EngineeringWorking with C callback functions in Swift using parameter packs

Moving from a C function-pointer based callback API to Swift closures with generics. And a look at the future with parameter packs.

Tom Lokhorst, Mathijs Kadijk

5 min read

For our app CleanPresenter, we need to use some older Mac APIs. For example the function CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCalback, to register a callback when the display configuration changes. This function was introduced 20 years ago in Mac OS X Panther.

The function CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCalback does exactly what it promise, it takes a function pointer and calls back when needed. But this function pointer is annoying, we would like a more “Swifty” way of writing this code.

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From functions to closures

The C API uses function pointers to specify what function to callback. In Swift we don’t use function pointers, instead we use closures. The difference between a function pointer and a closure is that a closure also captures its surrounding variables (it “closes over the environment”).

In the automatic Swift-to-C bridging, we can write the familiar curly-braces syntax, that looks a lot like Swifts closures, but we cannot capture external variables.

This is an example of a closure:

let start = Int(
let result = { x in start + x }

Here, the map takes a closure argument, this isn’t just a function that returns a value based on the argument x, but it also captures the start value. If map instead used a function pointer instead, there would be no way to write the equivalent code. We couldn’t refer to the start variable, we could try to inline the call, but then it would be called multiple times, changing the behaviour from the original code.

So, with just the function pointer, we can write this to print each display reconfiguration:

CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback({ displayID, flags, userInfo in
    print("Reconfiguration of display:", displayID)
}, nil)

Fortunately, the CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback function is not so limited that it only takes a function pointer. It also takes an optional second argument userInfo, this userInfo can be anything (it is an UnsafeMutableRawPointer) but that userInfo gets passed back into the callback! This is the standard method in C of getting the equivalent to a closure; pass an extra pointer around, that pointer can contain the environment needed.

With this, we can now make a helper object to store the closure.

// Helper class to store closure
class DisplayReconfigurationClosure {
    let closure: (CGDirectDisplayID, CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> Void

    init(_ closure: @escaping (CGDirectDisplayID, CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) -> Void) {
        self.closure = closure

And use that closure, so that we can also print the external start variable:

let start =

let closure = DisplayReconfigurationClosure { (displayID: CGDirectDisplayID, flags: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) in
    print("Reconfiguration, display:", displayID, start)
// Store closure in long-lived object, so that it doesn't go out of scope
self.stored = closure

// Create a pointer from the helper object
let unsafeMutableRawPointer = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &closure) { pointer in

// Pass pointer around
CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback({ displayID, flags, userInfo in
    userInfo?.load(as: DisplayReconfigurationClosure.self).closure(displayID, flags)
}, unsafeMutableRawPointer)

This involves a whole lot of pointer casting, and it is very specific to the DisplayReconfiguration case, but it does work.

We can clean this up some more, and push most of the code into a generic Closure2 class.

// Class to store the original closure, and also
// a pointer to an object that can be used as userInfo.
class Closure2<T1, T2> {
    public struct Container {
        let closure: (T1, T2) -> Void
    var container: Container
    var pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer

    init(_ closure: @escaping (T1, T2) -> Void) {
        self.container = Container(closure: closure)
        self.pointer = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &container) { pointer in

    static func invoke(_ arg1: T1, _ arg2: T2, _ unsafeMutableRawPointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
        unsafeMutableRawPointer?.load(as: Container.self).closure(arg1, arg2)

Which we can use like so:

let start =
let closure = Closure2 { (displayID: CGDirectDisplayID, flags: CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags) in
    print("Reconfiguration, display:", displayID, start)
// Store closure in long-lived object, so that it doesn't go out of scope
self.stored = closure

CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback({ displayID, flags, userInfo in
    Closure2.invoke(displayID, flags, userInfo)
}, closure.pointer)

Swift 5.9 parameter packs

With parameter packs in Swift 5.9, we are no longer restricted to using a specific number of generic arguments. We can create a class with a variable number of generic arguments. Note that this does require runtime support as Parameter packs in generic types are only available in macOS 14.0.0 or newer.

class Closure<each T> {
    public struct Container {
        let closure: (repeat each T) -> Void
    var container: Container
    var pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer

    init(_ closure: @escaping (repeat each T) -> Void) {
        self.container = Container(closure: closure)
        self.pointer = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &container) { pointer in

    static func invoke(_ args: repeat each T, unsafeMutableRawPointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
        unsafeMutableRawPointer?.load(as: Container.self).closure(repeat (each args))


When first encountering older C functions with callback, they might seem difficult to work with. But those older function are often well designed taking an additional context parameter, and with a little helper code, they can wrapped to work with a normal Swift closure.

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