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URL pattern


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ID of session: wwdc2019-202
ID of event: wwdc2019
ID of session without event part: 202
Shortened ID of event: wwdc19
Year of session: 2019
Extension of original filename: mp4
Filename from "(Almost) Every..." gist: [2019] [Session 202] Using Core ...

WWDC19 • Session 202

Using Core Data With CloudKit

Frameworks • iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS • 31:49

CloudKit offers powerful, cloud-syncing technology while Core Data provides extensive data modeling and persistence APIs. Learn about combining these complementary technologies to easily build cloud-backed applications. See how new Core Data APIs make it easy to manage the flow of data through your application, as well as in and out of CloudKit. Join us to learn more about combining these frameworks to provide a great experience across all your customers’ devices.

Speaker: Nick Gillett

Open in Apple Developer site