app using the new Files app in iOS 11. Gain insights into how to take inventory of your app's files and make the most of the storage capacity available to your app.

Speaker: Paul Marcos

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 205

Ensuring Beautiful Rich Links

2017 • 5:31

Website links received in Messages can be made vastly more inviting than a simple text URL. By providing small amounts of metadata in your web pages, links to your website can include rich content such as icons, images and even video. Learn how visitors to your website can share links that look as good as your website.

Speaker: Tim Horton

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 206

QR Code Recognition on iOS 11

2017 • 9:16

iOS 11 provides built-in support to detect and handle QR codes. Discover the supported QR code types, how each type is handled by built-in Camera and Safari apps, and how Universal Links can seamlessly send users to your app when scanning your QR codes.

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 401

Web Inspector Walkthrough

2017 • 5:53

Web Inspector is packed with features designed to make inspection, debugging and delivery of your web content a breeze. Get an overview of the latest features including major layouts, tabs, buttons, and other capabilities that make Web Inspector a powerful web development tool.

Speaker: Shloka Kini

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 402

Using Web Inspector with tvOS Apps

2017 • 4:01

With Web Inspector, you can debug web content on several Apple platforms, including tvOS. This video introduces you to Web Inspector's powerful debugging capabilities, and takes you through the features designed to accelerate debugging of TVML content in your tvOS app.

Speaker: Shloka Kini

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 501

Authoring 4K and HDR HLS Streams

2017 • 3:45

4K and HDR technologies enable the creation of amazing cinematic video experiences and stunning picture quality. Learn about how to support these new formats, and how to properly author your playlists to enable playback of these types of streams.

Speaker: Josh Tidsbury

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 502

An Introduction to HDR Video

2017 • 6:38

Dolby Vision and HDR10 enable amazing new video viewing experiences with a wider color gamut and deeper contrast. Learn how this new technology works, and what the differences are between Dolby Vision and HDR10.

Speaker: Josh Tidsbury

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 503

Introduction to AVDisplayManager

2017 • 6:19

Starting with tvOS 11.2, Apple TV 4K can automatically switch video display modes to match the native frame rate and dynamic range of video content. With tvOS 11.3, Apple TV (4th generation) can also automatically switch video display modes to match native frame rate. Learn how to make sure your app and video content are ready to support this capability using AVDisplayManager and AVDisplayCriteria.

Speaker: Josh Tidsbury

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 601

Face Tracking with ARKit

2017 • 7:25

ARKit and iPhone X enable a revolutionary capability for robust face tracking in AR apps. See how your app can detect the position, topology, and expression of the user’s face, all with high accuracy and in real time. Learn about applying live selfie effects and see how to use facial expressions to drive a 3D character.

Speaker: Allan Schaffer

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 602

Metal 2 on A11 - Overview

2017 • 16:10

The seamless integration of Metal 2 with the A11 Bionic chip lets your apps and games realize entirely new levels of performance and capability. Get introduced to powerful new API features and GPU-driven capabilities of Metal 2 on A11, including imageblocks, tile shading, enhancements to raster order groups, imageblock sample coverage control, and threadgroup sharing. Understand the architecture of the Apple-designed A11 GPU and see how it creates opportunities for advances in rendering, compute, and machine learning techniques.

Speaker: Gokhan Avkarogullari

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 603

Metal 2 on A11 - Imageblocks

2017 • 10:28

Imageblocks enable Metal 2 apps to define and manipulate custom per-pixel data structures in the high-bandwidth tile memory of the A11 GPU. Learn how imageblocks can pass data between the fragment and tile stages of a render pass and unlock sophisticated rendering techniques such as approximate order-independent transparency.

Speaker: Michael Imbrogno

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 604

Metal 2 on A11 - Tile Shading

2017 • 9:44

Tile shading is a new Metal 2 pipeline stage allowing apps to combine rendering and compute operations into a single render pass while sharing imageblock data and threadgroup memory. Understand how to create a tile shading pipeline, and see how it leverages the high-bandwidth tile memory of the A11 GPU.

Speaker: Michael Imbrogno

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 605

Metal 2 on A11 - Raster Order Groups

2017 • 10:56

Raster order groups allow Metal 2 apps to precisely control the order of parallel fragment shader threads accessing the same pixel coordinates. Learn how A11 extends raster order groups with support for multiple groups and adds new capabilities for accessing threadgroup memory. See how you can improve the performance of single pass deferred shading and order independent transparency.

Speaker: Richard Schreyer

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 606

Metal 2 on A11 - Imageblock Sample Coverage Control

2017 • 13:15

Imageblock sample coverage control provides access to multisample tracking data within a tile shader, enabling development of custom MSAA resolve algorithms and more. Understand how the A11 GPU tracks unique samples, then explore an example that optimizes rendering of dense geometry through surface aggregation.

Speaker: James Ding

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 801

Designing for iPhone X

2017 • 12:50

iPhone X features an all-screen Super Retina display, providing more space to display content and create deeply immersive experiences. Learn how to design your app or game to look and feel great on iPhone X, and all iOS devices.

Speaker: Mike Stern

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 207

Building Apps for iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR

2018 • 9:01

If your app has already adopted safe area insets, there's not much you will need to do to update your app for iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR. Learn how to set a collection view’s section inset reference to the safe area with no code changes. Hear about an API change unique to iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR. Make sure your full-screen app is scaled correctly by using the proper number of points and the correct resolution. Defend against some common pitfalls to ensure your app provides its full feature-set to all of your customers while maintaining best practices that will save you time and effort in the future.

Speaker: Betsy Langowski

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 208

Developing Complications for Apple Watch Series 4

2018 • 11:53

Complications allow people to quickly glance and stay connected with your app on the watch face throughout their day. The new Infograph and Infograph Modular watch faces on Apple Watch Series 4 allow all new ways to create engaging, full-color complications. Learn about the new complication families and how to create complications that take advantage of the incredible new display of Apple Watch Series 4.

Speaker: Jake Behrens

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 209

Bringing Your Apps to the New iPad Pro

2018 • 8:46

Take advantage of the all-screen design of the new iPad Pro by building your app with the iOS 12.1 SDK and making sure it appears correctly with the display's rounded corners and home indicator. Learn about the new common inset compatibility mode and what it means for apps running in multitasking mode. Find out how to provide support for Face ID and for the second generation Apple Pencil with its double-tap feature.

Speaker: Betsy Langowski

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 702

What's New in Core NFC

2018 • 6:11

Background reading of NFC tags is a new feature for iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, and iPhone XR. Learn how to associate your app with an NFC tag to make it even easier for people to benefit from the NFC capabilities of new iPhones.

Speaker: Lawrence Chung

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 703

GDPR & CloudKit

2018 • 13:32

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union regulation that requires developers to give users visibility and control over the personal data you store on their behalf. Learn how to use new and existing CloudKit APIs to build privacy into your apps and make sure customers can exercise their GDPR rights.

Speaker: Michael D. Ford

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 802

Designing for Apple Watch Series 4

2018 • 9:25

Apple Watch Series 4 provides new opportunities for designers and developers to do more with their apps. Series 4 watches have new displays with larger dimensions, and other enhancements that allow developers to deliver richer and more immersive experiences.

Speaker: Doug LeMoine

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 803

Designing for Subscription Success

2018 • 9:12

Providing a great subscription experience within your app makes it easier to acquire new subscribers. Learn how to more clearly communicate the value of your subscriptions, streamline your sign up flow, and make subscriptions appealing and effortless.

Speaker: Lauren Strehlow

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 804

Designing for iPad Pro and Apple Pencil

2018 • 9:03

Learn how to make your app look great on the amazing, edge-to-edge display of iPad Pro and get essential guidance on which app behaviors are appropriate for the double-tap gesture on Apple Pencil.

Speaker: Mike Stern

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 210

What's New in Sharing

2019 • 6:34

The Share Sheet provides a convenient way to share information from your current context with other apps, people, and services. Discover the details on using the Link Presentation framework to present shared URLs in a rich and consistent way, how to create a Share Extension configured to recommend recipients managed by your messaging app in the Share Sheet UI, and learn best practices for ensuring your users sharing experience is optimized for all platforms.

Speaker: Jacob Klapper

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 301

Introducing Extensible Enterprise SSO

2019 • 18:33

Single Sign-on ensures your enterprise can implement modern authentication methods without sacrificing ease of use. Learn how to use the Authentication Services framework to expose your redirect and credential SSO services in Safari and native apps on macOS Catalina, iPadOS 13, and iOS 13. Whether you're building your own extension or looking to deploy one internally, you'll learn everything you need to know about extension creation, deployment, and configuration, to use within your own native apps.

Speaker: Matt Chanda

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 504

Apple TV Distribution Program Overview

2019 • 4:09

Learn about the Apple TV Distribution Program and the engineering requirements and business benefits that come with enrollment. Familiarize yourself with the authentication context, VideoSubscriberAccount framework, and the Set Top Box APIs.

Speaker: Shloka Kini

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 505

Apple TV Authentication Context

2019 • 5:27

Learn about the Apple TV authentication context, what it does, and how to start building this web service. Learn how the authentication context fits into the development for the Apple TV Distribution Program.

Speaker: Shloka Kini

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 506

Apple TV Set Top Box APIs

2019 • 3:06

Learn about the Set Top Box APIs, what they do, and how they help make the Apple TV setup easier for your customers. Learn how this framework fits into the development for the Apple TV Distribution Program.

Speaker: Shloka Kini

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 507

Apple TV VSA Framework

2019 • 2:01

Learn about the VideoSubscriberAccount framework, what it does, and how to integrate this framework with your app. Learn how this framework fits into the development for the Apple TV Distribution Program.

Speaker: Shloka Kini

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 508

Apple TV App and Universal Search - Video Integration, Part 1

2019 • 15:21

This video provides a feature overview of the Apple TV App and Universal Search services, and introduces how 3rd party video services integrate with them through metadata feeds. Requirements for providing metadata about your movies, tv shows, and sporting events are detailed — in addition how to control the presentation of your video service for your content in the Apple TV App. To help get you started with the development of metadata feeds, tools and resources available are also covered.

Speaker: George Karas

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 509

Apple TV App and Universal Search - Part 2

2019 • 5:55

Get an overview of the client-side integration required for 3rd party applications that are participating with the Apple TV App. Learn about onboarding and testing. See how to register subscriptions for your customers, report playback data as content is watched in your applications, and support deep-linking to your video content.

Speaker: George Karas

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 608

Metal Enhancements for A13 Bionic

2019 • 35:48

Metal brings powerful API features and GPU-driven capabilities to A13 Bionic including sparse textures, vertex amplification, Tier 2 argument buffers, ASTC HDR, and more. Understand the architectural improvements of the Apple-designed A13 Bionic and learn how the latest Metal enhancements advance the state of the art for modern apps and games.

Speaker: Jaap van Muijden

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 609

Advanced Scene Understanding in AR

2019 • iOS • 10:22

ARKit 3.5 and RealityKit provide new capabilities that take full advantage of the LiDAR Scanner on the new iPad Pro. Check out ARKit 3.5 and learn about Scene Geometry, enhanced raycasting, instantaneous virtual object placement, and more. See how RealityKit takes advantage of these features to enable real-world physics, object occlusion, and lighting effects that interact with real-world objects.

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10001

Explore Live GPU Profiling with Metal Counters

2020 • 13:25

Take advantage of the Metal Counters API for GPU profiling in macOS Big Sur and iOS 14. This API provides access at runtime to low-level GPU profiling information, which was previously available only through offline tools in Xcode and Instruments. Metal Counters accelerate the optimization process by giving you access to important GPU information, helping you fine-tune your app's performance to create faster and more fluid apps and gaming experiences. Learn to collect and parse these low-level GPU timestamps and use the in-depth information to help with performance tuning in Metal.

Speaker: Lionel Lemarié

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10023

Support Apple Pro Display XDR in your apps

2020 • 27:23

Apple Pro Display XDR is a high grade reference monitor designed for professional workflows such as video editing, photography, 3D animation and game development. Discover how you can use underlying technology and framework-level support to improve your professional workflows for content authoring. Learn how to make your workflows more capable and more accurate using Pro Display XDR reference modes and macOS color management tools. And explore best practices and tips to make your reference workflows true to life.

Speaker: Pranav Sodhani

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10154

Convert PyTorch models to Core ML

2020 • 25:17

Bring your PyTorch models to Core ML and discover how you can leverage on-device machine learning in your apps. The PyTorch machine learning framework can help you create and train complex neural networks. After you build these models, you can convert them to Core ML and run them entirely on-device, taking full advantage of the CPU, GPU, and Neural Engine. Discover how the coremltools package can directly convert TorchScript models, and learn more about handling custom operations and conversion errors which may occur. To learn even more about Core ML Converters, we recommend the video "Get models on device using Core ML Converters" from WWDC20.

Speakers: Steve Berardi, Paul Curry

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10155

Improve Object Detection models in Create ML

2020 • 15:48

When you train custom Core ML models for object detection in Create ML, you can bring image understanding to your app. Discover how transfer learning allows you to build smaller models with less training data. We’ll also take you through some of the advanced parameters in Create ML that help you control training iterations, batch size, and grid dimension for the input image, giving you more control over the accuracy of your models. For an introduction to object detection, be sure to see the video "Training Object Detection Models in Create ML" from WWDC19.

Speaker: Shreya Jain

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10696

Uniform Type Identifiers — a reintroduction

2020 • 24:26

Ever wonder how the system decides what app should open a given file? Explore the Uniform Type Identifiers framework, which helps you simplify the process for supporting standard or proprietary file formats in your app. You'll learn how to use the new framework and Xcode to declare the types your app supports, discover how to boost performance when you adopt UTTypes, and review the latest platform APIs that support UTTypes.

Speaker: Jonathan Grynspan

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10854

Integrate SiriKit Media Intents with HomePod

2020 • 39:29

Bring your music service to HomePod and help users enjoy your content hands-free throughout their home. Discover how to build a great integration from start to finish. We'll take you through how Media Intents work, configuring your app as a preferred music service on HomePod and integrating directly with your cloud backend, providing a personalized playback experience for individual accounts with the help of voice recognition (where available), and more. To learn more about Media Intents, check out "Expand your SiriKit Media Intents to more platforms" from WWDC20.

Speaker: Jeri Mason

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10855

Explore UI animation hitches and the render loop

2020 • 11:53

Explore how you can improve the performance of your app's user interface by identifying scrolling and animation hitches in your app. We'll take you through how hitches happen in the render loop, and explain how to measure hitch time ratio and fix the issues that most impact people using your app.

Speaker: Patrick Metcalfe

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10856

Find and fix hitches in the commit phase

2020 • 11:22

Discover how to render smoother animations in your app by troubleshooting the commit phase of your render loop. Dive into the mechanics of this phase, and learn how to use Instruments to uncover the source of hitches in your app, eliminate them, and avoid them outright.

Speaker: Charles Circlaeys

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10857

Demystify and eliminate hitches in the render phase

2020 • 19:23

When you implement complex view hierarchies in your app, you may run into animation hitches. Demystify how your views are turned into pixels during the render phase, and learn how to use Instruments to uncover issues in this part of the render loop. Discover how to eliminate offscreen passes and leverage Xcode optimization opportunities in order to provide a great experience when using your app.

Speaker: Patrick Metcalfe

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10858

Discover Metal enhancements for A14 Bionic

2020 • 28:56

Explore how Metal is bringing sophisticated rendering and powerful compute features to A14 Bionic. We’ll take you through the Metal capabilities delivered in the Apple GPU Family 7 feature set, including new texture addressing modes, fast SIMD reduction and matrix multiplication operations, and a deep dive into implementing a visibility buffer using barycentric coordinates and primitive ID.

Speakers: Anand Poovekurussi, Swami Narayanan

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10859

Tailor your Metal apps for Apple M1

2020 • 25:30

Discover the advances in Metal performance and capability delivered with the Apple M1 chip on Apple silicon Macs. Apple M1 unites the top-end graphics and compute abilities of discrete GPUs with the features and power efficiency of Apple silicon, creating entirely new opportunities for developers of Metal-based apps and games on macOS. We’ll explore the Metal graphics and compute fundamentals of Apple M1, then take you through four important Metal features to make your Mac apps really shine on Apple silicon: tile shading, memoryless render targets, programmable blending, and sparse texturing.

Speaker: Luc Semeria

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10865

What can you do on an Apple silicon Mac?

2020 • macOS • 2:33

Learn how developers updated their apps for Apple silicon Macs and began taking advantage of the advanced capabilities of the Apple M1 chip.

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10868

Subscription offer codes

2020 • 29:11

Subscription offer codes can help you acquire, retain, and win back subscribers as you grow your business. Learn about configuration options, creating a great experience, and measuring redemptions. We’ll explore how to set up customer eligibility, territory, price, and expiration in App Store Connect. And we'll take you through managing your offers, integrating them into your application and backend systems, and measuring performance.

Speakers: Bryan Eisenstadt, David Wendland, Kenny Elmore

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10869

Family Sharing for in-app purchases

2020 • 19:23

Family Sharing for in-app purchases lets people share their auto-renewable subscriptions and non-consumables with up to five additional family members, helping you attract new subscribers, increase user engagement, and improve retention. We’ll review how to enable in App Store Connect and provide best practices to consider with StoreKit and App Store Server Notifications to help you deliver a great in-app purchase experience.

Speakers: Bryan Eisenstadt, David Wendland

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10870

Deploy macOS Big Sur in your organization

2020 • 40:25

Discover the latest on the platform changes in macOS Big Sur and Mac computers with the Apple M1 chip, including features available in macOS Big Sur 11.3. Learn about macOS Big Sur management capabilities and strategies for deploying in business and education. Hear about changes to deployment workflows for both one-to-one and shared deployments.

Speakers: Mike Boylan, Danielle Di Bella

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10100

Explore and manipulate data in Swift with TabularData

2021 • 23:48

Discover how you can use the TabularData framework to load, explore, and manipulate unstructured data in Swift — whether you need to pre-process data for a machine learning task or digest data on-the-fly in your app. Learn how this framework can help you handle large datasets, join multiple tables of data together, and filter data programmatically. We'll also show you how a DataFrame can be used to drive all the data-centric features of your app.

Speakers: Alejandro Isaza, David Findlay

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10580

Metal Compute on MacBook Pro

2021 • 23:44

Discover how you can take advantage of Metal compute on the latest MacBook Pro. Learn the fundamental principles of high-performance Metal compute and find out how you can take advantage of the framework to create better workflows for your development process and even better apps for creative pros.

Speaker: Jason Fielder

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10874

Get the most out of CloudKit Sharing

2021 • 12:23

Discover how apps can use CloudKit to share records with others. We'll show you how to encourage collaboration between people using your app and support those interactions with Apple frameworks. Learn how to create and manage shares, explore sharing options like public permissions, and find out how you can use zone sharing in iOS 15 and macOS Monterey to share entire record zones of data. To get the most out of this session, we recommend being familiar with CloudKit and a basic understanding of record and data types.

Speaker: Simon Manning

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10876

Discover advances in Metal for A15 Bionic

2021 • 23:31

Discover how you can elevate your apps and games with Metal and the A15 Bionic. We'll help you take advantage of Apple GPU family 8 with the latest Metal features: Learn how to save memory with Lossy Compression, dive into complex shadow mapping techniques with Sparse Depth and Stencil Textures, and process images faster with SIMD Shuffle and Fill instructions.

Speakers: Dave Roberts, Katelyn Hinson

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10884

Meet Apple Watch Series 7

2021 • 15:10

Apple Watch Series 7 introduces new device sizes and a display that features a subtle wraparound effect. Learn how you can adapt your watchOS app design to look great on all screen sizes: We'll show you how to take advantage of a larger content area, create clearer hierarchy using color and typography, and improve glanceability in your app by creating better navigation.

Speakers: Deena Khattab, Jennifer Patton, Matthew Koonce

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10885

Tips for preventing common review issues

2021 • 12:33

Prepare your app for review with these tips from the App Review team. Learn how to prevent the most common issues and discover best practices for an easy and straightforward review experience.

Speaker: Greg Bradley

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10887

Support customers with StoreKit 2 and App Store Server API

2021 • 40:37

Discover how you can use StoreKit 2, App Store Server API, and App Store Server Notifications to create great in-app purchase experiences for your customers and offer support and refunds. We’ll explore implementation approaches, provide best practices and take you through customer management and managing refunds.

Speakers: David Wendland, Manjeet Chawla, Joe Mani

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10889

Get started with in-app events

2021 • 20:25

Discover how you can highlight your app or game's content on the App Store. We'll take you through the in-app events feature and provide recommendations, tips, and best practices for helping people discover content or events within your app.

Speaker: Michael Caldarone

Unlisted on Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110147

Tune CPU job scheduling for Apple silicon games

2021 • 35:07

Graphically-intensive games can be very demanding on hardware resources, requiring hundreds or even thousands of CPU jobs to be processed every frame. We’ll show you how you can organize those jobs to maximize CPU efficiency and performance on the M1, M1 Pro, and M1 Max chips. Learn how you can fine-tune your games to deliver a better overall experience to your players.

Speaker: Pierre Morf

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10067

Bring desktop class sync to iOS with FileProvider

2022 • 10:26

Discover how you can sync files faster and more efficiently within your iPhone and iPad apps when you create a File Provider extension. Sync up with the File Provider team and learn how to build a modern File Provider for iOS. We’ll show you how to architect your app to support seamless file sync, uploads, and downloads. And we’ll explore how you can go stateless and fortify your file provider against unexpected conditions. To get the most out of this session, we recommend having experience with File Providers on macOS.

Speaker: Johannes Fortmann

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10886

Get started with custom product pages

2021 • 19:42

Learn how you can create additional versions of your App Store product page and showcase different features or content within your app. We'll explore how you can create pages for a specific aspect of your app or a specific audience, show you how to set it up in App Store Connect, and highlight strategies for success.

Speakers: Savannah Wu, Michelle Van Regenmorter

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10888

Get started with product page optimization

2021 • 28:10

Help make your App Store product page even more relevant and effective with product page optimization. We’ll explore details of the feature, take you through the setup process in App Store Connect including how to test different app icons, screenshots and app previews, and share testing strategies to help you get started with your product page optimization efforts.

Speakers: Seema V., Cailin A.

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10890

Deploy iOS 15 in your organization

2022 • 29:00

Discover the latest platform changes for deploying iOS 15 and iPadOS 15 in your business or education organization. Learn about deploying both organization-owned and personally-owned iPhone and iPad devices. Explore fundamentals and new updates for deployment workflows including enrollment, ongoing management, content distribution, and re-deployment.

Speaker: Alexandre Morin

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10891

Prepare your organization for macOS Monterey

2022 • 31:59

Discover the latest platform changes for deploying macOS Monterey in your business or education organization. Learn about changes to initial enrollment, ongoing management, and return to service including managing software updates and the new Erase All Content and Settings feature for macOS.

Speaker: Mike Boylan

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10892

Explore unlisted app distribution

2022 • 15:20

Discover a new way you can distribute apps to limited audiences on the App Store. We’ll take you through the differences between using unlisted distribution and standard distribution on the App Store, show you how to share apps with a direct link, and more.

Speaker: Jacob Clingerman

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110148

Build and deploy Safari Extensions for iOS

2022 • 24:57

Safari web extensions for iOS use standard web technologies to provide powerful browser customizations. Learn how you can build an extension that works for iPhone and iPad, and discover how you can publish your extension on the App Store.

Speaker: Jon Davis

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110150

Get started with custom offer codes

2022 • 17:01

Discover how you can complement existing offer codes campaigns with custom, repeatable codes to provide even more flexibility to acquire and retain subscribers. We'll take you through the latest enhancements to offer codes, provide engineering guidance, explore best practices, and show you how to create new codes for your subscriptions.

Speakers: Bryan Eisenstadt, Raul Basurto Rosenzweig

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110151

Optimize subscriptions for success: acquisition

2022 • 22:49

Learn how you can acquire subscribers and grow your business using App Store features. We'll explore subscriber acquisition strategies, share implementation best practices, and show you how to integrate these processes into your app for success.

Speakers: Bryan Eisenstadt, Hemant Sawle

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110152

Write clear purpose strings

2022 • 10:37

Learn how to write clear and succinct purpose strings to help people understand why your app needs access to protected resources like their camera, location, and health data. We’ll take you through best practices to help craft concise purpose strings and show you how you can improve wording in permission requests.

Speaker: Greg Bradley

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110337

Discover Reference Mode

2022 • 12:50

Learn how you can match color requirements in demanding pro workflows using Reference Mode on the 12.9-inch iPad Pro with Liquid Retina XDR display. We'll show you how Reference Mode enables you to represent color accurately and provide consistent image representation in workflows like review and approval, compositing, and color grading. We'll also go over APIs to use with Reference Mode, explore its capabilities and supported media formats, and discover how Reference Mode enhances Sidecar.

Speaker: Ben Bodner

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110343

Get started with TestFlight

2023 • 23:59

Discover how you can use TestFlight to improve your app experience and ready it for release on the App Store. We’ll take you through an overview of TestFlight, including how to invite testers and provide information to them about testing. We’ll also provide best practices for receiving feedback and explore how you can get the most out of the testing process.

Speakers: Aneesha N., Jerome B.

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110345

Explore Family Sharing for in-app purchases

2022 • 22:03

Family Sharing for in-app purchases lets people share their auto-renewable subscriptions and non-consumables with up to five additional family members, helping you attract new subscribers, increase user engagement, and improve retention. We’ll review how you can enable this feature in App Store Connect, provide best practices when using the feature with StoreKit and App Store Server Notifications, and help you deliver a great in-app purchase experience.

Speakers: Bryan E., Hemant S.

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110347

Get started with in-app events

2022 • 23:05

Discover how you can highlight your app or game’s content on the App Store. We'll take you through the in-app events feature and provide recommendations, tips, and best practices for helping people discover content and events within your app.

Speaker: Michael C.

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110350

Manage auto-renewable subscription pricing in App Store Connect

2022 • 11:17

Discover how you can use App Store Connect to manage prices for your auto-renewable subscriptions. We'll provide guidance to help you plan subscription price increases and decreases, show you how to remove preserved pricing, and explore how to edit upcoming price changes.

Speaker: Bryan Eisenstadt

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110352

Do more with less data

2022 • 9:40

Great apps do more for people while collecting less data. Learn how three simple tips from the App Review team can help you build great experiences while minimizing data collection.

Speaker: Greg Bradley

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110353

Meet high-performance MapKit JS

2022 • 9:02

MapKit JS provides a JavaScript API to embed interactive Apple Maps directly into your webpages or apps across different platforms and operating systems, including iOS and Android. Learn about the latest features to help improve load performance and make your web and native apps more responsive and faster — all while giving you more control.

Speaker: Tim Chien

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 10168

Migrate custom intents to App Intents

2023 • 17:20

Learn how you can easily convert your existing custom intents to App Intents. We'll take you through the conversion of your intents to Swift and discuss how you can improve discoverability of your app features when you create App Shortcuts. To learn more about App Intents, watch "Implement App Shortcuts with App Intents" and "Dive into App Intents" from WWDC22.

Speaker: Ari Weinstein

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110336

Implement Apple Pay and order management

2023 • 17:24

Apple Pay provides an easy and secure way for people to make payments in your iOS, iPadOS, and watchOS apps as well as on the web. We'll take you through the entire Apple Pay implementation workflow – including how you can signal support for Apple Pay, request payment and handling updates, and add order details at the end of a payment flow to help people track their purchases.

Speaker: Katie Whitefield

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110338

Add SharePlay to your multiplayer game with Game Center

2023 • 4:37

Learn how to let your players jump into games with friends they're on FaceTime calls with, using SharePlay. We'll show you how easy it is to turn on SharePlay support if you are already using the Game Center multiplayer UI. And if you’ve built a custom interface, we’ll give you the few lines of code you need to support SharePlay.

Speaker: Zhehong An

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110339

Discover Metal Performance HUD

2023 • 6:44

Get to know the new heads-up display panel built to help you analyze graphics performance in real time. Metal Performance HUD displays key graphics statistics so you can monitor, log, and identify tough-to-spot performance problems.

Speaker: Nat Brown

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110349

Make the most of product page optimization

2023 • 18:46

Learn how to get more from your product page optimization tests. We’ll explore best practices, provide data-based recommendations, and share success stories from developers who have used product page optimization to make their App Store product pages even more relevant and effective.

Speaker: Seema V.

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110356

What's new for enterprise developers

2023 • 35:11

Discover how you can build compelling apps for your business on iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and watchOS. We'll take you through a curated overview of the latest updates to Apple platforms and explore relevant features that you can use to create engaging enterprise apps to transform workflows, inform business decisions, and boost employee productivity.

Speaker: Andria Jensen

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110358

Get started with app discovery and marketing

2023 • 22:22

Learn how you can improve the discovery of your app on the App Store. We’ll explore the different ways people find apps on the App Store and show you how to make your own app more discoverable. Discover the elements of a great product page, the role of search, referral traffic, and promotional features you can use to encourage new downloads.

Speakers: Meghana M., Chris C.

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110361

Make the most of custom product pages

2023 • 16:52

Discover how you can maximize the effectiveness of your custom product pages on the App Store. We’ll cover best practices, provide data-based recommendations, and share success stories from developers who have used custom product pages to reach specific audiences.

Speakers: Savannah W., Chris C.

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110364

Explore App Store pricing upgrades

2023 • 28:55

Learn about the newest pricing capabilities available on the App Store. We’ll walk through enhanced global pricing, new tools to manage pricing by storefront, additional price points, and global equalization. We’ll also share configuration examples.

Speaker: Camille S.

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110365

Measure and improve acquisition with App Analytics

2023 • 20:11

Learn how App Analytics can help you better understand user acquisition, so you can make data‑informed decisions. Explore ways to find out where your users are coming from and review definitions of key metrics. We’ll also discuss how peer group benchmarks and other features can help improve your acquisition strategy.

Speaker: Nick K.

Open in Apple Developer site

Tech Talk 110366

Use Game Center to boost discovery and engagement

2023 • 20:17

Explore how Game Center, Apple’s social gaming network, helps players discover and engage with your game. Learn about Game Center and App Store features that can help you connect with new players and keep them coming back, as well as Apple technologies designed to deliver powerful gameplay experiences.

Speaker: Micha S.

Open in Apple Developer site

Graphics & Games 111372

Bring your high-end game to iPhone 15 Pro

2023 • iOS • 16:56

Discover how the power of A17 Pro can help you maximize your game on iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max. We’ll share best practices and technical resources, and explore ways to optimize game performance, input, and asset management.

Speaker: Jason Jane

Open in Apple Developer site

Graphics & Games 111373

Learn performance best practices for Metal shaders

2023 • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 26:00

Discover how you can improve Metal shader performance using some of the latest advancements in Apple GPUs. Learn to reduce a shader’s execution time by configuring function constants, and investigate ways to increase compiler optimization with function groups. Find out how to save run time by improving the shader’s execution and ability to use resources in parallel. Explore the Apple family 9 GPU features and take advantage of hardware acceleration for ray tracing.

Speaker: Srividya Karumuri

Open in Apple Developer site

Graphics & Games 111374

Discover new Metal profiling tools for M3 and A17 Pro

2023 • iOS, macOS • 33:56

Learn how the new profiling tools in Xcode 15 can help you achieve the best Metal performance on Apple family 9 GPUs. Discover how to use shader cost graphs, performance heat maps, and shader execution history tools to profile and optimize your Metal code. Find out how to use new GPU counters to optimize GPU occupancy and ray-tracing performance.

Speakers: Ruiwei Bu, Irfan Zaidi

Open in Apple Developer site

Graphics & Games 111375

Explore GPU advancements in M3 and A17 Pro

2023 • macOS • 29:08

Learn how Dynamic Caching, the next-generation shader core, hardware-accelerated ray tracing, and hardware-accelerated mesh shading of Apple family 9 GPUs can improve the performance of your Metal apps and games.

Speaker: Jedd Haberstro

Open in Apple Developer site

Graphics & Games 111376

Meet rule-based matchmaking in Game Center

2023 • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 17:06

Learn how to incorporate the new rule-based matchmaking feature into your real-time multiplayer games. Discover how you can provide customized and flexible matchmaking to improve the quality of player matches and create a more fun and engaging experience for all players.

Speaker: Philip Smith

Open in Apple Developer site

Graphics & Games 111377

Manage Game Center with the App Store Connect API

2023 • iOS, macOS, tvOS • 11:56

Discover how you can use the App Store Connect API to automate your Game Center configurations outside of App Store Connect on the web. Find out how the API can help you create achievements and leaderboards and share them between related games using groups. And learn how to enable and configure matchmaking in multiplayer games.

Speaker: Hubert Ngu

Open in Apple Developer site

App Services 111384

Discover the Journaling Suggestions API

2023 • iOS • 14:04

Find out how the new Journaling Suggestions API can help people reflect on the small moments and big events in their lives though your app — all while protecting their privacy. Learn how to leverage the API to retrieve assets and metadata for journaling suggestions, invoke a picker on top of the app, let people save suggested content, and more.

Speaker: René Aguirre Ramos

Open in Apple Developer site

Developer Tools 111369

Connect your project to Xcode Cloud

2024 • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 8:04

Unlock the benefits of continuous integration and delivery in Xcode Cloud with source code management tools. Learn how to set up Xcode Cloud with a self-hosted source control management provider like GitHub Enterprise, troubleshoot common issues, and explore key project maintenance tips.

Speaker: Jesse Wesson

Open in Apple Developer site

System Services 111378

Adapt to changing network conditions

2024 • iOS, macOS, watchOS • 8:55

Apple devices can connect to multiple networks at the same time. Learn how your app can automatically select the best one for an optimal experience. Explore the different types of networks and review their characteristics. And discover how to use URLSession and Network framework to best describe your needs, so the system can intelligently choose the best interface for your app at all times.

Speaker: Eric Kinnear

Open in Apple Developer site

Safari & Web 111381

Get started with Apple Pay on the Web

2024 • iOS, macOS • 22:48

Adding Apple Pay to your website elevates your customer experience. Learn how to present Apple Pay as a payment option, validate your merchant session, and authenticate and process payments. You’ll also find out how to configure your environment, set up transactions using the Apple Pay demo site, and test your implementation.

Speaker: Tom Grant

Open in Apple Developer site

App Store Distribution & Marketing 111386

Improve your subscriber retention with App Store features

2024 • 31:57

Learn how to minimize churn and win back subscribers on the App Store. Explore App Store data, review different types of subscriber churn, discover tools you can use to enhance your retention efforts, and learn implementation best practices.

Speakers: Bryan E., Hemant S.

Open in Apple Developer site